biggest sellers. ..because they're biggest savers i 23/hancock ny... · mrs. donald hyde, mrs....

- * * a ^ / THE HANCOCK HERALD THURSDAY, AUGUST 29,1957 PAGE ELEVEN Over In Wayne County EQULNUNK Aug. 26—During the past month the pulpit of the Equinunk Metho- dist church has been capably fill- ed by Mr. Daryl Warren, whose sermons have been well plamled and timely. September 1st will be Mr. Warren's las,t service and if you haven't been able to attend church previously this would be a | Howell home good time to encourage this young man who aspires to the ministry, and you, too, would be blessed. Re- member, services begin at 7:30 p. m. All are welcome. There will be an official board meeting of the Equinunk Church union at Lookout last Sunday, while Mr. Nelson Doyle, Sue and Jane at- tended the Doyle Reunion at Sum- mit Lake. Miss Sylvia Smith was home for the weekend. Miss Mabel Howell and Miss Helen Nolan of Wilmington, Dela- ware, were recent visitors at the family, Mrs. Tracy Mead and daughter and Mrs. Ralph Hugo- ! boom and family attended a family picnic-dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Ross in Ararat, the occasion being, Mrs. Ross' birthday and Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Ross' 40th wedding anniversary. There were 35 present. Mrs. James Watson, Mrs. Donald Hyde and Mrs. George Llewellyn attended a PT-A. executive meet-' ing at the home of the President, Mrs. Charles Frederick, Tuesday evening. Mrs. Donald Hyde, Mrs. James Watson and Mrs. Charles Frederick attended PT-A. School of Instruc- tion held at the Lutheran Church, Honesdale, Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shopie and his parents here over the weekend. Mrs. Warner Keesler is spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Lee Gillow and family. Sandra Heberling and twin sis- ters, Dottie and Debbie, are spend- ing this week with their grandpar- ents at Panther. Jerry Lester spent some time the first of the week with Steven Macey. Junior Wood has been visiting ten on napkins, tissue paper, inch by inch and a half cardboard.. most anything goes a.s long as proper postage is placed thereon. With co-o->eraojn of owners the screw- iest fad of all was halted. . It con- sisted of burning postal cards to practically the stamp and minimum space :"or address, .and the mes- age "I'm uurned-up at not hear- ing from you! etc." All those irre- his mother at the home of her | gularities make it tough to get mail parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Os-1 out rapidly as we must., and are' Mr. and Mrs. Peter Russell, Irv- ington, N. J., were callers at the Torrick home over the weekend. Joan and Susan returned to Jersey with them. The All-Star'Baseball Game be- on Tuesday, September 3, at 8:30 tween the New Yor k State League *^&*tSSZ2"«WIS? **. Mountain league will be daughter ^ C a r ^ e ^ s o ' L ^ sia, N. Y., was a recent caller at I ^ ayed in ^wndale on Saturday, I ter Ra n d a ii 0 f Lake Como called on the W. Lester home. ; Au ? ust 31st. i Mr . and Mrs. Harvey Campbell, Don't forget the Firemen's dance j We wonder how many of the Sunday on Friday evening, August 30. Mu- Lake Como Wildcats and Fork sic by Keith Albee and orchestra. '• Mountain Buzzards suffered aching The beautiful bouquet which bones and muscles after last Sun- graced the altar Sunday night [ day's Soft Ball Game ? was given by Mrs. Ralph Gillow of j There ^ bean Old Timers' hlSsband*^ m mem0ry ' Baseball Game at Lakewood this U The Gillow reunion was held at; Sunda y> September 1st. the Grange Hall, Lookout, Sunday. j o r i A r m i rrwvKrnnvn Those from here who attended; SCOTT CENTER were Mr. and Mrs. Elton Gillow : ^ and daughter, Vivian, and family, | Aug. 27—David Coddington, borne Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rela of Boonton, N. J., spent the weekend at their summer home here. Richard Wood and friend of expected to. In the telephone business there appeared to be more jamming of c;in boxes with bobby pins, paper, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ross and granddaughter of Herrick Center called on Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hyde, Sunday afternoon.. James Burleigh of Rochester, N. Y., called at the home of Mrs. James Nankivell. Miss Lynne Jones spent the day at Wrighter! Lake with the Burleigh family at | their cottage. Mrs. Ethel Sara from Lions Head New York spent the weekend at j pieces of wood and what have you the home of his grandparents, Mr. j n <>t a bit humorous to the guy driv- j and Mrs. Matt Osborne. Raymond j ing ten or more miles some times, and Junior Wood returned with j after a tough day, to remove such them to spend this week in the ! obstructions.. but then neighbors, : city. Last week Richard had as yo a have troubles of your own .' ; his guests his mother and hasjbro-; The ther, Junior. Also at the Osborne i ., *^~; 6 home over the weekend was Rob- j * • ^ emoval of ***** spans of ert Wood enjoying leave from | B e l ! C o - , to11 wlr «s by thieves whicn camp duty. He recently attended. complete^ isolated us from rest school in Wisconsin for several j °f the world, .couldn't eveh have weeks' training. j called Hancock, N. Y., 11 miles a- The new home of Mr. and Mrs. : way until much later in evening. Ray Stalker is nearing completion ; No, our operator didn't have time Mr. and Mrs. Pat Musso and son Preston Park, recently spend a few of Endicott, N. Y. ; days visiting at the home of Mr. I Lake, Paterson, N. J., last week one Born to Mr. and Mrs. Buel Bar- and Mrs. Ivan Geer and family, tie, a son. Congratulations to the Eleanor Decker and daughter, happy parents and welcome to the K ^ ^ Rockwell, were business y °Mr S anTkrs. Daryl Warren en-1 f*" in Binghamton, N. Y., Mon- tertained over the weekend, their aa y* cousin, Miss Wanita Quick of Jerry Bedford, Starrucca, spent Prompton. from Monday until Wednesday at Recent visitors in the home of | the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Dr. and Mrs. F. C. Frisbie were Baldwin and family. Mrs. Blanche Trout and friend, M r. and Mrs. Adrian Baldwin and Mrs Mewland of Binghamton, N famil were business callers in Y., James and Edward Fmnigan of T>:„„V„^ 4 .^ X T V TH. J Johnson City, N. Y., and Mr£ Har- Binghamton N. Y., Thursday old Morgan of Middletown, N. Y. Explorer Scouts Wilson Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Chambers and Edward Dix, Jr., left Friday entertained several friends from morning with several other scouts Binghamton over the weekend. and their leader, Edward Dix and Mr. and Mrs. Chambers and Dr. Robert Williams, by boat down the and Mrs. Frisbie recently visited Delaware River. Destination, Nar- and will be a beautiful home. Young people from this place and Union enjoyed a hay ride last Saturday evening; Bobbie Blum of Union driving the tractor. UNION relatives in the Triple Cities. Mrs. Jack Williams of Galilee and ,Mrs. Frank Avery of Scranton were callers at the Dunlap home Thursday. Weekend guests at the same home were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sulc and Mrs. Tracy Eddy of East Orange, N. J., rowsburg. Eleanor Decker is assisting Mrs. Fred Wilkinson with the farm work, due to Mr. Wilkinson's op- eration. We all hope for a speedy recovery, Fred. day visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Oleska. John Oleska and I family, also some friends from Hartford, Conn., visited at the same home. Mrs. Ralph Hugaboom, Mrs. An- j netta and Mrs. Minnie Payne call- ed on Mrs. Edith Strain of Hales Eddy, N. Y., recently. They were business callers in Forest City, Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Guerdon Hazelton and Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Beardslee call- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Doyle, Tuesday evening. Nancy Trimble of Binghamton spent the weekend at Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Weaver's. Also Ella Matier of Newburgh, N. Y. Fred and Alice Conklin, Wurtsboro, N. Y., called at Weavers, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Spencer, off, she was kept busy telling the patrons, over and over, that toll: lines were out of order. We have not heard whether or not police found the culprits. Whoever they may be they surely did a lot of work for a few dollars worth of junk and : daughter, Barbara, sons, Robert Mrs. Adrian Baldwin, one of the I and Charles, are spending a few day? with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Spen- cer. