bidding doc 2 of 2 edited

DEPARTMENT OF EXAMINATIONS Procurement of Goods (National Competitive Bidding) Invitation of Bids for Procurement of Heavy Duty Printer for AS400 Computer System Contract No: 4/13/14/2014 BIDDING DOCUMENT Volume 2 of 2 (Section II, III, IV, V & VII) Receipt No………………………………. Rs. 2000/-(Non-refundable fee) Seen ……………………………………………. Signature of issuing officer Date ……………………….. Issued to …………………………………………….. …………………………………………… ………………………………………………

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DEPARTMENT OF EXAMINATIONSProcurement of Goods(National Competitive Bidding)Invitation of Bids for Procurement of Heavy Duty Printer for

AS400 Computer SystemContract No: 4/13/14/2014BIDDING DOCUMENT

Volume 2 of 2 (Section II, III, IV, V & VII)VOLUME 1

Section I

-Instructions to Bidders (ITB)- 1Section VI-Condition of Contract (CC)- 17Section VIII- Contract Forms


a. Contract Agreement-32

b. Performance Security-34

VOLUME 2Section II- Bidding Data Sheet (BDS)

- 37Section III- Evaluation & Qualification Criteria - 40Section IV- Bidding Forms

- 43Section V- Schedule of Requirements

- 52Section VII- Contract Data

- 61Invitation of Bid

- 62Annexure 01 to 07 Section II. Bidding Data Sheet (BDS)The following specific data for the goods to be procured shall complement, supplement, or amend the provisions in the Instructions to Bidders (ITB). Whenever there is a conflict, the provisions herein shall prevail over those in ITB.

ITB Clause

ReferenceA. General


ITB 1.1

The name of the Contract is

Procurement of Heavy Duty Printer solution for AS400 Computer SystemBid No: 4/13/14/2014

ITB 2.1The source of funding is: Government of Sri Lanka (GOSL)

ITB 4.1All bidders who have register business entities, have at least 5 years similar experience and minimum of 3 years with the quoted brand shall possess legal rights to supply the Goods under this contract

B. Contents of Bidding Documents

ITB 7.1For Clarification of bid purposes only, the Purchasers address is:

Attention : Commissioner General of ExaminationsAddress: Department of Examinations, Supplies Division, 03rd Floor,

Pelawatta, Battaramulla.Telephone /Facsimile No: 0112785219

C. Preparation of Bids

ITB 11.1 (e)The Bidder shall submit the following additional documents:

Three years experience in the relevant field and bidder should furnish certified copy of Business Registration and Brochures for the quoted items in the respective item.

ITB 14.3

Bidders shall quote all the items in each lot and 100% of quantities of each item.

ITB 15.1

The bidder shall quote in Sri Lankan Rupees and payment shall be made same

ITB 19.1The bid shall be valid until 27th August 2015.

ITB 20.1Bid shall include Bid Securities (An unconditional guarantee issued by a reputed bank approved by Central Bank of Sri Lanka) included in Section IV Bidding Forms. Non- compliance of these requirements will result in disqualification of the bidder.

ITB 20.2The amount of the Bid Security shall be:-

Lot No


Amount of Bid Security (Rs)


Student Table & Student Chair930,000.00


Student Table & Student Chair



Teacher Table & Teacher Chair



Steel Almirah105,000.00


Magi Board (6x 4)


The Bid Securities shall be valid for a period of 30 days beyond the original validity period of bids, up to 24th September 2015.

ITB 22.2The inner and outer envelopes shall bear the following identification marks(ED/07/101/05/CF/ TS/15. G 34

D. Submission and Opening of Bids

ITB 23.1For bid submission purposes, the Purchasers address is:

Attention: Secretary, Address Ministry of Education,

C/O Procurement Division, 05th Floor,

Isurupaya, Battaramulla.

