birth time rectification ‐ an innovative approach

<he Author is about 50 years old and holds a Post Graduate degree in Civil Engineering from Indian Institute of Science (IISc., Bangalore). He was the University topper and Gold Medallist at the Graduate level. He worked as a Software Engineer for over 22 years in both Indian as well as large MNC companies. He did on-site software development work at Switzerland for a few years. He took voluntary retirement in December 2004. Since then, he is pursuing the study of Astrology which is one of his interests. The author is particularly interested in Medical Astrology and has already published articles giving special combinations for Diabetes (both Type-I and Type-II) and severe Dandruff problems that could be identified from natal charts. His other interest being Poetry; has published a poetry collection (in local language Kannada) in 2006. Birth Time Rectification $Q ,QQRYDWLYH $SSURDFK %\ .ULVKQDPXUWK\ 6 ,QGLD "A child is born on that day and at that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with one's individual karma…" イ 6ZDPL 6UL <XNWHVZDU *XUX RI 3DUDPDKDQVD <RJDQDQGD 7KLV LV DQ HQGHDYRXU WR ILQG WKH PDWKHPDWLFDO KDUPRQ\ WKDW 6ZDPL <XNWHVZDU LV WDONLQJ DERXW LQ WKH DERYH VWDWHPHQW ,W LV ZLGHO\ XQGHUVWRRG WKDW WKH LQGLYLGXDO NDUPDV PDQLIHVW WKURXJK WKH LQIOXHQFH RI WKH QLQH カJUDKDVキ RQ WKH QDWLYH $QG LQ D KRURVFRSH /DJQD RU $VFHQGDQW LQ D KRURVFRSH DFWV VLPLODU WR WKH QHHGOH WKDW LV SRLQWLQJ WR 1RUWK LQ D FRPSDVV ,W LV YHU\ OLNHO\ WKDW WKH /DJQD LQ D KRURVFRSH DOVR SRLQWV H[DFWO\ WR D VSHFLILF カJUDKDキ RU SODQHW LQ WKH FKDUW ,I ZH DUH DEOH WR GHWHUPLQH ZKDW LW LV SRLQWLQJ WR LW ZRXOG EH SRVVLEOH WR DFFXUDWHO\ DOLJQ /DJQD WR WKDW SODQHW DQG LQ WKH SURFHVV ZH FRXOG UHFWLI\ WKH ELUWK WLPH UHFRUGLQJ HUURUV DQG DUULYH DW WKH DFWXDO WLPH RI ELUWK 7KLV LV WKH SKLORVRSK\ EHKLQG WKH UHVHDUFK XQGHUWDNHQ 7KLV DXWKRU VWURQJO\ EHOLHYHV WKDW IRU D KXPDQ ELUWK WR WDNH SODFH WKHUH KDV WR EH VRPH ZHOO GHILQHG UHODWLRQVKLS EHWZHHQ WKH SRVLWLRQ RI /DJQD DQG WKDW RI RQH RI WKH SODQHWV LQ WKH FKDUW 185

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Permanent Temporary Compound Friend Friend Close Friend (CF) Friend Enemy Neutral (NU) Neutral Friend Friend (FR) Neutral Enemy Enemy (EN) Enemy Friend Neutral (NU) Enemy Enemy Bitter Enemy (BE) One should go by the compound relationship between the planets. BPHS 1 states that all


Page 1: Birth Time Rectification ‐ An Innovative Approach

The Author is about 50 years old and holds

a Post Graduate degree in Civil Engineering from Indian Institute of Science (IISc., Bangalore). He was the University topper and Gold Medallist at the Graduate level. He worked as a Software Engineer for over 22 years in both Indian as well as large MNC companies. He did on-site software development work at Switzerland for a few years. He took voluntary retirement in December 2004. Since then, he is pursuing the study of Astrology which is one of his interests. The author is particularly interested in Medical Astrology and has already published articles giving special combinations for Diabetes (both Type-I and Type-II) and severe Dandruff problems that could be identified from natal charts. His other interest being Poetry; has published a poetry collection (in local language Kannada) in 2006.

Birth Time Rectification ‐ An Innovative Approach

By Krishnamurthy S, India.

