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BLACKBEARD & The Lost Treasure Of Skull Island Avalon Theatre Company Study Guide

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BLACKBEARD & The Lost Treasure

Of Skull Island

Avalon Theatre Company Study Guide

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educators and English-language teachers, you will find Pre- and Post-Performance Activities

and Discussion Topics, as well as teacher and student resources. For students who are learning

English we have also included key vocabulary so that your students will get the most out of our

performances. This study guide may be reproduced and distributed to students. It can be found

on our website

Avalon Theatre Company’s Blackbeard & the Lost Treasure of Skull Island is an interactive

performance and we encourage your students’ participation and we will be asking a number of

your students to join us on stage.

Avalon Theatre Company welcomes your opinion & suggestions on our performances and

Study Guides, so that we can continue to provide teachers and students with the finest in-

school, educational theatre experience.

We love hearing from students and teachers. Please encourage your students to

leave a comment on our Facebook page (Avalon Theatre Company – Group Page)

or write us letters and tell us what you thought of the show!

Sincerely, Avalon Theatre Company

Welcome to Blackbeard & the Lost Treasure of

Skull Island by Avalon Theatre Company.

Our touring production of Blackbeard & the Lost

Treasure of Skull Island, an original one hour

presentation, has been designed to “Educate,

Enlighten & Entertain!”

In this study guide, developed by professional

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The Vocabulary and Activities that are highlighted in red are the most important in ensuring

that your students understand and enjoy Blackbeard & the Lost Treasure of Skull Island. If you

only have a limited amount of time to prepare your students for the show, we suggest you focus

on these Vocabulary Items & Activities.

All of the Activities in our Study Guide may be copied and given to your students.

The Answer Key for all of the Activities is on Page 21.


BLACKBEARD & THE QUEEN ANNE’S REVENGE …………………………………..………...5

CALICO JACK RACKHAM & ANNE BONNEY………………………………………..…….……..6

ALL ABOUT PIRATES…………………………………...…….…………………..………….………7

VOCABULARY……………………………………….……….…………………………………..…..8 & 9

VOCABULARY ACTIVITIES……………………….…...…….……………………………..……..10, 11, 12

PIRATE FLAG – Art & Imagination Activity…………………………………………………………...13

THE CARIBBEAN – Geography & Maths Activity…………………………………………………….14

TREASURE MAP PUZZLE – Vocabulary Activity………………………………………….…..……..15& 16

THEATRE – Discuss & Draw Activity…………………………………………………………….……17

WHO’S WHO IN THE THEATRE – Discuss & Write Activity…….……………………………..……18


CENTURY – History Activity..……….………………………..………………..…..19 & 20

ACTIVITY ANSWERS…………………………………………………..……………………………..21

ABOUT THE ARTISTS…………………………………………………………………………………22

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BLACKBEARD & The Lost Treasure of Skull Island

The Queen Anne’s Revenge

Avalon Theatre Company’s Play – Synopsis

Blackbeard and his first-mate, Lieutenant Oliver Lovely, have the only map in the world that

will help them find the Lost Treasure of Skull Island. But Calico Jack and Anne Bonney will

do anything to steal the map and get the treasure for themselves. Skull Island has many

surprises for these swashbuckling (and sometimes silly!) pirates. Who will be the lonely Rock

Monster’s friends? Will the Gorilla want Anne to be his bride? Will Doris hula-dance with

Blackbeard? Your students will sail the high-seas as they join our actors on-stage as

Blackbeard’s Loyal Crew and Calico Jack’s Murderous Mutineers.

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Although we have taken great liberty with their characterisations, Blackbeard the Pirate,

Calico Jack and Anne Bonney were actual pirates who roamed the seas in the 17th and 18


century. Below are brief biographies of each of them.

He came to be known by his spectacular black beard. Before going into battle, he would tie slow-burning fuses

to the ends of his beard, then light them as he approached enemy vessels. Many times the mere sight of him

standing on the deck, his legendary jet-black beard glowing and smoking, was enough to terrify other captains

into immediate surrender.

