birdy skinny love indie folk analysis


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Post on 24-May-2015




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Page 1: Birdy skinny love indie folk analysis


Page 2: Birdy skinny love indie folk analysis

This shot starts with a slow transition fade from black to a medium shot of a glass globe. Here the lighting very much goes with the sound of the piano playing. This sets a calm mood and creates a gothic/depressing atmosphere.

Page 3: Birdy skinny love indie folk analysis

Low angle shot shows somebody is playing the piano the tapping of her feet creates a rhythmic beat building up to the verse. There is a reference to the piano which follows the folk convention of presenting instruments.

Page 4: Birdy skinny love indie folk analysis

Close-up shot of the artist singing. Whilst she is singing there are cutaway shots of her walking through a old house where the camera is placed behind her making her look like a shadow. This fits in with the conventions of the folk genre mainly presenting imagery rather than the artist throughout the narrative. This sets a narrative for the audience also this shot shows how the character feels through her expressions which amplifies the lyrics ‘Skinny love’ sets an emotional mood.

Page 5: Birdy skinny love indie folk analysis

The shots here are cut short , so when she enters the room the next shot cuts to her standing inside a dark room. At this point the lyrics are illustrated ‘standing in the dark’. Which yet again suits the codes and conventions of not entirely being a direct narrative as the lyrics start to contradict.

Page 6: Birdy skinny love indie folk analysis

Here high key lighting is used where the natural light from outside brightens the room. A lot of effects are genuinely used in indie/folk genre, i.e slow motions/patterns etc.

Page 7: Birdy skinny love indie folk analysis

Reference to objects for example this cracked mirror where the artist walks over it creates this surrealism within the music video to portray objects contradicting the word ‘love’ . This fir the codes and conventions of indie/folk as they tend to show a lot of imagery in their music videos.

Page 8: Birdy skinny love indie folk analysis

The additional shots like blurry effects of her walking down dark/light hallways where the camera is placed at a low angle behind her build the chorus part as the shots are pretty fast .

Page 9: Birdy skinny love indie folk analysis

The ending of the music video has the piano fading out along with the transition fading to black (music goes with visuals). This time the camera is placed on the left hand side rather than the right its almost seems like as though its reversing the story.