biostratigraphy and palaeoecological interpretation of the ... · deduced from the occurrence of...

Biostratigraphy and palaeoecological interpretation of the Miocene–Pleistocene sequence at El-Dabaa, northwestern Egypt MOHAMED I. A. IBRAHIM 1 & AHMED M. S. MANSOUR 2 1 Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Alexandria, Egypt (Current address: Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, University of Qatar, P.O. Box 2713, Doha, Qatar). 2 Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt. ABSTRACT – Thirteen shallow boreholes were drilled by the Qattara Project Authority (QPA) on the top of the second limestone ridge in the El-Dabaa area, along the Mediterranean coast, northwest Egypt. Five foraminiferal biozones could be recognized in ascending stratigraphic order: the Heterostegina costata, Praeorbulina sicana, Borelis melo melo, Globigerinoides obliquus extremus zones and an un-named zone, embracing the Middle Miocene Marmarica Formation and the Pliocene–Pleistocene Alexandria Formation. The deposition of the fossiliferous carbonate rocks of the Marmarica Formation probably took place in a warm water, inner shelf environment (0–20 m palaeodepth) subjected to some current activity, and with salinity ranging from normal to slightly hypersaline (35–50‰). The sediments of the oncolitic/shelly rocks were deposited in slightly deeper water than the overlying fossiliferous rocks and in less agitated conditions, as indicated from the high percentages of rotaliids and rarity of miliolids. The foraminiferal associations in the Alexandria Formation indicate a clear, relatively agitated, near-shore marine depositional environment in a vegetated inner neritic zone (10–25 m palaeodepth) with 25(C surface water isotherms. On the other hand, the accumulation of the clayey sediments and some geosoils (basal part of the Alexandria Formation) occurred in less agitated, intertidal water conditions, as deduced from the occurrence of planktic foraminiferal species as Globigerinoides trilobus trilobus, G. trilobus immaturus, G. obliquus extremus, G. obliquus obliquus, Globorotalia inflata, and Orbulina universa. J. Micropalaeontol. 21(1): 51–65, May 2002. INTRODUCTION Deposits related to Miocene–Pleistocene times mostly cover the northern part of the Western Desert of Egypt (Fig. 1). The Miocene sediments (Marmarica Formation) form an extensive plateau known as the Marmarica Plateau. The surface of this plateau is of Middle Miocene age and is composed of a shallow- marine biogenic carbonate sequence with some shale and marl intercalations. Along parts of the Mediterranean coastal plain, the Middle Miocene rocks are unconformably overlain by a mantle of thin shallow-marine carbonate beds or by small iso- lated hills or elongated ridges of conglomeratic and oolitic lime- stones of Pliocene to Pleistocene age (Alexandria Formation). Substantial variations in depositional environments and climatic conditions through Miocene–Pleistocene times are distinguished. The late Tertiary to Quaternary sediments along the western Mediterranean coastal zone of Egypt have been briefly reviewed in terms of their sedimentology, stratigraphy, petrography, geochemistry and diagenetic history (e.g. Hilmy, 1951; Shukri et al., 1956; Butzer, 1960; El Shazly et al., 1964; El Shami et al., 1969; Gindy et al., 1969; Selim, 1974; Cherif et al., 1975; Hassouba, 1980, 1995; Anwar et al., 1981; El Asmar, 1991, 1994; Holail, 1993; Wali et al., 1994; El Shahat, 1995; Tamish et al., 1996; Holail et al., 1997 and Mansour, 1999). In general, little research has been carried out on the bio- stratigraphy of the Miocene–Pleistocene rocks in the northern part of the Western Desert, with the exception of that by Mansour et al. (1969), Omara & Ouda (1968) and Ouda (1971). Recently, Ouda (1998) has studied the biostratigraphy and palaeoecology of the Middle and Upper Tertiary deposits. He selected 24 wells drilled along the entire northern stretch of the Western Desert, and concentrated on global planktic foraminiferal palaeoevents and larger benthic foraminiferal datum planes considered to be correlative and isochronous over the Mediterranean region. The previous investigations were restricted mainly to the exposed Miocene–Pleistocene rock sequence along the northern part of the Western Desert. The present study aims to provide biostratigraphic information about part of the sub-surface Miocene–Pleistocene succession underlying the limestone ridges. The present work deals with the study of the foraminiferal content in the sub-surface Miocene–Pleistocene stratigraphic rock sequence of the El-Dabaa area (Fig. 1), and defines their vertical distribution among the dierent rock units. Unfortu- nately, this rock sequence is barren of palynological elements (spores, pollen grains and dinoflagellates). The foraminiferal study has been undertaken in an attempt to interpret the environmental conditions prevailing during the deposition of these sediments and to determine the age of the recorded rock units. GEOLOGICAL SETTING AND STRATIGRAPHY The Marmarica Plateau extends from the Salum area to the western side of the Nile Valley and Delta and is limited northward by the Mediterranean coastal plain and southward by the Qattara and Siwa depressions (Fig. 1). The surface of this plateau is made up of a shallow-marine carbonate sequence with some shale and marl intercalations (Said, 1990) of Middle Miocene age (Marmarica Formation). The coastal zone north of the Miocene plateau is covered by Plio-Pleistocene limestone ridges running parallel to the present shoreline and extending Journal of Micropalaeontology, 21: 51–65. 0262-821X/00 $15.00 2002 British Micropalaeontological Society 51

