bike plan presentation planning commission

Delaware County Bicycle Plan Vision: Improve acceptance of, access to, facilities for, and use of bicycling for the purpose of transportation in Delaware County.

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Delaware County Bicycle Plan summary


Page 1: Bike Plan Presentation   Planning Commission

Delaware County Bicycle Plan

Vision: Improve acceptance of, access to, facilities for, and use of

bicycling for the purpose of transportation in Delaware


Page 2: Bike Plan Presentation   Planning Commission

Vision: Improve acceptance of, access to, facilities for, and use of bicycling for the purpose of transportation in Delaware

County.Why and how was this plan created?Implementation through the Four E’s

Engineering and PlanningOn road bicycle route opportunitiesOff road bicycle opportunities


Plan Recommendations

Page 3: Bike Plan Presentation   Planning Commission

Why Encourage Bicycle Transportation?

Transportation Benefits – 27% of all trips one mile or less, 49% 3 miles or less, 63% five miles or less

Pollution Benefits – Short trips are a more effective means of decreasing air pollution than decreasing total VMT.

Health Benefits – Childhood obesity reaching epidemic proportions; 1 in 3 children born in the year 2000 will develop type II diabetes (based on current trends).

Community Livability Benefits – Allows older suburbs to build on their strengths and promotes social interaction.

Required – Federal law requires examinations of non motorized transportation. (US 105-178 §1202).

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Used With Permission: Richard Drdul

Why Create a Bicycle Plan?

Improve acceptance of Bicycling as a mode of transportation, especially for short trips.Improve safety and confidence of bicyclists in Delaware County.

Encourage motorist and cyclists to follow traffic laws. Strengthen requests for improved facilities.

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Used With Permission: Delaware County Planning Department

How was the Bicycle Plan Created?

Sources and Models

Surveys Accident Data

Planning Department Staff Review

Advisory Committee

Draft Bicycle Plan

Public Meetings

Planning Commission

County Council

Bicycle Plan is adopted

Return to staff for revisions

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Vision: Improve acceptance of, access to, facilities for, and use of bicycling for the purpose of transportation in Delaware

County.Why and how was this plan created?Implementation through the Four E’s

Engineering and PlanningOn road bicycle route opportunitiesOff road bicycle opportunities


Plan Recommendations

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Engineering and Planning

On road bicycle routes opportunitiesOff road bicycle opportunities

Engineering and Planning aim to improve the physical infrastructure to reach the vision of increased bicycle use.

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On Road Bicycle Network

Roads which were identified for bicycle improvements where possible.Routes NOT rated based on bicycle friendliness currently, but rather based on estimates of current use, desire, and demand for their use by bicyclists. Creates priority routes, the plan talks of a “Complete Streets” policy.

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Current Bicycle Use

There are currently no bicycle counts similar to those available for motor vehicles.Bicycle accidents on the route were used to estimate the bicycle use on the route.

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Used With Permission: Richard Drdul

Desire for Bicycle Improvements

The desire for bicycle improvements was estimated using a bicycle survey.

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Used With Permission: Richard Drdul

Demand by Bicyclists

Demand was estimated based on common attractors of activity:

Open Space and Recreational FacilitiesMajor EmployersTransitSchool Facilities

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Chosen Roads for Improvement

All routes with at least one survey vote or one bicycle accident were included.Routes were scored based on the formula [(votes + accidents) / route length] + trip attractor points. Routes were divided equally into primary, secondary, and tertiary routesConnector routes were added to avoid dead end routes and to link with neighboring counties’ planned routes.

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On-Road Bicycle Network

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Used With Permission: Richard Drdul

On Road Facility Types

Shared Lanes - All roads which do not have bike lanes or paved shoulders where bicyclists and motor vehicles share the same roadway. For bicycle use wide curb lanes are preferred to narrow ones.

Page 15: Bike Plan Presentation   Planning Commission

Used With Permission: Richard Drdul

On Road Facility TypesPaved Shoulders - Allow bicyclists to stay out of traffic.