"A child is born on that day and at that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical

harmony with one's individual karma…" – Swami Sri Yukteswar, Guru of

Paramahansa Yogananda

This is an endeavour to find the mathematical harmony that Swami Yukteswar is talking about, in the above statement. It is widely understood that the individual karmas manifest through the influence of the nine ‘grahas’ on the native. And, in a horoscope, Lagna or Ascendant in a horoscope acts similar to the needle that is pointing to North in a compass. It is very likely that the Lagna in a horoscope also points exactly to a specific ‘graha’ or planet in the chart. If we are able to determine what it is pointing to, it would be possible to accurately align Lagna to that planet and in the process we could rectify the birth time recording errors and arrive at the actual time of birth. This is the philosophy behind the research undertaken. This author strongly believes that for a human birth to take place there has to be some well defined relationship between the position of Lagna and that of one of the planets in the chart.


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The search for an answer began with this assumption and the result is presented here. After assuming that Lagna is aligned to one particular planet in the chart, a question arises as to what are the criteria to determine that particular planet. Obviously, this planet should standout on some important ground. In Astrology, we have many parameters and many different scales to compare the relative strengths of different planets. After some study, it has been observed that how well a planet is placed in a chart emerges as the determining criteria. When a planet is most comfortably placed as compared to other planets, that planet is regarded as the best placed planet. And, Lagna gets aligned to that planet.

As each sign is owned by a certain planet and the state of another planet placed there depends on how it relates to the owner of that sign. Hence, one should look at the nature of friendship between planets to determine whether a planet is placed well or not.

Determination of Compound Relationships between planets

One should go by the compound relationship between the planets. BPHS 1 states that all planets placed in the 2 nd , 3 rd , 4 th , 10 th , 11 th and 12 th houses from a planet are its temporary friends. If we think about the reasoning behind such a proposition, it is apparent that planets become temporary enemies when they are very close to each other (as their rays interfere with each others) or when they are far away from each other (as their rays oppose each others). It appears that this rule is purely based on simple Physics rather than anything else. Normally, astrologers look at the houses mentioned above and take all planets present in those relative positions as temporary friends. Keeping the spirit of the concept, this author humbly proposes a slightly different interpretation of what has been said in BPHS as against what is commonly followed. It is proposed that, if two planets have a longitudinal distance greater than 15 degrees and less than 105 degrees between them (irrespective of the signs they occupy), they should be considered as temporary friends. Here, there is no violation from the essence of what is said in BPHS. The definition for permanent friendships followed here is exactly same as what is given in BPHS. The compound relationship is the resultant of permanent and temporary relationships:

Permanent Temporary Compound Friend Friend Close Friend (CF) Friend Enemy Neutral (NU) Neutral Friend Friend (FR) Neutral Enemy Enemy (EN) Enemy Friend Neutral (NU) Enemy Enemy Bitter Enemy (BE)

Order Of Importance

From the above table, we can conclude that a planet placed in the sign of a Close Friend is better placed than a planet placed in the sign of any other compound relationship. However, there are even better placements for a planet than this. Following is a list of placements ordered from best to worst:

1 Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra


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Exalted (EX) (Not the entire sign, within 15 degrees from the deepest point) Vargottama (VG) Moola Trikona (MT) (Not the entire sign, look for actual degrees) Own (OW) Close Friend (CF) Friend (FR) Neutral (NU) Enemy (EN) Bitter Enemy (BE) Debilitated (DB) (Within 15 deg. of approaching deepest point, even if in another sign)

Treating for Planets in Parivartana/Srinkhala 2

There is one very important concept that affects the determination of how a planet is placed in a chart. It is very important to check if a planet is either in Parivartana or in Srinkhala and apply necessary adjustments. In the experience of this author, a planet which has undergone Parivartana/Srinkhala behaves as if it is placed in its own sign (the sign that has participated in Parivartana/Srinkhala). Except for considering combustion and effects of other conjunctions and aspects, for other purposes, such a planet should be treated as if it is in its own sign. As a result of Parivartana/Srinkhala a planet is entitled for two different placements, one in the house actually placed and the other the resultant own house. That planet should be assigned the better of the two placements. Hence, a planet debilitated but in Parivartana should be assigned a ‘GO’ (Goes to Own) placement while a planet exalted and in Parivartana/Srinkhala should be assigned ‘EX’ placement.

However, one should note that more the planets in Srinkhala, less the effectiveness of Parivartana. A three planet Srinkhala should be definitely considered while a Srinkhala involving more than three planets could be ignored.

