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INDEX OF THE MANAGEMENT OF HEALTH & SAFETY 1. Policy Statement - Management of Health & Safety 2. Organisation of the Management of Health & Safety a) Organisation Chart for the Management of Health & Safety; b) Competent Persons – London, Stafford and Cosford; c) Arrangements for the Implementation of Health & Safety; d) Site Instructions & Safety Regulations for Contractors & Others Carrying out Works on the Museums at London & Cosford.

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1. Policy Statement - Management of Health & Safety

2. Organisation of the Management of Health & Safety

a) Organisation Chart for the Management of Health & Safety;

b) Competent Persons – London, Stafford and Cosford;

c) Arrangements for the Implementation of Health & Safety;

d) Site Instructions & Safety Regulations for Contractors & Others Carrying out Works on the Museums at London & Cosford.

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1. The Trustees of the Royal Air Force Museum (‘Museum’) and Directors of the Royal Air Force Museum Enterprises Ltd (‘RAFMEL’) attach great importance to health and safety. They each recognise their responsibilities as employers for providing a safe and healthy workplace and working environment for their employees. These responsibilities extend to visitors, contractors and others who visit the sites and other places where Museum operations or activities take place.

2. As the Director General, I have overall responsibility for Health and Safety at Work over all Museum sites. The delegated executive responsibility for health and safety matters throughout the Museum lies with the Director - Operations Division (the Nominated Manager). He will be assisted by Local Health and Safety Advisors and by others with specialist knowledge.

3. However, these appointments do not negate the personal responsibility of all staff, under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, to ensure the health and safety of themselves, colleagues, visitors and others likely to be affected by their actions or omissions. I expect all staff to take a proactive approach to health and safety matters and to report, through their line management, any incident or practice that endangers health and safety throughout the Museum’s operations.

4. All staff are required to adhere to health and safety legislation and the policy and procedures laid down by the Museum. By following these rules, and being aware of our responsibilities, we can all be confident in the safety of the environment we provide for our visitors and ourselves.

Dr Michael A FoppDirector GeneralRoyal Air Force Museum

September 2004

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1. This policy statement applies to the staff and operations of the Royal Air Force Museum in London and Cosford, the Michael Beetham Conservation Centre (‘MBCC’) at Cosford and the Reserve Collection at Stafford, and to the staff and operations of RAFMEL in London and Cosford. In this policy statement, the term 'Museum' includes each organisation, all such activities and all such sites. The term ‘staff’ includes paid and unpaid staff, volunteers and those on any form of secondment or attachment from other organisations.

2. The Trustees of the Museum and the Directors of RAFMEL will give their full support to the Director General of the Museum and senior managers in implementing Health and Safety procedures and principles. They in turn will use their best endeavours to meet their personal and delegated responsibilities through the systematic assessment of risks and by taking positive management action to eliminate, minimise or mitigate risks.

3. The Director General, on behalf of the Trustees of the Museum and Directors of RAFMEL, will actively seek the involvement of staff as individuals, or through the Staff Council, in Health and Safety matters, and will encourage the appointment of staff safety representatives. The Nominated Manager will make regular reports to the Director General on health and safety matters within the Museum.

Nominated Manager

4. The Nominated Manager will ensure the appropriate allocation of human, technical and financial resources and oversee the implementation of the Health and Safety Policy. He/She will be assisted by Local Health and Safety Advisors who will be responsible for the implementation of the Health and Safety Policy at each site. The Museum, through the Nominated Advisor, will assist Local Health and Safety Advisors and Competent Persons to keep abreast of health and safety legislation and provide help and assistance to others as necessary. There will be a management system for reviewing, monitoring and reporting the effectiveness of planning, organisation and control of health and safety arrangements within the Museum. A key part of these arrangements will be the Health & Safety Committee.

Health & Safety Committee

5. The Health and Safety Committee, chaired by the Nominated Manager, will discuss, review, and receive reports, and monitor health and safety matters generally. Membership of the Committee includes Local Health and Safety Advisors, the Trade Union Safety Representative and those Competent Persons indicated in Annex B of this Policy. The Committee will meet at intervals to be agreed between them, but not less than twice per year. Members of the Committee may at any time report to, or discuss with, the Nominated Manager any health and safety related incident that they feel should be so notified. The Personnel Manager will be the Secretary to the Committee. The Chair of the Committee will submit an annual report to the Director General on health and safety management within the Museum. The Director General will report on health and safety matters to the Board of Trustees, as required. 6. The Health and Safety Committee will agree a list of subjects which will be covered by Risk Assessments. This list will be reviewed and updated as necessary

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and progress will be reported and monitored at each meeting. Minutes of the health and safety meetings will be circulated and made available to staff. Staff will have free and confidential access to committee members.

Risk Assessments

7. The Nominated Manager will ensure that suitable arrangements are made and maintained for the assessment of risks to health and safety within the Museum to its staff and visitors. That responsibility includes identifying and implementing the preventative and protective measures needed to comply with statutory and other obligations. It extends to other persons who, whilst not employed by the Museum (see paragraph 1), are involved with the Museum and also to those who use the premises for any purpose. The results of such assessments will be recorded and made available to staff.

