bishan active is open… - 81.pdfmayor zainudin nordin offi cially opened bishan...

Issue No. 81 • July - September 2008 • MICA(P)235/01/2008 TOWN COUNCIL NEWS Pg 8 & 9 Bishan Active Pg 4 Is Your Home A Dumping Ground? Bishan Active is Open… Pg 11 Doctors-on- Wheels

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Issue No. 81 • July - September 2008 • MICA(P)235/01/2008


Pg 8 & 9

Bishan ActivePg 4

Is Your Home ADumping Ground?

Bishan Active is Open…

Pg 11




Safety Tips

1. Keep away and don’t attempt to trespass any safety barricades, chainlink fencing areas.

2. Look out for any falling objects.

3. Keep away from all machinery and hacking works.

4. Walk under the void decks, walkway or shoring provided, avoid walking at open space.

5. Avoid hanging clothes outside when painting works are carried out outside the unit.

6. Close all windows when hacking and hoisting works are carried out.

7. Avoid standing or sticking out your head outside windows or along the corridors.

Estate Improvement

Cyclical Works Coming Your Wayy g y



er t

o D





Covered Linkways

Division Blocks

Bishan-Toa Payoh North Blks 250-252 Bishan St 12 Blks 242 Bishan St 23

Toa Payoh Central Blks 96 - 98 Lorong 1 Toa Payoh Blk 172A - 173 Lorong 1 Toa Payoh Blk 147 - 148 Lorong 1/2 Toa Payoh Blk 149 Lorong 1 Toa Payoh

Toa Payoh East Blk 260 - 257 Kim Keat Avenue


Division Blocks

Bishan-Toa Payoh North Neighbourhood Park near Blk 278 Bishan St 22 Pavilion cum Bird Pergola at Bilk 284 Bishan St 22

Drop-off Points

Division Blocks

Toa Payoh Central Blk 171/172 Lorong 1 Toa Payoh Toa Payoh East Blk 36 Lorong 5 Toa Payoh

Leisure Facilities

Division Blocks

Bishan-Toa Payoh North Blk 243 Bishan St 23

Bishan St 13 Precinct Lift Upgrading ProgrammePolling From 6 - 9 Sep 08


Block 168 – 98.11% in favourBlock 169 – 100.00% in favourBlock 170 – 92.98% in favourBlock 171 – 93.62% in favourBlock 172 – 95.45% in favourBlock 174 – 100.00% in favour


Bishan Bishan Toa Payoh Toa Payoh Thomson Total East North Central East

March 08 436 1,015 669 651 538 3,309

April 08 342 670 591 792 634 3,029

May 08 411 815 781 180 358 2,545

June 08 369 680 743 255 452 2,499

July 08 338 670 723 379 320 2,430

Aug 08 330 650 541 280 343 2,144


Imagine the smell… the gathering

of mosquitoes… cockroaches…fl ies…

rats…at your doorstep.

For a clean and safe home, individual

attitudes must change. An action done

repeatedly becomes a habit.

We are indeed becoming a throw away

society. The amount of discarded

receptacles collected from bushes and

landscaped areas outside your home is


Drink cans, plastic bags, plastic bottles

and the like are some of the numerous

items picked up by our conservancy

workers. They are possible breeding

grounds for mosquitoes whenever it

rains. Thus, those people that contin-

ue to litter are exposing the residents

to danger. The threat of dengue fever

from the Aedes mosquito.

So, the next time you have to throw

away that empty drink can, make sure

it goes into the waste bin.

This table represents the number of discarded receptacles collected under landscaped sites/ bushes in each month.

Is Your Home A Dumping Ground?


Rubbish found within the bushes encourages mosquito breeding.



When the plight of Mr Maheswaran

Baskaralingam reached MP Josephine

Teo’s ears, she activated her grassroots

organisation. They were able to raise

some funds and presented to the fam-

ily during their visit.

Mr Baskaralingam had to quit his job

to look after his wife and son, both

unable to walk, as a result of an acci-

dent. This has caused a strain on the

family’s fi nancial resources.

His family is touched by the concern

shown by Mrs Teo and her members,

and appreciates their help.

