biophotonic being

Biophotonic Being Harnessing Light and Play On his face there is a calm beaming serenity. But in his awareness more may be going on. He on some level keeps in mind the people around him, different types of people.. their energetic state, if they are stressed relaxed vibrant, how my energy is effecting them, how there energy is effecting each other, there energy effecting me, focusing on the good when possible, (unless it is very very bad, then you get out, or do something to change the energy if you can) noticing from a place of contentment, ‘I am already good’, and even fascination, not in a critical way. Noticing the environment, how much light is coming in. Also sometimes noticing events that may happen later in the day, or what friends are doing on the other side of town. Like a video game player trying to hit ‘combos’, some future awareness at times helps to channel this energy. Doing multiple positive things in a row builds energy. Flowing from one thing to the next. We may have to prepare for the future, to organize events that produce energy. At a party event or in general, there is an awareness of people that are connected to secure energy, and those who are more anxious, tied to stress patterns, in a ‘self defensive’ state, or are shut down completely, the focus drawn down by fear of others and empty sensations in oneself. All people may be equal, but I may not feel equally obligated to all people in the present moment. I am with people, yet cultivating a positive inner core is my priority. I’m not pulled into stress, self- defending, overwhelm, self doubt. The biophtonic being disconnects from the negative triggers in conversation; focuses instead on uplifting sensations. At times acknowledging the struggles of others: “long day?” “tell me more”, this is a powerful way to relate and connect; and it is different from seeing others pain as ‘my fault’, or being drawn down into my own negative feelings. Being there for others, yet keeping awareness on positive or pleasant sensations or perceptions. Subtle positive energy is being circulated, even if someone else is struggling. 1

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Post on 12-Sep-2015




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additional fun explorations of 'Naturally Social'; alternate take on the book - Most of us have felt a socially connected feeling, often or just a little. Other times we reach and try but are unable to find it. After years of struggle, I began actively socializing and dating. Attending new events, improving talents, hiring a life coach, using conversation and body language techniques; acting confident. Yet with years of this I still never felt truly close to people. I turned more to buddhism; I practiced increasingly long mediations. ..I notice different subtle ways of being with others and connecting. I notice energies, feeling of connection, that ‘arose’ between people. Yet all the while something felt growly off. I was doing all this meditation, yet my body was actually becoming weak. .. Finally it hit me, in my meditation I had eliminated play, fun, personal passion, completely. I began to realize that fun is not just a past time, it gives us life in a vital way. ..Together fun and this light energy between people, we cultivate connection. I realized I was reading all kinds of fear and self doubt into the expressions of others, that weren’t actually there; this prevented me from seeing a more subtle connection. Simple currents of light and play between people cultivated connection. They start small, yet lift us to unimaginable heights. We can drop the effort, the act, and feed off this natural energy of human light and play.


  • Biophotonic Being Harnessing Light and Play

    On his face there is a calm

    beaming serenity. But in his awareness more may be going on. He on some level keeps in mind the people around him, different types of people.. their energetic state, if they are stressed relaxed vibrant, how my energy is effecting them, how there energy is effecting each other, there energy effecting me, focusing on the good when possible, (unless it is very very bad, then you get out, or do something to change the energy if you can) noticing from a place of contentment, I am already

    good, and even fascination, not in a critical way. Noticing the environment, how much light is coming in. Also sometimes noticing events that may happen later in the day, or what friends are doing on the other side of town. Like a video game player trying to hit combos, some future awareness at times helps to channel this energy. Doing multiple positive things in a row builds energy. Flowing from one thing to the next. We may have to prepare for the future, to organize events that produce energy. At a party event or in general, there is an awareness of people that are connected to secure energy, and those who are more anxious, tied to stress patterns, in a self defensive state, or are shut down completely, the focus drawn down by fear of others and empty sensations in oneself. All people may be equal, but I may not feel equally obligated to all people in the present moment. I am with people, yet cultivating a positive inner core is my priority. Im not pulled into stress, self-defending, overwhelm, self doubt. The biophtonic being disconnects from the negative triggers in conversation; focuses instead on uplifting sensations. At times acknowledging the struggles of others: long day? tell me more, this is a powerful way to relate and connect; and it is different from seeing others pain as my fault, or being drawn down into my own negative feelings. Being there for others, yet keeping awareness on positive or pleasant sensations or perceptions. Subtle positive energy is being circulated, even if someone else is struggling.


  • A common story: An anti-social individual, goes out wanting to be social for the first time in a while. They think they will try hard and do the right thing but unknowingly (not knowing the territory) they are pulled right into anxiety patterns of individuals or the entire group. They project their own self doubt onto the expressions of others. They work hard, but come back not feeing any more connected, feeling exhausted. I am an introvert, this isnt me. they learn.

    Mind vs Heart based Interaction

    Too often in society we end up connecting with people on an intellectual or mind focused level, pumping anxiety and stress, to keep up, but not connecting or harmonizing on an energetic level. We plug in to the intellectual or word-validation frequency, often our entire lives, powered by subtle anxiety. (We often take pills to resolve this anxiety. But it is still recreated.) We are not knowing that there is a slower but more reliable frequency. The frequency of bio-light (human energy, the heart field) and play. Not feeling this heart connection we instead reach into our minds for knowledge for conversation material, but for some reason the well has gone dry. We are out of words. Unknowingly we create stress by this over mind focus, and the heart is not able to receive the energy it needs. By allowing ourselves to focus our attention on pleasant sensations in or around us while being around people Eye contact and often near or indirect eye contact (that isnt always associated with talking). Associating this eye contact, or other gray areas of connection (Feeling eyes on us (our skin), eyes that are peripherally in contact) with our own good heart feelings, identifying this not as embarrassing but as a positive sensation. Noticing that eyes on us, or simply the act of looking at someone feels good. We can access a sea of light energy and play that exists between people. What we interpret is embarrassing is actually a feeling of power, a level above an empty feeling that may have been there before. Embarrassing is better then empty, because biophotons or human light energy is inducing a (higher level) feeling. Like Chi, but it can be absorbed into the body from other people and the environment, not just created within, though attitude can enhance it. and not created by will power or physical strain.) We only feel biophotons (a feeling of being seen) as embarrassing because we are not used to the feeling. (Ive also called this, deep vital energy before being aware of similar findings in biophotonics. I did a lot of pick up stuff meeting women that focused more on


  • the verbal. this was sort of the mysterious factor I didnt understand till later on. Which made some days really great, and some really not - and a way of having the good days more often. .Orgone energy. Bioelectromagnetic heart energy. Energetics. Similar to Reiki, it is healing, it can be enhanced by being around groups, and enhanced if play has occurred) (This energy is not visible like in the picture (the eyes will become brighter as the heart retains more energy), and its not produced by strain or effort like supermans eye beam. it is always being emitted, a source of fuel for other humans around us.) I believe biophotons produced by living things have healing properties greater then regular photons, due to the particles coherence(?) Biophotons start as regular photons, sun light is important, then the body can convert them. Bio-photons trigger all biochemical reactions in living cells. Connections that dont involve a type of intellectual qualification. This human connection that is exposed, that requires no announcement or pretense. I recommend allowing the body to float in on this wave of (biophoton) energy produced by groups of people. Humans produce this energy weather they want to or not. When conversation happens focus on the fun, enjoyment, find what feels enjoyable for you. Establish your center, while physically being in the group, before trying to please or win approval of others. ..See if you can recall a random cheerful thing you saw on tv or whoever cheers you up. Free association. Dont feel obligated to follow the entire conversation instead relax, imagine you are watching a movie. Disengage from any stressful quality (when possible) and just enjoy. Risk of looking stupid or not responding to things at moments when you are occupied absorbing energy (or are processing too many things at once), it looks odd, but it puts you in charge. Instead of being a slave to an information network (always knowing always having the answer), you are connected to a heart network (not knowing, pausing, yet having more


