bleeding control

MSTC, FT LEWIS WA MSTC, FT LEWIS WA  Bleeding Control Bleeding Control Lesson Five Lesson Five

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Bleeding Control Bleeding Control 

Lesson FiveLesson Five

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►Review methods of controlling bleeding in aReview methods of controlling bleeding in a

tactical environmenttactical environment

►Hemorrhage is the leading cause ofHemorrhage is the leading cause ofpreventable death on the battlefieldpreventable death on the battlefield

►Hemorrhage control save livesHemorrhage control save lives

►New Hemostatic agentsNew Hemostatic agents

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Extremity HemorrhageExtremity Hemorrhage

Control Control 

Extremity Hemorrhage continues tobe the leading cause of preventable

death on the battleeld.

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Extremity HemorrhageExtremity Hemorrhage

Control Control 

  Over 25deathsoccurred in!ietnam

secondary tohemorrhagefromextremity"ounds.

#hesecasualtieshad no otherin$uries.

#he tactical situation maynot allo" the time norsafety for conventional

methods of controlling the

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Blood Blood 

► Hemorrhage or bleeding:Hemorrhage or bleeding:

Escape of blood from capillaries, veins, and arteriesEscape of blood from capillaries, veins, and arteries

► Adult bodyAdult body::

Contains approximately to ! liters of bloodContains approximately to ! liters of blood

" pint of blood without harmful effects" pint of blood without harmful effects

# pints may cause shoc$ # pints may cause shoc$ 

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External BleedingExternal Bleeding

► %ncision%ncision

► &aceration&aceration


► AbrasionAbrasion


► 'uncture wounds'uncture wounds

► AmputationAmputation

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Puncture Wound Puncture Wound 

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 Amputation Amputation

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 Abrasion Abrasion

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nternal Bleedingnternal Bleeding 

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n!ured nternal Organsn!ured nternal Organs

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"ources o# Bleeding"ources o# Bleeding

► ArterialArterial Rapid, profuse and pulsatingRapid, profuse and pulsating

Bright red in colorBright red in color

► VenousVenous Stead !o"Stead !o"

#ar$ red or %aroon in color#ar$ red or %aroon in color

► CapillarCapillar Slo" and oo&ingSlo" and oo&ing

'ften clots spontaneousl'ften clots spontaneousl

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 Arterial Bleed  Arterial Bleed 

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nternal "igns o#nternal "igns o#

HemorrhageHemorrhage Soft tissue (ruisingSoft tissue (ruising

A(do%inal tendernessA(do%inal tenderness

)e%optsis *(lood fro% lungs+)e%optsis *(lood fro% lungs+

)e%ate%esis *(lood fro% sto%ach+)e%ate%esis *(lood fro% sto%ach+

Melena *(lood stools+Melena *(lood stools+

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$reatment $reatment 

Assess the tactical situationAssess the tactical situation

Epose the "ound, cut a"a loose clothingEpose the "ound, cut a"a loose clothing

%o not%o not re%o-e clothing that is stuc$ to the "oundre%o-e clothing that is stuc$ to the "ound  Chec$ for eit "oundChec$ for eit "ound

.lace a E%ergenc Bandage o-er the "ound and appl.lace a E%ergenc Bandage o-er the "ound and appl

pressure/pressure/  If under ene% 0re rapid appl a tourni1uet and %o-eIf under ene% 0re rapid appl a tourni1uet and %o-e

casualt to co-ercasualt to co-er

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Expose the Wound Expose the Wound 

► %o not%o not atte%pt to clean the "oundatte%pt to clean the "ound

► %o not%o not pro(e the "ound in order topro(e the "ound in order to

re%o-e an o(2ect fro% the "oundre%o-e an o(2ect fro% the "ound

► %o not%o not atte%pt to re%o-eatte%pt to re%o-e

an o(2ect i%paled in thean o(2ect i%paled in the"ound"ound

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$reatment $reatment 

Bleeding nor%all canBleeding nor%all can(e controlled (3(e controlled (3

E%ergenc Trau%aE%ergenc Trau%a#ressing#ressing

► First4aid, ManualFirst4aid, Manualpressure andpressure andele-ationele-ation

► Tourni1uet Tourni1uet

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Emergency $raumaEmergency $rauma

