billie eilish · 2020. 5. 18. · billie eilish uvodnik/sadržaj dragi čitaoci,ljubav je jedno od...


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    2-3: Uvodnik, sadržaj4-5: Škola meseca Elektrotehnička škola „Mihajlo Pupin“,Sušica6-7: Kako je biti vojnik? Ponosan i uvek spreman da služi građanima!8-9: Fashion: 8 Trendova čizama za zimu 2020. sa ulica svetskih metropola10-11: Music Box: Od neobične tinejdžerke do svetske slave: Bili Ajliš!12-13: Bezbednost saobraćaja14-15: Životinjsko carstvo: Milioni životinja su nastradali u požarima u Australiji16-17: Poster: Kobe Bryant

    18-19: Moviemania: To all the boys: P.S. I still love you; The photograph; Downhill; First lady20-21: Sportski ugao: Počivajte u miru Kobi i Điđi!22-23: Hi-Tech: Tehnološke novotarije na početku 2020.24-25: KFOR Izgradio sportski teren za đake u Sušici26-27: Upitnik: Koji glumac ili glumica bi vas igrao u filmu o vašem životu?28-29: Vaš kutak...30: Enigmatskiugao31-32: Pisma čitalaca

    Naslovna: BILLIE EILISH


    Dragi čitaoci,

    Ljubav je jedno od najjačih osećanja koje ljudi mogu da iskuse tokom svojih života. Iako različiti ljudi različito doživljavaju ljubav, ona inspiriše svakoga, daje nadu i smisao života. Desetina hiljada ljubavnih dela je napisana u njenu čast i još uvek je izvor inspiracije za ljude svih godina i porekla. Zbog toga nas uopšte ne iznenađuje da čujemo reči „Ljubav je sve što vam je potrebno“.

    Svet će biti bolje mesto ako postoji ljubav. Može te učiniti najsrećnijom osobom i uči te kako da postaneš neko. Verujem da je ljubav sve što nam je potrebno zato što nas ohrabruje da budemo najveći, čini naš život boljim i uči nas kako da budemo snažniji i više optimistični. Na ljude najviše utiče osoba sa kojom provode najviše vremena. U današnje vreme tinejdžeri provode veći deo svog vremena sa svojim voljenima. Provođenje vremena sa svojim voljenima čini da se osećaju posebno. Zbog ovoga, ona ih inspiriše i motiviše da budu što je moguće bolji. Ljubav takođe dodaje boje u naš život. Čini nas najsrećnijom osobom na Zemlji. Biti voljen od nekoga je najsnažnije osećanje koje osoba može da iskusi u njegovom ili njenom celom životu. I konačno ljubav nas uči da budemo snažniji i više optimistični. Ljubav nam daje nadu kada smo neraspoloženi. Daje nam svetlo kada je sve što vidimo tama.

    U zaključku, ljubav je sve što nam je potrebno zato što daje značenje životu. Uči nas dosta lekcija koje nam mogu pomoći u životu. Ljubav može promeniti vas i vaš život na bolje. Ponekad može delovati komplikovano, ali uvek imajte na umu da odustajanje nije opcija. Ljubav vam daje pozitivni stav i čini vas najboljom verzijom sebe. Uvek možete pružati bez ljubavi, ali nikada ne možete voleti bez pružanja.

    Ostanite voljeni dragi moji prijatelji do našeg sledećeg sastanka.









    For You je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena ifinansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavovekoalicije ili bilo koje zem-lje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvatI i tra`ivaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno uskra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno imene}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma.

    Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj Nik{i}Novinari: Ali Rexha, Violeta Matovi}, Ana Marija Ivkovi}Fotografije: Ekipa “4U”Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani

    Uredni{tvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu: HQ KFOR - Kosova Film.“For You” magazin; Strasbourg Building; 10000 Pri{tinaE-mail: [email protected];





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    Dear readers,

    L ove is definitely one of the most powerful feelings that people can ever experience in their lives. Although different people perceive love differently, it has been inspiring for everybody, giving hope and a sense of life. Dozens of thousands of literary works have been written in its honor, and it still is a source of inspiration for people of all ages and backgrounds. Thus, it is not surprising for us to hear the words “Love is all you need”.

    The world will be a better place if there is love. It can make you the happiest person and it teaches you how to be someone. I believe that love is all we need because it encourages us to be the greatest, it makes our life better, and it teaches us to be stronger and more optimistic.

    People are influenced by the person they spend the most time with. Nowadays, teenagers spend most of their time with their loved ones. Being with their loved ones makes them feel special. Because of this, it inspires and motivates them to be the best they can be. Love also adds color to our life. It makes us the happiest person on earth. Being loved by someone is the greatest feeling a person can experience in his or her entire life. Finally, love teaches us to be stronger and more optimistic. Love gives you hope when you’re down. It gives you light when all you can see is darkness.

    In conclusion, love is all we need because it gives your life a meaning. It teaches you a lot of lessons that can help you in your life. Love can change you and your life to a better one. Sometimes, it may seem complicated but always remember that giving up is not an option. Love gives you a positive attitude and it makes you the best version of yourself. You could always give without loving, but you can never love without giving.

    Until our next meeting, stay loved my friends.


    2-3: Editorial, index4-5: School of the month: Electrical engineering high school “Mihajlo Pupin” in Sušica6-7: What is it like being a soldier? Proud and always ready to serve the citizens!8-9: Fashion: 8 Boots trends for winter 2020 from the streets10-11: Music Box: From an unusual teenage girl to worldwide fame: Billie Eilish!12-13: Traffic safety 14-15: Animal Kingdom: Millions of animals died from the Australian fires16-17: Poster: Kobe Bryant

    18-19: Moviemania: To all the boys: P.S. I still love you; The photograph; Downhill; First lady20-21: Sports corner: Rest in peace Kobe and Gigi!22-23: Hi-Tech: Tech innovations at the beginning of 202024-25: KFOR builds a sports field for students in Susica26-27:Questionnaire:Which actor/actress would you like to play you in a movie about your life? 28-29: Your corner ...30: Puzzle31-32: Reader’s letters















    ‘For You’ is an official publication of KFOR, produced and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.The contents do not necessarily reflect the official point of view of the coalition or that of any of its member states. KFOR accepts and wel-comes your opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will be withheld but no anony-mous, defamatory or malicious letters will be printed.

    Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj NiksicJournalists: Ali Rexha, Violeta Matovic, Ana Marija IvkovicPhotos by: “4U” teamDesign & Layout: Bekim Shabani

    The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City;For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina;E-mail: [email protected];


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    škola meseca

    “Trudite se da idete u korak sa vremenom, pratite nove tehnologije, ali koristite ih na pametan način. Izaberite u širokom moru tehnoloških inovacija, ono što će vam proširiti znanje i obrazovanost, razvijajte kritičku svest, a što manje se oslanjajte na masovne medije”, poruka je koju je najpre uputio našim čitaocima direktor srednje Elektrotehničke škola „Mihajlo Pupin“ u Sušici, Milan Dimitrijević.

    Škola je osnovana pre četiri de-cenije u Prištini, trenutno je pohađa oko 120 učenika, koji su raspoređeni u devet odeljenja i jedna je od najbolje opremljenih srednjih škola na teritoriji Kosova. Od 1999.godine, nastava i ostali oblici vaspitno-obrazovnog rada sprovode se u prostorijama osnovne škole „Sveti Sava“ u selu Sušica, koje pripada opštini Gračanica.

    U školi se obrazuju učenici u području rada elektrotehnike za tri obrazovna profila u četvorogodišnjem trajanju: administrator računarskih mreža, elektrotehničar telekomunikacija i elektrotehničar računara. Od stranih jezika uči se engleski.

    Veća potreba za odgovarajućim kadrovima u oblastima elektrotehnike, telekomunikacija i računarstva i informa-tike u vreme dinamičnog napretka nauke i tehnike stavlja ovu školu u red onih najinteresantnijih, za koju se mladi rado odlučuju da je pohađaju.

    Konkretna zanimanja - prepoznata i tražena na tržištu radaGlavni razlog popularnosti škole je to što

    ona daje konkretna zanimanja koja su prepoznata i tražena na tržištu rada, kako u zemlji, tako i u inostranstvu. Dobiti za učenike su značajne, počev od kvalite-tnog obrazovanja, odličnog poznavanja izabranog zanimanja, mogućnost daljeg školovanja, sekcija koje su vezane za struku, kao i razna takmičenja.

    Škola maksimalno koristi svoje kapacitete u vidu savremeno oprem-ljenih kabineta i radionica. Raspolaže sa učionicama opšte namene, kabinetom za elektroniku i praktičnu nastavu, računarskim kabinetom, radionicom za praktičnu nastavu, multimedijalnim kabi-netom, kao i školskom bibliotekom sa ve-likim fondom kako stručne literature, tako i udžbenika, školske lektire i beletristike. Takođe, u okviru svog kompleksa, škola poseduje i fiskulturnu salu, kao i otvore-no igralište za fudbal i košarku.

    Nastavu i ostale oblike vaspitno-obrazovnog rada realizuje preko tride-set stručno osposobljenih nastavnika, a u svom vaspitno-obrazovnom radu škola ostvaruje uspešnu saradnju sa roditeljima učenika, socijalnim partnerima, obrazovnim, kulturnim i sportskim ustanovama.

    Škola koja prati savremene trendove, ali i tradicijuPrema rečima direktora, učenici koji pohađaju ovu školu su vredni i radni, postižu zapažene rezultate na raznim takmičenjima, posebno iz fizike i priro-dnih nauka i nosioci su brojnih nagrada i pehara, što najbolje svedoči o kvalitetu


    Direktor škole, g. Milan Dimitrijević Škola maksimalno koristi svoje kapacitete u vidu savremeno opremljenih kabineta i radionica

    Prema rečima direktora, učenici koji pohađaju ovu školu su vredni i radni, postižu zapažene rezultate na raznim takmičenjima

  • nastave koja se odvija u ovoj obrazovnoj ustanovi. “Ob-razovanje u srednjoj školi prevashodno je važno zato što usmerava”, istakao je direktor Dimitrijević, koji dodaje da se tokom srednjoškolskog obra-zovnog procesa omogućava čvrsta osnova za dalje, univer-zitetsko usavršavanje u raznim sferama nauke.

