big five audits and accounting fraud* · big five audits and accounting fraud* clive lennox,...

Big Five Audits and Accounting Fraud* CLIVE LENNOX, Nanyang Technological University JEFFREY A. PITTMAN, Memorial University of Newfoundland 1. Introduction Empirical studies of earnings management, audit pricing, and audit report- ing provide extensive evidence that the Big Five public accounting firms are associated with higher quality financial statements (Francis 2004). 1 Nevertheless, the recent high-profile financial reporting failures that roiled the U.S. capital markets cast doubt on whether this proposition remains valid. Indeed, many commentators interpret the steep upward trend during the late 1990s and early 2000s in accounting misstatements by companies with Big Five auditors as almost conclusive evidence that their assurance services have deteriorated over time (e.g., Coffee 2002; Imhoff 2003; Zeff 2003). Among other explanations, some observers blame these watershed events on the more lenient litigation landscape having a disproportionate impact on Big Five quality as well as market conditions that led them to increasingly pursue lucrative consulting contracts to the detriment of their independence on audit engagements (e.g., Earley, Odabashian, and Willenborg 2003). Measuring trends in absolute audit quality is typically infeasible, so we more narrowly focus on discriminating between the relative performance of the Big Five and non-Big Five audit firms in preventing companies from orchestrating accounting fraud. Several commentators motivate arguments on the underlying reasons for the apparent erosion in Big Five audit quality by highlighting the well-known cases of fraudulent financial reporting by their clients (e.g., Coffee 2002; Cox 2003). However, rigorous evidence on whether companies are less likely to engage in accounting fraud if they are * Accepted by Joseph Carcello. We appreciate constructive comments from Jere Francis, Omrane Guedhami, and Gilles Hilary on an earlier version of this paper and excellent research assistance from Hou Qingchuan and Franklin Hao. Jeffrey Pittman acknowl- edges generous financial support from Canada’s Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and the CMA Professorship. 1. For expositional convenience, we refer to the set of Big Five auditors and their prede- cessors as the Big Five auditors in this paper since our 1981–2001 sample period pre- cedes the demise of Arthur Andersen. Similarly, we follow convention by describing companies subject to an SEC Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Release as fraud companies when they are technically ‘‘fraud-accused’’ companies. Contemporary Accounting Research Vol. 27 No. 1 (Spring 2010) pp. 209–247 Ó CAAA doi:10.1111/j.1911-3846.2010.01007.x

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Page 1: Big Five Audits and Accounting Fraud* · Big Five Audits and Accounting Fraud* CLIVE LENNOX, Nanyang Technological University JEFFREY A. PITTMAN, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Big Five Audits and Accounting Fraud*

CLIVE LENNOX, Nanyang Technological University

JEFFREY A. PITTMAN, Memorial University of Newfoundland

1. Introduction

Empirical studies of earnings management, audit pricing, and audit report-ing provide extensive evidence that the Big Five public accounting firmsare associated with higher quality financial statements (Francis 2004).1

Nevertheless, the recent high-profile financial reporting failures that roiledthe U.S. capital markets cast doubt on whether this proposition remainsvalid. Indeed, many commentators interpret the steep upward trend duringthe late 1990s and early 2000s in accounting misstatements by companieswith Big Five auditors as almost conclusive evidence that their assuranceservices have deteriorated over time (e.g., Coffee 2002; Imhoff 2003; Zeff2003). Among other explanations, some observers blame these watershedevents on the more lenient litigation landscape having a disproportionateimpact on Big Five quality as well as market conditions that led themto increasingly pursue lucrative consulting contracts to the detriment oftheir independence on audit engagements (e.g., Earley, Odabashian, andWillenborg 2003).

Measuring trends in absolute audit quality is typically infeasible, so wemore narrowly focus on discriminating between the relative performance ofthe Big Five and non-Big Five audit firms in preventing companies fromorchestrating accounting fraud. Several commentators motivate argumentson the underlying reasons for the apparent erosion in Big Five audit qualityby highlighting the well-known cases of fraudulent financial reporting bytheir clients (e.g., Coffee 2002; Cox 2003). However, rigorous evidence onwhether companies are less likely to engage in accounting fraud if they are

* Accepted by Joseph Carcello. We appreciate constructive comments from Jere Francis,

Omrane Guedhami, and Gilles Hilary on an earlier version of this paper and excellent

research assistance from Hou Qingchuan and Franklin Hao. Jeffrey Pittman acknowl-

edges generous financial support from Canada’s Social Sciences and Humanities Research

Council and the CMA Professorship.

1. For expositional convenience, we refer to the set of Big Five auditors and their prede-

cessors as the Big Five auditors in this paper since our 1981–2001 sample period pre-

cedes the demise of Arthur Andersen. Similarly, we follow convention by describing

companies subject to an SEC Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Release as fraud

companies when they are technically ‘‘fraud-accused’’ companies.

Contemporary Accounting Research Vol. 27 No. 1 (Spring 2010) pp. 209–247 � CAAA


Page 2: Big Five Audits and Accounting Fraud* · Big Five Audits and Accounting Fraud* CLIVE LENNOX, Nanyang Technological University JEFFREY A. PITTMAN, Memorial University of Newfoundland

audited by Big Five firms or whether the relative quality of financial state-ments audited by Big Five firms has declined over time remains elusive.Against this backdrop, we test whether Big Five audits are associated witha lower incidence of accounting fraud. Conditional on observing this nega-tive relation, we proceed to examine two additional questions that provideour main contribution to extant research: (1) Did the negative relationbetween the presence of a Big Five auditor and fraud likelihood change inthe years leading up to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX)? (2) Is thenegative relation explained by Big Five auditors supplying higher qualityaudits, or by the endogenous effects of screening by auditors and selectionby their clients?

Analyzing accounting frauds suits our purposes since they were the cat-alysts for recent major legislative and regulatory changes largely aimed atimproving the quality of audited financial statements. In other words, this isan opportune testing ground for our research on the link between Big Fiveaudits and accounting impropriety. We collect the Accounting and AuditingEnforcement Releases (AAERs) issued by the Securities and ExchangeCommission (SEC) for accounting frauds committed by companies between1981 and 2001, which provides a fraud sample of 1,109 company-years. Thecontrol sample consists of 162,804 company-years in which there were noallegations of accounting fraud.

We begin by providing univariate evidence on the association betweenBig Five audits and accounting fraud. For the entire sample period, thefrequency of accounting fraud is 0.61 percent in Big Five clients and 0.92percent in non-Big Five clients. The difference between these frequencies ishighly significant, reinforcing prior research that brand-name auditors areassociated with higher quality financial statements (Francis 2004). We thenexamine whether the negative association between Big Five audits andaccounting fraud remains stable over time. Univariate tests reveal that theassociations are negative in every year between 1981 and 1995 and they arestatistically significant at the 0.05 level or better in most years. However,there is a sudden change after 1995 with the relation between Big Fiveaudits and fraud becoming insignificant between 1996 and 2000. Moreover,the association becomes significantly positive in 2001, suggesting that theclients of Big Five firms are more likely to commit fraud than are the clientsof non-Big Five firms in the year prior to the passage of SOX. Altogether,the univariate evidence corroborates claims that Big Five audits were nolonger associated with a lower incidence of accounting fraud in the yearsimmediately before 2002.

Next, we report multivariate evidence on the relation between Big Fiveaudits and accounting fraud. Consistent with the univariate tests, we findstrong, robust evidence in both unmatched and matched samples that com-panies with Big Five auditors are less apt to engage in fraudulent financialreporting over the full sample period. Our probit coefficient estimates imply

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that hiring a Big Five auditor translates into the client being about fourtimes less likely to engage in accounting fraud, reflecting the first-order eco-nomic impact on audit quality.

We also report multivariate evidence on the stability of the negativeassociation between Big Five audits and accounting fraud over time.Reinforcing the univariate analysis, we find significant negative associa-tions in the period from 1981 to 1995. More importantly, the multivari-ate results include significant negative associations in the period from1996 and 2001, which is inconsistent with both the univariate analysisand with claims that the Big Five quality differential had fallen in theyears leading up to SOX. The negative Big Five coefficients are also sim-ilar in magnitude in the two periods, )0.63 (z-statistic = )7.73) in1981–1995 and )0.69 (z-statistic = )5.10) in 1996–2001. Overall, the uni-variate results suggest that the negative relation between Big Five auditsand accounting frauds vanishes after 1995 whereas the multivariateresults indicate the opposite (i.e., that there is no such structural break).Additional tests demonstrate that the apparent structural break in theunivariate results stems from the lack of a control for company size.Corroborating prior studies (e.g., Desai 2005), we find that larger compa-nies were increasingly likely to engage in accounting fraud after 1995.Consequently, the apparent diminution in Big Five audit quality after1995 actually reflects the increasing propensity for large companies tocommit accounting fraud.

