bleak day in there's crop-a-cn. the chief of navy. vadm don chalmers, has agreed to have his...

Royal Allstralian The official newspaper of th e Roya l Australi an Navy BLEAK DAY IN W.A. a bleak day In the history of the Royal by medical ofllcers for It was aOOut 1100 Western Australian lime and the RAN's st3r\cd the blaze of oxygen. minor smal e inhal;Ulon and and were then mcde- Unuerway Replenl sh- Regretfull y. 1\ was di s- nced [05 1 Joh n of 'I "al'e beell proJo/llully saddened to J eam of the with the compally alld Stuart Dietrich), was death of fOllr members of the crew of HMA S junior suppl y officer had fa/miles oj WESTRALIA jollow"'g ,lie tragedy conducting Irials eight lVESTRAUA. I ask thatYOlI pass O il to the relatil'es died ill the lire. that has occurred. If IIot for the resourcef ulness The fire was finally n:lulical miles off Frallil partners oft /lOse who died alld to all members Kill ed were MIDN and courage of those 011 board t"ere may well ext inguished at IlJant [e in Ihe vici llit y of the ship's compally my profound sympathy 011 Megan Anile Pe lly, 22, of have been evell greater canlOltie s. Th e day 's A RAN C ritI c al In their loss. I ask that )'011 pass OIl my best wishes to se rve to co nfirm th e the engille room of Ihe all who were injured for a complete, sp eedy Perlh, LSMT Bradley ellVironment ever presellt afloat. '- MaTltulJe nOW" o ut 10 WES . ship. recol'ery. ' -ChiefofNalry, VADMChabllers. John Meek, 25. of Cam- CommalJderAlistralia, RADM Ritchie, T R A LI A 10 counsel When it was detect- de n near Sydney and thc: ship's company. ed the ship's standing firdighting pany went into action. ADMT Phillip Johll Car- However. lhe pan y was dnvcn back by the fe rOCity of [he fire roll , 23. o f Carrum Downs near Melboume. lJoa rd or inquiry page

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  • Royal Allstralian The official newspaper o f th e Royal Australi an Navy

    BLEAK DAY IN W.A. T~eu~:;i,~a~a~:y~as a bleak day In the history of the Royal ~~~~~o~~::~~~.~n~~f~~~:i~\:~s~e~~r~~~ ~r:n~~ ~h:~~~ ~:ere;;;~~~~se::~~l t~:~~~~a~~a:::'~~d by medical ofllcers for

    It was aOOut 1100 Western Austra lian lime and the RAN's st3r\cd the blaze of oxygen. minor bum~. smal e inhal;Ulon and ~hock and were then mcde-Unuerway Replenl sh- Regretfully. 1\ was dis- nced [051 Joh n of

    WE~Ti~~~A (~~~~ 'I "al'e beell proJo/llully saddened to Jeam of the ~;~.~~~;~a;a\~~:s '~~~n~ .,W~ ~hollg"ts a~e with the ~'''ip '~ compally alld ~o~e~~~:~~~h~~ t~~; : Stuart Dietrich), was death of fOllr members of the crew of HMA S junior supply officer had fa/miles oj WESTRALIA jollow"'g ,lie tragedy conducting Irials eight lVESTRAUA. I ask thatYOlI pass Oil to the relatil'es died ill the lire. that has occurred. If IIot for the resourcefulness The fire was finally n:lulical miles off Fre· allil partners oft/lOse who died alld to all members Kille d were MIDN and courage of those 011 board t"ere may well ext inguished at 1 ?~5. IlJant [e in Ihe vici llity of the ship's compally my profound sympathy 011 Megan Anile Pe lly, 22, of have been evell greater canlOlties. Th e day 's A RAN C ritI c al

    Of:il~~:eabr~~~y~ut In their loss. I ask that )'011 pass OIl my best wishes to g::~r~n ~~;~~. i;~~~ eve~lIs serve to confirm th e daIJge~~lls ~~~i~~~\ S~ee:~ ~~~; the engille room of Ihe all who were injured for a complete, speedy Perlh, LSMT Bradley ellVironment ever presellt afloat. '- MaTltulJe nOW" o ut 10 WES . ship. recol'ery. ' -ChiefofNalry, VADMChabllers. John Meek, 25. of Cam- CommalJderAlistralia, RADM Ritchie, T RA LI A 10 counsel

    Whe n it was detect- de n near Sydney and thc: ship 's company. ed the ship 's standing firdighting pany went into action. ADMT Phillip Johll Car-

    However. lhe pan y was dnvcn back by the fe rOCity of [he fire roll , 23. o f Carrum Downs near Melboume. • lJoa rd or inquiry C()n\'ell~'(I, page lh~.

  • e.r:~~.~7;.~~;!t~:, ~~2~ pay is set ous look at the way your related conditions. place level and a reduced said. pay is seL ''TIle DFRT was eSlab- role for outside agencies. "Obviously we are a

    The Defence Force lished in 1984, when the .. It has been decided unique workforce so we Remuneration Tribunal industrial relations envl- that the Department.of have to ensure that any and other aspects of the ronm ent e mphas ised Workplace Re lations will new process has adequate ADF's pay-setting adversarial processes in not be directly involved sa feguards for ADF arrangements are being which the industrial rela- [in the new process] and members. while not jeo-revie wed following tions commission played the CDF wiIJ take the role pardi sing mili tary capa-changes 10 the Workplace the role of an umpire who of the employer. bililY. Relations ACI. arbitrated the claims of Processes "But if we are to make