    “Nastavićemo da veliku pažnju posvećujemo negov-anju tradicionalnih vrednosti i međuljudskih odnosa sa kra-jnjim ciljem stvaranja produk-tivnog, humanog i kvalitetnog društva”, naglasio je na kraju razgovora za Magazin ‘For You’ direktor srednje Elektrotehničke škola „Mi-hajlo Pupin“ u Sušici, Milan Dimitrijević. On obećava da će radi uspešne realizacije vaspitno-obrazovnog procesa i ubuduće najveća pažnja biti usmerena na obezbeđivanje uslova za sticanje stručnih i praktičnih znanja učenika, opremanje škole, stručno usavršavanje nastavnika i slobodne aktivnosti učenika.

    Prema njegovim rečima, škola će težiti da i u budućnosti prati savremene trendove u obrazovanju i vaspitanju učenika, da ra-zvija i unapređuje postojeće kvalitete i potencijale, kao i da maksimalno koristi sve raspoložive resurse.

    Škola maksimalno koristi svoje kapacitete u vidu savremeno opremljenih kabineta i radionica


    “You try to keep up with the times, to keep abreast of new technologies, while using them wisely. In a wide sea of technological innovations, choose what will expand your knowledge and education, develop your critical awareness, while relying as little as possible on the mass media,” Milan Dimitrijevic, Principal of Electrical Engineering High School “Mihajlo Pupin” in Sušica, passed along as his first message to our readers.

    The school was established four decades ago in Pristina, and currently has around 120 students who are divided into nine classes, and is one of the best-equipped secondary schools in the territory of Kosovo. “Starting from 1999, classes and other forms of educational work are being held on the premises of “Sveti Sava” Elementary School in the village of Sušica, which belongs to Gračanica municipality.

    The school provides 4-year course in electrical engineering offering three types of degrees to students: computer network administrator, telecommunications electronics technician and computer electronics techni-cian. English is taught as a foreign language.

    Higher demand for workforce with skills in the areas of electrical engineering, tele-communications and computer science and informatics at a time of dynamic progress of science and technology places this school among the most popular ones and one that young people eagerly opt for.

    Specific professions -recognized and in-demand at the job market The main reasons why the school is so popular is because it offers degrees for performing spe-cific jobs, which are recognized and in-demand at the labor market, both at home and abroad. There are significant benefits for the students, starting with quality education, excellent skills in the chosen profession, possibility of further edu-

    cation, extracurricular activities relevant to the vocation, as well as various competitions.

    The school makes maximum use of its facilities in the form of modern-equipped classrooms and workshops. It has general-purpose classrooms, an electrical engineering and practical work science classroom, a computer science classroom, a workshop for practical work, a multimedia science classroom, and a school library with a large pool of profes-sional literature and textbooks, re-quired-school-reading and fiction. As part of the school complex,

    the school also has a gymnasium and an outdoor athletic ground for soccer and basketball.

    Classes and other forms of educational work are held by over thirty professionally qualified teachers, and in its educational work, the school maintains successful cooperation with students’ parents, social partners, educa-tional, cultural and sports institutions.

    A school that follows contemporary trends as well as traditionAccording to the Principal, the students attend-ing this school are hardworking and diligent, and achieve remarkable results in various competi-tions, especially in physics and natural sciences, and are holders of numerous awards and cups, which best testifies to the quality of student teaching taking place in this educational institu-tion. “Secondary education is of paramount im-portance because it offers specialized training to the students,” Principal Dimitrijevic said, adding that the high school education process provides a solid basis for further, university education in various areas of science.

    “We will continue to pay great attention to fostering traditional values and interpersonal relationships with the ultimate goal of creating a productive, humane and quality society,” Milan Dimitrijevic, Principal of Electrical Engineering High School “Mihajlo Pupin” in Sušica, said at the end of his interview for the Magazine For You. He pledged that in order to have successful educational pro-cess, the school will continue to focus also in future on ensuring the conditions for providing profession-al and practical knowledge to the students, equip-ping the school, professional training of teachers and students’ extracurricular activities.

    According to his words, in future, the school will strive to follow modern trends in student education, to develop and improve the existing qualities and potentials, and to make maximum use of all available resources.


    school of the month

    The school makes maximum use of its facilities

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    Gotovo pedeset osnovaca iz škole “Qamil Batalli” je krajem januara provelo dan u KFOR-ovom kampu “Film-ski grad”. Nakon što su se u školi izjasnili čime bi voleli da se bave u buduċnosti, oni koji su odlučili da bi bili vojnici, dobili su priliku da izbliza vide kako to i izgleda - kroz druženje sa pripadnicima KFOR-a i obilazak Glavnog štaba u Prištini.

    Sve strane vojničkog poziva“Danas ċete da vidite mnoge strane toga šta znači biti vojnik i deo vojske, jer možete da budete i lekar, i pilot, i medicinska sestra, i komandir, i pravnik. Na kraju, morate da imate niz vrednosti koju imaju svi građani, ali u vojsci ih ima još više, kao što su - da poštujete kolege i građane i da budete ponosni i uvek dostupni potrebama građana,” kazao je oficir Eros Bađio. On je bio samo jedan od vojnika u timu koji je dočekao osnovce i sa njima proveo dan.

    Poseta i druženje: Vožnja vatrogasnim kamionima, američkim hamvijima, sletanje vojnog helikopteraKapetan Mark Rid, kapetan Eros Badjio i desetar Anamaria Santilo su organizovali posetu sa direktorom škole, Ljiridonom Krasniċijem.

    “Hvala što ste nas primili. Verujem da ste svi koji ste ovde i radite za Kosovo slični Marku i Anamariji i zaista vam se zahvalju-jem na moguċnosti da posetimo vaš kamp,” kazao je on. Dodao je da se u njihovoj školi uči kroz različite metode, ali da je najvažnija: Learning by doing (učenje kroz primere). Zato je ova poseta i bila značajna.

    Prva stanica za osnovce bila je sportska sala. Sa vojnicima su igrali fudbal i košarku. Najmlađi se nisu libili da pokažu svoju spretnost u sportu. Usledila je poseta vatrogasnoj stanici gde su obišli sve prostorije i gde su im objašnjeni svi detalji u slučaju akcije. Sigurno da je jedan od najinteresantnijih delova posete bila vožnja vatrogasnim kamionima.

    Posle ručka u vojnoj kantini, najmlađi su se provozali u američkim vojnim vozilima. Posebno iznenađenje usledilo je kada su uživo mogli da gledaju sletanje i poletanje helikoptera, dok im je jedan od pilota mahao kroz otvoreni prozor kokpita.

    Neverovatno iskustvo“Baza je stvarno kul i velika. Mesta na kojima smo bili - sala i vatrogasna stanica - bila su stvarno zabavna. Ovo je bilo neverovatno iskustvo. Najviše su mi se svideli - vatrogasna stanica, jer smo saznali o svim alatima koje vatrogasci koristei sala, jer smo mogli da igramo mnoge igre, kao što su fudbal i košarka,” ispričao je svoje utiske trinaestogodišnji Daris Šok. Njegovoj vršnjakinji, Beljini Grapci, svidelo se to što su vojnici KFOR-a brinulo o njima: “Brinuli su o nama i podržavali nas i to mi se stvarno svidelo, u tome sam uživala.”

    Komandant Risi: Uvek donosite radost i sreċu, brinemo o vama i vašoj buduċnostiPripadnici KFOR-a takođe nisu krili svoj entuzijazam dok su pokazivali kako je to biti vojnik. Smeh i sreċa videli su se na licima tokom razgovora pripadnika KFOR-a i dece. Na kraju im se obratio koman-dant KFOR-a, general Mikele Risi. “Ne živimo ovde sve vreme. Ovde spavamo, ovde se hranimo, ali najviše vremena smo napolje, sa vama. Možda ne u vašim školama i najveċim delom vremena nas ne vidite, ali smo blizu ukoliko se nešto dogodi. I razlog zašto smo ovde je zato što brinemo o vama i vašoj buduċnosti; i to ne čine samo oni koje sada vidite među vama - vojnici u uniformama, veċ i žene, muškarci, deca u Americi i širom Evrope. Želimo vam sve najbolje u buduċnosti, jer je to ono što naša deca žele za vas,” objasnio im je komandant KFOR-a. Nakon toga djaci su imali niz pitanja za komandanta na koja im je on strpljivo odgovarao. “Ovo je najbolji posao koji bih mogao da imam kao general - da pomažem vama,” dodao je generala Risi.


    Zajednička fotografija je seċanje na posetu učenika

    Komandant KFOR-a General Major Mikele Risi, obratio se učenicima, rekavši: ”Uvek donosite sreċu i radost!”

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    Zajednička fotografija je seċanje na posetu učenika

    Deca su imala priliku da posete mesta za zabavu i slobodne aktivnosti vojnika

    Povlačenje konopcem i dalje ostaje najbolja igra za jačanje timskog duha

    Od svog raspoređivanja 1999. KFOR, zajedno sa međunarodnom zajednicom i institucijama na Kosovu, ostaje posveċen tome da se svi ljudi koji žive na Kosovu oseċaju bezbedno i sigurno. KFOR ċe nastaviti da deluje odlučno, sa pažnjom i nepristrasno, kako bi podržao sigurno i bezbedno okruženje, slo-bodu kretanja i da bi sprečio eskalaciju bilo kakvih incidenata.

    Posetite nas na:Visit us at:

    Nearly fifty students of Elementary School “Qamil Batalli” spent a day at KFOR’s Camp Film City in late January. After stating in one of their school assignments what they want to be when they grow up, those who chose to become soldiers were given an opportunity to see what this really looks like up close by so-cializing with KFOR members and visiting KFOR Headquarters in Prishtina/Pristina.

    All faces of a soldier“Today you will see many facets of what it means to be a soldier and part of the military, because you can as well become a doctor, a pi-lot, a nurse, a commander, or a lawyer. Finally, you need to possess an array of values that all people have, but there are even more in the military, such as - respect for your colleagues and people and being proud and always ready to cater to their needs,” said Officer Eros Bag-gio. He was just one of the soldiers on the team who welcomed the elementary school students and spent the day with them.

    Visit and socializing: Ride on fire trucks, US Hum-vees, witness a military helicopter landingCaptain Mark Reed, Captain Eros Baggio and Corporal Annamaria Santillo arranged the visit through the Qamil Batalli school principal, Mr Liridon Krasniqi. “Thank you for hosting us. I believe that all of you who are here and working for Kosovo are like Mark and Annamaria and I really want to thank you for the opportunity to visit your camp,” he said. He added that they use various methods of teaching at their school, but that the most important one is “Learning by doing”. That is why the visit was important’’.