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Page 1: Biostratigraphy and palaeoecological interpretation of the ... · deduced from the occurrence of planktic foraminiferal species as Globigerinoides trilobus trilobus, G. trilobus immaturus

Biostratigraphy and palaeoecological interpretation of the Miocene–Pleistocene sequence atEl-Dabaa, northwestern Egypt


1Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Alexandria, Egypt (Current address: Department of Geology,Faculty of Science, University of Qatar, P.O. Box 2713, Doha, Qatar).

2Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt.

ABSTRACT – Thirteen shallow boreholes were drilled by the Qattara Project Authority (QPA) on the topof the second limestone ridge in the El-Dabaa area, along the Mediterranean coast, northwest Egypt. Fiveforaminiferal biozones could be recognized in ascending stratigraphic order: the Heterostegina costata,Praeorbulina sicana, Borelis melo melo, Globigerinoides obliquus extremus zones and an un-namedzone, embracing the Middle Miocene Marmarica Formation and the Pliocene–Pleistocene AlexandriaFormation.

The deposition of the fossiliferous carbonate rocks of the Marmarica Formation probably took placein a warm water, inner shelf environment (0–20 m palaeodepth) subjected to some current activity, andwith salinity ranging from normal to slightly hypersaline (35–50‰). The sediments of the oncolitic/shellyrocks were deposited in slightly deeper water than the overlying fossiliferous rocks and in less agitatedconditions, as indicated from the high percentages of rotaliids and rarity of miliolids.

The foraminiferal associations in the Alexandria Formation indicate a clear, relatively agitated,near-shore marine depositional environment in a vegetated inner neritic zone (10–25 m palaeodepth) with25(C surface water isotherms. On the other hand, the accumulation of the clayey sediments and somegeosoils (basal part of the Alexandria Formation) occurred in less agitated, intertidal water conditions, asdeduced from the occurrence of planktic foraminiferal species as Globigerinoides trilobus trilobus, G.trilobus immaturus, G. obliquus extremus, G. obliquus obliquus, Globorotalia inflata, and Orbulina universa.J. Micropalaeontol. 21(1): 51–65, May 2002.

INTRODUCTIONDeposits related to Miocene–Pleistocene times mostly cover thenorthern part of the Western Desert of Egypt (Fig. 1). TheMiocene sediments (Marmarica Formation) form an extensiveplateau known as the Marmarica Plateau. The surface of thisplateau is of Middle Miocene age and is composed of a shallow-marine biogenic carbonate sequence with some shale and marlintercalations. Along parts of the Mediterranean coastal plain,the Middle Miocene rocks are unconformably overlain by amantle of thin shallow-marine carbonate beds or by small iso-lated hills or elongated ridges of conglomeratic and oolitic lime-stones of Pliocene to Pleistocene age (Alexandria Formation).Substantial variations in depositional environments and climaticconditions through Miocene–Pleistocene times are distinguished.

The late Tertiary to Quaternary sediments along the westernMediterranean coastal zone of Egypt have been briefly reviewedin terms of their sedimentology, stratigraphy, petrography,geochemistry and diagenetic history (e.g. Hilmy, 1951; Shukriet al., 1956; Butzer, 1960; El Shazly et al., 1964; El Shami et al.,1969; Gindy et al., 1969; Selim, 1974; Cherif et al., 1975;Hassouba, 1980, 1995; Anwar et al., 1981; El Asmar, 1991, 1994;Holail, 1993; Wali et al., 1994; El Shahat, 1995; Tamish et al.,1996; Holail et al., 1997 and Mansour, 1999).

In general, little research has been carried out on the bio-stratigraphy of the Miocene–Pleistocene rocks in the northernpart of the Western Desert, with the exception of that byMansour et al. (1969), Omara & Ouda (1968) and Ouda (1971).Recently, Ouda (1998) has studied the biostratigraphy andpalaeoecology of the Middle and Upper Tertiary deposits. Heselected 24 wells drilled along the entire northern stretch of

the Western Desert, and concentrated on global plankticforaminiferal palaeoevents and larger benthic foraminiferaldatum planes considered to be correlative and isochronous overthe Mediterranean region.

The previous investigations were restricted mainly to theexposed Miocene–Pleistocene rock sequence along the northernpart of the Western Desert. The present study aims to providebiostratigraphic information about part of the sub-surfaceMiocene–Pleistocene succession underlying the limestone ridges.

The present work deals with the study of the foraminiferalcontent in the sub-surface Miocene–Pleistocene stratigraphicrock sequence of the El-Dabaa area (Fig. 1), and defines theirvertical distribution among the different rock units. Unfortu-nately, this rock sequence is barren of palynological elements(spores, pollen grains and dinoflagellates). The foraminiferalstudy has been undertaken in an attempt to interpret theenvironmental conditions prevailing during the deposition ofthese sediments and to determine the age of the recorded rockunits.