In 1718, Blackbeard left the Caribbean to raid the coastal towns of the United States. It was a relocation that

would lead to his death. The governor of Virginia eventually put a price on Blackbeard's head and Blackbeard

was finally captured November 22, 1718. Captain Maynard cut off Blackbeard's head and hung it on his ship.


BLACKBEARD His real name was Edward Teach, and he was by far the most famous

pirate who ever lived. Though little is known of his life before he began

his career as a pirate, most historians agree that he was born in England

around the year 1680. In the early 18th century, he left for the Caribbean

to begin his life at sea.

He captured a French ship, renamed it the Queen Anne's Revenge, and

converted it into his 40-gun flagship. When Britain revoked all

privateering licenses in the Caribbean, Teach took the Queen Anne's

Revenge and turned to outright piracy, quickly becoming the most

feared pirate in the hemisphere.

I n 1997, under the direction of the Underwater Archaeology Branch of

the North Carolina Division of Archives and History, archaeologists

began exploring, documenting, and recovering archaeological remains at

the Queen Anne's Revenge shipwreck site.

Since the start of The Queen Anne's Revenge shipwreck project in 1996,

tens of thousands of artefacts have been recovered and many more still

lie on the sea bed floor.

To learn more about this amazing underwater archaeology

project visit or

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But after a year, Jack's money was running out, so he stole a small ship named the William and returned to

piracy. He cruised between Bermuda and Hispaniola and again, he only attacked smaller vessels and mostly

local craft. During this time he captured a woman named Mary Reade, who later became one of his pirates.

Calico Jack Rackham was captured in 1720, near Jamaica. The day before he had captured a Spanish ship and

Calico Jack and his crew had been celebrating all night. According to testimonies, only Anne Bonney and Mary

Reade resisted. Calico Jack and the rest of the crew were too drunk to defend the ship.

Captain Calico Jack Rackham would certainly be forgotten quickly, if not for the two women who sailed with

him. Anne and Mary were more than “just woman pirates” because for the 18th

century they broke society's

strict rules and escaped traditional restrictions placed on women.

After his trial, the names of Calico Jack Rackham, Anne Bonney and Mary Read, spread quickly throughout

Europe and the America and they became legends, although in reality as pirates they were just a minor

nuisance. Calico Jack and his crew were found guilty, of the crime of piracy. Anne and Mary were pardoned,

when it was discovered that they were both pregnant. Calico Jack was hanged with the rest of his crew.

CALICO JACK In reality, Calico Jack Rackham was only a mediocre pirate. His fame comes

from the fact that the two most famous woman pirates in history, Anne Bonney

and Mary Reade sailed with him.

Calico Jack got the nickname Calico, because he was always wearing “lousy

striped calico pants.” He never had a large enough ship to attack the heavily

protected treasure ships and usually attacked fishing vessels and local merchant


In 1718, Jack Rackham became a captain of a small pirate ship, but because his

share of plundered gold was so small, he decided to retire and in 1719 he

returned to the Bahamas and received a King's Pardon from the governor.

There, he met and fell in love with Anne Bonney and she decided to leave her

husband and ran away with Rackham.

ANNE BONNEY “I refuse to be bought and sold like cattle!”

Anne Bonney did not disguise herself as a man as is often claimed. She took part in

combat alongside the men on the ship and the accounts describe her as a competent

“swordsman” who gained the respect of her fellow pirates. Although Bonney is one of

the best-known pirates in history, she never commanded a ship of her own. Her fame

derives from the fact that she was a rarity: a female pirate.

After Rackham and his crew were sentenced to be hanged, Bonney's last words to the

imprisoned Calico Jack were that she was "sorry to see him there, but if he had fought

like a Man, he need not have been hang'd like a Dog."

There is no historical record of Bonney's release or of her execution. However,

evidence provided by her descendants suggests she was released from jail and

returned to South Carolina, where she gave birth to Rackham's second child. In 1721

she re-married and later had eight children. She died in South Carolina, a respectable

woman, at the age of eighty and was buried in 1782.

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Perhaps the most famous pirates are the pirates of the Caribbean. The Golden Age of Piracy lasted

from the 1560s to the late 1700s. It was during this time that the pirate code was created, and from

where our image of pirates as a rag-tag group of brotherly buccaneers comes.

