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Page 1: BLACKBURN WITH DARWEN BOROUGH · blackburn with darwen borough council . children’s services . special






John Bloggs



15th April 1997

Report prepared by:

Date of Report:


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a. Name, sex, date and place of birth and address including

local authority area.

John Bloggs is a male child born on the 15th April 1997 at Blackburn

Royal Hospital this is within the Borough of Lancashire.

b. A photograph and physical description.

John Bloggs is 11 years old and of average height and weight for his

age. He has short brown hair and brown eyes. John has a lovely smile

and is a very attractive young person.


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c. Nationality [and immigration status where appropriate].

John is of British origin.

d. Racial origin and cultural and linguistic background.

John is of white British origin; he speaks English fluently which is his

first language.

e. Religious persuasion [including details of baptism [including

details of baptism, confirmation or equivalent ceremonies].

John has not been christened and does not follow any specific

religious faith.

f. Details of any siblings including their dates of birth.

John is the only child of Claire Coombs and Joe Bloggs. John has

three younger half siblings: Jill Best: Date of Birth: 10/09/2001,

Jerry Best: Date of birth: 15/01/2003 and Jamima Best: Date of

Birth: 10/12/2005.

g. The extent of the child’s contact with his relatives and any

other person the Local Authority consider relevant.

John is currently having supervised contact with his siblings Jill,

Jerry and Jamima on a fortnightly basis. This is facilitated by the

Local Authority and takes place at Rhubarb Children’s Centre,

Blackburn for one hour.

John had activity based contact with his father Joe Bloggs on a

monthly basis which was facilitated by Hilary Smith at outside venues

for three hours. Joe Bloggs was arrested in February 2008 and is

remanded at Preston Prison. John is not having direct or indirect

contact with his mother, which is in keeping with his wishes and



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h. Whether the child is or has been looked after by a Local

Authority or is or has been provided with accommodation by a

voluntary organisation and details [including dates] of placements

by the authority or organisation.

John is subject to an Interim Care Order Section 38 Children Act


i. Whether the prospective special guardian is a Local

Authority foster parent of the child.

Mr and Mrs Smith were approved as carers for John by Blackburn

with Darwen Fostering Panel on the 15th April 2007.

j. A description of the child’s personality, his social

development and his emotional and behavioural development and

any related needs.

John is an attractive and confident young person who is bright and

enjoys receiving positive praise. There are no major concerns in

respect of John’s emotional, behavioural or social development. Due

to John’s early childhood experiences he learnt to be compliant and

took on the care of his younger sibling. John consistently sought

attention and affection and this made him extremely vulnerable. John

has a need for emotional security and relinquished his role as carer

for his younger siblings in May 2007 when he moved to Mr and Mrs

Smith’s care feeling confident that their current carers would manage

their needs. John now has developed a clear understanding of

appropriate behaviours and is a considerate young person who gives

thought to the world around him. He is appropriately sociable and

aware of stranger danger.

On the 26th February 2007 Julie Brown Play Therapist completed a

therapeutic assessment in respect of John and his siblings. Ms

Brown’s view was that John needed to be placed separately from his


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siblings; preferably within his extended family as this was where his

loyalty and sense of identity lay.

On the 25th May 2007 John was placed with his paternal aunt and

uncle Mr and Mrs Smith following the completion of a Family and

Friends assessment being approved by Blackburn with Darwen

Fostering Panel. His siblings Jill, Jerry and Jamima remained

together with Local Authority foster carers.

On the 19th November 2007 an assessment of John and his sibling’s

current and future needs was concluded by Susan Black Play

Therapist. Ms Black recommended a further 20 week period of

therapeutic intervention for John which commenced in December

2007. On the 17th March 2008 John cancelled his play therapy

session. He had spoken to his aunt and uncle and wanted to end the

intervention despite it not being completed. Ms Black met with John

and his carers to ensure that therapy was ended appropriately.

John is very close to his siblings Jill, Jerry and Jamima and at times

can be quite motherly towards them; he has provided a lot of the care

for them when living at home; he does worry about them and needs to

know that they are ok. John is concerned about their needs being

met when they move to a permanent family and needs reassurance in

this area. John is able to express his thoughts, wishes and feelings in

a confident manner. John is meeting all his age appropriate

milestones, he is able to see to age appropriate self care needs and is

of an age whereby he is beginning to recognise how his appearance is

perceived by the outside world. John enjoys being clean and having

clean clothes. John is dependent on his carers and seeks and enjoys

positive appropriate affectionate relationships, he thrives from positive

interaction and stimulation and is a sociable child who seeks to learn

through inquiry and questions. John needs consistent care and


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affection to ensure he feels safe and secure. He needs adults who are

able to necessitate all his developmental needs.

John is a confident young person and is developing skills in

challenging adults, which is age appropriate and positive in ensuring

he is not totally compliant and develops into an independent

autonomous adult. John does not display challenging behaviour; no

concerns are reported regarding his behaviour within school or at

home. John is able to trust and confide in Mr and Mrs Smith and will

seek reassurance from them when needed. He can be demanding and

impatient at times however Mr and Mrs Smith recognise that this is

age appropriate behaviour and John responds to the boundaries in

place. He has made and kept close friends which has been promoted

by his aunt and uncle. He presents as a happy and content young


John has developed a positive attachment to his aunt and uncle and

is a child who is now confident that his needs will be met by the

adults in his life.

k. Details of the child’s interests, likes and dislikes.

John enjoys participating in a number of activities which include

football, tennis, fishing and swimming. He enjoys playing on his x-

box and Nintendo Wii. John’s favourite T.V programme is the


l. A health history and a description of the state of the child’s

health which shall include any treatment the child is receiving.

John was born by normal delivery on the 31st January 1997 at

Burnley General Hospital. He was discharged from hospital at 3 days

old. No health concerns were identified. John attended Accident and

Emergency on five occasions; on the 12.05.01 he attended due to a

laceration to his Left foot which occurred whilst playing, on 03.07.01


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he fell off a wall resulting in a laceration to his left eyelid, on 15.07.02

he tripped causing an injury to his head and on the 11.02.04 he was

involved in a road traffic accident. He attended the treatment clinic at

Bailey’s Health Centre on the 10.07.05 due to a laceration to his finger

and he attended accident and emergency on 21.07.05 due to banging

his head in school. John has witnessed parental substance misuse

and has a greater awareness of illicit drugs and paraphernalia than a

child of his years should have.