GEOLOGICAL SETTING AND STRATIGRAPHYThe Marmarica Plateau extends from the Salum area to thewestern side of the Nile Valley and Delta and is limitednorthward by the Mediterranean coastal plain and southwardby the Qattara and Siwa depressions (Fig. 1). The surface of thisplateau is made up of a shallow-marine carbonate sequence withsome shale and marl intercalations (Said, 1990) of MiddleMiocene age (Marmarica Formation). The coastal zone north ofthe Miocene plateau is covered by Plio-Pleistocene limestoneridges running parallel to the present shoreline and extending

Journal of Micropalaeontology, 21: 51–65. 0262-821X/00 $15.00 � 2002 British Micropalaeontological Society


Page 2: Biostratigraphy and palaeoecological interpretation of the ... · deduced from the occurrence of planktic foraminiferal species as Globigerinoides trilobus trilobus, G. trilobus immaturus

from Alexandria to Salum (Alexandria Formation) (Shata,1955; Shukri et al., 1956; Butzer, 1960; Hassouba, 1995).The El-Dabaa area occupies a small portion of the westernMediterranean coastal zone (Fig. 1) and lies midway betweenAlexandria and Mersa-Matruh (156 km from Alexandria). Thecoastal plain in this area slopes gently in a northward directionand merges gradually southwards into the great Marmaricanhomoclinal plateau. The surface is characterized by a number ofbeach-dune calcareous ridges of oolitic and biogenic com-ponents running parallel to the present coastline and separatedby lowland areas (depressions) filled with lagoonal–sabkhadeposits. Both the first and the second ridges are prominent, butthe older ones are partially to highly eroded and are lessmorphologically distinct (El Shami et al., 1969).

The lithostratigraphy of the sub-surface Miocene–Pleistocenesequence at the examined boreholes (D51, D53, D54, D59, D60,D61, D132, D138, D140, D143, D144, D201, D210, Fig. 1)is mostly composed of carbonate rocks with few siliciclasticintercalations and can be divided into two formations, theMarmarica Formation (fossiliferous carbonate) at the baseand the Alexandria Formation (carbonate aeolianite) at the top(Fig. 2).

The Marmarica Formation (base)This formation is represented by different fossiliferous carbonaterocks. According to its colour, lithology, and fossil contents, this

rock unit is sub-divided into four informal lithological unitsfrom old to young as given by Mansour (1999).

Grey-white oncolitic/shelly limestones (Unit V; Beds 22–20).Grey, moderately hard, compacted algal dolomite to highlydolomitic limestone; very rich in white oncolitic grains withsome bivalve, gastropod shell debris, bryozoan skeletalfragments and larger foraminifera. The rocks contain someargillaceous material and gypsum. This unit attains a thicknessof 22–25 m.

Yellow marly/shelly dolostones (Unit IV; Beds 19–14). Yellow,compacted, hard marly vesicular dolomite with ochre spots;fossiliferous, with bivalve shells, which are replaced by crystal-line gypsum. Downwards, the rocks become less fossiliferousand more compacted; about 22–25 m thick.

White chalky/shelly dolostones (Unit III; Beds 13–3). White tocreamy, hard, moderately porous fossiliferous chalky dolomite;rich in coarse to medium shell debris of bivalves and gastropodsin addition to miliolid and alveolinid foraminifera and bryozoanshells; about 22–42 m thick.

Grey shelly dolostone (Unit II; Bed 2). Light to dark grey, veryhard, vesicular shelly dolomite, highly fossiliferous with bivalveand gastropod shell debris, in addition to some badly preserved

Fig. 1. Generalized geological map of the coastal plain and the Alexandria Formation in the El-Dabaa area and the location of the studied wells.

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foraminiferal tests, echinoid, algal and coral fragments. Thisunit attains a thickness of 5–15 m.

The Alexandria Formation (top) (Unit I; Bed 1)Carbonate aeolianite which is intercalated with geosoil horizonsand about 5 to 15 m thick. A thin layer of fine-grained carbonatesediment with a high content of siliciclastic material is observedat the base, with common planktic foraminifera.

MATERIAL AND METHODSThe present work is based on the study of core samples collectedfrom thirteen shallow boreholes (maximum depth is about100 m) drilled by the Qattara Project Authority on the surface ofthe second limestone ridge at El-Dabaa area (Figs 2, 3). Fifty-sixsamples representing the different rock types of the Marmaricaand the Alexandria Formations were selected for microfaunalinvestigation. About 50 g of each rock sample was processed insteps including gentle mechanical disaggregation, oven drying,soaking in dilute solution of H2O2 (10%), wet sieving through a63 µm screen and drying at 40(C.

FORAMINIFERAL BIOSTRATIGRAPHYThe sub-surface rock sequence under investigation in theEl-Dabaa area, represents part of the Miocene to Pleistocene.