Since the multivariate evidence indicates a stable negative relationbetween Big Five audits and the likelihood of accounting fraud, we nextexamine whether this finding reflects the causal effect of Big Five firms’superior external monitoring. One alternative explanation is that these audi-tors are more adept at screening out the companies that are most likely tocommit fraud. Another explanation is that companies planning to commitfraud are less likely to appoint Big Five audit firms. We shed light on theseissues by examining auditor changes before and during the fraud years. Ourresults fail to support either of these alternative explanations. Specifically,we find no evidence that Big Five audit firms are more likely to resign fromclients that engage in fraud, which is inconsistent with the screening argu-ment. Similarly, the results do not suggest that fraud companies are lesslikely to switch to Big Five audit firms, which is inconsistent with the selec-tion argument.

Contrary to recent criticisms of the Big Five firms, we provide compel-ling evidence that they were consistently associated with a lower incidenceof accounting fraud, even in the years shortly prior to the sweeping corpo-rate governance reforms. Moreover, this finding is robust to controlling forthe endogenous effects of screening by audit firms and selection by theirclients. Although the incidence of accounting fraud is lower for Big Five

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clients, the economic and social fallout is more severe for frauds involvingthe Big Five since their clients are typically much larger.2

This paper continues as follows. Section 2 develops our hypotheses byrecounting the evolution in legislative, regulatory, and competitive condi-tions that may have affected the relative quality of Big Five audits overtime. Section 3 describes our research design and data. Section 4 reportsour evidence and Section 5 concludes.

2. Testable predictions

The Big Five audit firms have motives to provide stricter external monitor-ing to avoid ruining their reputations and becoming embroiled in costlylitigation (e.g., DeAngelo 1981a, 1981b; Dye 1993). It follows that a BigFive audit firm will be more eager to identify accounting misstatements andto resist client pressure to waive their correction. Indeed, Francis (2004)reviews the extensive prior evidence that the Big Five firms provide betterassurance services to their clients, translating into our first prediction (allhypotheses are stated in alternate form):

Hypothesis 1. Ceteris paribus, companies with Big Five auditors are lesslikely to engage in accounting fraud.

The rest of our analysis hinges on initially finding evidence consistent withHypothesis 1 as a necessary condition to justify examining our next tworesearch questions, starting with whether differential Big Five audit qualitypersists over time. Some argue that developments in the past 25 years led toa degradation in Big Five audits long before the recent deluge in financialreporting failures. Although their perspectives diverge on the main causes,several commentators share the perception that Big Five assurance serviceshave eroded over time relative to smaller auditing firms (e.g, Coffee 2002;Imhoff 2003; Zeff 2003). In another common denominator, commentatorsalmost invariably rely on the surge in accounting frauds committed by U.S.public companies with Big Five auditors to motivate their prescriptions forimproving financial reporting quality.

2. Although our results imply that these events are relatively scarce, we concede that

accounting fraud by Big Five clients can have catastrophic economic consequences. For

example, Karpoff, Lee, and Martin (2008) estimate that the average company subject to

SEC enforcement for financial reporting violations loses about $381 million in share

value through legal and reputational penalties. They also report that firms implicated by

the SEC lose, for every misrepresented dollar in its financial statements, $0.36 in fines

and class action settlements and another $2.71 in reputational damage. In fact, this

analysis is conservative since it ignores the serious reputational penalties incurred by

individual managers and directors (e.g., Desai, Hogan, and Wilkens 2006; Fich and

Shivdasani 2007) as well as auditors (e.g., Carcello and Palmrose 1994). Data limitations

prevent us from estimating the economic impact of frauds perpetrated by Big Five and

non-Big Five clients.

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Coffee (2002), among others, argues that relaxing the severity of privateenforcement against the Big Five auditors may have been partly behind therecent litany of financial reporting failures. He contends that the prospectof civil litigation can have a sobering impact on auditors’ incentives to limitmanagers’ discretion over the choice of accounting policies and estimates.However, legislative changes throughout the 1990s may have diluted theincentives for partners in the Big Five public accounting firms to monitoreach other’s work.3 Coffee (2002) holds that Big Five audit quality largelybegan to fall with the passage of the Private Securities Litigation ReformAct of 1995 (PSLRA) that replaced joint and several liability with propor-tionate liability, which restricts investors’ recourse against external audi-tors.4 In evidence corroborating that this legislation narrowed incrementalaudit quality, Lee and Mande (2003) find that the income-increasing discre-tionary accruals of Big Five clients rose more than those of non-Big Fiveclients after the PSLRA was enacted.

Although the PSLRA was its most visible lobbying success, the Big Fiveused their political clout on Capitol Hill to initially deflect the SEC’s pro-posals to seriously restrict non-audit services to audit clients (Mayer 2002).In fact, another standard explanation for the supposed decline in Big Fiveaudit quality is their quest for more consulting revenues at the expense ofauditor independence. The rise in non-audit services may matter more tothe Big Five that generate a larger fraction of their revenues from thissource (e.g., Ruddock, Taylor, and Taylor 2006). Indeed, the SEC (2001)highlights that its proposals to ban non-audit services would primarilyaffect the Big Five that increasingly relied on these revenues in the periodleading up to SOX.

In a climate of fierce competition among the large public accountingfirms for consulting contracts, internal controls over their audit practicesmay have begun to unravel with the Big Five becoming more accommodat-ing over time toward aggressive financial reporting by their clients. In short,this argument suggests that the Big Five were so eager to secure lucrativeconsulting contracts that they succumbed to pressure from clients. Coffee(2002, 14) echoes Healy and Palepu 2003 and Imhoff 2003 in linking

3. There is evidence that the audit engagement partner — whose compensation is directly

tied to the revenues generated from the partner’s client portfolio — has stronger motives

than other partners to tolerate aggressive earnings manipulation (Kinney 1999; SEC


4. Coffee (2001) reviews other legal developments in the 1990s that collectively made it

more difficult for investors to recover damages in the event of audit failure. Several

other legal scholars attribute the rise in accounting frauds by Big Five clients to the

PSLRA and other legislation that softened private enforcement against auditors over

this decade (e.g., Macey and Sale 2003). Supporting Dye’s (1993) theory, relaxing

auditor liability would disproportionally benefit the Big Five that provide greater

implicit insurance coverage to shareholders (e.g., Willenborg 1999) and lenders (e.g.,

Pittman and Fortin 2004) stemming from audit failure.

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the apparent slide in Big Five audit quality to the growth in consultingactivities:

The benefits of acquiescence to auditors rose over this same period, as

the Big Five learned during the 1990s how to cross-sell consulting ser-

vices and to treat the auditing function principally as a portal of entry

into a lucrative client. Prior to the mid-1990s, the provision of consult-

ing services to audit clients was infrequent and insubstantial in the

aggregate … Not only did [the Big Five] see more profit potential in

consulting than in auditing, but they began during the 1990s to compete

based on a strategy of ‘‘low balling’’ under which auditing services were

offered at rates that were marginal to arguably below cost. The ratio-

nale for such a strategy was that the auditing function was essentially a

loss leader by which more lucrative services could be marketed.5

Indeed, the Panel on Audit Effectiveness, appointed by the Public Over-sight Board (POB) in 1999 at the behest of the SEC, reports that 80 percentof Big Five clients in 1990 paid no consulting fees to their auditors. This sit-uation changed dramatically with the Big Five’s revenues from consultingpractices growing from 13 percent in 1981 to 33 percent in 1993 to 51 per-cent in 1999 (SEC 2000). Moreover, the POB (2002) charges that the BigFive strongly opposed its plans to introduce steps to improve oversight ofaudit practices. Finally, in describing the Panel’s hearings, Zeff (2003, 279)comments:

The accumulated testimony about the change in character of the big

firms in the 1980s and 1990s suggests the evolution toward a climate in

which audit partners felt less secure in resisting clients’ insistent argu-

ments that marginal or even illicit accounting interpretations be applied

in their financial statements. In the increasingly business-dominated cli-

mate of the big audit firms, one can raise serious questions about

whether audit engagement partners, and indeed the firms themselves,

were steadfastly resisting these pressures.

5. DeAngelo (1981a) models that incumbent auditors generate quasi-rents from existing cli-

ents which subsidize the high startup costs on new audits. Craswell and Francis (1999)

only find initial engagement discounting for Australian firms upgrading from non-Big

Five to Big Five auditors. Cox (2003), among many others, criticizes the Big Five for

positioning the provision of audit services as a ‘‘loss leader’’ for getting a foot in the

door to market consulting services to these same clients. For example, Ernst & Young

penalized audit engagement partners ten percent of their salary for failing to meet reve-

nue targets for non-audit services. Reinforcing the Big Five’s focus on expanding their

consulting practices, Andersen in 1998 developed a compensation system — labeled the

‘‘2X Strategy’’—that sought to motivate audit partners to ensure that non-audit fees

were twice as large as their audit fees (Earley et al. 2003).