More Than A Helping Hand

Children Playground at Blk 120 Lorong 2

Toa Payoh


at Bishan North Neighbourhood Park


They have been cleaning your estate for more than fi ve years, and are still

at it. Many of us may not have noticed them, but they are there to make

your home a clean and pleasant place.

In recognition of their commitment and contributions, Bishan-Toa Payoh

Town Council has awarded them its fi rst Long Service Award for Conser-

vancy Workers that have worked at least fi ve years in the GRC.

Meet your “Unsung Heroes”:

Proud of their work


Lim Geok Eng

Muhamad Bin HJ Talib

Mohamed Kasmuthi Bin Hussain

Ang Ah Muay

Rizal Bin Sawasi

Chan Yeo Kwee

Abdul Razal B Abu

Fong Kui

Lim Chin Huat

Ong Joo Khoon

Ponnusamy Elanchiyam

Sidik Bin Ahmad

Suhaimi Bin Hussain


Common causes of nose bleeds* Blowing, picking or rubbing the nose and sneezing

too frequently. Injury to the nose eg. a hard knock.

* Breathing very dry air.

* Nasal or sinus infection that make the nasal mucous

membrane more fragile.

* Dilated blood vessels (eg. in alcoholics) in the nose,

which is more prone to bleeding.

* Certain drugs (eg. anticoagulants, aspirin) which

make cause spontaneous bleeding.

What you can do* Sit down and lean forward.

* Pinch the lower part of the nostrils just below the

bony part for 10 minutes while breathing through

the mouth.

* Release the nostrils slowly. If the bleeding continues,

repeat the procedure.

* After the bleeding has stopped, do not touch or

blow the nose for about four hours.

* Do not pack the affected nostril with gauze or


* Go to the A&E Department of the nearest hospital

if the nose bleed cannot be stopped after

20 minutes.

* Consult a doctor if the nose bleed recurs frequently,

especially if you have symptoms such as ear block

or small swellings at the neck.

Nose Bleed

National Healthcare Group PolyclinicsAdding years of Healthy Life to the people of Singapore

What is a nose bleed?

The nose has a hard, bony part and a soft part. A nose

bleed occurs when one or more of the delicate blood

vessels at the outer end of the soft part ruptures.

Health Matters



Bishan Active is Open… for all the sports enthusiasts looking for the adrenaline and endorphine rush within you. This one-stop sports venue is the perfect place for families and friends to bond actively.

On 24 August 2008, the sports hub was fi lled with energetic people in a carnival atmosphere. There was a Beach Volleyball tournament, Walk-A-Jog, Children’s Telematch, A Mile Run and Basketball Match all happening at the same time, same venue!

Mayor Zainudin Nordin offi cially opened Bishan Active, and he was joined by his GRC Members of Parlia-ment as they unveiled the Bishan Active banner and kicked a football each, onto the fi eld!

For more enquiries on the use of facilities at Bishan Active, you may contact Bishan-Toa Payoh North CC at 6451 5955 from Mondays to Fridays, 2pm to 10pm. Now, there are more reasons to get ACTIVE at the new Sports Hub for a healthy lifestyle.


Time to unveil the banner!

Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC MPs getting ready for the kick-off.

9Doing the Mile Run (that’s 1.6km).

Fancy a game of Beach Volleyball?


Meeting theResidents

Energiser!Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC MPs energised the crowd at Bishan East Market and

Food outlets. They dropped in on a Sunday morning to say ‘hi’ to the residents.

Mr Wong Kan Seng is happy to meet the residents.

Dr Ng Eng Hen is all ears to them.

Mr Zainudin Nordin was getting to know the residents better.

Mrs Josephine Teo mingling with a young resident.

Mr Hri Kumar Nair engaging in an interesting topic.


Around Town

What do you do when aged needy folks need medical care but fi nd it diffi cult

to go to the nearest polyclinic? Well, Toa Payoh East Citizens Consultative Com-

mittee (CCC) has come out with a novel solution – by bringing medical care to

their door steps.