The boundary between the Marmarica Formation of Mioceneage and the Alexandria Formation of Plio-Pleistocene age canbe defined micropaleontologically.

Biostratigraphic zones based on planktic and larger foramini-fera, covering the Miocene in the northern part of the WesternDesert were proposed by Ouda (1998): the Praeorbulina sicana,P. glomerosa zones (for the lower part of the MarmaricaFormation), the Heterostegina costata zone (also for thelower part of the Marmarica Formation), and the Borelismelo zone (for the upper part of the Marmarica Formation)(Figs 4, 5).

In the present study, larger foraminiferal species are also usedas zonal markers in some intervals due to the lack of plankticforaminifera. The studied sequence of Miocene to Plio-Pleistocene age is divided into four known biozones and anunnamed biozone representing the upper part of the AlexandriaFormation. These biozones are discussed in ascendingstratigraphical order as follows.

Heterostegina costata s.l. Zone

Definition. Biostratigraphic interval with zonal marker species tothe first appearance of Praeorbulina sicana (Pl. 2, fig. 5; Pl. 3, figs5, 6).

Fig. 2. Representative lithostratigraphical succession of the study wells.

Miocene–Pleistocene foraminifera, NW Egypt


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Author. Ouda (1971), emended by Ouda (1998).

Characteristics. Other species occurring in this zone besidesthe zonal marker species are Ammonia beccarii, Ammonia sp.,Cibicides rhodiensis, C. aknerianus, C. lobatulus, Elphidiumcrispum, E. macellum, Elphidium sp., Nonion communis, N.elongatus, Nonionella sp. and Eponides sp., in addition to somelarger foraminifera such as Amphistegina lessonii and Operculinacomplanata (Fig. 4).

Occurrence. Grey-white oncolitic/shelly limestones; lower partof Marmarica Formation, Unit V.

Age and correlation. The present zone is equated with the lowerpart of the Heterostegina costata Zone of Ouda (1998)

of independent Middle Miocene, Langhian age. The genusMiogypsina, which shows its last occurrence at the top of thelower Miocene Burdigalian (Berggren et al., 1995; Ouda, 1998)has not been recorded.

Praeorbulina sicana Zone

Definition. Stratigraphic interval from the first appearance ofzonal marker to the FAD of Globorotalia fohsi and Borelis melomelo (Pl. 1, figs 7, 8; Pl. 2, figs 8, 9; Pl. 4, figs 1, 2).

Author. Berggren et al. (1995).

Characteristics. The identified foraminifera from this zoneare mostly benthic and include the taxa Triloculina sp.,

Fig. 3. Location map of some drilled wells on the top of the second limestone ridge (Alexandria Formation) in the El-Dabaa area associated withthe stratigraphic sequence of the studied sections.

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Quinqueloculina sp., Marginulinopsis sp. and rare Textularia sp.,in addition to larger foraminifera such as Amphistegina sp.and Operculina sp. The observed planktic foraminiferainclude Praeorbulina sicana, P. transitoria and Orbulina universa(Fig. 4).

Occurrence. Lower part of the yellow marly/shelly dolomite;part of Marmarica Formation, lower part of Unit IV.

Age and correlation. The present zone can be equated with boththe Praeorbulina sicana and P. glomerosa Zones of Ouda (1998)and Subzone M5a & b of Berggren et al. (1995) of MiddleMiocene, early Langhian age.

Borelis melo melo Zone

Definition. Biostratigraphic total range zone of the markerspecies. The lower limit of this zone coincides with the FAD ofOrbulina suturalis and Globorotalia fohsi fohsi.

Author. Bellini (1969).

Characteristics. The benthic foraminiferal assemblage includesthe following taxa: Textularia sp., Clavulina sp., Triloculinatricarinata, Quinqueloculina sp., Amphistegina sp., Ammonia sp.,Anomalina sp., Marginulinopsis sp., Elphidium sp., Eponidessp., Nonion boueanum, Nonionella sp., Peneroplis armoricus,Operculina sp., Amphistegina sp., Spiroloculina sp., Cibicidessp. and Pyrgo sp.

Rare planktic foraminifera were observed including Globigeri-noides trilobus trilobus (Pl. 3, figs 1, 2), G. trilobus immaturus, G.ruber (Pl. 1, fig. 3), Globorotalia fohsi fohsi, Globorotalia fohsilobata (Pl. 4, fig. 1), Globorotalia fohsi robusta (Pl. 1, figs 7, 8),Sphaeroidinellopsis disjuncta (Pl. 2, fig. 7), Orbulina universa (Pl.2, fig. 2) and Orbulina suturalis (Pl. 2, figs 3, 4).

Occurrence. Upper part of the yellow marly/shelly dolomite, thewhite chalky/shelly dolomite and the grey shelly dolomite litho-logic units; upper part of Marmarica Formation, upper part ofUnit IV to Unit II.

Age and correlation. The present Borelis melo melo Zoneis widely distributed in the Mediterranean region where it

Fig. 4. Generalized sub-surface columnar section of the studied Middle Miocene–Pleistocene sequence in the El-Dabaa area, northern WesternDesert and characteristic foraminiferal assemblages.

