bim daes it 1ji09 f i i s v r ii i...

SEPTEMBER It 1JI09 f I I s v r Ii I r- 41 TII 1TAINJi ll4l4 < < GAINESVILLE Bim Catered December 31 1902 at Galnes Tllle Fla as matter vader Act of Congress of March 3 IBIS rvfeltihcd Every Monday and Thursday at Galnwvllle Florida M H MCREARY Editor and Mger Terms of Subscription Tfc Sir 1 a year L Bwitbs SOc single copies 5c Advertising Rates Local advertisements 15 cents a Wee for the first and 10 cents for each Adltkmal Insertion Display advertisements for three six and twelve months at special rates Prices furnished upon application Marriage and Death notices Inserted Iroo Obituaries 5 cents a line Our Clubbing List Bun and The N Y World one year 165 fae Bun and The Atlanta Ga Weekly Constitution one year 175 ne Sun and The Atlanta SemiWeekly Journal oneyear 150 ffko Sun ajid The one year 150 We will not accept stamps of larger deaotBlaation than 2 cents As long as those who have money continue to spend It we cant help having prosperity- All we need is patience It will be quite possible to settle the North Pole business after the African trip Is finished The Governors of Florida and Geor- gia are reflecting credit upon the high offices they occupy Governor Gil chrlst has already obtained quite a national reputation through his speeches at Tammany In New York Spokane and other points while Joe Browns explanation of his refusal to Interfere In the W H Mitchell case Is certainly a credit to The Lake City says the prospects for a successful term of Columbia College which will open Wednesday Sept 2Jth are very bright Indications pointing to the largest attendance In Its history Such reports are coming from all the schools and colleges of Florida and the coming scholastic year bids fair to shejw a marked advance In the edu- cational progress of the State Has the North Pole been found or not Dr Cook says he has discovered it whllo Peary disputes this and says that the honor Is all his For our part we do not know but one thing Is sure Dr Cook has throughout the whole controversy acted a gentle- man while Commander Peary has al- lowed Ills greed for glory to get the botlcr Of his wisdom aa shown in Ills hitter telegram reflecting upon the Brooklyn doctors alleged achieve- ment According to their sworn state- ments the campaign for Governor of Virginia cost Judge W H Mann 111 000 while Harry St George Tucker who was defeated spent a cool 15 000 This certainly makes the high office of Governor available only to the rich man or to the unscrupulous one who proposes to make back his campaign expenses by some other way than by drawing his salary The present tendency Is practically eliminate the man In nitrate clr cumstances front candidacy for the high offices on account of the enorm ous expense involved It Is reported that Senator L W Zlmm of St Augustine Is seriously considering becoming a candidate for Congress This Is conclusive evidence that our esteemed friends health has been completely restored since the adjournment of the last session of the Legislature for certainly no man not in the best of health would seriously consider contesting with Frank Clark for the seat the latter now holds in Congress Clark Is acknowledged as the best debater in Florida and the man who meets him on the stump must be in condition both physically- and mentally to undergo n very stren- uous camixilRii We hn vo mingled with people from every section of this CongressionAl district during the past two months MopK for and against Clark and him no hesitancy In asserting thti far in athai o of the Irlni lMf Cark u- be hU u i jjrs J r Semi eekly TIme Union aim pet tect I I 9 m 11L second class r Twlce a Week r t u p Its Thrlce a Week a Gov- ernor Cltlzen Reporter 4 to 4 j 1 i u F ink r t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < EDWARD HENRY HARRIMAN- It true to say of Edward Henry Harriman that with all limit and fratlUtf The Wall Street Jour he was ono of our created and in jt uitul citizen The evil that aitn do llvts after them the good is oft liurred with their bones but the l uhicn E H Harriman may have Jane In the course of his long light to attain supremacy in the railroad field will not live for any long time while the good is patent to all men in the great railroad system which he built up and the great example which le set for other railroads to follow- It is too early to discuss at length- a career so complex and difficult but it may at least be said that E H Har- riman represented in his own person the most Important movement for bet ter methods in railroad management which the United States has seen When the Union Pacific railroad was sold under foreclosure In the recon struction period following the panic of theory held by a very consid- erable section of the financial district was that a railroad existed to be re constructed by one or another of a number of prominent financial Inter- ests about every ten years That was not Mr Harrimans theory of railroad management It is true that such as Jhc Illinois Central and others have a long record of probity and good management but we are only- a little way from the time when rail roads as a rule were run with one eye on the stock ticker However heavily- Mr Harriman may have been Inter ested In the stock market at times It did not influence his judgment in any way when he was building up the great properties which he controlled- He needs