biological modeling of neural networks

Biological Modeling of Neural Networks Week 8 – Noisy input models: Barrage of spike arrivals Wulfram Gerstner EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland 8.1 Variation of membrane potential - white noise approximation 8.2 Autocorrelation of Poisson 8.3 Noisy integrate- and-fire - superthreshold and subthreshold 8.4 Escape noise - stochastic intensity 8.5 Renewal models 8.6 Comparison of noise Week 8 – part 1 :Variation of membrane potential

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Week 8 – part 1 :Variation of membrane potential. 8 .1 Variation of membrane potential - white noise approximation 8.2 Autocorrelation of Poisson 8 .3 Noisy integrate -and- fire - superthreshold and subthreshold 8 .4 Escape noise - stochastic intensity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Week 8 – Noisy input models:Barrage of spike arrivalsWulfram GerstnerEPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland

8.1 Variation of membrane potential - white noise approximation8.2 Autocorrelation of Poisson8.3 Noisy integrate-and-fire

- superthreshold and subthreshold

8.4 Escape noise - stochastic intensity8.5 Renewal models8.6 Comparison of noise models

Week 8 – part 1 :Variation of membrane potential

Page 2: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Crochet et al., 2011

awake mouse, cortex, freely whisking,

Spontaneous activity in vivo

Neuronal Dynamics – 8.1 Review: Variability in vivo Variability

- of membrane potential? - of spike timing?

Page 3: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Neuronal Dynamics – 8.1 Review. VariabilityFluctuations-of membrane potential-of spike times fluctuations=noise?

model of fluctuations?

relevance for coding?

source of fluctuations?

In vivo data looks ‘noisy’

In vitro data fluctuations

Page 4: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

- Intrinsic noise (ion channels)



-Finite number of channels-Finite temperature

-Network noise (background activity)

-Spike arrival from other neurons-Beyond control of experimentalist

Check intrinisic noise by removing the network

Neuronal Dynamics – 8.1. Review Sources of Variability

Page 5: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

- Intrinsic noise (ion channels)



-Network noise

Neuronal Dynamics – 8.1. Review: Sources of Variability

small contribution!

big contribution!

In vivo data looks ‘noisy’

In vitro data small fluctuations nearly deterministic

Page 6: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Neuronal Dynamics – 8.1 Review: Calculating the mean

)()( k



syn ttwtRI

)'()'(')( 1 k



syn ttttdtwtI




syn ttttdtwtII )'()'(')( 10

mean: assume Poisson process


kkR ttdtwI )'('10


( ) ' ( ') ( ' )fkf

x t dt f t t t t

( ) ' ( ') ( ' )fkf

x t dt f t t t t

rate of inhomogeneousPoisson process

use for exercises

( ) ' ( ') ( ')x t dt f t t t

Page 7: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Neuronal Dynamics – 8.1. Fluctuation of potential

for a passive membrane, predict -mean -varianceof membrane potential fluctuations

Passive membrane=Leaky integrate-and-fire without threshold

)()( tIRuuudtd syn


Passive membrane

Page 8: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks


)()( k



syn ttwtRI


Synaptic current pulses of shape


)()( tIRuuudtd syn


Passive membrane

)()( 0 tIItI fluctsyn

Neuronal Dynamics – 8.1. Fluctuation of current/potential


Math detour:

White noise

0( ) ( ) ( )synRI t RI t t


( ) 0

( ) ( ') ( ')


t t a t t

I(t) Fluctuating input current


Page 9: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Neuronal Dynamics – 8.1 Calculating autocorrelations

( ) ' ( ') ( ) '

( ) ( ) ( )

x t dt f t t I t

x t ds f s I t s

( ) ( ) ( )x t ds f s I t s 0( ) ( ) [ ( ) ( ) ]x t ds f s I t s t s

Autocorrelation( ) ( ')x t x t

ˆ ˆ( ) ( ) ' " ( ') ( ") ( ') ( ")x t x t dt dt f t t f t t I t I t


Math detour


Fluctuating input current

0 ( )I t

0( ) ( ) ( )I t I t t

0( ) ( ) ( )x t ds f s I t s

Page 10: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

White noise: Exercise 1.1-1.2 now

2)()()()()( tututututu


Expected voltage at time t ( ) ?u t

Input starts here

Assumption:far away from theshold

Variance of voltage at time t

Next lecture: 9:56

Page 11: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Diffusive noise (stochastic spike arrival)