Pirates had a system on board their ships determining how captured money was distributed. However,

pirates were more "egalitarian" than any other area of employment at the time. The majority of plunder

was in the form of cargo and ship's equipment with medicines the most highly prized. (A ship’s

doctor's chest would be worth anywhere from £300 to £400, or around $470,000 in today's values!)

Jewels were common plunder but not popular as they were hard to sell, and pirates had little concept of

their value. On average, a pirate could expect the equivalent of a year's wages as his share from each

ship captured while the crew of the most successful pirates would often each receive a share valued at

around £1,000 ($1.17 million) at least once in their career!

When most people think of today’s pirates, they imagine Long John

Silver and Captain Jack Sparrow. In fact, the first known pirates were

the fierce “Sea People”, who attacked Greece from the Aegean Sea in

the 13th century BC, stealing treasures and capturing hostages. In fact,

the word “pirate” comes from a Greek word, “peira,” which has been

taken to mean, “to find luck on the sea.”

By the time the 1st century BC rolled around, pirates were a part of

everyday life. Pirates even kidnapped Julius Caesar at one point. In the

Middle Ages, even when pirates were committing crimes they were

helping to change history. St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, only

ended up in Ireland because pirates kidnapped him and sold him into

slavery when he was sixteen. He escaped, but later returned and played

a huge role in converting the country to Christianity.

Modern Day Piracy Although we all love stories, such as Pirates of the Caribbean and

Treasure Island, piracy in the 21st century is a deadly reality that costs the

world over 10 million Euros a year.

Here is the deadly modern reality. In the year 2000 alone:

- 15 merchant vessels were highjacked by pirates;

- 138 merchant vessels were boarded by pirates;

- Over 400 people were taken hostage by pirates and over 75

people were murdered in cold blood.

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The following is a list of some of the vocabulary from the play which teachers may choose to

pre-teach before the performance. VERBS

To eat To drink To inhabit To sail

To sail To steal To mutiny To attack

To behave To promise To admit To choose

To offer To require To hurry To take control

To hunt To hide To bury To stink

To search To seek To find To insist

To warn To protect To be sorry To be proud

To scare To lie To trick To disguise

To scrub To read (a map) To trust To bother

To spend To leave To hug To embrace

To be alone To calm To be calm To be confused

To hate To decide


Sea Barnacle Telescope Manacles

Sword Knife (Knives) Sack Path

Island Bamboo Cage Rock Castle

Creatures Monster Sea Monster Gorilla

Beast Chicken Sack Rubber

Treasure Treasure Hunt Map Landmark

Captain Lieutenant Lady (Ladies) Passengers

Port Lifeboat Crew Lad

Criminal Mutineers Arch-enemy Villain

Cage Lemonade Bucket Scrubbing brush

Legend Story Tradition Clue

Problem Decision Situation Leadership

Nickname Idiot Friend A Showdown

Warning Contest Showdown Team

A Cruise Kitchen Timbers

EXPRESSIONS All the rage (to be very popular) My word (my promise)

A crush (to be in love with someone) In a minute (very soon – right away)

To give up (to quit) To sack (to fire from a job)

To be in a good mood To back away from

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ADJECTIVES Dark Terrible Horrible Crazy Shrunken

Nasty Evil Terrifying Scary Bad

Smelly Murderous Awful Mad Villainous

Brainless Ugly Dangerous Dark Unfair

Rich Wonderful Exciting Famous Feared

Bleak Confusing Disguised Proud Lost

Pretty Gorgeous Beautiful Pretty Kind

Clever Brilliant Loyal Amusing Unfunny

Buried Hidden Nearest Behind Close

First Second Third Final Dead

Hungry Thirsty Safe Disappointed

Small Shy Outrageous Onboard


Roughest Toughest Deadliest Most Feared


A softie A sweetie My darling My little pumpkin

My little lamb My little honeysuckle.


Oh my goodness!


Shiver my timbers! Rattle my rafters!

Blow my bellows!

The Seven Seas

Thar she blows!

Land Ahoy!

Hoist the mizzen!