  • energy, accessing higher intelligence by dropping the act). Risk having no awareness of what you will or wont do next. Allow yourself to laugh, and be reminded of things you enjoy. If you are lucky the present may become so rich that you will not have to delve frequently in to the past, or this process will happen in an effortless way. Notice how even thinking a positive thought can create an energetic charge (a twinkle in your eye) that makes you feel connected to people around you. Conversation as play. Adults play too. Look for interesting objects, bright colors, if its not fun make it fun. Enjoying the way someones face looks. The sound of there voice. Being reminded of positive things, good times in the past (even if it was just one time, visualize that time), etc. For example i often visualize being on the beach, a trip with friends, childhood, really high times, this helps recall that feeling, its one of many ways at it. Other times i visualize myself as anime characters. Wherever does it for you. As you talk/interact/are around people, enjoy your own cleverness. Enjoy things that happened that you didnt expect to. At first this seems silly or insignificant, but over time these positive associations build energy. It starts as a practice but eventually becomes a natural way of being, it feels good. Some are born already like this, others are not and have to recondition, or never learn. Conversation as play, and observation as play are partially empowering; this way I can build energy within myself, or create magnetic attraction out side me, any time, any where. My thoughts effect my heart field, and your heart field, the energy you put off, actually effects other people, so their by, your thoughts could be effecting someone 10 feet away. We cant control everything, but notice times where you can let go of a worry, or think about something fun, and the effect it has. Eventually we get the hang of this in different situations, different environments, and it becomes a way of being, it feels good, and our hearts can run the show. When you understand how this energy feels, and the physics of how it flows between people, large groups, or during times of play, then you can fill in the blanks and apply it in all sorts of ways, you wont be limited to my cheep explanations. Whenever new people appear, conversation opportunities, inside of worrying about what we are going to say (creating anxiety), we can just bask in the energy. Visualize ourselves as beautiful. Constantly in tune with our mind and body as an instrument that channels positive energy, not only a walking brain or data storage device. We can rely less on bits of data to represent us socially, bask more in the energetic field, few things positively or as play operations, less depended on approval for of others, more focused on the goal of creating safety in the group, a relaxed synchronization of nervous systems. I find watching this play out, watching a group relax can be very fun and fascinating. As energetic beings fun is relaxing.


  • Becoming Play

    Call it play, adventure, value of variety, fun, releasing energy, inertia, catharsis, human instrumentality, stimulation, interaction, dance, vibrational genesis; there is this phenomenon, where energy and matter that moves or interacts creates more energy. The state of play acquires momentum, it becomes easier to maintain. Objects or forces in motion stay in motion. Instead of loosing energy, more is created. Conversely a body that is still for too long actually loses energy (as I found with preforming long meditations, the effects ended up becoming negative, extremely so in fact). The body requires at times (or often) to be in a sate of play to relax, this inner charge allows the body to function.

    Fish out of Water

    Without play and community we become like fish out of water, we dry up. We flop around, it looks like some of us are in control, but really we are all drying up, some fish just lash out more loudly, or other fish accidentally flop into a river, and reep the benefit without knowing what happened. It appears like this person is rejecting you, but maybe youve already rejected yourself, denying yourself a more subtle connection Humans have evolved out from the primordial soup, out from the ocean (we have evolved from fish), now we breath air, and walk on two feet, yet we still rely on invisible currents of light energy. A different type of sea. We walk on land, yet our bodies are full of blood or liquid, inside it is still a very aquatic experience. Light energy and play keeps our bodies in motion, we stay fluid.

    Free the Quantum Dance

    Matter is constantly moving, vibrating, perhaps there is a vital reason for this. That if it were to stop somehow on the subatomic level, to cease its movement, large objects might rapidly decay, explode, or freeze over. (maybe this will happen in 10 trillion years according to some scientists, but we have some time before then) Too often we are paralyzed with fear, uncertainty, waiting for someone else to tell us what to do. We become stiff, we loose touch with the bodies natural wanting to play. The particle world is always in motion, let us mirror that on human scale. We cant see this particle dance but we can feel yearning for it, a wanting to feel free and connected. Let us channel the quantum dance in our bodies. It could mean literally dancing, other times it just means feeling comfortable to enjoy ourselves while around people.


  • Disconnect from Approval seeking relation

    As your having fun, unintentionally you attract a moment of connection (a beautiful person looks at you). Then it is lost. dont feel responsible or remorseful. No remorse or emotional attachment to this seeming loss. For years I made the mistake of being overly attached to these high energy moments (anxious attachment). Forcing out this high energy, and seeking it, overt approval, from others. But going nowhere, never being truly close to people. ( I cant see these photon waves but I can act as though they are there, my heart feels them feeding me.)

    Being unattached to these exciting moments, but still feeling peaceful, positive, hanging around, then people feel safe with you and connection is more secure, still allowing high moments to happen when they do. (Instead of focusing on impressing people, impressing love interests focus on your own enjoyment, while saying enough, just enough to keep the other person there. Be ware of heavy or mind taxing questions that draw you inwards into the mind, in to stress. Focus on what cheers you up, make you sparkle. Dont approach connection out of obligation, guilt, look for what feels good. Dont feel obligated to complicated taxing or boring questions topics if great energy is happening a few people away, or if your body has not yet acclimated to the space. Prioritize a feeling of well being. Youre at a party. Have fun. Even at work fun is welcome. This is survival,


  • we need that energy. Guilt, false senses of obligation, are dangerous.) Notice a type of magnetic connection between you and others, that may build over time, not a hard lock on, but a gentle magnetic draw of the eyes. Also feelings of weight-less, floating (not actually floating; possibly becoming a few pounds lighter by emanating a stronger electromagnetic heart field), an uplifted feeling. More feelings/emotions/sensations/perceptions in general. Heart strength or full feeling. Every time we interact with someone, at work, a random encounter, a friend, it is not an intrusion but an opportunity, to have an interaction, to feel connected, in a subtle or big way. The interaction may contain, anything of mild or spontaneous relevance to the person or situation, what matters is that it is an interaction. All humans have need for interaction and a connected feeling. (Even when they themselves arent fully aware of it) Looking at the world through the eyes of play or motion, and natural human benefit, Im more likely to spot and create these opportunities. Often i try to be on the other persons wave length being their for them, their need to be heard. But because play is in mind, I can trow out my own ideas that are sparked, aware it is sparking new ideas in their mind even if its not a perfect fit. I enjoy the process of listening, learning, and I enjoy the process of sharing. Maybe im just listening bring their for the person, focusing on the enjoyable about whats happening, and 10 minutes later i have a really detailed piece of advice. yet the advice is not mandatory for the connection.

    Do not fear Serious Face

    Be ware of seeing negative expressions, tones of voice, as a reflection of yourself. taking it personally. Even when these subtle negatives seem directed at you. I went through life reading fear into other peoples expressions. Furrowed brows can look like anger or disinterest, but they often just mean someone is thinking. Someone may look tired, but that dont mean they are mad. When the heart is afraid, we read our fear into the expressions of others. This was a key think that kept me away from people. Reading fear into expressions that wasnt there, jumping in fear at every seeming negative glance. Negative or neutral tones of voice and expressions happen all the time, they may not indicate disappointment, they often are normal, they can mean the other person is tired, distracted, or simply that this lower vibration is


  • completely normal. Learn not to fear it, or see it as an offense if someone does not respond in a cheerful way. People may not overtly invite you in, but there may be an energetic connection. Reading fear into expressions combined with an inner sense of unworthiness kept me in fear. Recondition yourself, remind yourself you are deserving, for the valuable are rare quality of human presence that you can provide. In addition there is a wisdom in knowing when to give people space. And being around people without talking. Parallel play, one person reads, another person chills and ponders or draws, we do this, yet it allows us to come back later and connect in new ways. If someone is injured, tired, on their period, all kinds of things can compromise a person, learning not to take it personally, it may still be possible to be around someone when they are in a bad state. Your being near or around, doing your own thing, sometimes checking in, or just looking at them, may still befit them without direct talking. This other mode of being can be a blessing, people feel less pressure to at their best around you, being tired, etc, isnt as much of a problem. They are safe to be exposed.

    Feeling Beings Safe & Relatable

    I focus a lot on others as feeling beings (vs being primarily intellectual beings). Taking time to imagine what other are feeing, even if it completely distracts from the conversation. Less pressure to keep up the conversation. You can completely change to any random topic. People do this all the time. Because it feels fun. This is true even when I TV for example, I imagine what each character is feeling, suddenly there is a lot of humor or deep relate-ability in situations, new ways to enjoy something. I used to focus more on plot, which is fine, but now I tune in to the emotional lives of the characters. There expressions let me know what there feeling. Its the same in reality. Bringing attention to what others have experienced, what they are feeling, what they probably felt, etc, creates many access points for conversation or relation, nonverbal as well, and humor. In the past I was too focused on entertaining the other person, so I didnt think of it this way. A total pawn of the mind mode. In your life youve experienced a lot. This gives us a vast database. (theres plenty of information already around us. Good energy is enough to create attraction.) When Im relaxed in a fun pleasant connection with someone (a love interest) I can access any of this information. I can relate to pain theyre feeling. I can just listen. Allow them to feel comfortable in my gaze. Not needing a


