blended learning essentials embedding practice

Part 1 ‘Getting Started’ re-runs 07 Mar to 10 Apr 2016 Part 2 ‘Embedding Practice’ re-runs 06 to 26 Jun 2016 #FLble1 #FLble2

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Part 1 ‘Getting Started’ re-runs 07 Mar to 10 Apr 2016Part 2 ‘Embedding Practice’ re-runs 06 to 26 Jun 2016


Online CPD course in Blended Learning

• enabling every member of the teaching and leadership workforce to become

a professional digital practitioner

• engaging teachers and having a good uptake, which is sustained throughout

the MOOC

• focusing on quality (as defined by the Ofsted framework) and flexibility of


• helping vocational teachers prepare their learners for the world of work

• sustain the optimal use of learning technologies throughout the sector

• fostering a sustainable community of professional practice in blended


Online CPD course in Blended Learning: Aims

• enabling every member of the teaching and leadership workforce to become

a professional digital practitioner

• engaging teachers and having a good uptake, which is sustained throughout

the MOOC

• focusing on quality (as defined by the Ofsted framework) and flexibility of


• helping vocational teachers prepare their learners for the world of work

• sustain the optimal use of learning technologies throughout the sector

• fostering a sustainable community of professional practice in blended


Professionals debating the latest teaching ideas

Video presentation of new approaches and methods in the field

Dynamic links to other resources and tools

Discussion and debate with their peers

Online CPD course in Blended Learning









I am confident about using a Blended Learning approach



A barrier to applying Blended Learning in their context is limited knowledge about what is possible

Pre-course 54%

Post-course 13%

Agree confident:Pre 53%Post 76%

Online CPD course in Blended Learning

Headline data

Marketing campaign attracted 13,000 enrolments

7,000 active learners in Week 1 – 60% in UK

77% completed at least one step in each week

Structure of the course – 96% agreed it was clear/fairly clear

Very positive feedback about course design (>70% agree all questions)

Majority found peer review activity useful

91% found educators very/fairly engaging

Online CPD course in Blended Learning

Course design

82% found level of course ‘about right’

82% felt amount of time needed for course ‘about right’

88% felt course length was ‘about right’

Highest rated activities:

Crib sheets (87%)

Quizzes (86%)

Focused Discussion Questions (79%)

Padlet wall (73%) – crowd-sourcing the good ideas and effective practice

…the teaching professionals in the sector to build community knowledge related to learning and assessment technologies …able to continue adapting to the changing technological opportunities and stakeholder requirements.

In particular, to:• enable every member of the teaching and leadership workforce to become a

professional digital practitioner, as appropriate to their role; • support teaching and learning technology innovation on the large scale; • sustain the optimal use of learning technologies throughout the sector; and • encourage the sharing of effective practice.and thereby foster a community of professional practice in blended learning.

The Academy’s role would be to enable professionals in the sector to articulate what they already know, and to build knowledge through sharing effective practice.

FE Online Academy Scoping Report: Aims

Curated resources might include, for example (not supplied by Ufi MOOC):

• online tasters, to encourage people to find out more

• a ‘starter’ pack for those who are unfamiliar with digital environments, providing

resources for local Digital Champions to run place-based groups

• links to existing and new resources, tools, templates, toolkits, services, key policy

documents, reports, research outputs, project reports, themed collections, etc.

• case studies of effective use of LTs in colleges, ACL, and WBL

• case studies contributed by employer-based learning and college alumni now in

employment, to assist with improving ‘the line of sight to work’

• links to BETT resources and student competition outputs on what learners need

• links to existing repositories, Jisc, ETF, ALT etc resources and services, project

outputs, curriculum resources, and other sector providers of accredited courses.

FE Online Academy Scoping Report: The offer

Workshop courses (not supplied by Ufi MOOC):

• Core and optional timed activities offered within a default learning sequence

• Short duration (~4 weeks) sessions of ~3 hours core and ~3 hours optional work

per week

• Cohort-based scheduled events with open access, as well as on-demand access

• Collaborative learning activities to follow on for groups with common interests,

sometimes across organisations, to contextualise general principles and generic

resources and tools to subject area, or local needs

• Learning analytics that give participants and tutors a profile of participant


FE Online Academy Scoping Report: The offer

3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.4

There are few exemplar organisation…

Staff not encouraged to use technology so…

Funding methodologies that are inimical to…

Lack of guidance on what would constitute…

Lack of funding to purchase technology.

Little recognition that learning technologies…

Focus on omission and error in inspection…

Lack of headroom for managers to support…

Lack of credit and recognition for…

Lack of direction at a strategic level…

Reliance on individuals to champion…

Lack of resource to provide release and…Lack of resource to provide release and support for staff

Reliance on individuals to champion innovation

Lack of direction at a strategic level

Lack of credit and recognition for innovative use of technology

Lack of capacity for managers to support innovation

Focus on omission and error in inspection and QA

Little recognition that learning technology can meet challenges11

Our challenge: Teachers’ actual experience of learning technology innovation (ALT survey, cross sector, 2014)


• ELMAG from ETF for leaders

• Mastering governance of teaching – 2 hours a week for 6 weeks run online by Bob P, larger cohort by going fully online

• Check Jisc FEstudent digital skills