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Spencer and Bobby Spencer were callers in Car- bondale last week. iMr. and Mrs. Herman Wolfe and family called on Mrs. Minnie Stev- enson, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Steven- SHEHAWKEN Mrs. Henry 'Mensing and two advisors of the Shehawken MYF boys, Raymond and Clifford of too k a car load of members to Sky Lone Island are spending the ; T ^ Methodist camp, Saturday, week with Mr. and Mrs. George w ,, , v_. T Murray enjoyed our trip. James, Mrs. "Elton Gillow had the mis-: Dewayne, Diane and Winifred Geer, fortune to shut her thumb in the Hal and Joan Baldwin were among car door. We know that is a pain- j those who went, ful accident. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Geer left Fri- A surprise birthday party was day evening for a trip to Southern I son and Katherine Stevenson, Tues held honoring George Snyder at Pennsylvania where they visited i day evening. FlItch^Tho^prSenfwer?^^ 1 "- and MrS " Keith Ammon and Harr Y Fried of New York Clt V and Mrs. Keith Warfiek^Mr. and' famil y> Danville and Mr. and Mrs.. spent the weekend at the Reefer Mrs. Kenneth Warfield, Mr. and ^ red Ammon of Lewisburg. The i home. Mrs. Fried and daughters Mrs. Lynn Snyder and' Mr. and couple returned home Sunday eve- returned home with him after Mrs. George Snyder. A buffet lun- ; ning. j spending July and August with her cheon was served by the hostess, j Betty Jane Jones and friend, < parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kee- Weekend visiters at the home : Walt Sands, of Endicott, N. Y., | fer. of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Fletcher; we re Sunday dinner guests at the were Atty. J. Desmond Kennedy home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. and Lt Com. Leo J. Foley of. Roy Decker . bcranton. William Cavanaugh of Indian- i Aug. 27 Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Leet T A lZ"I?WfUYrk I lis ' Ind -> called at the home of •• flew to Pittsburgh Monday and LJA&.EJW\JVU j M r a n d Mrs j^y D ecker, Mon-j ^ c ?^ home Th ursday ; , , Aug. 27—Summer is about over: day. . ? aul Sherman of Long Island is UR . *..^"^"« , , ;, ; if „ , . - 0 , .. D ,, , i visiting this week at the home of —the campers have returned to the! Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Bedford | jj r an % y^ TS x e i son Le^ cities—Labor Day is upon us—and I and family, IStarrucda; Mr. and ^ r s . Clinton" Leet and family then—back to school. Mrs. Boyd Bedford, Jr., and fam- j a^ staying in their house this NOTICE TO PARENTS: On | ily, Mrs. Rena Bedford and Cheryl' week and her sister and children the first day of school, September' Bedford, all of Susquehanna, spent i from Buffalo are visiting them. 3rd, the teachers will be there all j Sunday evening at the home of Mr.: Mr. and Mrs. John Mortimere, day, while the students are to re-1 and Mrs. Adrian Baldwin and fam- Ridgewood, N. J., was a weekend port at 12:45. ! ily to celebrate the birthday of Hal f^est of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Farewell to the Steve Katchen! Baldwin. " Walter Stanton. Other visitors in t _-i v i **. T i J TV « J M T J T A I ii J the same home over the weekend family who left Lakewood on Tues- j Mr. and Mrs. Roy Decker called were Mr an(J Mrg g^j M day. Much luck and happiness. } at the home of their daughter, Mr. and jj r s. Rose from Bagota, N. f. Glad to report that Gene Kaczka and Mrs. Fred Palmatier and fam- . is back to work after his most un-' ily, Roods Creek, N. Y., recently. PINE MILL fortunate accident earlier this sum-; Mrs. Roy Decker celebrated herj ~ "*"" * "~~"~^ mer. 62nd birthday, Monday evening. Aug. 26—Light rain last night We have a few Welcome Home | Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Baldwin but not enough to help water sup- greetings for Mrs. Lorna Doyle, and family and Cheryl Bedford were ply. Many are drawing water from Mrs. Margaret Jessup, and Mrs. business callers in Susquehanna, wells of those fortunate enough to Ruth Smith, who were at college Monday. have driven wells. most of the summer, also to Janet; Quite a number from here atten- Holbert who worked at Camp Tio-1 ORSON ded the Braman Church picnic and ga this summer. "" j.enjoyed a most delicious dinner Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McGrarr&ghan, Aug. 27—Mr. and Mrs. Earl and social time. We . understand Mrs. Mary B. McGranaghan, and Gardner of Clarks Summit were they did very well financially al- Mr. and Mrs. Murphy and family, : Sunday night supper guests of Mr. j so. Pompton Plains, N. J., vacationed and Mrs. Charles Hubbard. The Pine Mill picnic was largely in town recently. Hugh and Bobby i Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shaffer and attended the previous Saturday Murphv remained and spent the: daughter, Barbara, of Hallstead, and the n5ce sum of $474.16 was week with the Frank McGraw fam- spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. ad , d f d to the chu ^ ch ' * reas ?*? *** er ilv ' Charles Hubbard a " " 1 " s were paid. Ptne Mill ladies Several building improvements a- Mr. and Mrs. Ellery Ogden and ar !, l 5 rat | f " 1 t0 eve /y or f . bout town-the Steve Simpsons are son, Robert, f Rowbeach, Virginia,! The Scjiuman family enjoyed building a garage-Ben Tally pre- Mrs. Ina Ogden and Miss Anna Dix :[' ei ^ f J a , m ^ y reUmo T n ,? n ^ nday _A n paring to dig a well on the Ed. Mc- of I^nesboro, >pent a recent eve- Graw property. ning with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mrs. Ralph Gillow and Mrs. Lor- Hubbard, na Diyle attended the Gillow Re- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hyde and Aug. 27-Mrs. William Tripp j ri « ht now > very "hot" wire, and two sons of Wetherfield, Conn., Old Home day attendance on: spent last week with her father,, August 3 was not up to par but the j Herbert Tresham, and called on , night crowd more than made up her many friends at Lookout and j for it. R~ck Lake picnic was well : ^J^J&^f- •„ , ^-i ! attended as usual, .and over 500 The WSCS will have a chicken ; le :ried their URSUCcessful best and biscuit supper on Saturday-^ „„,„»., *. , , . ,-, night, SeptembeV7, at the home of *? e £f ty tne larder u ^ ta1 "- C 0 ?" Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Miller, the | ^tulations are in order for the Knotty Pine Canteen. Everybody is I management and staff for the welcome. Darlene Cook spent night with her friend, Neilson, at Equinunk. prompt serving -of so many in so Friday short of time, .it's a year between Shirley ! servings and no practice runs in between. Gathering the immense Mr. and Mrs. Ross Weil of Flori- , amounts required is a task by da spent the past two weeks with l itself _ we are always fascinated by the latters parents, Mr. and Mrs. t rr- f , ,- . . J:,^I„„ William Branning. ; that half acre f P ,e ! on db P lay - Camps Equinunk and Blue ! ^ h e n w e a r e n o t t0 ° busv o e lm « at Ridge closed their two months' ; t h e Pretty wartresses and cooks, vacation on August 25, but the ; It must be greatly heartening to Hotel Equinunk is still open. ! the very busy Father Merkel to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Teeple spent have such splendid co-operation last week at Lancaster visiting and from all in carrying out such an sightseeing. Grandma Quick of I operation.. year after year. Hancock, N. Y., cared for Dale- „. , ., . ,_ . ... and Cynthia while their parents i We h « ar that ° Ur FlT f m ^ d . ld were away. " I ver y we 'l m the:r various fund rais- Mrs. Stanley Whitney of Pres-1 ings also, no figures available at ton Park called at the home of her ' this time, maybe later, sister and brother-in-law, John J Camp Starlight's production of Smith and took "Butchie" Smith J u The BeUs A p e Ringing ;> drew a h °Mr.Tnd M ^ V r g H ^ p l e and i l ^ e ^ n d appreciative crowd. Had - - - ; it not been on same date as Rock LAKE COMO August 27—Hi Folks! It is so long since we chatted with you that it is gonna be difficult to catch up, or try to, and not overlook some items. This so-called summer is about over.. now and then we had "Sep- tember" weather already.. some blistering hot days it's true, .but it was more summery at Easter time than almost anytime in Aug- ust. Locally, we were fortunate at that, .hay was made without much interruption from rain, .yet our water supply never got too short. Our camps'were all crammed with paying guests and very few case^ of sickness. First time in years that we noted camp infirmaries completely empty. Camp owners have always a full schedule other- wise, .witfi large groups of very lively youngsters to look after, life is never dull. One owner told us that one morning they discovered every doorknob missing. Here in Post Office nothing surprises us any longer.. we get messages writ- daughter, Sylvia, are spending L . . . this week in Ohio visiting Mrs. i Lake P lcmc - man y more would have Teeple's sister and brother-in-law, attended. Hancock Hospital is Captain and Mrs. Arnold Brown. | some $500.00 richer, .their neigh- borliness made more friends for the Schmierer family and Camp Star- light campers can well be proud of their talents.. and public spirit. Add a new business for Lake Como. .the Como Laundry Co. This is located next to our school house in building formerly owned by Mrs. Merriman. "Duke" Onesko is the owner and managter, employed three and four ladies during the season. Facilities there for wash- ing, drying and ironing, .quite an installation. This property, the old quarry and house and lot were pur- chased by Benj. some years back. Much of mountain of quarry refuse has been used for fill in a number of places. P. S. If Duke plans on matrimony in near future, he is keeping very quiet about it. Algy Springer entered Sayre Hospital last week in attempt to correct rheumatic condition. Ed- ward Malinski. for years caretaker at Camps Winona-High Lake, en- tered Han-cock Hospital, Aug. 26.. Camp busines? is t;ugh on caretak- ers als-)! Ed, having been one of original canvassers for funds, may now observe personally how con- venient it is to have a good hospi- tal nearby. When Jimmy McCrath moved in- ' to Maloney Home in Scrant ;n we didn't expect to see him as often as we did when he was in Han- cock. Several oid friends did visit ! him in Scranton and reported him as looking as prosperous as a bank- e r , and very contented with two other old timers, Steve and Micky Madigan, who are als > in same institution. Jimmy managed to get to Ro;k Lake picnic and later call- ed on friends here, .lojks fir.e and gets around pretty good on his own team. Yesterday he was up here again, going around with the sweet- faced and kindly Sisters from the Home, out c Electing funds to carry on the_good work, as they did many times in the past, with Jimmy, and horse and buggy. Mrs. Kai Hostrup and son, Kai. left on Saturday for their home in Los Angeles after her annual visit with parents, Frank and Mrs. Rac-1 kow--ki, and relatives here. Ray ; Deschak, Sr., and Jr., took her to | N. Y. ard plane, and to:k in a ; league ball game while there. Which reminds us that a hilar- j ious 17 innings game played in! Lakewood Sunday afternoon. . The Fork M untain Stalwarts took tired ; old men of Lake Como for a di7zy ride. . so we are told. . sorry we I missed it. We did see a ocupla of j the Mountain men on their way j home..very much the worse for., wear, and practicallv exhausted.. poor guys. Just recovering from hospital' stav is Walter Bloomer, who with I his family, is visiting at Mrs. Field's summer home. Daughter, Eileen, told us that she never had her name "in the papers" so there j you are Eileen..twice yet! For: good measure, here's happy birth- [ day greetings for little sister, , Theresa. Earlier in the season Art Myles,! Sr., the usual never-say-die type; of fisherman who managed to catch ; j run of the mill fish, listlessly cast ! his line off the dock in front of their cottage and was startled when i he hooked the largest small mouth bass he ever caught, .over three pounds. After the usually battle and landing, he went to cottage to ; get his darling, Bea, who does not ! particularly care to share a husband i with "dopey" fish, and who was at I that moment wrestling four very active youngsters to bed..with re- j suiting rise in blood pressure. But even she was impressed by the size of the "Monster." Your correspondent- who does not fish, but loves to eat them, and chisels from fishermen who don't, can test- ify that this fish was delirious eat- ing, .so was another caught by Art this week, weighing over a pound after cleaning. Now that summer is about over, and Art Myles and Frank Leonard will soon return to ; city, we will have to chisel off some- j one else ? No Asian or Asiatic Flu reported here yet. .but a number of people have been affected by some form of abdominal "disturbance", .called summer complaint in the old days.. now it is called virus. . the end re- sult is the same.. and one steps lively or suffer dire results. This is as good a time to sign !off as any..yes?—A. E. V. tor a visit at the lake and Chatham, N. J. William Jamison and his bride are in the Horace Glover cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Glover and s^n of Binghamton spend the week- end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Glover., Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dix (.ailed on Miss Bessie Campbell at" Langdon on their way VJ Bingham- ton. On their return trip they drove out to Sky Lake to the Meth- odist camps. Wednesday, Mrs. Bertha Dix of Nicholson and daugh- ter, Esther Reynolds Fassett of Tunkhannock, spent the day at the lake visiting their relatives: Mrs. Ethel Sanford, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dix, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chase, Mr. and Mrs. Kurzenberger, Jane, Nancy, Susan and John. Thursday, the Dixes and several other families enjoyed a turkey supper at Lake Como Church. i>aturaay, Mable Howeli and trieno of Wilmington, Delaware, -ailed on the Dixes, Chases and Kurzenbergers. Alan G. Leet, wife, Eva, and =on, Myron, of Dewittville, N. Y., visited the Raymond Leet farmiy on Sun- day. Myron and nis brother visit- ed here about seven years ago. The rain prevented having the regular Sunday Vespers on the lake.