    The AOF representa- the unions and employ· "To make that work we workplace bargai ning live on Ihe review team. ees:' he said. need to look at new viable. even within a dis· Col Bob Brown, said Co l Brown sa id th e processes. in particular ciplined defen ce force, there were li ke ly to be new environment encour· the way in which ADF we nee d better mecha-subtle but significant aged negotiated outcomes members are invoh·ed." ni sms to enable ADF

    The review team will members 10 have their Bull report to the ministers for say in the process." Defence, Workp lace The rev i ew wi ll Rela tio ns and Small address a wide range of


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    I. . .. ...... 22Ma)' lS.hJIIe .. • .......... SJune 29JtJrIt .. .. .......... 19June 13.hJ1y ............................................... . 3JtJIy 21.kJ1y .. .. .......... 17.h.+f 10August .. .. ...... .J1~ 2Uugust . . ..... lUugUSl 7$eptemtltr .............. 28August 21$ep\!mber ........... 11 September

    SOtlotler .. .. ....... 2SSepltmber 190d0ber .. .. ....... 90ct0btr 2NoYember .. .. ...... 230tt0btr 16h'awmber •............•...•..•..•....•...•.... 6No'/!mbeJ JOh'awmber .. 14Dectmber .

    • ............. .20No\'l!mbeJ .. .......... 40ecembeJ

    2 (146) NAVY NEWS, May 18, 1998

    Business by June 30. issues that effect pay and

    in~~est~~a;a~~! ~:~~ CO~:io;~own sai d the checks the RSL and the Armed establishment of an inde· Forces Fede ration of pendent defence force tri-

    'No Dtlitenes ~mtfltpotmlUJ-ClrlndldqJhontastfllJll

    TelehaneVivienneon02 62963627

    IMAGINE Australia and a series of bunal recognised the spe-for ums will be he ld at cial nature of the AOF .f" I. ADF establishments 10 workforce. I It S enable ADF members to "This review will look h,., y "'~.

    ADVERTISING CONDITIONS Aavertising accepted lor publication in NAVY NEWS is subject to the conditions set out in their r~te cards and the ruIe$ .pplicable 10 ~dvertiSing laid down Hom tllTl8 to lime by tile Medi. CooociI 01 Australia. Every advertisement is lubtect to the Publoahef's approval and the P\.t)Iistw may. at ill dI5cret'".,. reluseto.ccepc an adYer1isement'or publication il it believes the advenlsement may inlrinoe the rights o' any perfQn or may not comply with .11 laws and regulations 01 IIIeSlales and Territories. The Publisher accepts no responsibility or li.bility in relalion to any loss diJe co !he laiiure 01 an actvertiseme

  • A sea of sorrow

    - Th e stricken HM AS W ESTRALIA under tow back to STIRLING .

    M~?r~, ~~:~ana~!~~~ lragically.""ashcriasl M~gan. 22. of Dalby

    011 Queen!>land'~ Darhng Do .... ns. al .... ays wanled to Join the Navy and was a recent graduate of Ihe Australian Defence Force Academy.

    She Joined WES -TRALIA as part of her continulJIg trainlllg as a junior suppJy ofliccr and was on a famihartsmion tour of t he ship when. just a (ew hoursafter~hc s tepped aboard. Ihe expJO!>ionhappened.

    All four people I.JIJed III theuagedylovoothcNavy.

    Inquiry convenes T~~q~~:;1 Bo~a;~a~~ ~~.~~:;~t~~~~i~~i~~ ~a~:c~aft~ If~r~~:J~ lished to look inlo the stances relevant to the ANZAC Ship Projec t WESTRALIA accid~nt death and injury of per- Director and no" of the convened a t HM AS sonnel.the Involvement DireClor.:l1coflntelhgeoce S T IRLING las t wed.. of the s h lp's company Ope rations. He IS a and is expected to last includlllg their tra in ing M arine Eng lneen n g another week. and competence. the Officer with 34 years'

    The Mariti lIle materiel \late oflhe ship naval experience. Commander. RADM at the lime and the The Other RAN mem-Chris Ritchie said the involvement of other bers are ('A PT Russell board would IIIve~tigatc naval units and external S, hedlich. a meJI!:al all relevantcil\:umstances agenc ies. officer for 22 year,. and including the fi re's cause T he board president is C MDR Ed wanJ Wal~ h

    CSC. who ha~ been Di rect 0 r S afet y M anagement at Navy

    00 \j


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    Headquarters for more than three years.

    Two independcm civil· ian experts also have been appointed 10 the board in a break from tradition.

    They are Assistant Chief Offi cer Lindsay Cuoeo of the WA Fire and Rescue Service and Ihe Commom .. eallh Inspector of " 'Iarine Accidents. Mr Christopher Filor.

    The legalofficerassi~t· ing the board will be CA PT Peter Callaghan. Senior Counsel.

    The Defence Minister. Mr McLachlan. said the Board of Inqui ry. in another break from past prac tices. would be open to relatives. the comrnu· nity and Ihe news media.

    MrMcLachlansaid he hoped the board would be able to detennine the facts surrounding the tragedy so any addilional precautions which mighl be identified cou ld be swiftly I into action.




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    -1\I IDN Pclly POMT Shaun Smith

    fromWAJolnedin 1985. In hl~ 12 years. PO

    Smit h became known to many junior sadors through hiS posling 10 IIMAS CERBERUS

    where he was an ini lial trainingmslruclor.