    The first stop for the elementary school students was the sports hall. They played football and basketball with the soldiers. The youngsters did not shy away from show-ing their sport skills. Next was a visit to the fire station where they toured all the facility rooms and were given a detailed explanation of what happens in case of an emergency. One of the most interesting parts of the visit was certainly the ride on a fire truck.

    After having lunch in the military dining fa-cility, the youngsters had a ride in U.S. military vehicles. They were particularly surprised when they could see from up-close a helicopter land-ing and take-off while one of the pilots waved to

    them through the cockpit’s open window.

    Amazing Experience“The base is really cool, and big. The places we have visited - the gym and the fire station - were really fun. It was an amazing experience. What I liked the most were - the fire station, because we got to learn about all the tools that firefighters use, and the gym, because we were able to play many games, such as foot-ball and basketball,” thirteen-year-old Daris Šok recounted his impressions. His peer, Be-lina Grapci, liked that KFOR soldiers took care of them: “They took care of us and supported us, and I really liked that. I enjoyed it.”

    Commander Risi: Always bring joy and happiness; we care about you and your futureKFOR members also did not hide their enthusiasm in demonstrating what it is like to be a soldier. Laughter and happiness were heard during conversations between KFOR members and the participants. In the end it was KFOR Commander, General Michele Risi that addressed the students. “We do not live here all the time. We sleep here, we eat here, but we spend most of the time outside, with you. Maybe not in your schools and most of the time you don’t see us, but we are close in case something happens. And the reason why we are here is because we care about you and your future; and this is not done only by those you see amongst yourselves right now - uniformed soldiers, but also by women, men, children in America and across Europe. We wish you all the best for your future, because this is what our children want for you,” the KFOR Commander explained to them. After that the students had a number of questions for the Commander, who patiently answered them. “This is the best job I could have as a General - helping you,” General Risi added.

    Since its deployment in 1999, KFOR, together with the international commu-nity, has remained committed to mak-ing all people living in Kosovo feel safe and secure. KFOR will continue to act resolutely, prudently and impartially, in order to support a safe and secure en-vironment, freedom of movement, and to prevent escalation of any incident.

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    Što se nas tiče, nema ko ne gricka nokte u iščekivanju jeseni i zime kako bi izvukli čizme. A zbog trendova zimskih čizama za 2020. još više čeznemo za hladnim vremenom. Trendovi čizama dolaze i odlaze, ali ove godine stvari su postale zaista zanimljive uz nekoliko “cool” trendova koji su se vratili i par zanimljivih varijanti klasičnih čizama.

    Čizme do kolena

    Znamo da mnoge od vas vole ovaj trend, ali imaju problema sa njihovim kombinovanjem uz bilo šta drugo osim skroz uskih farmerki. Ipak, iskoristite ovu priliku za prelazno vreme i nosite ih uz kratke haljine i kapute.

    Knee High Boots Trend

    We know so many of you love these but struggle with styling them, with anything besides skinny jeans. However, take this mid-weather opportunity and try them with short dresses and coats.

    Kožne čizme za kišu

    Kada bi se ukrstile čizme za kišu i vojničke čizme, dobile bi se ove prelepe čizme, koje su preplavile ulice tokom Fešn vika. “Street style” zvezde su se prošetale u njima pokazavši nam, kao na slici iznad, mnogo različitih načina da ih nosite.

    Leather Rain Boots Trend

    I f rain boots and combat boots had a baby, you’d get these beautiful boots, and they were all over the streets at fashion week. Street style stars strutted in them and showed us in the picture above, the many different ways you can wear them.

    Čizme sa animal printom

    Nema ko ne voli dobar animal print, a sada se ovaj uzorak našao i na čizmama, koje nikad nisu izgledale bolje. A ove godine se ne radi o nekom konkretnom printu, tako da ne treba da se ograničavate i izaberite onaj za koji mislite da će ići uz većinu vaše garderobe i uz vaš stil.

    Animal Print Boots Trend

    Who doesn’t love a good animal print and now they’re on boots and they’ve never looked better. We think this year, it’s not about a specific print, don’t limit yourself and pick the one you think will go with most of your wardrobe and style.

    Čizme sa viktorijanskim šniranjem

    Da. Pertle, prave pertle. Čizme sa dugačkim, dramatičnim šnirom su IN. I ne samo to, čizme u viktorijanskom stilu su zaista popularne. Pomislite na četvrtaste vrhove i potpetice i pre svega pertle!

    Victorian Lace Boots Trend

    Yes. Lace, actual lace. Boots with long dramatic lace ups are in. Not just that, Victorian style boots are really popular. Think squared toes, angular heels and most importantly laces!


    (Source: 9

    We mean who don’t bite their nails waiting for fall and winter so they can get their boots out. The winter boot trends for 2020 are making us ache for the chilly weather even more. Boots trends come and go but this year things have gotten really interesting with some cool come backs and some interesting takes on classic boots.


    Vojničke čizme

    Vojničke čizme su bile popularne u periodu oko 2013. i 2014, a sada su se vratile i niko se ne žali jer su udobne i lake za kombinovanje, savršene su za zimu, a kada se ukrste sa kišnim čizmama dobije se model koji je apsolutno neodoljiv.

    Combat Boots Trend

    Combat boots had their time around 2013 and 2014. They’re back and no one’s complaining because they’re easy to wear, perfect for winter and their love child with rain boots are to die for.

    Kaubojske čizme

    Smatramo da je ovo jedan od najpotcenjenijih modnih komada veka, a mogući razlog za to je što su one ili pun pogodak ili potpuni promašaj. Nije lako pronaći savršene kaubojske čizme, ali ove godine, prema onome što smo videli na ulicama, izgledaju zaista šik i avangardno. Pogledajte šta se nudi u prodavnicama.

    Cowboy Boots Trend

    We think this is one of the most under-appreciated fashion pieces of the century and maybe because it’s such a hit or miss. It’s a bit hard to find the perfect cowboy boots but this year, from what we’ve seen from street style trends, they’re looking really chic and edgy.

    Nabrane čizme

    Mislimo da je ovo bio trend koji smo najčešće viđale ove sezone kada su u pitanju zimske čizme. Ove čizme su “cool“ jer izgledaju opušteno i ležerno, ali u isto vreme ističu lepotu boje i materijala od kojeg su napravljene, bez obzira da li je u pitanju koža ili antilop.

    Loose/Slouchy Boots Trend

    We think this was the most common winter boot trend that we saw this season. These boots are cool because they look slouchy and effortless but highlight the beauty of the color and material of the boot, whether leather or suede.

    Kožne čarapa čizme

    U pitanju su kožne čizme, ali su uske do te mere da imate osećaj gotovo kao da nosite čarape. Zvuči bolno? Možda jeste, ali pogledajte koliko samo dobro izgledaju. Čizme čarape nisu novi trend, ali kožne čarapa čizme su možda10 puta bolje i mislimo da će se ovaj trend zadržati malo duže.

    Leather Sock Boots Trend

    Leather boots, but really really tight so that it almost feels like socks. Sound painful? Maybe it is, but come on, how good do these look? Sock boots are not a new trend, but leather sock boots are 10x better and will last longer as a boots trend.

  • Kako je sve počelo?

    Prekretnica je bila 2015. godina, kada je Bili svoju pesmu “Okeanske oči” (Ocean eyes) objavila na Soundcloud-u. Ovo je zapravo bila koautorska pesma sa njenim bratom, a radi domaćeg zadatka. Svoj debitantski al-bum “When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?” snimila je kući, takođe sa svojim starijim bratom, Fineasom Okonelom (Finneas O’Connell). Četiri godine kasnije, ona nastupa na jednom od najvećih muzičkih festivala - Coachella, najmlađa je osoba koja je nominovana i osvojila prestižnu muzičku nagradu Gremi u četiri najbit-nije kategorije. Prošle godine, list Gardijan proglasio ju je za umetnika godine. Koliko god delovalo javnosti da je njen uspeh bio strmoglav, ona je u

    razgovoru upravo za ovaj list objasnila da joj se čini da je sve išlo “postepeno”. “Svi misle da sam iznenada poznata, ali, znate, imala sam 13 godina kada su objavljene ‘Okeanske oči’. Opet, to jeste mnogo brže, nego što je bio slučaj sa drugima. Utrošili su 20 godina, a za mene se to dogodilo u tri. Ali svaki trenutak ove godine (2019) me je naterao da pomislim - šta se događa?”

    Neverova-tne brojke uspeha

    Bili Ajliš ima gotovo 50 miliona pra-tilaca na Instagramu, gotovo 25 miliona na Jutjubu, a njena pesma “Bad guy” na ovoj društvenoj mreži preslušana je 712 miliona puta. Razmere popularnosti su ogromne. Za svoje obožavatelje kaže da joj “čuvaju leđa” i da ih voli, ali i da se radi o velikoj odgovornosti. Uz ovako neverovatne brojke na društvenim mrežama, popu-larnost van njih je još veća. Bili Ajliš svoje tinejdžerske godine sigurno nije provela na “stan-dardan” način. “Normalan život - nikad to nisam želela. Nije da je ovakav život ono o čemu sam sanjala, ali sve stvari koje su smatrane normalnim za odrastanje nikad nisam volela da radim... Ne mogu to da objasnim, a da ne zvučim dosadno! Prilično sam u redu s onim kako sada stvari stoje. Ne bih želela ništa drugo.”

    Saradnja sa drugim muzičkim zvezdama

    Koliko je visoko na muzičkoj lestvici govori i činjenica da je zajedno sa svojim bratom sarađivala sa Selenom Gomez, Kamilom Kabelo, nuđena joj je saradanja i sa Ališom Kiz, grupom BTS. Ipak, na pitanje sa kim bi najviše volela da sarađuje, kaže da je saradnja “baš i ne zanima”. “To je pitanje koje mi se neprestano postavlja, i iskreno, to ne želim. Nije da imam nešto protiv nekog, jed-nostavno ne osećam tu potrebu. Volim muziku, volim druge izvođače, ali mrzim to što čim naiđem na izvođača i ceo svet je poput - ‘Bili Ajliš i neko će možda raditi pesmu zajedno!’ Zašto jednostavno ne mogu da budem prijatelj sa njima? Ne kažem da se to nikada neće dogoditi, ali to nije nešto što tražim.”

