biography, gina tricamol

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Post on 07-Apr-2018




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  • 8/3/2019 Biography, Gina Tricamol



    Gina Tricamo, R-MHYT

    Phoenix, Arizona

    Gina Tricamo is a Yoga Therapist as well as Health and Wellness Group Facilitator with

    extensive experience in providing innovative and evidence-based therapy for patients at

    different hospitals and medical facilities. She provides adaptive yoga and holistic

    techniques to individuals who have specific or persistent health and/or psychological needs.

    She brings extensive experience working in collaboration with multiple departments and

    health facilities, including behavioral health, rehabilitation, palliative care, and chaplain


    Ms. Tricamo is also a certified and nationally registered yoga teacher, and has enjoyed

    working with a wide range of communities, clientele, and studios. Ms. Tricamo brings to

    her role as a yoga therapist and teacher her many years of experience working as a Parole

    Officer in San Diego, California, who consistently went against the grain, developing

    innovative and highly-successful programs that brought hope and the possibility of self-

    renewal to countless incarcerated youth. One extraordinary initiative entailed the Teenage

    Prostitute Task Force, which brought together District Attorneys and Community-based

    Organizations for the purpose of generating a collaborative plan of action. Ms. Tricamos

    most significant role emerged in assisting with the Girls Issues Group, composed of young

    women in the community who were sexually-exploited by pimps. Ms. Tricamo was able to

    spend a good of time with these young women, helping them envision a pathway out of this

    dangerous and horrific world of sex workers.

    Ms. Tricamo was also responsible for a program calledPositive Choices through Youth and

    Meditation (PCYM), a program she designed for at-risk youth, and which became anaccredited curriculum at City Heights Community School (a maximum security Juvenile

    Court/Community school under the jurisdiction of the San Diego County Office of

    Education. Once again, it was a compassionate and passionate effort to bring hope and the

    possibility of transformation to youth that society had pushed to its darkest margins.

  • 8/3/2019 Biography, Gina Tricamol



    Sedona, Arizona

  • 8/3/2019 Biography, Gina Tricamol



    May your physical body have strength, stability, and structural integrity,

    May your vital body have health and vitality,May your intellect be clear, capable, curious, eager, and open.

    May your character have faith, wisdom, compassion, humility, integrity and patience.

    May your emotions be stable and joyful.

    May your heart be open.

    May you be totally integrated structural, physiologically, intellectually, psychologically,

    emotionally, and spiritually.

    Adapted from text composed by Gary Kraftsow (in his book, Yoga for Transformation)