biolucida med ed slide share

Image annotations Create annotations for educational and collaborative purposes.

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Post on 26-Jun-2015




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Image annotations

Create annotations for educational and collaborative purposes.

Page 2: Biolucida med ed slide share

Specific locations on multiple slides can be bookmarked for teaching and testing purposes. Bookmarks can be shared as hyperlinks for access in other applications (e.g., Blackboard).

Bookmarks in virtual slides

Page 3: Biolucida med ed slide share

Organize bookmarks for classes and tests

Bookmarks can be arranged into groups to create educational material and organize slide access.

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Permissions for slides and software

Access to software features and educational material (bookmark groups) can be customized. Educators can enable or disable zooming, panning, viewing annotations, access to metadata, etc. for testing purposes

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Simultaneous navigation of multiple whole slides for comparison

Simultaneously view and navigate multiple virtual slides to compare different serial section preparations and anatomies.