Barnacle brain

Scurvy lad

Saltwater swine!

Clap them in irons

Davy Jones’ Locker!

The Deck

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BLACKBEARD ACTIVITY # 1 – Vocabulary-Adjectives Match the people in Column A to their descriptions in the play, in Column B. Then watch the

play and check your answers.


1.) Lovely, Blackbeard’s assistant a.) “As beautiful as ever.”

2.) The teachers b.) “Small, nasty and evil.”

3.) Blackbeard c.)“They’re here to boss the children about.”

4.) Lady Georgina, a passenger d.) “Brainless:”

5.) The students at your school. e.) “A sweetie.”

6.) Anne Bonney f.) “A good man.”

ACTIVITY # 2 – Vocabulary- AdJECTIVES Below are some adjectives from the vocabulary list. Ask students to think of words that mean

the opposite.


1.) Hungry (example) Full 2.) Pretty 3.) Evil

4.) Exciting 5.) Safe 6.) Kind

7.) Shy 8.) Horrible 9.) Confusing

ACTIVITY #3 – Vocabulary- DICTIONARY WORK Use a dictionary or the internet to find the meaning of the following words and phrases that

appear in the play:

To have a crush on someone (Verb) To scrub something (Verb)

An arch enemy (Noun) A nickname (Noun)

Delightful (Adjective) Shrunken (Adjective)

Now, answer the following questions:

1. Which passenger does Blackbeard not have a crush on?

2. At the end of the play who scrubs the deck of the ship The Queen Anne’s Revenge?

3. Who is Blackbeard’s arch enemy?

4. What is Anne Bonney’s nickname?

5. Which person is called delightful by Blackbeard?

6. Who does Blackbeard describe as “horrible, shrunken creatures”?

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Ask students to select the nouns from the list and put them into the correct related categories

below. (The maximum number of words per category is indicated in brackets.)


Sea Friend Gorilla Barnacle Telescope

Port Manacles Lady Crew Cage

Sword Knife Island Lad Castle

Sea Monster Treasure Beast Chicken Sack

Map Landmark Passengers Kitchen Bucket

Scrubbing brush Arch enemy Villain Captain Lieutenant

Lifeboat Criminal Mutineers

People (10) Places (5) Objects (11)

___________________ _________ _____________ ___________________

___________________ _________ _____________ ___________________

___________________ _________ _____________ ___________________

___________________ _________ _____________ ___________________

___________________ _________ _____________ ___________________

___________________ ______________________ ___________________

___________________ ___________________

___________________ Creatures/Animals (4) ___________________

___________________ ____________________ ___________________

___________________ ____________________ ___________________

____________________ ____________________ ___________________


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There are several examples of phrasal verbs which appear in the play. Can you match the

phrasal verbs in Column A to their synonyms in Column B?


1.)To put your hands up a.) To leave

2.) To back away b.) To quit, To desist

3.) To go away c.) To capture, get control

4.) To let someone go d.) To surrender

5.) To take over e.) To release, To free

6.) To give up f.) To retreat

ACTIVITY # 6 – Vocabulary & Comprehension AFTER THE SHOW

Now, see how well you remember the play.

1. Who does Anne Bonney say “Hands up” to?

2. Who tells Blackbeard to “back away from the treasure”?

3. Who says “Go away and let me spend my money”?

4. Who says “give us the map and we’ll let you go”?

5. Who does Calico Jack ask to help him “take over the ship”?

6. Who says “I give up. I’m lost. I can’t find the treasure”?

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Pirate Flags

Blackbeard’s Flag Calico Jack’s Flag

Pirates sailed under flags called “Jolly Rogers.” The name “Jolly Roger” either comes from the French term

“Joli Rouge” meaning “pretty red” or from an old English expression for the Devil, “Old Roger.”

If a pirate flag was all red, it meant “no quarter given” and that there would be no survivors after the attack. So

in many ways it was better to see the black “Jolly Roger” flag on an approaching pirate ship because it meant

that you might survive either to be kidnapped to work on the pirate ship, held for ransom or sold into slavery.

