
I Have A Dream The African-American Struggle For Their Rights and Identity

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Post on 19-Aug-2015




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I Have A DreamThe African-American Struggle For

Their Rights and Identity

Bayard Rustin

“Today, blacks are no longer the litmus paper or the barometer of social change.

Blacks are in every segment of society and there are laws that help to protect them

from racial discrimination. The new “niggers” are gays. . . . It is in this sense

that gay people are the new barometer for social change. . . . The question of social change should be framed with the most vulnerable group in mind: gay people.” -

Bayard Rustin

Martin Luther King Jr.

“We must learn to live together as brothers, or we will perish together

as fools.”

– Martin Luther King Jr.

Stokely Carmichael“I knew that I could vote and that that wasn't a privilege; it was my right.

Every time I tried I was shot, killed or jailed, beaten or economically deprived”

Rosa Parks“Each person must live their life as a model for others”

Little Rock 9

Watt’s Riot

Malcolm X"I believe in the brotherhood of man, all men, but I don’t believe in

brotherhood with anybody who doesn’t want brotherhood with me. I believe in treating people right, but I’m not going to waste my time trying to treat

somebody right who doesn’t know how to return the treatment."

Dick Gregory"Segregation is not all bad. Have you ever heard of a collision where the

people in the back the bus got fucked?".

H. Rap Brown“I say violence is necessary. It is as American as cherry pie.”

Muhammad Ali“Hating people because of their color is wrong. And it doesn't matter which

color does the hating. It's just plain wrong.”

Tommy Smith (center) and John Carlos (right)1968 Olympics

Bill Cosby“I wasn't always black... there was this freckle, and it got bigger and bigger”

Jesse Jackson“America is not a blanket woven from one thread, one color, one cloth.”

Michael Jackson“I'm a black American, I am proud of my race. I am proud of who I am. I have

a lot of pride and dignity”

Michael Jordan“I realize that I'm black, but I like to be viewed as a person, and this is

everybody's wish.”