bim and its application in the design of high and extra

BIM AND ITS APPLICATION IN THE DESIGN OF HIGH AND EXTRA-HIGH VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL SUBSTATIONS Authors: Jeamy Baena, HMV BIM Manager at Strategy and Technology Division Andrés Cárdenas MSc HMV Buildings and Structures Division Director Edgar Poveda HMV Strategy and Growth Vice President Orlando, Florida 7380 W. Sand Lake Road Suite 576E Orlando, FL. 32819 Tel: (+1 407) 3523960 September 5-7, 2018 Frisco, TX

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Jeamy Baena,

HMV BIM Manager at Strategy and Technology Division

Andrés Cárdenas MSc

HMV Buildings and Structures Division Director

Edgar Poveda

HMV Strategy and Growth Vice President

Orlando, Florida

7380 W. Sand Lake Road Suite 576E


FL. 32819

Tel: (+1 407) 3523960

September 5-7, 2018

Frisco, TX

Abstract – The BIM (Building Information Modeling) concept is becoming of the utmost importance for

the design of infrastructure projects; although initially the concept was mainly applied for buildings

design, now it has spread to more specialized areas like electric energy generation and transmission. In

many countries, BIM has gone beyond being just an initiative and has become a mandatory work

methodology for suppliers, especially under contracts with the public sector.

HMV Engineers has been exploring into the use of this concept since mid-90´s, becoming a pioneer in the

development of in-house design and modelling applications, such as HMV Tools® and DISAC®

(Computer-Aided Substation Design) on AutoCAD® graphic engine, which have been continuously

adapted and improved. Now that IT applications have become more specialized and mature, workflows

have become more complex due to the diversity of formats most of them interoperate with the

CADD/BIM IT packages. Reaching an optimal and applied methodology in the electrical sector is an

objective that requires important exploration, development, and continuous testing efforts based on the

infrastructure area best practices where the methodology is more developed.

The general challenge of incorporating BIM and IPD (Integrated Project Delivery) to the electrical

industry market, is achieving a full integration in process and technology, as well as on early stage actors

to minimize construction costs and reprocesses due to what traditionally have been known as disconnected


This article deals in detail with concepts around BIM, implications at implementation level and contrasted

management with traditional project management methods. Finally, three examples will be shown to

illustrate BIM evolution, used technologies, applications, and practical advantages in projects such as high

and extra-high voltage GIS (Gas Insulated Substation).


A. BIM (Building Information Modeling): “A digital representation of physical and functional

characteristics of a facility. As such it serves as a shared knowledge resource for information about a

facility forming a reliable basis for decisions during its lifecycle from inception onward”. (NBIMS-US

™). It can also be defined as a consistent process that involves information tools and processes being

reachable, repeatable, scalable, and measurable.

In technological terms, the objective is to configure a centralized virtual 3D model database that

integrates different disciplines, simulates, analyzes, designs, controls, and generates common input for the

development of each phase of the project, including quantities, engineering analysis, and reports.

Figure 1: Installation BIM Cycle

B. LOD (Level of Development): It defines how thorough and detailed the representation of the

elements that make up the BIM model shall be. According to standards set forth by BIMFORUM and AIA

(US), these levels go from 100 to 500, where each one has a specific scope, usually progressive, both

geographically and information wise.

LOD 100 (2D) and 200 (3D): They are approximate for pre-dimensioning effects and are used for

the conceptual and basic design, respectively.

LOD 300 al 500: They are then used for the detail design, manufacturing, and finished project. It

is assumed that information is accurate and enough for construction and erection, being manufacturing

(LOD 400) what demands the highest level.

LOD 350: Generated by BIMFORUM, specifically applies when the object requires interaction

with a system, such as electrical, mechanical, etc., also if it requires a special anchoring system. This LOD

was also the result of a need that turned up in construction projects where electromechanical equipment

defines most of the geometry of the installation. Thus, in practice, the transformer illustrated below does

not have LOD300, since a key aspect for the design and interaction with other systems is to define

connections and anchoring system.

The detail is made up by the graphic complexity and the amount of information associated.

Figure 2: Reference Matrix for BIM Development Levels

Figure 2 shows development levels applicable to a common element designing substations; in this case, a


Level of Graphic Detail (LOD): Usually confused with development levels, since they have the

same acronym. For the different elements (excepting LOD 400), it should be the least minimum required

as increasing it may impact aspects like file size, modeling time, and hardware, reflected in more

generation and use costs.