8. The Local Health and Safety Advisor, in co-operation with Heads of Department and Line Managers, will be responsible for the regular production and review of Risk Assessments. Other persons and/or consultants will be brought in where necessary for the proper identification and evaluation of risk. Where necessary, written instructions will be issued to staff to establish safe working practices.

Local Health & Safety Management

9. Local Health and Safety Advisor will be the focal point for health and safety matters at each site. Each Local Health and Safety Advisor will be assisted by other Competent Persons.

10. Each Local Health and Safety Advisor will ensure that:

i) Risk assessments are being carried out in all areas and in sufficient detail for the proper identification of hazard and risk;

ii) Procedures are in place and are being followed for the removal or avoidance of hazards and risk.

iii) Matters unable to be resolved locally are reported to the Nominated Manager.

iv) Incidents are properly reported and investigated.

11. Whilst Local Health and Safety Advisors may allocate Risk Assessments to appropriate Competent Persons, they will personally ensure that 10 i) and 10 ii), are carried out in respect of their sites and forwarded to the Nominated Manager.

12. Local Health and Safety Advisors will take a proactive approach to health and safety matters and will advise the Nominated Manager whenever they consider standards are not being met, problems are likely, or issues are not able to be resolved locally. They will hold local meetings to discuss, review, and receive reports, and monitor health and safety matters generally.

13. Competent Persons will be identified, at a local level, to assist the Nominated

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Manager and Local Health and Safety Advisors in undertaking all necessary measures for compliance with statutory and other health and safety obligations.

Safety Representatives

14. Trade Unions recognised by the Museum are entitled to elect a Safety Representative. Such Representatives may consult with the Museum in order to promote health and safety and carry out the following functions:

i) To investigate potential hazards in the workplace and to make representations to the Museum on general matters affecting health and safety;

ii) To investigate complaints by staff they represent, relating to employee’s health and safety and to make representations to the Museum on any matters arising;

iii) To attend meetings of the Health and Safety Committee in the capacity of Trade Union Safety Representative.

Responsibilities – Management & Staff

15. Heads of Departments will ensure that the avoidance, prevention and reduction of risks for staff, those who visit, or are otherwise present at the Museum, is part of the decision making process in the design of work places, public areas and exhibitions, selection of equipment and working practices. The avoidance, prevention and reduction of risks will be properly considered and documented.

16. All Line Managers and supervisors have specific responsibilities for health and safety, for ensuring safe systems of working, for compliance with regulations and instructions, and for the health and safety of their staff

17. All staff have a duty to take reasonable care of not only their own health and safety, but also for ensuring the health and safety of other persons who may be affected by what they do or fail to do.

18. Staff have a responsibility to inform their Line Manager of any situation which they become aware of which represents a shortcoming in the preventive and protective arrangements for health and safety or of any situation which represents a serious or immediate danger to health and safety. Anyone is able to seek technical advice and assistance from Local Health and Safety Advisors and Competent Persons, (see Annex B of this Policy), and refer matters to them that are not resolved satisfactorily.

19. All staff who use machinery, tools, equipment, dangerous substances, vehicles or who are responsible for the operation of safety devices provided by the Museum will do so in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions. They will comply with any training received and other instructions provided in respect of health and safety and safe working practices.

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Procedures for Evacuations

20. The Trustees of the Museum and Directors of RAFMEL will ensure that procedures are established and followed in the event of serious and imminent danger to staff and other persons. Such systems will identify competent and authorised persons to act in the event of evacuation of premises.

Information to Staff

21. Staff will be kept fully informed about any matters which could affect their health and safety. They will also be advised of any preventative and protective measures and/or procedures that are to be put in place, including those to be used in the event of serious or imminent danger (e.g. fire or bomb threat).


22. The Health and Safety Policy is included in the Staff Handbook. On joining the Museum, all staff will be provided with a copy of this Policy, Statement and its annexes. Existing staff will also receive a copy of the Policy. Periodic updates will be circulated to all staff.

Revisions, Amendments, or Alterations

23. Revisions, amendments or alterations to this policy will be implemented following consideration by members of the Health and Safety Committee and approved by the Nominated Manager.