  • response or a solution for everything they say. Just having someone there to relate to is what people want. Enjoy listening to them. Enjoy feeling happy or sad for them. Sadness and compassion feels good if the hearts are beating in sync, and light energy is flowing. Throw in a story. It is easier to recall this most distant memories, or make new unexpected observations, when you are happy relaxed receiving this energy. Just relaxing for hours and hours can be boring. Just being happy all the time, can be stressful. Find your balance. This beautiful elegant dynamic harmony of light and play between people. Visualize what another person may be experiencing and use this to start conversations. Another day (at work) right? ..This I relate to you field, can be easier to maintain then the Im entertaining you energy. It must have taken a while to put on all that makeup. I said once to someone at a anime convention. This doesnt sound like play from a standard definition, yet it acknowledges the work she put into her makeup. So Im connecting to her experience. These statements dont sound funny or entertaining, but they connect with someones emotional state and open up interaction possibilities. They dont take much effort. Even if someone is struggling in ways you cant relate you, showing a sense of trying to relate can be appreciated. Dont be intimidated by the unknown or feel you should know or have a solution. People just like a sense that someone is listening. You can give someone a chance to voice an emotion, just by being there. I hate this job they may announce. Ok now theyre sharing personal things. If I feel relaxed people may be more likely to freely offer this relate-ability type information. Then you can just listen. Just a few words like huh or wow i see thats a tough situation. are all it takes to expand their thought process, learn more, help them and yourself relax. I visualize what there talking about, it reminds me of a situation is was in, so as they talk i feel like im in their shoes, and they see this in my eyes. And feel connected, so its not just me saying huh but my eyes show Im thinking about them. Often it may be too much to maintain high energy play or overt play - there will instead be a subtler type of play or exchange going on. Just giving someone an opportunity to voice their emotions, you can be a sounding board for them, you can share some thoughts. This takes little energy. I see this as a type of play, an exchange, we work with the materials we have. By being there you may help them illuminate their thought process, reveal new ideas, or feel they have connected with someone. You can immediately enter someones wave length. I play in a way (offering information) that I think they may relate to. It may begin as a calm or even personal exchange depending on what the other person offers, then it may evolve into a more overt play and cheer. Use your environment to create an opening statement. We are standing in line This is a long line it doesnt have to be clever or witty, Im not making an intellectual statement, rather Im casually expressing my frustration, or even noticing their frustration and putting words to it, and the other person relates to that. It can just be a type of side comment. Counter-intuitively by not being clever I may be


  • more likely to make someone feel safe, because it doesnt look like Im trying to get something from them. If two people are already talking, then there is an energy already there you can feed off of and connect to. I promote this connecting to, receiving of, sharing, biophoton energy, but note even very small levels of energy can start an interaction. Sometimes big energy can be frightening to people if it seems unstable, a mid level energy is enough to start an interaction, start at whatever energy level you are at. If someone Im interested in is standing on the sidelines or standing there but not engaged I can use my eyes to draw them into the group field; or I can make a comment that includes them what brings you here even if it interrupts the topic but feels worth it to include the person. Notice when you gaze near or at people during group interaction they may want or start to gaze back.

    Stress Release

    Maybe I start to feel stressed. My awareness expands. Im worried about not finishing this book. I lost my phone. This person is coming, but I don't feel I can relax. My mind was holding onto things i couldnt see, till i brought attention to the feeling of stress, then it illuminated. Maybe that really awesome moment that happened yesterday gave me higher standards, and now Im afraid of loosing the good feeling. My body is holding on. Or maybe Im afraid of uncertainty. Its almost beautiful how many factors could effect my state of being at a given moment. I notice what may be adding to my stress, in a calm or almost fascinated sort of way. See if I can let it go and shift my awareness to something positive or pleasant actually its amazing that Ive written this much of a book at all Im not in the mood to confront this person now, but I can work with it, its something new Ive lost this object, but worrying so much wont help me find it. Ill think positive thoughts, roam around, and then maybe where I left it will pop into my mind. I have to let go of my standards a bit now, but the good feeling may come back again. I dont know what will happen, but being in the unknown is good for me. In other cases maybe their is a practical problem - the heat is way too low in the house. In that case I take action, get a sweat shirt, adjust the temperature, then shift focus back to positive focus. Or say I have to attend this frivolous meeting. Even in the undeserved situation, Im still building some energy within my being, by focusing on the enjoyable. ..I have to retake drivers ED for some silly reason. My boss needs me to do something Im not good at. I have Jury Duty. Even in these situations we did not choose, there is often plenty of human/community energy to absorb, and you can stay feeling good by adopting a playful view. Resume a sate of play or human connection when possible. Even


  • while attending to the problem, I often see it as play or enjoyable on some level, an adventure, thats part of how I survive and thrive.

    Biolight Surfing Currents of Light and Play

    Understanding play and light in groups (at a party for example) is like surfing a wave, surfing on a sea of biolight. Every person is a different sized wave, and they are in motion. When in harmony the waves flow together. Its not tedious or mechanical like building a robot. (Though if you understand environment and body energetics even the complicated task of a robot will be easier.) If you get nervous or worry too much you fall off your board and take a dive. But even then you can float back up if you arent afraid or embarrassed from the fall. You stay positive and connected. Literally floating (just not enough to actually fly) on electromagnetic energy around you. Or maybe you crash into another surfer, you stay calm and positive focused in play; you can re-find you balance.

    Tapping into child energy. This inner body energy wants to move. For a child who is used to conducting energy, running up the stairs takes less effort


  • then staying still. Staying still for too long takes effort and may feel unnatural to one who has felt this other way of being. The waves rise in harmony with each other. Like a song we may start with some surface oriented lines or verses how is the food did you get a drink? I love this song, but then maybe a chorus or high moment comes out of nowhere wow I didn't know we had ______ in common. Yet not attached to it, the wave falls, gently. Yet rises again. We enjoy the subtle moments too, without fear of serious face. All our instruments are slowly building a harmony. These invisible currents of light and play between people, within ourselves, they carry us. I often have flying dreams, and I associate this feeling with being uplifted by biolight (biophoton) energy produced by people and play. Receiving biolight is like flying on an invisible wave.

    Full Sleep

    Focus on pleasant sensations helps me fall to sleep, not just blocking negative thoughts but replacing with positive. Too much effort to have a blank mind can be stressful. If your mind is chattering too much before sleep, instead of only clearing your mind, try focusing on pleasant fun or positive thoughts memories sensations. The body is always in motion, trying too hard to stop it may not be natural. Instead of only removing negative, see if the focus can move towards the pleasant or positive. Even as we dream i may enter a state of play.

    Losing Ego

    There may be a seeming sacrifice of individuality in this entering into the group, becoming connected to this group energy, harmonizing with the will of the group. Its a different way of being then many of us may be used to. Trusting in this invisible field between people to carry us. It sounds scary, but after repetition, it feels good, the good feeling may outweigh the fear. There is actually a gain of energy that may not otherwise be possible individually. After the event all the bodies cells retain this energy. This deep body energy can last for hours or days after an event has ended. By staying in a playful state this energy can be drawn out to last longer.

    Stable Baseline Energy & Enjoyable Alone

    Being around others can increase my energy a lot, but I am not necessary desperate for their energy. By staying in a state of play, and being in good


  • enragements, open windows, thinking optimistically, I can build energy even when im alone (even though it may not match community energy). Community or social energy multiplies energy opportunities drastically, but there are benefits to having stronger energy while alone as well This way I am more stable, less desperate, when people show up. Things like mirrors, bright colors, going on walks, can also create energy while alone. Also, understanding play and biolight, if one relationship falls out it is easier to create a new one. If need be I can be less dependent on specific people, and more empowered to create connection anywhere I go. I can re-attract a specific awesome person from a stronger place, being less desperate for them, having a network behind me, or even a stronger sense of peace while alone. When Im alone I could feel guilty sad or self-critical about that, but then im loosing even more energy, and then when Im with people there is more desperation to fill that void. sometimes it may be better to just accept certain alone periods and continue to cultivate positive energy. Then I am stronger when I feel ready to seek people. I try to feel grateful about everything I have. instead of thinking I should be less nerdy, I should be more social. I just feel awesome about every little thing I do already. How amazing it is that im alive at all. Then I look and feel more confident, theres an attractive field. I already have energy, and that is attractive, regardless of what Im doing in particular. Sometimes (or often) when Im alone I imagine people I respect are watching me, I have an audience to whatever random thing I am doing, I get a thrill out of this. When people do appear then its like Im already plugged in, I have a bunch of things that are ready to communicate. I was already thinking about what I was doing as a medium for relation, or i had certain people on the mind.