—E. T. D. | during this meeting as to this j called the John Howell Reunion. j John Howeii .was the father of I David and John Howell and any ' descendant of either son would be i welcome. Each year we hope more ' newcomers will attend. Happy Birthday was sung for ; Mary Penn and our president, Ro- ', land Buck. Everyone had a very nice day. Next year the reunion will be held at Firemen's Park, Hancock, N. Y. on the next to the last Sat- urday in August. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Curtis will be host and hostesses.—Sec. Marie Curtis. NORTHERN WAYNE P-TA NEWS The executive committee of the Northern Wayne P-TA met at the home of President Charles Fred- erick on August 20, at 8:00 p. m. Plans were made for the coming year. T". r "• r g:;\ r rv^etin., of the year will be held on Thursday, September 5, in Preston High School, Lakewood, at 8:30 p. m. Come and give your support to the new president. S' eryone wel- come.- E Llewellyn, Pub. HOWELL REUNION The annual John Howell Reunion was heid Saturday, August 24, in the basement of the Starrucca ' Meth.dist Church. There were 66 who attended. Tables were set up and a very nice cafeteria style din- ner was enjoyed by all. We want to thank Mrs. Swartz and Mrs. Hine for their part as hostesses of this reunion. A business meeting was held and officers of the previous year were re-elected as follows: President, Roland Buck; Vice President, Rob- ert Curtis; Secretary' and Treasurer, Marie Curtis. A meeting was brought about EOLBERT REUNION The annu. 1 Holbert family re- union will Le held on Sunday, Sep- tember 8, at the Community House in Shehawken, Pa. Bring table ser- vice, sandwiches and a dish to pass.—P. Dumond, Sec'y. —Good quality watermelons are firm, symmetrical, and have a vel- vety appearing rind. The lower side of the melon is usuaiiy yel- lowish in color compared to white or pale green on immature melons. CHURCH NOTES STARLIGHT BAPTIST CHURCH Starlight, Pa. Rev. Merle Bennett, pastor 10:30 a. m., Sunday SchooL 8:00 p. m., Worship service. BETTER BUY BTJICK KAPLAN CHEVROLET—BUKX Sales and Service Hancock. N- Y. LAKE SHEHAWKEN HIGHLIGHTS Aug. 26—Dr. Eric Faigle and family are spending ten days in their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Epgar, Miss Jane LaBarr and Mrs. Blanch. Hen- I shaw spent last week at Green I Lake, Mich., where they visited the ; Thorburn's. Mrs. Thorburn, the i the former Mary Lou Apgar, and . two children returned with them Program of Events at the 1957 Wayne Co. fair Tuesday, Sept. 10th, Exhibitors' day, no program. Tuesday Evening, Gene Bolter's, Animal show with Rac- ing Ostriches and Racing Camels. Wed^ Thurs., FrL, Harness Horse Racing. Colt Racing, Wed. and Thurs. Wednesday Night, Ward Beam's Daredevil Shows. Thursday Night, Echo Inn Cloggers. A great show. Friday Night, Jack Kochman's Hell Drivers. Saturday Afternoon, Stock Car Racing. Saturday Night, Rock and Roll show. Featuring LiDian Briggs. Thursday Afternoon, Horse Show. Wednesday, 12 o'clock, Tractor driving contest All judging to be on Wednesday, including livestock. Wednesday, School Children and Teachers will be admitted free. Large Midway with shows and rides, plenty of amusement. Come and Meet your friends. Two bands will furnish music —ADMISSIONS Tuesday Night, gate, Adults, $1.00 at the Gene Bolter's Wild Animal Show. Children, 12 and under, 30c AH other nights, 60c and 30c Wed^ Thurs^ Friday, gate, Adults, 99c; Children, 12 and under free. Saturday, gate, Adults, $1.00, Auto Race. Parking, 50c Grand Stand, 90c, Adults; Children, 50c, nightly. Grand Stand, free, Wed., Thurs^ and Friday; Saturday 90c and 50c Biggest Sellers. ..because they're BiggestSaversI a CASH INCOMS for your RETIREMENT Nationwide'* all new 2-WAY INCOME PLAN pays you a retirement income for life at age 65. Add it to your Social Security and your worries are over. Or . . . if you die unexpectedly. Nationwide assures your wife an income during the "blackout period'* when she is not eligible for Social Security Benefits. Choose the income you need, and start the plan now. Cash and loan values build swiftly, with dividends payable after 2nd policy year. FOR THE FREE FACTS. CONTACT: RAYMOND LEET Penna. Agent R. D. Starrucca Phone Lake Como 157 ATIONWIDE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY HOMI OFMCIt COtUMlUS. OHtO the. Odd Fellows Hall in Lookou' Mr. and Mrs. Georjre White and children and Mr. and Mrs. Charles White and daughter attended their reunion at Lake Ariel, Sunday. On Saturday, August 31, rela- tives and friends of the Teeple- Layton families will hold their an- nual reunion at the IOOF H 11, Lookout. If you have attended in former years we're looking for you to come again. Cn Labor Day the Rebekah Lodge of Lookout will serve dinner to the Maudsley family which is holding its reunion that day. Employees of Katz factory in Honesdale enjoyed a sight-seeing trip to New York City last Satur- day; Mrs. Edwin Houghtaling of this place being among them. Mrs. Amos Hathaway and chil- dren of Sidney Center and her mother, Mrs. Dorothy Young of Equinunk were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Hathaway Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Warren Hopkins and daugh- ter, Patti, who are vacationing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emery Teeple, spent a day last week with Mrs. Harold Hawley. Joan Kellam recently visited in the home of her brother, Leslie and family in Hancock. Mrs. Vance Lester recently visi- ted her sister, Mrs. Kenneth Kemp in New Jersey, who is quite ill. Friends here hope for a quick re- covery. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Houghta- ling and son of Binghamton visited No wasted power, no excess pounds/ Chevy trucks with the right power right capacity stay and save on the /obi From Chevrolet . . . a just-right blending of space, weight and engine performance designed to get your jobs done quickly and efficiently. And the right power, too, rang- ing from the 140-hp Thriftmaster 6 to the high-torque 210-hp Super Loadmaster V8. Light-duty models feature America's most popular 6-cylinder engines—economical champs that are famous for the way they stay on the job. Chevrolet's ultra-modern short- stroke truck V8 offers compact, efficient design mat minimizes en- gine weight to give you additional money-saving payload capacity. Stop in and let your Chevrolet dealer show you the right truck for your job. Hwm's proof that they stay on the f o b . Official registration figures compiled by R. L. Polk & Co. show 564,375 Chevrolet trucks 10 years old or older still on the job . . . 100,000 more man the second place truck! Chevrolet Task'Jbice S7 Thicks The "BJjg WheoP h trvdal Only franchise*! Chevrolet dealers display this famous trademark See Your Local Authorized Chevrolet Dealer Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: Biggest Sellers. ..because they're Biggest Savers I 23/Hancock NY... · Mrs. Donald Hyde, Mrs. James Watson and Mrs. Charles Frederick attended PT-A. School of Instruc tion held at