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Health & Safety Policy - Annex A


Nominated ManagerDirector

Operations Division

John Kitchen

H& S Advisor London

H&S Advisor Cosford

Stafford Reserve


H&S Advisor MBCC

All Building related works

Operations Manager

Operations Manager

Manager & Staff Stafford

Manager, Conservation


Buildings & Services Manager

Dave Rowe Chris Turley Ian Alder Timothy Wallis

Mike Gell

Competent persons London

Competent persons Cosford

Competent persons MBCC

Line Management

Line Management

Line Management

& Staff London

& Staff Cosford

& Staff MBCC


Director Operations


- John Kitchen (Chairman)

Manager, Conservation


- Timothy Wallis

Operations Manager London

- Dave Rowe Access Development


- Dept Representative

Operations Manager Cosford

- Chris Turley PCS Union H&S Rep

- Various

Buildings & Services Manager

- Mike Gell Personnel Manager

- Rupal Thakkar (Secretary)

Manager, Stafford

- Ian Alder

Health & Safety Policy - Annex B

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Local Health and Safety Advisor: Dave Rowe, Operations Manager*

Competent Persons:

Fire Safety Manager: } Dave Rowe, Operations Manager*Public Safety: }Violence to Staff: }First Aid: }Cleaning: }Buildings, Plant, Workshops, } Mike Gell, Buildings and Services Contractors and Building & } Manager*Construction Projects: }

Display Screen Equipment: } Richard Tweed, Head of Design & DisplayDesign & Display: }

Large 3-D Exhibits on Display: } Timothy Wallis, Manager, Conservation Aircraft (maintenance &repairs): } Centre*Radiation Safety: }

Small 3-D Exhibits on Display: } Richard Simpson, Deputy Keeper, Aircraft (movements): } Aircraft & ExhibitsWeapons & Munitions on Display }

Aeronauts: } Departmental Representative*Educational Activities: }

Special Events & Corporate Hire: Vicki Hibbert, Manager Corporate Events Team (Royal Air Force Museum Enterprises Ltd)

Retail Services & Flight Simulator: Lewis Shelley, Retail Manager(Royal Air Force Museum Enterprises Ltd)

Society of Friends: John O’Neill, Airframe Technician

Restaurant Franchise and other Restaurant ManagerCatering Services: (Employee of Franchise)

Flight Simulators AV Technician

(* Members of Health & Safety Committee (on all sheets with an*)

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Health & Safety Policy - Annex B cont/d…


Local Health and Safety Advisor: Ian Alder, Deputy Keeper*

Competent Persons:

Fire Safety Manager: } Ian Alder, Deputy Keeper*(with support from Station Fire Officer)

Public & Staff Safety: } Ian Alder, Deputy Keeper*Violence to Staff: }First Aid: }Premises: }Paints, Chemicals and Solvents: }Storage of Artefacts: }Access Equipment: }

Contractors and Building & } Mike Gell, Buildings and ServicesConstruction Projects: } Manager*

Display Screen Equipment: } Ian, Alder, Deputy Keeper*Offices: }

Aircraft (maintenance &repairs): } Timothy Wallis, Manager, ConservationRadiation Safety: } Centre*

(* Member of Health & Safety Committee (on all sheets with an *)

Health & Safety Policy - Annex B cont/d…

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Local Health and Safety Advisor: Chris Turley, Operations Manager* – Reporting to Alex Medhurst, General Manager Cosford

Competent Persons:

Design & Display: ) Alex Medhurst, General Manager

Fire Safety: ) Chris Turley, Operations Manager*Public Safety: )Violence to Staff: )Manual Handling: )Cash handling: )Cleaning & COSHH: )Conferences & Events – (External):Young Persons: )Personal Protective Equipment: )

Premises (General): ) George Letford, Work Services ManagerCOSHH – non cleaning: )Asbestos – Premises: )Contractors: )Electricity & Electrical Appliances:)Lifting Equipment – Hired/Owned:)Pressure Vessels/Systems: )

Plant/Equipment -Fixed & Mobile:) Keith Woodcock, Leader -Technical Team Large 3-D Exhibits: )Small 3-D Exhibits: )Aircraft Movements: )Aircraft Maintenance & Repairs: )Object Cleaning: )Asbestos - Large 3-D Exhibits: )Asbestos - Small 3-D Exhibits: )Workshops: )Gas & Gas Cylinders: )Power Tools: )Ladders & Towers: )Access Plant & Fork Lift Truck: )Vehicles: )Weapons &Munitions on Display )

Workplace (Office) Safety: ) Maureen Bracegirdle, Administration Manager

Display Screen Equipment: )Stress: )Health Surveillance: )

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Health & Safety Policy - Annex B cont/d…


Society of Friends: Chris Turley, Operations Manager in consultation with Howard Hill, Friends Representative

Education & Supervision of Schools:) Sue Fitzsimmons, Head of Access & Parties / Groups: ) Learning Development Guides: )Fun and Flight: )

Flight Simulator ) Peter Bunting, Corporate Business Technician (Royal Air Force Museum Enterprises Ltd)

Shop Staff Safety & Safety of items) Chris Turley, Operations Manager*on Sale and in Store: )

Restaurant Franchise & other ) Restaurant ManagerCatering Services: ) (Employee of franchisee)

Conference & In-House Events: ) Peter Bunting, Corporate Events (Internal): ) Technician (Royal Air Force Museum

Enterprises Ltd)

Radiation Safety: ) Timothy Wallis, Manager, Conservation Centre*

Visiting: Conservators: ) Timothy Wallis, Manager, Conservation Technicians: ) Centre* BA Apprentices: )


Local Health and Safety Advisor: Timothy Wallis, Manager, Conservation Centre*

(* Member of Health & Safety Committee (on all sheets with an*)

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1. The purpose of this document is to lay down the arrangements for dealing with specific incidents or occurrences of a Health and Safety nature. Different arrangements will be issued for each site and are to be reviewed annually by the local Health and Safety Advisors. Any amendments will be authorised by the Nominated Manager before implementation.