In partnership with the Singapore Anti Tuberculosis Association (SATA), the CCC

launched the Doctors-on-Wheels (DOW) initiative in November 2007. Using a

bus that has been converted into a mobile clinic, the programme has been

very successful and has blessed more than 160 residents so far.

Subsidised by SATA, residents on public assistance (PA) get free basic consulta-

tion and medication while hardship cases are charged a nominal fee of $16,

inclusive of medicine. Depending on means tests, further subsidy of up to 70%

may be given.

Fortnightly visits

Every fortnight, a medical team led by Dr Tan Sai

Tiang, Medical Director of SATA, would visit

needy blocks to attend to the patients.

“Our aim is to cater to people who are not so

mobile enough to go to the polyclinic. The

polyclinic may be just a road or two away but

it could be a road or two too far for those who

cannot move around properly,” said Dr Tan. “We are not duplicating the services

of the polyclinic but rather to bring medical services to those who fi nd it diffi cult

to get there.”

The DOW initiative adopts a holistic approach when meeting the needs of the


“We do not look at just their medical conditions, but also assist in other areas

where possible,” said Dr Tan.

SATA acts as a bridge to

connect needy residents to

other volunteer welfare

organisations(VWOs) and

grassroots organisations


Have wheels will heal








t d l ”

Clear visionAmong the benefi ciaries of DOW are

Mr Tan Ah Kow and Mdm Lim Fang

Luan. Mr Tan had cataract condition

on both eyes and through the DOW

program-me, was referred to Singa-

pore National Eye Centre for surgery.

He successfully underwent surgery on

one eye in May and the other in July.

“The programme benefi tted me a lot.

I can see very clearly now after the sur-

gery,” said the 82-year-old resident.

Already blinded in one eye, Mdm Lim,

78, was found to have severe glaucoma

in the other. “The DOW referred me to

Tan Tock Seng Hospital and I had my

eye surgery done in May,” she said.

Active ageingMrs Josephine Teo, Member of Par-

liament for Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC,

wants to encourage active ageing in

our community and believes that hav-

ing good health is the start of it.

“We know some residents worry

about transport and medical fees, so

unless they feel very bad, they don’t

even seek a medical opinion for their

discomfort. This is not good as small

problems that are left unchecked can

snowball. By partnering with SATA to

bring affordable medical services to

their door step, we enable more elder-

ly residents to live healthy lives and to

pursue activities they enjoy,” she said.

Clear vision



Blk 511 Bishan St 11, #01-522 (S) 570511 6353 8406

Blk 509 Bishan St 11, #01-382 (S) 570509 6253 1360

Blk 116 Bishan St 12, #01-28 (S) 570116 6258 9610

Blk 121 Bishan St 12, #01-93 (S) 570121 6352 7002

Bishan Habib Store Blk 150 Bishan St 11, #01-157 (S) 570151 6354 5596

H. J. Ventures Pte Ltd Blk 150 Bishan St 11, #01-155 (S) 570150 6354 5596

Blk 150A Bishan St 11, #01-163 (S) 571150A 6258 8750

Blk 151 Bishan St 11, #01-187 (S) 570151 6353 2175

Blk 150 Bishan St 11, #01-141 (S) 570150 6354 1109

Blk 152A Bishan St 11, #01-229 (S) 570152A

Yu Sheng Fresh Mart Blk 152A Bishan St 11, #01-233 (S) 570152A 9687 2278

Moh Seng Mini Mart Blk 152A Bishan St 11, #01-235 (S) 570152A 6353 5542

Blk 152A Bishan St 11, #01-231 (S) 570152A 6896 0965

Blk 152A Bishan St 11, #01-227 (S) 570152A 9666 7119

Blk 152 Bishan St 11, #01-217 (S) 570152 6258 7609

Quality Kids Blk 152 Bishan St 11, #01-215 (S) 570152 6353 7648

Chuan Hwee Video Trading Pte Ltd Blk 112 Bishan St 12, #01-20 (S) 570112 6259 7520

