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Books published by Societies and Organizations

Indigenous Music Hymnal Tangkhul. 1995, published by Tangkhul Theological Association, Ukhrul

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Khokharum Laa (Hymnal),2006, published by Tangkhul Baptist Churched Association, Ukhrul

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WTNBA wui Golden Jubilee Khararchan, 1971, published by Tangkhul Naga Baptist Association, Ukhrul

Wordham: Tuitam Kakhane, 2001, published by Tangkhul Literature Society, Ukhrul

Tangkhul Music Albums

Akui Vol-1, by Source Mashangva

Akui Vol-2 Okathui Meina Chuira, by Source Mashangva

Creation, 2006, by Rewben Mashangva

Elongnao, by Peterson Chamroy

Huinahao, by Thangmeiso Singlai

I-Salavah Vol-1, by Suisa Ronra & L.A. Ashim

Kachot Khon Vol-1, by Kingsword Hungshimwung

Kachot Khan Vol-2 Khuira Won, by Kingsword Hungshimwung

Kateoa Kaphungli Kahaka Tuishot, by Assurance Raikhan & A. W. Tammi

Machaplu Jen, by Aso Singlai & Miss Tammi

Mayarnao Eina Shanao, by Thangmeiso Singlai & Lashiyo Singsing

Meithot Vol-1, by Ningshang Shimray

Ningshat Vol-1, By Diana A. Wungsek & Pingmeiso Shimprui

Ningshat Vol-3, by Diana A, Wungsek, Jaingam Kamei & Bliss Vaca

Pen Pal, by Jas Makang, A won Singlai, & Assurance Raikhan

Songaiya Vol-1, by Athing Horam


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Tantivy (Nagafolk), by Rewben Msahangva

Tharin, by Ayao Rimai

Thotyar, by S. Raikhan & A W. Tammi

Tipkhawon, by J as Makang & K. Remnu

Yurwui Pakra, by K. Wungchan

Zingtai Mansingla Vol-1, by R. K. Assurance & K. R. Ringsophy

Zingyin Tantak Vol-IV, by Zingyin Tantak