    ABMT Phillip Carroll. 23. of Vic toria jOined i n 1995. co m p leted his Initial traIni n g and initial technical

    tra imng al CER BERUS in 1996 and was posted 10 WESTRALiA. his first ship. in Dece mber Ihal year.

    I n hiS eight years in the RAN. L S M T

    Bradley Meek served with TO BR U K in Soma li a. earn i ng the ASM. and also was post-ed to M HQ and HMAS PENGUIN. - Continued page 14.




    Navy mourns Management and staff

    Glendinnings Menswear Pty Ltd

    A ~~O~d ofn~~~~~nt:ra~~ Including Governor-Genera l Sir William Deane. Ihe P rime Mlnl~ler. Mr Ho .... ard. and the Opposllion Leader. 1\1rBea;rley. gath. ered at HMAS ST IR· LING for a memorial ser· viceon Friday. May 8. 10 ho nourl he fou r W ES-TRAU A vic tims.

    CO of the R AN's largesl sh i p. C M D R Stuart Dietrich wasdosc to tears when h e addressed the crowd. including Ihe companies of liMA Ships ADE-LA IDE. SYDNEY. DAR-WIN. ANZAC and SUC-CESS.

    "We as a crew deeply feel the loss of Phil. Megan and Shaun and our thoughts and hearlS are with theEf families who afe with us today." he said.

    "We have fought and won a mighty baltic but we have lost four s hi p. mates from our family."

    He continued: "To each membe r of W ES-TRALIA. [ wish 10 stale the bravery and courage which I saw last Tuesday ma kes me p ro ud to be your Commandi n g Officer.

    " It is my privi lege to have served III such a gal. lamship·scompany."

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    NAVY NEWS, May 18, 1998 (147) 3

  • When it's time to take off on holidays, Qantas is at your service. We can organise flights or complete holiday packages across Australia

    or around the world. For bookings or assistance in planning your holiday. call Qantas Defence Travel Service. ~

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    Patrol boats in dash to island ,

    M~:~:r~::s!~~e~~:n:~: ~~::1::a ~:r~~~: al'erlthtsecondaryerrectsorramine.

    Two RAN personnel accompanying the team afe linguists PDEWL Vandcrklasborsl from DSD and LSEWL Jensen from NORCOM.

    Tbe Iri-service personnel will work with Aus-tralian Agency for International Development (AusAlD) and are expected to be deployed for three months.

    'They left AuslTalia late last month. LTCOL Geofr 1\fulht'rin is in command of the..-

    team. It is supported by three Black Hawk helicopters

    and a Cari!)ou transport. RAAF H('!"toles were used ill the jIJWal stages to

    take personnel and equipment from Townn ille and Dano,inandtopre-position avialionfueJ.

    The task of the team \till he to distribute food and medical suppli('s from the isolated township of Wamena to even more remote communities in risk orramine.

    Wamena is in the most seHreJy drought alTected area and the mountains mean supplies have to be airlifted.

    The ADF support builds on the $3.3 million assis· tanee already provided by Australia 10 Irian Jaya since the crisis began and follows simila r assistance to drought arrected a reas of PNG.

    ADF experience in high a ltitude n ying gained from the challenging PNG terrain will be put to the test in the new operatioD.

    Primary aim ror Ihe Australians "'iII be to kw p communities fed until thei r own crops grow.

    Water purification, light engineering a nd malaria oontroileams ..... ill accompany the pilots, loadmasters and maintenance people tasked for the o peration.

    T~;~ ';:'i ~~r~~~a;:~ TLE and HMAS WHYALLA. have pulled out all stops to take 10 tonnes of rice to the South Pacific island of Tanna. facing famine as the re~ult of tropical cycioneZuman.

    With their ooab at ncar capacity with 25kg bags of rice anll other ~tore" lashed to their decks. LCDR Riano Gargiulo (FREMANTLE) anll LCDR Mal Parsons (WHYALLA) lleparled Port Vila at Ilpm on April 22 anll travelling at 18 knot" entered Tanna's Lcnakel Harbour 140 nm away at 6am the next llay.

    "Because of a one metre swell. fears that there wa"a barge sunk at the wharf and the fact that the wharrwa~ not ill good condition. we anchored 400 yards off the beach." LCDR Par-sons ~aid

    "We had to.,hulliethe

    When you next deploy or [ravel personally overseas make sure your first destination is DFS.

    DFS is offering a privileged discount of 15% OFF duty free purchases to all RAN personnel and

    their spouses. A leuer from your CO confinning deployment date & Navy ID card will be required

    to make a purchase. Spouses must provide their airline ticket, passport and DEFCOM card.

    rice in the two ribs and two tinnies f rom the patrol ooats to shore.

    " In a really combined e ffur t officers worked with junior and senior sailors to lifllhe bags of rice from the deck of first FREMANTLE and then WHYALLA. down inlo the small craft as they came alongside.

    "Once the boats nullg ed into the ,and about 20 locals. super-vi . .,ed by the police. waded Into ankle deep water to carry the bags up the bcach to trucks.

    "The rice was ta~en to [he police st:ltion for dis-tribution.

    "We finished the unloading by 9.45am and for the nexl hour hall about ' 40 schoolchildren on board fora visit.

    "We gave them some s()uvenirs but had wgct away by IlambccauM:we had COmmittllCll~ III Noone} for ANZAC Day." LCDR Parsolls said.