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Although these commentators identify somewhat different potentialexplanations, Francis (2004) explains that they all conclude that the relativequality of financial statements audited by the Big Five firms began to falterin recent years. However, extant research neglects to provide rigorous evi-dence on the validity of this argument. In our second prediction, we focuson helping to resolve whether any negative relation between Big Five auditsand the incidence of accounting fraud subsides over time:

Hypothesis 2. Ceteris paribus, the negative association between Big Fiveaudits and accounting fraud is stable over time.

Conditional on finding that companies with Big Five auditors are less likelyto engage in accounting fraud, we turn our attention toward unraveling theunderlying reasons behind this negative relation. Specifically, we isolatewhether the provision of higher quality audits by the Big Five firms narrowsthe scope for companies to fraudulently exaggerate their earnings. This cau-sal inference would be premature without considering whether endogeneityin auditor choice is responsible for the negative association between BigFive audits and fraud.

More specifically, two competing explanations preclude concluding thatBig Five auditors actually lower the incidence of accounting fraud. First, anaudit firm can refuse to accept an engagement for a company that is likelyto violate generally accepted accounting principles, or it can resign from anengagement when a high risk of material misstatements emerges (e.g., De-Fond, Ettredge, and Smith 1997). Accordingly, Big Five firms may ‘‘screenout’’ clients that are more apt to commit accounting fraud. Second, theremay be a ‘‘selection’’ effect with companies that are intent on engaging infraudulent financial reporting being reluctant to appoint Big Five auditfirms. The potential role of screening and selection in auditor choice moti-vates our third research question:

Hypothesis 3. Ceteris paribus, the negative association between Big Fiveaudits and accounting fraud stems from endogeneity in auditor choice.

3. Research design and data

Model specifications

Our inquiry begins by testing Hypothesis 1 that companies with Big Fiveauditors are less likely to engage in accounting fraud. This involves estimat-ing several variants of the following probit model (subscripts are omittedfor notational convenience):

Fraud ¼ a0 þ a1Big Fiveþ Year effectsþ Company effectsþ e ð1Þ:

The dependent variable, Fraud, equals 1 if the company engaged inaccounting fraud, and 0 otherwise. The treatment variable, Big Five, equals

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1 if the company is audited by one of the Big Five public accounting firms,and 0 otherwise. Under Hypothesis 1, companies are less likely to beaccused of fraudulent reporting if they are audited by a Big Five firm (a1 <0). Conditional upon finding that a1 is negative, we test Hypothesis 2 byanalyzing whether a1 becomes less negative over time.

To identify frauds, we collect all the AAERs issued by the SEC that areavailable from its website and Lexis-Nexis up to October 31, 2006, the datethat our data collection ended. Using AAERs to identify fraudulent finan-cial reporting helps avoid any coding biases from the researcher in evaluat-ing whether a certain event constitutes an accounting fraud (Erickson,Hanlon, and Maydew 2006).6 Since we are concerned with frauds thatinvolve financial accounting, we follow Erickson et al. 2006 and Miller 2006by removing any non-accounting frauds from the sample. Figure 1 illus-trates a time line for fraudulent accounting and the subsequent filing of anAAER against the company by the SEC. We pinpoint the beginning andend of each accounting fraud by reading every AAER leveled against a par-ticular company. Because it can take several years for the SEC to completeits investigation, there is typically a delay between the end of the fraud andthe date that the SEC issues its first AAER.

We control for year effects using two alternative specifications. First,we include year dummy variables, which benefits from not imposing a uni-form trend in accounting fraud over time. Second, we include a time trendvariable since, as we explain in more detail later, the frequency of account-ing fraud has been rising, particularly since 1995.

Company-specific control variables

The choice and specification of control variables closely follows recentresearch on accounting misstatements (e.g., Myers, Myers, Palmrose, and

Figure 1 The time line for fraudulent accounting and the Securities and ExchangeCommission’s issuance of Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Releases (AAERs)

6. We concede that our design for identifying companies that engage in accounting fraud is

necessarily incomplete since, for example, the SEC understandably does not detect every

reporting violation (see discussions in DeFond and Francis 2005 and Karpoff et al. 2008).

SEC investigations routinely stem from the following activities: (a) the market surveillance

programs of the American and New York Stock Exchanges and the National Association

of Securities Dealers; (b) public complaints, tips, referrals from other law enforcement

agencies, and financial press information; and (c) review of company filings (Pincus,

Holder, and Mock 1988).

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Scholz 2005; Burns and Kedia 2006; Erickson et al. 2006; Efendi, Srivasta,and Swanson 2007; Dechow, Ge, Larson, and Sloan 2009). Company Sizeequals the natural logarithm of total assets. Company Age represents thenatural logarithm of the number of years that the company has been listedon COMPUSTAT. Audit Firm Tenure is the number of years that the com-pany has retained the same audit firm. Because companies suffering finan-cial distress are more likely to commit fraud (Maksimovic and Titman1991), we control for this determinant by setting Negative Book Equityequal to 1 if liabilities exceed assets, and 0 otherwise. We assign the M&AIndicator the value 1 if the company has an acquisition that contributes tosales, and 0 otherwise. We code an indicator variable for the issuance ofdebt or equity, Debt & Equity Issued Indicator, to take the value 1 if thesum of new long-term debt and equity exceeds 20 percent of total assets,and 0 otherwise. Finally, the Loss dummy variable equals 1 if net income isnegative, and 0 otherwise. Apart from Company Age and Audit Firm Ten-ure, which are not affected by outliers, we winsorize all of the continuouscontrol variables at the 1st and 99th percentiles.

In additional analysis, we include the following control variables thathave some missing observations. Inverse Interest Coverage is interest expensedivided by operating income before depreciation. We follow Efendi et al. 2007by capping the interest coverage ratio at 2.00 and assigning a value of 2.00 ifoperating income before depreciation is negative. Sales Growth equals thepercentage change in sales from the prior year to the current year. The Book-to-Market ratio equals the book value of equity divided by the market valueof equity. The Working Capital Accruals variable equals the change in non-cash current assets minus the change in current liabilities (excluding short-term debt and taxes) minus depreciation, scaled by average assets (Dechow etal. 2009). Return volatility is the standard deviation of daily stock returns dur-ing the calendar year. External Financing Demand is a dummy variable thatwe set to one if Freecash < )0.5, where Freecash equals cash from operationsminus average lagged capital expenditure divided by lagged current assets.

Prior AAER research also examines the association between fraud andcorporate governance characteristics (e.g., Beasley 1996; Beasley, Carcello,Hermanson, and Lapides 2000). To avoid the severe attrition that would lit-erally decimate our sample, we do not directly control for corporate gover-nance variables in our main regressions. Instead, we report supplementaryregressions using a much smaller sample that includes the corporate gover-nance variables. We begin by constructing the following variables from theInvestor Responsibility Research Center (IRRC) database: %Board indepen-dence (%Audit committee independence), which measures the percentage ofboard (audit committee) members that are outside rather than executivedirectors; Board size, which equals the number of directors that sit on theboard; CEO-Chair duality, which takes the value 1 if the company’s chiefexecutive officer (CEO) is also Chairman of the Board, and 0 otherwise; andBoard meetings (Audit committee meetings), which denotes the number of

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meetings held by the board (audit committee) during the year. These vari-ables are available in the IRRC database for the period 1996–2001 exceptfor board meetings (1997–2001) and audit committee characteristics (1998–2001). Given that some of the fraud companies are not covered in the IRRCdatabase, we hand collect the above corporate governance variables fromproxy statements for the fraud companies that have missing data.

Importantly, our sample consists of 508 fraud companies. Some fraudslast more than one year, which means that our fraud sample consists of 1,109company-years. The control sample consists of 162,804 years for which com-panies are not accused of committing fraud. Supplementary regressions areconducted using smaller samples for the variables that have missing data.Because the sample is pooled across company-year observations, the annualobservations of a given company might not be drawn independently, so weaddress this statistical problem by adjusting the coefficients’ standard errorsby ‘‘clustering’’ on each company (Petersen 2009). Further, we exploit thepanel-data nature of our sample by controlling for company-specific effects.

Descriptive statistics

Our sample consists of frauds committed between 1981 and 2001. Somerecent frauds under investigation by the SEC had not culminated in the fil-ing of AAERs when we ended our data collection at October 31, 2006.Since this delay causes severe attrition in the frequency of alleged account-ing frauds after 2001 and, importantly, our research questions focus on thelink between fraud and Big Five audits in the years preceding the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, we choose a sample period ending in 2001. Table 1reports the number of annual audits performed by the Big Five and non-Big Five public accounting firms and the frequency of fraud in those audits.The average frequency of accounting fraud is 0.61 percent in Big Five cli-ents compared with 0.92 percent in non-Big Five clients; the difference isstatistically significant at under the 0.01 level (t-statistic = )6.14).