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Over In Wayne County EQULNUNK

Aug. 26—During the past month the pulpit of the Equinunk Metho­dist church has been capably fill­ed by Mr. Daryl Warren, whose sermons have been well plamled and timely. September 1st will be Mr. Warren's las,t service and if you haven't been able to attend church previously this would be a | Howell home good time to encourage this young man who aspires to the ministry, and you, too, would be blessed. Re­member, services begin at 7:30 p. m. All are welcome.

There will be an official board meeting of the Equinunk Church

union at Lookout last Sunday, while Mr. Nelson Doyle, Sue and Jane at­tended the Doyle Reunion at Sum­mit Lake.

Miss Sylvia Smith was home for the weekend.

Miss Mabel Howell and Miss Helen Nolan of Wilmington, Dela­ware, were recent visitors at the

family, Mrs. Tracy Mead and daughter and Mrs. Ralph Hugo-!

boom and family attended a family picnic-dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Ross in Ararat, the occasion being, Mrs. Ross' birthday and Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Ross' 40th wedding anniversary. There were 35 present.

Mrs. James Watson, Mrs. Donald Hyde and Mrs. George Llewellyn attended a PT-A. executive meet-' ing at the home of the President, Mrs. Charles Frederick, Tuesday evening.

Mrs. Donald Hyde, Mrs. James Watson and Mrs. Charles Frederick attended PT-A. School of Instruc­tion held at the Lutheran Church, Honesdale, Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shopie and

his parents here over the weekend. Mrs. Warner Keesler is spending

some time with her daughter, Mrs. Lee Gillow and family.

Sandra Heberling and twin sis­ters, Dottie and Debbie, are spend­ing this week with their grandpar­ents at Panther.

Jerry Lester spent some time the first of the week with Steven Macey.

Junior Wood has been visiting

ten on napkins, tissue paper, inch by inch and a half cardboard.. most anything goes a.s long as proper postage is placed thereon. With co-o->eraojn of owners the screw­iest fad of all was halted. . It con­sisted of burning postal cards to practically the stamp and minimum space :"or address, .and the mes-age "I'm uurned-up at not hear­

ing from you! etc." All those irre-

his mother at the home of her | gularities make it tough to get mail parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Os-1 out rapidly as we must., and are'

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Russell, Irv-ington, N. J., were callers at the Torrick home over the weekend. Joan and Susan returned to Jersey with them.

The All-Star'Baseball Game be-on Tuesday, September 3, at 8:30 t w e e n t h e N e w York State League

*^&*tSSZ2"«WIS? * * . Mountain league will be daughter ^ C a r ^ e ^ s o ' L ^ sia, N. Y., was a recent caller at I ^ a y e d i n ^ w n d a l e on Saturday, I t e r Randaii 0f Lake Como called on the W. Lester home. ; A u ? u s t 31st. i M r . and Mrs. Harvey Campbell,

Don't forget the Firemen's dance j W e wonder how many of the Sunday on Friday evening, August 30. Mu- Lake Como Wildcats and Fork sic by Keith Albee and orchestra. '• Mountain Buzzards suffered aching

The beautiful bouquet which bones and muscles after last Sun-graced the altar Sunday night [ day's Soft Ball Game ? was given by Mrs. Ralph Gillow of j There ^ b e a n Old Timers' hlSsband*^ m m e m 0 r y ' Baseball Game at Lakewood this

UThe Gillow reunion was held a t ; Sunday> September 1st. the Grange Hall, Lookout, Sunday.j

o r i A r m i rrwvKrnnvn Those from here who attended; S C O T T C E N T E R were Mr. and Mrs. Elton Gillow: ^ and daughter, Vivian, and family, | Aug. 27—David Coddington,

borne Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rela of

Boonton, N. J., spent the weekend at their summer home here.

Richard Wood and friend of

expected to. In the telephone business there

appeared to be more jamming of c;in boxes with bobby pins, paper,

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ross and granddaughter of Herrick Center called on Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hyde, Sunday afternoon..

James Burleigh of Rochester, N. Y., called at the home of Mrs. James Nankivell. Miss Lynne Jones spent the day at Wrighter! Lake with the Burleigh family at | their cottage.

Mrs. Ethel Sara from Lions Head

New York spent the weekend at j pieces of wood and what have you the home of his grandparents, Mr. j n<>t a bit humorous to the guy driv- j and Mrs. Matt Osborne. Raymond j ing ten or more miles some times, and Junior Wood returned with j after a tough day, to remove such them to spend this week in the ! obstructions.. but then neighbors,:

city. Last week Richard had as • yoa h a v e t r o u b l e s o f y o u r o w n . ' ;

his guests his mother and hasjbro-; T h e

ther, Junior. Also at the Osborne i ., *^~; 6

home over the weekend was Rob- j * • ^ e m o v a l o f ***** spans of ert Wood enjoying leave from | B e l ! C o - , to11 w l r«s by thieves whicn camp duty. He recently attended. complete^ isolated us from rest school in Wisconsin for several j °f the world, .couldn't eveh have weeks' training. j called Hancock, N. Y., 11 miles a-

The new home of Mr. and Mrs. : way until much later in evening. Ray Stalker is nearing completion ; No, our operator didn't have time

Mr. and Mrs. Pat Musso and son Preston Park, recently spend a few of Endicott, N. Y. ; days visiting at the home of Mr. I Lake, Paterson, N. J., last week one

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Buel Bar- and Mrs. Ivan Geer and family, tie, a son. Congratulations to the Eleanor Decker and daughter, happy parents and welcome to the K ^ ^ Rockwell, were business y°MrS anTkr s . Daryl Warren en-1 f * " i n Binghamton, N. Y., Mon-tertained over the weekend, their aay* cousin, Miss Wanita Quick of Jerry Bedford, Starrucca, spent Prompton. from Monday until Wednesday at

Recent visitors in the home of | the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Dr. and Mrs. F. C. Frisbie were Baldwin and family. Mrs. Blanche Trout and friend, Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Baldwin and Mrs Mewland of Binghamton, N f a m i l w e r e b u s i n e s s c a l l e r s i n Y., James and Edward Fmnigan of T>:„„V„^4.^ XT V TH. J Johnson City, N. Y., and Mr£ Har- Binghamton N. Y., Thursday old Morgan of Middletown, N. Y. Explorer Scouts Wilson Baldwin

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Chambers a n d Edward Dix, Jr., left Friday entertained several friends from morning with several other scouts Binghamton over the weekend. and their leader, Edward Dix and

Mr. and Mrs. Chambers and Dr. Robert Williams, by boat down the and Mrs. Frisbie recently visited Delaware River. Destination, Nar-

and will be a beautiful home. Young people from this place

and Union enjoyed a hay ride last Saturday evening; Bobbie Blum of Union driving the tractor.


relatives in the Triple Cities. Mrs. Jack Williams of Galilee

and ,Mrs. Frank Avery of Scranton were callers at the Dunlap home Thursday. Weekend guests at the same home were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sulc and Mrs. Tracy Eddy of East Orange, N. J.,

rowsburg. Eleanor Decker is assisting Mrs.