Blk 151 Bishan St 11, #01-191 (S) 570151 6356 6631

Tai Soon TS DXT Project Blk 503 Bishan St 11, #01-448 (S) 570503 6258 8441

Blk 503 Bishan St 11, #01-450 (S) 570503 6352 7248

Boon Siew Interior Design Blk 503 Bishan St 11, #01-454 (S) 570503 6356 0050

Bess 8 Blk 506 Bishan St 11, #01-400 (S) 570506 6255 3488

Blk 508 Bishan St 11, #01-388 (S) 570508 6354 6851

Kheng Yong Fashion Kiosk 1998 Blk 513 Bishan St 11, #01-512 (S) 570513 6258 6216

Blk 152 Bishan St 11, #01-219 (S) 570152 6258 3301

Blk 513 Bishan St 11, #01-508 (S) 570513 6258 2827

Min(O) She Blk 513 Bishan St 11, #01-514 (S) 570513 6253 1360

Blk 150 Bishan St 11, #01-153 (S) 570150 6259 7231

Unique Gas Trading Pte Ltd 6382 6663

Bishan East Merchants Association

Lady Graduate Ex-teacher offers tuition. Subjects – Primary: Eng,Maths, Science. Secondary: Eng, Elementary/Additional Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Science. Venue: Toa Payoh Lorong 1/Lorong 4 junction (Tutor’s residence) Experience: Teaching /Tuition – 25 years Rates: Negotiable Call / SMS Jessica: 96536114 / 93757601






Notice Board

Give us your feed-back, suggestions

or comments.Send them to

Bishan-Toa Payoh Town Council, Toa Payoh Offi ce

Blk 125A Lorong 2 Toa Payoh #01-134

Singapore 311125

Bishan Offi ce Blk 197 Bishan St 13

#01-585 Singapore 570197

Tel: 6259 6700 Fax: 6259 9626

Email: [email protected]


Rare! Science Graduate. Effective ex-perience teacher for Physics, Chem-istry, Biology, English, Math E/A/C. Primary 5 to Secondary 4. (1 to 1 at student’s house) Reasonable fees. Mr Lim 96171577

Certifi ed Yoga Teachers to start Be-ginner’s class for small group. Learn gentle asanas (postures) and proper breathing techniques (pranayama) to harness your chakra energies, man-age stress, and transform into bet-ter health with proven yogic tech-niques. For class booking, Tel: Kanya @ 90184467

For a limited time only, discover Asia’s Top 3 Trainers in Business, Personal development and success share their trade secrets to maximum personal achievement! For more information, visit


MINISTERIAL COMMUNITY VISITBy Minister for Finance, Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam

to Toa Payoh East Division on 5th October 2008

Dialogue Session with Minister will be held thereafter at

Toa Payoh East Community Club Multi-Purpose Hall on

5th October 2008 at 12 Noon

All are welcome!

Please look out for more details at your RC and/or CC notice boards in due course!


We provide home tuition for all sub-jects: English, Math, Science, Humani-ties, 2nd Languages (Malay, Tamil, Chinese) for Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary Students. Call us 9187 9051 / 9785 2605 – Irene. Website:

Lay your child’s foundation right. Ef-fective bilingual teacher specialize in K1 - P4 for all subjects 98567171.

Secondary School Science Assessment Books providing the Best Ever Study Notes and Challenging Test & Exam Papers (with answers). To purchase, go to : Guarantee)

Lady Graduate Ex-teacher offers tuition.Primary: Eng, Maths, Science. Second-ary: Eng, Elementary/Additional Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Science. Venue: Toa Payoh Lorong 1 / Lorong 4 junction (Tutor’s residence). Experi-ence: Teaching / Tuition – 25 years.Rates: Negotiable. Call / SMS Jessica:93757601/ 96536114





BBM Award

Mr Chow Tak Neo, PBMChairmanToa Payoh West CCMC

Town Council Members

PBM Award

Mr Chia Pen ChuenVice-ChairmanBishan East Zone 2 RC

Mr Lim Tau Jeow, Lawrence4th Vice-ChairmanToa Payoh Central CCC

Mr Soh Chee Ling, BennyChairmanToa Payoh East Zone 2 RC

GRC Community Leaders

BBM Award

PBM Award

Mr Ong Teng Dit, PBMChairmanToa Payoh East CSC

Mr Teo Keng KoonChairmanBishan East CSC

Mr Wee Chow WeiVice-ChairmanThomson CDEC

Mdm Choo Ah Moey, Angela ChairpersonBishan North CC WEC

Mr Ho Soo HwaChairmanToa Payoh Central Zone 4 RC

Mr Teo Lai Hock, DaveChairmanBishan North CCMC


Fun TimeFun TimeFun Time

Entry Rules1. Only HDB residents of Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC are eligible to participate and all entries must be made on the offi cial entry form.