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    NAVY NEWS, May 18, 1998 (149) 5

  • Stamp of approval for Navy aviation N:V:P~~~,d~~:~~~~ !~!~~~ cl~~nn~~~?o:a~i:~ ~~~:i~r~:PI~: ~~a~I~Uf~~ men! of "air mall" when the 50th Anniversary year the 10 Apn l launch. par-Australia Post and [he of naval aviation. ticularly appropriate as ROY:lI Australian Navy A Seahawk of HS8l6 one of the ~quadron's

    ;::============;-] ~:~i~:~~~ is featured on HMAS STIRLING DRAnEDISERVING IN THE WEST Why rent when you can buitd your own 'Ross

    North' 5/4 Bcd 2 Bath Home - many designs to choose from on you r choice of land only minutes from HMAS STIRLI NG.

    Fi nance available from only $2000 deposit.

    The large replica of the stamp was :lccepted althe Naval Aviation Museum by reprcscnta.ti \"e.~ of AusU"alia PostandthcRAN.

    MrMauriceWrightson. deputy general manager for re tail. aCl:epling on behalf of Australia Post. said that lhe aviation theme recogmsed the role played by the Navy In Australia's defence.

    , FSGT Pete r Nicn'ISlein

    New packaging policy M~;a~r7~~~c~~~\l~::~ T;O:::~~~':e:~t7~; ::!o;n~~;~' as corrosion behalf of Na\·y. noted that new guidelines to combat He said this de teriora-It was appropriate that a the deteri()flltlOil of Slores tion was heightened by helicopter delivered the alKl equlprnc:m III tropical insects and rodents wllh

    and much more.

    stamp. as the future of tile conditions. voracious appetites and Fleet Air Arm rested on When the decision is nesting habits. which the Sea haw k and new made 10 deploy an ele- commonly caused dam-Super Sea Sprites. ment of the ADF the suc- age.


    KinK OOU(; C H.AG(;S ( f:~ MAN)SaI. Sun. MQfI, WM l-Spm T he composite image cess of the mission often The document advises

    shows a Seahawk landing h i nges on pla nning the what you should do prior


    on (08) 9593 5872 on HM AS SYDNEY and earliest stages. to deployment. For e1lam, is based on a photo by Often overlooked. bu t pie treating pallets. if pos-

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    6 (150) NAVY NEWS, May 18, 1998

    Phone: 02 4947 1533 Fax: 02 4948 5078

    Exclusively for Australian Defence Force Personnel.

    If you are in the Australian Defence Force, you qualify for the

    consider on deploymelll stores alld equipment and ill returning home.

    A recently- launched More than 1200 copies Seeking lIexible. motlKe singles and C"ouples withoul young children 10 become long term and respite fosler corers policy document. Tech- have been di stribu ted

    ~~~~e:/~~ ~:~;/~~;~:;~ th roughout the ADF and ~~IT;~~~~I:h~O;~~~;:'~f :~~::~:~~~::;::.:~~:: padaglng for A DF is already being sought by

    Professional suppori. troining ond generous financial remuneralion provided

    Can YOU provIde 0 young person with 0 home? deploynlC"OI. the Canadian. Malaysian

    The result of extensive and New Zealand defence For lurther InfOl'mollon phone Shoryn 01 fhe Phoenix Program on 9569 1788

    W....,.......otI001morCtilda.~Co;>"e research by the Army forces. Technology and Engi- Story: Ca ptain Belinda neering Agency (ATEA). 13 }Tne. Pi cture: Deni s AN JlC7MTYOF 0 WESlEY MISSION coordmated by the Aust- ~~"'~"'~'~ .. ~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ra li an Defence Force Packagmg Committee and wllh input from key users throughout the ADF. the prnttice~ and precautions out lmed in the document an~ now in use by opera-tional unltSlhroughout the three scr\'ice~

    At the launc h of the documem ATE A Com-ma nder Brigadier Nei l Gra.ham sa id the detai l drew heavily on experi-ences from ADF deploy-ments as far bac k as WWllt hrough to involve-ment in couOlries such as Rwanda..

    " I believe it will be a document tha t will hel p the ADF for many years to come. particularly as wel l focus our activi ty to the tropica l nort h of Australia and support to UN operators in areas such as Cambodia and Rwanda:' BRIG Graham said.

    '"'Those of us who have experie nced o perat ions and activ it y in tropica l conditions wilt be familiar wi th the rapid de teriora-tion of ~tores and equip-mellt that occu rs in hot and high hu mid cond i-tiQfls.

    ''The effects of conden-sation. highly humid air and torrent ial rain storms ropldlyspcedsupdeterio-

    Fire Fighting Enterprises


    Fire Fighting Enterprises is a market leader in the deSign, installation and servicing of Mechanical and Electrical Fire Protection Systems. Due to continued business growth, an opportunity exists for licensed

    and experienced Electricians to join the Fire Service Division. The successful applicant will be responsible for the diagnosis and repair of Fire Detection, EWIS

    and Emergency Lighting Systems.

    Extensive knowledge and experience in microprocessor based control systems is essential as

    well as an ability to develop and maintain strong customer relationships. The successful applicant must

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    Sydney MetropOlitan region.

    Company vehicle and uniforms are provided after a qualifying period. A competitive remuneration

    package is ava#able under an enterprise agreement. Interested? Please forward your resume or enqUiries to Mr Keith Thomason, Locked Bag 2068 Lane Cove

    NSW 2066 or Fax them on (02) 9928 7322.


  • Cash reward for budding naval authors C~:~~a~~:~~~~:I~/~:;~~~~~.or the 1997

    The open section was taken out by multiple win-ner L C DR Alan Hinge from th e Australian Defence Force Academy.