John appeared to be a healthy young boy when placed into foster care

on 25th June 2006. He had a Statutory Medical on the10th August

2006, his general appearance was clean and he was reported to be

happy, co-operative and appeared emotionally stable. John described

his mood as both happy and sad because he was away from his mum.

John’s vaccination status was up to date and his height and weight

were on the 50th centile. John had a vision test on 5th November 2002

no vision difficulties were identified. He had a hearing test on 17th

June 2006 which highlighted an air-bone gap in his right ear a

referral was made to the audiology department. John is diagnosed

with Asthma. He had dental caries and appropriate dental treatment

was sought by his carers. He had a few healed scars on his hand, legs

and back of varying ages.

Dr Ian Pitt Consultant Paediatrician undertook a paediatric

assessment on the 14th February 2007. His report concluded that

John was generally a physically healthy young boy, his vaccinations

were up to date and his height and weight were satisfactory for his age

both on the 25th centile, he was thriving and there was no significant

physical health needs. John’s medical health records noted an

excessive number of attendances at the Accident and Emergency

department with minor injuries. In addition significant injuries were

noted whereby John sustained cuts to his arm due to falling over a

small wall and injuries suffered following a road traffic accident. None


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of the injuries pointed directly to any likelihood of non-accidental


On the 10th February 2005 Sandy Beech, School Nurse undertook an

annual Statutory Medical in respect of John. He weighed 32.2 kg and

his height was 141.1 cms. A vision test was undertaken which was

satisfactory. His health plan recommended that he visit his dentist as

the filling from his tooth had fallen out.

John has settled well in Mr and Mrs Smith’s care and benefits from

clear structured routines in respect of mealtimes and bed times. He

enjoys a wide variety of foods and will eat almost anything including

all types of vegetables, fruits and meats. In his current placement

John’s basic care needs are met and medical appointments have been

kept. John receives an adequate and nutritious diet. He is guided and

supported by his aunt and uncle regarding issues that affect his


m. Names, addresses and types of nurseries or schools

attended with dates.

John did not attend any nursery provisions. He commenced his

primary education in September 2001 at St Peter and St Paul’s

Primary School, Smith Street, Blackburn where he attended until the

16th May 2006. He transferred to Beech Primary School, White Road,

Blackburn, on the 17th May 2006 until the 25th May 2007. On the 4th

June 2007 John transferred to Fanshaw Primary School, Green Road,


n. The child’s educational attainments.

John commenced his primary education at St Peter and St Paul’s

Primary School. His attendance was sporadic and he was regularly

late. John lived with his paternal grandmother Mary Brown during

March - April 2006. During this period staff reported an improvement


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in his appearance, presentation and attendance at school. He

received additional support and formed friendships and relationships

with staff who expressed disappointment about him transferring

school as he was a valued member.

John transferred to Beech Primary School on the 17th May 2006

following a planned house move. He expressed unhappiness about

the change of school in particular about breaking links with his

friends. He did not settle in well and missed his previous school. He

attended 23 days out of a possible 38 between the 17th May 2006 and

14th July 2006. His lack of attendance would have impacted on him

forming friendships and settling into school.

John was placed with Local Authority foster cares on the 25th August

2006; he had expressed a wish to change school however with regular

attendance and punctuality he settled in well and reported that he

was happy. John had a good circle of friends in school and was able

to mix well with his peers. He was reported to be a polite young boy

who tried very hard to make progress. He loved to be praised and

could be relied upon to try very hard in the class situation.

John was placed with Mr and Mrs Smith on the 25th May 2007 he

transferred to Fanshaw Primary School in Preston. John settled well

into school his confidence increased and he had a wide vocabulary.

Concern was raised regarding his literacy and numeracy following

curriculum tests. He had difficulty in reading in particular

segmenting and blending and learnt many words by sight. John

struggled with his writing and was not always able to match sound to

letters. He was aware that he struggled academically with literacy and

numeracy and did not want attention drawn to this. It is necessary to

be positive with him to maintain self esteem. He does not like being in

the lower groups and tries hard to please. John concentrates and


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cooperates well with both children and adults. John receives

additional support regarding his literacy and numeracy.

An improvement has been noted in John’s academic ability and

emotional wellbeing whilst he has been in the care of Mr and Mrs

Smith. Mr and Mrs Smith support John with his home work and

reading and have remained in regular contact with school.

John requires support in school to achieve consistency with his ability

and opportunities to acquire skills and interests. He needs the adults

in his life to prioritise his educational needs whereby they are fully

appreciated and met and who also take account of his emotional

needs. He needs the opportunity to develop his own social networks

with age appropriate peers and develop a sense of self as a separate

and valued person.

o, p. Whether the child is subject to a statement of special

educational needs under the Education Act 1996[a]

John is not subject to a Statement of Special Educational Needs.

q. Details of any order made by a Court with respect to the

child under the Act including

i. The name of the court;

Blackburn County Court.

ii. The order made;

Interim Care Order 38 Children Act 1989

iii. The date on which the order was made; 25th August 2006 and renewed every 28 days thereafter.


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a. Name, date and place of birth and address [and the date on

which their last address was confirmed] including local authority

area of each parent of the child and his siblings under the age of


Claire Coombs formerly known as Claire Best was born on the 3rd

October 1978 in Southport, Lancashire. On the 7th April 2005 Ms.

Coombs confirmed that she was of no fixed abode and has been living

partly with her mother Julia Crown and father Peter Best in Bury

whilst trying to secure her own accommodation.

Joe Bloggs was born on the 10th June 1976 at South Ribble Hospital,

Preston Lancashire. Mr Bloggs is remanded at HMP Preston.

Jill Best is John’s sister. She was born at Blackburn Royal Hospital,

Haslingdon Road Blackburn on the 10th September 2001. Jill

currently resides with Local Authority foster carers Mr and Mrs Tate.

Jerry Best is John’s brother. He was born at Blackburn Royal

Hospital, Haslingdon Road Blackburn on the 15th January 2003.

Jerry currently resides with Local Authority foster carers Mr and Mrs


Jamima Best is John’s sister. She was born at Blackburn Royal

Hospital, Haslingdon Road Blackburn on the 10th December 2005.

Jamima currently resides with Local Authority foster carers Mr and

Mrs Tate.