Each Pirate had their own flag and usually they were designed by the pirate himself. They were designed to

strike terror in their victims. For example, the Pirate Emmanuel Wayne had an hour glass on his flag to show

his victims that their “time was running out.”

Common Symbols on a Pirate Flag

Hour glass Skull Dagger Bleeding hearts

Crossed Bones Skeletons Sword


Ask students to design their own flag that includes

symbols of who they are and also symbols that show

what they want people to think of them.

For an example, if a student loves to listen to music,

they could put headphones on the skull or if they love

to play guitar, their “Jolly Roger” could have

crossed guitars instead of crossed bones.

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BLACKBEARD ACTIVITY # 8 – Geography & Maths

Sailing the Caribbean

Calico Jack and Blackbeard are in a race around the Caribbean. Calico Jack’s ship, The

Revenge, was a sloop that could sail 15 knots (27 kms per hour). Blackbeard’s frigate was

much larger and heavier and could only sail about 9 knots (17 km per hour.)

Blackbeard sailed from the Bahamas to Jamaica (790 kms), then to Barbados (1920 kms) then

back to the Dominican Republic (1350 kms).

Calico Jack sailed from the Bahamas to Aruba (1593kms), then to the Cayman Islands

(1375kms) and then to the Dominican Republic (1097kms)

How many kilometres did each travel and how long did it take them (days or hours)? Who won

the race?

Calico Jack - ______________ ______________ or ______________ Kilometres Hours Days

Blackbeard - ______________ ______________ or ______________ Kilometres Hours Days

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BLACKBEARD ACTIVITY # 9 – Vocabulary – Treasure Map Puzzle

Lieutenant Oliver Lovely has discovered the map to the Lost Treasure of Skull Island! But

the treasure map is old and hard to read. One must travel to three places on the island

before finding the treasure. Solve the 3 puzzles on the next page to help Lieutenant Lovely

find the names of the places.

1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 _ _ _ _ _’_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _





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BLACKBEARD Unscramble each of the clue words. Copy the letters in the numbered cells to other cells with

the same number. (All the words are from the “NOUN” Vocabulary list.)

1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 _ _ _ _ _’ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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~ Theatre features live on-stage actors. They have spent

many weeks rehearsing for the performance.

~ The audience is a very important part of the performance.

The success of the play often depends on the audience

and their enthusiasm and participation.

~ It is easy to identify with live actors. You can see how

they use their bodies and voices to convey different


~ Actors wear clothing and make-up to help create the

characters they play.

~ There is much more to most live performances than

actors. Special scenery, effects, lighting, music,

costumes, and of course, the audience add to the total


ACTIVITY #10 – Discuss & DRAW!

After reading the above, ask students to discuss some of the theatre questions below

1.) What was your favourite part of the play? Who was

your favourite character and why?

2.) What is the difference between TV and a live play?

Which do you like better and why?

3.) Draw a picture of a favourite scene or character.

4.) Design a programme cover for the play using the title,

and an illustration inspired by the play.

5.) In 25 words or less, describe the plot of the play.

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Who’s Who at the Theatre

The Writer researches and then writes the dialogue of the play.

The Director reads the script and then interprets the story, using

the talents of Actors, Designers and Technicians.

The Set Designer works with the Director to determine the

different “looks” that will be used in each scene to tell the story.

The Properties (Props) Designer with the Director and the Set

Designer, then creates the props that help to tell the story.

The Costume Designer works with the Director to determine the

costumes (clothing) that each performer will wear that will help

to tell more about each character in the story.

The Actors work with the Director to tell the story through their

voices, their faces, and their body movements.

ACTIVITY #11 – Discuss & Write!

1.) Talk about different things used during the play that helped to tell

the story. What things (voices, body movements, props, sounds music

and costumes) were used to portray different characters?

2.) Pretend that you are the Writer of Blackbeard and the Lost Treasure of Skull Island. What

other ideas would you have added to the play?

3.) Think about what the actors did on stage, where they were standing, how they moved and

how they said their lines. How did the Director use these things to tell the story?

4.) Talk about the sets and props in the play. What props or details were used to suggest specific

times or settings? What materials might have been used in building the sets? What might you

have done differently?