    The competition is held annually and is open 10 all full time members of 8ritish Commonwealth navies of commander rank or below.

    The 1997 competition reech'ed 44 entries from the l\ustralian, Sri Lankan, Singaporean and Indian nal'ies.

    The standard of entries, as s laled by one judge. "was variable" while other judges' comments indi-cated that many of the contri butions were quile good starr papers or training aids memoire, but did not fil the category or essay.

    Further details of the 1998 essay competition, which closes on October 31 , this year, can be found i ll AUR 27 chapte r 14 and Rules of the Peter Mitchell Essay Competition.

    Competition winners - 1997 - open: LCDR Hinge $1250; officers: LEUT A. Bharatlwaj, IN $1000 I, LTA K Ju·Hon. RSN $500 2. LCDR S. Das.IN $250 3; sailors: PO I.M. Williams $1000 I, CPO G. J. Setter $500 2. Third not awarded.

    Sailors are encouraged to participate in Ibis sec-tion as the number or entries is usually low. Offi· cers undergoing starr college: LCD R n.c. Collins , IN $750. LCDR M.D. Suresh . IN $750 equal I. LCDR P.K. BanerjCi!. IN $250 3.

    T he Peter Mitchell Essay Competition is admini-stered by Naval Training Command Annex - Canber-ra. Point or contact ror enquiries reganling Ihe com-petition i~ I.F:UT M.e. Kick, RAN (02) 6265 4(j(j7.

    Reserves celebrate ill:~r:~:rs ~~ e~;:c~~ cd to j 0 i n fe 1I0w Reservists from the Arrny and Air Force in a special Reserve Forces Day march through the streets of Sydney on July I.

    l"epamde is aimed at commemorating the 50th nnniversaryoftheforma-tion of military Reserve forces in Australia.

    A special commi llee. working in close cQ-{)pcra-tion of the National Ser-vice men's Associa tlon of Austra lia, is organisi ng the special day.

    Stat e secretary of the 3 000- me mber a ssoc ia-tion. MrMatt Walsh. said althou g h final arrange-ments were not fi :rted it

    wa, hoped marchers would gather near the o\erseas ~hipping termi-Ilal at Circular Quay in the lato: morning of JlIly I and would move off up George Street about I 1.45am or noon

    "The marchers "ould bean:ompanied by bands and groups of military vehicles both ne" and hl~toric," MrWal\hsaid

    "At the Sydney Town Hall the salute would be take n, hopefuJJy byt hc Governor.

    ·' It is hoped the marchers will mingle. fin d fonner mates and even set up unit organisat ions."

    Info rmation abo ut the parade, is avail a ble o n 9742 1555.











    For tnfonnation Stoo a swnpcd StU addressed 3 '/4' ~ 8'11l- business envelope ro;


  • IC~U~~he:asA: Seaman Dung Bua Oa moved up for a closer look..

    Three ships lrom the Chinese Peoples liberation Army-Navy have just completed a lour-day visit to Sydney. The visit was the first by ships hom the PLA-N and Nary News journalist Graham Davis and photographerl from the RAN Photographic Unit were on band to record the historic event.

    Kacia is one o f two groups of koalas which help make Sydney's Taronga 'ilJo universally popuJar.

    Dzeng. 22. fro m the C h· · DDGQINGDAO was one Inese receive of 96 PLA- N sailors who ,,,,",,_;"g,,"~,,,o.

    The ADP provided inter-preters for the zoo visil but

    ~:,:~,";""."re,,, warm welcome As the rain pelted down h' w" hmd '" ,,,n,,', _"I_r'_~_·"_ing~'_'"_Md __ d~~~'._" ____________________________________________ ~~~~~=-=c,

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    8 (152) NAVY NEWS, MAY 18, 1998


    I>T' _LTn

    to pr ovide a warm welcome to Sydney to three ships of the PLA- N.

    Shouti ng ··welcome, welcome" in Mandarin and Cantonese the crowd lined Fleet Base East to gree t the gu ided missile des troye r QINGDAO (CA PT Fu Guosen). the replenishment ship NAN-CANG (CA PT Liu Wan-glin) and the training ship SHICHANG (CMDR Yao Liqiang).

    The three ships carried 676 officers and sailors.

    Aboard the destroyer was Rear Admiral Han Fangrun, the Deputy Com-mander of the PLA- N North Sea Aeet.

    RADM Qu lichun, the deputy commandant of the: Oal ian Naval Academy wa s abo a r d the SIIiCIIANG.

    Woolrych). HOBART met the ships

    off Sydroey Heads and led them to Garden Island.

    QINGDAO was along-side just after9am where the RAN Band. the Syd-ney Standing Guard and a large group of RAN offi· cers waited.

    They were led by the Ma ritime Commander Austra lia. RADM Chri s Ritchie.

    Displacement: 4800 tonnes. Length: 148 metres. Width: 16 metres. Draught: 7.5 metres. Height aOO"e waterline: 40 metffS,. Helicopter: Gazelle.

    RAOM Ritchie told the large crowd of the visit by Austnlian ships to China last year and the hospitali· ty and we lcome their crews had received.

    "We hope: that you will feel equally at home in Sydney."

    He said the vis it reflect-ed the bilatera l relations between the: two nations.

    "Your visit will strengthen the bonds."

    Training ship. CO: CMDR \'ao Liqiang.

    Wr:=~~Pc~~~~t~7! 800 people in 24 hours he knew that 100 many cooks were t1()( going to spoil the: broW.