    Common Patterns

    Each person is different, but there are a few common patterns. Identify a few basic different patterns. 1. The frozen state, someone is paralyzed because their body hasnt learned to harmonize with others, they become more vulnerable to fear and stress. 2. The anxiously attached state, constantly looking for approval, or entertaining but at the cost of their own enjoyment. Dont get pulled into these patterns all around you. Hold your ground energetically, allow your presence to heal these patterns. To


  • relax fear of yourself and others. Many fear/stress patterns spring from an absence of community. Patterns like Self-denial, self sacrifice. Paranoia. It is hard to understand these problems because often their is no physical event that triggered them. We can hunt and hunt for the trauma or event that cause this problem and never find it. These problems are cause by the absence of something. Something that isnt there but should be (in the way an organ should be their). These problems may not be easily fixed, the fixing can further the problem by creating negative conditioning, a sense individuals carry in

    their hearts that something is deeply wrong. Many of these people will be labeled as lazy selfish uncaring. When they may be trapped in a type of psychological madness induced by absence of fun and connection. .. Instead fun and connection can be introduced. This problem of the heart that can only be fixed by not fixing it. Our mind records all these fears, patterns traumas, yet the solution may not be in the mind, but the heart. It may not be necessary to label people, labeling may create more fear energy, just notice (in the back of your awareness). Avoid being pulled in to stressful modes or relation. At the same time, there may be times you can pull in frozen frightened individuals, or harmonize with them. Different people may be producing different levels of energy, in addition to carrying self doubt or self-harsh mentalities, hidden traumas/sensitive topics. Each person may require a different type of tuning into. I dont have to fear negative expressions of others, nor do I have to always act happy to protect others from the same fear they may have. Tap into a lower stronger frequency that allows people to feel safe, a field of safety, even though it doesnt look as flashy at first, it is stronger. Risk a let down, but create something more sustainable. Over time this connection without strain or stress feels more natural. The regulated heart harmony carries the connection, instead of stress strain effort and anxiety. We used anxiety to connect and pump up when we have never felt actual connection. This behavior can be cured with an experience of connection. The frozen person may say great! everything is great! but because their body is stiff, that is literally all the information their mind can compute. There can be an appearance that things are good. But inside the energetic body is totally paralyzed.


  • Conscious Play

    The biophotonic being is also aware of what information may be sensitive or make some people uncomfortable, or work for some but not for others. Too often play turns into teasing without us even realizing what we are doing. Or play happens at the expense, or out of harmony with, others. We think we are playing or connecting, but our hearts are not beating in sync. We are preoccupied trying to create fun and connection, entertaining, but soon the play is hurting others (watch any random video interview, footage of people, and I guarantee at least one person is doing this, subtle or more extreme. Even extreme cases are

    considered normal personalities). There is the appearance of play or conversation, but the hearts arent beating in harmony at all. ..Play becomes inappropriate. Play at the expense of others. ..I only hang out with guys because I like dont even know what to say to women, you might say. But with conscious playing a consciousness of play, the sexes can

    interact with each other. We learn to turn anything into play, and then we have plenty of substance for interaction/conversation; which doesnt come at anyones expense. There is lots of material for interacting now, because anything can be used as play. Thinking of things as rooted in play, has made connection easier for me. Other terms for this are fun, stimulation, value of variety. Matter likes motion. Its too easy to loose touch with this, we start to see ourselves as static and separate objects. As a buddhist I spent years trying to clear my mind, to be absolutely clear or mind, still, desire-less. But I found after years of this I actually started loosing lots of energy. I now believe the body is in constant motion. Silencing that motion for too long is unnatural. Instead of suppressing desires and scattered thoughts, I now try to flow with them, to release energy. Indulging


  • in fun. Removing a negative becomes a double negative. I promote focusing on a pleasant positive energy. Not just removing negatives, but introducing positives.

    Negative Conditioning

    Be ware of (often unintended) negative conditioning, in your family, your school, your culture, your diagnosis. Negative conditioning happens unintentionally all the time. Most people dont mean to do it. Often there is positive intention to help or connect, but because fear or stress is involved, it produces a negative result. This fear or depleted energy molds us. We see the world through a lens of fear and stagnant energy. It can hang with us for a life time, bring us down, gives us a bad aura, make others want to run away from us in fear. Such as life should feel empty, maybe its a sign of progress Im suffering for love. Attempts to rationalize suffering, that actually allow suffering to continue. Or you think maybe there right, maybe there is something very wrong with me If someone repeats something over and over again, it starts to effect us. We start to believe it is true, even if it doesnt feel right, it starts to effect our judgment. Such as pain makes you stronger maybe this gets implied a lot in your life; soon you are actually seeking pain more often. We walk around life with this feeling of emptiness or that something is fundamentally wrong with us, a significant problem that sets us apart, makes us incompatible. A personal rain cloud. We have no reference point for positive experience or connection. We think its not possible, or we know it is (maybe we felt it a few times in child hood, at that one party) but we look and look and cant find it in a lasting way. I believe with an energetic understanding, right environment, positive reconditioning, we can have that good life we see in others or felt briefly


  • ourselves. This energetic reality is very active even thought it is not a tangible object itself and is largely not visible to our eyes. We feel it. It can improve our mood significantly. Every person and object produces an EM field. Inspiring, cheerful looking, or thought provoking objects placed around your house can help you feel better and be an intermediary for connection. Notice this negative magnetism disconnected state (of being) is an intense kind of suffering. Throw in youre not trying hard enough you have a disorder youre lazy on top often that. Now the collective unconscious has unintentionally engineered a being that administers their own suffering. I feel a lot of empathy for any person that is disconnected, pulled down by this force. Budging veins, this hardened-personality, this is suffering. So much pain by this cloud of un- awareness. The suffering person is equal, or even superior to myself, because holy fuck suffering is not cool. Lots of gentle re-culturing can heal this. We have to work to survive, but unless the person understands they deserve connection, gets out of the fear mode, life will always be painful. Where ever you go its going to be sort of fifty-fitfy-ish, half the people will be sort of unconsciously channeling these energies, the other half will be sort of not. There are other factors floating around, lots of different types of self harsh mentalities, ways of seeking validation, techniques and ways of straining the body. People are seeking light and play (in our hearts we know some kind of happiness exists in this universe, we have felt it before), but when we cant find it again we adopt painful practices (extreme exercise, extreme spiritual practice) they provide some relief and sense of direction, but carry a hidden thorn, we start to think that happiness always requires pain. We really yearn for light(human light) and play. Individual and cultural patterns make it harder to notice this. Often even well meaning people may make a living off products or practices that keep you feeling insecure. A problem always to be fixed. Its so strange to bounce back and realize all my life Ive been acting out patters that do subtle energetic damage to myself and others, keeping people feeling insecure. Or making me less preceptive. Its vicious. Seeing this suffering for what it is. Looking behind the curtain of a thousand smiling faces.

    Positive (Self)Reconditioning

    Instead of suffering to find joy (forever chasing the perfect lover, or writing the great american novel just to feel a basic sense of happiness), we can become a center-point for pleasant/positive energy genesis and create it around us; as well as find places that better conduce it, disengaging from thoughts or things that bring us down. Reconditioning -Feel grateful for everything you have. Let go of guilt and shame. Guilt and fear triggers can be all around us, when we are drained we are more vulnerable. we have to consciously not respond to these triggers. Not see everything as our fault. Every moment is new. Everyone


  • wants your love. Build a stronger baseline. (I used to be focused largely on the mind, rewiring the mind, now I strongly support heart awareness, the hearts energetic involvement in well being, as being more then a blood pump, noticing sensations of fullness in the heart.) Then we are less vulnerable to a fear trigger, to teasing, to a negative vibration, it bounces off us. This imperviousness is a valuable quality, while others have their triggers, you know people (most often) dont mean to offend you, so you arent offended, this gives you a consistency that allows others to always feel safe. Think of yourself as fundamentally good, smart, desirable, abundant, worthy. Recondition yourself for love. Think about things you enjoy. Put up pictures. Visualize. Focus on pleasant sensations wherever you are. Love yourself. Otherss may be in a heavy debate, but you may take a moment to gaze at a tree. And suddenly you have an idea. Or you calm energy causes the person across from you to relax, causing the room to relax. Vortexes of mind energy exist everywhere in our culture. Others navigate a minefield of intellectualism, but you


  • feel safe just to enjoy yourself, your motions, thoughts, and feelings of fullness. To enjoy the rise of your bodies energy. The growing charge of aliveness that comes about by being in community spaces, while in play, or while in relation with one or more people. When we enjoy ourselves through play or socially we tap into neuroplasticity the brains ability to recover. I find a lot of enjoyment to be had in just this rise of this deep body energy; and the influence it has on others. To live just to be a hub of this energy is a valuable act to both self and society. There is also enjoyment if you notice someone looks worried and you can actually

    channel energy towards them indirectly or directly with your eyes. As energy rises just about anything can happen, possibilities increase. It is the best game there is. Become aware that death and decay is around you and effects our world a lot - work, emptiness, suffering, it effects us all, but at the same time, dont let these negatives bring you down. We can have some awareness of the negative in the back of our minds, all the pain patterns,

    loneliness, etc, and at the same time float above it. Surf the waves, and generate our own waves. Notice how the negative has conditioned so many of us, we feel we are fundamentally flawed, and we carry this feeling and thought pattern around with us, into an early grave. Recondition yourself. Remind yourself that you are good. Sometimes bad things will happen, but even then they are not your fault. You did not want that to happen, you did not know any better at the time. Now you know better. You did your best. Find pleasure and play in everything around you (well anything that works). Do it at your own pace. Recondition yourself to believe that life is good and fulfilling. Otherwise you are as I was, the living-dead. This is not a lie. Every


  • thought and perception is a real event. It has an energetic quantity. Take advantage of any good energy that you can. Dont wait for others to give you purpose, direction, your next orders. Every moment can be an active expression of life. Feed off it like a queen bee,

    and let the hive swarm around you. Attract big energy with little effort. No self-consciousness, but freedom to enjoy. Let others learn from your demonstration. Talk about what you enjoy. Ask others what they enjoy. Offer a fun story or observation. Allow you mind to drift to pleasant thoughts. Do what your body feels like doing without explaining to others or to yourself why you did it.