Fred Wilkinson with the farm work, due to Mr. Wilkinson's op­eration. We all hope for a speedy recovery, Fred.

day visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Oleska. John Oleska and I family, also some friends from Hartford, Conn., visited at the same home.

Mrs. Ralph Hugaboom, Mrs. An- j netta and Mrs. Minnie Payne call­ed on Mrs. Edith Strain of Hales Eddy, N. Y., recently. They were business callers in Forest City, Sat­urday.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Guerdon Hazelton and Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Beardslee call­ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Doyle, Tuesday evening.

Nancy Trimble of Binghamton spent the weekend at Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Weaver's. Also Ella Matier of Newburgh, N. Y. Fred and Alice Conklin, Wurtsboro, N. Y., called at Weavers, Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Emory Spencer,

off, she was kept busy telling the patrons, over and over, that toll: lines were out of order. We have not heard whether or not police found the culprits. Whoever they may be they surely did a lot of work for a few dollars worth of junk and :

daughter, Barbara, sons, Robert Mrs. Adrian Baldwin, one of the I and Charles, are spending a few

day? with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Spen­cer.

Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Spencer and Bobby Spencer were callers in Car-bondale last week.

iMr. and Mrs. Herman Wolfe and family called on Mrs. Minnie Stev­enson, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Steven-


Mrs. Henry 'Mensing and two advisors of the Shehawken MYF boys, Raymond and Clifford of t o o k a car load of members to Sky Lone Island are spending the ; T ^ Methodist camp, Saturday, week with Mr. and Mrs. George w ,, , v_. T

Murray enjoyed our trip. James, Mrs. "Elton Gillow had the mis-: Dewayne, Diane and Winifred Geer,

fortune to shut her thumb in the Hal and Joan Baldwin were among car door. We know that is a pain- j those who went, ful accident. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Geer left Fri-

A surprise birthday party was day evening for a trip to Southern I son and Katherine Stevenson, Tues held honoring George Snyder at Pennsylvania where they visited i day evening.

F l I t c h ^ T h o ^ p r S e n f w e r ? ^ ^ 1 " - a n d M r S " K e i t h Ammon a n d H a r r Y Fried o f N e w Y o r k CltV and Mrs. Keith Warfiek^Mr. and' family> Danville and Mr. and Mrs.. spent the weekend at the Reefer Mrs. Kenneth Warfield, Mr. and ^ r e d Ammon of Lewisburg. The i home. Mrs. Fried and daughters Mrs. Lynn Snyder and' Mr. and couple returned home Sunday eve- returned home with him after Mrs. George Snyder. A buffet lun- ; ning. j spending July and August with her cheon was served by the hostess, j Betty Jane Jones and friend, < parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kee-

Weekend visiters at the home: Walt Sands, of Endicott, N. Y., | fer. of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Fletcher; w ere Sunday dinner guests at the were Atty. J. Desmond Kennedy h o m e o f h e r parents, Mr. and Mrs. and L t Com. Leo J. Foley of. R o y D e c k e r .

bcranton. William Cavanaugh of Indian- i Aug. 27 Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Leet T A lZ"I?WfUYrk I P° l i s ' Ind-> called at the home of ••flew to Pittsburgh Monday and LJA&.EJW\JVU j M r a n d M r s j ^ y Decker, Mon-j ^ c ? ^ h o m e Th u r s d a y ; , ,

Aug. 27—Summer is about over: day. . ? a u l Sherman of Long Island is U R . * . . ^ " ^ " « , , ;, ; if „ , . - 0 , .. D , , , i visiting this week at the home of

—the campers have returned to the! Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Bedford | j j r a n % y^TS x e i s o n Le^ cities—Labor Day is upon us—and I and family, IStarrucda; Mr. and ^ r s . Clinton" Leet and family then—back to school. Mrs. Boyd Bedford, Jr., and fam- j a ^ staying in their house this

NOTICE TO PARENTS: On | ily, Mrs. Rena Bedford and Cheryl' week and her sister and children the first day of school, September' Bedford, all of Susquehanna, spent i from Buffalo are visiting them. 3rd, the teachers will be there all j Sunday evening at the home of Mr.: Mr. and Mrs. John Mortimere, day, while the students are to re-1 and Mrs. Adrian Baldwin and fam- Ridgewood, N. J., was a weekend port at 12:45. ! ily to celebrate the birthday of Hal f^est of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Farewell to the Steve Katchen! Baldwin. " Walter Stanton. Other visitors in t _-i v i **. T i J TV « J M T J T A I ii J the same home over the weekend family who left Lakewood on Tues- j Mr. and Mrs. Roy Decker called w e r e M r a n ( J M r g g j M

day. Much luck and happiness. } at the home of their daughter, Mr. a n d j j rs. Rose from Bagota, N. f. Glad to report that Gene Kaczka and Mrs. Fred Palmatier and fam- .

is back to work after his most un-' ily, Roods Creek, N. Y., recently. P I N E M I L L fortunate accident earlier this sum-; Mrs. Roy Decker celebrated herj ~ "*"" * "~~"~^ mer. •• 62nd birthday, Monday evening. Aug. 26—Light rain last night

We have a few Welcome Home | Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Baldwin but not enough to help water sup-greetings for Mrs. Lorna Doyle, and family and Cheryl Bedford were ply. Many are drawing water from Mrs. Margaret Jessup, and Mrs. business callers in Susquehanna, wells of those fortunate enough to Ruth Smith, who were at college Monday. have driven wells. most of the summer, also to Janet; Quite a number from here atten-Holbert who worked at Camp Tio-1 O R S O N d e d t h e Braman Church picnic and ga this summer. "" j.enjoyed a most delicious dinner

Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McGrarr&ghan, Aug. 27—Mr. and Mrs. Earl and social time. We . understand Mrs. Mary B. McGranaghan, and Gardner of Clarks Summit were they did very well financially al-Mr. and Mrs. Murphy and family,: Sunday night supper guests of Mr. j so. Pompton Plains, N. J., vacationed and Mrs. Charles Hubbard. The Pine Mill picnic was largely in town recently. Hugh and Bobby i Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shaffer and attended the previous Saturday Murphv remained and spent the: daughter, Barbara, of Hallstead, a n d t h e n 5 c e s u m of $474.16 was week with the Frank McGraw fam- spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. a d ,dfd„ t o t h e c h u ^ c h ' * reas?*? *** e r

ilv ' Charles Hubbard a " " 1 " s w e r e paid. Ptne Mill ladies Several building improvements a- Mr. and Mrs. Ellery Ogden and a r ! , l 5 r a t | f " 1 t 0 e v e / y o r f .

bout town-the Steve Simpsons are son, Robert, f Rowbeach, Virginia,! T h e Scjiuman family enjoyed building a garage-Ben Tally pre- Mrs. Ina Ogden and Miss Anna Dix :[ ' e i^ f