Telephone : 0113188179

Facsimile No: 0112076766

The deadline for the submission of bids is

Date: 28th May 2015 Time:2.30 pm

ITB 26.1The bid opening shall take place at:

Address: Procurement Division,

5th Floor,

Ministry of Education,



Date: 28th May 2015 Time: 2.30 pm

E. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids

ITB 34.1Domestic preference shall not be a evaluation factor

ITB 35.3(d)The adjustments shall be determined using the following criteria, from among those set out in section III, Evaluation and Qualification criteria:

(a) Deviation in Delivery Schedule:

Option 1 is applicable and for offer within the earliest to final delivery date 0.5 % of bid price per week will be added for evaluation purpose.

(b) Deviation in payment schedule: Not Applicable

ITB 35.3(d)Bidders may quote one or more Lots.

Section III. Evaluation and Qualification Criteria

This Section complements the Instructions to Bidders. It contains the criteria that the Purchaser use to evaluate a bid and determine whether a Bidder has the required qualifications. No other criteria shall be used.


1. Evaluation Criteria (ITB 35.3 {d})


Applicable2. Evaluation Criteria (ITB 35.4)


Applicable3. Multiple Contracts (ITB 35.5)


Applicable4. Domestic Preference (ITB 34.1) -

Not Applicable5. Post qualification Requirements (ITB 37.2)-


Section III. Evaluation and Qualification Criteria

1. Evaluation Criteria (ITB 35.3 (d))

The Purchasers evaluation of a bid may take into account, in addition to the Bid Price quoted in accordance with ITB Clause 14, one or more of the following factors as specified in ITB Sub-Clause 35.3(d) and in BDS referring to ITB 35.3(d), using the following criteria and methodologies.

(a) Delivery scheduleOption 1

The Goods specified in the List of Goods are required to be delivered within the acceptable time range (after the earliest and before the final date, both dates inclusive) specified in Section VI, Delivery Schedule. No credit will be given to deliveries before the earliest date, and bids offering delivery after the final date shall be treated as non responsive. Within this acceptable period, an adjustment, as specified in BDS Sub-Clause 35.3(d), will be added, for evaluation purposes only, to the bid price of bids offering deliveries later than the Earliest Delivery Date specified in Section VI, Delivery Schedule.

(b) Deviation in payment schedule: NIL 2. Evaluation Criteria (ITB 35.4)

Lot A, B, C,D and E will be evaluated as Lot wise.

Delivery Schedule is considered for the evaluation

Bidder shall submit samples for each item only if requested by the purchaser, according to specification for each item (after receiving a request from the Ministry of Education)

3. Post qualification Requirements (ITB 37.2)

After determining the lowest-evaluated bid in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause 36.1, the

Purchaser shall carry out the post qualification of the Bidder in accordance with ITB

Clause 37, using only the requirements specified. Requirements not included in the text below shall not be used in the evaluation of the Bidders qualifications.

a. Financial Capabilities:Bidder shall furnish documentary evidence to demonstrate that it meets the following financial requirements 1. Financial reports of last three years (Audited statements of accounts of the company)

b. Experience and Technical Capacity:The Bidder shall furnish documentary evidence to demonstrate that it meets the following experience requirements

1. Three Years experience in relevant field.

Section iv, Bidding Forms Table of Forms

Bid Submission Form........................................................................................................

Price Schedule..................................................................................................................

Bid Security (Guarantee) ..................................................................................................

Section IV, Bidding FormsBid Submission Form

[The Bidder shall fill in this Form in accordance with the instructions indicated No

alterations to its format shall be permitted and no substitutions shall be accepted.]

Date: [insert date (as day, month and year) of Bid Submission]

No.: [insert number of bidding process]

To: Secretary, Ministry of EducationWe, the undersigned, declare that:

(a) We have examined and have no reservations to the Bidding Documents, including

Addenda No.: .................................................. [Insert the number and issuing date of each Addenda];

(b) We offer to supply in conformity with the Bidding Documents and in accordance

With the Delivery Schedules specified in the Schedule of Requirements the

Following Goods and Related Services: Procurement of School Furniture for New Model Primary Schools.(c) The total price of our Bid before VAT, including any discounts offered is:

Lot A ..