    Physical Health Light in our Cells

    Use play biophotons (energy produced by being around people) and natural movement to cultivate your best physical health. Others pound away for months and months at the gym until they strain a muscle, play rough sports and break bones. But you derive your strength and beauty from energy. Environment and community energy that is around you. As well as the energy created by you own relaxed cheerful perspective and attitude. Indulge in fun. These energies are smaller then the eye can see, yet they are everywhere and may be a vast source of life. A body in a state of play and changed with light, burns toxins, recovers from illness and injury. I recommend eating a variety of foods. Even eating is also a type of play, it is fun, stimulating (Im not playing with my food (necessarily), but enjoying the sensations, is a subtle type of play). Food is often a focal point for group or community energy and stimulates interaction.


  • Closet Players playing but dont realize it

    At a party every individual holds a wine glass looking at this energetically, I see the glass as a prop for play. (?? What! No.. but I insist) The drink or glass creates a distraction, it allows us to feel safe, there is a tactile sensation. One feels like they are doing something. it creates conversation buy her a drink. what are you drinking? We use this prop as an excuse for interaction, play. By understanding the underlying phenomena - play, one is more liberated to turn any object, idea, or observation into play, anything becomes play or a vehicle for human interaction. We have access to more ways to spark conversation, looking at it as play. We are less depended on cliche props or memorized lines. Smoking is similar do you have a smoke?. Smokers huddle together, it becomes a medium through which to relate. ..Do you have the time? all excuses to connect. These are decent ways to connect, yet it can limit our possibilities if we dont understand the underlying phenomena. Only being limited to these methods can come at a price. Drinking turns to over drinking, etc. By understanding light and play, the underlying process - then any book, object, scenery, pondering, idea, question, can be used as a way to relate.

    Fearless Play I enjoy dressing in a way that is artistic, some color; this promotes interaction. I am not embarrassed about standing out, I enjoy it. If someone makes a strange comment, I am not offended, I role with it. I turn it into humor. (unless they really insult you, then you can stand up for yourself, or just ignore it.) Once I was wearing this colorful Japanese kimono. Someone said what martial arts degree are you? I caught his playful attitude and said Im rainbow belt! I was in a playful mode and the image of a rainbow came to mind. ..In the past I would have been paralyzed with stress in any social setting, if this man talked to me I might not have even understood what the they were saying, or even if I did, I would have stressed about a smart response and not found one, because my energetic being was exhausted. Then on top of that I would have said all these problems are happening because they were right at high school, I must have some learning disability or significant problem with my brain even thought that never quite made sense; it never made sense why the problems happened at some times but not others. It turns out in my case all these problems were coming from social fear, a paralyzed state induced by this fear, induced by a sort of anti-play conditioning (unintended, but it happens). By being in this playful mode, enjoying the crowded area, I was already feeling


  • good, and in this spontaneous moment, something popped into my mind. If I didnt think of something I might have just smiled and not worried about it. In the past there would have been a sense of loss and confusion why didnt I have something smart to say etc, why am I so out of it. Now its more about enjoying myself, enjoying eyes on me, enjoying my physical being, less focused on what is the next tangible thing I will do. even if thats in the back of my mind. Another time I wore a different kimono. And someone said are you going to do karate on me? or maybe they said watch out! bruce lee. I felt embarrassed, but then I realized (because I was so determined to ware this kimono in public) they were not actually trying to embarrass me, the tone was actually playful; they were just making conversion. So I went with it and did a little karate move. Fear made me interpret it as an attack, but it was actually connection.

    Intimate Connection

    I talk about groups, but two people can harness biophoton energy between them, having two people vs one, opportunities for play multiply. Play for adults. This includes topics that fascinate you, your work. Attachment theory, so many things. Different modes of play are appropriate at different times. Depending on the person or moment, a fascination may come later, you may start with something more relaxed, a surface observation. Allow play and biophtons (people) to be a source of fuel. Use it to improve creative or business projects. I used to spend hours and hours on creative projects each day. But unknowingly my body was sending out negative signals to other people. I was focused on creative success, achieving greatness, always pushing my mind for new ideas (writing books, screenplays), but this pushing was literally putting a subtle stress on myself, closing me off from my environment. I was unknowingly sending negative signals to others, putting off stress vibes, stimulating their fears or feelings of unworthiness. Creating a back off, uninviting vibe. To be honest I would have been much better of just visualizing fuzzy cats while gazing out at a park (and I recommend doing this), or while making eye contact with people. The effort to produce something was ironically un-producing me, as an energetic and physical being in the present moment. Walk in the park or the mall, and notice this energetic / magnetic draw towards people. Not speaking (necessarily) but just noticing. Too often there is a pressure or obligation to justify everything with speech. Allow yourself to feel naked before people. Walk by two people on a bench and just notice their eyes on you. See if part of you enjoys it. I believe many of us carry a type of a guard, a


  • drawing inwards when we pass strangers. But this may not be so in other

    countries like India. Humans wherever they are, naturally want to link up (connect on some level) with each other, not necessarily talking. This magnetic draw is there in us all. And many of us are consciously or unconsciously repressing it. It doesnt even mean that we have to shout hello! at every person we pass (unless we feel we want to). Its more subtle. Merely notice that there is some good feeling or connection happening below the word level. This energy fills us and makes us just a bit stronger then those who hold back. Then when we do see someone we want to connect with verbally, romantically, whatever, we already feel uplifted, a stronger baseline, like Ive already been enjoying the party. When were used to pulling back, soon we end up avoiding even the people we want connect to. We feel drained all the time, then we connect using a persona. Acting much happier then we feel. And this feels uncomfortable. So we pull back to protect from assuming this uncomfortable persona, and to protect from the personas of others. I believe this energy allows the body to become less agitate-able, more preceptive, better able to heal. I could go into a loud bar, and still be able to hear people speaking, because Im not anxious, and this biophoton energy may actually boost perception. The loud noises and unfamiliar settings scare others, but the biophotonic being is so unafraid that she remains playful. When we are afraid we forget to be playful. Act natural dont be afraid we tell ourselves, but then we just end up being stiff.


  • Taking Action Empowered by biolight awareness and play

    At any given public space or event, say 50% of people may be in an approachable mood, 50% may not be. A party may be more 90% and 10%. A friends party or common interest meetup are the easiest places. Dont get caught waiting for others to run the show or tell you what to do, to invite you. Stand out, take independent action, but at your own pace, find your rhythm. Lean it can feel good when you get the hang of it. Parks, malls, cafes, can be just as good. You can sense someones mood by their posture and expression, even from far away. Approach someone who looks open and relaxed, that is not significantly preoccupied, in a hurry, or busy working. I promote approaching people in virtually any setting. Humans are social animals. Though many of us have been what you might call traumatized, this disconnect can be most unnatural. I believe in approaching without any serious explanation for why. You can take your pick of person, but dont let fear limit your options. Fear will have you inventing reasons to back out that dont make sense. maybe she has a boyfriend dont assume things you dont know out of fear. All humans need connection, maybe half will be open to it in any general setting. If you can zone in on some kind of a skill hobby or common interest that can help. Finding someones passion, or a shared passion can solidify the connection. Being curious abut their passion is good too, if its something youve never heard of instead of this being intimidating, this is an exciting chance to learn. Dont feel you should already know, expose your not knowing, let them tell you. If a group of people are talking and seem happy, at an event, party, at work, you can simply just stand there near by. (Even in public you may be able to sit near by and still gain some energetic benefit). Do not be concerned with weather you will say something or are following everything. Treat it like youre watching a movie. Maybe one thing reminds you of something and suddenly you find yourself saying something. Maybe you just laugh because you were reminded of a pleasant memory, but it feels natural, someone else smiles too, even though you werent trying to make them. Maybe nothing major happens, yet you feel a bit more connected, an uplift, and there was no effort involved. Approach someone in a park or cafe If they seem indifferent hold your ground for a while, dont be afraid, just enjoy standing there. Dont expect them to be overtly welcoming at first. That may not mean they arent interested (this goes for making friends or romantically). Say a few things, but also try just standing there. See if the mood shifts a little while you stand there. Speaking, pausing, and thinking pleasant thoughts. By thinking positive/play oriented thoughts you are replacing fear and stiffness with uplifting magnetic energy (In situations that might normally create fear, shifting focus to positive thoughts, with a loose focus on conversation, shifts the energy). Continue to check in with this inner process,


