biz find deck

Investor Pitch Deck Template The only online B2B Marketplace where people find real customers and business TODAY!

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Post on 21-Apr-2017



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Investor Pitch Deck Template

The only online B2B Marketplace where people find real customers and business TODAY!

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Business directories are boring!

Let’s face it they are old hat! Businesses register, sure, but they don’t really expect any business from them, they just register for their SEO link and they are gone and hardly ever return!

The traffic want something quick and they are gone as quick too!

But what if there was a huge online networking event that was happening 24/7 and people were getting serious customers and referrals now! Would you stick around to see if there were customers for you and your business?

We think you would!

ASEAN Business Directory and lead sourcing platform

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Who Are we? The Owner

Twenty Five years Direct Sales experience in UK B2C and the B2B arenas

Fellow of the UK institute of Sales and Marketing ManagementUK registered SFEDI mentor

Seven years web design and online marketing experienceThailand’s leading Social media marketing company according to

Google and Social Media marketing consultant to the top companies

ASEAN Business Directory and lead sourcing platform

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Who Are we? Business costs and staff?

Er,……. One hosting account a few domains er….. and me!!!!!

ASEAN Business Directory and lead sourcing platform

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Origin of Biz-find Started in my UK bedroom in 2012 23,000 visits per/month 1, 400 registered companies, 2,000

subscribers over 120 blogsThai site started 2012

Now 600+ registered businesses 10,000 visit per/month 10,000 subscribers. Over 80 blogs

Biz-find PhilippinesStarted 2013 now 3,000 visitors and 100+ companies and one manager

with over 2million dollars of customers products and service leads!Biz-find Vietnam 2013Biz-find Myanmar 2013Biz-find Malaysia 2014

Almost 50,000 visits per/month across all live with 0 spend on marketing

We own all the domains for ASEAN all sites will be complete for 2015

ASEAN Business Directory and lead sourcing platform

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The basic concept

ASEAN Business Directory and lead sourcing platform

We offer all business a free page on our sites with a

comprehensive list of benefits all for free, in return they

provide us with a lead for what they are looking to buy

We then publish these leads for business to buy from us creating an environment of

buyers and sellers

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The basic potential

ASEAN Business Directory and lead sourcing platform

All business want more customers it’s a no brainer If we could market to a wider

audience and educate them in what we have, then through a

pro active paid and free marketing drive we could have

over 1million people visiting our 10 ASEAN sites in just 3

months!If just 1% of 1 million visitors buy leads at $20 per/month that’s $200,000 per/month

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The future potential

ASEAN Business Directory and lead sourcing platform

With Gamification of the site ‘biz-points’ for visiting other

listings and their blogs and biz-find social media they receive points that turn into Dollars

More sites Europe/ Africa/Americas

E-commerce opportunities.Franchising of each site to a

Franchisee manager Growth of our social media

Biz-find TV and seminars the potential is mind blowing

Sell entire business in 3-5 years or IPO for at least $10m

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What we are asking for: We need :

Company formation, Consultancy, management and networkOne staff calling and adding 30 companies and adding 50 leads per/day

There is no selling whatsoever!They also add to the email subscribers list

That’s 600 new companies and 800 new leads per/monthPlenty to choose from

Cost 25,000 THB per/monthManager Salary 50,000 THB a month

I am responsible for networking, brand management and site evolutionMarketing 75,000 THB a month

PPCFacebook ads

VideosCompetitionsDirect Sales

Total 150,000 THB a month for one year and co set up: 2 million THB

ASEAN Business Directory and lead sourcing platform

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What you get : 10-20% of the company!

ASEAN Business Directory and lead sourcing platform

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Still think Business directories are boring?

Think Again!!

ASEAN Business Directory and lead sourcing platform

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ASEAN Business Directory and lead sourcing platform

Just Google ‘Free Business Directory Thailand or ‘Social media Marketing company Thailand’Alan [email protected]