biology musle and skeletal ppt


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Post on 14-Aug-2015




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Page 2: Biology musle and skeletal ppt

A group of cells similar in structure that work together to perform a particular function forms a tissue.All cells of a

Tissue have common origin. For Example ,human nervous tissue (present in brain,spinal cord and nerves)

has nerve cells or neurons which are basically same structurally and functionally.

All nerve cells basically has a cell body or soma which has two types of branches namely Dendrites (to receive messages) and an axon (to convey messages away from

the soma).


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• Most of the tissues of the plants are supportive as they do not require much energy,thus they provide them with structural strength.

• Most of the plant tissues are non-living;they do not have living protoplasm.

• There are some tissues in plants which divide throughout their life.

• Various plant tissues can be classified as Meristematic and permanent tissues.

Animal TissuePlant Tissue

•As animals are heterotrophic they require more energy than plants.

•Most of the animal tissues are living as they do have living protoplasm.

•Growth in animals is uniform.There is no demarcation between dividing and

non dividing regions.

Types of Tissues

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The animal tissues can be classified as –

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The muscle Tissue or the muscles form the contractile tissue and are made of muscle cells.Muscle cells are elongated and large

sized so they are also called muscle fibres. The movement of the body or the limbs are brought about by the contraction and the

relaxation of the contractile proteins which are present in muscle cells.The movements of the internal organs such as heart and the

alimentary canal are all caused by muscle tissues .

There are three types of muscle tissues –

1. Striated muscles

2. Smooth muscles

3. Cardiac Muscles

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Nature : These muscles are also known as striped,skeletal or voluntary muscles.the striated muscle cells are long or elongated .non-tapering and cylindrical,unbranched.These cells have a number of nuclei.Each muscle cell is enclosed in a thin but distinct plasma membrane called


Occurrence : Striated muscles occur in muscles of limbs.Striated muscles present in tongue ,pharynx,diaphragm and upper part of oesophagus

are called visceral striated muscles.

Functions :

1. Striated muscles are powerful and undergo rapid contraction.these muscles can be tired and need rest.

2. They provide the force for locomotion and all other voluntary activities.

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Nature:These are also known as unsriated,visceral or involuntary muscles.These are held together by loose connective tissue.Each muscle cell is enclosed in a plasma membrane.

Occurrence:They are found in the walls of the hollow visceral organs,except that of the heart.

Functions : They do not work according to our will so they are also called involuntary muscles.Movement of food in the alimentary canal,opening and closing of tubes are involuntary muscles.

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Nature : Cardiac muscles show characteristics of both smooth and striated muscles.They are composed of branched fibres ,the branches join to form a network.

Occurrence : The cardiac muscles occur in the heart (i.e. in the walls of the heart)

Functions :

1. Cardiac muscles contract and relax rapidly,rhythmically and tirelessly throughout our life.

2. The contraction and relaxation of the heart muscles help to pump and distribute blood to various parts of the body.

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1. It is a specialized connective tissue which is compact and

less vascular.

2. It has widely spaced cells.

3. It is located in the foll body parts:ear pinna ,nose

tip,epiglottis,intervertebral disks

4. It provides support and flexibility to the body parts.


The skeletal or supporting tissue includes Cartilage and bone which forms the endoskeleton of the vertebrate body.


1. It is very strong and non flexible tissue.

2. It is porous,highly vascular, hard , mineralized and rigid.

3. It provides shape and skeletal support to the body.

4. It protects viral organs such as brains,heart,lungs etc.

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