    Cena slave

    Slava je, kako je i sama Bili priznala, uticala na njeno mentalno zdravlje. Ranije se teško nosila sa onim što slava donosi. U intervjuu za kultni magazin “Van-ity Fair” koji je radila tri godine zaredom - 2017, 2018. i 2019., kazala je: “Razlog zbog kojeg je to toliko uticalo na mene 2018.godine bio je taj što je sve što sam želela je bilo to da izađem. Više ni ne razmišljam o izlasku.

    Sviđa mi se ovaj život koji imam. Volim da budem poznata. Veoma je čudno, ali i dobro. Osećam kao da to sada mogu reći, jer sam ranije to mrzela.” Bili Ajliš je postala punoletna sredinom decembra 2019, tako da je ona najmlađa osoba koja je napisala pesmu o Džejmsu Bondu. Njena slava i dalje raste. Koliko će da traje, ostaje da vidimo.


    Bili Ajliš je osamnaestogodišnja devojka koja kao izvođač odudara od ostalih po stilu odevanja, boji kose, ali i svojim numerama. Neverovatan uspon u muzičkoj karijeri doživela je tokom 2019. Ove godine je njen uspeh nastavljen - najmlađa je izvođačica ikada koja je napisala tematsku pesmu o Džejmsu Bondu. Takođe, osvojila je čak pet Gremija! Ali šta se zapravo nalazi ispod čudne odeće i drečavih boja na kosi?


    music box

  • How it started?

    The turning point was 2015, when Billy re-leased her song “Ocean eyes” on Soundcloud. This song has been actually co-writ-ten with her brother, for home-work.Her debut album “When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?” she recorded at home, also with her older brother, Finneas O’Connell. Four years later, she performs at one of the biggest music festivals - Coachella, she is the youngest artist to be nomi-nated and win the prestigious Grammy Award, in the four most important categories. Last year, newspaper Guardian named her artist of the year. As much as it seemed to the public that her success was

    abrupt, she explained in an interview for this news-paper that it seemed to her that everything was going “gradually”. “Everyone thinks I’m suddenly famous, but, you know, I was 13 when ‘Ocean Eyes’ was published. Again, this was much faster than it was the case with others. It took them 20 years, and for me it happened in three years. But every moment of 2019 made

    me think - what’s going on? “

    Amazing success figures

    Billie Eilish has almost 50 million followers on Instagram, almost 25 million on YouTube, and her song “Bad guy” on this social network has been listened to 712 million times. The propor-tion of popularity is enormous. She tells her fans that they “keep her back” and that she loves them, but also that it is a big responsibility. With such incredible numbers on social networks, the popularity out-side of them is even greater. Billie Eilish certainly didn’t have a “standard” teenage life.

    “A normal life – I never wanted that. It’s not like this life is what I was dreaming of growing up, but all the things that were considered normal growing up I never liked doing … I can’t explain it without sounding so annoying! I’m pretty OK with the way things are. I wouldn’t want anything else.”

    Collaboration with other music stars

    How high she is ranked, it is evidenced by the fact that she and her brother collaborated with Selena Go-mez, Camila Cabello, and she was offered collaboration with Alicia Keys, and BTS group. However, when she was asked with whom she would mostly like to collaborate with, she says collaboration “doesn’t really interest me”. “It’s a ques-tion I get asked all the time and I genuinely don’t want to. It’s nothing against anyone, I just don’t feel the need. I love music, I love other art-ists, but I hate that as soon as I meet an artist the entire world is like “Billie Eilish and so-and-so might be doing a song together!” Why can’t I just be a friend with them? I’m not saying it’s never going to happen, but it’s not something I’m looking for.”

    The price of fame

    G lory, as Billie admitted, affected her mental health. Previously, it was difficult to cope with what fame brings. In an interview with magazine “Vanity Fair” which she gave for three con-secutive years - 2017, 2018 and 2019, she said: “The reason it was affecting me so much last year (2018) was because all I wanted to do

    was go out. I don’t even think about going out anymore. I like this life that I have. I like being famous. It’s very weird but it’s very cool. I feel like I can say that now because I used to hate it.” Billie Eilish became an adult in mid-December 2019, thus she is the youngest person who wrote a theme song about James Bond. Her fame con-tinues to grow, for how long, it remains to be seen.


    Billie Eilish is an eighteen-year-old girl who, as a performer, stands out from others in her dress style, hair color, and her songs. She experienced an incredible ascent in her music career during 2019. The ascent has continued this year too - she is the youngest performer ever who wrote a theme song about James Bond. She won five Grammies, also! But what really lies behind the weird clothes and garish hair colors?


    music box

  • Od 23. do 25. janu-ara 2020, Kosovs-ka Akademija za javnu bezbednost bila je domaćin sedme međunarodne konferencije o izazovima mobilnosti u transportu i javnoj bez-bednosti. Tokom konfer-encije razgovaralo se o različitim aspektima bez-bednosti saobraćaja. Di-rektor odeljenja za drum-ski saobraćaj Kosovske policije, potpukovnik

    Jeton Redžepi je bio jedan od glavnih govornika na ovoj konferenciji.

    Kosovska policija je održala predavanja u 159 škola Imali smo priliku da razgo-varamo sa potpukovnikom Redžepijem koji je nagla-sio da je Kosovska Policija

    posvećena povećanju bezbednosti u saobraćaju za sve učesnike u saobraćaju, a naročito za mlade ispod 18 godina. “Samo tokom 2019., Kosovska Policija je iden-tifikovala 159 škola širom Kosova, za koje smo sma-trali da su ugrožene zbog nedostatka saobraćajnih znakova, trotoara, podzemnih i nadzem-nih pešačkih prelaza, ili drugih aspekata bezbed-

    nosti na putu,” rekao je potpukovnik Redžepi. Dalje, naglašava da saobraćajne jedinice kontinuirano održavaju

    teorijska i praktična predavanja u svim ovim školama. Tokom ovih pre-davanja, oni objašnjavaju deci kako da poštuju saobraćajna pravila kada nema trotoara, kako ići nadzemnim prelazima u blizini semafora i ostalih saobraćajnih znakova, ili u odsustvu saobraćajnih znakova.

    Svi bi trebalo da doprinesemo bezbenosti dece u saobraćajuKosovska policija takođe radi sa školama, opštinama i posebno roditeljima da bi osigurali bezbedan dolazak njihove dece u školu, posebno kada ona moraju da ko-riste transportna vozila poput kombija, minibuseva ili autobusa. Prema potpukovniku Redžepiju, kada se radi o školskom prevozu za decu, veoma je važno da sami roditelji ne dozvole njihovoj deci da ulaze u vozilo pro-tivno saobraćajnim pravili-ma (broj sedišta, pojasevi, itd.) Sa svoje strane, Kosovska policija je izrekla kazne i prekršajne prijave i čak zabranila pre-voz učenika svim kompani-jama koje nisu poštovale saobraćajna pravila.

    Ima prostora za poboljšanjeŠto se tiče uspeha kosovske policije da poveća bezbednost dece u saobraćaju, potpukovnik Redžepi je izjavio da se to-kom 2019. broj nastradalih u saobraċajnim nesreċama značajno smanjio među pešacima. Prema njemu, statistika dokazuje da se sav posao policije na obrazovanju i podizanju svesti dece učesnika u





    Gledaj! Budi vidljiv!Vozača

    Vaš oprez, bezbednost u saobraćaju!

    • Sačekaj pešaka!• Budi oprezan!• Nemoj da pišeš dokvoziš automobil!• Poštuj ograničenu brzinu!

    • Koristi pešački prolaz!• Poštuj semafor!• Gledaj levo, gledaj desno, gledaj levo još jednom!• Nemoj da pišeš dok ne pređes ulicu!


  • 13

    From 23rd to 25th January 2020, the Kosovo Academy for Public Safety hosted the 7th International Confer-ence on Mobility Challenges in Transport and Public Safety. Various aspects of traffic safety were discussed during this conference. Lieutenant Colonel Jeton Rexhepi, Director of Road Traffic Division of the Kosovo Police, was one of the key speakers in this conference.

    Kosovo police have delivered lectures at 159 schoolsWe had the opportunity to talk to Lieutenant Colonel Rexhepi who emphasized that the Kosovo Police is committed to maximizing traffic safety for all traffic participants and especially for youth under 18 years of age. “Only during 2019, Kosovo Police identified 159 schools throughout Kosovo, which we considered to be endangered due to lack of traffic signs, sidewalks, underpasses, overpasses or other road safety features,” Lieutenant Colonel Rexhepi said. Further, he emphasized the traffic units have continued delivering theoretical and practical lectures in all these schools. In these lectures they

    explain to the children how to observe traffic rules when there is no sidewalk, how to walk on overpasses near traffic lights and other traffic signs, or in their absence.

    We all need to contribute to the safety of children in trafficKosovo Police are also engaging with schools, municipalities and especially parents to ensure the safe arrival of children to school, in particular, when children have to use transportation vehicles such as vans, minibuses or even buses. According to Lieutenant Colonel Rexhepi, when it comes to school transportation for children, it is extremely important that parents them-selves do not allow their children into a vehicle that does not adhere to traffic rules (number of seats, seat belts, etc.).

    For its part, Kosovo Police have been impos-ing fines and tickets and even banned the transportation of students by any company that fails to comply with traffic regulations.

    There is still room to improve Regarding the success of the Kosovo Po-lice commitment to increase child safety in traffic, Lieutenant Colonel Rexhepi stated that during 2019, the victims of traffic accidents significantly decreased among pedestrians. According to him, statistics prove that the work of the police in educat-ing and raising awareness of children as participants in traffic has proved very suc-cessful. However, the real intention of the Kosovo Police is to avoid all accidents, es-pecially involving young people under the age of 18. In the end, Lieutenant Colonel Rexhepi advised all young people that the Kosovo Police is capable and dedicated in their work to provide security for all people living in Kosovo, regardless of age, gender, religion, nationality or ethnicity. Therefore, they can and should trust this institution but also help it in the common goals of ensuring a safe quality of life for all.