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b. A photograph, if available and physical description of each


Claire Coombs is approximately 5ft 4 inches tall and weighs 8 stones

11lbs. She is of slim build with wavy brown long hair and brown eyes.

Joe Bloggs is approximately 6ft tall and weighs 13 stones. He is of

medium build with brown hair and brown eyes.

c. Nationality [and immigration status where appropriate] of

each parent.


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Claire Coombs and Joe Bloggs are both British citizens born in


d. Racial origin and cultural and linguistic background of each


Claire Coombs and Joe Bloggs are both of white British origin and

speak fluent English.

e. Whether the child’s parents were married to each other at

the time of the child’s birth or have subsequently married and

whether they are divorced or separated.

Claire Coombs and Joe Bloggs were not married to each other at the

time of John’s birth. They separated when John was aged 3 months.

f. Where the child’s parents have been previously married or

formed a civil partnership, the date of the marriage or civil


Neither Claire Coombs nor Joe Bloggs had been previously married.

g. Where the child’s parents are not married, whether the

father has parental responsibility and, if so, how it was acquired.

Joe Bloggs does not have parental responsibility for John.

h. If the identity or whereabouts of the father are not known,

the information about him that has been ascertained and from

whom, and the steps that have been taken to establish paternity.

Not applicable.

i. The past and present relationship of the child’s parents.

Claire Coombs began a relationship with Joe Bloggs aged 12 years;

they met at Stafford House Children’s Home where they were both

placed. Mr Bloggs was moved to a different children’s home due to his


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behaviour however this did not affect their relationship. Ms Coombs

discharged herself from Local Authority care at the age of 16 and

moved in with her mother. Mr Bloggs was serving a custodial

sentence at the time. He moved in with Ms Coombs and her parents

upon his release. Ms Coombs became pregnant with John when she

was 16. At this point they secured their own rented property. They

separated on several occasions however always got back together. Ms

Coombs recalled them moving house on three occasions in one year.

Mr Bloggs was serving a custodial sentence at the time of John’s birth.

Upon his release they decided to give their relationship another go for

John. They ended their relationship when John was 3 months old

due to Joe Bloggs using illicit substance and alcohol excessively.

Ms Coombs and Mr Bloggs had an amicable relationship and at times

Mr Bloggs has over the years resided at Ms Coomb’s home for short

periods. Mr Bloggs’s contact with John during this time was

inconsistent and took place at Mr Bloggs’s availability. Over recent

months Ms Coombs and Mr Bloggs’s relationship has deteriorated to

the stage that they no longer communicate with one another.

j. Where available, the following information in respect of

each parent:

i. Health history, including details of any serious physical or

mental illness, any hereditary disease or disorder or disability.

Ms Coombs has no known serious physical or mental illness. She

appears to have lost weight over recent months. Mr Bloggs appears to

be healthy and has no known serious physical or mental illness.

ii. Religious persuasion.

Claire Coombs’ religion is Church of England, this is nominal. Joe

Bloggs’s religion is Roman Catholic, this is nominal.


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iii. Educational history.

Ms Coombs is unable to report a detailed history in respect of her

early family life. She was unable to recall her primary education. She

attended Beaconsfield Secondary School in Southport. She disliked

school whilst living with her parents and experienced bullying.

Mr Bloggs attended St Peter’s Primary School and St. Joseph’s

Secondary School; he transferred to Sacred Heart Secondary School

during his first year due to his behaviour. Despite not attaining any

qualifications, Mr Bloggs has reported that he has no problems with

literacy and numeracy. He commenced a full time college course to be

a motor mechanic at the age of sixteen but very soon became involved

with drug misuse and left formal education. Mr Bloggs reported that

he gained a NVQ Level 2 qualification in plastering whilst serving a

custodial sentence.

iv. Employment history.

Ms Coombs has not had any significant period of employment. She

had been employed as a barmaid several years ago. Mr Bloggs has

not had any significant period of employment.

v. Personality and interests.

Ms Coombs presents as a confident, assertive women she maintains

eye contact and has a warm sense of humour. She interacts

appropriately with both adults and children. Ms Coombs can become

defensive when challenged. She is vulnerable in that she has little

family support and she is unable to maintain appropriate social

networks. Ms Coombs has said her interests are the same as any

individual her age.

Mr Bloggs presents as a sociable and polite person. He is described

by his family to be a fun person to be around and has a good sense of



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k. In respect of the child’s siblings under the age of 18:

i. The person with whom the sibling is living.

John has three half siblings Jill Best, Jerry Best and Jamima Best

they are placed with local authority foster carers.

ii. Whether the sibling is looked after by a local authority or

provided with accommodation by a voluntary organisation

Jill, Jerry and Jamima are being looked after by Blackburn with

Darwen Local Authority.

iii. Details of any court order made with respect to the sibling

under the Act, including

Jill, Jerry and Jamima are subject to Interim Care Orders Section 38

Children Act 1989.

l. The name of the court, the order made and the date on

which the order was made.

The orders were granted on the 16th August 2006 at Blackburn

Magistrates Court and have subsequently been renewed every 28 days

thereafter at Blackburn County Court.



a. An assessment of the child’s wishes and feelings [considered

in light of his age and understanding] regarding:

i. Special guardianship;

John’s wishes and feelings have been regularly sought. He has stated

that he loves his aunt and uncle and is very clear that he wishes to

live with them on a long term basis. John gets on well with Mr

Smith’s family and transferred to a school closer to home when he was

placed in their care. He has formed and maintained friendships


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within the neighbourhood and at school. John is aware that his aunt

and uncle are applying for a Special Guardianship Order and he

understands that this will give them the authority to make decisions

about his day to day and future life arrangements. John is confident

that his aunt and uncle will continue to meet his overall needs and

act in his best interest promoting contact with significant members of

his family in line with his wishes and feelings.

ii. His religious and cultural upbringing; and

John has not been christened and does not follow any specific

religious faith. This is in keeping with John’s wishes and feelings.

John is aware of right and wrong and is a young person who is

conscious about the world around him. He demonstrates empathy

and understanding and appears to be a caring young boy. John is

living in the same cultural area in which his parents were born and

raised and will experience a cultural lifestyle similar to that in to

which he was born.

iii. Contact with his relatives and any other person the local

authority consider relevant, and the date on which the child’s

wishes and feelings were ascertained.

John has stated that he does not want direct contact with his mother.

John had direct activity based contact with his father on a monthly

basis which was supervised by Mrs Smith. Joe Bloggs was arrested in

February 2005 and is remanded at Preston Prison.