2)()()()()( tututututu


0( ) ( )u t u t

)()()( ttIRuuudtd


Math argument

( ') ( ) ( ) ( ') ( ) ( ')u t u t u t u t u t u t

2 2[ ( )] [1 exp( 2 / )]uu t t

Page 12: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Neuronal Dynamics – 8.1 Calculating autocorrelations


( ) ' ( ') ( ' )

' ( ') ( ')



x t dt f t t t t

dt f t t S t

( ) ' ( ') ( ')x t dt f t t S t

rate of inhomogeneousPoisson process

( ) ( ) ( )x t ds f s t s

Autocorrelation( ) ( ')x t x t

ˆ ˆ( ) ( ) ' " ( ') ( ") ( ') ( ")x t x t dt dt f t t f t t S t S t


Math detour

Page 13: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Stochastic spike arrival: excitation, total rate

)()( tSRuuudtd



Synaptic current pulses

Exercise 2.1-2.3 now: Diffusive noise (stochastic spike arrival)

1. Assume that for t>0 spikes arrive stochastically with rate - Calculate mean voltage

2. Assume autocorrelation - Calculate

( ) ( )fef

S t q t t

2( ) ( ') ( ')S t S t t t

?)()( tutu


Next lecture: 9h58

Page 14: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Assumption: stochastic spiking rate

Poisson spike arrival: Mean and autocorrelation of filtered signal

( ) ( )ff

S t t t ( ) ( ) ( )x t F s S t s ds

mean( )t

( )F s

( ) ( ) ( )x t F s S t s ds ( ) ( ) ( )x t F s t s ds

( ) ( ') ( ) ( ) ( ') ( ' ') 'x t x t F s S t s ds F s S t s ds ( ) ( ') ( ) ( ') ( ) ( ' ') 'x t x t F s F s S t s S t s dsds

Autocorrelation of output

Autocorrelation of input


Page 15: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Week 8 – Variability and Noise:AutocorrelationWulfram GerstnerEPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland

8.1 Variation of membrane potential - white noise approximation8.2 Autocorrelation of Poisson8.3 Noisy integrate-and-fire

- superthreshold and subthreshold8.4 Escape noise -renewal model

Week 8 – part 2 : Autocorrelation of Poisson Process

Page 16: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Stochastic spike arrival:

Justify autocorrelation of spike input:Poisson process in discrete time

In each small time step Prob. Of firing

Firing independent between one time step and the next

tp t


Page 17: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Stochastic spike arrival: excitation, total rate

Exercise 2 now: Poisson process in discrete time

Show that autocorrelation for

2)'()'()( tttStS

TTN )(

In each small time step Prob. Of firing

Firing independent between one time step and the next

Show that in an a long interval of duration T, the expected number of spikes is

tp t


Next lecture: 10:46

Page 18: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

0FP v t Probability of spike in time step:

Neuronal Dynamics – 8.2. Autocorrelation of Poisson


spike train

math detour now!

Probability of spike in step n AND step k

20 0( ) ( ') ( ') [ ]S t S t v t t v

Autocorrelation (continuous time)

Page 19: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Quiz – 8.1. Autocorrelation of Poisson


spike train

( ) ( ')S t S t

The Autocorrelation (continuous time)

Has units

[ ] probability (unit-free)[ ] probability squared (unit-free)[ ] rate (1 over time)[ ] (1 over time)-squred

Page 20: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Week 8 – Variability and Noise:AutocorrelationWulfram GerstnerEPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland

8.1 Variation of membrane potential - white noise approximation8.2 Autocorrelation of Poisson8.3 Noisy integrate-and-fire

- superthreshold and subthreshold8.4 Escape noise -renewal model

Week 8 – part 3 : Noisy Integrate-and-fire

Page 21: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Neuronal Dynamics – 8.3 Noisy Integrate-and-firefor a passive membrane, we can analytically predict the mean of membrane potential fluctuations

Passive membrane=Leaky integrate-and-fire without threshold

)()( tIRuuudtd syn


Passive membrane

ADD THRESHOLD Leaky Integrate-and-Fire

Page 22: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks



)()( tIRuuudtd


noiseo IItI )(

effective noise current


( ) ( ) rIF u t THEN u t u

noisy input/diffusive noise/stochastic spikearrival


Neuronal Dynamics – 8.3 Noisy Integrate-and-fire

Page 23: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

I(t) fluctuating input current

fluctuating potential

Random spike arrival

Neuronal Dynamics – 8.3 Noisy Integrate-and-fire

Page 24: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

stochastic spike arrival in I&F – interspike intervals


ISI distribution

Neuronal Dynamics – 8.3 Noisy Integrate-and-fire

0( ) ( ) ( )synRI t RI t t

white noise

Page 25: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Superthreshold vs. Subthreshold regime