Level of Information (LOI): It refers to object metadata or properties that throughout the life

cycle provides valuable information according to the current stage to obtain reports, quantities, etc. such

metadata is also key for the operation and maintenance stages because they can be processed and managed

by specialized FM (Facilities Management) applications that automate and increase performance


Often the term LOD is erroneously applied to a complete project. LODs are applicable just to

project objects. A project usually has a mixture of LODs, because the client may define a mixed scope.

Although there is no consensus at the time about it, it is advisable to talk about a minimum and a

maximum LOD.

At a high and ideal maturity level, LOD standards should be defined in each country through an

agreement including different sectors of interest. Owners should define a development level matrix for

each object and disciplines available to their business. Also libraries of modeled objects under the chosen

BIM platform should be selected as well.

The design process: The normal phases of an EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction)

project are illustrated, which is normally the one with the most comprehensive scope for the asset

lifecycle, from its conceptual phase through commissioning. Figure 2 shows that construction and

operation merge as at this stage where the project information is generated, which either might be the

same as the one of the detailed design or even including the modifications made during the erection stage.

Asset lifecycle: It illustrates the main asset that, for this case, is a substation with a secondary asset

(transformer). Operation stage includes maintenance, replacement, decommissioning, and/or asset


Generating role: It refers to participating parties within the cycle, normally designer,

manufacturer, and builder. Finally, there is the owner, in charge of guaranteeing an efficient operation of

the installation through its lifecycle.

C. DIMENSIONALITY: It is a BIM model characteristic seeking to maximize the simulation

concept associating other aspects of the construction project. Defined advantageous dimensions available

in the market so far, include:

4D: It associates time to 3D models; for instance: Graphic simulation of the constructive process

phases in a determined time unit. It enables checking on a specific date what has and has not been built.

5D: It associates costs to a 4D model; for instance: It enables checking theoretical executed

budget on a specific construction date.

Figure 3: 4D and 5D Dimensions

6D: The main input is the 3D model seeking to aid with the construction environmental and

sustainability issues. For instance: Solar analysis to define better location/orientation to optimize air

conditioning design and costs.

Figure 4: 6D Dimension

7D: Very important for supporting project owners with the asset management after operation

starts. The BIM model is a recognized model for being an FM (Facilities Management) application that

recognizes LOD-500-fed equipment technical data. It enables also a finished project model management

when overhauling.

Figure 5: 7D Dimension

D. BIM STANDARDS: Currently, some countries are developing these protocols by phases,

encouraged by the public sector. The most outstanding are the US (

and the UK (

Figure 6: American and European Standards

E. IPD (Integrated Project Delivery): Patrick MacLeamy, CEO of HOK (Hellmuth-Obata-

Kassebaum), one of the largest architectural firms in the world, delivered a speech during the 2005 AIA

(American Institute of Architects) General Session introducing a graph universally known as “MacLeamy

Curve”. Figure 7 shows the different phases of the constructive process with traditional behavior vs IPD


Figure 7: MacLeamy Curve + IPD

Curve 1 shows that design effort is greater as well as its effect on the project when decisions are

taken during initial processes, such as conceptualization.

Curve 2 shows that costs caused by changes during the construction are greater as the project


Curve 3 shows how the effort is traditionally distributed in the design stage.

Curve 4 shows the ideal behavior because of BIM implementation and management in a

construction project. This is where IPD methodology is applied; it takes actors, change dynamics, and

design definition to the early stages, maximizing impact and minimizing costs.


A. APPLICATION ECOSYSTEMS: When the decision to implement BIM is made, a

technological platform of applications must be chosen.


Figure 8: Group of BIM applications for the Substation Market

Figure 8 shows the current application map that, depending on the market, internal policies, and local

use demand, among others, are the base to decide about it.

In the BIM software market there are several developers that supply them to comply with this

methodology in a general way, with specialized software depending on the discipline, and also the

required intelligent and automatic workflows. Optimal interoperability among them depend on aspects like

file format compatibility (native or neutral exchange), if the specialized applications are from the same

developer, Application Program Interface (API), and market hegemony, among others. The needs of each

company and the required automation depend on the market role (owner, designer, and constructor) and

on the intervened project phases. They are explained below:

Generic Commercial Software: This is the most used category in the market because engineering

companies use it in a variety of disciplines since it is adaptable to different types of projects in the

company’s business niche. It has two important characteristics:

1. Parametric base: It allows going beyond CAD through the generation of more intelligent objects

and more complex behavior. It turns modifications, plan generation and number, and the link to

the objects that make up the model become a great value added.