    He would need all 22 of them. Des was charged with catering fOf an OUt-

    door barbecue OIl consecutive nights at Gar-den Island.

    1be functions were to allow Austmlian sailors to mingle with their PLA- N coumer--. Des was to use cooks and galleys of the

    three host ships, his own PERTH. BRIS-BANE and HOBART.

    He drew six cooks from BRISBANE and eight each from the: other (Wo.

    ··1 got started on the project two weeks beforehand." he said.

    ·'1 had to buy in 80 kilograms of lamb, 40 kgs of chicken wings. 40 kgs of sirloin 8Jl(I 6Okgsofchicken.

    '"T1lCn there were the king prawns and the: ingredientsforthe:salads.

    "Of course we had to have Australian Pavlova," hc: said.

    Cao in for long haul T~;:t~.:~u~-~j~-:~~ the Peoples Liberation Anny - Navy for the long haul.

    Alrc:ady in the servicc: for four years. he has II to go.

    He is a leading seaman. Serving aOOanl the 4800

    tonne DOG the Q ING-DAQ , Cao ha ils from Shanghai.

    '·1 am the only mcmber of my family in the Navy," he said through an inter-preter.

    The sai l ors earn between $95 and $ 1l3 a

    With such a wage scaJe most of the visitors had to confine their purchases to small souvenirs. However. many had a camera and shot thousands of frames

    • Cao Rou lIu ... in the I'LA-N (or the long haul. Their demand fo r read the brochures avail ·

    knowledge about Australia able at Taronga Zoo and was dearly indicated when highlighting Australia's they took and fervently wildli fe.

    Replenishment ship. CO: CAPT Liu Wanglin.

    Disptattment: 9500 tonnes. Length: 125 metre>. Width: 19 metres. Draught: 19.6 metres.

    Displacement: 37000 tonnes. Length: 190 metre>. Width: 2S metres. Draught: 12 metre>.

    Height above waterline: J8 metres. Height abo"e waterline: 55 metres.

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    NAVY NEWS, MAY 18, 1998 (153) 9

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  • PNG relief effort winds up A~:I::~ I~~;;rt ~~o~~~ offiCIally wrapped up last month with a tn-service filia l parade at t he Au Transport Squadron head-quar1ers III Port Moresby.

    Commander lSI Aust-rahan Di" s ion and Deployable JOint Force lIeadquarter~. Major Genera l Peter Cosgrove, was in POri Moresby to rev,ew his troopS on their

    '':-_'''''''. final parade and RAAF

    ·",,:u.-"'::ll ~~~d~;.f~i?~:~m~:~ Doug Chipman. a lso attended.

    Corporal John Korala. ~"' • .IiI11 a nulltary policeman

    from Port Moresby. and \\1i!'\;;;:=~~~~:=~~~1 1 Pnvate Peter Ford, a

    logistics clerk from Townsville's 5th Aviation Regiment. received pre-sentations for outstanding sen'lce durlllg the re lief effort. Dawn in Hell

    to pay respect l£!:~el~r~:~:~:~~

    Force was formally diS· sol\(~d Apo13.

    While air aid de ]j"ery was the main focus of the drought relief operation. many ADF and PNGDF personnel were hard at work on the ground assisting the PNG com-munity.

    A number of ADF pro· Jects provided baSIC ser-,ices. training and equip-ment In a range of fields. MediCS. signallers, finance and even public relation s personnel were involved in key projects throughout the operation. while some PNG soldiers had t he 0pp0rlunity of visltlllgAustralianumts.

    Medical teams camed out four missions into remote villages. By the end of the relief effort. A DF medics had treated more than 1200 villagers.

    Med ical Ireatment included disease preven-t ion ed ucation. imlll uni· sat ion of children. dental Ireatmem and education and hea lt h assessments. Specialist care included obstetrics. paediatrics and dentistry.

    left With the problem of The Sh i p met heavy transporllng I I Toyota weather belween Pori four-wheel-dri,e ,'ehicles Moresby and Townsville and tl'oO shipping coma,"- and although some tie · ers (rom the operallon downs parted, the load from Port Moresby back caused no concern in the to Townsville. rolling swell.

    HMAS BALlKPAPAN LCDR Sorby said the and her company were Sea State 5 was the most idemified as the experts challenging the ship had to undertake the move. experienced In recent

    BALlKPAPAN. under memory. LCDR Marl Sorby sailed After unloading in from Darwin laSI month Townsvi lle, BALlKPA-directly to t he Lancon PAN began preparations wharf at POri Moresby. for Exercise Inillal But because of her tight Landing, involvlllg joint schedule t he company amphibious activities at was unable even to step the Cowley Beach

    ~~~~~p i;ai:r:ss~~~~ r?'h::::i~"i~"g~A~re~ •. ===; she was loaded and refu- Transferred elled. to or from

    BALIK's XO. LEUT Canberra? Ritchie. said that loading the 4wDs went smoothly des~nte limited manoeu(-vring space on the tank deck.

    The I I ToyO!as were s im ply driven on boa rd and parked.

    Some were organised four abreast and two were parked inside the ship-pingconta llle rs. T he re was little room fo r error.

    Have your pelS cared for whilst you move to

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    (06) 236 9207 national cJlcrcises after her six-day 'IISiI IO Thai land to lake part in ANZAC Day commemorations.

    Naval iandlllg craft I·IM AS LA BUAN a nd HM AS TARA KAN moved 330 tonnes of freig ht to remote areas and more than 3.2 million ki lograms of emergency food aid was delivered by Army and Air Force air-craft during the s ix-month- long operation.