  • while at the same time having a conversation, moving to different topics. That is the trick. Both happen at once, your inner energy state, and what you do and say on the outside. It gets easier, and even fun with practice. The balance is part of the play. Once I walked up to a group of 5 random girls at a bar and said Im here. Did you miss me. They totally rejected me, yeah sure one scoffed. 3 said nothing. Actually the last one lit up a little. But I just kept standing there, in an almost stubborn way. I thought Im not afraid of that girl shes just another depressed person like me. Within a minute the mood shifted. One called me brave. Another had a staring contest with me. I had no idea was I was doing at the time, sheer desperation let me to what now makes more sense. Looking at it as play and the accumulation of light energy. Have conversations while keeping play in mind. Offer some introduction. And then flow between topics, allow you mind to relax and do a kind of free association. See what you are reminded of and add that to the conversation. Ask questions, get more information. Dont over focus on the person, pleasing them, or on distant outcomes, just focus attention on enjoying what you are doing. See if you can emotionally relate to what they are talking about, visualize what they are talking about, instead of being overly caught up in the words. Dont be concerned with small pauses or gaps. Also as you talk, be aware of a sense of feeling good, that arises just by looking at them or into their eyes (this flow of biophotons entering your bodies), that grows as you stay in relation. If negatives happen, dont take it personally. Just hold your ground, focus on enjoyable thoughts or sensations, and keep up conversation in a low stress way. Dont worry about sounding clever, or complicated topics. Have attention on your own enjoyment, while being with them. Doing this reconditions the body out of fear, and into dual heart regulation, vibrational harmony with another person. Recognize many of us are deeply conditioned with a sense of social fear and undeserving, shifting this can take a bit of time. as your body receives more of this human energy (while in a play state), future approaches may be increasingly successful. It is also possible for the energy to be lost, such as after a few hours, maybe something saps you The next week or day you may feel reset. In college I remember having a few really successful connection experiences, but then Id spend a day in my room, and the next morning there would be this reset like everything I had learned had gone out the window. But when one understands how this energy works there is less reason to be discouraged, it is easy to get back. If Ive already gathered energy from an event, or maybe even just sitting in the park, then I notice it is easier to feel magnetic with strangers. leaving the event i have more energy, and can attract things that may have been harder to before. you can still approach a person and accumulate energy with them, even if you didnt have much to start. But if you want to see a big effect notice the difference after youve been at an event and connecting with people. i use the


  • event to accumulate energy, if Im loosing energy, or coming out feeling the same, it can be because of this mind-mode view of reality, negative energy is magnetic and keeps us down, we get stuck in it, our attention is magnetized to empty sensations within our around us. This sad heavy or empty heart energy is magnetic, as in it pulls us down, so one has to accumulate enough for a shift in polarity to take place. a love shift, I used to call it. Youre walking around with friends, at a fair, even in an airport, your laid back, there isnt a pressure to impress anyone, your pondering something pleasant, and suddenly everything just feels good, everything is inspiring. When youve accumulated enough positive energy it is also magnetic, so it doesnt require stress or effort to maintain this (as i always thought it did). The magnetic positive overcomes the magnetic negative, and then there is this effortless shift. Instead of fighting to overcome the negative, by focusing on positive sensations, my energy is effortlessly drawn up. Notice all the factors, people, environment (this sense of adventure), my own positive perceptions/thoughts. I can generate positive energy even without all these factors present, one or a few may be going on, sometimes its just my thoughts and environment, often times friends/people present on some level. I am not desperate, Im good at utilizing whatever I have, having a certain stability within myself, but when everything happens together, it lifts us even higher. Utilize low times to plan, reflect on, set up ingredients for more high times. I want to create more environments that provide this positive magnetic uplift experience to others; this experience that is so important in human development. Casually bringing up this subtle energetic' view of reality around people. Doing this is a source of play. Dont push your body to the extremes that I did (month long mediations, ten mile runs, fasting, locking myself it dark rooms to face fear. -do not- if you want to live. Your body is a gentle thing, and it can be broken). Take this free awareness. I could say that suffering has made me stronger, but maybe it has not. Suffering became my identity. Theres no need to rationalize pain and loss. Its sad, but the living have to live. If you have a chance to be happy, take it. You deserve it. Not being in the mind-mode doesnt mean that I never use my mind, it just means that I prioritize my heart, feelings of fulfillment first. I enjoy the process of doing something - at the same time, I can have tangible goals, dreams, I can seek relationship, achievements - they may be in some level of my awareness, Im just much less desperate for them. Often the moment gives me my greatest satisfaction, colors, sunlight, the environment, basking in this human light energy. Feeling worthy to meet peoples eyes, even people you just met at times, without a mandatory verbal justification. Noticing the mutual benefit of this eye meeting. That strangers enjoy it too. It is often easier if someone you know is with you, a second person provides double energetic support. One person could be talking, another just


  • gazing, and then alternate if desired. Notice even the person who is just gazing may still feel actively involved in the conversation. It may not be a hard stare, they can wander and move around noticing what feels natural. The gazing person is still benefiting. They are less desperate or anxious for a verbal entrance into the conversation. They are relaxed and actually more likely to find something to say when they wish. You can feel this connection by looking directly at someone or indirectly, peripherally. At times direct gazing can be intimidating but peripheral may still be an option.

    In-between Moments

    For me a lot of the biophoton stuff involves an intangible benefit, such as if Im at a party and dont feel like interacting yet, I can just stand on the side lines, no self-consciousness, and feed off energy. There is less fear about what are we going to do what are we doing to do. Less need to cling desperately to a friend. Getting more out of in-between spaces. Half of the reason being a wallflower feels bad is because we think it is bad. That creates fear and paralysis. Learn that gazing a people is actually enjoyable. If someone says hey you why arent you talking thats their problem, for perpetuating the mind mode. They are not intentionally doing this, they may want to connect but unintentionally make you feel bad. Smile but dont conform to a purely talking centered approach. Do not live in fear of that person. Just say meh. We think confidence means talking all the time, but that just becomes fear of people saying why arent you talking. We focus so much on the talking, other types of connection dont happen. I promote a peaceful flowing into social spaces, less pressure on needing clever words. Enjoying other types of nonverbal interaction. Less about what your doing, more about how you feel doing it. Taking pressure off the mind frees the channel for heart energy. Less need to have everything you say be a complete or finished idea. Just the act of talking feels good, with pauses or other noticings mixed in. Sparks thoughts in others. Laughing because you thought something was funny, feels good, to others also. When Im waiting in line, when the group cant decide what to do, Im feeding off the energy. Im still benefiting. Notice moments when others are looking to meet someones eyes. They were thinking or talking about something funny, they are looking for someone to share the moment with. Meet their eyes, you dont even have to say anything, just think about what they said / why its funny, let it cheer you up too.

    A Sea of Biolight


  • I promote things like briefly looking at random people from a distance. Or momentary meeting the eyes of a stranger but not acting embarrassed. Notice that at times peoples eyes may be drawn to you. A magnetic force causes eyes to meet or look at you, without any particular reason attached to this meeting. Learn not to feel any embarrassment associated with this. You can access the field like this, a way to access energy at any time. I could look at someone in the distance, the energy enters within my body, I can redirect it, it can enhance a connection that is happening closer to me, or vice versa. Get a feel for how this energy can be cultivated and is emitted. Ive sat in parks and allowed my eyes to drift around. Once sitting there for a while I suddenly felt a strong magnetic connection with someone sitting a hundred feet away. For a moment our faces locked on to each other, not from a mental choice, but as though being pulled by a force. At the time I didnt understand the play component, conversation as play, so I didnt feel I could walk over and start talking - But the momentary connection even at that distance felt surprisingly satisfying in itself. ..Its beautiful to think that someone elses biophotons may travel from their heart, through their eyes, into your eyes, and into your heart, even at great distance, they become part of you. I had many experiences like this, I called it deep vital energy, and later discovered the concept of biophotons. Why quantify love? I believe this merely points the way, and may help those who suffer in disconnect. Biophotons liberate a soul trapped in material form. (Librate a soul from the material heaviness, the property of decay.) The soul is always there, but in the material Universe, we cannot be free, without light. Here, to deny ourselves this light, is to suffer. To be crushed by the matrix of space and time. Allow these energies to give you strength. Positive perspective builds real positive energy over time. Your thoughts exist. They are energetic reactions in your brain. Negative thoughts keep you feeling bad, positive thoughts slowly shift you. People say dont fantasize. I say have the fantasy, if it makes you feel better. Have the fantasy, but take action too. At the same time know it is ok to rely on others, and you can connect without being high all the time. Know that even this energy is not needed to qualify yourself for connection. People will be attracted simply to a calm presence, most highs will begin from this lower state. I used to overwork myself pumping up the high energy to attract others, its exhausting and not sustainable. This comfort with the lower levels, the ability to be calm, to feel exposed, is the foundation for lasting energy from which big effortless and magnetic charisma arises. This energy is the difference between the frozen and the free. The difference between the nerds, nice guys, and the empowered. Tedious dating/conversation tactics, vs fulfilling connection.


