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Migration and Mating Techniques of Birds By:Jordan Brockman Scientist Mentor: Yvette Ortega, specializes in Avian Ecology

Upload: harry-ogrady

Post on 15-Dec-2015




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  • Slide 1

Slide 2 Slide 3 Bird Of ParadiseFrigate Bird Mating Website Slide 4 Slide 5 Gold Finch Western Bluebird Slide 6 Junco Robin Migratory Birds Slide 7 Red-Tailed Hawks Annas Hummingbird Jamess Flamingos Slide 8 Northern Cardinals Lovebirds Slide 9 Shipping Sparrows (both photos) Slide 10 To the right is a chart of different types of feathers birds may get as their migratory plumage to keep them warm during migration. To the right is a graph representing birds during the migratory season flying north to get back home. Slide 11 Electric Bluebird Slide 12 Slide 13 Yvette Ortega Slide 14 Slide 15