In Table 1, we bisect the fraud frequencies for each sample year from1981 to 2001 by audit firm size. Importantly, these frequencies are lower forBig Five clients in every year from 1981 to 1998. Moreover, the differences inBig Five and non-Big Five fraud frequencies are statistically significant at the0.05 level or better in 12 of the 15 sample years from 1981 to 1995. In con-trast, the Big Five and non-Big Five fraud frequencies are not significantlydifferent between 1996 and 2000, while the sign of the difference switchesfrom negative to positive in 2000. In 2001, the frequency is significantlyhigher in Big Five audits relative to non-Big Five audits (t-statistic = 2.27).

These findings corroborate the prevailing perception that external moni-toring by Big Five auditors began to deteriorate in the years leading up tothe recent legislative and regulatory reforms (e.g., Coffee 2002; Imhoff 2003;Earley et al. 2003). However, as will be shown later, it is vital to rigorouslycontrol for company size when testing Hypothesis 2 because there is anupward trend in fraudulent financial reporting by large companies around

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the turn of the century (Desai 2005; Lennox and Pittman 2007). In otherwords, the apparent diminution in Big Five audit quality could actuallyreflect the increasing propensity for large companies to commit accountingfraud, a competing explanation that we explore in the multivariate analysis.

Table 2 provides tests for significant differences in the means of theindependent variables between the fraud sample and the no-fraud sample.Because the sample covers 21 years from 1981 to 2001, we first deflate thevariables to 1980 prices using the annual rates of general price inflation.


The frequency of accounting frauds over time: Big Five versus non-Big Five audits


Big Five audits Non-Big Five audits Big Five Fraud %minus Non-BigFive Fraud %

t-stat.Obs. Frauds

Fraud %

Obs. Frauds

Fraud %

(1) (2) (1)–(2)

1981–2001 130,642 802 0.61 33,271 307 0.92 )0.31 )6.14*1981 4,116 10 0.24 1,503 9 0.60 )0.36 )2.03�

1982 4,660 18 0.39 1,555 11 0.71 )0.32 )1.61�

1983 4,876 12 0.25 1,590 12 0.75 )0.51 )2.90*1984 4,925 13 0.26 1,606 13 0.81 )0.55 )3.02*1985 5,252 18 0.34 1,687 12 0.71 )0.37 )2.01�

1986 5,537 21 0.38 1,647 7 0.43 )0.05 )0.261987 5,763 22 0.38 1,513 7 0.46 )0.08 )0.441988 5,653 19 0.34 1,438 13 0.90 )0.57 )2.87*1989 5,605 29 0.52 1,379 16 1.16 )0.64 )2.67*1990 5,725 30 0.52 1,277 14 1.10 )0.57 )2.34�

1991 5,872 38 0.65 1,273 20 1.57 )0.92 )3.33*1992 6,008 44 0.73 1,320 23 1.74 )1.01 )3.49*1993 6,458 41 0.63 1,424 27 1.90 )1.26 )4.66*1994 7,086 39 0.55 1,484 15 1.01 )0.46 )2.04�

1995 7,893 30 0.38 1,579 14 0.89 )0.51 )2.701996 8,077 47 0.58 1,581 13 0.82 )0.24 )1.111997 7,897 53 0.67 1,535 11 0.72 )0.05 )0.201998 7,981 69 0.86 1,686 17 1.01 )0.14 )0.571999 7,612 84 1.10 1,991 22 1.10 0.00 )0.012000 7,104 91 1.28 2,090 19 0.91 +0.37 +1.37

2001 6,542 74 1.13 2,113 12 0.57 +0.56 +2.27�


* Significant at the 0.01 level (two-tailed).

� Significant at the 0.05 level (two-tailed).

� Significant at the 0.10 level (two-tailed).

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Descriptive statistics for the fraud and no-fraud samples


Fraud sample(Fraud = 1)

No-fraud sample(Fraud = 0)

Differencesin meanst-statistics

Obs. Variablemean

Obs. Variablemean

Big Five 1981–2001 1,109 0.72 162,804 0.80 )6.14*Company Size

(total assets)

1981–2001 1,109 1,212.50 162,804 670.90 7.89*

Company Size

(log of total assets)

1981–2001 1,109 4.26 162,804 3.79 6.32*

Company Age (years) 1981–2001 1,109 11.02 162,804 12.36 )3.90*Company Age

(log of years)

1981–2001 1,109 1.94 162,804 2.04 )3.28

Audit Firm

Tenure (years)

1981–2001 1,109 6.18 162,804 6.82 )3.62*

Audit Firm

Tenure (log of years)

1981–2001 1,109 1.42 162,804 1.53 )3.95*

Negative Book

Equity Indicator

1981–2001 1,109 0.07 162,804 0.08 )0.95

M&A Indicator 1981–2001 1,109 0.17 162,804 0.08 10.32*

Debt & Equity

Issued Indicator

1981–2001 1,109 0.43 162,804 0.33 7.74*

Loss 1981–2001 1,109 0.43 162,804 0.37 4.00*

Leverage 1981–2001 1,108 0.31 162,193 0.30 0.50

Inverse Interest


1981–2001 1,011 0.74 152,551 0.67 2.84*

Sales Growth 1981–2001 1,040 0.48 145,185 0.30 5.25*

Book-to-Market 1981–2001 1,043 0.50 132,455 0.68 )6.19*Working Capital


1981–2001 961 )0.01 132,227 )0.03 5.84*

Return volatility 1981–2001 995 0.05 119,121 0.04 5.34*

External Financing


1981–2001 789 0.19 93,275 0.16 2.18�

Board size 1996–2001 511 6.23 8,854 9.44 )23.14*%Board independence 1996–2001 511 0.53 8,854 0.77 )35.83*CEO-Chair duality 1996–2001 511 0.54 8,854 0.66 )5.81*Board meetings 1997–2001 302 6.73 5,473 7.02 )1.66�

%Audit committee


1998–2001 249 0.93 4,432 0.99 )16.08*

Audit committee


1998–2001 249 2.59 4,432 3.58 )8.65*

(The table is continued on the next page.)

220 Contemporary Accounting Research

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TABLE 2 (Continued)


Except for the company’s age and audit firm tenure, the continuous variables are

winsorized at the top 1 percent and bottom 99 percent percentiles to address

outliers. The accounting variables are stated at 1980 prices after adjusting for

the effects of general price inflation during the sample period.

Fraud = 1 if the company is engaged in an accounting

fraud during the year, 0 otherwise.

Big Five = 1 if the company is audited by one of the Big

Five firms or their predecessors, 0 otherwise.

Company Size = log of total assets (data #6).

Company Age = log of the number of years that the company is

listed on COMPUSTAT.

Audit Firm Tenure = log of the number of years that the company is

audited by the same audit firm on COMPUSTAT.

Negative Book Equity Indicator = 1 if total liabilities (data #181) > total assets

(data #6), 0 otherwise.

M&A Indicator = 1 if the company had an acquisition that contrib-

uted to sales (data #249 > 0), 0 otherwise.

Debt & Equity Issued Indicator = 1 if the sum of new long-term debt (data #111)

plus new equity (data #108) exceeds 2percent of

total assets (data #6), 0 otherwise.

Loss = 1 if net income (data #172) is negative, 0 otherwise.

Leverage = totaldebt (data#34+data#9) ⁄ totalassets (data#6).

Inverse Interest Coverage = interest expense (data #15) divided by operating

income before depreciation (data #13). The ratio

is capped at 2.00 and we assign a value of 2.00 if

operating income before depreciation is negative.

Sales growth = percentage change in sales (data #12) from the

prior year to the current year.

Book-to-market = book value of equity (data #216) ⁄ market value

of equity (data #199 * data #25).

Working Capital Accruals = ([DCurrent assets (data #4) – DCash and short-

term investments (data #1)] – [DCurrent liabilities(data #5) – DDebt in current liabilities (data #34)

– DTaxes payable (data #71)] – Depreciation

(data #14)) ⁄ Average total assets (data (#6).

Return volatility = standard deviation of daily stock returns during

the calendar year.

(The table is continued on the next page.)

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Table 2 reveals that frauds are less likely to be committed by Big Fiveclients (t-statistic = )6.14) and more likely by large companies (t-statistics= 7.89, 6.32). The different signs for audit firm size and company sizeimply that the Big Five variable is not spuriously capturing a client sizeeffect, which might otherwise be a concern since larger companies tend tochoose Big Five auditors. The relations for the control variables are broadlyconsistent with prior research (Myers, Myers, and Omer 2003; Burns andKedia 2006; Efendi et al. 2007; Dechow et al. 2009).

4. Multivariate results

Tests of Hypothesis 1

Table 3 reports evidence on whether the likelihood of accountingfraud varies systematically between Big Five and non-Big Five audits

TABLE 2 (Continued)

External Financing Demand = 1 if Freecash < )0.5, 0 otherwise.

Freecash = (Cash from operations (data #308) – average

lagged capital expenditure (data #128) ⁄ laggedcurrent assets (data #4). Capital expenditures are

averaged over the preceding three years (t ) 3 to

t ) 1) if data #128 is available in each year.

