bim for the business

BUILDING INFORMATION MODELLING (BIM) Buzzing Bèè By Sandeep Naik Vaigankar 27 April 2015

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  1. 1. By Sandeep Naik Vaigankar 27 April 2015
  2. 2. Contents 1. B for BIM - B for Business. 2. Strategic Approaches. 3. What Next? 4. Q&A.
  3. 3. B for BIM - B for Business. Why BIM? Construction output 2013 92.4 billion Major Construction Client
  4. 4. B for BIM. B for Business. Demand for value mandate to use BIM Level 2 2016. BIM Level 3 strategy.
  5. 5. B for BIM. B for Business. $15,000,000,000,000 Increasing use of BIM internationally.
  6. 6. B for BIM. B for Business. Why BIM? Client (compliance) Information is International business competitive advantage
  7. 7. Drivers and Benefits to the Business ROI and Increased Profits Increased efficiency information manageme nt clarity in communicat ion Benefits from restructurin gReduction in alterations and rework Timescales improveme nts Cost estimates accuracy Improved integration of team activity
  8. 8. Strategic Approaches for BIM Long-term business investment. Align the business case drivers. Review & alter the companys processes and information management.
  9. 9. Strategic Approaches for BIM Education and training. Culture and attitude change. Hardware and software procurement. Recruitment of key personnel.
  10. 10. What Next? Giant 3D Printer next big thing Worlds Tallest 3D printed Building China
  11. 11. What Next? DRONES in Construction
  12. 12. What Next?
  13. 13. BIM and Bee Efficiency Collaborative Working Smart design, no wastage Effective Communication. Clear defined leadership and Goals