Checking Some Important Conditions

1. Even when a planet is exalted or is Vargottama, it may not behave according to its placement because the planet could be in a Rasi Sandhi. Hence, planets placed in a Rasi Sandhi or Gandanta are considered to be weak irrespective of their placement status. Even the planets disposited by planets in Rasi Sandhi should be ignored irrespective of their status.

2. If a planet is debilitated (either in Rasi or in Navamsha) or closely conjunct a debilitated planet (within an orb of about 6 degrees) or even if it disposits a debilitated planet (either in Rasi or in Navamsha), then one should not take it into the reckoning (unless the debilitated planet is under Parivartana/Srinkhala). Only Exalted or Vargottama planets should be kept in the reckoning even if they are tainted by debilitated planets.

3. A planet exalted in Navamsha that has a lesser status in Rasi should be given a status EXN. Entire sign in Navamsha is fine, no need to look at specific degrees.



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4. Those planets which are more than 50% combust should be ignored. One should not disqualify Mercury even when it is deeply combust. And, the planets that are disposited by such combust planets should also be ignored.

5. Ketu by default should be left out as its placement depends on placement of Rahu. Hence, there are only eight planets in the race including Rahu. For Rahu, Taurus should be considered as the sign of exaltation and Scorpio should be considered as the sign of debilitation. Rahu owns Aquarius and Ketu Scorpio. This comes handy while checking Parivartana/Srinkhala.

6. No need to make any special adjustments for a planet which is retrograde

Care should be taken to verify all such conditions that make a planet weak and ensure that the planet considered is well placed in all respects.

Determining The Best Placed Planet

After filtering the planets for all their negative qualities, one should look for the planets in the following categories (in that order of importance) rejecting the others and also rejecting those with other blemishes (as described in the above paragraph):

1. Vargottama (EX or MT) 2. Exaltation (EX) 3. Moola Trikona (MT) 4. Vargottama (VG) (not in BE, EN, or DB) 5. Exalted in Navamsha (EXN) (not in BE, EN or DB in Rasi) 6. Own (OW)

One should first look for planets in the number 1 category, if none found, then look for the next best category etc., and reach the best placed planet. Some points to note before finalizing the best placed planet:

Ø If there are two or more planets in the same top category, the best of them should be determined by comparing their Shadbala.

Ø If none of the planets fall in the qualifying categories, then the planet with highest Shadbala might be the one to be looked into.

Ø When a planet’s Shadbala is relatively much higher as compared to that of any other planet, this planet also becomes a contender.

Ø When a planet though found to be the best placed planet from the above method has a Shadbala below the minimum required for that planet (or below 100%), it might lose its eligibility (unless the planet is categorised as either “EX” or “VG”).

Ø When two planets are in Graha Yuddha, there is no consensus on the resolution of the criteria to determine the winner. As a result, there could be some errors in the calculation of Shadbala of those planets. Also, Graha Yuddha should be considered only between the five non‐luminous physical planets. There are other considerations which could affect the Shadbala calculations. In such conditions, relying fully on the Shadbala could cause problems.

All such cases should be studied carefully as it is difficult draw a clear line.


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Aligning Lagna with the Best Placed Planet

Here comes hitherto unknown bit. This might appear a bit strange to some. But, this has been proposed after testing numerous charts for the accuracy of birth time.

This step can not be easily done without using software as this is a highly iterative process. This author has used JHora. It could be performed using any software that gives nakshatra‐ lord, sub‐lord, sub‐sub‐lord…. table for all the planets like the one in JHora. In JHora, this is found by clicking the ‘KP’ tab at the right bottom on the default screen. One will see the information like below:

Body/Cusp * Nak‐Lord * Sublord * Prati‐sub * Sookshma‐sub * Praana‐sub * Deha‐sub As Ju Sa Ve Ma Ju Sa Su Ju Mo Mo Ju Ra Ve Mo Ma Ke Ve Mo Mo Ma Ma Ju Mo Me Sa Sa Ke Me Me Ra Mo Me Sa Ju Ju Mo Ve Su Ra Ke Ju

Ve Mo Sa Ve Mo Su Me Sa Ju Ve Ju Mo Ke Mo Ra Ve Sa Me Ra Sa Ve

Assuming that Rahu is the best placed planet, one could focus only on the relevant information of this table as below:

Body/Cusp * Nak‐Lord * Sublord * Prati‐sub * Sookshma‐sub * Praana‐sub * Deha‐sub Lg Ju Sa Ve Ma Ju Sa Ra Ve Sa Me Ra Sa Ve

Now, in an iterative process, adjust the birth time such that both ‘Lg’ and ‘Ra’ have identical lords from ‘Sub‐lord’ onwards in the above table. Stop adjusting the birth time once the following configuration is reached:

Body/Cusp * Nak‐Lord * Sublord * Prati‐sub * Sookshma‐sub * Praana‐sub * Deha‐sub Lg Ju Sa Me Ra Sa Ve Ra Ve Sa Me Ra Sa Ve

The adjusted time to reach this alignment is the rectified birth time of the native.

Other than the above suggested alignment, two more alignments are possible which also involve the Nak‐lord of either Lagna or that of the planet in question. These alignments are demonstrated below:


Body/Cusp * Nak‐Lord * Sublord * Prati‐sub * Sookshma‐sub * Praana‐sub * Deha‐sub189

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Lg Ju Ve Sa Me Ra Sa Ra Ve Sa Me Ra Sa Ve

Here, Sub‐lord level of the Lagna is aligned to Nak‐lord level of the planet in question.


Body/Cusp * Nak‐Lord * Sublord * Prati‐sub * Sookshma‐sub * Praana‐sub * Deha‐sub Lg Sa Me Ra Sa Ve Ve Ra Ve Sa Me Ra Sa Ve

Here, Nak‐lord level of the Lagna is aligned with Sub‐lord level of the planet in question.

The time that gives an alignment that is closest to the given/recorded birth time should be considered as the rectified birth time.

Normally, in case of well documented births, such an alignment is seen within a couple of minutes from the recorded birth time. If not, following three situations are possible:

a. There is an error in identifying the best placed planet, or b. The given birth time is grossly erroneous, or c. Could be a rare case that fails this theory (needs a closer look)

The truth of this fact is demonstrated taking examples of some of the well recorded birth details of famous personalities. The given examples could be studied to understand the procedure better as well as a proof that Lagna always points to the best placed planet in the chart. That is the time when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony resulting in a human birth.

Applicability & Advantages of this method

Ø This method is applicable for the final fine‐tuning of the birth time when birth time is available within a range of few minutes from the time of actual birth, or when a hospital record is available which invariably would have some variation due to recording errors.

Ø The advantage of this method is that there is no need to cast a Prashna chart, or there is no need to know some important events in the life of the native, and there is no need to drill through many divisional charts and fine‐tune them based on the events in the native’s life. The method of fine‐tuning poses inherent traps as it calls for a very good knowledge of delineating divisional charts. This method uses the available birth details and looks for the mathematical harmony between Lagna and another entity in the chart. Hence, is prone to less errors.

Ø This method is not too sensitive to small changes in Ayanamsha (like a difference of even around one degree), it still gives the same rectified time irrespective of the Ayanamsha used in a small range. For example, the method gives same rectified time when either Lahiri or Raman Ayanamsha is used. Here the difference is more than


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one degree between these two Ayanamshas. Hence, Astrologers can use any Ayanamsha of their choice. However, it should be noted that in some charts, the Navamsha placement of planets when on the border are sensitive to small changes in Ayanamsha and this could hijack the end result.

More than 100 charts with well recorded birth times have been tested to see if such an alignment between the Lagna and the best placed planet exists around the given time of birth. There were only handful of misses and the success rate is exceptional.


Those who would like to study this approach in detail are urged not to miss the last example of Jawaharlal Nehru. That example clearly demonstrates the power of this approach. The Ayanamsha used is “True Chitrapaksha Ayanamsha”.

1. Clint Eastwood 3

Birth Date: 05/31/1930 (May 31, 1930) Birth Time: 17:35 (05:35 PM) PST (+8:00) Birth Place: San Francisco, CA Latitude / Longitude:

37 N 47 / 122 W 26

Rodden Rating / Source: AA / BC/BR in hand

Source Notes: B.C. in hand from Steinbrecher, obtained by Bob Garner. (Same Contemporary American Horoscopes and Gauquelin Book of American Charts)

Planet Comments on the placement of the planet



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Sun NU Moon OW Mars OW Mercury In Rasi Sandhi Jupiter Dispositor in Sandhi Venus Dispositor in Sandhi Saturn EN Rahu BE

There is a tie between Moon and Mars. However, Mars has a higher Shadbala than Moon. Hence, Mars is the best placed planet in this chart.