    T he Combined Task

    As Australi a's fami ne nR~~~~~~~]~i~fl relief effort came to an end in Papua New Guinea Joint Task Force 105 was

    The highlight of the visit ..... as thedawnserviceallhe notorious He ll fire Pass. part o( llie Thai-Burma railway built by Allied PoWs during World War II .

    A 100ai of 45 NEWCAS-

    ment and senior Australian and foreign military officers at a moving ceremony at the Kanchanaburt War Ceme-tery.

    NEWCASTLE personnel also participated in the olli-cial openingofa war muse-um al Hellfire Pass on the Death Railway.

    - A nlem ber ofth e lri -sen'ieegua rd a lthe The visi l tO Thailand was

    - CAfYJ' Robertson, left, hands the weight lo C AfYJ' Rago,

    New man for an old girl

    Kaneha na buri War Cemetery. part of a 10-week deploy-

    I.. __ ,;,;p;,;,;" ,;,;"',;;" ,;,;' A,;;";,;,P,;;H.;;B,;;"';,;," .;;"';;" ,;,;'O,;;" '~ __ ;;;;;;;';;;';;;;';';;;;' __ "" H~:"Sge~~~;~~n hf~; pagne wi th hi s wife in a naval mo tor launch round-ing La dy Macqu arie's Chair in Sydney. CAPT Robertson leaves t he seagoing fo ld for leave before taking up a shore posung.

    Charity award T~a~~~~~~a~fM'i:ehs~~~nJe~f~~a~i:~ presen ted H MAS ANZAC wit h t he Navy League o f Australia Perpetua l Trophy.

    ANZAC was awarded the trophy for her co mpa ny's charity ( unu ra is i ng effor1s.

    ANZAC. under her previous CO CAPT Les Pataky and now CAPT Marc Bonser. won the community award from fierce competit ion from other f1ec t unils and sho re estab lis hm e nt s around Australia.

    The shield rema ins in the west. as

    HMAS STIRLING won the 1996 trophy. ANZAC's nom inat ion was for her

    work for the Albany Children's Cancer Care Group. the ship's adopted charity.

    More than $8000 has been raised in the 12 months since hercommissioning.

    The money was raised through innov-ative fund raising ac tivities including a sponsored "shave off' which saw 60 people go under the clippers from the commanding officer to male and female sailors.

    HM AS ANZAC was adopted by the Town of Albany last year and there is a close bond bet ween the two.

    the fi nal time. Captain Brian Roben-

    son was fareweJJedbythe company after handing over command of PERTH to Capta in Louis Rago last month.

    Highl ights of his 2 1-month tenure II1c lude leading the first RAN taskgrouplO visit the People's Rep ub lic of China in I I years. being task group commander for Exercise Kakadu 3 and taking part in Ex~rcise Valiant Usher with the American Amphib ious Readiness Task Gmup.

    LaSI seen slpplllg .. ham-

    CAPT Rago is the 27th and fi nal Commanding Officer of tL\1AS PERTH before her decommission-ing schedu led for Sep-lember next year.

    Her kee l was laid in 1963 and she was com-missioned into the RAN on July 17, 1965. She will be the leadship for the R AN taskgroup for Exercise RIMPAK 98 off Hawaii.

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    NAVY NEWS, May 18, 1998 (1 55) 11

  • ~~~~W&WW_~ ___ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Good times in goodwill visit H~~~s~~~~~r~a~}tah~sa !~~ihl,~a~:~~t:; ~~~r:~ N3vyvessels.

    BOBART (CMDR Simon Woolrych) has returned from a four-week goodwill tour of New Zc313nd which took in four pon visi ts. a neet concentration period and a multin3tional muill-forceexercise.

    After an uneventful crossing of rhe Tasman Sea HOBART arrived in New Zealand waters a day eMly and went to anchor In the picturesque Queen ChMlotte SouncJ.

    The evening me31 was replaced with a steel beach b3rlxcue and entenainment supplied by the ship's band. on loan from the RAN B3nd Sydney.

    She weighed anchor before sunrise in order to make the pilotage into Wellington for five days a long~ide al Queens wharf. practically in the middle of the city.

    HOBART's te3ms played rugby. soccer and basketball against local Defence Force teams. going down only narrowly 10 a much bigger Kiwi Anny side in rugby.

    Two open days were major successes, with many locals visiting Ihe shi p.

    Before depanlng for the New Zealand Exercise Area, HOBART hosted a COF cocktail party with the guests IIlctuding eDF Australia. cor NZ and a number of digni-taries from the Defence commumtjes of the ,y,u nations.

    After some ligh t navigation traimng in the beautiful Queen Charloue sound in the north of the South Island. HOBART met up with I-IMAS MELBOURNE. HMNZS WELLINGTON and the French FNS LA G LORIEUSE for th ree days of intense exercising during [he second week of the NZ Fleet Concentration Period.

    The next port was Napier. wh.:re she berthed under

    .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~iiJi;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-~--;;;-----;;;---iiii!!i-iii~ light security whichditl nOI allow for open days. I However HOBART's spon~men look on the locals in rugby, soccer and golf. camlllg an exceitent wm in the soccer. while the band uOOcr LSMUSN David Pitchfork enlenamed the lunchllme cmwds III Napier's town maiL

    On route to Auckland IIOBART 'l;join .. d the rep for liS Ihml week with umts mcludm~ the RNZN"~ oller ENDEAVOUR were workmg up for the multl-nalional w-scrvice Excrclsc Malakrri .