2. Items covered within this document are:





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The Museum has staff who have qualified through accredited First Aid at Work courses to deal with injuries and accidents at work. The number of First Aiders required on site is decided by the First Aid risk assessment held by the Local Health and Safety Advisor.

Royal Air Force Museum – Actions To Be Taken

Any member of staff who:

a. Discovers an injured person, orb. Has an accident or injury reported to them, orc. Requires a first aider to treat a personal injury.

Should carry out the following actions:

1. Contact the Control Room by the quickest means available.2. Remain with the casualty until assistance arrives ascertaining

as much information as possible with regards to the incident, (e.g. name of patient, what happened, did anyone see anything).

3. Remain at the scene and provide the first aider with any help they require.

First Aid Boxes

The Museum has general first aid boxes located at strategic positions in office corridors, aircraft halls, outbuildings and reception points. These boxes are stocked to deal with minor injuries and are regularly checked by appointed staff. Each site also has a large first aid kit to deal with more serious casualties. All staff should make themselves aware of the location of first aid boxes within their work areas.

It is the responsibility of every member of staff to report any accidents, injuries, or near misses, so that the Museum can keep proper records and highlight any developing trends. If staff make use of the first aid boxes then they should inform the nominated in 1 above who will take appropriate action to replenish stock and get the appropriate paperwork completed.

Review date: May 07

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2B (i) - London



All alarms MUST be taken for real

1. Museum Attendants staff are responsible for the clearing of public areas of the Museum and separate instructions are issued to them.

2. Staff working in non-public areas should make any personal visitors aware of the evacuation procedures and escort them whilst in non-public areas.

Fire Alarm

The Sound: A continuous high-pitched sound.

Meaning: Evacuation is necessary now because a fire alarm has activated.


1. All staff must leave the building immediately via the nearest exit.2. All staff must follow directions of uniformed Museum staff, and area fire

warders.3. All staff should go to the Museum Assembly point located on the grassed

area by the replica aircraft on the Main car park.4. Staff should remain on the grass, at the assembly point, until directed

otherwise by either Fire Brigade staff or Museum Staff.5. Staff should provide assistance to the Assembly Officer, as necessary.

Evacuation Alarm

The Sound: An intermittent high-pitched sound.

Meaning: Evacuation is necessary immediately for some reason other than fire.


1. All staff must leave the building immediately via the nearest exit, or as directed by uniformed Museum staff.

2. All staff should follow the directions of Museum staff to the assembly point, likely to be away from the Museum.

3. Staff should remain at the assembly point until directed otherwise by either Fire Brigade staff, Police, or Museum staff.

Review date: May 07

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2B (ii) - Cosford


All alarms MUST be taken for real

1. Museum Attendants are responsible for the clearing of public areas of the Museum and separate instructions are issued to them.

2. Staff working in non-public areas should make any personal visitors aware of the evacuation procedures

Fire Alarm

The Sound: A continuous high-pitched sound.

Meaning: Evacuation necessary now because a fire alarm has activated.


1. All Staff must leave the building immediately via the nearest exit.2. All staff must follow directions of uniformed Museum staff, and area fire

warders.3. All staff should go to the Museum Assembly point located to the rear/front of

the Visitor Centre – areas adjacent to Hangar 1 and the National Cold War Exhibition.

4. Staff should remain at the assembly point until directed otherwise by either the Fire Brigade or Museum Staff.

5. Staff should provide assistance to the Assembly Officer as necessary.

Evacuation Alarm

The Sound: None – Verbal by Museum Attendant present.

Meaning: Evacuation is necessary immediately for some reason other than fire.


1. All staff must leave the building immediately via the nearest exit, or as directed by uniformed Museum staff.

2. All staff should follow the directions of Museum staff to the assembly point, likely to be away from the Museum.

3. Staff should remain at the assembly point until directed otherwise by either Fire Brigade staff, Police, or Museum staff.

Review date: May 07

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2B (iii) – Stafford


All alarms MUST be taken for real

Staff should make any visitors or contractors aware of the evacuation procedures and escort them, as necessary, whilst in the Building 30.

Fire Alarm

The sound: A continuous high-pitched note.

Meaning: Evacuation is necessary now because the fire alarm has activated.


1. All personnel must leave the building immediately by the nearest exit. 2. If possible, 222 should be dialled on the internal telephone to alert the control

centre at RAF Stafford. If not possible from Museum premises contact should be made via No.6 Site Office.

3. All staff and visitors / contractors should go to the Assembly Point located on the grassed area opposite the Museum entrance and adjacent to the No. 6 Site Office.

4. Personnel should remain at the Assembly Point until directed otherwise by either the Defence Fire Service staff or the senior Museum staff member present.

