black and gold news 2-27-15

Black and Gold NEWS Spring break is almost here! This year, Spring break will be March 9-13. What happens during Spring break? During spring break all the teachers and students enjoy a whole week off from school! While we are enjoying a week of rest, NJAHS members will be going to Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. The members that will be going to Disney World are: Caroli- na Acuna, Gabby Domangue, Madison Graves, Taylor Heifner, Reagon Mayo, LeighAnne Sanders, Danielle Thompson, Zoey Wickliff, Cierra Citizen, Rosa Garcia, Abby Hajovsky, Joely Max- ey, Riley Mayo, Maggie Roesler, Dehlia Smith, and Lark Walker. They are going because of a program called YES at Disney World. YES stands for Youth Education Series. This program will show them how all cartoons are drawn and made. The YES pro- gram is available for children from elementary school through high school grade levels. There will be a diversity of people from all ages that come from around the world. While not everyone gets to have a magical Disney vacation, lots of people enjoy some of the great things we have to do around Houston. People go to the museums, NASA, Kemah, Gal- veston and even the Galleria for some amazing shopping. Whether you’re going on a terrific vacation or just chilling at home, I hope you have a very serene week. By: Adrian Del Rio Spring Break February 27, 2015 Vol. 3 Issue 6 LMS Sports p. 4

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Page 1: Black and gold news 2-27-15

Black and Gold NEWS

Spring break is almost here! This year, Spring break will be

March 9-13.

What happens during Spring break? During spring break all

the teachers and students enjoy a whole week off from school!

While we are enjoying a week of rest, NJAHS members will

be going to Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida.

The members that will be going to Disney World are: Caroli-

na Acuna, Gabby Domangue, Madison Graves, Taylor Heifner,

Reagon Mayo, LeighAnne Sanders, Danielle Thompson, Zoey

Wickliff, Cierra Citizen, Rosa Garcia, Abby Hajovsky, Joely Max-

ey, Riley Mayo, Maggie Roesler, Dehlia Smith, and Lark Walker.

They are going because of a program called YES at Disney

World. YES stands for Youth Education Series. This program will

show them how all cartoons are drawn and made. The YES pro-

gram is available for children from elementary school through

high school grade levels. There will be a diversity of people from

all ages that come from around the world.

While not everyone gets to have a magical Disney vacation,

lots of people enjoy some of the great things we have to do

around Houston. People go to the museums, NASA, Kemah, Gal-

veston and even the Galleria for some amazing shopping.

Whether you’re going on a terrific vacation or just chilling

at home, I hope you have a very serene week.

By: Adrian Del Rio

Spring Break

February 27, 2015 Vol. 3 Issue 6 LMS Sports p. 4

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Funny February Holidays

February 27, 2015 2 Vol. 3 Issue 6

By: Logan Howard

By: Sipriano Lopez

The Liberty Middle School STARS drill team preformed Sunday, February

8th during the Houston Rockets V.S. the Portland Trailblazers game. The STARS

were one of the several school teams that were privileged enough to do this.

Overall, their performance was exceptional, and the pressure of preforming in

front of so many people did not phase them at all. Team members that were in

attendance include: Jessica Williamson, Madison Graves, Cassidy Haidusek,

Ashley Domain, Lauren Dugat, Dehlia Smith, Gabby Domangue, Abby Hajovsky,

Joely Maxey, Madison Anderson, Alondra Garcia, Tatiana LaFleur, Skylar Mitch-

ell, and Danielle Thompson. Way to go STARS! By: Logan Howard

STARS Rocket Game Performance!

Have you ever thought what other holidays

there are in February besides the main ones like Groundhog Day, Valentine’s Day, and Pres-

idents’ Day? If so, here are a couple of funny February holi-

days! Did you know about “Thank a Mailman Day”

on February fourth? This mailman is delivering your mail 24/7, day or night, rain or shine. But

keep in mind he’s always wearing shorts no matter what the weather is.

Have you ever eaten ice cream for breakfast? You probably have, but did you know that

there is a special day to eat ice cream for breakfast? “Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day” was made for people who have cabin fever and

just want winter to go by. The way it made win-ter pass faster was for people to think about eating ice cream for breakfast.

I hope no one forgot your name on “Get a Dif-

ferent Name Day”! Did you get a new name on February thirteenth? Get a Different Name Day

was made for people who aren’t too fond of their name that much. The way it works is that if you get a new name you have to address it to

anyone that you know, and they for that one day have to call you by your new name.

There is even a holiday that promotes sleep. “Public Sleep Day” is on February twenty

eighth. On the way home on a bus, in school, in your car, you’ve probably felt drowsy or sleepy, but couldn’t fall asleep. Well now you

can! On Public Sleep Day sleep anywhere in public or in your own home on February twenty

-eighth, but do so at your own risk. February has a ton of funny holidays; you’ve

just got to look for them.

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By: Francisco Pacheco

UIL: One Act Play

By: Giovanni Lopez

LMS Benchmarking

On February 14, 2015, Liberty Middle School traveled to Huffman to compete in the U.I.L.

One Act Play Competition performing, “The Patchwork Quilt.” The results of the competition

were astounding. First, they began the awards by recognizing crew members of each school.