no apology He dies at a comparatively early age for a man of affairs but he dies with the respect and admiration of men to whom his name was a symbol for n very class of finance not many years ago He shouldered an ugly burden where others shirked It at the time of the life insurance Investiga- tions Men who condemned E H Harriman then will admit now that ho was among the first to adapt him self to cleaner and wiser methods of finance SANDLIME BRICK The brick industry Is a comparatively new one in the United States having had Its beginning in Michigan City lad In 1901 Its prog- ress was slow at first the value of the production in 1903 being only 135040 From that time the value Increased each year until 1901 when the maxi- mum of 1225769 was reached In common with other building material there was a decrease In 1908 in the production of brick to 9t51 220 The number of plants reporting made a taped growth from It In 1003 to M In Iju7 with a slight decrease- In 1908 87 Common front and fancy brick were manufactured from sand and lime in 1JOS The average price per thousand for common brick wan 403- as against 001 In 1907 and 071 in 1900 for front brick the price 12UJ against 1090 in 1907 and 1042 In HIM In 190 common brick comi osed 8357 per cent of the value of all bricks and front brick 1537 per centThirty States reported both in 1907 and 1908 Alabama dropping out of the list In 190S and Montana appearing Of the individual States Michigan as In 1907 was the lending State In 190S reporting bricks valued at 138809 Florida was second In both years An advance chapter of Mineral re- sources of the United States calendar year 1908 contains tables showing the production of sandlime brick by States In 1907 and 1905 The pamph- let may be had free of cost by apply- ing to the Director United States Geological Survey Washington D C Isnt there something which only a want ad can do for you today Return this with and we will ship you I Express to any Southern Ex r s cf t Vhjor YcbwC Whiskey In proof by tfcf of i- tillni water only GuarantriM ly u triir tr Florida and National purr cr r j at i you consider tlie 2 Eakrt w rtj otherwise drink what vcy wa t t rrt- anc and cet all of r as It rvr tv l I direct and for the pun rf 1 new customer Inside of 6 day Order u J Sottbtra DmrtttCa tauai Jtlv Be ftaU Whisky 295 18 3 the Ito was 2 All 95 llror n At1Jh n d fad I t s T r i bus fl t is ray pal < t Pennsyl- vania ques- tionable sand lime sand lime GALLONS pro one 2 acts 1 urn fully wad c tar s ct e ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > < ° + Daes not Ca r the Hair VERS VIGOR Stops Falling Hair An Dresslns Destroys Dandruff Makes Hair Grow suIhnr Ghccrin QuIftifI Sign Wakr red A halt wtade froM this Is hiV1lttCil yet Matt A a a kale dressing Consult Asia a PAn Q eCr ClcEant f clients sdim ctttriiC- aasiurm AkbL preparation formula possesses kak food yourdocter kakprobles- J C L1W115J A PERSONAL TRIUMPH- It is suggestive how many great things for the world have been ac- complished by individuals either act- ing alone or nearly so One or two cases will Illustrate this fact One man St Francis of Asstasl morally regenerated Italy It was Columbus not a geographical society that dis- covered America It was one woman Florence Nightingale that revolution- ized by her work in the Crimea sani- tary and hospital service It was one man Gutenberg that discovered printing So with Dr Cook Ills expedition was not furnished by a government or a scientific society As compared with expeditions so sent his was poorly equipped yet he succeeded wher they failed This Is no reflection upon those expeditions for Dr Cook un- doubtedly profited by their experience and the data they furnished Hint he had the one advantage of having but himself to consider In his quest for the There was no conflict of opinion about routes or methods of travel and this fact with his scientific knowledge indomitable perseverance and courage and favoring circum- stances enabled him to reach the pole and plant upon It the American flag FLORIDA When some people get busy it Is always in connection with something that is none of their business Or- lando Sentinel My but Taft Is growing It will re- quire four torpedo boats to carry him and Frank Clar down the Mississippi Pensacola Journal Ilrowarl is tilll harping on drain- ing the Everglades and Lake Okecho bee feet above the high water mark Inverness Chronicle Bring up your boy In the way he should go and you need have no fear that he will ever be a member of the Legislature Orlando Sentinel jCapt n F Vhltner superintendent pole IIi FUN MAKERS ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ of the State Hospital for the Insane- at Chattahoochee reports the number- to be Increasing dally Gainesville Sun We thought the ball season had ended San ford Herald- Of Interest to Parent Entrance examinations for pupils desiring to enter the eighth grade or the high school will be given at the school building this morning begin- ning at Only those who failed to lass and have studied dur ing the vacation or those who were not pupils of this school last session will be eligible to take these nations Applicants must bring writing ma- terial and a record of last terms work It they have such record Applicants ton entrance into other grades will be examined and classified Monday An effort has been made to estab- lish a kindergarten