Contact with his siblings takes place on a fortnightly basis and is

supervised by Children’s Services personnel. John has expressed a

wish for this to continue. He understands that once an adoptive

placement is sought for his siblings contact will gradually be reduced.

He has expressed a strong wish to maintain direct contact with his


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siblings in the future and is in agreement with twice yearly direct

contact in addition to indirect contact twice yearly.

John has regular contact with his paternal grandmother Mary Brown

which he wishes to maintain. This is facilitated by Mr and Mrs Smith.

John had a one off contact session with his maternal grandparents

and aunt on the 20th February 2005. The contact session was

attended by Ms Smith and she has expressed that she would facilitate

contact in the future in line with John’s wishes and feelings.

John’s wishes and feelings were last ascertained on the 12th March


b. The wishes and feelings of each parent regarding;

i. Special guardianship

Claire Coombs is in agreement with John’s care plan and has

requested that his carers promote contact in line with John’s wishes

and feelings and contact continues to be reviewed on a regular basis.

Joe Bloggs is in agreement with a Special Guardianship Order being

granted in favour of Mr and Mrs Smith. He is happy with the care

John receives and is confident that Mr and Mrs Smith will continue to

meet John’s overall needs and act in his best interest.

ii. The child’s religious and cultural upbringing and;

Ms Coombs has stated that she would be happy with John following

the religion of his choice and does not want religious beliefs enforced

on him.

Mr Bloggs has stated that he would be happy with John following the

religion of his choice and does not want religious beliefs enforced on



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iii. Contact with the child.

Ms Coombs would like direct contact with John to be reinstated and

his carers to promote contact. However she understands that at

present John does not want contact to take place. She respects his

wishes and feelings however would like contact to remain under

regular review.

Mr Bloggs was happy with the contact arrangements. He was

confident that Mr and Mrs Smith were committed to contact and

would maintain arrangements. Mr Bloggs wishes and feelings were

last ascertained on the 22nd February 2005. Since this date Mr Bloggs

has been arrested and is remanded in prison.

c. And the date on which the wishes and feelings of each

parent were last ascertained; and

Ms Coomb’s wishes and feelings were last ascertained on the 7th April

2005. Mr Bloggs’s wishes and feelings were last ascertained on the

22nd February 2005.

d. The wishes and feelings of any of the child’s relatives, or

any other person the local authority consider relevant regarding

the child and the dates on which those wishes and feelings were

last ascertained.

Mary Brown paternal grandmother is in agreement with Mr and Mrs

Smith being granted a Special Guardianship Order in respect of John.

Ms Brown would like to maintain regular contact with John. Ms

Brown’s feelings were last ascertained on the 22nd February 2005.

Philip Bloggs paternal uncle is in agreement with Mr and Mrs Smith

being granted a Special Guardianship Order in respect of John. Mr

Bloggs’s wishes and feelings were last ascertained on the 5th February



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a. Name, date and place of birth and address including local

authority area.

Hilary Smith was born on the 15th November 1977 at Royal Preston

Hospital, Preston Lancashire. Freddie Smith was born on the 16th

June 1972 at Blackburn Royal Hospital. They reside at 21 Brown

Road, Chorley . This is within the Lancashire Local Authority area.

b. A photograph and physical description.


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Hilary Smith has brown eyes with shoulder length brown hair and

blonde highlights. She is approximately 5ft 4 inches tall, she is of slim

build weighing 9 ½ stones.

Freddie Smith has blue eyes and short blonde hair. He is

approximately 5ft 10 inches tall he is of medium build weighing 12


c. Nationality [and immigration status where appropriate].

Mr and Mrs Smith are both British citizens born in England.

d. Racial origin and cultural and linguistic background.

Mr and Mrs Smith are both of white British origin and speak fluent


e. If the prospective special guardian is:

i. Married, the date and place of marriage.

22nd June 2002 at Blackburn Registry office

ii. has formed a civil partnership, the date and place of

registration of the civil partnership or

Not applicable.

iii. has a partner, details of that relationship

Not applicable.

f. Details of any previous marriage, civil partnership or


Mrs Smith’s first significant relationship was with Freddie Smith.

Freddie Smith began a relationship with Hilary Reed when he was 18

years old. Ms Reed had a daughter Susan aged approximately 8/9

months from a previous relationship and she was living with her


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mother in Preston at the time they met however Ms Reed originated

from Darwen.

Ms Reed secured her own tenancy in Chorley and Mr Smith moved in

with her 7 months into their relationship. Mr Smith described a good

relationship initially. During their relationship Ms Reed had three

children Ria (now 15 years old), Sharon (13 years old) and Joseph

(12/13 years old). Mr Smith was employed however recalled taking a

considerable amount of time off work due to Ms Reed leaving the

children in his care and not returning home for three to four days. He

was the main carer and found himself becoming quite isolated. He

was told by friends that Ms Reed was seeing other men.

Mr Smith separated from Ms Reed due to finding her with another

man and he moved in with his mother. The children remained in Ms

Reed’s care. She had informed Mr Smith that he was not the

biological father for any of her children.

Ms Reed moved to Bolton. Due to concerns regarding Ms Reed’s illicit

substance misuse and the children’s welfare Bolton Social Services

became involved and the children were removed from her care. Bolton

Social Services contacted Mr Smith’s sister Diane with regards to her

caring for the children. Mr Smith’s mother reported that Bolton Social

Services had contacted her whilst Mr Smith was residing with them

but Mr Smith was asleep at the time. They spoke to Mr Smith’s father

and asked if Mr Smith wanted to care for the children. Mr Smith’s

father requested DNA testing to be undertaken due to Ms Reed saying

that Mr Smith was not the father for the children and in light of her

having a number of affairs. Ms Reed would not agree to DNA testing.

Mr Smith described this period of his life as a nightmare. When he

separated from Ms Reed he was angry and felt deceived. Mr Smith

loved the children and had bought them up and cared for them as his


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own but due to the situation at the time he did not feel able to put

himself forward as a carer for them.

As part of the Family and Friends assessment Gill Green Social

Worker Fostering Team and Ellen Stone, Principal Social Worker

Fostering Team liaised with Lancashire Social Services Department

and the case files in respect of Ms Reed’s children were read. The

case files held no information about Freddie Smith or concerns

regarding his parenting of Ms Reed’s children.

g. Where the prospective special guardians wish to apply

jointly, the nature of their relationship and an assessment of the

stability of that relationship.