Review date: May 07


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Some asbestos material remains in buildings on our sites at both London and Cosford in the form of asbestos cement and “asbestolux” lining to walls, ceilings and cladding to steel columns. Warning signs have been fixed to warn personnel that these materials must not be removed or drilled. In public areas, the use of the word asbestos has been avoided. Signs simply say, “Do not drill or remove panels”. Some aircraft and exhibits also contain asbestos. All locations where asbestos has been found are listed on a computer database, with information about the type and condition, and are controlled by the Buildings and Services Manager.

The Buildings and Services Manager or his nominated deputy is responsible for premises related asbestos at London and Cosford.

The Manager, Conservation Centre or his nominated deputy is responsible for aircraft related asbestos at London and Cosford.

The Work Services Manager or his nominated deputy is responsible aircraft for related asbestos at Stafford.

As a general rule, staff should not drill holes in, or remove any panels any walls or roofs without first seeking approval from the Buildings and Services Manager or his deputy.

Staff should immediately contact the Buildings and Services Manager, or his deputy, if:

a. They suspect that they have discovered any unmarked asbestos.

b. They discover any asbestos panels which have become damaged, or they believe are in danger of being damaged.

c. They believe they have come into contact with damaged asbestos panels, or asbestos dust.

*Please note that Stafford have no public areas.

Review date: May 07

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1. Why Report Incidents

1.1 The frequency and the numbers of incidents at the Museum’s sites are relatively few. However, each has the potential to generate follow up enquiries from either the persons involved, their representatives or those acting for the Museum. In some cases, follow up action may be needed by the Museum. In any case, there is a legal obligation to properly record, investigate, evaluate and keep records of all incidents.

1.2 The Museum Incident Report form provides a comprehensive method of recording:

What happened? What was done? Who was involved? The outcome.

2. What Needs to be Recorded?

2.1 Any type of injury, illness, crime, damage or allegations of such affecting staff, including volunteers or members of the public.

2.2 Any incident which requires the calling of Fire, Police or Ambulance services including when they have arrived on site as a result of information from other than Museum staff.

2.3 Any damage to property belonging to the Museum, staff or members of the public.

2.4 Any complaint or dispute from a member of the public that is not immediately resolved with a representative of the Department involved (shop, etc.) or the Duty Officer.

2.5 Any matter that any member of staff believes that the Director General or his senior staff need to be aware of.

If in doubt, report it – since it is usually impossible to collect all the information later!

3. Method of Reporting

3.1 The Museum has a standard Incident Report form. This will be used for all such reports – from the very minor or to serious. It is expected that the majority of reports will be initiated and completed by a member of the Safety & Security staff.

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3.2 However, reports will be complied in a way that is factual, objective and comprehensive. Such reports, and/or entries in official SITO notebook will become “original documents” and are liable to be disclosed to other parties – often many months later.

3.3 Each report will be subject to review by line and senior managers.

4. The Bottom Line

4.1 All staff have a duty to the Trustees of the Museum, the public, to themselves and their colleagues to ensure that our levels of service and care are of the highest possible standards. If something untoward occurs, or is alleged, we must be able to fully explain what happened and what was done about it. The need to supply this information often comes months, sometime years, after the occurrence. By properly dealing with the incident, and following the reporting procedure at the time effort and possible embarrassment can be saved. We can learn something from every incident.

Review date: May 07

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Health surveillance procedures are be in place via the Personnel Manager to deal with risks identified through internal risk assessment or from other sources. Where anyone has a problem of a health nature then they should contact the Personnel manager at the earliest opportunity.

Review date: May 07

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Arrangements will be made to ensure that all staff, including those on temporary appointments and volunteers, have the necessary skill and ability to carry out their work safely and without risk to themselves or others.

Health and Safety training will be provided on recruitment, as part of any general induction programmes for new staff, and subsequently through departmental training programmes according to need.

It is the responsibility of Line Managers to identify the health and safety training needs of their staff and make such arrangements through the Local Health and Safety Advisor and Personnel Manager (Administration Manager at Cosford for the Cosford and Stafford site). Training will normally be provided wherever staff are exposed to new or increased risks because of, transfer or change of responsibilities, new work equipment, changes in the use of existing equipment, the introduction of new technology or new changes in systems of work.

Training will be repeated periodically where appropriate, and will be adapted to take account of any new or changed risks. Records of health and safety training provided to staff will be kept and maintained as part of personnel and health and safety records.

Line Managers are responsible for ensuring that all staff attend annual refresher training in fire prevention, manual handling and evacuation procedures.

Training needs will be identified by the Local Health and Safety Advisors in consultation with Line Managers and co-ordinated by the Personnel Manager. Staff will be trained where they are exposed to new or increased risks.

It is the Museum’s aim to have its Local Health and Safety Advisors at each of the main public sites to be professionally qualified.

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Review date: May 07



Contractors and others carrying out works shall comply with our “Site Instructions and Safety Regulations” below. These regulations (which will be reviewed and updated as necessary) describe the level of competence required of Contractors, set down the need for risk assessments and method statements, and draw attention to special hazards particular to each site.