5.) What would you need to know to create costumes for a play (research, sewing, theatrical

effects, etc.)? Why is the right costume important to the character in the play?

6.) Choose a character from the play and discuss things the actor did to create that character.

Why might an actor change his presentation because of audience reaction? Would it be easy to be

an actor? What might you have done differently?

7.) Conduct an interview with a classmate pretending to be one of the actors and find out the

actor's feelings about being on stage, memorization, rehearsals, costumes, audience, etc.

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Children left the home to work full-time as shepherds, cowherds or apprentices at age of 7 or 8. All

were gone by age of 15. Daughters remained at home until married.

Everyone was crawling with lice. A bath was a rare event. Everyone stank. If someone was sick with

something, everyone got it.

Marriages were economic arrangements-for money, land, labour, dowry. Emotional attachments were

of no importance to parents who arranged the marriages.

FAMILY LIFE IN THE 1600s Life in the 17

th century if you were an ordinary person was far from

warm, loving and caring.

A typical household usually included the family as well as lodgers and

hired hands. Women gave birth to between 8-10 children.

Infant and child mortality was high. One of every three infants died

before the age of one. Another third died before adulthood.

For adults, the average life span was shorter. In addition, many women

died in child birth and the plague killed thousands. Many kids grew up

without parents.

"Good mothering is an invention of modernization." Very young

children were untended and alone for much of the day. There are many

accounts of children burning to death because they were left alone by

the fire. There are even reports of un-watched children being eaten by

barnyard pigs.

Even if the parents had been around, it doesn't appear that it would

have mattered very much. The parents basically ignored them. Children

were never played with. Mothers did not even refer to their children by

name. They would call them "it" or "the creature."

Parents were reluctant to form strong emotional bonds with a child

who was probably going to die. If a child wandered away, he or she

was soon forgotten by their parents.

It was crowded! Most families lived in one-room houses. Families

shared their one-room houses with livestock and poultry! The one-

room was very small. At night, beds were laid on the floor and all

the adults and children crowded together for warmth.

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1.) In the 1600s, why would someone be happy to become a pirate? (Ask students to remember

some of the information about pirates on pages 5 - 7.) How would their life be better? How

would it be worse?

2.) Ask students to compare their family life with family life in the 17th century. How are they

different? What would they like and dislike about living in the 17th


3.) We all sometimes dream about living in a different time and place. Ask students to choose a

time and place they think they would have liked to live. Then ask students to research that era

on the internet. What did they find that might make them change their mind.


Wages were low for the average 17th century person. The typical

daily wage for a labourer was about 8 pence (cents) per day.

Most labouring people rarely ate meat. When they did it was

usually mutton. A quarter of mutton was two shillings (24 cents.)

A "fat pig" was one shilling, four pence (16 pence.)


Impressment, known as, "the Press", was the forcing of men to serve in a

navy during wartime. Any man between the ages of 18 to 45 could be

forced to sea. And in many cases they were simply kidnapped off the

streets and never heard from again.

Many “impressed” sailors were happy to join a pirate crew...if the pirates

allowed them to live


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ACTIVITY # 1 – Vocabulary-Adjectives ANSWERS: 1.) f 2.) c 3.) e 4.) a 5.) b 6.) d

ACTIVITY # 2 – Vocabulary-AdJECTIVES ANSWERS: (examples) 1.) Full 2.) Ugly 3.) Good 4.) Boring, Dull 5.) Safe

6.) Mean 7.)Outgoing, Loud 7.) Wonderful 8.) Simple, Understandable

ACTIVITY #3 – Vocabulary- DICTIONARY WORK ANSWERS: 1.) Lady Celia 2.) Jack and Anne Bonney 3.) Calico Jack. 4.) Anne Bonney

5.) Lady Georgina 6.) The students (in the audience).