Hilary Smith met Freddie Smith when she was aged 19/20 and had a

brief relationship with him lasting for four months. Mr and Mrs Smith

met again at the age of 20/21 and he moved into the house which she

shared with her friend as they had a spare room. Their relationship

then resumed and they moved into a house together. They married on

the 21st June 2002 and Mrs Smith describes their relationship as

‘fantastic’ she states that they are ‘best friends’.

Mr Smith has given similar information to the above, he states that he

met Mrs Smith when he was 28 years old and they are ‘best friends’

they do not have rows just odd arguments. They continue to send text

messages to each other every day with endearments. When they do

argue Mr Smith states that he deals with this by removing himself

from the situation to defuse it. Mr and Mrs Smith have a strong and

loving relationship.

h. If the prospective special guardian is a member of a couple

and is applying alone for a special guardianship order, the reasons

for this.

Not applicable.


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i. Whether the prospective special guardian is a relative of the


Hilary Smith is John’s paternal aunt.

j. Prospective special guardian’s relationship with the child;

Mr and Mrs Smith have a very loving and strong relationship with

John and there is definitely a clear positive attachment that has

developed between them. Mr and Mrs Smith support each other in

implementing boundaries. John has been observed to be comfortable

and confident in their care and will discuss his wishes, feelings and

any concerns he may have with them. John has told me that he

wants to stay with Mr and Mrs Smith and it is clear from

observational visits that John is settled and happy in their care. John

is confident that Mr and Mrs Smith will continue to meet his overall


k. A health history of the prospective special guardian

including details of any serious physical or mental illness; any

hereditary disease or disorder or disability.

Mr and Mrs Smith have no known serious physical or mental illness.

l. A description of how the prospect special guardian relates

to adults and children.

Mr and Mrs Smith display no difficulties in communicating with

adults or children. They have a number of close friends who they

relate well to. They have a close relationship with John’s siblings Jill,

Jerry and Jamima and Mr Smith’s nieces and nephews. It is

important to them that John experiences love, stability and the

capacity to play and be a child. Mr and Mrs Smith will seek advice

where relevant and draw on their own life experiences. They have

demonstrated a good understanding of John’s emotional needs in

relation to loss and separation with regards to his parents and

siblings and have managed this sensitively with him. They have


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maintained good working relationships with all professionals involved.

Mr and Mrs Smith have worked with professionals in an open and

honest manner and have taken advice positively. They have

cooperated fully with the assessment process and made themselves

available for assessment sessions. They have always behaved and

acted in a professional manner during home visits and meetings. I

have had no concerns whatsoever with regards to their engagement

levels or interactions.

m. Previous experience of caring for children.

Mrs Smith reported that she regularly babysat for someone in her

locality from the age of 14 years on a weekly basis this involved five

children aged between 10 months to 10 years. Additionally Mr and

Mrs Smith have cared for John and his sibling Jerry prior to them

being removed from their mothers care. This included caring for John

on a frequent basis over weekends and caring for Jerry for a week

during November 2005 when Mrs Smith visited the family home to

find the children alone.

On fathers day in June 2006 Mr Smith received a card from Sharon

Grey [Ms Reed’s daughter detailed in section 4 paragraph f] asking

him to make contact with her. The following week Mr and Mrs Smith

met with Sharon and she moved in with them the following week.

Sharon had been adopted when she was younger however her

adoptive placement had broken down and she had alleged physical

abuse by her carers. Sharon moved to her maternal grandmother’s

care. Her grandmother had made an application for a Residence

Order in respect of her. Her grandmother reunited Sharon with Mr

and Mrs Smith.

Sharon settled in well with Mr and Mrs Smith and benefited from a

high standard of care. They made an application for a Residence


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Order which was supported by Sharon’s maternal grandmother.

There was a court guardian appointed who assessed Sharon’s needs

and her placement with Mr and Mrs Smith. He supported Mr and Mrs

Smith’s application for a Residence Order and reported that Mr and

Mrs Smith meet Sharon’s overall needs and she was thriving in their

care. Mr and Mrs Smith had facilitated contact between Sharon her

grandmother and siblings. However due to the legal costs in obtaining

a Residence Order they were unable to see this through.

Sharon developed a good relationship with John via contact and

wanted him to be part of the family. Sharon adapted well to John’s

placement. There was a degree of sibling rivalry however this was age

appropriate. Mr and Mrs Smith showed a good understanding of both

Sharon’s and John’s needs and ensured that they were treated

equally. Sharon rebelled against boundaries and routines within

placement which was influenced on part by contact with her older

sibling. Sharon unexpectedly moved to her grandmother’s care on the

18th December 2007. Since moving to her grandmothers care school

have been in contact with Mr and Mrs Smith advising that Sharon has

missed a significant amount of schooling. Mr and Mrs Smith have not

had any contact with Sharon. They ensured that John was provided

with the appropriate reassurance he required and that he was

protected from experiencing emotional upset.

n. Parenting capacity, to include an assessment of the

prospective special guardian’s ability and suitability to bring up

the child.

Mr and Mrs Smith have been caring for John since the 25th May 2007.

They had regular contact with John prior to care proceedings being

initiated and John has a very high regard for them. Mr and Mrs

Smith maintained regular contact with John and his siblings whilst

they were place with Local Authority foster carers. Initially Mr and

Mrs Smith put themselves forward as carers for John and his siblings,


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during the Family and Friends assessment, however Mr Smith felt

that they would not be able to mange the complex needs of all four

children and decided to put themselves forward as carers for John

they demonstrated their ability to place the children’s needs above

their own. Whilst John has been in Mr and Mrs Smith’s care he has

made significant progress. He has benefited from structure and

support in respect of his school work and has received very positive

reports. Mr and Mrs Smith have a very good understanding of his

emotional needs and have supported him through the feelings of loss

as a result of being separated from his siblings. This has allowed

John to settle into his placement and confide in his aunt and uncle

which John has struggled to do during his childhood. John is a much

happier child who is thriving, although he is behind in his school

work his improvements in all aspects of school life has come on leaps

and bounds. He is a much more confident boy who is confident that

Mr and Mrs Smith will continue to meet his overall needs. John is

always clean and appropriately dressed. He has joined a football team

and trains on a weekly basis in addition to swimming and fishing with

Mr Smith.

