black harvest - hellbound

Days Later…On A Lonely Night Joe is walking down a dark, steamy alleyway with the moon shimming down on him through the cloudy night sky. Joe suddenly stops and then slightly looks over his left shoulder only to say, “Why are you following me?” A Homeless Man with a long, hefty white beard wearing old, torn clothes with a green hoodie over his head; he’s slowly walking over to Joe, saying, “Please, do not entertain yourself with foolish antics. I am not looking for you. Joe turns to the Homeless Man with his hands in his pockets. The Homeless Man stares Joe into his crystal blue eyes wearing an expression of aggravation as he stands across from Joe. The Homeless Man says, “Don’t you dare think about shooting me. Your little toy wouldn’t shake me in this form.” Joe says, “I forgot you still pretend to be the all seeing, knowing, and mighty. The Homeless Man deeply yells, “I AM THE END AND THE BEGINNING, CHILD!” At the moment of the Homeless Man’s outburst thunder roars in the sky and lightning cuts through the dark night sky. Joe calmly looks up to the sky then says, “Is this supposed to scare me? Are you going to strike me down into the depth of Hell?” The Homeless Man says, “I do not come to harm you, child. I come to warn you.”

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Post on 15-May-2017




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Days Later…On A Lonely Night

Joe is walking down a dark, steamy alleyway with the moon shimming down on him through the cloudy night sky. Joe suddenly stops and then slightly looks over his left shoulder only to say,

“Why are you following me?”

A Homeless Man with a long, hefty white beard wearing old, torn clothes with a green hoodie over his head; he’s slowly walking over to Joe, saying,

“Please, do not entertain yourself with foolish antics. I am not looking for you.

Joe turns to the Homeless Man with his hands in his pockets. The Homeless Man stares Joe into his crystal blue eyes wearing an expression of aggravation as he stands across from Joe. The Homeless Man says,

“Don’t you dare think about shooting me. Your little toy wouldn’t shake me in this form.”

Joe says, “I forgot you still pretend to be the all seeing, knowing, and mighty.

The Homeless Man deeply yells, “I AM THE END AND THE BEGINNING, CHILD!”

At the moment of the Homeless Man’s outburst thunder roars in the sky and lightning cuts through the dark night sky.

Joe calmly looks up to the sky then says, “Is this supposed to scare me? Are you going to strike me down into the depth of Hell?”

The Homeless Man says, “I do not come to harm you, child. I come to warn you.”

Joe smiles while saying, “Warn me? Ah, I got your attention I see.”

The Homeless Man says, “Do not flatter yourself with your arrogance. I come to inform you to stop what you’re doing. Your announcement was heard throughout my Kingdom and the Nine Circles of Darkness. The game you’re attempting to play is a game that’s only meant for him and me. You are not a factor in this eternal game of chess.”

Joe expresses a cocky smirks while saying, “Funny, you are telling me to stop but you are also telling me I am not an important factor as well when I’ve been the most important factor to your holy campaign since you exiled me. Barking at me to stop is useless because we have already begun. Funny, “Stop” is one of your most famous words as this Realm’s greatest dictator.”

The Homeless Man Says, “What are you looking to accomplish with this ploy of yours?”

Joe says, “I just want to free Humanity. You tie them down with mortality but toy with them as if they’re useless but you still deeply need Humanity. They do not need you anymore. I am their Salvation if they know it or not.

The Homeless Man says, “Child, you’re a pitiful ant that’s looking for crumbs for nutriment. Do not self appoint yourself as Humanity’s holy prophet. Please answer this, is this what you call retribution for your offspring?”

Joe says, “What you done to my boys was below you, Mighty One. Oh, let’s not forget that Realm: Earth already had an appointed prophet and look how he turned out.”

The Homeless Man gives Joe an intense piercing stare of anger as lightning cuts across the sky and thunder rattles Earth. Joe smiles then says,

“Did I push a button? If you were so powerful as you say you are then smote me off of this hellhole you call your greatest creation.”

The Homeless Man says, “I would if I could but you already know why I can’t.”

Joe says, “Yes, you have to play by your own rules and continue to keep the Universal Scale balanced. What’s the point of being king when you can’t change a rule or two?”

The Homeless Man says, “Listen, child, you need to stand down and go back to your hole that you crawled from.”

Joe steps closer to the Homeless Man into his personal space only to say, “Do what’s needed to be done and may the best man win.”

The Homeless Man says, “I am nor man or your equal, child. You do not understand the forces you’re attempting to control. You and whoever follows your false cause will be condemned to Hell.”

Joe begins to walk away as he’s slightly looking over his right shoulder. Joe says, “Why should something that’s pitiful as an ant demand your attention? Hm, just ask yourself that. Enjoy your night. I’ll be seeing you very soon.”

Joe is walking away from the angry Homeless Man. All of sudden raging thunder shakes the Earth and blinding lightning strikes where the Homeless Man is standing. Once the light dimmers and smoke clears the Homeless Man is gone. Joe continues to stroll through the dark, smoky alleyway towards a busy Jerusalem street that’s ahead of him.

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. — 1 Peter 5:8

Black Harvest: Hellbound