bimonthly magazine of the yass antique motor club · position...

1 Ken’s FJ Holden at Rollonin. Contents: President’s Report, Editors Notes, Coming Events, For Sale, Wheels of Wamboin, Can Assist Show & Shine, National Motoring Heritage Day, Forgotten Marque Tatra. Bimonthly Magazine of the Yass Antique Motor Club Incorporated. ISSN Online 2208-8776, Print 2208-8768

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Ken’s FJ Holden at Rollonin.

Contents: President’s Report, Editor’s Notes, Coming Events, For Sale,

Wheels of Wamboin, Can Assist Show & Shine, National Motoring Heritage Day,

Forgotten Marque – Tatra.

Bimonthly Magazine of the Yass Antique Motor Club


ISSN Online 2208-8776, Print 2208-8768



P.O. Box 307, Yass, NSW, 2582.


Position Name Phone No. email.

President: Keiran Laurent 0438 162382 [email protected]

Vice President: Ken Reidy 6226 1944

Secretary: Chris Coates 0407 486767 [email protected]

Treasurer: Peter Lucas 0413 014352

Event Directors: Ruth & Kerry Thompson

6226 5463

Classic Yass: Keiran Laurent 0438 162382 [email protected]

Plate Registrar: Gordon Henshaw 6226 2426 [email protected]

Public Officer: Chris Coates 0407 486767 [email protected]

Registration Greg Snape 6227 1111

Inspectors: Jeff Blyss 6226 2358

Eddie Carroll 6226 2002

Robert Frank 6226 2309

Greg Snape 6227 1111

Kerry Thompson 6226 5463

Advertisments: Glenda Snape 6227 1111

Magazine Editor: Chris Coates 0407 486767 [email protected]

Webmaster: Greg Snape 6227 1111 [email protected]

Show Conveners: Phillip Frost 6226 1779

Kerry Thompson 6226 5463

Honorary Auditor: Vacant

Apparal Committee: Ruth Thompson 6226 5463

Media Person: Gordon Henshaw 6226 2426

Life Members: Robert and Sylvia Frank

Ruth & Kerry Thompson

Membership fees are due in January each year. Club membership runs from

January 1st to December 31st. Members who remain unfinancial after the

March meeting will no longer receive newsletters from that date.

Members with vehicles on Club Plates must attend at least

three events per year to be eligible for Club Rego.

Membership Costs

$40.00 Family Membership (includes children up to 17 years)

$30.00 Single Membership

$20.00 Joining fee

Note: Membership fees are ½ if joining between 30/06 and 30/12.

Club meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of the month at the C.W.A.

Rooms located in Banjo Paterson Park located off Rossi Street, Yass.

Meetings commence at 7:30 pm and are followed by coffee and biscuits.

New members or any interested persons are most welcome to attend.


Presidents Report

First of all, I’d like to congratulate all members who were elected (or should I say re-

elected) as office bearers to the Club’s Management Committee at our AGM back in

March. The team members who’ve been entrusted with their various roles are a tried

and tested team of genuinely hard workers.

It would be remiss of me not to congratulate our outgoing Club President Greg Snape

on his two years of leadership, and to thank him for handing over the reins to a Club

possessing an enthusiastic group of members, and an organisation focused on a love of

classic cars, an incredible culture of friendship, plus a very comfortable and relaxed

social environment.

At the AGM Greg’s last official duty as Club President was to nominate Ruth and Kerry

Thompson to be installed as Life Members of the Yass Antique Motor Club. The idea had

been kicking around on the QT before the AGM, trying not to arouse the suspicion of

Ruth or Kerry; which if think about that….when are either of them not around? On the

night, their nomination was unanimously carried by every member present at the AGM.

I genuinely congratulate Ruth and Kerry as Club ‘Lifers’, and since attending my first

meeting two years ago I’ve stood in awe at Ruth’s devotion to the Club. Whether she’s

feeding hungry club members at just about every club event, or donating weeks of her

time selling raffle tickets and chasing up sponsorship for Classic Yass, you just know the

first person to put her hand up for the ‘hard yards’ is Ruth. And right there, just little

bit in the background, trying not to stand out is Kerry quietly making sure everything is

Ok! Every club could do with a few more members like the Thompsons. So, on behalf of

all club members I offer our hardy congratulations to you both on a deserved reward.

The Yass Show came and went in a cloud of dust this year, and after a relatively calm

start to our Sunday, I counted 28 cars on display. So, I think with those numbers the

day could be classified as a success. There were a couple of Goulburn members present

and a couple non-members turn up with their cars. We picked up one new member on the

day, and our Treasurer Peter Lucas was close at hand with his receipt book, and quickly

collected the new membership fee. Two of other non-member owners were chasing more

information about Classic Yass, with one promise to join our club before Classic Yass.

The dust started to blow in before lunch, and the wind grew in strength till every single

car was covered in a liberal coating of dust and all the poor little convertibles were

literally little containers full of nearby farmlands. Because of worsening conditions

around 1:30pm we started to pack up, so club President Greg Snape braved the

conditions awarded ribbons to the winners for the day. By 2:00pm we were notified that

the Grand parade set down for 3:00pm had been cancelled, and I think there was a

collective sigh of relief. A few of us out-of-towners were watching in our individual


homeward directions at cranky purple skies, and I for one was gone by 2:15pm, but

wouldn’t have missed the day for quids.