Miocene–Pleistocene foraminifera, NW Egypt


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represents the youngest marine biostratigraphic zone of theMiocene succession (e.g. Adams, 1984; Sherif, 1991; Abuserwil,1996; Ouda, 1998; Abdulsamad & Barbieri, 1999). The presentzone is equivalent to the Borelis melo melo Zone of Ouda (1998).It can be equated also with the Globorotalia fohsi fohsi, Gr. fohsilobata and Gr. fohsi robusta Zones (N10, N11 and N12 zones) ofBlow (1969), which belong to the Middle Miocene. Accordingly,the present Borelis melo melo Zone is assigned to the MiddleMiocene (late Langhian–early Serravallian).

Globigerinoides obliquus extremus Zone

Definition. Stratigraphic interval of the zonal marker from theLAD of the Middle Miocene marker species to the LAD of thenominated species.

Author. Cita (1973).

Characteristics. The present zone contains a benthic assemblagewhich includes Quinqueloculina bicarinata, Q. costata, Q.

lamarckiana, Q. seminula, Triloculina tricarinata, Triloculina sp.,Pyrgo sp., Ammonia beccarii, Elphidium advenum, E. crispum,E. macellum, Cibicides aknerianus, C. lobatulus, C. rhodiensis,Sorites sp., Spiroloculina communis, Spiroloculina sp., Nonionboueanum, N. elongatum, Peneroplis planatus, Operculina sp.,Eponides repandulus, Discorbis candeiana, Discorbis sp., Lagenastriata, Oolina sp., Bolivina sp., Asterigerina sp., Nodosaria sp.,Uvigerina sp., Textularia sp. and Clavulina sp.

The associated planktic foraminifera includes Globigerinoidestrilobus trilobus, G. trilobus immaturus, G. obliquus extremus,G. obliquus obliquus, Globorotalia inflata and Orbulina universa.

Occurrence. Geosoil horizons (fine-grained clayey sediments) atthe base of the second limestone ridge; lower part of AlexandriaFormation.

Age and correlation. Late Pliocene according to Sprovieri (1993).Along the northern Western Desert, the Early Pliocene ischaracterized by open marine deposits and is restricted tothe Gulf of Salum in the northwestern corner and exhibit

Fig. 5. Middle Miocene–Pleistocene biozones and their marker foraminiferal species in comparison with the biozones of Ouda (1998) and Berggrenet al. (1995).

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Explanation of Plate 1Each taxon is followed by the well number and depth of sample. Magnification is represented by a bar scale under each figure. Fig. 1. Globigerinoidesobliquus extremus Bolli & Bermudez (D59,13.5 m). Fig. 2. Globigerinoides obliquus obliquus Bolli (D59, 13 m). Fig. 3. Globigerinoides ruber(d’Orbigny) (D54, 44 m). Fig. 4. Globigerinoides trilobus immaturus LeRoy (D59, 13.5 m). Fig. 5. Globigerinoides trilobus (Reuss) (D143, 56 m).Fig. 6. Globigerinoides trilobus (Reuss) (D54, 16 m). Figs 7, 8. Globorotalia fohsi robusta Bolli (D59, 13.75 m). Fig. 9. Globorotalia inflata(d’Orbigny) (D144, 12.5 m).

Miocene–Pleistocene foraminifera, NW Egypt


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Explanation of Plate 2Each taxon is followed by the well number and depth of sample. Magnification is represented by a bar scale under each figure. Fig. 1. Orbulinabilobata (d’Orbigny) (D61, 5.25 m). Fig. 2. Orbulina universa d’Orbigny (D61, 9 m). Fig. 3. Orbulina suturalis Brönnimann (D54, 44 m). Fig. 4.Orbulina suturalis Brönnimann (D144, 13 m). Fig. 5. Praeorbulina sicana (Blow) (D143, 68.5 m). Fig. 6. Praeorbulina transitoria (Blow) (D143,68.5 m). Fig. 7. Sphaeroidinellopsis disjuncta (Finaly) D144, 13 m). Figs 8, 9. Borelis melo melo (Fichtel & Moll) (D144, 13 m).

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Explanation of Plate 3Each taxon is followed by the well number and depth of sample. Magnification is represented by a bar scale under each figure. Fig. 1. Globigerinoidestrilobus trilobus (Reuss) (D143, 66 m). Fig. 2. Wall ultrastructure of figure 1 showing its dolomitic composition of euhedral dolomite rhombs.Fig. 3. Orbulina universa d’Orbigny (D143, 66 m), broken outer wall. Fig. 4. Wall ultrastructure of Orbulina universa showing a complete dolomitiz-ation for both the outer and inner layers. Fig. 5. Praeorbulina sicana (Blow) (D143, 68.5 m). Fig. 6. Wall ultrastructure of figure 5 showingthe dolomitization of the test.