................................................................. . [Insert the total bid price in words and figures];

Lot B.....................................................................................

[Insert the total bid price in words and figures];

Lot C.....................................................................................

[Insert the total bid price in words and figures];

Lot D.....................................................................................

[Insert the total bid price in words and figures];

Lot E.....................................................................................

[Insert the total bid price in words and figures];

(d) The total price of our Bid after VAT, and any discounts offered is:

Lot A...

.................................................................. [Insert the total bid price of lot A & B separately in words and figures];

Lot B..................................................................................... .

[Insert the total bid price of lot A & B separately in words and figures];

Lot C.....................................................................................

[Insert the total bid price of lot A & B separately in words and figures]; Lot D.....................................................................................

[Insert the total bid price in words and figures];

Lot E.....................................................................................

[Insert the total bid price in words and figures]; (e) Our bid shall be valid for the period of time specified in ITB Sub-Clause 19.1, from the date fixed for the bid submission deadline in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause

23.1 and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period;

(f) If our bid is accepted, we commit to obtain a performance security in accordance with ITB Clause 43 and CC Clause 17 for the due performance of the Contract;

(g) We have no conflict of interest in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause 4.3;

(h) Our firm, its affiliates or subsidiariesincluding any subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the contracthas not been declared blacklisted by the National

Procurement Agency;

(i) We understand that this bid, together with your written acceptance thereof included in your notification of award, shall constitute a binding contract between us, until a formal contract is prepared and executed.

(j) We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest evaluated bid or any other bid that you may receive.Signed: ......................................................... [Insert signature of person whose name and capacity are shown]

In the capacity of.......................................... [Insert legal capacity of person signing the Bid Submission Form]

Name: .......................................................... [Insert complete name of person signing the Bid Submission Form]

Duly authorized to sign the bid for and on behalf of: ........................................................ [Insert complete name of Bidder]

Dated on ____________ day of __________________, _______ [insert date of signing]Section IV, Bidding Forms Price Schedule

[The Bidder shall fill in this Price Schedule in accordance with the instructions Indicated. The list of line items in column 1 of the Price Schedules shall coincide with the List of Goods and Related Services specified by the Purchaser in the Schedule of Requirements.]


Goods and related Services offered within Sri Lanka (in Sri Lankan Rupees)

Line Item No

Description of Goods or

related services




Unit price

(inclusive of

duties, sales and

other taxes)

Before VAT

Price per

line item

(Col. 3x4)

transportation, insurance and other related

services to deliver the goods

to their final destination if not

included under column 4Total



(Col 5+6)


Total price

(if any )



Total Price


(Col. 7 or


01Supply and Installation of line Metrix printers with 5 years warranty from manufacture 10

02Modification to software , user training on the solution and commissioning of the solution

1( lot)

03Maintenance of the system for 3 years ( after warranty)


Signature of Bidder: .

[Signature of person signing the Bid]


[Insert date]

Section IV, Bidding Forms Bid Security/Guarantee

[this Bank Guarantee form shall be filled in accordance with the instructions indicated in


------------------------------------ [insert issuing agencys name, and address of issuing branch or office] ---------------

*Beneficiary: Secretary, Ministry of Education, Isurupaya, Battaramulla.Date: ----------------------------------- [insert (by issuing agency) date]

BID GUARANTEE No.: ----------------------------------------- [insert (by issuing agency) number]

We have been informed that -------------------- [insert (by issuing agency) name of the Bidder; if a joint venture, list complete legal names of partners] (hereinafter called "the Bidder") has submitted to you its bid dated ------------------- [insert (by issuing agency) date](hereinafter called "the Bid") for the supply of -------------[insert name of Supplier] under Invitation for Bids No. ---------------------------------- [insert IFB number] (the IFB).