Neuronal Dynamics – 8.3 Noisy Integrate-and-fire

Page 26: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks


Neuronal Dynamics – 8.3. Stochastic leaky integrate-and-fire

noisy input/ diffusive noise/stochastic spike arrival

subthreshold regime: - firing driven by fluctuations - broad ISI distribution - in vivo like

ISI distribution

Page 27: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Crochet et al., 2011

awake mouse, freely whisking,

Spontaneous activity in vivo

Neuronal Dynamics – review- Variability in vivo

Variability of membrane potential?

Subthreshold regime

Page 28: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

fluctuating potential22( ) ( ) [ ( )] ( )u t u t u t u t

Passive membrane( ) ( ' )

' ( ') ( ')k

fk k

k f


u t w t t

w dt t t S t

for a passive membrane, we can analytically predict the amplitude of membrane potential fluctuations

Leaky integrate-and-firein subthreshold regime In vivo like

Stochastic spike arrival:

Neuronal Dynamics – 8.3 Summary:Noisy Integrate-and-fire

Page 29: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

8.1 Variation of membrane potential - white noise approximation8.2 Autocorrelation of Poisson8.3 Noisy integrate-and-fire

- superthreshold and subthreshold

Week 8 – Noisy input models: barrage of spike arrivals


Page 30: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Week 8 – Noisy input models:Barrage of spike arrivalsWulfram GerstnerEPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland

8.1 Variation of membrane potential - white noise approximation8.2 Autocorrelation of Poisson8.3 Noisy integrate-and-fire

- superthreshold and subthreshold

8.4 Escape noise - stochastic intensity8.5 Renewal models8.6 Comparison of noise models

Week 8 – part 4 : Escape noise

Page 31: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

- Intrinsic noise (ion channels)



-Finite number of channels-Finite temperature

-Network noise (background activity)

-Spike arrival from other neurons-Beyond control of experimentalist

Neuronal Dynamics – Review: Sources of Variability

small contribution!

big contribution!Noise models?

Page 32: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

escape process,stochastic intensity

stochastic spike arrival (diffusive noise)

Noise models




))(()( tuftescape rate



noisy integration

Relation between the two models: later

Now:Escape noise!

t̂ t̂

Page 33: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

escape process




))(()( tuftescape rate


Neuronal Dynamics – 8.4 Escape noise

1 ( )( ) exp( )u tt

escape rate

( ) ( )restd u u u RI tdt

f frif spike at t u t u

Example: leaky integrate-and-fire model

Page 34: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

escape process




))(()( tuftescape rate


Neuronal Dynamics – 8.4 stochastic intensity

1 ( )( ) exp( )

( )

u tt



Escape rate = stochastic intensity of point process

( ) ( ( ))t f u t

Page 35: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks




))(()( tuftescape rate


Neuronal Dynamics – 8.4 mean waiting time



( ) ( )restd u u u RI tdt

mean waiting time, after switch




Math detour

Page 36: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks




Neuronal Dynamics – 8.4 escape noise/stochastic intensity

Escape rate = stochastic intensity of point process

( ) ( ( ))t f u t

Page 37: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Neuronal Dynamics – Quiz 8.4Escape rate/stochastic intensity in neuron models[ ] The escape rate of a neuron model has units one over time[ ] The stochastic intensity of a point process has units one over time[ ] For large voltages, the escape rate of a neuron model always saturates at some finite value[ ] After a step in the membrane potential, the mean waiting time until a spike is fired is proportional to the escape rate [ ] After a step in the membrane potential, the mean waiting time until a spike is fired is equal to the inverse of the escape rate [ ] The stochastic intensity of a leaky integrate-and-fire model with reset only depends on the external input current but not on the time of the last reset[ ] The stochastic intensity of a leaky integrate-and-fire model with reset depends on the external input current AND on the time of the last reset

Page 38: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Week 8 – Variability and Noise:AutocorrelationWulfram GerstnerEPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland

8.1 Variation of membrane potential - white noise approximation8.2 Autocorrelation of Poisson8.3 Noisy integrate-and-fire