Kori Tulley got best lights. Then came the All-star cast awards. Reagan Mayo, Riley Mayo,

and Wyatt Tulley received this award. Finally, it came time to announce the schools that

placed. Huffman got third place, Splendora placed second place and finally, Liberty Middle

School got first place in the One Act Play Competition for doing an astounding job!

The cast of this amazing production were Riley Mayo as Old Mrs. Willis, Avery Bendele

as Anne Wendall, Wyatt Tulley as Joe Wendall, Cassidy Haidusek as Betty, Reagan Mayo as

Molly, Nolan Myers as William, Baylee Chandler as Emily, Jackie Hartel- Director, Assistant

Director-Jerre’ Delaney, Lights-Kori Tulley, Sound-Lauryn Mitchell, Stage Manager- Francis-

co Pacheco, Stage Hands- Faith Singh and Shannah Smith, and Alternate- Cate Moorman.

We took benchmarks this past week, and that gave us a sense of how the STAAR testing

is going to be. Benchmarks were held on February 12th, 13th, 17th, and 18th.

All 8th graders took the Social Studies test on the 12th, Science on the 13th, Reading on

the 17th, and Math on the 18th. All 7th graders took their Writing Benchmark on January 28th.

The 6th and 7th graders took their Benchmark on the 17th for Reading and the 18th for Math.

We are preparing for the STAAR test by having classroom instructions, tutorials, and

benchmark testing. On February 21st, we began having “STAAR Gazers” on Saturdays for So-

cial Studies. Science, reading, and math will be held at a later time. Writing preparation for 7th

graders is happening through a pull-out program.

In 2013, LMS earned recognition for top twenty-five percent of Student Progress. The fol-

lowing year, LMS earned a designation for Academic-Achievement for reading and English Lan-

guage Arts.

Each year, LMS students are increasing on scores on the STAAR test. Keep up the good


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February 27, 2015 6 Vol. 3 Issue 7

Chinese New Year began on February 19, 2015. The Chinese New Year is fifteen days long and it ends on the fifteenth day of the lunar month in the Chinese calendar. A few days before the New Year, fami-lies like to get together and shop, clean, and decorate. On the first day of Chinese New Year people have family dinners and launch fireworks.

The second day of the New Year people have religious ceremo-nies to honor the gods, and married females go visit their parents. On the third day, people have ceremonies to honor their ancestors. On the fourth day, people like to have spring dinners. The fifth day of the New Year is the day of the god of wealth’s birthday. The seventh day is the common person’s birthday where everyone grows one year older.

The eighth day is another dinner to cele-brate the eve of the birth of the Jade Emperor, the ruler of Heaven. On the ninth day of the New Year people like to offer prayers to the Jade Emperor of Heaven. The tenth day is the Jade Emperor’s celebration. On the thirteenth day people eat pure vegetarian foods in belief that it would clean out their stomachs. The fif-teenth day of the New Year, which is also the last day, people have a festival that lights up the sky. It’s called the lantern festival.

Chinese New Year By: Josh Geter

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February 27, 2015 7 Vol.3 Issue 6

Mrs. Santana is Mr. McGee’s secretary. Her job at LMS is to keep

up with discipline referrals and assignments. She keeps records of who is

tardy to school, etc.

Mrs. Santana’s favorite part of working at LMS is all the great people

she meets, and she enjoys being around the students and watching them

grow into young adults.

She says she spends her spare time with her daughter, Katie, who is a

senior at Hardin High School.

Mrs. Santana says she loves to read when she has a quiet moment. She

has 15 horses, 3 dogs, and numerous barn cats. By: Lesli Rodriguez


By: Maria Lopez

Mrs. Jones works as the registrar and attendance

clerk at LMS. She has been working here for about three

years. Before she came to LMS, she worked at Hardin High

School. Her favorite part of her job is interacting with stu-


When she has some free time, she likes to read, go for

walks, and bicycling. I also asked her what is something

no one knows about her, and did you know she has an

identical twin?

Mrs. Jones

Mrs. Santana

Page 8: Black and gold news 2-27-15

Wacky Facts February 27, 2015 8 Vol. 3 Issue 6

If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound

energy to heat one cup of coffee.

Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.

The average person falls asleep in seven minutes.

Starfish don't have brains.

An ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain.

Snails can sleep for 3 years without eating.

No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver, or purple.

More people are killed annually by donkeys than die in air crashes.

A penny heads picture weighs more, so it ends up on the bottom.

The dot over the letter 'i' is called a tittle.

Most lipsticks contain fish scales.

Donald Duck comics were banned from Finland because he doesn't wear trousers.

Ketchup was sold in the 1830s as medicine.

Orcas (killer whales) kill sharks by torpedoing up into the shark's stomach from under-

neath, causing the shark to explode.

It was discovered on a space mission that a frog can throw up. The frog throws up its stomach first, so the stomach is dangling out of its mouth. Then the frog uses its fore-

arms to dig out all of the stomach's contents and then swallows the stomach back down


It’s time to get your books from our upcoming book fair. Held February 27-March

5th, it’s going to be really exciting, There are new books such as, Magisterium, Tomb

Quest…and the rest are a mystery that you’ll see once you visit the Liberty Middle

School book fair.

Mrs. Damon plans on buying new furniture and shelves for our library with the money

that is earned. The goal for this year’s book fair is $3,000. Make sure you visit the

book fair and stock up on some amazing books

Book fair at LMS

By: Yazmin Brooks

By: Avery Bendele