Furthermore, we understand that, according to your conditions, Bids must be supported by a Bid Guarantee.

At the request of the Bidder, we ---------------------------------- [insert name of issuing agency] hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of ---

-------------------- [insert amount in figures] ------------------------ [insert amount in words]) upon receipt by us

of your first demand in writing accompanied by a written statement stating that the Bidder

is in breach of its obligation(s) under the bid conditions, because the Bidder:

(a) Has withdrawn its Bid during the period of bid validity specified; or

(b) Does not accept the correction of errors in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders (hereinafter the ITB); or

(c) Having been notified of the acceptance of its Bid by the Purchaser during the period of bid validity, (i) fails or refuses to execute the Contract Form, if required, or (ii) fails or refuses to furnish the Performance Security, in accordance with the ITB.

This Guarantee shall expire: (a) if the Bidder is the successful bidder, upon our receipt of

copies of the Contract signed by the Bidder and of the Performance Security issued to you

by the Bidder; or (b) if the Bidder is not the successful bidder, upon the earlier of (i) our

receipt of a copy of your notification to the Bidder that the Bidder was unsuccessful,

otherwise it will remain in force up to ----------------- (insert date)

Consequently, any demand for payment under this Guarantee must be received by us at

the office on or before that date._____________________________

[signature(s) of authorized representative(s) ]

Section V. Schedule of Requirements


1. List of Good and Delivery Schedule

2. Technical Specifications ..

3. Inspections and Tests

1. List of Goods and Delivery ScheduleLine


N0Description of GoodQuantity.Final Destination as specified in BIDDelivery Date

Earliest Delivery DateLatest Delivery DateBidders offered Delivery date [to be provided by the bidder

[insert item No[Insert description of Goods][Insert quantity of item of Goods[Insert place of Delivery][Insert the number of days following the date of effectives the contract[Insert the number of days following the date of effectives the contract[Insert the number of days following the date of effectives the contract

Lot A - Student Table & Student Chair

(For Western & Southern Provinces)

01Student Table

13920To Schools in the attached list

(Annexure 07)

12 Weeks16 Weeks

02Student Chair


Signature of Bidder: .

[Signature of person signing the Bid]


[Insert date]2.




Technical Specification & Compliance

The Bidders fill the bidders offer column. Bidders failure to provide information requested in the bidders offer column may be a reason for the rejection.The bidder must attach Product technical brochures as documentary evidence to this page.

The solution must be based on line matrix printer technology only the pool of printers must provide the total outcome mentioned below The total solution must exceeds a MBTF of 30,000 hours.

Monthly Duty Cycle (for the solution)

Average -2,000,000

Maximum - 5,000,000Output speed of the total solution 15,000 line per min

The solution must provide direct linking to current application software running on IBM system i using IPDS printer protocol and TCP/IP printing protocols. Any modification to current software must be handle by bidder. Each printer must meet or exceeds following technical minimum values

Technical Feature Minimum ValueBidders Response ( Yes/No)Bidders Comment

Form factorPrinter with sound limiting cabinet(free stand)

Print TypeLine matrix impact print

Print speed2000 lines per minute,800 lines NLQ

Print resolution180 dpi Horizontal and 140 dpi Vertical or better

Dot Size0.42 mm or less

Paper typeContinuous, fan folded, edge-perforation

Paper weight60 to 350gsm

Paper Width3 (76mm) to 17 (432mm)

Print widthUp to 13.6 (345mm)

Media copiesUp to 5 copies of self-carbonized paper with original

ConnectivityEthernet 10/100 Base T, USB, Serial

Print GraphicsMust be able to print basic monochrome images ,logos and barcodes on documents

Signature of Bidder: .