Miocene–Pleistocene foraminifera, NW Egypt


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Explanation of Plate 4Each taxon is followed by the well number and depth of sample. Magnification is represented by a bar scale under each figure. Fig. 1. Globorotaliafohsi lobata Bermudez (D143, 66 m). Fig. 2. Wall structure of figure 1 showing its dolomitic composition of unhedral to subhedral dolomite rhombs.Fig. 3. Sphaeroidinellopsis disjuncta (Finaly) (D144, 13 m). Figs 4, 5. Wall ultrastructure of figure 3. Wall is massive, of very microcrystalline texture,distinctly pitted and not affected by the weakly developed cortex. Aperture boarded by a rounded lip (flange).

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deep-water facies. To the east, the Upper Pliocene deposits restunconformably on the Middle Miocene limestone, withvariable thickness and exhibit a shallow-marine facies. TheLate Miocene was a period of regional emergence and a markeddrop in sea-level, and active subaerial erosion in the entirenorthern Western Desert based on palaeontological criteria,as documented by Ouda & Masoud (1993) and Ouda &Obaidallah (1995). Following Ouda (1998), the occurrence ofGlobigerinoides obliquus extremus and Globorotalia inflata in thepresent sediments indicate a Late Pliocene age. Also, the fine-grained clay-rich carbonate sediments comprise a shallow-water,benthic foraminiferal assemblage as Elphidium, Ammonia, Cibi-cides, Discorbis, as well as various miliolids which are observedin different localities in the northern Western Desert (Hammadet al., 1976; Boukhary et al., 1976) and ranging in age from thelatest Pliocene to the Pleistocene. Consequently, it is suggestedthat this fine-grained clay-rich carbonate bed can be assigned tothe Late Pliocene (Fig. 5).

Un-named Zone

Definition. Stratigraphic belt of rock that is rich in long-rangingbenthic foraminifera but barren of any planktic taxa.

Characteristics. This zone is characterized by the same benthicforaminiferal assemblage as that found in the underlying geosoilhorizons.

Occurrence. Second limestone ridge; upper part of AlexandriaFormation or the carbonate aeolianites.

Age and correlation. For the carbonate aeolianites, no indexplanktic foraminifera were found. However, from their strati-graphic position, they can be considered to be Pleistocene in age.Ouda (1998) also recorded this shallow-water benthic assem-blage of an inner shelf-type from the Mersa Matruh and Burg ElArab-1 wells, confined to the oolitic limestone which capsthe open-marine Pliocene clays and ranging in age from thelate Pliocene to the Pleistocene. Accordingly, no plankticforaminifera referable to the Globorotalia inflata Zone (latestPliocene) have been encountered anywhere in the onshoresediments of the Medditerranean coastal plain, and the sedi-ments younger than the Globigerinoides obliquus extremus Zoneare dominantly shallow-water facies.


Marmarica Formation (fossiliferous carbonate rocks)The Miocene is represented by the Marmarica limestone plateauof Middle Miocene age, which is composed of shallow-marine,fossiliferous, partly chalky carbonate intercalated with a fewmarl and shale horizons.

Generally, the grey-white oncolitic/shelly limestone rock unit(Unit V) is moderately rich in benthic foraminifera. The uppermore clayey ‘oncolitic beds’ contain more foraminifera thanthe underlying shelly carbonate beds. The identified forami-niferal taxa mostly belong to the rotaliid group. No plankticforaminifera were observed (Planktic/Benthic ratio=c. 0).

The yellow marly/shelly dolostone rock unit (Unit IV) isslightly fossiliferous with rare specimens of foraminifera. The

recognized foraminifera through the rocks of this unit are thesmaller benthic types, in addition to larger foraminifera such asBorelis melo melo, Amphistegina sp., Operculina sp. Plankticforaminifera are rarely observed (P/B ratio=c. 0.01) (Figs 4, 5).

The distribution of the foraminifera varies through the whitechalky/shelly dolostone beds (Unit III) where the coarse-grainedrocks are richer in foraminifera than the fine-grained ones.Generally, the foraminiferal assemblage in this unit resemblesthat of the overlying bed with the same foraminiferal groups butwith low frequency. Rare planktic foraminifera were observed(P/B ratio=c. 0.01) including Globigerinoides trilobus trilobus,G. trilobus immaturus, G. ruber and Orbulina suturalis.

The grey shelly dolostone bed (Unit II) contains a reasonablenumber of foraminifera. Benthic specimens are dominant, withvery few planktic individuals (P/B ratio=c. 0.01). The identifiedbenthic foraminiferal assemblage belongs to the followinggroups: miliolids (42%), alveolinids (30%), rotaliids (20%) andlagenids (7%). This bed contains an assemblage of benthicforaminifera slightly different from that of the overlying ooliticlimestones and geosoil (Unit I) (Fig. 4). It is characterized by thepresence of Anomalina, Marginulinopsis and Borelis, which arenot found in the aeolianite sediments, in addition to the presenceof large numbers of Triloculina spp. Planktic foraminifera arerepresented by only a few specimens of Globigerinoides trilobustrilobus, Globorotalia fohsi robusta, Orbulina suturalis, Orbulinasp. and Sphaeroidinellopsis disjuncta.