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Used With Permission: Delaware County Planning Department

On Road Facility TypesBike Lanes - A portion of roadway striped with pavement markings and signed for exclusive use of bicycles. These must meet certain standards for width, striping, signing, and markings.

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Used With Permission: Richard Drdul

On Road Facility Types

Bicycle Boulevards - Local streets modified to function as a through street for bicycles. Local access for automobiles is maintained, but through traffic is discouraged.

Page 18: Bike Plan Presentation   Planning Commission

Used With Permission: Delaware County Planning Department

On Road Facility Types

Bicycle Routes - Any combination of paths, lanes, trails, or streets which are designated for bicycle travel by mapping or signing as a preferential travel route for alternate modes, regardless of whether such facilities are designated for the exclusive use of bicycles or are to be shared with other transportation modes.

Page 19: Bike Plan Presentation   Planning Commission

Vision: Improve acceptance of, access to, facilities for, and use of bicycling for the purpose of transportation in Delaware

County.Why and how was this plan created?Implementation through the Four E’s

Engineering and PlanningOn road bicycle route opportunitiesOff road bicycle opportunities


Plan Recommendations

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Planned and Existing Shared Use Paths

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Used With Permission: Delaware County Planning Department

Other Off Road Possibilities

Stream ValleysPreserve floodplain

Utility CorridorsElectricGas pipelines

RoadsWhere there is excess widthPaper streets

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Used With Permission: Delaware County Planning Department

Newtown Square Branch Present

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Used With Permission: Delaware County Planning Department

Newtown Square Branch with SUP

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Vision: Improve acceptance of, access to, facilities for, and use of bicycling for the purpose of transportation in Delaware

County.Why and how was this plan created?Implementation through the Four E’s

Engineering and PlanningOn road bicycle route opportunitiesOff road bicycle opportunities


Plan Recommendations

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Encouragement aims to improve the perception of bicycling to reach the vision of increased bicycle use.

Health and Education sectors are increasingly getting involved with encouragement and educational efforts. Share the Road Campaign

Page 26: Bike Plan Presentation   Planning Commission

Used With Permission: Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission

EducationEducation aims to improve the

knowledge of bicycle issues to reach the vision of increased bicycle use.There is a need to

educate both motorists and cyclists of proper rules of the road.Publications are available from PennDOT for adults.

Page 27: Bike Plan Presentation   Planning Commission

Used With Permission: Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission

EnforcementEnforcement aims to improve safety through encouraging the following of laws related to reach the vision of increased bicycle use.Work with law enforcement to ensure that bicyclists and motorists follow the rules of the road.

Page 28: Bike Plan Presentation   Planning Commission

Used With Permission: Delaware County Planning Department

Safe Routes to School

PennDOT funded engineering program to increase children’s ability to walk or bike to school.School run encouragement program to make walking and biking to school safe and fun.

Page 29: Bike Plan Presentation   Planning Commission

Vision: Improve acceptance of, access to, facilities for, and use of bicycling for the purpose of transportation in Delaware

County.Why and how was this plan created?Implementation through the Four E’s

Engineering and PlanningOn road bicycle route opportunitiesOff road bicycle opportunities


Plan Recommendations

Page 30: Bike Plan Presentation   Planning Commission

Used With Permission: Richard Drdul

Plan RecommendationsCreate a bicycle coordinator position

County and municipal levelCan be existing staff person

Create a regional handbook

Regional guidance for implementationSuggested to be completed on MPO or State level

Page 31: Bike Plan Presentation   Planning Commission

Plan Recommendations

Ensure that activities conducted and overseen by the County are bicycle friendly where possible and conform with the recommendations in the Plan.Work with municipal officials to implement the Plan. Start a Delaware County Bicycling Advisory Committee.Work with PennDOT, DVRPC, and other higher levels of government to implement and fund Plan elements.Review implemented elements and provide analysis in biannual progress reports. Regularly update the Plan.

Action Agenda – County actions to implement the Plan

Page 32: Bike Plan Presentation   Planning Commission

Delaware County Bicycle Plan Questions and

CommentsInformation is available on

Delaware County’s website.