They ensure appropriate discipline and boundaries within the home to

which John has responded well. John displays a tough image at

times however will hug, kiss and cuddle appropriately when he greets

his carers after a period of separation. This is reciprocated by Mr and

Mrs Smith to ensure that John feels loved and cared for. Mrs Smith

will address him with enduring terms such as love and appropriate

interaction and warmth is observed. Mr and Mrs Smith ensure that

John attends all medical appointments and will seek advice when

needed; they ensure that he attends the dentist and provide John with

an adequate nutritious diet. The home conditions are well maintained

and John’s bedroom reflects his interests.


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Mr and Mrs Smith are open to supervising contact between John and

significant family members.

Ms Smith receives support from her mother and Mr Smith’s extended

family visit frequently and offer support; they also have a close

network of friends who offer support.

o. Where there have been any past assessments as a

prospective adopter, foster parent or special guardian, relevant

details as appropriate.

Mr and Mrs Smith were approved as Family and Friends carers by

Blackburn with Darwen Fostering Panel on the 17th April 2007.

p. Detail of income and expenditure.

Mr Smith is in full time employment; Mrs Smith gave up her

employment to care for John when he was placed with them. She

returned to work in February 2005 however is working reduced hours

whilst John is at school. Mr and Mrs Smith manage their finances

well and have stated that they are not in debt. They have received

foster care payments for John whilst he has been in their care and

have reported that they would struggle financially if this ended due to

Mrs Smith reducing her working hours. Once Mr and Mrs Smith are

Special Guardians they will claim family tax credit and other benefits.

q. Information about the prospective special guardian’s home

and neighbourhood in which he lives.

Mr and Mrs Smith reside in a three bedroom rented property. The

bedrooms are a good size John has his own bedroom which has been

decorated to accommodate his interest in football, Mr and Mrs Smith

have their own bedroom and they have a spare room. The home is

close to the town centre and is close to John’s school, shops and the

local health centre. There are sufficient community resources within

the neighbourhood which Mr and Mrs Smith could readily and easily

access for support if required. The home has all the basic amenities


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required to ensure that John needs can be met. The home is

decorated and maintained to a high standard.

r. Details of other members of the household and details of

any children of the prospective special guardian even if not

resident in the household.

Mr and Mrs Smith reside with John. Mr Smith’s daughter Sharon

resided with them until the 18th December 2007 when she moved to

her maternal grandmother’s care.

s. Details of the parents and any siblings of the prospective

special guardian, with their ages or ages at death.

Hilary Smith is the youngest daughter born to Mary Brown aged 51

and Derek Bloggs. Mrs Smith has little contact with her father who is

reported to be living in Chorley she has regular contact with her

mother. She has four siblings Kevin Bloggs aged 33 [Jill, Jerry and

Jamima’s father], Joe Bloggs aged 32 [John’s father], Anne Bloggs

aged 31 and Gary Bloggs aged 30. Mrs Smith’s relationship was

affected with her siblings when placed in Local Authority care as they

were separated and regular contact was not maintained. Mrs Smith

does not have contact with her sister Anne Bloggs. Contact with her

brothers Kevin and Gary Bloggs is infrequent, Mrs Smith has

maintained contact with Joe Bloggs to maintain contact between John

and his father.

Freddie Smith is the youngest child of Hilda Smith aged 60 and

Freddie Smith aged 61. Mr Smith was bought up by both his parents

and described his upbringing as ‘excellent’ and continues to be close

to both his parents. He has two sisters Shirley aged 42 and Deanna

aged 37. Mr Smith has stated that he is emotionally very close his

sisters and spent a lot of time with Shirley from the age of 14 and

states that he played a role in the upbringing of her five children.


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t. The following information:

i. Religious persuasion;

Mrs Smith is Roman Catholic; this is nominal as she does not attend

Church. Mr Smith’s religion is Church of England; this is also

nominal as he does not attend Church. Though they do not attend

Church they have stated that they would take John if he wished to


ii. Educational history;

Mrs Smith attended St John’s Primary School and St. Jude’s

Secondary School in Chorley. She recalls enjoying school and

obtained grades C and D’s in her GCSE’s. Ms Smith has completed

the NVQ Level 1 and 2 in care.

Mr Smith attended St Mary’s Primary School and St Edward’s

Secondary School in Chorley. He described school as a positive

experience however left at the age of 15 without undertaking any

formal qualifications due to securing employment at Chorley


iii. Employment history; and

Mrs Smith reported that she began working prior to leaving school as

a waitress in a public house. Following leaving school she worked as

a care assistant at Hobin Nursing Home, Chorley for a short time.

She then worked as a manager at Next before joining a Home Care

Agency working with elderly people in their own homes. She then

worked at Beechwood Nursing Home in Chorley as a Senior Care

Assistant before moving to her current employment with Homesteads

which is a charity organisation; her job involves caring for people with

learning difficulties in the community. Ms Smith gave up her

employment when John was placed with her in order to assist him


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settling into the home. Mrs Smith returned to her employment with

Homesteads in February 2008 on a bank basis. Her working hours

are greatly reduced and she works during John’s school hours.

Mr Smith worked at Chorley Transport for a year at the age of 16.

This was followed by one year’s employment at Highgrove Paint Store.

His employment ended due to the firm closing down. In 1991 Mr

Smith joined the army forces Queens Lancashire Regiment as a foot

solider until 1994. He then joined Hoggs weaving mill where he

stayed for ten years and then spent eight months with Higgin’s News

packing and delivering. Mr Smith then worked for AB Building

Services until January 2005; he left as the job did not provide

stability. Mr Smith commenced his current employment in January

2005 with Thwaites as a Production Operative. He states that he is

not interested in any particular work role, he tends to ‘go where the

money is’ though he enjoys his current role and has enjoyed most of

his employments to date.

iv. Personality and interests;

Mrs Smith has a pleasant and outgoing personality and enjoys

socialising. She is a well organised person and takes pride in her

appearance and home which she maintains to a very high standard.

Mrs Smith presents as a confident, efficient and able young person

who has overcome the disadvantages of her early years. Mrs Smith

enjoys shopping, watching television and socialising.

Mr Smith also has a pleasant outgoing personality and a good sense of

humour. Mr Smith plays football and participates in matches every

weekend and training on Tuesdays. He enjoys fishing, watching

DVD’s and ‘chilling out’.