The relationship between Lagna and Mars is as follows:

Body/Cusp * Nak‐Lord * Sublord * Prati‐sub * Sookshma‐sub * Praana‐sub * Deha‐sub Lg Ju Me Sa Ra Ra Ma Ma Ke Ra Ra Ra Mo Ra

The birth time is adjusted to have the alignment in the following manner:

Body/Cusp * Nak‐Lord * Sublord * Prati‐sub * Sookshma‐sub * Praana‐sub * Deha‐sub Lg Ju Ke Ra Ra Ra Mo Ma Ke Ra Ra Ra Mo Sa

The birth time that gives the above alignment is 17:37:0.94 (as against the recorded time of 17:35 hrs.)

2. Pablo Picasso 4

Birth Date: 10/25/1881 (Oct 25, 1881) Birth Time: 23:15 (11:15 PM) LMT (+0:18) Birth Place: Malaga, Spain



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Latitude / Longitude:

36 N 43 / 04 W 25

Rodden Rating / Source:

AA / Quoted BC/BR

Source Notes: B.C. in hand from Filipe Ferreira ("a las once y cuarto de la noche.") Formerly, Filipe Ferreira quoted Josep Palau Fabre in his well documented, "Picasso Vivent," Ediciones Poligrafa, Barcelona, 1982, "according to the testimony of his father in the birth certificate." The same information is in the book of Picasso's secretary, Jaime Sabartes, "Picasso: Documents Iconographiques," p.113‐114 and 302‐303, Cailler, Genebra, 1954 (Formerly, times were given variously as 9:30 PM, 11:59 PM, 12:03 PM, 11:35 AM, 7:30 AM and 7:30 PM)

Planet Comments on the placement of the planet Sun DB Moon DB Mars Disps DB Moon, DB Sat & DB Rahu Mercury VG(OW) Jupiter BE Venus Disps DB Sun Saturn DB Rahu DB

Mercury is under Parivartana/Srinkhala both in Rasi as well as in Navamsha, as a result behaves as a Vargottama planet in own sign. Mercury is the best placed planet in the chart.

The relationship between Lagna and Mercury is as follows:

Body/Cusp * Nak‐Lord * Sublord * Prati‐sub * Sookshma‐sub * Praana‐sub * Deha‐sub Lg Sa Ra Sa Sa Ra Mo Me Ju Ra Sa Mo Ke Mo

The birth time is adjusted to have the alignment in the following manner:

Body/Cusp * Nak‐Lord * Sublord * Prati‐sub * Sookshma‐sub * Praana‐sub * Deha‐sub Lg Ra Ra Sa Mo Ke Ra Me Ju Ra Sa Mo Ke Ra

The birth time that gives the above alignment is 23:15:47.2 (as against the recorded time of 23:15 hrs.)


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3. Queen Elizabeth II 5

Birth Date: 04/21/1926 (Apr 21, 1926) Birth Time: 2:40 (02:40 AM) GDT (+0:00) Birth Place: London, England Latitude / Longitude:

51 N 30 / 0 W 10

Rodden Rating / Source:

AA / Quoted BC/BR

Source Notes: Fagan quotes official announcement AA 3/l976

Planet Comments on the placement of the planet Sun EX Moon OW Mars EX Mercury DB, Dispositor in Sandhi Jupiter In Rasi Sandhi, disposits DB Mercury Venus NU Saturn GO Rahu VG (CF)

Here, there is a tie between Sun and Mars. However, Mars has higher Shadbala than Sun. Hence, Mars is the winner and is the best placed planet in the chart.

The relationship between Lagna and Mars is as follows:

Body/Cusp * Nak‐Lord * Sublord * Prati‐sub * Sookshma‐sub * Praana‐sub * Deha‐sub Lg Su Ma Ra Ve Ve Ra Ma Ma Sa Sa Ve Ke Me



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The birth time is adjusted to have the alignment in the following manner:

Body/Cusp * Nak‐Lord * Sublord * Prati‐sub * Sookshma‐sub * Praana‐sub * Deha‐sub Lg Ra Ma Sa Sa Ve Ke Ma Ma Sa Sa Ve Ke Me

The birth time that gives the above alignment is 02:40:29.5 (as against the recorded time of 02:40 hrs.)