department in con- nection with the public schools Up to the present the necessary number of pupils has not been subscribed Those interested In this matter will please communicate with Mr I F Hampton Mr W E Baker or the principal and learn the terms under which this department is to be estab- lished Notice School Books Cash Be- cause of the greatly reduced profits and Increased work In making school hooks will be sold for cash only to all A J Vidal Reception for New Pastor From Wednesdays Dally Sun Arrangements are being made to give the new pastor of the First Baptist church Rev Mr Cloar a hearty welcome on Friday afternoon and evening He Is expected to arrive In the city Thursday and a reception will be given at the home of Mr and Mrs R McCIellan on Friday from 10 oclock to which every Baptist whether a member of the local church- or not Is cordially Invited and expect- ed to attend as well as all members of the II Y P IT and the ministers of the other churches and their S oclock i- to exam ex- changes fami- lies ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ The opposition to Mr Clark having j exhausted all Its resourca m talslfy lag has quietly laid down JK well a brave man who dares t meet jjr I Clark on the huntings during lug primary and the bntl men Of the opposition are discrttlv showing i the better part of valor In dropping tutuMlnt l V i NOTICE OF ELECTION An election will be held at the Arredondo tchool house In the Arne dondo Special SubSchool oa Tuesday October 19th H n9 purpose of determining whether or not the boundary lines of said shall be changed for the election of t three trustees thereof and for the of determining the rate of mill age to be assessed and collected there In for the next succeeding two years I thereafter Polls will open at S oclock close at sunset The following named persons have been Inspectors of said election T Ji Venable J G Beville and W c Bevllle one of whom shall act clerk By order of the Board of Public In struction of Alachua county Florida this 13th day of September A D 1303 4 It B WEEKS Clfn Brd Pub lust Attest J KELLEY Sec and Supt NOTICE OF ELECTION- An election will be held at the Trenton school house in the Trenton Special District on October lt 1909 for the purpose of determining whether or not the boundaries of said district shall be changed for the election of three thereof and for the purpose of de- termining the rate of mlllage to be und collected therein for the next succeeding two years thereafter f nt sunset The following named per- sons have been appointed inspectors i of said election S G Gay J R Beach and W A Llndsey one of whom shall act as clerk By order of the Board of Public of Alachua county Florida this 13th day of September A D 1905 R B WEEKS Chn Brd Pub Inst Attest 1 L KELLBY Sec and Supt J NOTICE OF ELECTION election will be held in the Rocky Hill School District No 8t on Tuesday October U 1I OJ for the of determining whether or not said territory shall be created a Spe- cial Tax School District for the elel tlon of three trustees thereof and for the purpose of naming the millage to be assessed and collected for the next succeeding two years thereafter Polls will open at S oclock and close at sunset The following named persons have been appointed inspectors of said election B F ken E M Pepper anti E M Bevllle one of whom shall act as clerk By order of the Hoard of Public In Htructlon of Alachua county Florida this 13th day of September A D 190J R B WEEKS Chn Brd Pub lust Attest 1 L KELLEY Sec and Supt i be tht com i t i till subject lJItI I kt for 4 l s u I Polls open at S oclock nrul close f f > I I C pur- pose r- and Sub School Tues- day trus- tees as- sessed will w s In- struction i- An r pur- pose it > < ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > ¬ ¬ = > ° Condensed Statement of Condition Gainesville National Bank OF GAINESVILLE FLA At Close 0 lusiness Wednesday Sept RESOURCES Loans and Discounts Ml40 ii2 Overdrafts 81 S 37 Real Estate Furniture and Fixtures 40JJ32ii8 CASH RESOURCES U S Bonds and Premiums County Bonds 2150000 Cash and Sight Exchange 15072043 0t20841 74480188- LI ABILITIES Capital in Surplus 20 ooi 11 to Undivided Profits 8H82 Js Circulating Notes lOOnOi M Bonds Borrowed DEPOSITS Individuals and Bank 4i84iO nr- U S Deposits 1CM MM in 4J44Voo 14 0183 State of Florida County of Alachua s I C A Fainloth Carrier of the a v Bank do o wear that the above itatomriit i tni 1 u t uf my knoAl lp MM C A FAIKCLOTII CadiirH- ibscrUxHl and sworn to U this tilt tli lay of r l THOM W FIELDING Notary IuWu- Convct AWot M II P T W Han W Directs Strong Bank That Meets the Re- quirements of Us Custom mers With s Spirit of Fair ness to Ail Concerned DIRECTORS- J L MEDLIH Of J L Medlin Cet Naval Stores Meredith Fla T W SHANDS President GiMesvtNe Fla DR M H IcPASS Physician airi Gamesrifc- Frirtfa HEHRY DAVIS Of Crawford Davis Live Stock Gainesville Fla Wm R STECKERT VicePresident Gainesville Fla Land Commissioner for Cummer Lumber Co if Jacksonville R D CRAWFORD AttorneyatLaw Dsthan Alabama JOHN F JACKSON Bronson Fla CHARLES A FAIRCLOTH Cashier Gainesville Fla The Officers and Directors of this Sank own a majority of the capital stock of the lark r A WellM aged I OF THE 1 1909 to to to to to Of to StIfle to to to to to to to S1 I I i 111111 I t sired mI 1 It Stecktrt AIM S S1S1t17 flOg S OO fit ill f I Ft min ore Pas < > ¬ °

