black mirror analysis

lack Mirror Analysis e Right Back – Season 2 Episode 1

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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Questions How is this episode postmodern (pomo features)

How can you apply/relate Baurillard theory

How can you apply/relate Focault theory

How does it differ or challenge other media (could compare to other current media or traditional media)

How is it similar to other media? (could be other platforms)

What type of audience is this episode made for? What sort of impact does Charlie Brooker want on this audience? Why?

What types of technology and media are explored in black mirror?

How is this episode postmodern? Intertextuality = Star Wars – The Clone Wars, Orphan Black, and Doctor Who –

The Doctor’s Daughter (S4E6). These texts use the concept of cloning/human cloning to replicate a person or creature based on DNA. This is has been used in ‘Be Right Back’ because Martha uses Ash’s social media and online presence to be transferred into a dummy, to which it will act and talk in a similar style to Ash’s online presence.

Dystopian narrative = Dark/Grim take on the future from the effects of technology. The social media and online presence of a person will become their life if transferred using future technologies (e.g. robotics).

Hybridisation = Drama and Future

Flattening of Affect = Ash’s clone lacks both apathy and empathy

Artificialness = The online presence of Ash is transferred into an unauthentic substitute, to which it acts and talks similar to his social media activity.

How can you apply/relate Baurdillard theory?

Hyper reality = Division between ‘real’ and simulation has collapsed, therefore an illusion of an object is no longer possible because the real object is no longer their. In text, the ‘Ash substitute’ is hyperreal because the illusion is that he is still existing but only through his online presence even though he has died.

How can you apply Foucault’s theory?

Voyeurism = A person who derives sexual gratification from observing the naked bodies or sexual acts of others, especially from a secret vantage point. Martha derives sexual gratification from Ash’s unauthentic substitute, especially when she realises that the clone is ‘alive’ and operating. To which she becomes intimate with it physically to ease the pain of the real Ash’s passing.

Voyeuristic Slaves = The temptation for sexual gratification is overwhelming for Martha despite the denial to the programme provided to her by Sarah. She proceeds to be intimate with Ash by purchasing the dummy.

Panopticism = Originally a concept of a hypothetical prison proposed by Jeremy Bentham, having circular tiers of cells surrounding a central observation tower. Ash’s clone behaves and acts differently in comparison to his former self because the system and capabilities that the clone has are controlled.

How does it differ or challenge other media?

Advertisement and promotion of products are often included in media texts to bring out positive changes. Small references may be included in TV programmes or films in order to promote the product for consumer use. Examples include Facebook and Instagram which have been referenced in ‘Be Right Back’ when Martha searches through Ash’s profile, realising that his online presence determines his actions.

In addition, this particular episode heavily promotes the dark side to social media technology. This is shown through the reactions of Ash’s clone as some of the feelings that Martha wants him to feel may not come about due to not being visible on his personal social media profile. This therefore adds to her current grief to her current situation.

The text is a utopian style as the options available to relieve grief are available through messages with the deceased or by transferring their internet profile into another body. However, this ide has challenged media as the text demonstrates the darker side to these processes as Martha has experienced both of these which has added further grief.

How is it similar to other media? Intertextual References that have been included in the text: Star Wars – The Clone Wars = Mass production of cloned Stormtroopers Doctor Who (S4E6) – Uses DNA to create living bodies that act and behave

similarly to the ‘provider’ Orphan Black – Cloning of humans

Multiple texts feature narratives of the solution to psychological and emotion needs for a character to relieve them of their grief. These are shown through programmes, therapy or closure.

Documentaries and News programmes provide articles regarding the usage of social media and how it impacts users. For example, the news have highlighted that overuse of social media can impact on school grades.

What type of audience is this episode made for? What sort of impact does Charlie Brooker want on this audience? Why?

Channel 4: The series is broadcasted on Channel 4 which provides programmes that are

suited to many different genres. For this particular programme, I would say that a mature and niche audience would view this series because of the material that the texts include (e.g. nudity, pornography etc) but also the references that the text contains, such as the references to the present and future use of technology and social media. A knowledgeable audience would be able to identify what the text is presenting in regards to the advancements in technology, especially social media.

The impact that Charlie Brooker has on the viewer is to demonstrate the potential power that social media has and how it can impact its users. Furthermore, this text could encourage the audience to review their own online presence as question themselves as to whether this is the ‘real self’ and whether they want to be remembered by what is present on their own social media profile/s.

What types of technology and media are explored in Black Mirror?

The text has used technology to portray references that have been taken or influenced by past media texts. See Intertexutal references on the previous slide and on the postmodern slide.

Media themes

Dependence on technology – use of social media to create an online presence Impact of social media and online presence – what’s put online becomes a

representation of yourself ‘Getting what you want’ – Martha wants comfort and sexual gratification Greif – Pain in ‘real life’ and the use of technology designed to ease or relieve the


Discuss the concept of narrative in black mirror, does it challenge or reinforce?

Fairly linear = which is typical in TV drama, thus reinforcing

Although, the narrative is also non-linear because at the end, 7 years have past since the cliff scene, therefore challenges the narrative concept

The end of the text shows that Martha has given birth to her daughter and then sets the scene for her 7th birthday. “Ash” is living upstairs but is kept away from Martha and her daughter. Martha explains to her daughter that she may only visit him on weekends which conforms with the issue of divorced parents and visiting schedules with children.