biz max for smaller business

CBACANInc. Creative Business Advisors [email protected] 613-563-1085 Enhancing the Value of Your Business

Upload: davidsaxe

Post on 22-Jan-2015




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Business Coaching for main street business


  • 1. CBA CAN Inc . Creative Business Advisors
    • [email_address]
  • 613-563-1085
  • Enhancing the Value of Your Business


  • Are verylonelypeople
  • Cant share ideas with employees
  • Wont share thoughts with competitors
  • a

4. Limited Resources

  • May have alimited budget
  • Cant devote a large block of time
  • Must be available for customers

5. The Small Business Owner Must BeCompetentIn

  • Strategic planning
  • Sales & marketing
  • Financing & accounting
  • Management
  • Purchasing & inventory control
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Everything

6. What Now?

  • Howcan the small business owner acquire these skillsets

7. BizMax to the Rescue 8. Developed forSmaller Businesses

  • Combines private coaching
          • With
  • Group learning, discussions & brainstorming

9. Objective Improve Performance

  • Work with groups of business owners
  • Education, training, planning
  • Learn to track key performance indicators
  • Improve profitability & business value
  • Earn certificate of completion Mini MBA

10. How Does It Work

  • 12 monthlyprivatesessions
          • Combined with
  • 12 monthlygroupparticipation sessions
  • With like-minded business associates

11. What Do We Do

  • GAPAnalysis
    • Initial business health check
  • Education
    • Focused programs to help your business
  • Accountability
    • Learn to develop your Action Plan
    • Learn to track key performance indicators

12. Topics We Will Cover

  • Strategic planning , which includes:
    • Preparing a vision statement
    • SWOT Analysis
    • Setting Goals
    • Developing an Action Plan
    • Monitoring

13. Strategic Planning 14. Topics We Will Cover

  • Sales
    • Sales training
    • Closing techniques
    • Sales drivers
    • Increase sales frequency

15. Topics We Will Cover

  • Marketing

16. Topics We Will Cover

  • Financial Strategies
    • Profit drivers
    • Financial projections & budgeting
    • Financial ratio analysis
    • Discount pricing
    • Inventory control
    • Relationship between expenses & sales

17. Topics We Will Cover

  • Management
  • Employee strategies
    • Leadership
    • Goal alignment
    • Policies & procedures
    • Training

18. Topics We Will Cover

  • Customer satisfaction
    • Average lifetime value of a customer
    • Customer satisfaction plan
    • Customer chain
    • Customer follow-up
    • Product performance

19. PersonalOutcome

  • Superior knowledge of strategic planning
  • Better understanding of sales & marketing
  • Improved management skills
  • Enhanced employee relations
  • Advanced accountability & monitoring processes

20. BusinessOutcomes

  • Control over all aspects of your business
  • Increased revenue & profits
  • Improved staff motivation & morale
  • Efficient inventory control
  • Satisfied customers
  • Enhanced business value

21. Your Benefits

  • Ahappy&profitablebusiness owner

22. How To Participate

  • Fill out and submit an information form
  • You will receive an engagement letter
  • Sign and return letter with first months fee
  • We will schedule first private session to begin business health check

23. On The Road To Success 24. Thank You For Your Attention 25. CBA CAN Inc . Creative Business Advisors

  • [email_address]
  • 613-563-1085
  • Enhancing the Value of Your Business