    Lieutenant Colonel Jeton Rexhepi

    saobraćaju pokazao kao veoma uspešan. Međutim prava namera kosovske policije je da se izbegnu sve nezgode, naročito mladih ispod 18 godina. Na kraju, potpukovnik Redžepi savetuje sve mlade da je kosovska policija sposobna i posvećena u svom poslu da obezbedi sigurnost za sve ljude koji žive na Kos-ovu, bez obzira na godine, pol, veroispovest i nacio-nalnost. Stoga, oni mogu i trebaju da veruju ovoj instituciji ali takođe i da joj pomažu u zajedničkim ciljevima da bi obezbedili kvalitetan život za sve.

    EDUKACIJA ZA BEZBEDNOST U SAOBRAĆAJUJedan od ključnih gov-ornika na pomenutoj konferenciji bio je Frank Muce iz Evropskog Saveta za bezbednost saobraćaja. U svom obraćanju, gdin. Muce je govorio o značaju obrazovanja o bezbednosti i saobraćaju uopšte. Ovom prilikom on je podsetio sve učesnike da je većina evrop-skih zemalja već posvećena pružanju edukacije o bez-bednosti saobraćaja na svim nivoima obrazovanja. Ovom prilikom on je predstavio publikaciju pod naslovom “Osnovni principi obra-zovanja za bezbednost u saobraćaju.” Ova publikacija je deo projekta “NAUČI!” (LEARN), koji je koordinisan od strane evropskog saveta za bezbednost saobraćaja. Pored argumenata o važnosti pružanja edukacije o bezbednosti u saobraćaju u školama, ova publikacija takođe sadrži 17 ključnih principa ove edukacije za budućnost. Celokupna pub-likacija može se preuzeti sa:

    Posetite nas na:Visit us at:

    EDUCATION FOR TRAFFIC SAFETY Another keynote speaker in the conference was Mr. Frank Mutze from European Council for Traffic Safety. In his addressing, Mr. Mutze spoke about the importance of safety education and traffic in general. On this occasion, he reminded all participants that most European countries are already committed to providing education on traffic safety at all levels of education. He also presented a publication entitled “The Basic Principles of Education for Traffic Safety.” This publication is part of the “LEARN!” Project, which is coordinated by the European Council for Traffic Safety. In addition to arguments about the importance of providing education in traffic safety in schools, this publication also contains 17 key principles of this education for the future. The full version of this publication can be downloaded at:

  • Skoro pola milijarde životinja je bilo pogođeno vatrama u Australiji, gde su milioni životinja možda nastradali. Ta brojka uključuje ptice, gmizavce i sisare, osim sle-pih miševa. Takođe uključuje insekte i žabe, što znači da je stvarni broj verovatno veći. Ukupan broj životinja koje su pogođene širom zemlje bi mogao biti čak milijardu, prema ekologu sa Univerziteta u Sidneju.

    Vatre nisu ništa novo u Australiji ali su postajale sve intenzivnije i sve više destruktivne tokom proteklih godina. To je bio problem koji je pogoršan klimatskim promenama. I životinje su bile na linijama fronta, u Australiji je najveći postotak gubitka životinjskih vrsta na

    svetu i istraživači se plaše da bi taj postotak mogao da se uveća dok se vatrena stihija nastavlja.

    Neke životinje kao koale i kenguri prevashodno stradaju od vatre na primer tako što izgore u plamenu ili se uguše od dima. Skoro trećina svih koala su nastradale i trećina njiho-vog staništa je uništena. Fotografije sa terena pri-kazuju koale sa sprženim krznom, sirovim delovima izgorelog mesa i šapama sa klobucima. Nekada su njihove povrede prosto suviše teške da bi mogli da prežive čak iako ih spase i podvrgnu lečenju.

    Vombati su takođe teško pogođeni, oni ne podnose dobro vrućinu i stres i hvata ih panika kada

    namirišu dim. Mali, torbari sa zdepastim nogama ne mogu da trče veoma brzo i daleko i uglavnom su prepušteni na nemilost plamenu. Ostale vrste ne umiru od vatre ili dima već od posledica požara. Manji sisari i gmizavci mogu da pobegnu plamenu tako što se zakopavaju pod zemljom ili se sakriju u stenama-ali nakon toga nemaju hranu ili sklonište, samo određene grabljivice privlači vatra pošto znaju da donosi lak plen.

    Smanjenje životinja i njihovog staništa je začarani krug, kao što životinjama treba stanište da bi preživeli, staništu su takođe potrebne životinje. Npr. vrsta kengura/pacova koja se zove potoru je od ključnog značaja za održavanje zdravlja zemljišta šume. Ako je potoru pogođen požarom neke vrste biljaka neće biti u stanju da se obnove, što nakon toga može dovesti do izumiranja drugih vrsta koje se hrane tom vegetacijom. Ekosistemi su izgrađeni na principu balansa, kada je jedan element izbačen to utiče na sve.

    Ne radi se o tome da su životinje nepripremljene za prirodne nepogode, one se nose sa požarima već milenijumima. Ali ljudsko uplitanje je promenilo sve. Razdvojili smo prirodno okruženje sa gradovima i stambenim područjima, očistili zemljište za našu upotrebu i uveli invazivne vrste - što autohtonim vrstama otežava da se ponovo nastane nakon požara. Možda je najra-zorniji ljudski faktor bila klimatska kriza za koju stručnjaci kažu da je uti-cala da prirodne katastrofe pređu iz lošeg u još gore.

    STRADALI MILIONI ŽIVOTINJA U POŽARIMA U AUSTRALIJIPožari koji su goreli širom Australije tokom nekoliko meseci su razorili domove i uništili čitave gradove. Skoro 18 miliona hektara zemlje širom Australije je spaljeno, veći deo grmlja, šuma i nacionalnih parkova koji su dom voljenom i jedinstvenom biljnom i životinjskom svetu ove zemlje. Životna sredina će patiti u narednim godinama.

    životinjsko carstvo

    14 (Izvor:

  • Nearly half a billion animals have been impacted by the fires in Australia, with millions potentially dead. That figure includes birds, reptiles, and mammals, except bats. It also excludes insects and frogs - meaning the true number is likely much higher. The total number of animals affected nationwide could be as high as a billion, according the Uni-versity of Sydney ecologists.

    Fires are nothing new in Australia, but they have been growing more intense and becoming more destructive in recent years, a problem that has been exacerbated by climate change. And animals have been on the front lines - Australia has the highest rate of species loss of any area in the world, and researchers fear that rate could increase as the fire disaster continues.

    Some animals, like koalas and kangaroos, are primarily killed directly by the fires - for instance, by being inciner-ated in flames or choking

    on smoke. Nearly a third of all koalas have died and about a third of their habitat has been destroyed. Photos from the ground show koalas with singed fur, raw patches of burnt flesh, and blistered paws. Even if they are res-cued and treated, sometimes their injuries are simply too extensive to survive.

    Wombats have also been hit hard - they don’t cope well with heat or stress, and panic at the smell of smoke. The small, stubby-legged marsupi-als can’t run very fast or far, and are largely at the mercy of the flames. Other species don’t die from the flames or smoke, but instead from the fire’s aftermath. Smaller mammals and reptiles can escape the blazes by burrow-ing underground or hiding in rocks - but afterwards, there is no food or shelter left, only certain predators that are drawn to fire because they know it brings easy prey.

    The depletion of animals and their homes is a vicious cycle; just as animals need

    habitats to survive, so too do habitats need their animals. For instance, a type of rat kangaroo called the potoroo is crucial to keeping forest soil healthy. If potoroos are hit by fire, some plant species might be unable to regener-ate, which could then kill off other species that feed on vegetation. Ecosystems are built on balance - once one element is thrown off, every-thing is affected.

    It’s not that animals are unprepared for natural disasters - they’ve been deal-ing with fires for millennia. But human interference has changed everything. We have fragmented natural environ-ments with cities and resi-dential areas, cleared land for our use, and introduced invasive species - making it harder for native species to recolonize after fires.

    Perhaps the most devastating human factor has been the climate crisis, which experts say has made natural disasters go from bad to worse.


    animal kingdom

    The blazes, which have been burning across Australia for months, have razed homes and wiped out entire towns. Across Australia, nearly 18 million acres of land have been burned - much of it bushland, forests and national parks, home to the country’s beloved and unique wildlife. The environment will suffer for years to come.


  • Kob



  • NIZBRDOUloge: Džulia Luis-Drejfus, Vil Ferel, Miranda Oto, Zek Vuds, Zoi Kao, Džulian Grej Režiser: Net Fakson Scenario: Džesi Armstrong ______________________________________


    U filmu “Nizbrdo”, situacija u kojoj jedva uspevaju da pobegnu od lavine to-kom porodičnog skijaškog odmora u Alpima, stavlja naizgled savršeni bračni par u zbrku jer su primorani da preispitaju svoj život i svoja osećanja.

    DOWNHILLCast: Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Will Ferrell, Miranda Otto, Zach Woods, Zoë Chao, Julian Grey Director: Nat Faxon Scenario: Jesse Armstrong _________________________________________________


    I n Downhill, barely escaping an avalanche during a ski vacation in the Alps throws a seemingly picture-perfect family into disarray as they are forced to reevaluate life, and how they truly feel about each other.



    FOTOGRAFIJAUloge: Čelsi Pereti, Isa Rae, Kingsli Ben-Adir, Lakit Stenfild, Lil Rel Hov-eri, Tejona Paris, Kortni B. Vans Režiser: Stela Megi Scenario: Stela Megi ____________________


    K ada slavni foto-graf Kristina Ims neočekivano umre, ona ostavlja ćerku Me Morton povređenu, ljutu i punu pitanja. Kada se pronađe fotografija ušuškana u sigurnosnom sefu, Me se nađe na jed-nom putovanju gde ulazi duboko u rani život svoje majke i započinje snažnu, neočekivanu romansu sa novinarom u usponu, Majklom Blokom.

    THE PHOTOGRAPHCast: Chelsea Peretti Issa Rae, Kingsley Ben-Adir, Lakeith Stanfield, Lil Rel Howery, Teyonah Parris, Courtney B. Vance Director: Stella Meghie Scenario: Stella Meghie ____________________


    When famed photographer Christina Eames unexpectedly dies, she leaves her estranged daughter Mae Morton hurt, angry and full of

    questions. When a photograph tucked away in a safe-deposit box is found, Mae finds herself on a journey delving into her mother’s early life and ignites a powerful, unex-pected romance with a rising-star journal-ist, Michael Block.

