biomechanics lifting p1 1pp

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Biomechanics Lifting p1 1pp


  • Biomechanics of Lifting andLower Back Pain

    S.N. RobinovitchOutline

    Epidemiology of lower backpain

    Strength of spinal segments Lifting models:

    muscle and intervertebral jointforces (compression and shear)

    effect of abdominal pressure onlifting mechanics

  • Required Reading from CustomCourseware1. McGill, Stuart: Chapter 6: Lumbar Spine Stability

    2. McGill, Stuart: Dynamic Low Back Models: Theory andRelevance in Assisting the Ergonomist to Reduce the Risk ofLow Back Injury

    3. Norman, Robert and McGill, Stuart: Selection of 2-D and 3-D Biomechanical Spine Models: Issues for Consideration bythe Ergonomist

    Also recommended:Nordin, Margareta and Frankel, Victor H.: Basic Biomechanics ofthe Musculoskeletal System, 3rd Ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,Philadelphia, 2001. Chapter 10:Biomechanics of the LumbarSpine

  • Epidemiology of lowerback pain

  • Lower back pain: true or false?

    I will probably experience at least oneepisode of back pain during my lifetime

    slouching is bad for my back (i.e., increasesspinal forces)

    sitting is harder on my back than standing

    chairs should have lumbar supports

    I should lift by flexing my knees instead ofmy trunk

    I should use a back belt when lifting heavyobjects

  • Epidemiology of lower back pain

    lower back pain (LBP) is the most costlymusculoskeletal disorder in industrial nations

    80% of individuals will suffer BBP in theirlifetimes

    severity ranges from completely debilitatingto temporary annoyance

    10-17% of adults in the U.S. have an episodeof LBP in a given year

    annual cost in U.S. of back-pain-related careand disability compensation is $50 billion

  • In Canada, LBP accounts for 18% of allinjuries, and more than 21 million disabilitydays annually

    average sickness absence period is 21 days

    80% to 90% ofpatients recover completelywithin seven weeks

    others require special treatments such astraction, chemonucleolysis, or disk surgery

    7% are left with permanent disability, which inabout 50% of cases permanently prevents thepatient from doing strenuous work

    Epidemiology of LBP (continued)

  • Cause and prevention of LBP

    LBP is caused by chemical or mechanicalirritation of pain-sensitive nerve endings instructures of the lumbar spine

    exact cause of pain in 85% of cases isundiagnosed

    therefore, considerable guesswork is ofteninvolved in selecting between treatmentoptions (e.g., ice, rest, gentle activity,manipulative therapies, therapeutic exercise,surgery)

  • Work-related risk factors for LBP

    heavy physical work

    static work postures

    frequent bending or twisting

    lifting, pushing and pulling

    repetitive work



  • Probability of case-group members reportingLBP increases with peak load during work(Norman et al. 1998)







    0 100 200 300 400 500 600

    Peak Moment (Nm)










    0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000

    Peak Compression (N)




  • Spinal loads during daily activities:the problem with slouched sitting the graph on the rightshows compressiveforces between theL3/L4 vertebrae forvarious activities, as apercent of the L3/L4load during standing(shaded bar)

    lying creates the leastforce, while slouchedsitting creates thegreatest force

  • Muscle forces augment spinalloads during standing

    during standing, the COG of thetrunk is located ventral to the spine

    this creates the need for the erectorspinae muscles to be active

    this, in turn, creates the need forcompressive forces in individualvertebrae that equal ~twice theweight of the body above themeasured level (e.g., 700 N inL3/L4 for a 70 kg individual)

  • Pelvis tilt, reduced lordosis cause lumbarloads to be higher in sitting than standing

    when compared tostanding, sittinginvolves backwardtilting of the pelvis andstraightening of thelumbar lordosis

    these both act toincrease the momentarm (LW) of the trunkweight with respect tothe lumbar spine

  • Backrests and lumbar supportsreduce spinal loads during sitting

    backrests reduce spinalloads by supporting aportion of the weight ofthe trunk

    the farther back theinclination, the smallerthe load

    lumbar supports (but notthoracic supports) reduceLW and spinal loads

  • Load geometry and body posture affectvertebral loads during carryingMoments at L5/S1 during lifting (shown on the topof the figure) are affected by (a) geometry of theload, (b) trunk angle, and (c) knee flexion

    (a) (b) (c)

    60 Nm 80 Nm 69 Nm 193 Nm 151 Nm 213 Nm

  • Review Questions Why are spinal forces non-zero during


    Why are spinal forces higher during sittingthan standing?

    What factors affect spinal forces duringlifting?

    What lifting techniques should be used tominimize spinal loads?

  • Strength of spinalsegments

  • The L4/L5 and L5/S1 disks aremost vulnerable to herniation

    85-95% of all diskhernias occur at theL4/L5 & L5/S1 levels

    The frequency of herniasis similar at each site

    Some lifting models useL4/L5, some L5/S1.