2. API (Application Program Interface): If the need is at a higher level, a program language may be

used to develop in-house routines and comply with very specific user needs.

Specialized Commercial Software: Software with modules applicable to substation advanced

analysis and modeling. The common ground is that they use generic software as its base and via API,

developing objects that turn designing into a more reliable, intelligent, and fast process. It has the

following limitations:

• Generic base software must be bought and kept separately.

• Expensive, a typical aspect of this range application.

• Not every contractor sees it as a profitable asset due to low demand and high costs. Although

some software manufacturers offer flexible timeframe lease.

• Not a global market standard with very low market share.

• APIs are normally closed and building developments on them is not possible.

Generic Commercial Software + In-House Development: This is where the second option shown in

the generic commercial software – BIM-CADD application programming interface to increase modeling

and calculation capacities – comes very handy. Solid knowledge on applied engineering and programming

are required, where VB.NET or C# (Microsoft) are the most commonly used. Applications must be

updated (recompiled), normally every time generic software format and/or version change are made. A

great advantage is that there is total control on functionalities.

A good sample of this option is HMV Tools: this platform helps in calculations required for

electromechanical, structural and civil designs. DISAC is a program under AutoCAD platform that allows

to develop 3-D models of substations, including all main components like switchyard equipment,

structures as columns and beams, insulators, bus bars, equipment connections, connectors, volume of

buildings, etc., as well as the underground part of the switchyard (foundations, grounding grid, drainages,

cable trenches and ducts). These models allow determining issues such as interferences, electric clearances

violations, and also generate the project bill of material.

Both programs store the information in a single model for the substation, the model is stored in a

private internet cloud allowing that different work teams worldwide have access to the unique design of

the substation model (design criteria, data, calculations and 3-D model).

The BIM tools combined with centralized procedures of standardized designs and data bases, have

allowed HMV Engineers improve their response capacity in the design of high and extra high voltage

substations, optimizing design times, reducing cost, increasing quality, and facilitating the learning curve

to the new designers

Integrated Process Model

Short Circuit Analysis - IEC 60865 with


Grounding grid surfaces

Protect shielding lighting zone by DISAC

Image 9: HMV Tools + DISAC – In house developments

OPENBIM: Another possibility is to leave open the use of any application, but the delivery of the

models would be in a neutral ISO format like IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) which is basically

compatible with the other most popular BIM applications. However, there are limitations to consider:

• This “Open BIM” format is under development (IFC-2x3 current, IFC-4 soon to be released) and

MVD (Model View Definitions) are being structured to be more useful for CAE Computer Aided


• Whenever an IFC file is generated by commercial software, information gets lost. It is being


• Focused on models not on documentation; if plans are being generated, commercial BIM software

must be used.

• Software manufacturing support has been little and slow (there are some agreements), because

they are focused on strengthening their own native formats.

• If an owner decides to apply it, he must research well how compatible and applicable it is to his

business and how it relates to other BIM ecosystem applications.

It is a promising format, useful in many cases, but it must mature supported by a more global

consensus from every stakeholder to guarantee authentic interoperability.

Finally, depending on the role, there are some suggestions based on the experience HMV Engineers has


Contractor: Characteristics like versatility and adaptation capacity are very important, especially for

designers and constructors for their natural relation with different clients. Thus, it is a constant challenge,

to be in constant evolution, economic investment capacity, and training on these applications to remain

competitive. Train staff with the attitude to work in multiple software platforms is a very relevant factor.

Owner: He must select the BIM platform to be used, considering:

• Assess current global and local application demand. Choose a manufacturer and file formats with

background and market acceptance; these are key factors.

• Assess internal compatibility with current applications (CAE, PDM, CMMS, CRM, ERP, CAFM,

etc.) especially those related to operation and maintenance.

• Assess internal compatibility with current information and reuse level.