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u. Details of any previous family and court proceedings in

which the prospective special guardian has been involved [which

has not been referred to elsewhere in this report].

Mr and Mrs Smith sought legal advice with regards to a Residence

Order in respect of Sharon but due to the financial costs they were

unable to pursue this.

v. A report of each of the interviews with the three persons

nominated by the prospective special guardian to provide

personal references for him.

As part of the family and friends assessments three references were

received by persons nominated by Mr and Mrs Smith.

Mrs Hogg was the officer in charge whilst Mrs Smith lived within a

residential unit and was subsequently her foster carer. Mrs Hogg

stated that Mrs Smith is a lovely person who she had felt would not fit

in to an independence unit so she had decided at the time that it was

appropriate to foster her herself as she was retiring from her post at

the residential unit. Mrs Hogg states that it would be in Mrs Smith’s

nature to put herself forward to care for her nephew and that she

would tend to take on the cares of the world. Mrs Hogg states that Mr

and Mrs Smith are both very caring people who she feels would put a

lot of effort into their caring role and make an excellent job of it.

Mrs Hilda Smith [Freddie Smith’s mother] confirmed that she had

known Mrs Smith for six years as partner/wife of her son. She stated

that she has contact with them on at least a weekly basis and that Mr

and Mrs Smith relate to children very well. She feels that Mr and Mrs

Smith will provide an excellent standard of care in a safe environment

and that the couple will work as part of a team.

She states that Mr Smith is a good, loving and caring son who is

always willing to help with anything and that he has a great


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personality. She states that Mrs Smith is a pleasant and caring

person and who will do anything for anyone, she describes her as a

good outgoing girl and a loving and good hearted daughter in law.

Mrs Hilda Smith feels that Mr and Mrs Smith will cope very well if

they were under pressure and that they have a very good relationship.

She states that they would turn to Children’s Services Department as

well as herself, though they would try and sort things out for

themselves in the first instance. She stated that they are a loving and

caring couple who would be able to act as carers; she has no

reservations in respect of this.

Mr Bobby McKay has known Mr Smith for 25 years and Mrs Smith for

20 years and they are good friends of his. He states that they are both

caring people who get on well with children. He feels sure that they

will provide a good standard and will provide a safe, caring

environment. Mr McKay described Mr Smith as friendly, kind and

outgoing, Mrs Smith as caring and well liked. Regarding their

relationship Mr Smith states that as far as he is aware they are both

very happy and appear to work together as a team. He feels that they

would cope well under pressure and that they would turn to family

and friends for support if it was needed.

w. Whether the prospective special guardian is willing to follow

any wishes if the child or his parents in respect of the child’s

religious and cultural upbringing.

Mr and Mrs Smith have stated that although they do not attend

church they would take John if he wished to attend.

x. The views of other members of the prospective special

guardian’s household and wider family in relation to the proposed

special guardianship order.


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John is placed within his paternal family and significant family

members are in agreement with Mr and Mrs Smith being granted a

Special Guardianship Order. Mr Smith’s family support his


y. An assessment of the child’s current and future relationship

with the family of the prospective special guardian.

John’s placement enables him to maintain contact with his extended

maternal family. No members of the family have made contact with

Children’s Services with regards to any concerns. Freddie Smith’s

extended family members accept John as a family member. He has

regular contact with Mr Smith’s parents and siblings. He receives

presents and cards on his birthday and other festive/cultural

occasions. John has spoken positively about forming relationships

with Mr Smith’s extended family members. Mr Smith’s parents and

siblings support Mr Smith’s application for a Special Guardianship

Order and are available to offer advice and support when required.

z. Reasons for applying for a special guardianship order and

extent of understanding of the nature and effect of special

guardianship and whether the prospective special guardian has

discussed special guardianship with the child.

Mr and Mrs Smith have sought legal advice in respect of an

application for a Special Guardianship Order, they are aware of the

support which will be offered to them from the Local Authority and are

of the opinion that this will be the most effective way of providing

permanence for John. Mr and Mrs Smith are happy for John to

continue having contact with significant people in his life. They are

confident in their abilities to priorities John’s needs and end contact if

it is not in his best interest. They understand that John’s mother

does not lose parental responsibility and accept that she may in the

future be part of John’s life. Mr and Mrs Smith have discussed with


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John the nature of the Special Guardianship Order and John is happy

for this to happen.

aa. Any hopes and expectations the prospective special

guardian has for the child’s future; and

Mr and Mrs Smith’s hopes for John are that he grows up feeling loved

and cared for. They want everything for John that they would want

for their own child, in terms of a good education and independence.

Mr and Mrs Smith feel that a good standard of education would lead

to enhanced future career prospects for John thus leading to

independence, a good standard of living, and quality of life which

provides him with opportunities and choices in life. They want him to

achieve success in his education and aspire to the best of his abilities

and enjoy his childhood/teenage years.

bb. The prospective special guardian’s wishes and feelings in

relation to contact between the child and his relatives or any

other person the local authority considers relevant.

Mr and Mrs Smith are happy to support contact between John and

his siblings Jill, Jerry and Jamima and his father Joe Bloggs. They

understand that John may request direct contact with his mother in

the future and will facilitate arrangements. Mr and Mrs Smith have

stated that they will supervise contact as they would not be happy for

it to be unsupervised. Mr and Mrs Smith believe that John should

maintain some level of contact with his extended family in keeping

with John’s wishes and feelings.


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a. Name and address.

The author of the report is (social worker) Child Care Social Worker in

this case and is based at Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council

Children’s Services, The Exchange, Ainsworth Street, Blackburn, BB1


b. Details of any past involvement of the local authority with

the prospective special guardian, including any past preparation

for that person to be a local authority foster parent or adoptive

parent or special guardian.

The Local Authority first became involved with Mr and Mrs Smith on

the 1st September 2006 following their request to be assessed as

carers for John and his siblings. Blackburn with Darwen Children’s

Services did not have any involvement with them prior to this.

c. Where section 14A[7][a] of the Act applies and the

prospective special guardian lives in the area of another local

Authority, details of the local authority’s enquiries of that other

local authority about the prospective special guardian.

As part of the Family and Friends assessment consultation was

undertaken with health, education, Lancashire Social Services

Department and the Probation Department which was returned with

no knowledge of either Mr or Mrs Smith. Gill Green Social Worker

Fostering Team and Ellen Stone Principal Social Worker Fostering

Team liaised with Lancashire Social Services Department and the case

files in respect of Ms Reed’s children were read. The case files held no

information about Freddie Smith or concerns regarding his parenting

of Ms Reed’s children.