  • PRVA DAMAUloge: Nensi Steford, Korbin Bernsen, Burgs Dženkins, Niko Gritam, Džen Gocon Čendler, Aron Majnard Režiser: Nina MejScenario: Nina Mej________________________


    K etrin Morales, žena koja nije udata za Predsednika, kandiduje se za mesto Prve dame, ali završava tako što dobija bolji predlog nego što je ikada očekivala.

    FIRST LADYCast: Nancy Staf-fordm, Corbin Bernsen, Burgess Jenkins, Nico Greetham, Jenn Got-zon Chandler, Aaron Maynard Director: Nina MayScenario: Nina May_________________


    K atherine Mo-rales, a woman not married to the President, runs for First Lady, but she winds up getting a better proposal than she ever expected.

    SVIM MOMCIMA: P.S. I DALJE TE VOLIMUloge: Lana Kondor, Noa Centi-neo, Džordan Fišer, Ana Kečkart, Dženel Periš, Džon Korbet Režiser: Majkl Fimognari Scenario: Sofia Alvarez & J. Mils Gudlo _________________________


    Nova je godina i Lara Đin i Piter više se ne pretvaraju da su par. Oni JESU par. I dok Lara Đin plovi svojim prvim otkrićima s

    Piterom, svojim prvim stvar-nim poljupcem, svojim prvim stvarnim sastankom, svojim prvim Danom zaljubljenih, ona uviđa da je sve više naslon-jena na Kiti i Margot, Krisa, i neočekivane nove osobe od poverenja pod imenom Stor-mi, kako bi joj pomogli da upravlja složenim emocijama koje dolaze u ovom novom poglavlju o uravnoteženju odnosa i pronalaženju njenog pravog ja.

    Ali, kada Džon Embroz, još jedan primalac jednog od star-ih ljubavnih pisama Lare Đin, ponovo uđe u njen život, ona više nego ikad mora da se os-loni na sebe jer je suočena sa prvom pravom dilemom: Može li devojčica biti zaljubljena u dva dečaka odjednom?

    TO ALL THE BOYS: P.S. I STILL LOVE YOUCast: Lana Condor, Noah Centineo, Jordan Fisher, Anna Cathcart, Janel Par-rish, John Corbett Director: Michael Fimognari Scenario: Sofia Alvarez & J. Mills Goodloe _____________________


    It’s a new year and Lara Jean and Peter are no longer pretending to be a couple. They ARE a couple. And, as Lara Jean navigates a trove of official firsts with Peter, her first real kiss,

    her first real date, her first Valentine’s Day, she finds herself leaning more on Kitty and Margot, Chris, and an unexpected new confidant, Stormy, to help her manage the complex emotions that come with this new chapter of balancing a relationship and figuring out her au-thentic self. But when John Ambrose, another recipient of one of Lara Jean’s old love letters, enters her life again she must rely on her-self more than ever as she’s confronted with her first real dilemma: Can a girl be in love with two boys at once?



  • Dobio je ime po japanskom mesu, Kobe

    Brajant je dobio ime KOBE po čuvenoj japanskoj gove-dini. Malo pre njegovog rođenja, roditelji Kobija Brajanta su bili u restoranu u Filadelfiji koji je dobio ime po veoma kvalitetnom

    odresku od govedine Kobe, i oni su odlučili da daju to ime njihovom sinu.

    He was named after the Japanese meat, Kobe

    Bryant was named KOBE after the famous Japanese beef. Right before his birth, Kobe Bryant’s

    parents were at a Philadelphia restaurant named after the high quality beef steak, Kobe, and they de-cided that would be the name of their son.

    Njegov san u detinjstvu je bio da postane profesionalni košarkaš

    Kao dete Brajant je odrastao u gradu Rijeta u Italiji, nakon povlačenja njegovog oca iz NBA, gde je njegov otac nastavio da igra košarku na nižem nivou. Brajant je počeo da igra košarku u trećoj godini i razvio je taktiku tako što je gledao košarkaške utakmice koje mu je poštom slao njegov deda. On se nakon nekog vremena vratio u svoj rodni grad 1991. go-dine gde je pohađao Srednju školu „Lower Merion“ i brzo je napredovao kroz košarkaške lige i tako doveo svoj tim do četiri uzastopne šampionske titule dok je u isto vreme osvojio nekoliko priznanja i privukao pažnju medija.

    His childhood dream was to play pro-basketball

    As a toddler, Bryant grew up in Rieti, Italy following his father’s retirement from the NBA where his father continued playing basketball but at a lower level. Bryant began playing basketball at the age of three, and thus developed his tactics by watching basketball games mailed to him by his grandfather. He eventually returned to his hometown in 1991 where he attended Lower Merion High School and quickly progressed through the basketball ranks to lift his team to four consecutive basket-ball championships earning several honors as well as gathering media attention.

    Oženio se kada je imao 23 godine

    2001. godine kada je imao 23 godine, Brajant je oženio svoju tadašnju devojku Vanesu Lejn. Oni su se prvi put sreli 1999. godine kada je on imao dvadeset-jednu godinu. Brajanto-vi roditelji kao i njegove dve sestre nisu prisus-tvovali venčanju. Nisu podržavali njegovu odluku da se oženi tako mlad i da se oženi sa damom koja nije Amerikanka Afričkog porekla.

    Njegovi saigrači iz „LA Lejk-

    ersa“ su takođe bili odsutni tog dana.

    He married at the age of 23

    In 2001, at the age of 23, Bryant married his then-girlfriend, Vanessa Laine. The duo met in 1999 when he was 21. Bryant’s parents as well as his two sisters didn’t attend his wedding. They didn’t support his decision to marry at such a young age as well as getting married to a non-African American lady. His Los Angeles Lakers teammates were also absent on that day.

    Bio je zvezda dok je pohađao srednju školu

    Tokom mature u srednjoj školi Brajant je zasenio svoje vršnjake kada je doveo R&B pevačicu Brendi kao svoju pra-tilju za školsku maturu. To mnogima nije bilo iznenađenje jer je Kobi već bio zvezda koja je privlačila medijsku pažnju zbog svojih košarkaških veština.

    He was a celebrity while in high school

    During his high school prom, Bryant dazzled his peers when he brought R&B singer Brandy as his date to his high school prom. It was no surprise to many as Kobe was already a celebrity garnering media attention as a result of his basketball skil ls.


    sportski ugaoNakon tragične smrti Kobija Brajanta, jedne od najvećih legendi NBA i

    prelepog sporta, navijači, prijatelji i mediji širom sveta su mu odali počast. Vesti o ranoj Brajantovoj smrti su postale još teže kada je postalo očigledno da je njegova trinaestogodišnja ćerka Điana Marija Onore Brajant bila sa njim kada se ova tragična nesreća dogodila. Svet je sad i zauvek zna kao Điđi. Njen otac Kobi Brajant je zvao Mambasita. On je naravno bio Mamba, a ona je trebala da postane njegova ženska košarkaška verzija. Ona je trebala da igra za Konetikat i nakon toga da igra u WNBA. To je bio plan…

    U čast dostignuća Kobija „Crne Mambe“ Brajanta, magazin „For You“ vam donosi interesantne činjenice o legendi „LA Lejkersa“ i budućem članu Kuće slavnih.


  • Učestvovao je na NBA draftu direktno iz srednje škole

    I ako je postigao 1080 poena na „SAT“ ispitu, Brajant je doneo konačnu odlu-ku da preskoči koledž i da postane profesion-alac direktno iz srednje škole. Nakon odluke da učestvuje na NBA Draftu 1996. godine, Brajant je bio trinaesti izbor „Šarlot Hornetsa“

    i nakon toga je bio prosleđen u „LA Lejkerse“ na osnovu prethod-nog dogovora.

    He entered the NBA draft straight from high school

    Despite scoring 1080 in his SAT, Bryant made the ultimate decision to skip college and go pro straight from high school. Following his deci-sion to enter the 1996 NBA Draft, Bryant was the Charlotte Hornets #13 pick and was thus traded to the Los Angeles Lakers following a prior agreement.

    Poslednja utakmica

    Brajantova poslednja utakmica 2016. godine je osvojila sportski svet poput oluje kada je postigao 60 koševa pro-tiv Jute „Džez“ i kada je preokrenuo rezultat tokom četvrte četvrtine. Postao je najstariji igrač u NBA koji je postigao 60 koševa u svojoj 37-oj godini. U svojoj oproštajnoj poruci NBA svetu, Brajant je rekao dve reči: Mamba gotovo (Mamba Out).

    The Final Game

    Bryant’s final NBA game in 2016 took the sports world by storm, scoring 60 points against the Utah Jazz and taking over down the stretch of the fourth quarter. He became the oldest player in NBA history to score 60 points at 37 years old. In his goodbye message to the NBA world, Bryant had two words: “Mamba Out.”


    Following the tragic death of Kobe Bryant, one of the greatest legends of NBA and the beautiful game of basketball, fans, friends and media around the world have been paying their tributes. News of Bryant’s early demise was even harder when it became clear that together with him in this tragic accident was also his 13 year old daughter Gianna Maria Onore Bryant. The world, now and forever, knows her as Gigi. Her dad, Kobe Bryant, called her Mambacita. He was Mamba, of course, and she was going to be basketball’s female version of him. She was going to play at Connecticut and head to the WNBA. That was the plan…

    In honor to Kobe “Black Mamba” Bryant’s achievements, Magazine ‘For You’ brings to you some interesting facts about the LA Lakers Leg-end and future Hall of Famer.

    sports corner

    Olimpijska legenda

    Oblačenje dresa Sjedinjenih Američkih Država tokom letnje olimpijade je bio deo Brajantove karijere. On je osvajač dve zlatne medalje, bio je veliki deo tima SAD-a prilikom osvajanja medalja 2008. i 2012. godine. Brajant je prosečno postizao 13.6 koša po meču tokom svoje olimpijske karijere.

    Olympic Legend

    Donning the USA uniform dur-ing the Summer Olympics was part of Bryant’s career. He is a two-time gold medalist, being a big part of the USA’s medal runs in 2008 and 2012. Bryant averaged 13.6 PPG for his Olympic career.