  • Magnetic Energy

    Energy (human heart energy) tends to be magnetic; it has polarities of positive or negative that both have a strong pull, a contagious effect. Fear is contagious. But so is positive energy. In addition its hard to stay neutral about everything. We try to be neutral, but that pulls us towards the negative. I was always someone who had no opinions about everything, and instead of this being a great thing, it was actually despair. I could never connect with anyone. We tend to tolerate this stagnant neutrality when we are alone, but when with friends (or wooing a soulmate) we feel this instinct to have fun, to take action, create energy. I believe humans need to float on a type of constant gentle positive awareness or feed, flow of energy within them and between them an others or the environment. Every observation, thought, action, event, is an electrical reaction, with a subtle effect. Positive reactions draw up the electro-magnet of the human heart. Play. Fun free associating thoughts. Repeating something funny, to yourself, out loud, because it sounded funny. Exploring your environment. Receiving energies from crowds of strangers (just being in the space) and from friendships. This fills your cells with light energy, inner energy you dont have to fake. If you have an off day. Expose yourself. Imi having a hard time Let loved ones support you. Let the community energy, even stranger energy, supports you. Show wherever you are feeling, dont feel you have to act like everything is ok. At first some people may not like it. that guy didnt act happy. Yet you maintain a subtler connection. It is different yet they will start to appreciate you. They too will feel comfortable to take off a need to act. To expose however they feel. Feeling happy when it comes. Not feeling required to hide sadness and act happy on the behalf of others. We become uplifted by a magnetic force, that at its best does not require effort. Other times we need effort to get by, to set up events where we can feel effort-less. At times making an effort can compensate if we are feeling low energy, but still want to reach out. Yet by tapping into powerful magnetic energy, there is a point where we have to drop the effort and let the energy carry us. Thinking we need effort actually holds down the magnetic energy. Say something just because it feels good to speak. Your voice is an instrument. Energetic communication. You are sending subtle positive waves. I may say something energetically and intellectually at the same time. There is a fun idea that I am sharing, and at the same time, there is the sound of my voice, the way I feel. I say hard day at work? and there is a connected feeling in my heart, maybe a pleasant thought in my head. Attention on enjoyment. The verbal and the energetic are happening at the same time. ..Even if there is no real intellectual component, saying something will still uplift the mood. It feels good. Needing a reason to talk to someone, that is a ball and chain, play is your


  • reason. The subtle human light energy benefit is your reason. It feels good in a subtle yet increasing way. Positive energy between people will feel right and magnetic, but dont fear the pause. If the energy peters out, if you run out of things to say. Dont feel you have to force more. Notice subtler types of connection. The other person may re-acclimate to you. Maybe Im talking to one person, but feel a subtle connection with 5 people. The connection isnt accomplishing anything drastic, but there is an energetic benefit, that eventually has a physical uplift. The group may be in stress, but slowly, subtly you can shift it. It feels like an unbreakable wall, only because we dont notice this subtle connection that is already there, and builds over time. We can gently shift it into connection, with any or every component of our being. Our voice, thoughts, attitude, calm gaze. At many social events there may be an intellectual field of mind energy, rapid chatter, these vortexes of mind energy.. But I go with a sense of Im just going to enjoy this and ultimately that is what everyone else wants as well. We think we want too sound smart, to accomplish things, but what we want underneath it all is to feel good. That trumps all. That intention to enjoy can shift the group, from mind to heart energy modes. Stronger heart energy actually increases intellectual capacity, when focusing too much on mind based communication, the tangible self validations, without relaxing into the field, can drain energy. I believe human destiny is to mirror the quantum state where particles are always in motion. The ideal state may be a type of dance. A wild and free dance of human relation. Dont feel a need to justify everything. Play is your excuse to take action. Doing nothing is not the alternative to validation-seeking conversation, play is the alternative. It can be a bit random, it doesnt always need logical continuity. If youre at a store with a friend, pull out a random magazine that reminded you of something. Positive focusing doesnt have to mean repeating to myself stay positive stay positive stay positive. That can work. But I encourage you, focusing on the positive can literally mean doing anything you enjoy, or finding enjoyment in anything. Whatever random thing brings you the most happiness at this time. Whatever random thing the group most wants to do, that is reasonably safe and fun for everyone involved. When you do what you love, focus attention towards what you love, that is the most dynamic and powerful kind of positive magnetic energy. Repeating to your self positive positive positive or fuzzy cat fuzzy cat fuzzy cat (that is better because there is imagery there (a cat)). This is good. But doing, thinking about, visualizing, speaking, what you love, is even better. Play generates energy. Lots of repetition feels safe, but too much repetition ceases to be play. Though a playful or light conducting person will experience greater enjoyment even from a single pleasure, they seek variety, even when the do the same thing, they way they enjoy it may be a bit different each time. Play is taking


  • off the training wheels of constantly repeating self-help tactics in your head, play is letting your feelings guide you more often. Knowing the physics of human light and play, I can spend more time enjoying life, empowered to do what I want, and less time feeling confused or powerless. Seeing these energetic currents of light and play around us provides a simpler solution for many of our struggles. The biophotonic being can resolve practical problems, but at the same time he knows exactly when to disengage and not be overburdened by negative energy. Sometimes he may be balancing many things, other times totally blissed out. Also it is possible to appear and feel blissful, and at the same time be computing lots of information. New situations may bring challenges, he doesnt let challenges hold him back, but at the same time he does not seek pain or suffering itself. He seeks fun and connection and handles challenges when they arise. Even when preforming chores, work, handling difficult situations, the biophotonic being is always finding the best in it, maintaining a positive energy core in their heart, her energy is not compromised. It is more difficult for them to become exhausted, because they are constantly generating deep vital (internal body) energy through a playful state of being. It may not always be an outward playfulness, but often simply an internal optimistic view. They dont seek suffering, pain, but by riding these invisible energy currents within and around us, being optimistic, looking for the positive, work seems less difficult, and even enjoyable. This optimistic or fun focused view generates a positive feed back loop, an energetic inertia (momentum) in the heart itself; it becomes easier to stay feeling good. Relating to others as feeling beings first that sounds hard long day? etc. Visualizing the other persons emotional experience. how you would feel in their shoes. This creates many ways to relate, or lets you know when to simply be there, be present. Dong this is still fun, because Im sparking new connections, surfacing interesting memories I or they may have forgotten. hard day at work? this may sound negative, but its not if it helps someone express something, its an interaction, something new may be illumined, or it just feels good, the point is you are meeting the person where they are at, its easier to talk about what is already on their mind, topics that are already in the air. Also you can often offer some information, something fun or random you did, you are creating energy. Sometimes asking too many questions is stressful, sometimes asking many questions can also remind someone of how incompetent they are, or what is missing in their life. The past may not be a pleasant place to visit even for a moment. If the past looks gloomy, you can offer information, create something new Then hone in on passionate topics. Your very existence can spread a type of positive reconditioning to others, just being together/around you, a type of experience is being created. While creating the experience, there is also benefit in at times, weaving these ideas into the conversation, bringing up topics like - play, how we read expressions when


  • we are in fear, feeling worthy. talking about this stuff brings it into the global field of consciousness. A confident person is not afraid to bring this stuff up, to admit weakness, being vulnerable. Notice by brining up these topics, even if you get very little response, now they are in the air, notice people may be thinking about it, telling a positive story makes people feel better, even if they dont say anything.

    Play in Conversation

    Go to an event or fair. Find someone who looks mildly relaxed. Approach them without needing a reason. Play is your reason. Perhaps play sounds silly. Then think of it in a subtle way. Play is your ability to enjoy. Walk up to someone and say I love your art (if theyre painting) or I love you outfit. Even if youre not an artist, or clothing designer, they may be happy just to see someone is interested. It gives them a chance to tell someone what they are doing, why they are doing it. It feels like a connection has happened.