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d. A summary of any special guardianship support services

provided by the authority for the prospective special guardian,

the child or the child’s parent and the period for which those

services are to be provided; and

The Local Authority has agreed that Mr and Mrs Smith will continue

to receive the current level of financial assistance minus child benefit

that they will claim once Special Guardianship is agreed for John.

The financial assistance will be reviewed on a yearly basis.

Sibling contact will continue to be facilitated and supervised by

Children’s Services until permanent placements are identified for his

siblings. Mr and Mrs Smith are open to facilitating contact

arrangements once John’s siblings are placed with adoptive parents.

Mr and Mrs Smith are confident in supervising contact between John

and his extended paternal and maternal family in keeping with John’s

wishes and feelings.

Mr and Mrs Smith have stated that they do not require any further

assistance. They understand that John may face difficulties in the

future with regards to his sibling’s future placements and have stated

that they would access therapeutic support via their General

Practitioner if required.

e. Where the local authority has decided not to provide special

guardianship support services, the reason why.

Not applicable.


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On the 8th November 2006 Dr B.E.D. Bold completed the medical

report in respect of Mr Smith. He advised that Mr Smith is competent

to care for children and has experienced caring for children. He

reported that Mr Smith has no significant physical or emotional


On the 14th November 2006 Dr A.C. Franks completed the medical

report in respect of Mrs Smith. She stated, “I have no reason to

believe she [Mrs Smith] would not be suitable”. No significant

concerns have been expressed in respect of her physical or mental


On the 18th January 2005 Sandy Beech School Nurse completed a

Statutory Medical in respect of John. No significant concerns have

been expressed in respect of his physical or mental health. John is up

to date with all his immunisations and attends dental appointments




a. The child.

John has been in the care of Mr and Mrs Smith since the 25th May

2007 he has developed a loving and strong positive attachment to

them and other family members and it is in line with John’s wishes

and feelings that he remains in the care of Mr and Mrs Smith. John

needs to live in a permanent family home whereby all his care and

developmental needs can be met; these include his health care,

emotional, social, educational, self care and identity needs which are


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currently being met by Mr and Mrs Smith. It is important that John

is able to grow in an as ‘normal’ environment as possible. He is living

in an area where his parents were born and have grown up, his

cultural and identity needs are being met with his aunt and uncle.

The granting of a Special Guardianship Order will ensure that John is

not subject to procedures and stigma often associated to looked after

children within the care system. It is also important that decisions

made for John are made by people who know him best and who place

his needs as a priority above their own. The making of a Special

Guardianship Order will ensure that Mr and Mrs Smith are able to

make the most appropriate decisions for John in his best interests.

b. The child’s parent

Joe Bloggs is in agreement with a Special Guardianship Order being

granted in favour of Mr and Mrs Smith. He is happy with the care

John receives and is confident that Mr and Mrs Smith will continue to

meet John’s overall needs and act in his best interest. Ms Coombs is

also in agreement with Mr and Mrs Smith being granted a Special

Guardianship Order. The making of the Special Guardianship Order

will ensure that the parents do have some direct contact in keeping

with John’s wishes and feelings and are kept informed as to John’s

wellbeing as he grows and develops.

c. The prospective special guardian and his family.

Hilary and Freddie Smith will continue to be John’s main carers and

Special Guardian’s. They will continue to be responsible for ensuring

that John’s care and development needs are met and that he

continues to be protected from harm up until the age of majority and

beyond. Mr and Mrs Smith will be responsible in making all the

decisions associated to John’s future and consulting with John’s

parents in respect of any major decisions that need to be made. It is a

great responsibility becoming a Special Guardian for a child however

it will give Mr and Mrs Smith the right to bring up John as they see is


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in John’s best interest without the procedures associated to children

in the looked after care system. It essentially means that Mr and Mrs

Smith will feel able to care for John within his birth family meeting his

identity needs and provide him with a permanent loving, secure and

stable home.

d. Any other person the local authority considers relevant.

Not applicable.






A Special Guardianship Order made to Hilary and Freddie Smith in

respect of John Bloggs would provide John with a permanent

placement within his birth family until the age of majority and

beyond. It would ensure that John’s main caregivers and people who

know him best are in a position to make the decisions about his life

which would be in his best interests. It provides John with a

protective and safe placement whereby all his care and developmental

needs can be met; it enables his birth parents to remain in contact

and to be consulted in any major decisions. It provides Mr and Mrs

Smith with continued financial support from the Local Authority

however it takes away the stigma often associated to Looked After

Children in care. Mr and Mrs Smith have cared for John full time

since the 25th May 2007. John has a close and loving relationship

with them and other family members. Mr and Mrs Smith have

demonstrated that they are able to meet all of John’s care and

developmental needs and can protect him from harm. Mr and Mrs

Smith successfully completed a Family and Friends assessment in

respect of John and were approved as carers for him by Blackburn


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with Darwen Local Authority Fostering Panel in April 2007. It is the

opinion of the Local Authority that it is in John’s long term best

interests that a Special Guardianship Order is made in favour of

Hilary and Freddie Smith in respect of John Bloggs.





Blackburn with Darwen Local Authority respectfully recommends that

a Special Guardianship Order be made in respect of John Bloggs.





Blackburn with Darwen Local Authority respectfully recommends that

contact between John Bloggs and his parents will be facilitated by Mr

and Mrs Smith in keeping with John’s wishes and feelings.

The Local Authority proposes that to maintain the attachment

between John and his siblings, Jill, Jerry and Jamima direct contact

will take place on at least two occasions each year; this will give John

the reassurance that his siblings are well and happy as well as

providing the opportunity to maintain sibling identity. This contact

will be positively promoted by the Local Authority when searching for

adopters for Jill, Jerry and Jamima. It is also proposed that John has

indirect contact with his siblings via the adoption mailbox system

twice a year using cards, letters and photographs. Mr or Mrs Smith to

be present at all contacts which they are open to.


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Contact between John and his extended maternal and paternal family

will be facilitated by Mr and Mrs Smith in line with John’s wishes and

feelings. Mr and Mrs Smith have stated that they are committed to

maintaining contact.

Signed: …………………………………. Date:

Social Worker

Signed: …………………………………. Date:

Team Manager