%ressing%ressing►All in one dressing used as aAll in one dressing used as a

0eld5pressure dressing to stop %ild to0eld5pressure dressing to stop %ild tose-ere (leedingse-ere (leeding

►Ma (e used on an part of the (odMa (e used on an part of the (od

►6ot reco%%ended for use as a6ot reco%%ended for use as a

tourni1uet for se-ere arterial (leeding,tourni1uet for se-ere arterial (leeding,although the sa%e procedure can (ealthough the sa%e procedure can (eused to increase pressure on the "oundused to increase pressure on the "ound

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Emergency $raumaEmergency $rauma


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$ourni&uet $ourni&uet 

#he need for immediateaccess to a tourni&uetin such situationsma'es it clear that all

soldiers on combatmissions should have asuitable tourni&uetreadily available in astandard location intheir battle gear and betrained to use it.

(s the tactical situation permits and more timeand safety is available) consider loosening the

tourni&uet * %O +O# ,E-O!E ) and using directpressure and/or a pressure dressing to control the

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$ourni&uet 'emoval $ourni&uet 'emoval 

,E-E-0E,1 f unableto control bleedingexcept "ith a

tourni&uet) it is betterto sacrice a limb thanto lose a life toexcessive bleeding.

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Combat ApplicationCombat Application

$ourni&uet $ourni&uet 

#ourni&uet of


3ontrols 0leeding


Easy touse

The recommended means to control

bleeding in a tactical environment.

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Combat ApplicationCombat Application

$ourni&uet $ourni&uet 

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4tep 4tep 6lace the"ounded

extremitythrough the loopof the 4elf7adhering 0and

6lacetourni&uet above


4tep 24tep 2

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6ull the free7running endof the 4elf7

adhering0and tightand securelyfasten it bac'on itself.

(dhere 4elf7adhering 0andcompletelyaround the limbuntil the clip is


4tep 84tep 8

Step 4Step 4

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#"ist the9indlass ,od

until thebleeding hasstopped.

Loc' the ,od in

place "ith the9indlass 3lip

4tep 54tep 5

Step 6Step 6

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For small extremities)continue to adherethe 4elf7adhering0and around theextremity and overthe 9indlass ,od.

:rasp the9indlass

4trap) pull ittight) andadhere it tothe velcro onthe 9indlass


4tep ;4tep ;

Step 8Step 8

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Combat ApplicationCombat Application

$ourni&uet $ourni&uet 

#he 3(# #ourni&uet is no" ready fortransport.

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Combat ApplicationCombat Application

$ourni&uet $ourni&uet 


#he friction adaptor

buc'le is notnecessary forproper 3.(.#.application to an

arm. t -<4# beused "ith t"ohands "henapplying to a leg.

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Combat ApplicationCombat Application

$ourni&uet $ourni&uet 

Large Extremity ApplicationLarge Extremity Application

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Large Extremity ApplicationLarge Extremity ApplicationCombat ApplicationCombat Application

$ourni&uet $ourni&uet 

#o use) "rapthe 4elf7adhering 0and

through thefrictionadaptorbuc'le.