Ja ,m^y„ r e U m o

Tn , ? n ^ n d a y _ A n

paring to dig a well on the Ed. Mc- of I^nesboro, >pent a recent eve-Graw property. ning with Mr. and Mrs. Charles

Mrs. Ralph Gillow and Mrs. Lor- Hubbard, na Diyle attended the Gillow Re- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hyde and

Aug. 27-Mrs. William Tripp j r i « h t now> very "hot" wire, and two sons of Wetherfield, Conn., Old Home day attendance on: spent last week with her father,, August 3 was not up to par but the j Herbert Tresham, and called on , night crowd more than made up • her many friends at Lookout and j for it. R~ck Lake picnic was well:

^ J ^ J & ^ f - •„ , ^ - i ! attended as usual, .and over 500 The WSCS will have a chicken ; l e : r i e d t h e i r U R S U C c e s s f u l b e s t

and biscuit supper on Saturday-^ „„,„»., *. , , . ,-, night, SeptembeV7, at the home of *? e£f t y t n e l a r d e r u ^ t a 1 " - C0?" Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Miller, the | ^ tulat ions are in order for the Knotty Pine Canteen. Everybody is I management and staff for the welcome.

Darlene Cook spent night with her friend, Neilson, at Equinunk.

prompt serving -of so many in so Friday short of time, .it's a year between Shirley ! servings and no practice runs in

between. Gathering the immense Mr. and Mrs. Ross Weil of Flori- , amounts required is a task by

da spent the past two weeks with l i t s e l f _ w e a r e always fascinated by the latters parents, Mr. and Mrs. t rr- f , , - . . J : , ^ I „ „ William Branning. ; t h a t h a l f a c r e f P,e! o n d b P l a y - •

Camps Equinunk and Blue ! ^ h e n w e a r e n o t t0° b u s v oelm« a t

Ridge closed their two months' ; t h e Pretty wartresses and cooks, vacation on August 25, but the ; It must be greatly heartening to Hotel Equinunk is still open. ! the very busy Father Merkel to

Mr. and Mrs. Grant Teeple spent have such splendid co-operation last week at Lancaster visiting and from all in carrying out such an sightseeing. Grandma Quick of I operation.. year after year. Hancock, N. Y., cared for Dale- „. , ., . ,_ „. . . . and Cynthia while their parents i W e h « a r t h a t ° U r FlTfm^ d . l d

were away. " I v e r y w e ' l m the:r various fund rais-Mrs. Stanley Whitney of Pres-1 ings also, no figures available at

ton Park called at the home of her ' this time, maybe later, sister and brother-in-law, John J Camp Starlight's production of Smith and took "Butchie" Smith J uThe B e U s A p e R i n g i n g ;> d r e w a

h°Mr.Tnd M^VrgH^ple a n d i l ^ e ^ n d appreciative crowd. Had - - - ; it not been on same date as Rock

LAKE COMO August 27—Hi Folks! It is so

long since we chatted with you that it is gonna be difficult to catch up, or try to, and not overlook some items.

This so-called summer is about over.. now and then we had "Sep­tember" weather already.. some blistering hot days it's true, .but it was more summery at Easter time than almost anytime in Aug­ust. Locally, we were fortunate at that, .hay was made without much interruption from rain, .yet our water supply never got too short. Our camps'were all crammed with paying guests and very few case^ of sickness. First time in years that we noted camp infirmaries completely empty. Camp owners have always a full schedule other­wise, .witfi large groups of very lively youngsters to look after, life is never dull. One owner told us that one morning they discovered every doorknob missing. Here in Post Office nothing surprises us any longer.. we get messages writ-

daughter, Sylvia, are spending L . . . this week in Ohio visiting Mrs. i L a k e P l cmc- m a n y m o r e w o u l d h a v e

Teeple's sister and brother-in-law, attended. Hancock Hospital is Captain and Mrs. Arnold Brown. | some $500.00 richer, .their neigh-

borliness made more friends for the Schmierer family and Camp Star­light campers can well be proud of their talents.. and public spirit.

Add a new business for Lake Como. .the Como Laundry Co. This is located next to our school house in building formerly owned by Mrs. Merriman. "Duke" Onesko is the owner and managter, employed three and four ladies during the season. Facilities there for wash­ing, drying and ironing, .quite an installation. This property, the old quarry and house and lot were pur­chased by Benj. some years back. Much of mountain of quarry refuse has been used for fill in a number of places. P. S. If Duke plans on matrimony in near future, he is keeping very quiet about it.

Algy Springer entered Sayre Hospital last week in attempt to correct rheumatic condition. Ed­ward Malinski. for years caretaker at Camps Winona-High Lake, en­tered Han-cock Hospital, Aug. 26.. Camp busines? is t;ugh on caretak­ers als-)! Ed, having been one of original canvassers for funds, may now observe personally how con­

venient it is to have a good hospi-tal nearby.

When Jimmy McCrath moved in- ' to Maloney Home in Scrant ;n we didn't expect to see him as often as we did when he was in Han-cock. Several oid friends did visit ! him in Scranton and reported him as looking as prosperous as a bank­e r , and very contented with two other old timers, Steve and Micky Madigan, who are als > in same institution. Jimmy managed to get to Ro;k Lake picnic and later call­ed on friends here, .lojks fir.e and gets around pretty good on his own team. Yesterday he was up here

again, going around with the sweet-faced and kindly Sisters from the Home, out c Electing funds to carry on the_good work, as they did many times in the past, with Jimmy, and horse and buggy.

Mrs. Kai Hostrup and son, Kai. left on Saturday for their home in Los Angeles after her annual visit with parents, Frank and Mrs. Rac-1 kow--ki, and relatives here. Ray ; Deschak, Sr., and Jr., took her to | N. Y. ard plane, and to:k in a ;

league ball game while there. Which reminds us that a hilar- j

ious 17 innings game played in! Lakewood Sunday afternoon. . The Fork M untain Stalwarts took tired ; old men of Lake Como for a di7zy ride. . so we are told. . sorry we I missed it. We did see a ocupla of j the Mountain men on their way j home..very much the worse for., wear, and practicallv exhausted.. poor guys.

Just recovering from hospital' stav is Walter Bloomer, who with I his family, is visiting at Mrs. Field's summer home. Daughter, Eileen, told us that she never had her name "in the papers" so there j you are Eileen..twice yet! For: good measure, here's happy birth-

[ day greetings for little sister, , Theresa.

Earlier in the season Art Myles,! Sr., the usual never-say-die type; of fisherman who managed to catch ;

j run of the mill fish, listlessly cast ! his line off the dock in front of • their cottage and was startled when

i he hooked the largest small mouth bass he ever caught, .over three pounds. After the usually battle and landing, he went to cottage to

; get his darling, Bea, who does not ! particularly care to share a husband i with "dopey" fish, and who was at I that moment wrestling four very active youngsters to bed..with re-

j suiting rise in blood pressure. But even she was impressed by

• the size of the "Monster." Your correspondent- who does not fish, but loves to eat them, and chisels from fishermen who don't, can test-

• ify that this fish was delirious eat­ing, .so was another caught by Art this week, weighing over a pound after cleaning. Now that summer is about over, and Art Myles and Frank Leonard will soon return to

; city, we will have to chisel off some-j one else ?

