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This is our planet…

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Our home...

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…the place where we grow…

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…the place where we discover love…

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...the place where we learn…

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...the place where we work…

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…where we have fun…

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WE, 6 000 000 000


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WE, people

on 6 continents

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WE, so different…in religion,

in culture, in color.

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A wonderful...

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…with its greatest tragedies...

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BESLAN, Russia2004

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Press Release:

At a local high school in the Russian town of Beslan the hostage Siege Ends...

With 250 Dead.

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Some were fortunate to live…

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And Some Barely made it…

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Do You Know The FeelingA Father,

A Husband AndA Mother

Would Go Through, If They Lost Their Beloved ?

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A Father Who Has Lost A Child.

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A Husband Who Has Lost His


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A Mother Who Has Lost Her Daughter.

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Explain This World To Me.

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A world with so much pain...

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NO more...

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Drawing of a child from


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We, 6 000 000 000 people

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Take back our planet

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Take back our home

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Take back theplace where we grow…

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Take back the place where we fall in love…

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Take back the place where we learn…

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Take back the place where we work…

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Take back the placewhere we have fun…

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Today we take back what is rightfully ours

Our world

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Some of us have the power to do it

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Some are persons that you know…

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Some are your friends…

…your heroes…

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Some are just gone…

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But some are right here…

…in this room…

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See if you’re one of them…

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In 1948, a small group of students had the courage to take back the planet…

to DO something about changing the world

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one of the worst moments in the history of humanity...

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The globe is devastated

afterthe war.

Much of Europe physically and

politically in ruins.

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anger everywhere…hate amongst countries…

…but an immense desire to avoid another war at all costs

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India had recently won its independence and Mr Jawartharial Nehru

was Prime Minister

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The Netherlands were involved in a war with

Indonesian nationalists and was coming under

increasing criticism from the United Nations

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The Nationalist Chinese government was about

to fall to the Communist Chinese Army, led by

Communist Party Chairman Mao Tse Tung

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The Cold War between the Soviet Union and

the USA was beginning.

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The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation came into

being with the initial membership of Canada, USA, United Kingdom,

Denmark, the Netherlands and


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a small group of university students discovers in exchange the solution that would help develop leaders

and alleviate the tensions amongst


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they created…

...what would one day be the largest student organization on the planet...

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they created…

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7 countries

Purpose: develop friendly relations between countries

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…cultural understanding…business development…a better world!

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…First International Congress in Stockholm

…89 eXchanges!!!

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China became communist

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…reconstruction starts…East/West division growing

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…Soviet Union detonates their first atomic bomb



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…AIESEC is present in

14 countries, including a communist one /Iugoslavia!!!

…705 eXchanges!

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In 1954 AIESEC welcomed Turkey and

Israel as members, taking AIESEC outside

the confines of Western Europe.

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AIESEC became inter-continental with the entry of the United

States in 1957. We had crossed the Atlantic.

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Time – check

From 89 traineeship in 1952 to 1686 in 1957

Focus“International Co-operation”

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At Congress 1960 in Barcelona, traineeships

reach 2973AIESEC is present in

Latin America

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AIESEC is established in North Arica

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AIESEC arrives is Asia: Korea and Japan!!!

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AIESEC Australia was born

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AIESEC is present in all continents!!!

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1967…40 countries…4532 eXchanges

Focus“Bridge the Gap,

Promote International Understanding, Education,


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AIESEC in 1970 – 86

…67 Countries…purpose: Better understanding of

Society’s problems, review the relevance of our activities, better train future managers in the developing world, develop our environment on local, national and international levels

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…67 countries…6541 eXchanges

“To contribute to the development of our countries

and their people...”

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1995 – core competencies

Youth eXchange

Partnering with companies

Mobilizing people globally

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plans emerge for an information system that would link all AIESEC chapters and activities via INTERNET...

AIESEC goes on-line!!!

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TODAY, with…

…32000 members…108 countries and

territories…5000 eXchanges

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…is impacting individuals to become leaders through...

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…thousands of eXchanges and projects

…thousands of leadership opportunities

around the world wide network…

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