National Motoring Heritage Day at Rollonin in Bowning.

Editors Notes -

I’m starting this on the first day of winter and getting out of bed this morning wasn’t easy. My apologies for the lack of variety in the photos, no submissions and so I stole some of them off the Rollonin Facebook page.

My poor old RAV4 has needed some money spent on it lately, new alternator, battery and brake pads, but apart from that, I’ve been continuing to get my house back in order, and have started painting, I think I’ll be leaving the large rooms to the professionals. In the process though I’ve been doing a pretty radical clean out, amazing the amount of paper that has gone into the recycling and the size of the pile of stuff on the dining room table to go to a charity shop.

There’s been some good outings though, Wheels of Wamboin, CanAssist Show & Shine and the National Motoring Heritage Day run, although I’ve missed the last two Mid-week lunch runs.

The AGM went off well, congratulations to Ruth & Kerry on their lifetime membership award, congratulations to Keiran too as our new President, and all those who continued on, some in different positions.




Wheels of Wamboin

This year’s WOW got a few more cars than the last one I attended, better weather was the reason I think. Its combined with a market day so a fair few locals come for a look too. Gary was there in his Isuzu 117 and I took my EH, a good spread of cars and I got the chance to catch up with a couple of friends from Canberra.

MG YT Tourer? Riley RMA Tourer?

The event was fairly well catered for although the coffee queue was pretty long, but the sausage sizzle and bacon & egg rolls were pretty poplular too.

A Tatra 603, with air cooled, rear mounted V8 drew a lot of interest.

I didn’t expect to win any prizes but stayed till they were handed out, leaving about two oclock. A pleasant day in the sunshine, Scruffy got a sausage so he enjoyed the outing too.




Can Assist Show & Shine

Greg, Dale and I met outside the Courthouse so we could enter and be parked

together, Ken managed to join just behind so we were parked together, Gary Carter

and Trent Watson also attended, while Keiran dropped by for a while too. Another

pleasant day in the sun and also well catered for.

I don’t know why but I only took two photos so this report is even shorter than my

usual. I also don’t know how the prizes were awarded, but Greg and Trent both got

one, it seems that they were drawn out of a barrel.

The numbers were well down on last year, there were several theories why which I

won’t go into but I think it was still a good day for a worthy cause.


National Motoring Heritage Day

We must thank Ruth & Kerry for organising this day, they’ve really thrown themselves

into the “Events” role. A good number (I don’t exactly know how many and I only took

one photo) were waiting for me at the Courthouse after a non-starting Wolseley

(suffering from a damp distributor) made me a bit late. Ruth & Kerry with the Jewells as

passengers had already left in their Model T for Barneys at Bookham.

I think it must have been Barney’s best trading day for ages as I often pass and there’s

not a single car there. Anyway, after coffee and cake we took a short drive out toward

Binalong before looping back to the Rollonin at Bowning where we were joined by Gary.

It was a pretty cool day and we welcomed the big table inside and soon everyone was

enjoying their lunches. All in all, a most enjoyable and well planned day.


What’s On……… June - July

Express Freight of Yesteryear. 9th, 10th June, Gundagai.

Mid-Week Run to “Brooklands” then on to Café Injoy. 9:30am Wednesday 13th June, meet at the Courthouse.

YAMC General Meeting, CWA Rooms, Banjo Paterson Park, Yass. 6:00pm Sunday 17th June, bring a casserole or dessert to share.

Battle of Waterloo – English vs French vehicles. Sunday 17th June, Queanbeyan Town Park, enter from Campbell St.

GEAR Meeting. Wednesday 20th June, Wakefield Park.

YAMC General Meeting, CWA Rooms, Banjo Paterson Park, Yass. 7:30pm Monday 16th July.


What’s On……… July – August

Mid-Week Run. Wednesday 18th July, meet at the Courthouse.

VSSC Sprints. Saturday 28th July, Cootamundra Aerodrome.

Mid-Week Run. Wednesday 8th August, meet at the Courthouse.

Gunning Club run to Parkes & Forbes. 11th, 12th August, Contact Tony Stone.

Lunch run to Taralga with the Triumph Club. Sunday 12th August.

GEAR Meeting. Wednesday 15th August, Wakefield Park.

Rego Day. 9:00 Saturday 25th August, at the Menshed.


Forgotten Marque – Tatra

Tatra is a Czech vehicle manufacturer in Koprivnice. It is

owned by the Tatra Trucks company and is the third oldest

company in the world producing cars with an unbroken

history. The company was founded in 1850. In 1897 Tatra

produced the first motor car in central Europe, the Präsident

automobile. In 1919 it adopted the Tatra badge, named after

the nearby Tatra Mountains on the then Polish-Czechoslovak


During World War II Tatra was instrumental in the production of trucks and tank engines

for the German war effort. Production of passenger cars ceased in 1999, but the company

still produces a range of primarily all-wheel-drive trucks, from 4x4 to 18x18.