[Signature of person signing the Bid]


[Insert date]Section VII. Contract Data

CC 1.1 (i)The Purchaser is: Ministry of Education

CC 1.1 (m)

Final Destination(s) : School List is Attached (Annexure 07).

CC 8.1

For notices, the Purchasers address shall be:

Attention: Secretary Address: Ministry of Education, Isurupaya, Battaramulla.

Telephone:011- 3188179 or 011-2785141 51 Extn 1359Facsimile number : 011-2076766

CC 12.1 The Delivery of the Goods and Completion of the Related Services shall be in accordance with the Delivery and Completion Schedule specified in the Schedule of Requirements. Invoice duly receipted by consignee for having received the goods in physically good condition, Inventory certificates and manufactures Inspection certificates are required to make payment to bidders.

CC 15.1The method and conditions of payment to be made to the Supplier under this contract shall be as follows:

Payment shall be made in Sri Lankan Rupees within thirty days of presentation of claim supported by a certificate from the purchaser declaring that the goods have been delivered and that all contracted services have been performed.

(i) On delivery and acceptance: 100 % of the contract price shall be paid to the supplier within thirty days (30 days) after the date of the acceptance certificate of the respective delivery issued by the purchaser

CC 17.1Performance security shall be required Ten percent (10%) of the contract value (Soon after contract is awarded)After delivery and acceptance of the Goods, the performance security shall be reduced to the 2% for the rest of the warranty period.

CC 25.1

The inspections and tests shall be conducted by the supplier to ensure compliance of the goods supplied to the laid down specifications.

CC 25.2

Inspections and the tests shall be conducted at: Suppliers stores

CC 26.1

The liquidated damage shall be: 0.5% per week and the maximum amount of liquidated damages shall be: 10%

Issued to


Receipt No.

Rs. 2000/-(Non-refundable fee)



Signature of issuing officer

Date ..


The Ministry of Education

Procurement of School furniture for

Technological Faculties.

(For Western, Southern, Northern & Eastern Provinces)

Contract No: ED/07/101/05/CF/TS/15. G 34

The Chairman Ministry Procurement Committee on behalf of the Secretary, Ministry of Education now invites sealed bids for Procurement of School Furniture for Technological Faculties mentioned in the table below, from eligible and qualified bidders possessing a minimum laid down experience. Complete details are included in the bidding document. Expected delivery period is 12 to 16 weeks from the date of letter of acceptance. Bidder may quote one or more lots and all bids must be accompanied by a bid security as indicated in the table below,

Se. No.Bid NameLot No.Amount of Bid Security (Rs)


Procurement of School Furniture for Technological Faculties.

[ED/07/101/05/CF/TS/15. G 34]A93,000.00B415,000.00C100,000.00D105,000.00E 40,000.00

Bidders should provide bid securities separately for each lot quoted along with the bid

2. Bidding will be conducted following the National Competitive Bidding (NCB) Procedures

3. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from the Procurement Division, 05th Floor, Isurupaya Ministry of Education (Telephone: 011-3188179 or 0112785141 50 Extn. 1530) and inspect the bidding documents free of charge from 09.00 am to 03.30 pm on working days until 27th May 2015.

4.A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language may be purchased by interested bidders from the Procurement Division upon submission of a written application on or before 3.00 pm, 27th May, 2015 and upon payment of a non refundable fee of Rs. 2000/= for each document (The payment method will be cash).

5.Bids must be delivered to the Procurement Division, 05th Floor, Ministry of Education, Isurupaya Battaramulla on or before 28th M ay, 2015 at 2.30 pm. Late bids will be returned unopened. Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders representatives who choose to attend in person at the address given above after closing of bids.

6.Duly filled and sealed Bids marked Procurement of School Furniture for Technological Faculties, Contract No: ED/07/101/05/CF/TS/15. G 34 on top left hand corner of the envelop should be submitted.

The Secretary,

Ministry of Education,




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