4. Albert Einstein 6

Birth Date: 03/14/1879 (March 14, 1879) Birth Time: 11:30 (11:30 AM) LMT (‐0:40) Birth Place: Ulm, Germany Latitude / Longitude:

48 N 24 / 10 E 00

Rodden Rating / Source: AA / Quoted BC/BR

Source Notes: Ebertin quotes B.R.

Planet Comments on the placement of the planet Sun CF Moon GO Mars FR (far away from deep exaltation point) Mercury DB Jupiter Disps DB Mercury Venus EX Saturn VG(MT)



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Rahu CF

Saturn has undergone Parivartana both in Rasi and Navamsha and as a result behaves as a Vargottama. It also overcomes the blemish due to close conjunction of debilitated Mercury because of that.

The relationship between Lagna and Saturn is as follows:

Body/Cusp * Nak‐Lord * Sublord * Prati‐sub * Sookshma‐sub * Praana‐sub * Deha‐sub Lg Ra Ma Ju Ra Sa Sa Sa Sa Mo Ve Me Ju Ju

The birth time is adjusted to have the alignment in the following manner:

Body/Cusp * Nak‐Lord * Sublord * Prati‐sub * Sookshma‐sub * Praana‐sub * Deha‐sub Lg Ra Mo Ve Me Ju Ju Sa Sa Mo Ve Me Ju Ju

The birth time that gives the above alignment is 11:28:24.7 (as against the recorded time of 11:30 hrs.)

Here are some famous Indian personalities for whom the birth details available are believed to be accurate.

5. Swami Vivekananada

Planet Comments on the placement of the planet Sun In Rasi Sandhi Moon NU Mars Disps DB Rahu Mercury GO Jupiter NU


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Venus EXN, (NU in Rasi) Saturn GO Rahu DB

Venus is a clear pick.

The relationship between Lagna and Venus before rectification is as follows:

Body/Cusp * Nak‐Lord * Sublord * Prati‐sub * Sookshma‐sub * Praana‐sub * Deha‐sub Lg Ve Ke Ve Ju Ju Ju Ve Su Ke Ve Sa Sa Sa

The birth time is adjusted to have the alignment in the following manner:

Body/Cusp * Nak‐Lord * Sublord * Prati‐sub * Sookshma‐sub * Praana‐sub * Deha‐sub Lg Ve Ke Ve Sa Sa Sa Ve Su Ke Ve Sa Sa Sa

Aligning Lagna with Venus, the rectified birth time will be 6:33:04.2 as against the recorded birth time of 6:33:00 (from Sanjay Rath’s book)

6. Sri Satya Sai Baba

Planet Comments on the placement of the planet Sun NU Moon NU Mars OW Mercury NU Jupiter Dispositor combust Venus Combust Saturn Combust Rahu NU


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Though Mars is placed in the debilitation sign in Navamsha, it has undergone Srinkhala with Moon, Jupiter and Mercury. Hence, it has no blemish of being debilitated in Navamsha. It is the only planet that qualifies. However, considering that the Srinkhala involving 4 planets is not very effective and disqualifying Mars on that ground, yet Mars qualifies as the best placed planet by virtue of having higher Shadbala than all other planets.

The relationship between Lagna and Mars before rectification is as follows:

Body/Cusp * Nak‐Lord * Sublord * Prati‐sub * Sookshma‐sub * Praana‐sub * Deha‐sub Lg Sa Me Ju Ra Ve Ju Ma Ke Me Sa Sa Ke Me

The birth time is adjusted to have the alignment in the following manner:

Body/Cusp * Nak‐Lord * Sublord * Prati‐sub * Sookshma‐sub * Praana‐sub * Deha‐sub Lg Sa Me Sa Sa Ke Me Ma Ke Me Sa Sa Ke Me

Aligning Lagna with Mars, the rectified birth time is 6:26:07.1 as against the recorded birth time of 6:26

7. Indira Gandhi

Planet Comments on the placement of the planet Sun VG(MT) Moon GO Mars GO Mercury FR Jupiter GO Venus GO Saturn GO Rahu BE


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This is a strong chart with three pairs of Parivartanas. Sun undergoes Parivartana with Mars in Rasi and is in its own sign in Navamsha. Hence, Sun is a clear pick.