  • Or ask someone for directions. Or what book are you reading? Enjoy each sentence at a time. Dont focus too much on what you will say next. Dont fear a serious face from them. A neutral sign is not a bad sign. Even if someone is a bit grouchy, they may not be conscious of it, and it may not be directed at you. As you talk instead of forcing energy, notice a subtler benefit, one that is less flashy, but easy, effortless to maintain. (Serious face is a reflection of the other persons energetic state and not a rejection of you. What makes it more confusing at first is that they may act happy towards other people. But exposing serious face to you or someone that was unexpected is not a bad sign; it can even lead directly to more intimate connection, skipping the front sage completely. Often what we encounter may just be a neutral face but fear makes us read it as critical.) My energy is what it is, it dont have to be any higher or lower then where it wants to be. Doing this, they may shift down with you. More intimate types of connections or honest omissions may happen, they feel they can lower their guard. Look directly at sometimes eyes, or alternate, looking at their forehead for example, or just slightly away. Looking at somes skin still creates connection. Peripheral eye contact is still connection. If direct gaze feels intimidating at times, you can we've between these other modes. But even if you stare at someone, over time they may start to like it.

    You are not limited just to approaching people in this way, even subtle benefits of being around people, subtle connections, are an accomplishment. If you dont have a long connection, dont see this as a failure. Keep enjoying subtle sensations at the event. Dont feel you are supposed to do anything. Notice if connections start to happen, even without youre thinking about them. Merely by your enjoying yourself, and wanting it to happen. Your gaze is at eye level, eyes moving around. Not afraid of meeting someones, yet not needing to do anything either. Your eyes start to meet someones. They ask your for directions. isnt this a great fair? do you know where this booth is? now youre having a conversation. And it just began as some pleasant sessions in your heart combined with eye movements. - Notice its not just what my eyes are doing, but also what my heart is feeling, that has this subtle (or not so subtle) effect on people and in myself. - As you talk, notice theyre wanting to connect in their voice, their eyes. Or if they dont show it, dont be afraid, they may have tired face but this doesnt mean they dont like you. Give it time and see if there is a shift. If they still seem negative with no change after like 40 seconds, you can back out. There may be many other people that do want to connect. It takes repeated experience, to know when someone is very not interested / busy, and when it is just your fear reading into it. Even if they start off not interested, with experience, they may become interested. Magnetism gradually arises.


  • Create positive associations with going to social events or work. I feel good about it even before Ive arrived. Instead of feeling i should do this but I really dont want to, negative thoughts that drain you. Visualize things you do enjoy about work/events, or recall past good experiences going as far back as childhood, even if it was just one time, a moment.

    Bring up topics you enjoy. Ask questions. Talk about what they enjoy. Gaze and listen without worrying about a response. Focus on pleasant sensations. In terms of what you say, try different ways at it. Allow you mind to relax, and as you focus on pleasant sensations, see what thoughts surfaces. Visualize what the other person is feeling. Even if you forget what your talking about. Do not be embarrassed about forgetting. keep taking in positive observations inspired by your environment, focusing on pleasant sensations, then another random thought or thread enters your mind. turn that into conversation. Im hoping to check out that booth. this occurs to you. oh are you an artist? they say Actually Im a writer That reminds me of this interesting show when they did ____ Its interesting the way everyone here is _____ as you relax into the conversation, more things start occurring to you. You start having preceptive thoughts and observations. look at the way that person is doing that that reminds me of they must be feeling these video games look cool, Im sad I havent played them, but now im noticing they are all direct copies of Mario. you start having more complex perceptions without trying to. do you want to watch this show with me? are you hungry? lets go play that dancing game. One moment Im having complex perceptions, the next im saying lets eat or look at that funny cat over their. Im not attached to sounding intelligent. More neurons are firing, but this is a product of having fun, and not actually because im trying to sound intelligent. the neuron firings themselves are play, vibrational genesis. These are exercises to un-condition the entertaining mode of conversation. Ask them if they want to hang out again, get a contact, but notice how much enjoyment comes out just in the present, even in a five minute interaction. Or maybe were walking side by side, and my mind drifts a bit, Im having all kinds of complex perceptions, even while keeping the other person in my awareness. Wondering about this persons childhood. Noticing the way that person guarding the door over there is inhibiting the rooms energy. Noticing the flow of energy in the room or area, the quality of the connection. I may be noticing all this, but all I say is do you want to go dancing on Tuesday? not even related to what I was thinking. All these other noticings may not even come up in the conversation. Yet they are fun and relaxing, it feels good to let loose like this at times. And maybe later on, something I had pondered comes into the conversation. I only noticed it because i was focusing on fun and feeling relaxed. Allow your mind to wander when your around people, while at the same time feeling the energy benefit of the people. Even while youre in conversation,


  • you mind may wander a little. We focus intensely on each other out of a wanting to connect, yet all this focusing actually creates stress, and makes us less preceptive. This free floating awareness, while being physically with people, allows us to connect to our own being, while being with others. After many experiences now my mind has a greater backlog of interesting topics and ways to connect I can re-access more quickly. Also my body has built a muscle memory for connection. Many things may happen, or click on, at certain times, while i may not be thinking about it. My body has an instinct. Being social feels natural, desirable, something to look forward to. I just spend time hanging around but my body is learning things, subconscious learnings that happen. My mind records information without me trying to. When im in a state of play or pleasant enjoyment, my mind may remember all kinds of things about people, that I can use the next time we meet. The playful mindset makes the information click. It seems confusing on the surface, that there are two different types of high energy. 1. There is this sort of forced energy, and outward enthusiasm'. Its energy yet hands are shaking, fear is behind it. 2. And then there is this deep heart energy that arises between people over time. Circulates, flows accumulates. Enhanced by play. Gradually it surpasses the first. Yet at its best may only be a function of the group, or of two people.

    There are a bunch of different awareness tools here, with time one gets the hang of what works best at what time, and in what situation. Adjusting the relax meeter and the play meeter in you being to what best fits. Noticing what your eyes and body what to do. Things that seem scary at first, but turn out not to be. All these chapters are describing a similar thing, currents of light and play, from different perspectives, and in different situations. Its meant to be used in a go out an experience this stuff way, and then come back and reference the book. Read chapters in any order. Re-read. Have it read too you (the NaturalReader program will do this) while you play Zelda, whatever.

    Note some of my terms are a bit clunky, if I was feeling better I might try to write more from the perspective of the reader. Some of my place holder terms may not describe the details of your subjective experience. For example, when I started reaching out to more people after college. I spend most of this time communicating in an anxious way. But I might not notice it, because that was the only way I knew how to communicate. I was not relaxed, but i had never actually experienced feeling relaxed in relation to people, so I wouldnt even know what relaxed means. ..I wanted to be a master conversationist, which is a fine goal. But I only focused on the verbal, and my external actions - I didnt notice the way I was feeling. I focused a lot on


  • improving myself, on what I was doing wrong, this effected my energy. I said one thing, my body felt another. You can use conversation techniques that is good, but at the same time, by calmly drawing attention to pleasant observations, thoughts, and feelings, while being around people, notice fear, but coming back to the pleasant Slowly one taps into a different type of connected feeling, used in addition to talking. At first being social felt like this impossibly complicated thing for me, but by feeling into the underlying forces, it may actually become simple. What you discover may not even be the way our culture communicates. I realize introducing too much information too soon (or certain words vs others) may induce overwhelm, this book itself should create an experience of safety and play for the reader. I try to avoid words that remind one of fear or self doubt.

    Mind Energy Vortex

    Notice these long complicated intellectual conversations, that happen even when were free to do whatever we want, they happen all the time at parties, with friends. They give us some sense of connection, but they keep us in complicated land. There is this air of resolving problems, which is fine at times, but there are always more problems in this mode of relation. If someone is talking about an oil spill in the ocean. Visualize the boat, even a heavy topic can become rich and beautiful, and feel uplifting (instead of just talking, we could be creating a real experience in this moment, even just changing where we focus our attention.) Visualizing reminds you of another idea, or just makes you feel good. Someone is talking about their family life, visualize your own similar situations. Visualize the people their talking about. Allow it to remind you of happy memories. Now they are being reminded of happy memories. Their are many ways at it, even when you stray topics, pause, it is hard to do it wrong. Often this fear of serious face keep us talking fast, afraid of doing it wrong. When I dont fear pauses, there is more lee way. Show someone your listening. At other times, throw in a random deep thought you were having the other day. This is all different types of interaction, play. Sometimes even thinking a unrelated thought or having a fun perception about something that has nothing to do with what others are talking about, but it may make you feel uplifted, creating a small