Friend Port Gorilla Telescope

Lady Island Manacles

Crew Castle Sea Monster Cage

Passengers Landmark Beast Sword

Villain Kitchen Chicken Knife

Captain Treasure

Lieutenant Sack

Criminal Map

Mutineers Bucket

Lad Scrubbing brush


ACTIVITY # 5 – Vocabulary – VERBS ANSWERS: 1.) d 2.) f 3.) a 4.) e 5.) c 6.) b

ACTIVITY # 6 – Vocabulary & Comprehension ANSWERS: 1.) Blackbeard 2.) Anne Bonney 3.) Calico Jack 4.) Lieutenant Lovely

5.) The Murderous Mutineers 6.) Calico Jack

ACTIVITY # 8 – Geography & Maths ANSWERS: Calico Jack - 4,065 KMs - 150.55 hours or 6.27 days

Blackbeard – 4,060 kms - 238.82 hours or 9.95 days

ACTIVITY # 9 – Vocabulary – Treasure Map Puzzle ANSWERS: Puzzle 1 – Jolly Roger, Skull, Timbers, Calico Jack - BAMBOO CAGE

Puzzle 2 – Blackbeard, Gorilla, Mutiny, Captain, Sword – GIANT’S EMBRACE

Puzzle 3 – Loyal Crew, Treasure, Nickname, Map – ROCK CASTLE

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BLACKBEARD About the artists

musical GODSPELL, the professional production of GREASE, playing “Cha Cha” and also performed on a six

month worldwide cruise as the lead singer. Back in Portugal she has been involved in many different projects,

including performing as a dancer in the opera-tango MARIA DE BUENOS AIRES (Piazzolla), at the National

Theatre of S. Carlos, in Lisbon. She was also seen at Teatro Tivoli, Lisbon, where she performed the role of

"Ariel" in FOOTLOOSE and as "Mia Farrow" in the musical SINATRA - BLUE EYES.

Quatro” and as Captain McQuinn in the TV series “Equador.” As well as working as a linguistic consultant

and materials writer for Santillana Editores, a publisher of educational books and materials, Keith has over

twenty years experience as an English teacher. Keith is a founding partner of Avalon Theatre Company.

Erica Amaro (Lieutenant Oliver Lovely) Trained in Ballet and Contemporary Dance

at the Conservatoire of Lisbon. After working as a dancer in Portugal for a number of

years, she decided to continue her studies in Musical Theatre and went on to audition

for London Studio Centre. Fortunate enough to win a scholarship from the college, she

went directly into the 2nd year and trained as a Singer/Dancer/Actress. Since then she

has been involved in varied projects, including the London Studio Centre’s production

of the play THE HOUSE OF BERNARDA ALBA in the role of "Angustias"; the

Meg Thurin (Anne Bonney, Lady Celia, Doris), graduated from John Cabot University

with a Bachelor of Arts and received her postgraduate degree from the Istituto Arte

Artiginato e Restauro, Rome, Italy. Since moving to Portugal in 2009, Meg has worked

with Avalon Theatre Company and has also participated in various voice-over projects

and has performed in a recent TV sitcom pilot filmed in Lisbon.

Keith Harle (Blackbeard) – Keith is an actor, director and theatre teacher and has

been based in Lisbon for over 15 years. He has been involved in professional theatre,

film, television and voice work for 30 years. He has worked for numerous companies

in the UK, The USA, Japan and Portugal. He has also performed at several

International festivals in Edinburgh, Holland, Hong Kong, Portugal and at The

International Theatre Festival in Arrezzo, Italy where he was nominated and received

the award for “Best Actor in Consecutive Years.” On Portuguese television, Keith

appeared as the evil cyber villain, Costa, in “O Bando dos

Grant Shepherd (Calico Jack, Lady Georgina,Rock Monster) – Grant has lived in

Portugal for 10 years and has been involved in a number of productions, both as actor

and director. He studied Drama at University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, where, as

well as acting and directing, he specialised in Shakespeare, Neo-classical French and

Restoration Theatre. Directorial credits include The Virtuoso by Thomas Shadwell, The

Winter’s Tale by William Shakespeare; True West by Sam Shepard; and The Country

Wife by William Wycherley. Favourite roles include Lee (True West); Leontes (The

Winter’s Tale); and Vindice (The Revenger’s Tragedy). Grant appeared in the TV series

“Equador” as William Cadbury. Grant is a founding partner of Avalon Theatre