Capital expenditures are averaged over the

preceding two years (t ) 2 to t ) 1) if data #128

is unavailable in year t ) 3. Capital expenditures

are lagged by one year (t ) 1) if data #128 is

unavailable in year t ) 2.

Board size = the number of directors who sit on the board.

%Board independence = the percentage of board members who are out-

side rather than executive directors.

CEO-Chair duality = 1 if the company’s CEO is also Chairman of the

board, 0 otherwise.

Board meetings = the number of meetings held by the board of

directors during the year.

%Audit committee independence = the percentage of audit committee members who

are outside rather than executive directors.

Audit committee meetings = the number of meetings held by the audit com-

mittee during the year.

* Significant at the 0.01 level (two-tailed).

� Significant at the 0.05 level (two-tailed).

� Significant at the 0.10 level (two-tailed).

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a 0þ

a 1B




















































































































































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(Hypothesis 1). The models are estimated using random effects probit inorder to control for unobserved company-specific effects. We do notimplement a fixed-effects probit model because it is known to provideinconsistent parameter estimates (Baltagi 1995; Greene 2001). Moreover,the fixed-effects specification would dummy out all companies that experi-ence no variation in the dependent variable over time (Baltagi 1995;Greene 2001), causing all of the no-fraud companies to be dropped fromthe estimation sample.

In the first five columns, the Big Five coefficients are negative (a1 < 0),reinforcing the univariate evidence consistent with Hypothesis 1 that BigFive clients are less likely to be accused of fraud. Indeed, the a1 coefficientsare all statistically significant at under the 0.01 level, with the z-statisticsranging from )5.88 (column 3) to )9.08 (column 1). To calibrate the eco-nomic magnitude of this association, we predict the probabilities ofaccounting fraud when the Big Five variable is ‘‘switched on’’ (Big Five =1) and ‘‘switched off’’ (Big Five = 0) and the other variables are evaluatedat their sample means.7 Re-writing the fraud model as

Fraud ¼ aX þ bBigFiveþ u;

we estimate that

b ¼ �0:57


a�X ¼ �2:015;



is a vector containing the mean values of all independent variables exceptfor Big Five. The expected probability of fraud conditional on appointing anon-Big Five auditor is therefore

PrðFraud ¼ 1Big Five ¼ 0Þ ¼ Uð�2:015Þ ¼ 0:0218;



is the cumulative normal distribution function for the probit model. Incontrast, the expected probability of fraud conditional on appointing a BigFive auditor is

PrðFraud ¼ 1Big Five ¼ 1Þ ¼ Uð�2:015� 0:57Þ ¼ 0:0049:

7. Although we interpret economic importance using the Big Five coefficient from column

1 of Table 3, the coefficients are similar in columns 2 to 7, ranging from )0.48 to )0.74.

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Therefore, appointing a Big Five auditor translates into the client becomingmore than four times less likely to commit accounting fraud (0.49 percentversus 2.18 percent). The Company Size coefficients are all positive andhighly significant, reflecting recent evidence that large companies are morelikely to engage in accounting fraud (e.g., Fich and Shivdasani 2007). Thisis consistent with agency conflicts stemming from the separation betweenmanagers and outside investors increasing in company size (Berle andMeans 1932; Jensen and Meckling 1976). The Company Age coefficientsload negatively, indicating that fraud companies tend to be younger,although the age coefficients are not statistically significant in column 5where we use the propensity-score matched control sample. The results donot provide consistent evidence that accounting fraud is associated withthe duration of Audit Firm Tenure, corroborating recent evidence that longtenure may not undermine audit quality (Carcello and Nagy 2004; Myers etal. 2003). Consistent with Erickson et al. 2006, fraud companies are morelikely to be involved in mergers and acquisitions. Similar to Efendi et al.2007, the issuance of debt and equity is positively related to the probabilityof accounting fraud, suggesting that companies have more incentive todeliberately misstate their financial statements when they are raising exter-nal capital. Although the fraud companies are more likely to report losses,they are less likely to report negative book equity, indicating mixed findingsas to the relation between fraud and reported financial condition; however,these variables fail to load when the model is estimated on the matchedcontrol sample (column 5).

In column 1, the Time Trend coefficient is positive and significant (z-sta-tistic = 9.78), corroborating our univariate evidence that the frequency ofaccounting frauds rose over the sample period. Since Table 1 indicates thatthe increase in fraud is not strictly linear over time, we replace Time Trendwith year dummy variables in columns 2 to 7. In column 3, we add the con-trol variables for working capital accruals, leverage, inverse interest cover-age, sales growth, book-to-market, return volatility, and external financingdemand. Incorporating these variables causes considerable sample attritionwith the number of fraud (no-fraud) observations falling from 1,109(162,804) to 643 (66,572), although only Working Capital Accruals, Lever-age, Book-to-Market, and External Financing Demand load. The positivecoefficients on Working Capital Accruals and Leverage imply that the fraudcompanies are more likely to aggressively manage their earnings and sufferfrom financial distress, respectively. The negative coefficient on the Book-to-Market ratio suggests that fraud companies are perceived by the market tohave greater growth opportunities (Erickson et al. 2006), consistent withinvestors being misled by fraudulent accounting. Finally, the positive coeffi-cient on External Financing Demand indicates that fraud companies havestronger incentives to raise external finance. We find nearly identical resultsin column 4 after recovering some observations by removing the controlsthat fail to load in column 3.

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In column 5, we use the propensity score matching approach to controlfor differences in the nature of Big Five and non-Big Five clients.8 Toobtain a matched sample, we first estimate an auditor choice model thatpredicts whether the company is audited by a Big Five or non-Big Fivefirm. Each non-Big Five client is then matched to a Big Five client that hasthe closest propensity score. The results in column 5 stem from estimatingthe fraud prediction model on the non-Big Five and matched Big Fivegroups.

We also use the propensity score matching approach to control for dif-ferences between fraud and non-fraud clients in the last clean year. Toobtain a matched sample, we first estimate a fraud prediction model wherethe dependent variable indicates whether the company is about to commit afraud (Fraud_start). The results from this first-stage model are shown in col-umn 6. In the second stage, we match each fraud company to a non-fraudcompany based on the closest propensity score. We then estimate the fraudmodel on the matched groups after including the Big Five variable. Asshown in column 7, the Big Five coefficient remains negative and highly sig-nificant (z-statistic = )4.48). Accordingly, this helps dispel the concern thatour results spuriously reflect fundamentally different characteristics betweenfraud and non-fraud companies in the last clean year. The other indepen-dent variables are generally insignificant in column 7 which is unsurprisinggiven that the fraud and non-fraud observations are matched on these char-acteristics in the first stage model estimated in column 6.

In column 8, we replace the Big Five dummy variable with dummies foreach of the Big Five audit firms to investigate whether the negative relationbetween fraud and audit firm size extends to all of these firms. The coeffi-cients on each audit firm dummy variable is negative and highly significant,implying that all five firms are less likely to be associated with fraud com-pared with the non-Big Five. Interestingly, the Andersen coefficient is themost negative of the five and an untabulated test reveals that it is signifi-cantly more negative at the 0.10 level. This is contrary to the view thatAndersen was associated with a higher incidence of financial reporting fail-ures. The Deloitte & Touche coefficient is the least negative of the five andan untabulated test reveals that the difference is significant at the 0.01 level.

In column 9, we include dummy variables for the two mid-tier auditfirms, BDO Seidman and Grant Thornton, in addition to each of the BigFive audit firms. Audits by the two mid-tier firms are not identified inCOMPUSTAT during the period prior to 1988, so the model in column 9 isestimated for the period 1988–2001. In this regression set-up, audit firmsother than the largest seven are included in the intercept. The coefficientsare statistically indistinguishable from zero for both BDO Seidman andGrant Thornton. In contrast, the coefficients are more negative and highly

8. Similarly, we continue to find strong evidence in size-industry-year matched samples

that companies with Big Five auditors are less apt to commit accounting fraud.

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significant for each of the Big Five. These results imply that the Big Fivefirms, unlike BDO Seidman and Grant Thornton, are each less likely to beassociated with fraud compared with the other non-Big Five firms. Accord-ingly, we conclude that the key distinction is between the Big Five and non-Big Five audit firms rather than the mid-tier firms.