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Page 1: Bim Daes It 1JI09 f I I s v r Ii I r-41 TII < 1TAINJi ll4l4 < GAINESVILLE Bim Catered December 31 1902 at Galnes Tllle





v r



41 TII 1TAINJi ll4l4< <


BimCatered December 31 1902 at Galnes

Tllle Fla as mattervader Act of Congress of March 3IBIS

rvfeltihcd Every Monday and Thursdayat Galnwvllle Florida

M H MCREARY Editor and Mger

Terms of SubscriptionTfc Sir 1 a year

L Bwitbs SOc single copies 5c

Advertising RatesLocal advertisements 15 cents a

Wee for the first and 10 cents for eachAdltkmal Insertion

Display advertisements for threesix and twelve months at special ratesPrices furnished upon application

Marriage and Death notices InsertedIroo Obituaries 5 cents a line

Our Clubbing ListBun and The

N Y World one year 165fae Bun and The Atlanta Ga

Weekly Constitution one year 175ne Sun and The AtlantaSemiWeekly Journal oneyear 150

ffko Sun ajid Theone year 150

We will not accept stamps oflarger deaotBlaation than 2 cents

As long as those who have moneycontinue to spend It we cant helphaving prosperity-

All we need is patience It will bequite possible to settle the North Polebusiness after the African trip Isfinished

The Governors of Florida and Geor-gia are reflecting credit upon the highoffices they occupy Governor Gilchrlst has already obtained quite anational reputation through hisspeeches at Tammany In New YorkSpokane and other points while

Joe Browns explanation of hisrefusal to Interfere In the W HMitchell case Is certainly a credit to

The Lake Citysays the prospects for a successfulterm of Columbia College which willopen Wednesday Sept 2Jth are verybright Indications pointing to thelargest attendance In Its history Suchreports are coming from all theschools and colleges of Florida andthe coming scholastic year bids fairto shejw a marked advance In the edu-cational progress of the State