Large Extremity ApplicationLarge Extremity Application

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Large Extremity ApplicationLarge Extremity ApplicationCombat ApplicationCombat Application

$ourni&uet $ourni&uet 

#his preventsthe 4elf7adhering 0andfrom looseningduring


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$he "pecial Operations(orces $actical $ourni&uet 

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$ourni&uet $ourni&uet 

►Forceful, arterial (leedingForceful, arterial (leeding

*a%putation+ %a re1uire earl*a%putation+ %a re1uire earl

use of a tourni1uet/use of a tourni1uet/

►#' 6'T WASTE TIME atte%pting a#' 6'T WASTE TIME atte%pting a

pressure dressing in these casespressure dressing in these cases

A l i dA l i d

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 Apply an mprovised Apply an mprovised

$ourni&uet $ourni&uet 

►7se an %aterial to %a$e an7se an %aterial to %a$e an

i%pro-ised tourni1uet3i%pro-ised tourni1uet3

►Cra-ats, grenade ring, rigid o(2ectCra-ats, grenade ring, rigid o(2ect

such as a strong stic$, tape, &ipsuch as a strong stic$, tape, &ip

ties, riggers (elt, etc/ties, riggers (elt, etc/

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 Apply a $ourni&uet  Apply a $ourni&uet 

► 6e-er co-er a tourni1uet6e-er co-er a tourni1uet

► 8T9 on casualt8s forehead or so%e"here8T9 on casualt8s forehead or so%e"here*Sharpie pen+/*Sharpie pen+/

In co%(at "hen the tactical situationIn co%(at "hen the tactical situationallo"s, loosening a tourni1uet isallo"s, loosening a tourni1uet is


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$ourni&uet 'emoval $ourni&uet 'emoval 

► When loosening a tourni1uet do not re%o-e itWhen loosening a tourni1uet do not re%o-e itfro% the li%(/fro% the li%(/

► If the tourni1uet has (een in place for : ;If the tourni1uet has (een in place for : ;

hours do not re%o-e/hours do not re%o-e/

► If !uid resuscitation is re1uired it should (eIf !uid resuscitation is re1uired it should (eacco%plished (efore the tourni1uet isacco%plished (efore the tourni1uet is


► Tourni1uets are -er painful, pro-ide pain Tourni1uets are -er painful, pro-ide pain%eds as needed/%eds as needed/

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$ourni&uet 'emoval $ourni&uet 'emoval 

►'nce the tactical situation allo"s,'nce the tactical situation allo"s,

tourni1uets should (e loosened andtourni1uets should (e loosened and

other %ethods to stop (leeding appliedother %ethods to stop (leeding applied

►#irect pressure4pressure dressing#irect pressure4pressure dressing

►)e%Con Chitosan Bandage)e%Con Chitosan Bandage


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$ourni&uet 'emoval $ourni&uet 'emoval 

► If tourni1uet has (een in place for onl <4=If tourni1uet has (een in place for onl <4=

hours, loosening and other %ethods tohours, loosening and other %ethods to

control he%orrhage can sal-age li%(s/control he%orrhage can sal-age li%(s/

► Re%e%(er3 if una(le to control he%orrhageRe%e%(er3 if una(le to control he%orrhage

( other %eans re4tighten the tourni1uet/( other %eans re4tighten the tourni1uet/

► It is (etter to sacri0ce the li%( than to loseIt is (etter to sacri0ce the li%( than to lose

a life to he%orrhage/a life to he%orrhage/

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 Amputation Amputation

►Apply pressure dressing to cover end of theApply pressure dressing to cover end of the


►)erlix and !in Ace wrap for effective pressure)erlix and !in Ace wrap for effective pressuredressing(dressing(

►Rinse amputated part free of debrisRinse amputated part free of debris

►*rap loosely in saline+moistened sterile gaue*rap loosely in saline+moistened sterile gaue

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Preservation o#Preservation o#

 Amputation Parts Amputation Parts► -eal amputated part in a plastic bag or cravat-eal amputated part in a plastic bag or cravat

► 'lace in a cool container, do not freee'lace in a cool container, do not freee

► Never  Never  place amputated part in waterplace amputated part in water

► Never  Never  place amputated part directly on iceplace amputated part directly on ice