Table 4 reports results for the fraud prediction model after inclusion ofthe corporate governance variables, which substantially reduces the size of


The association between accounting fraud and Big Five audits after controlling for

corporate governance characteristics

1 2 3

Big Five )2.33 ()5.26)* )2.97 ()4.24)* )4.57 ()4.31)*%Board independence )3.73 ()7.40)* )6.59 ()3.92)* )0.32 ()0.25)Board size )0.17 ()5.17)* )0.02 ()0.25)CEO-Chair duality 0.03 (0.22) 0.37 (1.53) 0.01 (0.02)

Board meetings )0.05 ()1.14)%Audit committee


)14.33 ()5.09)*

Audit committee meetings )0.38 ()3.90)*Company Size )0.32 ()5.02)* )0.41 ()3.23)* )0.64 ()5.36)*Company Age )1.10 ()7.83)* )1.74 ()6.52)* )2.60 ()6.38)*Audit Firm Tenure )0.09 ()1.14) 0.04 (0.22) 0.42 (2.01)�

Negative Book Equity


)0.48 ()1.44) 1.97 (2.75)* 4.62 (4.90)*

M&A Indicator 0.37 (2.41)� 0.67 (2.70)* 0.44 (1.40)

Debt & Equity Issued


0.32 (2.31)� 0.26 (0.70) 0.24 (0.83)

Loss 0.31 (2.17)� 0.54 (2.31)� 0.83 (2.55)�

Year dummy variables? Yes Yes Yes

Company-specific effects? Yes Yes Yes

Sample period 1996–2001 1997–2001 1998–2001

Fraud company-years 511 302 249

No-fraud company-years 8,854 5,473 4,432


The dependent variable equals 1 if the company engaged in accounting fraud during

the year, and 0 otherwise. We control for company-specific effects by estimat-

ing random effects probit models. Z-statistics are reported in parentheses.

Standard errors are adjusted for clustering by company. See Table 2 for the

definitions of the regression variables.

* Significant at the 0.01 level (two-tailed).

� Significant at the 0.05 level (two-tailed).

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our fraud and no-fraud samples. Column 1 is estimated for the period1996–2001 and reveals that %Board independence and Board size are nega-tively and significantly related to the likelihood of fraud (z-statistics =)7.40, )5.17, respectively), although CEO-chair duality does not load. Morerelevant to our research questions, we continue to find that the Big Fivecoefficient is negative and significant at less than the 0.01 level (z-statistic =)5.26).

Despite that this sacrifices power by shrinking the sample size con-siderably, column 2 adds the Board meetings variable and is estimatedfor the period 1997–2001. Although the number of board meetings is notsignificantly different between the fraud and no-fraud samples, the BigFive variable still loads negatively (z-statistic = )4.24). Finally, afterincluding in column 3 the variables for %Audit committee independenceand Audit committee meetings, we estimate the model for the period1998–2001. Both of the audit committee variables have significant nega-tive coefficients, implying that fraud is less common when companieshave independent audit committees that meet more frequently. Interest-ingly, the %Board independence variable ceases to load when we controlfor audit committee independence (board independence and audit commit-tee independence are, of course, positively correlated).9 More importantfor our purposes, the Big Five variable continues to load negatively(z-statistic = )4.31).10

Tests of Hypothesis 2

In a preliminary pass at our second research question, we document inTable 1 that the significant negative association between Big Five auditsand accounting fraud began to subside over time and even became posi-tive after 1999. These univariate findings are consistent with critics’ argu-ments that the Big Five quality differential started to narrow during the

9. This evidence reconciles with extensive prior research implying that audit committee

independence plays a major role in strengthening oversight of the financial reporting

process (e.g., Carcello and Neal 2000; Klein 2002; Abbott, Parker, and Peters 2004).

10. Our data collection process for the corporate governance analysis is behind the com-

pany size coefficient switching from loading positively in Table 3 to loading negatively

in Table 4. Because the IRRC database does not include many of the fraud companies,

we resorted to hand collecting the missing corporate governance data from proxy

statements to avoid severe sample attrition for this set of companies. However, given

that larger companies dominate the IRRC coverage, the fraud companies for which we

hand collect data are typically considerably smaller. Accordingly, the companies in the

non-fraud sample (comprised strictly of IRRC-covered companies) are, on average, lar-

ger than those in the fraud sample, which includes companies for which we recovered

through hand collection observations that were missing in the IRRC database. Predict-

ably, we report a significantly negative coefficient on Company Size in Table 3,

although this variable consistently loads positively in the rest of our regressions.

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late 1990s, which was at the root of the rise in accounting fraud fre-quency.

We now focus on whether the univariate evidence in Table 1 of a struc-tural break persists in a multivariate framework. Specifically, we estimatethe accounting fraud models using rolling regressions covering three-yearperiods. We choose three years because, as shown in Table 1, there areinsufficient frauds in individual years to reliably estimate the Big Five coeffi-cients in annual multivariate regressions. For example, there are only 19frauds in 1981, which includes 10 (9) by Big Five (non-Big Five) clients.Pooling the estimation samples over rolling three-year periods increases theprecision of our estimated coefficients, although at the cost of making itmore difficult to identify any individual year in which a structural breakmay occur.11 Similar to columns 1 and 2 of Table 3, the regressions includecontrols for Company Size, Company Age, Audit Firm Tenure, NegativeBook Equity Indicator, M&A Indicator, Debt & Equity Issued Indicator, andLoss. However, for brevity, we only report the coefficients and z-statisticsfor Big Five.

Table 5 reveals that the Big Five coefficients are negative for each ofthe 19 rolling regressions that extend from 1981–1983 to 1999–2001. Thesenegative coefficients are statistically significant at under the 0.01 level in16 out of the 19 regressions, with z-statistics ranging from )2.62 to )4.63.In the other three regressions, the negative coefficients are either signifi-cant at the 0.05 level (1984–1986), the 10 percent level (1986–1988), orinsignificant (1985–1987). Importantly, the Big Five coefficients remainnegative and significant at the 0.01 level in the years immediately preced-ing SOX (i.e., from 1996–1998 through 1999–2001), implying that Big Fiveclients were significantly less likely to engage in fraud.12 This evidencestands in stark contrast to the univariate analysis in Table 1 where the fre-quency of accounting frauds is higher for Big Five clients than it is fornon-Big Five clients in 2001 and statistically insignificant between 1996and 2000.

To shed light on why these multivariate results reveal a very differentpattern from that in Table 1, it is constructive to consider how neglectingto control for company size affects the multivariate inferences. We re-esti-mate the 19 three-year rolling regressions after dropping Company Size andreport these results in the second set of columns in Table 5. In the absenceof a control for client size, the association between Big Five audits andaccounting fraud closely resembles Table 1. Specifically, the Big Five

11. In a sensitivity test, we also estimate annual regressions and rolling regressions of two-

year periods. The Big Five coefficients have a similar pattern to the three-year rolling

regressions, but the standard errors of the coefficients are larger, indicating less precise


12. The pairwise correlation between the Big Five coefficients reported in Table 5 and a time

vector for the 19 three-year intervals is statistically insignificant, reinforcing the absence

of evidence that incremental Big Five audit quality has eroded over time.

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coefficients are statistically insignificant in the four rolling regressions from1996–1998 onwards and the Big Five coefficient even becomes positive inthe most recent period, 1999–2001. In comparison, the Big Five coefficients


The association between accounting fraud and Big Five audits using rolling regres-

sions of three-year periods


Multivariate regressionsthat control forCompany Size

Multivariate regressionsthat do not control for

Company Size

Big Five variable Big Five variable

Coefft. z-stat. Coefft. z-stat.

1981–1983 )0.40 )3.30* )0.28 )2.57*1982–1984 )0.40 )3.54* )0.30 )2.85*1983–1985 )0.40 )3.09* )0.30 )2.73*1984–1986 )0.28 )2.26� )0.21 )1.95�

1985–1987 )0.16 )1.47 )0.11 )1.061986–1988 )0.19 )1.86� )0.14 )1.371987–1989 )0.25 )2.62* )0.22 )2.26�

1988–1990 )0.29 )2.67* )0.25 )2.41�

1989–1991 )0.30 )2.89* )0.25 )2.68*1990–1992 )0.33 )3.25* )0.26 )2.95*1991–1993 )0.38 )4.28* )0.31 )3.93*1992–1994 )0.35 )3.97* )0.30 )3.79*1993–1995 )0.41 )4.63* )0.33 )4.23*1994–1996 )0.31 )3.35* )0.24 )2.70*1995–1997 )0.31 )3.08* )0.17 )1.92�

1996–1998 )0.25 )2.64* )0.11 )1.271997–1999 )0.29 )3.23* )0.08 )0.971998–2000 )0.29 )3.02* )0.03 )0.351999–2001 )0.25 )2.68* +0.07 +0.85


The dependent variable equals 1 if the company engaged in accounting fraud during

the year, and 0 otherwise. We include the same set of control variables as in

model 1 of Table 3 (i.e., Company Age, Audit Firm Tenure, Negative Book

Equity Indicator, M&A Indicator, Debt & Equity Issued Indicator and Loss).

For brevity, the coefficients on the control variables are not reported. See

Table 2 for the definitions of the regression variables.

* Significant at the 0.01 level (two-tailed).

� Significant at the 0.05 level (two-tailed).

� Significant at the 0.10 level (two-tailed).

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are negative and significant at the 5 percent level or better in 11 out of the15 regressions from 1981–1983 to 1995–1997, confirming that Big Five cli-ents are less likely to be accused of accounting fraud in the earlier years.Accordingly, a failure to account for the influence of company size resultsin a misleading inference that the negative association between Big Fiveaudits and accounting fraud disappeared in the years leading up to SOX.