    Legenda po broju postignutih koševa

    Brajant je jedan od najboljih strelaca NBA svih vremena. On je u stvari četvrti na večnoj listi NBA sa 33,643 poena. Jedna od najlegendarnijih utakmica koje je Brajant odigrao je bila protiv „Toronto Reptorsa“ 2006. godine kada je postigao 81 poen. To je utakmica sa drugim brojem najviše postignutih poena u istoriji NBA lige. Brajant je završio karijeru sa 6 utakmica sa 60 poena, 26 utakmica sa 50 poena i 134 utakmice sa 40 poena. On je bio šampion NBA po broju postignutih koševa tokom 2006. i 2007. godine.

    Scoring Legend

    Bryant is one of the NBA’s highest scorers of all time. He is currently 4th on the NBA’s all-time scoring list with 33,643 points. One of Bryant’s most legend-ary performances was in 2006 when he scored 81 points against the Toronto Rap-tors. It is the second-highest scoring output in NBA history. Bryant finished his career with six 60-point games, 26 50-point games, and 134 40-point games. He was the NBA scoring champion in 2006 and 2007.



    “Samsungov Ballie” - ova “lopta” je zanimljiv pametni kućni uređaj u obliku kugle, opremljen kamerama i senzorima. Može da vas prati, kontroliše razne funkcije, fotografiše, šalje obaveštenja o vašem domu kada ste van, a može čak da funkcioniše kao pomoćnik za fitnes. Ima “mobilni interfejs” koji, uz pomoć veštačke inteligencije,

    traži načine da se prilagodi koris-nicima i menjanju njihovih navika. Ballie je termin koji Samsung želi da koristi za robote sa različitim funkcijama, kao što su čišćenje, bezbednosni nadzor i svakodnev-ni kućni poslovi. Nije, međutim, još poznato kada će ovaj uređaj moći da se kupi, ni kolika će biti njegova cena.


    “Samsung Ballie” – the “ball” is an interesting ball-shaped smart home device, equipped with cameras and sensors. It can follow you around, can control various features, take photos, send you updates about your home when you’re away, and even function as a fitness assistant. It has “mo-

    bile interface” which, with the help of artificial intelligence, is looking for ways to adapt to users and to the changes of their habits. Ballie is the term that Samsung wants to use for robots with various functions, such as cleaning, teaching, security surveillance and daily chores. However, it is not yet known when this device will be available, and how much it will cost.


    Joue-ov muzički instrument je modularni uređaj na MIDI kontroleru. Izbor instru-menata se kreće od beatpad-a, preko dirki klavira, do vrata gitare. Takođe poseduje podršku za mobilne uređaje poput tableta. Joue ima potencijal da bude i uređaj za pravljenje muzike za sve koji žele da eksperimentišu sa različitim zvucima, a da pritom ne nose sa sobom džinovski kutiju za instrument.


    Joue play instrument is a modular device on the MIDI controller. With choices rang-ing from beatpads to piano keys to a guitar neck. It also has support for mobile devices like tablets. Joue has the potential to be the

    music-making device for anyone looking to experiment with dif-ferent sounds without toting a giant instrument case.



    hi-techPočetak 2020. godine doneo nam je mnoštvo novosti kada je u pitanju tehnologija. Za nama je i Sajam tehnologi-ja i inovacija (CES), koji je održan u Las Vegasu, u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Šta nam je donela nova go-dina, a šta CES, pročitajte u nastavku.

  • “SUUNTO 7”

    Sunnto koji je poznat po svojim sportskim pametnim satovima predstavio je novi koji ima pametne funkcije Google Vear operativnog sistema. Uređaj poseduje mapu raspona oko 50+ km, omogućavajći vam da pratite lokaciju i kontrolišete muziku na svojoj ruci. Ovaj pametni telefon vam takođe omogućava da pratite broj otkucaja srca, ima ugrađeni GPS, preko 70 sportskih mo-dova. Svoje sportske rezultate možete preko ovog sata da delite na Stravi, Edomondou i TrainingPeaks-u. Takođe, svoje slušalice možete da povežete na svoj pametni telefon i da tokom vežbanja kontrolišete muziku sa svoje ruke.

    “SUUNTO 7”

    Sunnto-known for its smart sports watches presented a new one that has smart features from Google Wear Operation

    System. The device has a map of around 50+ km range letting you follow the location and control music from your wrist. The smartwatch also lets you track your heartbeat, has a built-in GPS, over 70 sports mods. Share your results on Strava, Endo-mondo and TrainingPeaks. You can also connect your headset to your phone and control music from your wrist while exercising.


    K ada su u pitanju pametni zvučnici novi Har-man Kardon Cita-tion Oasis možda je najkorisnija do sada. Ima sve funkcije pametnog budilnika - ne samo da ima LED sat kao Amazon Dot, za-jedno s ugrađenim glasovnim asisten-tom (Google), već i bežično punjenje

    za telefon. Ima impresivan kvalitet zvuka, malih je dimenzija. Oasis takođe radi kao streamer sa Chrome-cast i Apple AirPlay mogućnostima, a poseduje takođe opciju koja automatski isključuje Wi-Fi tokom noći. Njegova baterija je punjiva sa mogućnošću korišćenja u trajanju od osam sati.


    W hen i t comes to smart speakers new Har-man Kardon Citat ion Oasis may be the most useful so far. I t has al l features of smart alarm clock - not only does i t have an LED clock l ike the Amazon Dot, along with a bui l t- in voice assistant (Google), but i t also has wireless charging for your phone. I t has an impressive sound quali ty, and is small in size.The Oasis also works as a streamer with Chromecast and Apple AirPlay capabil i t ies, i t also has a sleep mode option that automatical ly turns off Wi-Fi during the night. I ts battery is re-chargeable and could last 8 hours.



    hi-techThe beginning of 2020 brings a lot of news when it comes to technol-ogy. Behind us is a technology and innovation fair (CES), which was held in Las Vegas, United States. What did the new year bring to us, and what CES, read below.

  • 24

    U selu Sušica na Kosovu, tri kilo-metra udaljenom od Gračanice, u miru i dobrosusedskim odnosi-ma zajedno žive Srbi i Albanci. I jedni i drugi mahom žive od poljoprivrede, slobodno obrađuju svoje njive i pomažu jedni drugima. Obrazovanje ostaje oblast koja se stalno razvija, a u tome im je nedavno pomogao KFOR, poseb-no učenicima i nastavnicima ovog sela, kada je izgradio sportski teren u dvorištu osnovne škole u Sušici.

    “Napravili smo sportsko igralište i doneli dodatnu opremu za đake ove škole. Projekat pokazuje uspešnu sarad-nju između zajednica i KFOR-a. Osmesi na licima ove dece čine i nas srećnima. Učite, radite svoje domaće zadatke, pri-premite se što bolje za budućnost. Cilj ovih akcija je da izgrade dobre odnose među različitim zajednicama, posebno među decom, da se ona druže i zabavl-jaju“, poručio je tom prilikom pukovnik Robert Hughes, američki komandir Regionalne grupe Istok.

    Zajedničkim druženjem i učenjem jezika poboljšajmo komunikaciju!Danić Saša, zamenik predsednika opštine Gračanica rekao je da mu je veoma drago što je stavljen u funkciju još jedan sportski poligon, pohvalivši dobru saradnju opštine i KFOR-a.

    Prema njegovim rečima prioritet u aktivnostima im je ulaganje u omladinu, odnosno njihovu budućnost. On je naja-vio i izgradnju sportske hale i poligona u Kišnici, a koje će koristiti svi mladi koji žive u opštini Gračanica.

    Brojni su primeri kada je sport uspeo da probije barijere, prevaziđe prepreke i ujedini ljude, pa je Denić pozvao mlade da se što više bave

    Brojni su primeri kada je sport uspeo da probije barijere, prevaziđe prepreke i ujedini ljude


  • sportom, ali i da uče jezike svojih komšija.

    “Svim mladima bih preporučio da se bave sportom, da su što manje na ulicama i da se bave zdravim životom. Mi smo multietničko društvo; više puta smo orga-nizovali multietničke projekte za srpsku i albansku omladinu koja živi u opštini Gračanica. Mlade generacije, i albanska i srpska slabije se snalaze sa jezikom, pa ubuduće moramo da zajedničkim druženjem i učenjem jezika poboljšamo komunikaciju, jer budućnost je u multietičnosti i mi mora-mo tako da se ponašamo”, istakao je zamenik predsed-nika opštine Gračanica, Saša Denić.

    In Susica village in Kosovo, three kilometers away from Gracanica, Serbs and Albanians live together in peace and good neighborly rela-tions. Both communities live mostly off agriculture, freely cultivating their fields and helping each other. Educa-tion remains a field that is in constant development in the village and KFOR has recently helped children and teach-ers in this regard, by building a sports field in the courtyard of the elementary school in Susica.

    “We’ve made an athletic field and brought additional equipment for the students of this school. The project demonstrates successful cooperation between the communities and KFOR. The smiles on the faces of these chil-dren make us happy too. Study, do your homework, and prepare as best as you can for the future. The goal of these actions is to build good relations be-

    tween different communities, especially among children, so that they can social-ize and enjoy time together,” Colonel Robert Hughes, US Commander of the Regional Group East, said.

    Let us improve our communication through socializing and learning languages together!Sasa Denic, Deputy Mayor of Gracanica, said he is very pleased that another sports ground has been inaugurated, praising the good cooperation between the Municipality and KFOR. According to his words, when it comes to their activities, they prioritize investing in the youth, that is, in their future. He also announced the construction of a sports hall and a training ground in Kisnica, which will be used by all the youngsters liv-ing in the municipality of Gracanica.

    There are numerous examples of sports breaking barriers, overcoming obstacles and uniting people, therefore Denic urged young people to play sports, but also to learn each other language, “I would recommend all young people to play sports, to spend the least amount of time possible on the streets and to live a healthy life. We are a multiethnic society; we have organized a number of multi-ethnic projects for the Serb and Albanian youth living in the Municipality of Graca-nica. Young generations, both Albanian and Serb are not that good in languages, so in the future we will have to improve the communication through socializing and learning languages together, be-cause the future lies in multi-ethnicity and we must act accordingly,” said Gra-canica Deputy Mayor Sasa Denic.


    Sasa Denic, Deputy Mayor of Gracanica



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  • 26



    Irena Vujadinović (15)

    M oja omiljena glumica je Marija Karan, tako da bih se definitivno odlučila da me ona igra u filmu o mom životu. Naravno ja sam veoma mlada, tako da ne znam baš kako bi taj film izgledao, znam da me očekuje još mnogo izazova i avantura, ali se nadam da bi taj film bio jedna lepa priča.