Has the North Pole been found ornot Dr Cook says he has discoveredit whllo Peary disputes this and saysthat the honor Is all his For our partwe do not know but one thing Is sureDr Cook has throughout the wholecontroversy acted a gentle-man while Commander Peary has al-

lowed Ills greed for glory to get thebotlcr Of his wisdom aa shown in Ills

hitter telegram reflecting upon theBrooklyn doctors alleged achieve-ment

According to their sworn state-

ments the campaign for Governor ofVirginia cost Judge W H Mann 111

000 while Harry St George Tuckerwho was defeated spent a cool 15

000 This certainly makes the highoffice of Governor available only tothe rich man or to the unscrupulousone who proposes to make back hiscampaign expenses by some otherway than by drawing his salary Thepresent tendency Is practicallyeliminate the man In nitrate clrcumstances front candidacy for thehigh offices on account of the enormous expense involved

It Is reported that Senator L WZlmm of St Augustine Is seriouslyconsidering becoming a candidate forCongress This Is conclusive evidencethat our esteemed friends health hasbeen completely restored since theadjournment of the last session of theLegislature for certainly no man notin the best of health would seriouslyconsider contesting with Frank Clarkfor the seat the latter now holds in

Congress Clark Is acknowledged asthe best debater in Florida and theman who meets him on the stumpmust be in condition both physically-

and mentally to undergo n very stren-

uous camixilRii We hn vo mingledwith people from every section of thisCongressionAl district during the pasttwo months MopK for and againstClark and him no hesitancy In

asserting thti far in athai o

of the Irlni lMf Cark u-

be hU u i jjrs



Semi eeklyTIme Union


pet tect




11Lsecond class

rTwlce a Week




Its Thrlce a Week



Cltlzen Reporter








F inkr t










It true to say of Edward HenryHarriman that with all limit andfratlUtf The Wall Street Jour

he was ono of our created andin jt uitul citizen The evil thataitn do llvts after them the good isoft liurred with their bones but the

l uhicn E H Harriman may haveJane In the course of his long lightto attain supremacy in the railroadfield will not live for any long timewhile the good is patent to all men inthe great railroad system which hebuilt up and the great example whichle set for other railroads to follow-

It is too early to discuss at length-a career so complex and difficult butit may at least be said that E H Har-riman represented in his own personthe most Important movement for better methods in railroad managementwhich the United States has seenWhen the Union Pacific railroad wassold under foreclosure In the reconstruction period following the panicof theory held by a very consid-erable section of the financial districtwas that a railroad existed to be reconstructed by one or another of anumber of prominent financial Inter-ests about every ten years That wasnot Mr Harrimans theory of railroadmanagement

It is true that such as JhcIllinois Central and others

have a long record of probity andgood management but we are only-

a little way from the time when railroads as a rule were run with one eyeon the stock ticker However heavily-Mr Harriman may have been Interested In the stock market at timesIt did not influence his judgment inany way when he was building up thegreat properties which he controlled-

He needs no apology He dies at acomparatively early age for a man ofaffairs but he dies with the respectand admiration of men to whom hisname was a symbol for n very

class of finance not manyyears ago He shouldered an uglyburden where others shirked It at thetime of the life insurance Investiga-tions Men who condemned E H

Harriman then will admit now thatho was among the first to adapt himself to cleaner and wiser methods offinance


The brick industry Is acomparatively new one in the UnitedStates having had Its beginning inMichigan City lad In 1901 Its prog-

ress was slow at first the value of theproduction in 1903 being only 135040From that time the value Increasedeach year until 1901 when the maxi-

mum of 1225769 was reached Incommon with other building materialthere was a decrease In 1908 in theproduction of brick to 9t51

220 The number of plants reportingmade a taped growth from It In 1003

to M In Iju7 with a slight decrease-In 1908 87

Common front and fancy brickwere manufactured from sand andlime in 1JOS The average price perthousand for common brick wan 403-

as against 001 In 1907 and 071 in1900 for front brick the price

12UJ against 1090 in 1907 and1042 In HIM In 190 common brick

comi osed 8357 per cent of the valueof all bricks and front brick 1537 per

centThirty States reported both in 1907

and 1908 Alabama dropping out of thelist In 190S and Montana appearingOf the individual States Michigan asIn 1907 was the lending State In 190S

reporting bricks valued at 138809

Florida was second In both yearsAn advance chapter of Mineral re-

sources of the United States calendaryear 1908 contains tables showingthe production of sandlime brick byStates In 1907 and 1905 The pamph-

let may be had free of cost by apply-ing to the Director United StatesGeological Survey Washington D C