- superthreshold and subthreshold8.4 Escape noise - stochastic intensity8.5 Renewal models

Week 8 – part 5 : Renewal model

Page 39: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Neuronal Dynamics – 8.5. Interspike Intervals

( ) ( )d u F u RI tdt

f frif spike at t u t u

Example: nonlinear integrate-and-fire model

deterministic part of input( ) ( )I t u t

noisy part of input/intrinsic noise escape rate

( ) ( ( )) exp( ( ) )t f u t u t

Example: exponential stochastic intensity


Page 40: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

escape process

u(t)Survivor function

t̂ t

)(t))(()( tuft

escape rate

)ˆ()()ˆ( ttStttS IIdtd

Neuronal Dynamics – 8.5. Interspike Interval distribution



Page 41: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

escape processA





)')'(exp( )ˆ( ttS I

Survivor function



))(()( tuftescape rate




)')'(exp()( )ˆ( ttPIInterval distribution

Survivor functionescape rate

)ˆ()()ˆ( ttStttS IIdtd

Examples now


Neuronal Dynamics – 8.5. Interspike Intervals

Page 42: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

))ˆ(exp())ˆ(()ˆ( ttuttufttescape rate


Example: I&F with reset, constant input

Survivor function10

ˆ( )S t t )')ˆ'(exp()ˆ( ̂t



Interval distribution

0ˆ( )P t t








Neuronal Dynamics – 8.5. Renewal theory

Page 43: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

))ˆ(exp())ˆ(()ˆ( ttuttufttescape rate


Example: I&F with reset, time-dependent input,

Survivor function1 ˆ( )S t t )')ˆ'(exp()ˆ( ̂t



Interval distribution

ˆ( )P t t)ˆ(







Neuronal Dynamics – 8.5. Time-dependent Renewal theory

Page 44: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

escape rate

0( ) ut for u

neuron with relative refractoriness, constant input

Survivor function1 )ˆ(0 ttS 0ˆ( )S t t

Interval distribution

)ˆ(0 ttP 0ˆ( )P t t


Neuronal Dynamics – Homework assignement

Page 45: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Neuronal Dynamics – 8.5. Firing probability in discrete time


1( ) exp[ ( ') ']k



k kt

S t t t dt

1t 2t 3t0 T

Probability to survive 1 time step

1( | ) exp[ ( ) ] 1 Fk k k kS t t t P

Probability to fire in 1 time stepFkP

Page 46: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Neuronal Dynamics – 8.5. Escape noise - experiments

1 ( )( ) exp( )u tt

escape rate

1 exp[ ( ) ]Fk kP t

Jolivet et al. ,J. Comput. Neurosc.2006

Page 47: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Neuronal Dynamics – 8.5. Renewal process, firing probability Escape noise = stochastic intensity

-Renewal theory - hazard function - survivor function - interval distribution-time-dependent renewal theory-discrete-time firing probability-Link to experiments

basis for modern methods of neuron model fitting

Page 48: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Week 8 – Noisy input models:Barrage of spike arrivalsWulfram GerstnerEPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland

8.1 Variation of membrane potential - white noise approximation8.2 Autocorrelation of Poisson8.3 Noisy integrate-and-fire

- superthreshold and subthreshold

8.4 Escape noise - stochastic intensity8.5 Renewal models8.6 Comparison of noise models

Week 8 – part 6 : Comparison of noise models

Page 49: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

escape process (fast noise)

stochastic spike arrival (diffusive noise)


^t ^tt


))(()( tuftescape rate



noisy integration

Neuronal Dynamics – 8.6. Comparison of Noise Models

Page 50: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Assumption: stochastic spiking rate

Poisson spike arrival: Mean and autocorrelation of filtered signal

( ) ( )ff

S t t t ( ) ( ) ( )x t F s S t s ds

mean( )t

( )F s

( ) ( ) ( )x t F s S t s ds ( ) ( ) ( )x t F s t s ds

( ) ( ') ( ) ( ) ( ') ( ' ') 'x t x t F s S t s ds F s S t s ds ( ) ( ') ( ) ( ') ( ) ( ' ') 'x t x t F s F s S t s S t s dsds

Autocorrelation of output

Autocorrelation of input


Page 51: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Stochastic spike arrival: excitation, total rate Re

inhibition, total rate Ri



, fk





erest tt






Synaptic current pulses

Diffusive noise (stochastic spike arrival)