It can be noted that common benthic foraminiferalspecimens, with rare planktic ones, characterize the fossiliferouscarbonate rocks of the Marmarica Formation. The planktic/benthic ratio in this rock unit is very low (0–0.01), indicative ofa shallow-water, inner shelf environment (Murray, 1991). Thedistribution of the foraminiferal fauna is varied throughout thedifferent units. It increases in the upper grey bed and decreasesgradually downward in the white and yellow rock units. Themost abundant fossils observed in these units belong to thegenera Triloculina, Quinqueloculina, Marginulinopsis, Anomalinaand Borelis, with rare Nonion, Nonionella, Peneroplis, Operculinaand Amphistegina. This foraminiferal assemblage is character-ized by the presence of some larger foraminifera, whichinhabited warm shallow-water environments in the proximity ofreefs (Murray, 1991). According to Haynes (1981) and Murray(1991), the above foraminiferal assemblage indicates clearcarbonate environments, characterized by a surface watertemperature of 25(C, subject to some current activity,with salinity ranging from normal to slightly hypersaline(35–50‰), and coral and algal substrates in inner-shelf orlagoons (0–20 m palaeodepth). The decreasing trend in thenumber of tests downward could be due to the prevailing strongcurrents which break down most of the shells, as in the whitechalky beds, or due to the effect of clastic materials, as in theyellow marly beds.

In the lower oncolitic beds, an increase in foraminiferal testswas observed and the identified fossils belong to the generaElphidium, Cibicides, Ammonia, Nonion, Eponides, in additionto the presence of some large foraminifera as Heterostegina,Operculina and Amphistegina (i.e. high percentages of rotalidsand rarity of miliolids) indicating a slightly deeper-water middleneritic environment (El-Deeb, 1995). It can be concluded thatthe sediments of the oncolitic/shelly rocks were deposited in

Miocene–Pleistocene foraminifera, NW Egypt


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slightly deeper water than the overlying fossiliferous rocks andin less agitated conditions.

Alexandria Formation (carbonate aeolianite sediments)Pliocene deposits are distributed along the coastal plain of theWestern Desert and mostly represented by soft clays and softnon-porous, fine-grained or partly oolitic limestone sometimeswith a basal conglomeratic band. The Quaternary deposits arerepresented by the calcareous limestone ridges parallel to theshoreline, the lagoonal, sabkha, beach and coastal dune deposits(Shata, 1955; Shukri et al., 1956; Said, 1962; El Shami et al.,1969; Ouda, 1998).

A good and well-preserved assemblage of benthic foramin-ifera was detected from the sediments of the second limestoneridge, including the oolitic limestones and the intercalatedgeosoil horizons. Some of these foraminiferal genera are present

in large numbers while others are very rare and may berepresented by only one specimen. The frequency of the mostcommon benthic genera in this rock unit is shown in Figure 6.

The more clay-rich limestone and some of the geosoils arecharacterized by higher numbers of benthic foraminifera than inthe white oolitic rocks, but the two rock units have almost thesame assemblage. The more clay-rich rocks are characterized bythe presence of Discorbis sp., which is not found in the whiteoolitic rocks. On the other hand, Sorites sp. is more common inthe white oolitic rocks than in the geosoil and the clay-richsediments (Fig. 6).

Very rare planktic foraminifera were observed in thefine-grained clay-rich sediments at the base of the second ridge(P/B ratio=c. 0.02). The identified planktic foraminifera includesGlobigerinoides trilobus trilobus, G. trilobus immaturus, G.obliquus extremus, G. obliquus obliquus, Globorotalia inflata and

Fig. 6. Frequency distribution of the common benthic foraminiferal genera in the second limestone ridge.

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Orbulina universa. These species are not recorded from the whiteoolitic limestone.

The above foraminiferal assemblage of the limestone ridgeindicates the predominance of benthic foraminifera and therarity of planktic ones. The presence of planktic foraminifera inlow diversity indicates shallow, open-marine environments(Murray, 1973, 1991). Also, the dominance of the familiesMiliolidae and Elphididae indicates shallow, warm marine water(Omara & Ouda, 1968) and a relatively quiet depositionalenvironment (Cherif et al., 1975). According to Murray (1973),Cibicides lives on sea grasses in relatively quiet conditions.Hageman (1979) mentioned that Quinqueloculina seminula mightflourish in open shallow-marine conditions, with a vegetatedsubstrate. The species is slightly tolerant to reduced salinities, awater depth of 25–35 m, and an inner to middle neritic setting.Murray (1991) indicates that Elphidium and Quinqueloculinaseminula are commonly dominant in shallow water of normalsalinity environments in middle latitudes worldwide. Accordingto Sherif (1991), Elphidium crispum inhabits open normal marineinner neritic to middle neritic (0–90 m) environments. Thepresence of Ammonia beccarii in high numbers indicatesordinary warm shallow-marine water (Omara & Ouda, 1968), innormal salinity inner to middle neritic environments (Hageman,1979). According to Cherif et al. (1988), Ammonia beccarii seemsgenerally to increase in coasts affected by influxes of freshwatercoming from a river system or from a hinterland with somereasonable rainfall. This species favours lagoonal environmentswith salinity <10‰, 15–20(C and <10 m depth (Murray, 1991).El Deeb (1995) suggested that the presence of Quinqueloculina,Triloculina and Spiroloculina is indicative of littoral to shallow-marine conditions and an increase in their numbers indicatesnormal marine lagoons and carbonate platforms.