To demonstrate this more rigorously, we re-estimate the fraud modelsafter adding interactions between: (a) Big Five audits and time, and (b) com-pany size and time. Table 1 suggests that any structural break in the relationbetween Big Five audits and accounting fraud occurred in the second half ofthe 1990s, so our time variable is an indicator that takes the value of 1 in1996–2001 and 0 in 1981–1995. We include the interaction variable Big Five* Time Dummy (1996–2001) in order to test whether the negative associationbetween Big Five audits and fraud is stable over the sample period (Hypothe-sis 2). A relative decline in Big Five audit quality around the turn of the cen-tury would be evident in a positive coefficient on the Big Five * Time Dummy(1996–2001) interaction variable. However, we would expect the coefficientto be insignificant if the negative link between Big Five audits and fraudremains stable. We add the interaction Company Size * Time Dummy (1996–2001) because recent research finds that large companies were increasinglylikely to engage in accounting fraud in the pre-SOX years (Desai 2005).

In column 1 of Table 6, the Big Five * Time Dummy (1996–2001) coef-ficient is positive and statistically significant at under the 1 percent level(z-statistic = 4.41). This corroborates the Table 1 results by suggesting astructural break in the association between Big Five audits and financialmisstatements in the period 1996–2001 compared with 1981–1995. However,this apparent structural break disappears once we control for the changingassociation between company size and fraud. In particular, the Big Five *Time Dummy (1996–2001) coefficient becomes much smaller in magnitudeas well as statistically insignificant in column 2 after we add the CompanySize * Time Dummy (1996–2001) interaction. The coefficient for the Com-pany Size * Time Dummy (1996–2001) variable is positive and highly signif-icant (z-statistic = 5.33), implying that large companies were increasinglymore likely to engage in fraud after 1995.

In columns 3 and 4, we estimate the fraud models after partitioning thesample into two time periods, 1996–2001 and 1981–1995. Column 3 revealsthat the Big Five coefficient is )0.69 and highly significant (z-statistic =)5.10) during the 1996–2001 period. In column 4, the Big Five coefficienthas a similar magnitude during the 1981–1995 period, )0.63, and is alsohighly significant (z-statistic = )7.73). On the other hand, the magnitude ofthe Company Size coefficient is considerably larger between 1996 and 2001(0.23) compared with the 1981–1995 period (0.11), which confirms that largecompanies were increasingly likely to engage in accounting fraud in recentyears. Unlike the univariate results in Table 1, the multivariate regressionsprovide strong, robust evidence dispelling the claim that there was a relative

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decline in the quality of financial statements audited by the Big Five firmsaround the turn of the century. In columns 5 and 6, we replace the TimeDummy (1996–2001) variable with the Time Trend to determine whetherour results are sensitive to the definition of time effects. We find thatthe Big Five * Time Trend coefficient loads positively (z-statistic = 3.12)before we add the Company Size * Time Trend interaction whereas it isinsignificantly different from zero when we control for the evolving associa-tion between company size and fraud.13

Collectively, these multivariate results imply that the univariate findingsin Table 1 actually reflect a structural break in the relation between com-pany size and fraud, rather than a break in the relation between Big Fiveaudits and fraud. In other words, large companies were increasingly likelyto engage in fraud in the years leading up to SOX and a failure to considerthis phenomenon points to a misleading inference that Big Five audits wereno longer associated with less frequent accounting fraud after 1995.

Test of Hypothesis 3

One explanation for our evidence that Big Five audits are negatively associ-ated with fraudulent financial reporting is that the Big Five firms supplybetter audits stemming from their superior monitoring in the form of dis-covering and correcting material errors in the financial statements (DeAnge-lo 1981a). This explanation maps into our research design, which implicitlytreats auditor choice as pre-determined. However, given that auditor choicemay be endogenous, there are two alternative explanations for the observednegative relation between Big Five audits and accounting fraud. First, theBig Five firms may refuse to audit companies with a high propensity toengage in fraud. Second, clients that have a high propensity to commitfraud may prefer to select non-Big Five audit firms, especially if they per-ceive that these auditors are less likely to prevent earnings overstatements.In the presence of either of these ‘‘screening’’ and ‘‘selection’’ phenomena,there is a potential endogeneity problem of unknown severity because BigFive audits are assumed to be pre-determined in our earlier analysis.

To the extent that screening and selection engender endogeneity, itshould be more apparent when audit firm tenure is short. For example, sup-pose that two companies commit accounting fraud in 2000 and both areaudited by the same non-Big Five firm. Suppose also that Company A ini-tially hired this auditor in 1990 whereas Company B waited until 1999. Itfollows that any bias in the coefficient estimates arising from endogeneity islikely to be worse for Company B because its auditor choice decisionoccurred shortly before it began to perpetrate accounting fraud. For exam-ple, Company B may have been audited prior to 1999 by a Big Five firm,which may have resigned after concluding that Company B had become a

13. The low variance-inflation-factors (unreported) for all of the independent variables and

interaction terms helps alleviate concerns about multicollinearity.

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high-risk client (the screening explanation). Alternatively, Company B mayhave dismissed its incumbent auditor in 1999 in favor of appointing a lowerquality non-Big Five firm during the fraud period (the selection explana-tion). In either case, endogeneity is more likely to be serious for CompanyB because there is a shorter lag between its choice of auditor and its deci-sion to orchestrate accounting fraud. Accordingly, treating the Big Fivevariable as pre-determined is more defensible when audit firm tenure islonger (Myers et al. 2003; Caramanis and Lennox 2008). If the negativeassociation between Big Five audits and fraud is driven by either screeningor selection, we would expect the results to be weaker in a long-tenuresample where the audit firm’s appointment is essentially pre-determined.14

Consequently, we re-estimate the fraud prediction models after bisecting thesample at the median duration of audit firm tenure (i.e., five years).

The results reported in Table 7 reveal that the Big Five coefficients arenegative and statistically significant in both the short and long tenure samples(z-statistics = )6.68, )3.64). More important for our purposes, the Big Fivecoefficients are virtually identical in these samples with values of )0.61 and)0.60, respectively; predictably, the difference is statistically insignificant.This evidence helps dispel the concern that the negative link with Big Fiveaudits reflects endogeneity. Rather, these results imply that Big Five auditshave a causal effect in terms of reducing the likelihood of accounting fraud.

Next, we attempt to isolate whether the evidence supports the endoge-neity explanation by examining the direction of auditor switching betweenBig Five and non-Big Five audit firms. For example, it could be that BigFive firms are more likely to resign from companies that are currently com-mitting fraud or that are likely to commit fraud in the near future in orderto moderate their exposure to litigation risk (Johnstone 2000). Further,companies could dismiss (appoint) Big Five (non-Big Five) audit firmseither during the fraud period or in the years just beforehand in order toreduce the likelihood of detection. Therefore, we test the endogeneity expla-nation by examining whether fraud companies are more (less) likely toswitch from Big Five to non-Big Five firms rather than in the oppositedirection, compared with non-fraud companies.

14. In theory, it is possible to test the direction of causality by estimating a Heckman-type

model, although we choose not to follow this approach because it is extremely suscepti-

ble to econometric problems (see Puhani (2000) for a review). Larcker and Rusticus

(2010) emphasize that instrumental variable methods such as the Heckman correction

are typically unreliable because the chosen instruments are invalid or weak. In the con-

text of auditor choice, a researcher who wishes to use the Heckman model faces the

often intractable task of identifying an independent variable that meets the following

conditions: (a) it is exogenous, (b) it is a very powerful predictor of auditor choice in

the first stage model, and (c) it does not affect the dependent variable in the second

stage model. Francis and Lennox (2009) demonstrate that, in the absence of such a vari-

able, the results from a Heckman model of auditor choice are extremely sensitive to

minor changes in model specification.

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Our treatment variable (Fraud) equals 1 if the auditor change occursduring a fraud year or during the three-year period prior to its initiation,and it takes the value 0 if the auditor change involves a company that doesnot commit fraud. We choose a window that extends before the fraud per-iod because auditor switches may occur in anticipation of the actual start ofthe fraud. However, untabulated results indicate that the conclusions areunchanged if the treatment variable takes the value one only during a fraud


The association between accounting fraud and Big Five audits, after partitioning the

sample into short and long audit firm tenure

Short audit firmtenure (£ 5 years)

Long audit firmtenure (> 5 years)

Coefft. z-stat. Coefft. z-stat.