No Asian or Asiatic Flu reported here yet. .but a number of people have been affected by some form of abdominal "disturbance", .called summer complaint in the old days.. now it is called virus. . the end re­sult is the same.. and one steps lively or suffer dire results.

This is as good a time to sign !off as any..yes?—A. E. V.

tor a visit at the lake and Chatham, N. J.

William Jamison and his bride are in the Horace Glover cottage.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Glover and s^n of Binghamton spend the week­end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Glover., Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dix (.ailed on Miss Bessie Campbell at" Langdon on their way VJ Bingham­ton. On their return trip they drove out to Sky Lake to the Meth­odist camps.

Wednesday, Mrs. Bertha Dix of Nicholson and daugh­ter, Esther Reynolds Fassett of Tunkhannock, spent the day at the lake visiting their relatives: Mrs. Ethel Sanford, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dix, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chase, Mr. and Mrs. Kurzenberger, Jane, Nancy, Susan and John.

Thursday, the Dixes and several other families enjoyed a turkey supper at Lake Como Church.

i>aturaay, Mable Howeli and trieno of Wilmington, Delaware, -ailed on the Dixes, Chases and Kurzenbergers.

Alan G. Leet, wife, Eva, and =on, Myron, of Dewittville, N. Y., visited the Raymond Leet farmiy on Sun­day. Myron and nis brother visit­ed here about seven years ago.

The rain prevented having the regular Sunday Vespers on the lake.—E. T. D.

| during this meeting as to this j called the John Howell Reunion. j John Howeii .was the father of I David and John Howell and any ' descendant of either son would be i welcome. Each year we hope more ' newcomers will attend.

Happy Birthday was sung for ; Mary Penn and our president, Ro-', land Buck. Everyone had a very • nice day.

Next year the reunion will be held at Firemen's Park, Hancock, N. Y. on the next to the last Sat­urday in August. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Curtis will be host and hostesses.—Sec. Marie Curtis.


The executive committee of the Northern Wayne P-TA met at the home of President Charles Fred­erick on August 20, at 8:00 p. m. Plans were made for the coming year.

T". r "• r g:;\ r rv^etin., of the year will be held on Thursday, September 5, in Preston High School, Lakewood, at 8:30 p. m. Come and give your support to the new president. S' eryone wel­come.- E Llewellyn, Pub.


The annual John Howell Reunion was heid Saturday, August 24, in the basement of the Starrucca ' Meth.dist Church. There were 66 who attended. Tables were set up and a very nice cafeteria style din-ner was enjoyed by all. We want to thank Mrs. Swartz and Mrs. Hine for their part as hostesses of this reunion.

A business meeting was held and officers of the previous year were re-elected as follows: President, Roland Buck; Vice President, Rob­ert Curtis; Secretary' and Treasurer, Marie Curtis.

A meeting was brought about


The annu. 1 Holbert family re­union will Le held on Sunday, Sep­tember 8, at the Community House in Shehawken, Pa. Bring table ser­vice, sandwiches and a dish to pass.—P. Dumond, Sec'y.

—Good quality watermelons are firm, symmetrical, and have a vel­vety appearing rind. The lower side of the melon is usuaiiy yel­lowish in color compared to white or pale green on immature melons.


Starlight, Pa.

Rev. Merle Bennett, pastor 10:30 a. m., Sunday SchooL 8:00 p. m., Worship service.



Aug. 26—Dr. Eric Faigle and family are spending ten days in their cottage.

Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Epgar, Miss Jane LaBarr and Mrs. Blanch. Hen-

I shaw spent last week at Green I Lake, Mich., where they visited the ; Thorburn's. Mrs. Thorburn, the i the former Mary Lou Apgar, and . two children returned with them

Program of Events at the

1957 Wayne Co. fair Tuesday, Sept. 10th, Exhibitors' day, no program. Tuesday Evening, Gene Bolter's, Animal show with Rac­

ing Ostriches and Racing Camels. Wed^ Thurs., FrL, Harness Horse Racing.

Colt Racing, Wed. and Thurs. Wednesday Night, Ward Beam's Daredevil Shows. Thursday Night, Echo Inn Cloggers. A great show. Friday Night, Jack Kochman's Hell Drivers. Saturday Afternoon, Stock Car Racing. Saturday Night, Rock and Roll show. Featuring LiDian

Briggs. Thursday Afternoon, Horse Show. Wednesday, 12 o'clock, Tractor driving contest All judging to be on Wednesday, including livestock. Wednesday, School Children and Teachers will be admitted

free. Large Midway with shows and rides, plenty of amusement. Come and Meet your friends. Two bands will furnish music

—ADMISSIONS Tuesday Night, gate, Adults, $1.00 at the Gene Bolter's

Wild Animal Show. Children, 12 and under, 30c AH other nights, 60c and 30c Wed^ Thurs^ Friday, gate, Adults, 99c; Children, 12 and

under free. Saturday, gate, Adults, $1.00, Auto Race. Parking, 50c Grand Stand, 90c, Adults; Children, 50c, nightly. Grand Stand, free, Wed., Thurs^ and Friday; Saturday 90c and 50c

Biggest Sellers. ..because they're Biggest Savers I


Nationwide'* all new 2-WAY INCOME PLAN pays you a retirement income for life at age 65. Add it to your Social Security and your worries are over. Or . . . if you die unexpectedly. Nationwide assures your wife an income during the "blackout period'* when she is not eligible for Social Security Benefits. Choose the income you need, and start the plan now. Cash and loan values build swiftly, with dividends payable after 2nd policy year.


RAYMOND LEET Penna. Agent R. D. Starrucca

Phone Lake Como 157


H O M I O F M C I t C O t U M l U S . OHtO

the. Odd Fellows Hall in Lookou' Mr. and Mrs. Georjre White and

children and Mr. and Mrs. Charles White and daughter attended their reunion at Lake Ariel, Sunday.

On Saturday, August 31, rela­tives and friends of the Teeple-Layton families will hold their an­nual reunion at the IOOF H 11, Lookout. If you have attended in former years we're looking for you to come again.

Cn Labor Day the Rebekah Lodge of Lookout will serve dinner to the Maudsley family which is holding its reunion that day.

Employees of Katz factory in Honesdale enjoyed a sight-seeing trip to New York City last Satur­day; Mrs. Edwin Houghtaling of this place being among them.

Mrs. Amos Hathaway and chil­dren of Sidney Center and her mother, Mrs. Dorothy Young of Equinunk were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Hathaway Saturday afternoon.

Mrs. Warren Hopkins and daugh­ter, Patti, who are vacationing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emery Teeple, spent a day last week with Mrs. Harold Hawley.

Joan Kellam recently visited in the home of her brother, Leslie and family in Hancock.

Mrs. Vance Lester recently visi­ted her sister, Mrs. Kenneth Kemp in New Jersey, who is quite ill. Friends here hope for a quick re­covery.

Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Houghta­ling and son of Binghamton visited

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