)()()( ttIRuuudtd


Langevin equation,Ornstein Uhlenbeck process


Page 52: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Diffusive noise (stochastic spike arrival)

2)()()()()( tututututu


)()()( ttIRuuudtd


( ') ( ) ( ) ( ') ( ) ( ')u t u t u t u t u t u t

Math argument: - no threshold - trajectory starts at known value

Page 53: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Diffusive noise (stochastic spike arrival)

2)()()()()( tututututu


0( ) ( )u t u t

)()()( ttIRuuudtd


Math argument

( ') ( ) ( ) ( ') ( ) ( ')u t u t u t u t u t u t

2 2[ ( )] [1 exp( 2 / )]uu t t

Page 54: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks


Membrane potential density: Gaussian


constant input ratesno threshold

Neuronal Dynamics – 8.6. Diffusive noise/stoch. arrivalA) No threshold, stationary input



noisy integration

Page 55: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks


Membrane potential density: Gaussian at time t


Neuronal Dynamics – 8.6 Diffusive noise/stoch. arrivalB) No threshold, oscillatory input



noisy integration

Page 56: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks


Membrane potential density



Neuronal Dynamics – 6.4. Diffusive noise/stoch. arrivalC) With threshold, reset/ stationary input

Page 57: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Superthreshold vs. Subthreshold regime

up(u) p(u)

Nearly Gaussiansubthreshold distr.

Neuronal Dynamics – 8.6. Diffusive noise/stoch. arrival

Image:Gerstner et al. (2013)Cambridge Univ. Press;See: Konig et al. (1996)

Page 58: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

escape process (fast noise)

stochastic spike arrival (diffusive noise)A C



white(fast noise)

synapse(slow noise)

(Brunel et al., 2001)




)')'(exp()( )¦( ^ttPI : first passage

time problem

)¦( ^ttPI Interval distribution

^t ^tt

Survivor functionescape rate


))(()( tuftescape rate



noisy integration

Neuronal Dynamics – 8.6. Comparison of Noise Models

Stationary input:-Mean ISI

-Mean firing rateSiegert 1951

Page 59: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Neuronal Dynamics – 8.6 Comparison of Noise Models

Diffusive noise - distribution of potential - mean interspike interval FOR CONSTANT INPUT

- time dependent-case difficult

Escape noise - time-dependent interval distribution

Page 60: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

stochastic spike arrival (diffusive noise)

Noise models: from diffusive noise to escape rates

))(()( 0 tuftescape rate

noisy integration

)(0 tu



))((exp( 2



)/))((( 0 tuerf)]('1[ 0 tu

tu '0

))('),(()( 00 tutuft

Page 61: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Comparison: diffusive noise vs. escape rates

))(()( 0 tuftescape rate


))((exp( 2


tu )]('1[ 0 tu))('),(()( 00 tutuft


Probability of first spike


Plesser and Gerstner (2000)

Page 62: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Neuronal Dynamics – 8.6 Comparison of Noise Models Diffusive noise

- represents stochastic spike arrival - easy to simulate - hard to calculate

Escape noise - represents internal noise - easy to simulate - easy to calculate - approximates diffusive noise - basis of modern model fitting methods

Page 63: Biological Modeling of Neural Networks

Neuronal Dynamics – Quiz 8.4.A. Consider a leaky integrate-and-fire model with diffusive noise:[ ] The membrane potential distribution is always Gaussian.[ ] The membrane potential distribution is Gaussian for any time-dependent input.[ ] The membrane potential distribution is approximately Gaussian for any time-dependent input, as long as the mean trajectory stays ‘far’ away from the firing threshold.[ ] The membrane potential distribution is Gaussian for stationary input in the absence of a threshold.[ ] The membrane potential distribution is always Gaussian for constant input and fixed noise level.

B. Consider a leaky integrate-and-fire model with diffusive noise for time-dependent input. The above figure (taken from an earlier slide) shows that[ ] The interspike interval distribution is maximal where the determinstic reference trajectory is closest to the threshold.[ ] The interspike interval vanishes for very long intervals if the determinstic reference trajectory has stayed close to the threshold before - even if for long intervals it is very close to the threshold[ ] If there are several peaks in the interspike interval distribution, peak n is always of smaller amplitude than peak n-1.[ ] I would have ticked the same boxes (in the list of three options above) for a leaky integrate-and-fire model with escape noise.