bjorn lomborg

Bjorn Lomborg by Jackie Booth Originally a Greenpeace Activist In an effort to debunk skeptics’ ideas about climate change, Lomborg became convinced by their arguments Published “The Skeptical Environmentalist” and “Cool It”: Books argue that combating climate change must collaborate social, economic, and environmental studies Director for Copenhagen Consensus Center Brought together top global economists (2004) & UN ambassadors (2006) to discuss combating climate change with available resources

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Page 1: Bjorn Lomborg

Bjorn Lomborgby Jackie Booth

Originally a Greenpeace Activist In an effort to debunk skeptics’ ideas

about climate change, Lomborg becameconvinced by their arguments

Published “The SkepticalEnvironmentalist” and “Cool It”: Booksargue that combating climate changemust collaborate social, economic, andenvironmental studies

Director for Copenhagen ConsensusCenter

Brought together top global economists(2004) & UN ambassadors (2006) todiscuss combating climate change withavailable resources

Page 2: Bjorn Lomborg

Environmentalist Effortto combat climate change

Kyoto Protocol Use of alternative energy (solar,

wind, geothermal, nuclear) Limit carbon emissions Decrease dependence on oil Copenhagen Summit 2009 Grassroots Effort

Page 3: Bjorn Lomborg

Lomborg’s Argument Climate Change is as much an

economic, social, geographic, andscientific issue as an environmentalone

Currently available alternativeenergy won’t replace currentresources and bring stability in thefuture

More investment in alternativeenergy technology is needed tocombat climate change

Limiting emissions of resourcesheavily relied upon globally is noteconomically feasible

A global scale effort and experts onvarious subjects are needed tomake progressive change regardingthe future of earth’s climate

Page 4: Bjorn Lomborg

“’Over-focusing on global warming and doing so in the wrong direction are going to leadpeople to eventually be fatigued and stop worrying about it…And that, in the end,would be the movement’s biggest failure of all.’” –Bjorn Lomborg

Page 5: Bjorn Lomborg

“Is global warming really mankind’s defining crisis?” –Bjorn Lomborg,Munk Debates December 2009

Bjorn Lomborg’sSpeech at MunkDebates

Page 6: Bjorn Lomborg

Works Cited Poole, Gary Andrew. "$50 Billion Question:

World, Where to Begin?" The New YorkTimes 05 June 2004: 1-3. Print.

Bjorn Lomborg. Web. 8 Feb. 2010.<>.

Lomborg, Bjorn. "Technology Can FightGlobal Warming." SIRS KnowledgeSource. ProQuest LLC, 28 Aug. 2009.Web. 8 Feb. 2010.

Campbell, Colin. "What It Will Really Taketo Stop Global Warming." SIRS KnowledgeSource. ProQuest LLC, 07 Apr. 2008. Web.08 Feb. 2010.

"Bjorn Lomborg." Speech. Munk Debates.Toronto. The Globe and Mail. 03 Dec.2009. Web. 21 Feb. 2010.<>.