Big Five )0.61 )6.68* )0.60 )3.64*Company Size 0.09 3.81* 0.11 3.75*

Time dummy (1996–2001) )0.43 )3.22* 0.18 0.67

Big Five *

Time dummy (1996–2001)

0.14 0.92 0.05 0.17

Company Size *

Time dummy (1996–2001)

0.09 2.79* 0.08 2.55�

Company Age 0.10 2.51� )0.37 )3.75*Audit Firm Tenure 0.08 1.70� 0.20 1.67�

Negative Book Equity Indicator )0.17 )1.69* )0.29 )1.43M&A Indicator 0.41 5.03* 0.14 1.29

Debt & Equity Issued Indicator 0.32 5.38* )0.00 )0.00Loss 0.21 3.31* 0.20 2.42�

Company-specific effects? Yes Yes

Sample period 1981–2001 1981–2001

Fraud company-years 669 440

No-fraud company-years 87,508 75,296


The dependent variable equals 1 if the company engaged in accounting fraud during

the year, and 0 otherwise. We control for company-specific effects by estimat-

ing random effects probit models. Z-statistics are reported in parentheses.

Standard errors are adjusted for clustering by company. See Table 2 for the

definitions of the regression variables.

* Significant at the 0.01 level (two-tailed).

� Significant at the 0.05 level (two-tailed).

� Significant at the 0.10 level (two-tailed).

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year rather than the pre-fraud period, or if we change the length of thepre-fraud window.

The coverage of auditor changes in the Audit Analytics and Auditor-Trak databases begins in 1992 and 2000, respectively. We merge the twodatabases in order to identify audit firm changes in the period from January1, 1992 to December 31, 2001. For inclusion in the sample, we require thatdata are available on both the identities of the outgoing and incoming auditfirms and that the company discloses whether the auditor change stemsfrom a dismissal or a resignation. We drop auditor changes involvingAndersen after October 1, 2001 since these were likely prompted by the fall-out from the Enron scandal. Finally, we require that financial statementdata are available from COMPUSTAT in order to construct the controlvariables.15

The no-fraud sample comprises 3,478 auditor changes experienced bycompanies that do not engage in fraud. Among the fraud firms, there arejust 46 auditor changes during the fraud year or during the three precedingyears. In Table 8, we examine whether the frequency of ‘‘upgrades’’(‘‘downgrades’’) from a non-Big Five to a Big Five audit firm (Big Five tonon-Big Five) varies systematically between the fraud and no-fraud sam-ples. Panel A reports the univariate results. In both the fraud and no-fraudsamples, the majority of auditor changes involve lateral switches fromeither one Big Five firm to another, or from one non-Big Five firm toanother. Specifically, there are 35 (76.1 percent) lateral switches in thefraud sample compared with 2,228 (64.1 percent) in the no-fraud sample.However, these lateral switches cannot explain our core evidence since theydo not affect the Big Five dummy variable. There are only 11 non-lateralswitches in the fraud sample, which involve seven downgrades and fourupgrades. The frequency of both upgrades and downgrades is slightlylower in the fraud sample than in the no-fraud sample. More formally, weare unable to reject the hypothesis that fraud companies are more (less)likely to switch from Big Five to non-Big Five (Big Five to non-Big Five)compared with the no-fraud firms (p-value = 0.896), contradicting theexplanation that endogeneity is behind the negative link between Big Fiveaudits and fraud.

Multivariate evidence on the direction of auditor switching is presentedin panel B of Table 8. We control for whether the auditor change occurs asa result of an audit firm resignation (Resign = 1) or the audit firm is dis-missed by the company (Resign = 0). Prior studies show that audit firms

15. Regrettably, data are unavailable in COMPUSTAT for many of the SEC registrants

covered in the Auditor-Trak and Audit Analytics databases. The reason is that COM-

PUSTAT covers only publicly traded companies whereas auditor changes are disclosed

by many non-traded registrants that file 8-K forms. In an untabulated test, we do not

impose the requirement to have data on the control variables and we examine the uni-

variate relation between fraud and the direction of auditor switching. The univariate

results with this larger sample are very similar to those tabulated.

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tend to resign from clients that present high litigation risk and that Big Fiveaudit firms are more sensitive than the non-Big Five to litigation risk(Krishnan and Krishnan 1997; Shu 2000). Consequently, we expect thatResign is negatively associated with switches from non-Big Five to Big Fiveauditors and positively associated with switches in the opposite direction.Distressed companies pose higher litigation risks, so we control for GCopinion which equals 1 if the audit opinion issued prior to the auditorchange states that there is an uncertainty with respect to the company’sability to remain a going-concern, and 0 otherwise. Similar to the Resignvariable, we expect that companies are more likely to switch away from BigFive auditors to the non-Big Five when they have received going-concernaudit opinions. We control for Company Size since large companies tend toappoint Big Five rather than non-Big Five auditors. However, we do notform a prediction as to how the company’s size level affects the direction ofswitching between large and small auditors. We expect that companiesincreasing in size are more likely to upgrade from non-Big Five to BigFive auditors, while companies in decline would downgrade in the otherdirection. We control for the change in size using Company Growth,which is the percentage change in total assets from the prior year to thecurrent year. Companies grow more quickly if they engage in merger andacquisition activity, so we also include the M&A Indicator dummy vari-able. As with the Company Growth variable, we expect positive coeffi-cients for upgrades to larger auditors and negative coefficients fordowngrades. Numerous studies find that companies raising externalfinance benefit from appointing higher quality auditors (Balvers, McDon-ald, and Miller 1988; Beatty 1989; Willenborg 1999), so we include Debt& Equity Issued Indicator as a control variable. Finally, we control forthe company’s financial health using the Negative Book Equity Indicatorand Loss variables.

Besides that the controls generally load in the predicted directions,panel B of Table 8 indicates that the Fraud variable is insignificant inexplaining the propensity for auditor upgrades and downgrades.16 Collec-tively, we fail to find that fraud companies are switching away from the BigFive audit firms or toward the non-Big Five firms, which is inconsistentwith the argument that endogeneity is responsible for our primary results.Instead, these results reinforce our evidence in Table 7 that the Big Fiveeffect is causal with these audit firms helping to prevent fraudulent financialreporting. In a nutshell, the evidence in this section enables us to more

16. We continue to find that Fraud consistently fails to load when we add controls to

reflect changes in operating cash flows scaled by assets, changes in new financing

scaled by assets, and changes in times interest earned scaled by assets after Johnson

and Lys (1990), although this leads to the fraud (no-fraud) sample falling to 2,147

(27) observations. The core evidence in Table 8 also remains when re-estimate the

models after dropping all the control variables, which increases the number of auditor

changes to 18,011 (98) in the fraud (no-fraud) samples.

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narrowly interpret the negative relation between Big Five audits andaccounting fraud as empirically validating theory (e.g., DeAngelo 1981a)that these auditors provide higher-quality detection and correction againstmaterially inaccurate financial statements.

5. Conclusion

In this paper, we rely on the incidence of accounting fraud to analyzewhether the relative quality of financial statements audited by the Big Fivefirms began to slide in the years leading up to SOX. Our empirical strategyinvolves examining a specific event, fraudulent financial reporting, that hasbecome a major focal point for justifying sweeping legislative and regula-tory changes after high-profile corporate governance failures like Enron andWorldcom. Many interpret the sudden surge in fraudulent financial report-ing as smoking-gun evidence that the relatively superior quality of Big Fiveaudits has fallen in recent years. We shed light on whether this evidencepersists in a multivariate framework that controls for company size, whichis crucial since larger companies tend to retain Big Five auditors.

In both unmatched and propensity score matched samples, our analy-sis reveals that the steep rise in accounting frauds by Big Five clients —that has spawned many papers that strive to explain the reasons behindthe apparent erosion of Big Five quality — is simply an artifact of com-pany size. After properly controlling for company size and other determi-nants, we find that the incidence of fraudulent financial reporting isconsistently lower for Big Five clients. Reflecting the first-order economicimportance of audit quality, our probit coefficient estimates translate intoBig Five clients being, on average, about four times less likely to commitaccounting fraud.

In 18 of 19 rolling regressions covering each three-year period within1981 to 2001, we document a statistically significant negative relationbetween the presence of a Big Five auditor and the incidence of allegedaccounting fraud. The time-series evidence indicates that this relation wasstable over time, including the 1996–2001 period in which the univariate evi-dence would suggest a structural break in the association between Big Fiveaudits and accounting fraud. Importantly, we also report results corroborat-ing that this evidence likely stems from Big Five firms genuinely conductingbetter audits, rather than from endogeneity.

Collectively, our research implies that the Big Five public accountingfirms consistently supplied higher-quality external monitoring from 1981 to2001, including the last five years in this timeframe when fraudulent finan-cial reporting by U.S. public companies spiked. Still, although we providestrong, robust evidence that Big Five clients are less likely to orchestrateaccounting fraud, it is important to stress that the economic fallout fromfraud can be dire in these situations since the Big Five tend to auditlarger companies. In addition, we analyze the relative quality of Big Fiveaudits compared with the non-Big Five and the results should not be

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interpreted in terms of trends in absolute audit quality. Finally, we focuson the link between auditor choice and the incidence of accounting fraudgiven that criticism of the Big Five stresses their apparent role in theprominent financial reporting failures, although future research couldcomplement our analysis by examining whether our evidence extends toother settings.


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