  • Disk compression forces are thoughtto affect risk for LBP

    disk compression is thought to be largelyresponsible for vertebral end-plate fracture, diskherniation, and resulting nerve root irritation

    data exists on the compressive strength of thelumbar vertebral bodies and intervertebral disks

    however, the relative importance to LBP of diskshear forces and torsional moments (versuscompressive forces) is not well understood

  • NIOSH suggests a maximum diskcompressive force of 3.4 kN In arriving at this estimate, NIOSH reviewed

    data from cross-sectional field studies, andused biomechanical models to estimate Fcomp inlifting tasks associated with lower back injury

    Herrin et al. 1986 studied 55 jobs (2934potentially stressful MMH tasks), and tracedmedical records for 6912 workers. Jobsinvolving a peak Fcomp between 4.5-6.8 kN hada 1.5-fold greater risk for back problems thanjobs where Fcomp was less than 4.5 kN

  • LBPincidence(freq. rate

    per 200,000man-hours







    0-250 250-450 450-650 >650

    predicted compressive force,L5/S1 disk (kg)Chaffin & Park, 1973

  • Cadaver studies show that 3.4 kN is aconservative estimate of lumbarcompressive strength Jager & Luttman (1989) found that the mean

    compressive strength of lumbar segments was 4.4 1.9 (SD) kN

    30% of segments had a strength less than 3.4 kN

    Brinckmann et. al. (1988) found compressivestrength ranged from 2.1-9.6 kN, with less than21% of specimens failing below 3.4 kN

    Porter, Hutton and Adams (1982, 89) found anaverage compressive strength of approx. 10 kN formales specimens aged 20-40 yrs

  • Cadaver strength data: best estimates,which should be interpreted with care

    strength estimates vary widely betweenstudies

    depend on doner age, gender, occupation,history of injury and disease

    also depend on method of testing: Method of specimen support Method of load application

    spinal unit is usually stripped of supportingmuscles and ligaments (reducing strenght)

  • Lifting models

  • Lifting Models

    Analytic models: HAT model of lifting Cantilever low back model of lifting Link segment static models

    Computer models: 4D WATBAK computer program

    (Univeristy of Waterloo)

    3D Static Strength Prediction Program(University of Michigan)

  • HAT Model of lifting

    upper torso is modeledas a single massrepresenting thecombined mass of thehead, arms, and trunk

    referred to as the HATmodel

    simple to analyze, butof limited accuracy


    WHAT 1/2 BW

  • HAT Model of lifting (continued)

    back muscles mustproduce a moment(MM) to counteractmoments due to handforce (Fhand) andweight of HAT (WHAT)

    Otherwise personwould bend or fallforwards.




  • Fd

    Moment is force times distance

    the moment that a forceF produces about a fixedpoint 0 is equal to theforce times theperpendicular distancefrom 0 to the line ofaction of the force

    MO = Fd

    d = "moment arm"


  • Muscle force can be estimated frommuscle moment and moment arm

    Once the musclemoment (MM) has beencalculated, the muscleforce (FM) can beestimated by dividingMM by the moment armof the erector spinaemuscle

    This force contributesto the resultant jointcompressive force



    5-6 cm

  • Single Equivalent Muscles

    In most joints (other than the spine), morethan one muscle or muscle group contributesto MM

    In shoulder flexion, there are two primemovers and two assistors

    In forearm flexion, there are three primemovers

    We often lump such muscle groups togetherand refer to the lumped muscle as a singleequivalent muscle

  • Examples: Vertebral moments dueto load only.

  • Examples: Vertebral moments dueto load and weight of HAT.

  • Calculate the requiredmuscle moment (MM)to stabilize L5/S1 (redsquare) when Lw =0.25 m and LP = 0.4 m

    Answer: Answer: MM = 192.5 Nm = 192.5 Nm

    If the erector spinaemoment arm is 5 cm,what is the magnitude ofthe muscle force FM?

    Answer: Answer: FM = 3850 N = 3850 N

    Sample problem

  • Sample problem

    Lw = 0.18 mLp = 0.35 m

    Lw = 0.25 mLp = 0.5 m

    1 2 Find themusclemoment (MM)and themuscle force(FM),assuming theerector spinaemoment armis 5 cm

  • Need to consider trunk angle to determinedisc compressive and shear forces

    Once you have calculated the muscle forceyou can calculate the compressive andshear forces across L5/S1.

    However, you cannot do this for thequestions just given. Why? Think aboutwhat information you would need and howyou would go about calculating thesevalues.

    You need to know the alignment of thesegment in question (i.e. trunk).

  • Sample problem

    For the loading conditionshown, calculate theerector spinae muscleforce FM and thecompressive and shearcomponents of jointreaction force (FJC and FJS)at the L5/S1 vertebrae (redsquare).

    Is FJC greater than themaximum safe value of 3.4kN recommended by theU.S. National Institute forOccupational Safety andHealth (NIOSH)?


    0.4 m

    0.25 m

    200 N

    450 N0.05 m


    35 deg



    35 deg


  • Effect of intra-abdominal pressureand back belts on lifting mechanics

    Back belts claim to increase IAP and reduce risk for injuryduring lifting. But are they really protective? In 1992, NIOSHconcluded that the effectiveness of using back belts to lessenthe risk of back injury among uninjured workers remainsunproven.

    Compare the stiffness of a fulldrink can with that of an emptyone.We similarly can stiffen the trunkby contracting the abdominalmuscles to increase intra-abdominal pressure (IAP).

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