• Depending on corporate policies and the sector it belongs to (public or private), assess the

convenience of Open BIM use or a specific BIM manufacturer. According to the current state of

the art, a BIM manufacturer would be more reasonable for a private company; for a public-sector

company, on the other hand, due to vendor neutrality Open BIM would make more sense,

although it should be considered that BIM application management, as well as their formats, may

represent a high expense.

B. METHODOLOGY: According to several clients’ and projects’ experience, HMV is

implementing a strategy based on the following four phases (Figure 10):

Figure 10: BIM Implementation Strategy

1. Standardization: Its purpose is to speak the same language in terms of technological tools,

products, and processes. Engineering and BIM global standards must be selected to become the

base to generate your own; also, determine the way to control them and measure them. Ideally,

project owners must be the ones who set up the two following documents because they set out the

rules of the game to govern an eventual contract:

a. BIM protocols: It is a document that gathers general and legal policies to be governed by

both for the company and for contractors when performing projects that include BIM.

Global standard websites have examples to help build your own.

b. BIM Execution Plan (BEP): Enables, deepening on the project type, how it will be

really applied, and what has been defined under BIM protocols. Global standard websites

have examples to help you build your own. This are the main contents:

i. Project information: Description, scope, challenges, personal BIM, stakeholders,


ii. General and specific objectives: Stakeholders and project BIM objectives, phase

timetable, element Level of Development (LOD), applicable dimensions (4D, 5D,

6D, 7D), indicators, etc.

iii. Collaborative work: Project geo-referencing, interdisciplinary coordination

standards, workflow between applications, file formats to be used, units, and

model review schemes and scales before reviewing plans.

iv. Project resources and technological requirements: Technology to be used for

information centralization (cloud or dedicated server), VPN, model integration

and modeling hardware, required broadband, specific manufacturer BIM


2. Configuration: After having defined the previous point, this input is useful to parametrize

selected BIM applications: Template creation, libraries, workflows, etc. which are a key element

to automatize model, plan, and report output, among others. When performing this step without

having gone through the first one, there will be reprocesses because projects are different and

what was done for the previous one cannot be used for the next one.

3. Training: This is one of the key points of the implementation process because what was

experimented through plenty of experiences worldwide is reaffirmed: Success is people

dependent. That is why resources must be assigned to make the required staff changes. These are

some tools to help through the process: Technical speeches, training sessions, onsite follow-

through by specialists to guarantee an appropriate learning process, internal discussion venues to

centralize knowledge and learned lessons. It is also advisable to choose an experienced specialized

BIM consultant to follow-through and lead the process.

4. Execution: Whether it is a real or a pilot project, it tests what has been defined in the previous

phases. Undertaking a disciplined follow up, verifying the correct execution of what had been

planned, analyzing indicators, and detecting improvement opportunities to apply some of the

previous phases in a continuous cycle is the right path to a successful implementation.

C. OWNER IMPLEMENTATION PLAN: In the previous paragraph, there is a more focused

methodology for contractors. How different can it be for the owner? There are differences because there

are factors that become very relevant, such as:

The selection of standards (products, processes, and technological tools) and compatibility

with current definitions.

Change performance with contractors and internal staff

How to add value to each phase of the asset life cycle to maximize operation and maintenance


Traditional deliverables (based on plans) vs BIM-based that include the combination of

models at the beginning and plans at the end.

The following chart summarizes in three stages how the process would be implemented through

diagnose, planning, and execution considering corresponding resources and deliverables.









Assess the advantages of

BIM methodology for a

specific business unit

contrasted with the owner’s

expectations and needs.

Select a project model (new

or developed).

Set up the BIM model scope.

Clearly identify differences

vs traditional methodology in

aspects such as: Control,

review, deliveries, and


Identify criteria, policies,

standards, and change

performance strategies to be

defined at corporate level to

bid in future projects.

Select BIM ecosystem and

exchange standard format

hardware and software


Define and refine the most

appropriate base workflows

applied to the business.

Generate indicators to

measure aspects like time,

costs, etc.


protocols based on current


Define BIM execution plan

templates by business unit.

Generate bid specification

templates that include such


Define the BIM scope for the

different asset phases,

including operation and


Define guidelines to structure

timetables and deliverables

that are congruent with the

BIM process.

Plan and execute the BIM

training program for

commercial and engineering


Generate a protocol training

and awareness plan for


Raise BIM protocol,

execution plan, awareness,

and bid specification

requirements with


Update protocols according

to received feedback.