The Buildings and Services Manager and nominated deputies, the Manager, Conservation Centre and Keeper at Stafford, their staff will ensure that necessary checks are made to ensure that only contractors with the necessary level of competence are employed.

Line Managers and Heads of Department will ensure that no building related/aircraft engineering works are undertaken without consultation with the persons listed above.

Review date: May 07

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2G cont/d



These instructions are to be read and complied with by all contractors and others who carry out work to Royal Air Force Museum (‘the Museum’) buildings, plant and installations. They apply equally to contractors employed by the Museum and to contractors or others who carry out work, e.g. for event organisers and the like. This document will refer to all such persons as contractors.

These instructions are in addition to any contractual terms and conditions and are intended to brief contractors on safe methods of work, fire safety precautions and particular hazards on the site. Details of fire evacuation procedures are held separately at each site.

1. Insurance: All contractors working on the Museum sites are required to carry certain levels of insurance. The following is an extract from our standard terms and conditions and details the insurance requirements that must be met.

a) The Contractor shall have in force and shall require any Sub-Contractor to have in force:

i. Employer’s Liability Insurance;ii. Public Liability Insurance for such sum and range of cover as the

Contractor deems to be appropriate but not less than £5,000,000 for any one accident unless otherwise agreed by the Museum, in writing;

iii. Contractor’s all risk insurance against loss or damage to the works and things for which the contractor is responsible under the terms of the contract for the full reinstatement thereof (including transit and off site risks) plus 15%.

b) All such insurances shall be extended to indemnify the Trustees of the Royal Air Force Museums against any claim for which the Contractor or Sub-Contractor may be legally liable.

c) Copies of insurance certificates shall be sent to the Buildings and Services Manager together with satisfactory evidence of payment of premiums.

2. Fire Evacuation Procedures: Full fire evacuation procedures are held on each site and are available for inspection. Fire safety instructions will form part of safety induction briefing.

3. Health and Safety: The Museum must ensure (as far as is reasonably practicable) that all its contractors are competent and are properly qualified. We therefore ask for contractors who have not previously worked on RAF Museum sites to provide company profiles, complete a safety questionnaire and/or (where applicable) proof that the company belongs to any trade organisation or registration schemes. For example, all electrical contractors must be NICEIC (National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting) approved and gas installers must be CORGI (Confederation of Registered Gas Installers) registered. Please note that the latter may also apply to some bottled gas installations and storage.

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a) In addition to the above, contractors are also required to provide copies of risk assessment and method statements not less than two working days prior to commencement of work. These will be reviewed in order that we may assess or understand any particular risks. Agreement to certain methods of work being used and assessment of levels of risk etc in no way relieves or lessens the contractors’ responsibility and/or liability to carry out the work in a safe and proper manner and in accordance with all relevant legislation. All works must be managed and supervised by the contractor. The Museum will liaise with the contractors’ representative and do everything necessary to facilitate the works, but nothing said by staff or others connected with the Museum shall imply that the Museum or its employees take any responsibility for the supervision and/or organisation of the works.

b) Where works are subject to CDM regulations the Museum will appoint a CDM Planning Supervisor.

4. Particular Hazards: The following should be taken into account by the contractor when assessing and determining safe methods of work.

a) Asbestos: Some asbestos material remains in buildings on our sites at London, Cosford and Stafford. Asbestos cement, and Asbestos Insulating Board (A.I.B.) as linings to walls, ceilings, and cladding to steel columns, some ceilings have an ‘Artex’ coating which contain small amounts of asbestos, and gaskets on older pipework installations may contain asbestos. All locations where asbestos has been found in buildings are listed together with information about the type and condition. All asbestos except that in artex ceilings have warning labels attached. This information is available at each site and must be taken into account during the risk assessment process prior to commencement of work. Some aircraft and artefacts may also contain asbestos. Information about asbestos in aircraft is held on aircraft logbooks and in the Museum’s artefact database (CMS) system. If in doubt about the presence of asbestos, found during the course of the work stop and consult the Works Services Manager.

b) Flooring contractors and engineers are to note that Asbestos Insulating Board runs below ‘finrad’ heaters in the West Galleries and first floor offices. In some areas, it has been overlaid with carpet. This carpet will therefore have to be lifted by a registered asbestos removal contractor. Finrad heaters can be moved with care without disturbing the underlying asbestos.

c) Confined Spaces: Some areas have be designated as confined spaces in accordance with the Confined Spaces Regulations. These are listed on a Confined Space Register for each Site. Entry will only be permitted to contractor’s operatives who have received specialist training and have been issued with all necessary safety equipment. The specialist contractor will be responsible for issuing a Permit to Work which shall be copied to the Work Services Manager.

d) Electricity - London: All Museum supplies on the London site are 415 volts or below. A standby generator and Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)

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system provides standby power to some circuits in the main hall, external floodlighting, the Security Control Room and telephone system, (see section 5). Small battery powered UPS units provide 230 volt power to some computer circuits, including those in the server room.

