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Post on 06-Mar-2016




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-VE TEST for Vitamin A

- Colourless- Clear fluid

- So, I guess …

• Based on the fact that concentrated sulphuric acid

• Takes up H20 from retinol and yields colored product (blue)

Since it is a fat soluble vitamin, we shall dissolve it with chloroform.

Vitamin A• Vitamin A exist in 3 biological active forms ;

Retinol Retinal Retinoic acid

• Vitamin A is derived from the provitamin carotenes by carotenase enzymes which occur in the interstinal mucosa and liver.

Vitamin A• Carotenes = dark green yellow vegetables and

fruits ; carrots, sweet potatoes ,spinach, apricots and green leafy vegetables

• Performed vitamin A from animal sources ; liver, egg yolk, butter, whole milk and fish liver oil

Vitamin A

Uric AcidIt is the result of purine catabolism.

Principle :•Uric acid + O2 + 2 H2O ------> Allantoine + H2O2 + CO2

•2 H2O2 + DCPS + 4- Amino phenazone ------> Red Quinonimine + 4 H2O

Uric AcidProcedure :1.Prepare two test tube labelled sample and standard2.Add 1.0ml of the reagent into both tubes3.Add 50 ul of standard (uric acid) in test tube labelled standard and 50 ul of sample in test tube labelled sample.4.Shake both test tube and leave it for 10 minutes in room temperature.5.Calculate the absorbance of sample and standard.

Don’t Forget to do several wash …

Calculate the

absorbance of

sample and


Jangan Lupa bawak kalkulator

(susah nak pinjam2 member)- Pak kura

• Mutant forms of PRPP synthetase

• Partial HGPRtase deficiency

Abnormalities in purine catabolism

Abnormalities in other metabolic pathway

• Deficiency in G-6-phosphatase ( Von Gerk's disease)

• Elevation of glutathione reductase activity

• Increase consumption of meat

• Malignancy and chemotherapy

• Kidney diseases, decrease uric acid excretion

Decrease Uric Acid Production

Inhibit Xanthine Oxidase


Uricosuric Drugs

Maka, apabila kamu telah selesai (dari sauatu urusan),kerjakanlah dengan sungguh-sungguh (urusan) yang lain. Hanya kepada Tuhanmu hendaknya kamu berharap. ( Alam Nasyrah – ayat 7-8 )