Tatra Präsident Tatra Rennsweier (First Tatra race car)

In 1891 von Roeslerstamm took over running the company and in 1897 and he bought a

Benz automobile. Using this for inspiration, the company made its first car, the Präsident,

under the direction of engineers Ledwinker and Rumpler, which was exhibited in 1897 in

Vienna, and until 1900, nine improved cars based on Präsident were made.

The first car to be totally designed by Ledwinka came in 1900 with the Type A with rear-

mounted 2714 cc engine and top speed of 40 kilometres per hour, 22 units were built.

This was followed by the Type B with central engine in 1902 but then he left the

company to concentrate on steam engine development. He returned in 1905 and designed

a completely new car, the Type S with 3308 cc 4-cylinder engine.

Tatra's specialty was luxury cars of a technically advanced nature, going from air cooled

flat twins to fours and sixes, culminating (briefly) with the OHC 6-litre V12 in 1931.

During the 1930s they were protected by high tariffs and absence of foreign assemblers.

In 1934 Tatra began building advanced, streamlined cars which started with the large


Tatra 77, the world's first production aerodynamic car. The average drag coefficient of a

1:5 model of the fastback Tatra 77 was recorded as 0.2455. It featured (as did almost all

subsequent big Tatras) a rear-mounted air cooled V8 engine, which was in technical

terms very sophisticated for the time.

Tatra 77

After the 1938 invasion of Czechoslovakia by Nazi Germany, Tatras were kept in

production, largely because Germans liked the cars. Many German officers died in car

accidents caused by driving the heavy, rear-engined Tatras faster around corners than

they could handle. At the time, as an anecdote, Tatra became known as the 'Czech Secret

Weapon' for the scores of officers who died behind the wheel; at one point official orders

were issued forbidding German officers from driving Tatras.

In 1953, amid much dissatisfaction among Communist party leaders with the poor-quality

official cars imported from Russia, Tatra was again given permission to produce a luxury

car, the Tatra 603. Tatras were not available for normal citizens as they were not

permitted to buy them. The cars were reserved for the Communist Party elite, industrial

officials, as well as being exported to most other communist nations as official state cars.

Notably, Cuban President Fidel Castro had a white Tatra 603, custom-fitted with air


Tatra 603s were built until 1975, a twenty-year reign as one of Communism's finest cars.

Numerous improvements were made during its production run, although not all vehicles

built were actually new but rather reconditioned. In exchange for a newer model year car,

the older vehicle was returned to the factory. There, it was upgraded to current model

year specifications, refinished, and sent out again as a “new” vehicle to replace another

older T603. This makes it difficult to trace the history of surviving vehicles.


In 1968 a replacement was developed; the Tatra 613. It was styled by the Italian styling

house of Vignale and was a more modern, less rounded shape. Although the layout

remained the same, the body was all new, as was the engine, being equipped with four

overhead camshafts, a higher capacity motor (3495 cc) and an output close to 165 bhp.

In addition, it had been moved somewhat forward for improved balance. These cars were

built in five series and went through several modifications until production ceased in

1996. Only 11,000 cars were built.

Tatra 613 Tatra 700

The Tatra 700 was a large luxury car released in 1996 by Tatra. Essentially a heavily

restyled version of the Tatra 613 model it replaced, with updated body panels and

detailing. The T700 was offered as both a saloon and coupé with either a 3.5 or 4.4 litre

90° air-cooled V8 petrol engine. The model was neither successful nor produced in large

numbers, having produced a total of 69-72 cars. The T700 was the last passenger car

made by Tatra with production halting in 1999. At this point, Tatra abandoned auto-

mobile manufacturing in order to concentrate on truck design and manufacture.


1965 Hillman Minx. Has not been going for a few years but would make a good restoration project. 1592cc engine and 4 speed all synchro gearbox,

bucket seats, looking for around $2,000. Call Sean Finn 1300 886965

1976 Rambler Matador Sedan. A real survivor in good original

condition throughout. Mechanically sound, all service parts recently

renewed, belts, hoses, fluids, filters etc. Always garaged, a reliable club

registered car. Now surplus to needs, $12,500. Call George Keats 6226 1332



Suzuki GS500E Motor Cycle 1997, genuine 68,800km,

excellent condition. Registration to June 2018. $3,500

ONO. Contact Gordon on 0409 154 167




A range of Club Regalia is

available from Ruth Thompson.

All are in the Club colours of

Maroon and White and are

embroidered with the Club Logo.

Also available

Windscreen Banner $20.00

Windscreen Sticker $2.00

Cap $22.80

Fleece Jumper $39.30

Sew on Patch $9.00

All regalia is produced to order (we

don’t carry stock) and there is a

lead time of between 2-6 weeks

and come from Goulburn.

For further details, or to place an

order contact Ruth on 6226 5463,

or see her at a meeting.

Polo Shirt $31.00

Shirt $48.30, Bucket Hat $23.50

Wind Proof Jacket $53.50



Friday 13th July 2018.

Please help the editor create a better

magazine for all members to enjoy and go on

the record for the history files.

email: [email protected]

Magazine printed by www.brindabella