An electricity company high voltage (132kv) supply runs in an oil-filled cable under the stone surfaced car park, and passes in front (north) of the Workshops building, south of Milestones of Flight building and around the rear of the Milestones building and the Bomber Command Hall. An 11kv cable runs (alongside a gas main)* from Grahame Park Way, passing on the north side of Battle of Britain Hall, crossing the car park to the south side of service road, then running on the north side of the Workshops building and across grassed area to south side of Milestones of Flight building. Further underground supplies feed an electrical substation at the north end of the site. Drawings are held on site at London. See also Section (5) below. A Permit to Work is required from the Museum before carrying out any excavation (or erecting any marquees where metal stakes are driven into the ground).

e) Electricity - Cosford and Stafford: High voltage supplies (above 415 volts) on the Cosford and Stafford sites run underground between buildings and to electrical sub-stations, and are the responsibility of the Royal Air Force. Sockets for connection of temporary standby generators are fitted in Hangar 1 at Cosford. Drawings are held on site at Cosford. Small battery powered UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) units provide 230 volt power to some computer circuits. See also Section 5 below.

f) Gas: Mains gas is supplied to the majority of buildings of at London and Cosford. A portacabin at the south end of the Bomber Command Hall at London is fed by LPG from an adjacent tank.

g) Stafford: Roller Shutter Doors in fire wall are connected to the fire alarm system and will drop in three seconds. Do not linger or work in the vicinity of these doors without prior approval and installation of safety props to prevent doors dropping. Some adjacent RAF buildings at Stafford are a potential fire hazard and smoking and the use of mobile phones anywhere on the RAF or Museum site or buildings is prohibited. Building 29 is a radiation store for the Museum and access is to be permitted only with prior approval, in writing, from the Museum Radiation Safety Officer who will issue a Risk Assessment and Method Statement.

h) Bird Droppings: Bird droppings can be harmful to health. Do not disturb these areas. Ask the WSM to arrange for specialist cleaning before proceeding with the work. Internal areas at Stafford and roof areas on all buildings on all sites may be affected.

i) Roof Access: A permit to work (issued by the Museum) will be required before gaining access to any roof areas.

Warning: Information given in this section is intended to draw attention to known hazards and to assist contractors to produce method statements and risk assessments.

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5. Electrical Works, Safety Procedures: No electrical works are to be carried out on any Museum site without the approval of the Works Services Manager. This will be given in writing on an “Approval for Contractor to Carry Out Work on Museum Site” form. An “Electrical Permit to Work” form may also be issued by the Museum or specialist contractor as appropriate. The recommendations of HSE Guidance Booklet: Electricity at Work, Safe Working Practices shall be followed.

a) At Cosford and Stafford (in addition to that described above), a “Permit to Work” system administered by the RAF also operates when it is necessary to isolate supplies over 415 volts or on circuits fed by standby generators. These will be issued by an Authorised Person appointed and employed by the MOD or RAF. The Works Services Manager will make the necessary arrangements.

b) Where necessary to ensure a system of safe working a lock off procedure shall be used to protect all personnel working on electrical/mechanical equipment. The Lock off system will apply to all, site staff and outside contractors. A set of “lock off devices” and “safety padlocks” are obtainable from the Works Services Manager, or supplied by the contractor. The lock off devices can take up to six (6) padlocks, there are six (6) padlocks available all coloured RED numbered from one to six, each lock has an individual key, and all spare keys have been destroyed. When an electrical circuit or item of plant/machinery has to be worked on, it must be isolated and locked off with a lock off device, when there is more than one person working on the equipment operatives must fit a safety lock to the device and keep the key on their person. If someone decides to perform another task on the equipment while it is isolated, s/he must also fit a lock. This procedure will ensure the equipment is not re-energised until all involved staff have finished their tasks and removed their safety locks. The ‘lock off’ devices and safety padlocks are to be signed out on the register sheet attached to the safety keyboard.

c) Portable Electric Appliances: These must be tested in accordance with Institute of Electrical Engineers Approved Code of Practice.

6. Fire Safety Precautions: All Museums’ sites at London, Cosford and Stafford are full of unique and irreplaceable artefacts. Stringent fire precautions must therefore be observed.

a) No flame, spark or heat producing apparatus or bitumen boilers or the like are to be used on Museum sites except in exceptional circumstances, and only with the prior approval of the Buildings and Services Manager or (in his absence) his deputy the Works Services Manager at London. Where the use of flame/spark/heat producing apparatus cannot be avoided and approval, (as described above) has been obtained strict control methods shall be followed. Following assessment of the area where the work will take place a hot work certificate shall be completed and issued to the contractor. The terms of the certificate must be strictly complied with. Hot Work Certificates may be issued by any of the following Museum staff:

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Buildings and Services Manager – all sites Works Services Managers – London & Cosford Metalworker – LondonAircraft Restoration Technicians – Cosford

b) Fire exits must not be blocked.

c) Combustible materials and arisings must be cleared away on a regular basis and at the end of each day’s work. Cleaning fluids, thinners and the like must be kept in a flameproof container positioned in an agreed external location. Only minimum quantities necessary to undertake the works shall be taken inside buildings.

d) Holes for services shall not be formed in walls without the approval of the Buildings and Services Manager or Work Services Managers and must be made good with approved fire resisting materials.

e) Security staff must be informed before carrying out any work which may create dust in the vicinity of automatic fire detector heads. A zone of the fire detection system will be isolated to prevent false alarms. Contractors must inform security staff as soon as work has been completed so that the system can be turned back on as soon as possible following completion of the work.

f) Smoking is not permitted in any of the Museums buildings.

g) Smoking is not permitted anywhere within the RAF site at Stafford.

