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Post on 04-Aug-2015




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BIKENOMICS In the many North American cities where two-

wheeled transportation is taking off, a new bicycle economy is emerging. It’s amazing how much money can stay in your community when it isn’t being pumped into the gas tank, big insurance, and the auto market.

Bicycles are of the world’s popular modes of transportation. Bicycles are energy efficient vehicles. They are not only used for transportation but for fitness. Bicycles come in many styles. i.e Racing bikes, track bikes, mountain bikes, stationary, etc…

Economy Bike associated favorable levels is a great effect for

the economy and for businesses. Another form of job transportation. By how, we all know that cycling is good for health, fitness, and cutting road accidents.

When you have an image of how to retail a bike shop. You fairly have to have an idea about what the cost will be for a bike?

Founders would put a small amount in the business of keeping an online inventory for bikes. They wont show all bikes because they want costumers to come to the store and it will also take a lot of space.

Continued.. The bicycle economy, unlike its fancier cousin transit-

oriented development, is not about new development or raising property values. It’s about bettering our existing communities. It’s about making cities and suburbs that are built on an automotive scale navigable, instead, by human power. It’s about providing the basics to everyone, in their neighborhood, now — and along with that the choice to opt for that $3,000 to $12,000 yearly rebate.

There aren’t very many economic scenarios in this country where everyone wins. But if you had to choose one single thing that could pull our neighborhoods, towns, and cities out of this murky pit of a recession, you’d do well to bet on the humble bicycle.