2. Each household is allowed to send in only one entry.

3. Councillors and employees of Bishan-Toa Payoh Town Council and their immediate families are not allowed to participate.

4. The judges' decision is fi nal and no correspondence will be entertained.

5. Prizes will be awarded to the fi rst 20 all correct entries drawn and winners will be notifi ed by post.

6. Answers will be published in the next issue of Bishan-Toa Payoh Town Council News.

Please send your entries on the back of an envelope to reach us before 10th October 2008. Address the envelope to: The Editor, The Quiz Corner (Quiz No. 70), BTPTC News Blk 125A, #01-134, Lorong 2 Toa Payoh, Singapore 311125.

What vehicle does Doctor-on-Wheels operate in?

Name: Mr/Ms




Tel: Home Offi ce

Mobile Email

Trendy Umbrella

to be Won!


Winners for Quiz #68


1 Ms Christina Hoo

2 Mdm Lee Yok Liu

3 Ms Koh Chui Ngoh

4 Ms Jenett Wee

5 Ms Christina Chua Siew Kim

6 Ms Lim Shu Yi Stella

7 Mr Wong Chew Kong

8 Mr Lee Eng Seng

9 Mr Balliah Tamilchelvam

10 Ms Eng Loo Lee

11 Mr Liu Sy Yee

12 Ms Lai Nam Long

13 Mr Lo Hup Soon

14 Ms Kwek Lay Choo

15 Mdm Rozita Binte Jumain

16 Mr Zhang LiYang

17 Mr Lim Hock Chuan

18 Ms Chua Mui Huay Mary


19 Mr Mohd Isa Bin Slamat

20 Ms Cheong Sok Mun Angeline

21 Ms Wong Shu Lee

22 Ms Lee Chooi Kuan

23 Ms Jenny Sng Geok Eng

24 Mr Jasper Goh Han Ming

25 Ms Haw Lay Ha

26 Mr Lam Wah Chai

27 Ms Koh Lay Chin

28 Ms Gan Yah Ing

29 Mr Sim Keng Hee

30 Ms Tan Siam Hong

31 Ms Sarujeeni d/o K G.Nathan

32 Mdm Annie Layar

33 Ms Ar. Chellam

34 Ms Vinitha Veronica Bala

35 Mr K. Joshua

36 Ms Tan Mui Choo

Answer toAnswer toQuiz #68:Quiz #68:Blk 320

Shunfu Mart


37 Mdm S Lalitha

38 Mr Foo Tee Koon

39 Ms Yong Yan Chin

40 Mr Aw Siew Chiong

41 Ms Lily Dharma

42 Mr Ang Hong Heng

43 Ms Karen Wee Keok Eng

44 Ms Lee Siet Chin Janet

45 Ms Koh Siew Mei

46 Ms Teo Hui Huang

47 Ms Divya Selvaraj

48 Mr Tay Jing Yong

49 Mr Shahrizan Farizal

50 Ms Celine Teo Lay Hoon

The MPs of Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC and The MPs of Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC and Bishan-Toa Payoh Town Council wish all Muslim Residents Bishan-Toa Payoh Town Council wish all Muslim Residents

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

Anggota Anggota Parlimen bagi Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC Anggota Anggota Parlimen bagi Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC dan Majlis Bandaran Bishan-Toa Payoh mengucapkan dan Majlis Bandaran Bishan-Toa Payoh mengucapkan

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

The MPs of Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC and Bishan-Toa Payoh Town Council wish all Hindu Residents

Happy Deepavali