Select a project to apply it to.

Verify application.

Support engaged staff

through the development of

the project.

Apply detected improvements

to current material.

Define short-term and

midterm future strategies

seeking to incorporate new

beneficial functionalities for

the business based on current

BIM good practices and

technological state of the art.


Pilot project.

Work plan.

Periodic meetings with

actors to show progress and

state needs that enhance the

applied use of BIM


Stage 1 BIM model.

Online and/or in-class

training sessions.

Follow-up meetings.

BIM/CADD/PDM protocols.

Bid BIM guidelines.

Training and awareness-

raising material.

Assistance and support

meetings during



Finished BIM model.

Results report with the

development of set out

objectives, conclusions, and

points to be developed in the



Bid BIM guidelines.

Training and awareness


Process feedback and

improvement opportunity


Modified BIM material

according to agreed

following stage. improvements.


Below, three study cases applied to substations evidencing the benefits of BIM methodology


A. CASE STUDY 1: Modernization GIS Station 115/15 kV

Key Aspects:

Cloud points were used to support the design process and improve interference early detection.

The client agreed to always review 3D models under the design stage and generate plans only at the

end, saving the project valuable time.

Although modeling BIM applications were not used for the project at all, it was a great starting point

to improve the methodology in other projects.

B. CASE STUDY 2: HVDC Substation

Key Aspects:

Autodesk Inventor was used for the integration of every discipline under different formats.

Interference detection and model review was conducted with Autodesk Navisworks.

The MEP building and systems were generated with Autodesk Revit.

Eight-contractor information was simultaneously integrated.

Greater integration quality was evidenced because system accessories, such as electromechanical

equipment, were fed with metadata enabling the generation of plans and material lists while keeping

the link with the 3D model.

C. CASE STUDY 3: GIS Barranca 230/115 kV Substation

Key Aspects:

Autodesk Revit was used for the integration of every discipline and the generation of plans and

material lists.

Interference detection and model review was conducted with Autodesk Navisworks, Design Review,

and A360.

Steel structure was generated with Autodesk Inventor.

Topography was generated with Autodesk Civil 3D.

The building, civil works, and MEP system were generated with Autodesk Revit.

Workflows were refined between the different applications improving interaction.


In order to maximize the benefits in the facility lifecycle, BIM must be adopted and sponsored by

owners, designers, constructors, and suppliers.

For owners, is a good practice to start with small pilot projects with selected contractors. One

premise is to build a BIM standard (software, workflows, compatible files format, templates,

object libraries, BIM execution plan, etc.) based on a global one. Next, enhance and test them with

other providers.

Do not try to do everything at once. Define a plan with clear and short goals, then measure,

improve and proceed to the next level.

People are very important for a successful implementation. Ensure a good change management


There is still a long way to go for the electric utilities market, although several good practices can

be used in the construction area, where BIM is more mature.

Multidisciplinary integration, reduction of errors, clash detection and bill of materials are the most

primary benefits that can be obtained from BIM, based on HMV experience.


Andrés Cárdenas: Civil Engineer from Universidad Nacional de Colombia and Master in Civil

Engineering, Los Andes University. Specialized in design, structural analysis, coordination and leadership

of projects with focus on infrastructure: designs, vulnerability studies, industrial plants, dams, solutions

surface for oil, gas. He has an overall experience of 15 years and he currently serves as the Director of

buildings and structures at HMV Engineers. [email protected]

Jeamy Baena: Electromechanical Engineer and Projects Evaluation and Formulation Specialist from

Tecnológico Metropolitano University. Software consultant for 10 years in CADD/BIM/PDM areas in

several sectors like private and public services, energy, manufacturing with an Autodesk Reseller in

Colombia. Best Latin-American Instructor award by Autodesk in 2014. Currently he serves as BIM

Manager at the Strategy and Technology division of HMV Engineers. [email protected]

Edgar Poveda: Electrical Engineer from Pontifician Bolivariana University. He is an Analysis and

Protection of Power Systems Specialist from GEC Alsthom, England. Energy Management in the Small

and Medium Scale Industry Specialist from University of Twente, The Netherlands and High Voltage

Substations specialist. He has an overall experience of 37 years and he currently serves as the Strategy and

Growth Vice President of HMV Engineers. [email protected]