    Emering hamourtheship wasf'cercl" h) a school of dolphins. the Italian America's LIt> luad conducting thelT pre-challenge series trials a .. J Ihe RNZN band at [he wharf.

    In Auckland the shlp's comp:Hly enjoyed the clty's social scene as well as a ~pons day ho~ICd by IIMNZS CANTERBURY :and a tour of the Royal NZ Yacht Squadron. present home of the America's Cup and ~lIe of the 2000 cup challenge.

    On depanmg BOBART tr.ln~ited the Bay of Plenty and passed through the very narrow and spectacular passage known :I) the Hole 111 the Wall rejected by IIMNZS WELLINGTON.

    Back in the NZ Exercise Area, HOBART went to busi-ness with Exercise Matakiri , an amphibious lodgment of 80 special force troop" uuo the port ofTaur,mga.

    The landing was successfully undertaken despite heavy allacks from Orange Force Macchis. The air threat was easily dispensed with by HOBART and an FA-18cap.

    Heading to her next pan I-IOBART entered the narrow na\igation waters of the Otal,'O Hamour - depths below the ship as low as twO metres - that lead to Dunedin.

    The first call wa~ at Dunedln's refuelling wharf before a cold move to Victoria wharf where she would rcmainfurthe remainder of the visit.

    The cold move to HOBART'S benh proved the pro-fel>sionalism of the seaman department when a wind squall ufu p to 45 knots hit w ithout warning causing both lines on HOBART's twO tugs to pan, leaving her with no protcction frornlhe " 'harf.

    1lle ship drifted onto lhe wharf and if flO( for the courage of one of the rug dmers, who p.1I his vessel between the ship and the whalf. HOBART would ha\'e SUSiained much more serious dam;lge the 4():m-square lk:nt and sm;lll pullClureofthc ship's hull at the transom.

    The Engineering department worked th roughout the afternoon and early evening to patch the hull 3nd the

    1...L....i ____ ...;;. ______ ...... ______ ioiIlIiIii ... ___ ... 111 Sh~nW~~~n:~~I;'";:~nre~~;~~!~~~~t~~t~t;~~rethan 1400 people.

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    12 (156) NAVY NEWS, May 18, 1998

    • PO B Ha rr is exp la ins HOBA RT ' S e quipme n t duri ng an open day in Wel lington.

  • Another policy might have covered Cpt. White's

    arms and legs. But would it also have paid for the

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    - if you've got the right insurance. So they matched the original timbers. Needs that many conventional insur-

    As Captain White discovered when his They matched the or iginal hide. They even ance companies arc frankly a1l too ready to

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    today something of a collector's item - was ago, that his son had to sit down for a minute Hardly - if Capta in White will forgIve us

    :,umt almost beyond recognition. when he first set eyes on it. - an arm and a leg when you consider the

    But its sentimental value so clearly out- Not every Australian Defence Forces peace of mind that you're acquiring.

    Ne ighed its monetary worth that instead of insurance story has such a happy ending. To apply for Smart Cover - or [Q make a

    :ompensating Captain White for his loss we But then no t every Australian Defence claim - all you need to do is call one phone

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    By no means an easy undertaking. - as Captain White did - with Smart Cover. your details.

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    The Association's aim is to unite former and serving Naval personnel for the purpose of mutual benefit. through a network of Naval men and women helping and suppaning each other through its many sub-sections.

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    Fax: (02) 6280 0214 Email: Imemet:

    14 (1 58) NAVY NEWS, May 18, 1998

    HMAS SYDNEY 1 not forgo tten A s a InbUle to the gallant men of HMAS SYDNEY I a memonal In the fonn ofa leadlight feature has been Installed al the entrance 10 the Warrant Officers' and Senior Sailors' Me~ at HMAS CERBERUS.

    "Teddy the One'. as he IS affectionately kn o wn by members of the Sydney Association, serw:d In SYDNEY I in 1926.

    The feature wall was planned and designed by Mess Manager POSTD Neal and installed by local anisi. Mrs Cathy Clifford.

    • POSTD Neal (d esigner ), Mrs Cathy C1ifTo rd (artist), Mr 8 i11 Hells (Cathy 's rather ). Mr Ted Dicki nson (SYDNEY I) in front of the memorial.

    Pictu re: AHPH Dean ;\l cCorkelle.

    Sea of sorrow • t' rom page 3.

    lie was one of the team which brought 10 Aus-tralia the former USN landing ships. now HMA Ships MANOORA and KANIMBLA.

    declared: " I know what I wallt to be ". [ want to join Ihe Navy:'

    "He died doing Ihe job he loved to do." Mr Meek told Navy Nel4's.

    and Graeme Holliss, 34. were detained overnight al the St John o f God Hospilal in Perth under-gOing treatment for bums. smoke inhalation and sever

    The funerals of the four victims were conducted wilh full naval honours in


    2. Large. open, fIat-bonom utility·boa! ·14j

    a. The science of de!erminingthe condIIIorool .......... _ tera·1111

    9 . 55K62.(5) 10. AntI-Radiation

    t.Nuile.13) 11 . One eightl'I 01 a

    pr.t./3J 12. Opem;onal


    Evaluation·13J 13. TO lay out.l51 14. 5ldeloslde

    motion ofa ahip aboulh Iong~udinal


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  • Rugby joins up H~:!!~~:~~ ::eSaj~;~~ competition.

    The move will no t affect th e Dempster Cup. Navy's premie r rugby union event. but KUTTA· BUL's LSPT Paul Williams said the additional C

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