bill 132: harassment and sexual violence in the workplace · 2019-12-29 · ohsa: violence,...

of Contact Us 1504 Yonge Street, 3rd Floor Toronto ON M4T lZ6 NEW OHSA LEGISLATION Bill 132: Harassment and Sexual Violence in the Workplace Presented to Charity Village By Donna Marshall, M.A.

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Bill 132: Harassment and Sexual

Violence in the Workplace

Presented to Charity Village

By Donna Marshall, M.A.

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Lori Dupont

OHSA: Violence and

Harassment in the


• Bill 168

• Bill 132

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OHSA: Violence, Harassment and

Sexual Violence in the

Workplace: Bill 132

Employers have new mandatory obligations to

ensure the safety of workers from workplace

violence and harassment

Employees have new rights and responsibilities

with regard to reporting incidents of violence and


…all with a goal of reducing or eliminating harassment

and violence from Ontario workplaces

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Building Safer Workplaces

“All employees are entitled to a safe and healthy

workplace, free from sexual violence and harassment.

Our government takes this very seriously.”

The Action Plan

Bill 132

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Today you will learn…

1. What constitutes “harassment” under Bill 132

2. Specific challenges with bullying, harassment

and sexual harassment in the nonprofit sector

3. What your nonprofit needs to do to be


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Section 1

What constitutes “harassment”

under Bill 132?

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Workplace Harassment

The OHSA has a 2-part definition of Harassment

(a) engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in

a workplace that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome,


(b) engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in

a workplace because of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender

expression, where the course of comment or conduct is known or ought

reasonably to be known to be unwelcome, or;

making a sexual solicitation or advance where the person making the

solicitation or advance is in a position to confer, grant or deny a benefit or

advancement to the worker and the person knows or ought reasonably to

know that the solicitation or advance is unwelcome;

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What is “Unwelcome”?

• A behaviour or

communication that is

experienced as unpleasant by

the recipient

• The recipient must have

reasonable expectations of


• The person who delivers the

behaviour or communication

does not determine whether

or not it was unwelcome

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Examples of


• Intrusive invasions of personal


• Inappropriate jokes

• Setting someone up to fail

• Vandalism, graffiti

• Threatening, humiliating or

demeaning pictures or


• Pranks

• Threats – overt/covert

• Lewd remarks made verbally

or electronically

• Shunning

• Scapegoating

• Damaging someone’s

reputation through gossip or

other means

• Yelling

• Extreme micromanaging

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What is NOT harassment?

“A reasonable action taken by an employer

or supervisor relating to the management

and direction of workers or the workplace is

not harassment.”

Bill 132

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Examples of Sexual Harassment

• Communications of a sexual nature, verbal, written or electronic

• Inappropriate or unwanted touching

• Lies or gossip about a person’s sex life, orientation or romantic


• Unwanted flirtatious comments or compliments

• Pornographic or graphic pictures (cartoons, calendars, websites)

• Staring or ogling particularly at a sexual body part, “elevator” eyes

• Stalking

• Touching a person’s hair, clothes or body

• Touching oneself sexually around another person

• Standing too close or brushing up against another person


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Examples: Sexual Harassment

and Undue Influence

• If you go out for dinner with me we can discuss your bonus.

• I’ll consider investing/making a donation if Sue/Joe is the

one you assign to my account.

• I’ll get you that research funding if you come back to my

room with me.

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Take a Moment to Consider

What does your organization have in place to

educate, train and respond to harassing behaviours?

• Code of conduct

• Policies

• Training

• Written program

How are you ensuring accountability and


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Section 2

Specific challenges with bullying,

harassment and sexual

harassment in the nonprofit sector

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Catch 22

78% of harassers outrank their target(s)

Nonprofit organizations depend on donors and influential

volunteers to fund and sustain their mission. These

volunteers have power and may abuse it to feed their own

egos, experience a sense of power and get their way when it

may not be in the best interests of the organization.

Nonprofits depend on these individuals to meet their

fundraising goals. Catch 22.

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45% of targets suffer stress related health problems

Workplace Bullying Institute, Workplace Bullying Survey, 2014

50 per cent of workplace harassment victims suffer mental health-

related problems.

Canadian Mental Health Association, 2014

Workplace Violence and Harassment is found to be responsible for

more lost productivity in the workplace than any other cause.

Statistics Canada, 2010

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Workplace violence and harassment is responsible for

more lost productivity than all other causes combined

• Bullied employees take on average 7 more sick days

than others

• The cost of employee absence in Canada due to these

interpersonal hazards is $12 billion per year Statistics Canada

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Nearly half of Canadians report having experienced one or more acts

of workplace harassment at least once a week for the last six months.

Dr. Jacqueline Power, University of Windsor, 2014

28% of Canadians say they have been on the receiving end of

unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favours, or sexually-

charged talk while on the job.

It’s Never Okay: An Action Plan to Stop Sexual Violence and Harassment, Government of

Ontario, 2016

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Part 3

3 Things Your Nonprofit Needs to do

to be Compliant

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Your Organization has a Big

Responsibility to Your Employees

Employers and Supervisors must take every precaution

reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of a worker…

An employer shall provide a worker with:

(a) information and instruction

that is appropriate for the worker

on the content of the policy and

program with respect to

workplace harassment; and

(b) any other prescribed


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1. Policies

According to the OHSA, an employer shall:

a) Prepare a policy with respect to workplace violence

b) Prepare a policy with respect to workplace harassment

c) Review the policies as often as necessary, but at least


d) Post all policies in a place where they are accessible

and visible for all workers to see

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Barriers to Reporting

Why your organization needs

more than a policy

• 78% of bullies out rank their targets

• Targets endure two years of bullying

before filing a complaint or leaving

• Targets have a 70 % chance of losing

or leaving their jobs when they


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2. Written Program

A Policy is Not Enough

Bill 132 states,

An Employer shall, in consultation with the

committee, or a health and safety representative,

if any, develop and maintain a written program to

implement the policy with respect to workplace


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This Written Program must:

“Set out how incidents or complaints of how

workplace harassment will be investigated and

dealt with;”

What happens if people don’t report incidents?

Reporting creates a culture of accountability,

respect and safety leading to high productivity

and engagement.

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Demanding requirement

for nonprofits


• Budget

• Time

• Staff

• Understanding of how to build a

psychologically sound program

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Harassment Education Advisory

Response Team Written


• How to create a safe

reporting structure

• Every document, form,

policy, procedure,

protocol, handout etc. you


• Create legislative and

psychological compliance

• Fill in the blanks and go!

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3. Training

Goal: Train all employees (and volunteers/

Boards) on Bill 132 requirements, with

tracking and reporting

BizLife, in partnership with Charity Village, provides

this mandatory compliance training online, quickly,

efficiently and at an affordable price point:

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Your One Stop

Shop for Bill 132

Online Compliance Training

Written Program (HEART) including

policies, measures, procedures and

programs in a customizable format

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