It can be concluded that the foraminiferal associations in thestudied limestone ridge indicate a warm, clear, relatively agi-tated, shallow-marine depositional environment in a vegetatedinner neritic platform or lagoon (10–25 m in depth). Accordingto Murray (1973), the presence of Sorites is confined to shallowagitated intertidal to subtidal, tropical to subtropical marineconditions with 25(C surface water temperatures. The relativeincrease of Sorites in the white oolitic sediments indicates thatthe deposition of these sediments was under warmer waterconditions during marine transgression. Moreover, the presenceof Discorbis in the clay-rich oolitic limestones and some geosoilssuggests less agitated, intertidal water conditions (El Nahass &El Fayumy, 1986). The increase in the clastic content andoolites in these sediments confirm that they were deposited nearshoreline.

CONCLUSIONSForty-six benthic and 14 planktic foraminiferal species havebeen identified from sediments of the Marmarica (MiddleMiocene) and Alexandria (late Pliocene to Pleistocene) For-mations sub-cropping in the El-Dabaa area, northern part of theEgyptian Western Desert. Larger benthic foraminifera can beused as zonal markers in intervals which lack planktic taxa.

Five foraminiferal biozones are established: Heterosteginacostata and Praeorbulina sicana zones (early Langhian), Borelismelo melo Zone (late Langhian–Serravallian), Globigerinoidesobliquus extremus Zone (late Pliocene), and an un-named zone

(late Pliocene–Pleistocene). The late Miocene and early–middlePliocene was a period of regional emergence and active subaerialerosion in the entire northern Western Desert as indicated bypalaeontological criteria.

In general, the foraminiferal assemblage recovered from theMarmarica Formation indicates warm, clear, shallow carbonateenvironments (0–20 m palaeodepth), about 25(C surface watertemperature, with some current and salinity ranging fromnormal to slightly hypersaline (35–50‰). The AlexandriaFormation was deposited in a warm, clear, relatively agitated,shallow-marine depositional environment. The presence ofDiscorbis and rare planktic species in the basal part of theAlexandria Formation suggests less agitated conditions.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe material was received from the Qattara Project Authority(QPA), which is greatly appreciated.

Manuscript received 9 January 2001Manuscript accepted 10 November 2001


Ammonia beccarii (Linné)Ammonia sp.Amphistegina lessonii d’OrbignyAmphistegina sp.Anomalina sp.Asterigerina sp.Bolivina sp.Borelis melo melo (Fichtel & Moll)Cibicides aknerianus (d’Orbigny)Cibicides lobatulus (Walker & Jacob)Cibicides rhodiensis (Terquem)Clavulina sp.Discorbis candeiana (d’Orbigny)Discorbis sp.Elphidium advenum (Cushman)Elphidium crispum (Linné)Elphidium macellum (Fichtel & Moll)Elphidium sp.Eponides repandus (Fichtel & Moll)Eponides sp.Heterostegina costata (d’Orbigny)Lagena striata (d’Orbigny)Marginulinopsis sp.Nodosaria sp.Nonion boueanus (d’Orbigny)Nonion communis (d’Orbigny)Nonion elongatus (d’Orbigny)Nonionella sp.Oolina sp.Operculina complanata (Defrance)Operculina sp.Peneroplis armoricus (d’Archiac)Peneroplis planatus (Fichtel & Moll)Pyrgo sp.

Miocene–Pleistocene foraminifera, NW Egypt


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Quinqueloculina bicarinata d’OrbignyQuinqueloculina costata d’OrbignyQuinqueloculina lamarckiana d’OrbignyQuinqueloculina seminula (Linné)Quinqueloculina sp.Sorites sp.Spiroloculina communis (Cushman & Todd)Spiroloculina sp.Textularia sp.Triloculina sp.Triloculina tricarinata d’OrbignyUvigerina sp.

Planktic foraminifera

Globigerinoides obliquus extremus Bolli & BermudezGlobigerinoides obliquus obliquus BolliGlobigerinoides ruber (d’Orbigny)Globigerinoides trilobus immaturus Le RoyGlobigerinoides trilobus trilobus (Reuss)Globorotalia fohsi lobata BermudezGloborotalia fohsi robusta BolliGloborotalia inflata (d’Orbigny)Orbulina bilobata (d’Orbigny)Orbulina suturalis BrönnimannOrbulina universa d’OrbignyPraeorbulina sicana (Blow)Praeorbulina transitoria (Blow)Sphaeroidinellopsis disjuncta Finaly

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