Isnt there something which only a

want ad can do for you today

Return this with and we will ship you IExpress to any Southern Ex r s cf tVhjor YcbwCWhiskey In proof by tfcf of i-

tillni water only GuarantriM ly u triir trFlorida and National purr cr r j a t i

you consider tlie 2 Eakrt w rtjotherwise drink what vcy wa t t rrt-

anc and cet all of ras It rvr tv l I

direct and for the pun rf 1

new customer Inside of 6 day Order u JSottbtra DmrtttCa tauai Jtlv Be ftaU

Whisky 295

18 3 the



2All 95

llrorn At1Jh n


fad I


T r ibus fl




< t




sand lime

sand lime


one 2acts

1urnfully wad c tar sct
























Daes not Ca r the HairVERS VIGOR

Stops Falling Hair An DresslnsDestroys Dandruff Makes Hair Grow

suIhnr Ghccrin QuIftifISign Wakr red

A halt wtade froM this Is hiV1lttCil yet Matt A

a a kale dressing ConsultAsia a PAn


f clients sdim ctttriiC-aasiurm AkbL

preparation formula possesses

kak food yourdocter kakprobles-J C L1W115J


It is suggestive how many greatthings for the world have been ac-

complished by individuals either act-

ing alone or nearly so One or twocases will Illustrate this fact Oneman St Francis of Asstasl morallyregenerated Italy It was Columbusnot a geographical society that dis-

covered America It was one womanFlorence Nightingale that revolution-ized by her work in the Crimea sani-

tary and hospital service It was oneman Gutenberg that discoveredprinting

So with Dr Cook Ills expeditionwas not furnished by a government ora scientific society As compared withexpeditions so sent his was poorlyequipped yet he succeeded wher theyfailed This Is no reflection uponthose expeditions for Dr Cook un-

doubtedly profited by their experienceand the data they furnished Hint hehad the one advantage of having buthimself to consider In his quest forthe There was no conflict ofopinion about routes or methods oftravel and this fact with his scientificknowledge indomitable perseveranceand courage and favoring circum-stances enabled him to reach the poleand plant upon It the American flag


When some people get busy it Isalways in connection with somethingthat is none of their business Or-

lando Sentinel

My but Taft Is growing It will re-

quire four torpedo boats to carry himand Frank Clar down the Mississippi

Pensacola Journal

Ilrowarl is tilll harping on drain-ing the Everglades and Lake Okechobee feet above the highwater mark

Inverness Chronicle

Bring up your boy In the way heshould go and you need have no fearthat he will ever be a member ofthe Legislature Orlando Sentinel

jCapt n F Vhltner superintendent













of the State Hospital for the Insane-

at Chattahoochee reports the number-

to be Increasing dally GainesvilleSun We thought the ball season hadended San ford Herald-

Of Interest to ParentEntrance examinations for pupils

desiring to enter the eighth grade orthe high school will be given at theschool building this morning begin-

ning at Only those whofailed to lass and have studied during the vacation or those who werenot pupils of this school last sessionwill be eligible to take thesenations

Applicants must bring writing ma-

terial and a record of last terms workIt they have such record Applicantston entrance into other grades willbe examined and classified Monday

An effort has been made to estab-lish a kindergarten department in con-

nection with the public schools Upto the present the necessary numberof pupils has not been subscribedThose interested In this matter willplease communicate with Mr I FHampton Mr W E Baker or theprincipal and learn the terms underwhich this department is to be estab-lished

Notice School Books Cash Be-

cause of the greatly reduced profitsand Increased work In making

school hooks will be soldfor cash only to all A J Vidal

Reception for New PastorFrom Wednesdays Dally Sun

Arrangements are being made togive the new pastor of the FirstBaptist church Rev Mr Cloar ahearty welcome on Friday afternoonand evening He Is expected to arriveIn the city Thursday and a receptionwill be given at the home of Mr andMrs R McCIellan on Friday from

10 oclock to which every Baptistwhether a member of the local church-or not Is cordially Invited and expect-ed to attend as well as all membersof the II Y P IT and the ministersof the other churches and their