The relationship between Lagna and Sun before rectification is as follows:

Body/Cusp * Nak‐Lord * Sublord * Prati‐sub * Sookshma‐sub * Praana‐sub * Deha‐sub Lg Me Ju Ra Su Ve Ra Su Sa Sa Ve Ve Ke Ju

The birth time is adjusted to have the alignment in the following manner:

Body/Cusp * Nak‐Lord * Sublord * Prati‐sub * Sookshma‐sub * Praana‐sub * Deha‐sub Lg Me Sa Sa Ve Ve Ke Su Sa Sa Ve Ve Ke Sa

Aligning Lagna with Sun, we have the rectified time as 23:13:45.9 as against the recorded time of 23:13 (From Sri BV Raman’s book)

8. Jawaharlal Nehru

This is a very interesting case to study using the proposed method of Birth Time Rectification. The reason being that there are different views on the correct birth time within a narrow range of about half an hour and it would be interesting to check what the result of rectification indicates.

Following are the different birth times available for Nehru:

From Sri B V Raman’s book (How to Judge a Horoscope Vol. II) – 23:03 hrs. (LMT) From Sri Sanjay Rath’s book (Crux of Vedic Astrology) – 23:21 hrs. (IST) Astrodatabank – Rodden Rating ‘A’ (from Memory) 23:36 hrs. (LMT)

The second of the above three times is used cast the chart as it is the near average. In any case, nothing much changes in Navamsha for all the three times except Navamsha Lagna which is not relevant to the method being used.


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Planet Comments on the placement of the planet Sun In Rasi Sandhi Moon VG(OW) Mars NU Mercury NU Jupiter VG(OW) Venus OW Saturn Dispositor is in Rasi Sandhi Rahu NU

Jupiter and Moon both are in their own sign in Rasi and they are in Srinkhala in Navamsha. Hence, they both behave like Vargottama planets in their own sign. As there is a tie between them, Shadbala comes into picture. Clearly, Moon has a much higher Shadbala than that of Jupiter and hence Moon is picked as the best placed planet in this chart.

The relationship between Lagna and Moon before rectification is as follows:

Body/Cusp * Nak‐Lord * Sublord * Prati‐sub * Sookshma‐sub * Praana‐sub * Deha‐sub Lg Me Ju Me Ju Me Ve Mo Me Me Ju Ju Ra Ke

Looking at the above combination, one can see that out of the three possible alignments, only one is likely if the given time‐frame is +/‐ 30 minutes from the assumed time, which is aligning Nakshatra lord of Lagna with Sub‐lord of Moon. For any other alignment to take place, the rectified time undergoes a drastic change.

The birth time is adjusted to have the alignment in the following manner:

Body/Cusp * Nak‐Lord * Sublord * Prati‐sub * Sookshma‐sub * Praana‐sub * Deha‐sub Lg Me Ju Ju Sa Ve Ke Mo Me Me Ju Ju Sa Ve

Aligning Lagna with Moon, we have the rectified birth time as 23:18:00 hrs (LMT). This is equivalent to 23:20:00 hrs (IST). This is very close to the time used by Sri Sanjay Rath (23:21 IST). It appears that his source is the authentic in this particular case.

It is clear from this example that in case of small errors in recorded birth time, this approach shows the way to narrow down to the likely correct birth time.


The above examples demonstrate that there is a clear affinity between Lagna and the best placed planet in the chart. Hence, it is appropriate to conclude that the correct birth time is when the Lagna is perfectly aligned to the best placed planet in the chart.


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Extending the scope of this study It is always challenging to apply any Jyotish principle to a twin’s chart and verify it. As the news of octuplets birth was breaking, it was indeed interesting to see how to apply this theory for such births. The birth details are as follows:

January 26, 2009 between 10:43 and 10:48 hrs. at Bellflower, California, USA.

It was highly exciting to see that 8 alignments (one with each of the 8 planets) were available in a span of just 5 minutes, roughly between 10:39 and 10:44! It is really very rare to get so many alignments in such a short span of time. Anyone who looks into this would understand that availability of 8 alignments to the Lagna in a span of only 5 minutes is not just a co‐incidence. Though this theory has not been tested over a large number of twins’ charts yet, this author believes that the principle given above could be successfully applied to twins (multiple births) charts as well.