    M y favorite actress is Marija Karan, so I would definitely choose her to play me in a movie about my life. Of course I’m very young, so I don’t know exactly what that movie would look like, I do know though, that a lot of challenges and adventures await me, but I hope the movie would be a nice story.

    Ilija Nešović (15)

    O d svih glumaca najviše volim Miloša Bikovića, a naročito njegovu ulogu u fi lmu “Mon-tevideo, Bog te video”. Poput njega voleo bih i da fi lmska priča o mom životu bude priča o najvažnijoj sporednoj stvari na svetu, t j.o fudbalu, koji treniram.

    O f all the actors, I l ike Milos Bikovic the most, and especially his role in the movie “Montevideo, Taste of a dream”. Like in his movie, I would l ike the movie about my life to be the story about “the second most important things in the world”- l ike football that I train for.

    Miloš Janjić (14)

    Nijedan glumac mi sada ne pada napamet, ali film o mom životu morao bi da bude jedna uzbudljiva priča puna avantura, putovanja i raznih lepih dešavanja. Ja ću se sa moje strane potruditi da mi zivot bude što sadržajniji i dostojan toga da se od njega napravi neki film.

    No actor comes to my mind, but a movie about my life would have to be an exciting story full of adventures, travels and all kinds of beautiful events. For my part, I will try to make my life as meaningful and worthy as possible, so that some movie about my life would be filmed.

    Nxitim Zharku (17)

    Ja bih ulogu za film o mom životu poverio Danijelu Redklifu. On je igrao ulogu Harija Potera. Mislim da bio on bio prava osoba za to.

    I would entrust to Daniel Radcliffe the role for the movie about my life. He played Harry Potter. I think he would be the right one for this role.

    Meriton Nuhiu (17)

    Ulogu o mom životu poverio bih Kelvinu Kor-dozaru Brodusu Juni-oru, poznatijem kao Snup Dog. Razlog zbog čega to želim je zbog toga što mi se dopada njegov način glume i njegovo iskustvo. Bio bi najbolji glumac koji bi igrao ulogu o mom životu u filmu o meni.

    The role about my life I would entrust to Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr, known as Snoop Dogg. The reason why I would do that is because I like his way of acting and his experience. He would be the best actor to play the role of my life in a movie about me.

    Arta Vogliqi (17)

    Nema potrebe da razmišljam dva puta, to bi bila Anđelina Džoli. Ona je jednostavno moj san. Ne zato što je jedna od najpoznatijih i najuspešnijih glumica, već zato što je neko ko je pomagao deci u Africi. Ne samo da verujem da bi Anđelina Džoli na najbolji mogući način odigrala ulogu o mom životu, već bi me naterala da posta-nem još bolja osoba, kao što je ona!

    Without thinking twice that would be Ange-lina Jolie. She is simply my dream. Not because she is one of the most famous and successful actresses, but also because she is someone who helped children in Africa. I believe, Angelina Jolie would not only play in the best pos-sible way the role about my life, but she would push me to become even a better person, like she is!

  • 27



    Dušan Jović (14)

    Moj omiljeni glumac je Vin Diesel, pa bih voleo da me on igra u nekom filmu o mom životu. Ne znam kako bi taj film izgledao, još uvek nisam mnogo toga proživeo, ali bih voleo da taj film bude nešto između komedije i avanture.

    My favorite actor is Vin Die-sel, so I wish he would play me in a movie about my life. I don’t know what that movie would look like, life is still in front of me, but I would like that movie to be something between comedy and adventure.

    Marija Rakić (14)

    Od svih glumica najviše vo-lim da gledam Penelopu Kruz i njene filmove, tako da ako bih mogla da biram da me neko igra, to bi svakako bila ona. Naravno još ne znam šta će mi život doneti, ali svakako se nadam jednom ispunjenom i mirnom životu, sa što manje trza-vica i neprijatnosti.

    O f all the actresses, I love watching Penelope Cruz and her films the most, so if I could choose who would play the role about me, certainly it would be her. Of course I do not know yet what life will bring me, but I certainly hope to have a fulfilled and peaceful life, with as little troubles and inconveniences as possible.

    Vesna Tešić (14)

    Moja omiljena glumica je Vesna Trivalić. Volim sve filmove i serije u kojima ona glumi, jer u svakom od njih ima dosta humora. To i očekujem od svoga života, da se što više smejem, a što manje plačem. Život je nepredvidiv, nadam se da će biti dovoljno lep, da bi se o njemu jednog dana ispričala lepa filmska priča.

    My favorite actress is Vesna Trivalić. I love all the movies and series that she stars in because there is a lot of humor in each. That’s what I expect from my life, to laugh as much as possible, and to cry as little as possible. Life is unpredictable, and I hope it will be good enough to make a beautiful movie about it one day.

    Blertina Saliu (17)

    Kada je reč o televizijskom karakteru, prva osoba koja mi padne na pamet je Džesika Alba. Puno je razloga zbog kojih je ona osoba koja me puno impresionira. Počevši od činjenice da je veoma talentovana glumica u svom poslu, ona je takođe i osoba velikog srca koja podstiče sve na dobro i uči ih da se nikad ne predaju.

    When it comes to a television character, the first person that comes to my mind is Jessica Alba. There are many reasons why she is a person that impresses me so much. Starting from the fact that she is a very talented actress in her work, she is also a very big hearted person who pushes everybody to the good and teaches them to never give up.

    Albin Dardhishta (18)

    Bilo bi zanimljivo da se moj život i moja dosadašnja dela nađu na filmu. Bio bih privi-legovan ako bi ulogu mene odi-grao svetski poznat glumac. Mislim da bi Tom Holand bio prava osoba za ovaj posao. Verovatno ste čuli za filmove o Spajdermenu, u ko-jima Tom igra glavnu ulogu. On je sjajan glumac i smatram da bi moje lične osobine predstavio na najbolji način.

    It would be interesting for my life and deeds so far to be presented in a movie. It would be a privilege for me to have my role played by a world-famous actor. I think Tom Holland would be the right one for this job. You’ve probably heard of Spiderman’s films, where Tom plays the lead role. He is a wonderful actor and I think he would present my individual characteristics in the best way.

    Erdrina Guri (17)

    K ada bi se snimio film o mom životu, onda bih volela da glumica u ovom projektu bude Anđelina Džoli. Razlog ovome je to što mi se dopada stil i karakter koji ona iskazuje kada izvodi svoje uloge.

    I f a move about my life would be made, then I would like to have Angelina Jolie as the actress for this project. The reason for this is that I like the style and personality she exhibits when performing her roles.

  • Verujem s razlogom. Ili bez.

    Trg ne sklanja stolice. Naprotiv. Uoči večeri opet

    će se čuti tihe violine.Tajna grada jeste u

    tihom. A tihe violine dobre su za pratnju. Ostaće

    neizrecivo ko se i šta se u taktovima prati. I prati li se

    uopšte nešto.Ako si prvi put tu hor

    ti peva. Doduše ne čuješ da je to hor. I ti ćutiš.

    Zvezda apeninske večeri. Ako si drugi put tu u horu si velikom. Ne znaš da li

    je to hor.U redu je, ne znaju ni

    oni. I ti ćutiš.Nekome drugom

    predstavlja se nebo.U Veroni retko pada

    kiša.Verujem s razlogom.

    Ili bez.Ona se živi, ko i svaki

    grad, kad speru se ploče od bogatih italijanskih

    potpetica.I tu ima potpetica,

    smešno, znam. Ne gledaj svoje na Zemunskoj pijaci kupljene baletanke bledo. Ovo je samo ... neki drugi

    kej.U Veroni zaista

    retko pada kiša.Verujem s razlogom.

    Ili bez.A ti si lepa. Zato sedi.

    Poneki konobar proviriće i pitati želiš li da uđeš. Pravi se da razmišljaš i odmahni glavom. Pitaće te i želiš li popiti njihovu poznatu vrlo gorku kafu.

    Tu bez razmišljanja. Kafa im je ko nama blagi

    lek.Nek lije kiša. Ti sedi

    sa sobom sama. Sa so-bom nasamo. Ne vrteći u sebi samoj onaj stari film.

    U Veroni pada kiša.Sa razlogom ili bez.Omraženi nos ti je,

    čini ti se, lepši no inače. Mnogo si lepa jer upila

    si zgrade. I tmurni asfalt. I druge zemlje mrak. To

    znaćeš za par godina. On je znao tad.

    Lije kiša i ti na kiši. Jednako liješ. Pa ti kaže: “Vuole um rifugio sotto il

    mio ombrello?”*A ti ustala nisi. Tre-

    nutak traje i dalje.Odgovorićeš: “Von

    me ho bisogno”**, čim udahneš dah. Taman

    jedan... pa još jedan dok se setiš kako se kaže...

    kad ono:Dišeš. Živiš.

    Proživljavaš iz trga strme ulice.

    Nisu to, na iznenađenje, one

    posebne uske ulice. Bolje se vidi kad nije gužva.

    Proživljavaš to nešto što ulicama hodi. Ne ovim. Onim. Ubija te polako. Nasmeješ se

    cinično.I misliš se. Hoda. Makar nekim.Prekineš svoj tre-

    nutak. Setiš se da njego-va čeka na red. Vidiš da

    zaklon odneo je gospođici iza, u plavom. Ne bole te tuđe lepše boje. Nikad i nisu. Posebno plave.

    U Veroni retko pada kiša.

    Verujem s razlogom. Ili bez. I grmi. I seva.

    I peče te u gimnaziji nepročitani Šekspir. Ve-rona mu zahvaljuje što je

    Verona. Sad znaš.Mirišeš neki drugi

    vazduh. Retko kad se dobija privilegija da je Ve-ronski trg samo tvoj. Tebi na par sekundi dar. Tebi

    na par sekundi čuvanje dok ne vrati se gradsko

    svetlo.U Veroni retko pada kiša. A ti si umrla.Deo tebe kako pričaš

    već. Verujem s razlogom. Ili Bez.

    *Želite li zaklon pod mojim kišobranom?

    ** Ne treba miKada hodaš sporo

    sasvim sporonekad u krug

    nekad vansvih krugova

    čini ti se da staćešpovučen za rukav