7. Working in Occupied Areas: Great care must be taken when working in public areas and around old and sometimes fragile exhibits. Particular care must be taken when working around fabric covered First World War aircraft. All working areas must be completely closed off with barriers prior to commencement of work. This will normally be done by our security staff using our own equipment consisting of rope barriers and the like. Work and storage areas, and methods of working are all to be agreed in advance, paragraph 3(a) also refers. In particular, it must be remembered that members of the public are listening and watching your actions; children may pick up tools left lying around or injure themselves if machines are left with power supplies on when unattended. Ladders and scaffolding can also attract children. They must not be left unattended. They must either be removed or physically prevented from being used.

a) Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWP): Museum owned or hired MEWP may be used by contractors with prior approval. Operators must hold a relevant photo ID/training certificate, (see below) and have written permission from their employer to use the equipment. The Museum will not accept responsibility from any incident relating to contractor’s misuse of the equipment. When working overhead, operators will be required to tie all tools to access equipment or to belts or the like so that they cannot be dropped onto items below. Operators must wear safety harnesses and hard hats with chin strap. A person

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must remain at ground level to act as lookout to protect both the operators and persons and objects below. The area of operation must be protected with barriers to stop people wandering into the work area.

b) All MEWP and other plant, e.g. Forklift trucks, shall only be driven and operated by persons who hold a photographic ID and proof of training by an accredited firm.

c) Movement of large exhibits: Where the risk of damage is considered too great or for reasons of difficult access, aircraft or artefacts will be moved. This often requires careful advance planning however and cannot be done at short notice.

d) Protection, dust covers and the like: Working areas must be properly and adequately protected. Methods of protection must be agreed in advance. Where polythene is to be used to protect floors it must be non-slip. Where extra protection is required, it shall be overlaid with hardboard. Polythene must not be laid directly over aircraft and some other exhibits as it may scratch the surface. Clean dust sheets shall be used to protect these surfaces and then covered with polythene. A member of our curatorial staff must be present to supervise operations to cover and protect aircraft and exhibits. On no account must any attempt be made to cover fabric-covered aircraft.

8. Working in Office Areas: Most of the above applies equally to offices. Particular care must be taken to protect computers and other electrical equipment that may be affected by dust. Do not work in offices without permission. Do not attempt to move personal belongings or equipment. You should be given every assistance to ensure the working area is ready for you. Contact the Works Services Manager in case of any difficulty.

9. Restrictions:

a) Movement around the Site and Vehicle Access: Comply with speed limits and parking restrictions. Every effort will be made to allow operatives to park vans etc in locations near to the work area but all private vehicles must be parked in designated parking places.

b) Keep to designated walkways when moving around the Museum. Do not take shortcuts; keep off display floors unless needed for direct access to your work area.

c) Do not use restaurant or other rest facilities whilst wearing overalls or dirty work clothing.

d) A safety briefing will be given to all operatives before they start work on any of the Museum sites to draw attention to particular hazards, advise them of fire evacuation procedures and first aid facilities. Access will not be permitted unless the relevant Approval and/or Permit to Work form has been issued by the Works Services Manager which will have been countersigned by the contractor’s representative who will be responsible for supervising the work. The

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Approval and/or Permit to Work will restrict the contractor to the work described, its location and the agreed method of working.

10. Materials and Workmanship: To comply with and be carried out in accordance with appropriate European or British Standards, Approved Codes of Practice etc.

11. Miscellaneous:

a) Ground Excavation: No excavation will be carried out until the contractor is satisfied that all underground services have been located and a Permit to Work has been issued. The Work Services Manager will assist and provide details of any recorded information but the Museum cannot take responsibility for any errors or omissions in providing such information. If in doubt, the excavation shall be carried out by hand.

b) No stakes or the like shall be driven into the ground (e.g. for the erection of marquees) without the approval of the Works Services Manager.

12. Site Personnel: Names are listed below, we will be pleased to discuss details of any proposed works.

Buildings and Services Manager (All sites): Mike Gell:

Works Services Manager (London & Stafford):Des Bentley:

Works Services Manager (Cosford):George Letford:

Oct 2006 - general revision all sectionsApr 2005 - amendment to section 5 electrical worksDec 2004 - various amendments to reflect site changes and revised safety proceduresJan 2004 - various amendments following opening of new buildings at LondonOct 2002 - amendment to access platforms