S oclock
















The opposition to Mr Clark having jexhausted all Its resourca m talslfylag has quietly laid down JK wella brave man who dares t meet jjr I

Clark on the huntings duringlug primary and the bntl men Ofthe opposition are discrttlv showing ithe better part of valor In dropping

tutuMlnt l V i

NOTICE OF ELECTIONAn election will be held at theArredondo tchool house In the Arne

dondo Special SubSchool oaTuesday October 19th H n9purpose of determining whether ornot the boundary lines of saidshall be changed for the election of tthree trustees thereof and for the

of determining the rate of millage to be assessed and collected thereIn for the next succeeding two years Ithereafter Polls will open at S oclock

close at sunset The followingnamed persons have beenInspectors of said election T JiVenable J G Beville and W cBevllle one of whom shall actclerk

By order of the Board of Public Instruction of Alachua county Floridathis 13th day of September A D 1303 4

It B WEEKSClfn Brd Pub lust

Attest J KELLEYSec and Supt

NOTICE OF ELECTION-An election will be held at the

Trenton school house in the TrentonSpecial District on

October lt 1909 for the purposeof determining whether or not theboundaries of said district shall bechanged for the election of three

thereof and for the purpose of de-termining the rate of mlllage to be

und collected therein for thenext succeeding two years thereafter f

nt sunset The following named per-sons have been appointed inspectors iof said election S G Gay J RBeach and W A Llndsey one ofwhom shall act as clerk

By order of the Board of Publicof Alachua county Florida

this 13th day of September A D 1905R B WEEKS

Chn Brd Pub InstAttest 1 L KELLBY

Sec and Supt J

NOTICE OF ELECTIONelection will be held in the

Rocky Hill School District No 8t onTuesday October U 1I OJ for the

of determining whether or notsaid territory shall be created a Spe-cial Tax School District for the eleltlon of three trustees thereof and forthe purpose of naming the millage tobe assessed and collected for the nextsucceeding two years thereafter Pollswill open at S oclock and close atsunset The following named personshave been appointed inspectors of saidelection B F ken E M Pepperanti E M Bevllle one of whom shallact as clerk

By order of the Hoard of Public InHtructlon of Alachua county Floridathis 13th day of September A D 190J

R B WEEKSChn Brd Pub lust

Attest 1 L KELLEYSec and Supt



tht com it


till subject

lJItI I ktfor






Polls open at S oclock nrul close










Sub School Tues-day


















> > ¬





Condensed Statement

of Condition

Gainesville National BankOF GAINESVILLE FLA

At Close 0 lusiness Wednesday Sept

RESOURCESLoans and Discounts Ml40 ii2Overdrafts 81 S 37Real Estate Furniture and Fixtures 40JJ32ii8

CASH RESOURCESU S Bonds and PremiumsCounty Bonds 2150000Cash and Sight Exchange 15072043 0t20841


Capital inSurplus 20 ooi 11 toUndivided Profits 8H82 JsCirculating Notes lOOnOi M

Bonds Borrowed

DEPOSITSIndividuals and Bank 4i84iO nr-

U S Deposits 1CM MM in 4J44Voo

14 0183State of FloridaCounty of Alachua s

I C A Fainloth Carrier of the a v Bank do owear that the above itatomriit i tni 1 u t uf my knoAl lpMM C A FAIKCLOTII CadiirH-

ibscrUxHl and sworn to U this tilt tli lay of rl THOM W FIELDING Notary IuWu-Convct AWot M II P T W Han W Directs


Bank That Meets the Re-

quirements of Us Custom

mers With s Spirit of Fair

ness to Ail Concerned


Of J L Medlin Cet Naval StoresMeredith Fla


President GiMesvtNe Fla

DR M H IcPASSPhysician airi Gamesrifc-



Of Crawford Davis Live StockGainesville Fla


VicePresident Gainesville Fla

Land Commissioner for CummerLumber Co if Jacksonville


AttorneyatLaw Dsthan Alabama


Bronson Fla


Cashier Gainesville Fla

The Officers and Directors of this

Sank own a majority of the capital

stock of the lark

r A WellM agedI


1 1909

to to to to to Of to


to to to to to to to S1


i 111111 I



mI 1

It Stecktrt



S1S1t17 flOg


OO fit ill f