► Never  Never  use dry ice to cool an amputated partuse dry ice to cool an amputated part

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 Ace Wrap)*erlix  Ace Wrap)*erlix 

►.ac$ large "ounds "ith >erli gau&$ large "ounds "ith >erli gau&eand "rap "ith an Ace Wrapand "rap "ith an Ace Wrap

►Secure end of Ace Wrap -ia t"o %eans3Secure end of Ace Wrap -ia t"o %eans3 Circu%ferential tapeCircu%ferential tape

Cut <?@ do"n center of Ace Wrap and tieCut <?@ do"n center of Ace Wrap and tie

►Chec$ distal pulse after application toChec$ distal pulse after application toan etre%itan etre%it

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+uic,Clot +uic,Clot 

H C ChitHemCon Chitosan

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HemCon ChitosanHemCon Chitosan


Chit H t tiChit H t ti

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Chitosan HemostaticChitosan Hemostatic


)old the foil o-er4)old the foil o-er4pouch so thatpouch so thatinstructions can (einstructions can (eread/ Identifread/ Identifunsealed edges at theunsealed edges at thetop of the o-er4pouchtop of the o-er4pouch

.eel open o-er4pouch ( pulling.eel open o-er4pouch ( pullingthe unsealed edges apartthe unsealed edges apart

Chit H t tiChitosan Hemostatic

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Chitosan HemostaticChitosan Hemostatic


Trap dressing betweenTrap dressing between

bottom foil and non-bottom foil and non-

absorbable green/blackabsorbable green/black

polyester backing withpolyester backing with

 your hand and thumb your hand and thumb

Hold dressing by theHold dressing by thenon-absorbablenon-absorbable

polyester backing andpolyester backing and

discard the foil over-discard the foil over-

pouch Hands must bepouch Hands must be

Chit H t tiChitosan Hemostatic

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Chitosan HemostaticChitosan Hemostatic


Chit H t tiChitosan Hemostatic

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Chitosan HemostaticChitosan Hemostatic


► .lace the light colored sponge portion of.lace the light colored sponge portion ofthe dressing directl to the "ound areathe dressing directl to the "ound area"ith the %ost se-ere (leeding/ Appl"ith the %ost se-ere (leeding/ Applpressure for = %inutes or until the dressingpressure for = %inutes or until the dressing

adheres and (leeding stops/ 'nce appliedadheres and (leeding stops/ 'nce appliedand in contact "ith the (lood and otherand in contact "ith the (lood and other!uids, the dressing cannot (e repositioned/!uids, the dressing cannot (e repositioned/

► A ne" dressing should (e applied to otherA ne" dressing should (e applied to othereposed (leeding sites Each ne" dressingeposed (leeding sites Each ne" dressing%ust (e in contact "ith tissue "here%ust (e in contact "ith tissue "here(leeding is hea-iest/ Care %ust (e ta$en to(leeding is hea-iest/ Care %ust (e ta$en toa-oid contact "ith the patients ees/a-oid contact "ith the patients ees/

Chitosan HemostaticChitosan Hemostatic

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Chitosan HemostaticChitosan Hemostatic


► If dressing is not eecti-e in stoppingIf dressing is not eecti-e in stopping(leeding after %inutes, re%o-e original(leeding after %inutes, re%o-e originaland appl a ne" dressing/ Additionaland appl a ne" dressing/ Additionaldressings cannot (e applied o-erdressings cannot (e applied o-erineecti-e dressingineecti-e dressing

► Appl a (attle dressing5(andage toAppl a (attle dressing5(andage tosecure he%ostatic dressing in placesecure he%ostatic dressing in place

► )e%ostatic dressings should onl (e)e%ostatic dressings should onl (ere%o-ed ( responsi(le persons afterre%o-ed ( responsi(le persons after

e-acuation to the net le-el of caree-acuation to the net le-el of care

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Female ra&i patient

Iraqi National;

No Bleeding;


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