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279 © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2018 C. Paver, Exhibiting the Nazi Past, The Holocaust and its Contexts, BIBLIOGRAPHY Exhibition Catalogues and Other Publications Accompanying Exhibitions Angerer, Birgit, et al., eds, Volk, Heimat, Dorf. Ideologie und Wirklichkeit im ländlichen Bayern der 1930er und 1940er Jahre (Petersberg: Imhof, 2016). Barta-Fliedl, Ilsebill, and Herbert Posch, eds, InventArisiert. Enteignung von Möbeln aus jüdischem Besitz (Vienna: Turia and Kant, 2000). Bartels, Nicole, Juliane Deinert, Wilfried Enderle, and Helmut Rohlfing, eds, Bücher unter Verdacht. NS-Raub- und Beutegut an der SUB Göttingen (Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2011). Bertz, Inka, and Michael Dorrmann, eds, Raub und Restitution. Kulturgut aus jüdischem Besitz von 1933 bis heute (Göttingen: Wallstein, 2008). Beßmann, Alyn, and Insa Eschebach, eds, Das Frauen-Konzentrationslager Ravensbrück. Geschichte und Erinnerung (Berlin: Metropol, 2013). Bildungswerk Stanislaw Hantz, ed., ‘Nur die Sterne waren wie gestern’. Henryk Mandelbaum: Häftling im Sonderkommando von Auschwitz, April 1944 – Januar 1945 (Kassel: Bildungswerk Stanislaw Hantz, 2006). Brebeck, Wulff E., Frank Huismann, Kirsten John-Stucke, and Jörg Piron, Endzeitkämpfer. Ideologie und Terror der SS (Munich: Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2011). Christmeier, Martina, and Alexander Schmidt, eds, Albert Speer in der Bundesrepublik. Vom Umgang mit deutscher Vergangenheit (Petersberg: Imhof, 2017). Deutsches Historisches Museum, ed., 1945. Niederlage. Befreiung. Neuanfang. Zwölf Länder Europas nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2015).

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279© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2018 C. Paver, Exhibiting the Nazi Past, The Holocaust and its Contexts,


Exhibition Catalogues and Other Publications Accompanying Exhibitions

Angerer, Birgit, et al., eds, Volk, Heimat, Dorf. Ideologie und Wirklichkeit im ländlichen Bayern der 1930er und 1940er Jahre (Petersberg: Imhof, 2016).

Barta-Fliedl, Ilsebill, and Herbert Posch, eds, InventArisiert. Enteignung von Möbeln aus jüdischem Besitz (Vienna: Turia and Kant, 2000).

Bartels, Nicole, Juliane Deinert, Wilfried Enderle, and Helmut Rohlfing, eds, Bücher unter Verdacht. NS-Raub- und Beutegut an der SUB Göttingen (Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2011).

Bertz, Inka, and Michael Dorrmann, eds, Raub und Restitution. Kulturgut aus jüdischem Besitz von 1933 bis heute (Göttingen: Wallstein, 2008).

Beßmann, Alyn, and Insa Eschebach, eds, Das Frauen-Konzentrationslager Ravensbrück. Geschichte und Erinnerung (Berlin: Metropol, 2013).

Bildungswerk Stanislaw Hantz, ed., ‘Nur die Sterne waren wie gestern’. Henryk Mandelbaum: Häftling im Sonderkommando von Auschwitz, April 1944 – Januar 1945 (Kassel: Bildungswerk Stanislaw Hantz, 2006).

Brebeck, Wulff E., Frank Huismann, Kirsten John-Stucke, and Jörg Piron, Endzeitkämpfer. Ideologie und Terror der SS (Munich: Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2011).

Christmeier, Martina, and Alexander Schmidt, eds, Albert Speer in der Bundesrepublik. Vom Umgang mit deutscher Vergangenheit (Petersberg: Imhof, 2017).

Deutsches Historisches Museum, ed., 1945. Niederlage. Befreiung. Neuanfang. Zwölf Länder Europas nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2015).

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Deutsch-Russisches Museum Berlin-Karlshorst, ed., Deutsch-Russisches Museum Berlin-Karlshorst. Katalog zur Dauerausstellung (Berlin: Deutsch-Russisches Museum Berlin-Karlshorst, 2014).

Dierl, Florian, Mariana Hausleitner, Martin Hözl, and Andreas Mix, eds, Ordnung und Vernichtung. Die Polizei im NS-Staat (Dresden: Sandstein, 2011).

Fleckenstein, Jutta, and Bernhard Purin, eds, Jüdisches Museum München/Jewish Museum Munich (Munich, Berlin, london, and New york: Prestel, 2007).

Fleckenstein, Jutta, and Tamar lewinsky, eds, Juden 45/90. Von da und dort – Überlebende aus Osteuropa (Berlin: Hentrich und Hentrich, 2011).

Giere, Jacqueline, and Rachel Salamander, eds, Ein Leben aufs Neu. Das Robinson-Album. DP-Lager: Juden auf deutschem Boden 1945–1948 (Vienna: Brandstätter, 1995).

Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung, ed., Verbrechen der Wehrmacht. Dimensionen des Vernichtungskrieges 1941–1944 (Hamburg: Hamburger Edition, 2002).

Haus der Geschichte Baden-Württemberg, ed., ‘Anständig Gehandelt.’ Widerstand und Volksgemeinschaft 1933–1945 (Stuttgart: Haus der Geschichte Baden-Württemberg, 2012).

Hecht, Cornelia, ed., Spurensicherung. Jüdisches Leben in Hohenzollern. Eine Ausstellung in der ehemaligen Synagoge Haigerloch (Stuttgart: Haus der Geschichte Baden-Württemberg, 2004).

Heimann-Jelinek, Felicitas, ed., Jetzt ist er bös, der Tennenbaum. Die zweite Republik und ihre Juden (Vienna: Jüdisches Museum der Stadt Wien, 2005).

Hesse, Klaus, and Philipp Springer, eds, Vor aller Augen. Fotodokumente des nationalsozialistischen Terrors in der Provinz (Essen: Klartext, 2002).

Jüdisches Museum Berlin, ed., Heimatkunde. 30 Künstler blicken auf Deutschland (Munich: Hirmer, 2011).

Jüdisches Museum Frankfurt am Main, ed., Geschenkte Geschichten. Zum 20-Jahres-Jubiläum des jüdischen Museums Frankfurt am Main (Frankfurt am Main: Societätsverlag, 2009).

Kalchthaler, Peter, Robert Neisen, and Tilmann von Stockhausen, eds, Nationalsozialismus in Freiburg (Petersberg: Imhof, 2016).

Knigge, Volkhard, ed., Buchenwald. Ausgrenzung und Gewalt. 1937 bis 1945 (Göttingen: Wallstein, 2016).

Knigge, Volkhard, Rikola-Gunnar lüttgenau, and Jens-Christian Wagner, eds, Zwangsarbeit. Die Deutschen, die Zwangsarbeiter und der Krieg (Weimar: Stiftung Gedenkstätten Buchenwald und Mittelbau-Dora, 2010).

Köhlmeier, Michael, ‘Der Silberlöffel’, in Heimat, Diaspora. Das Jüdische Museum Hohenems, ed. by Hanno loewy (Hohenems: Bucher, 2008), pp. 252–55.

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loewy, Hanno, and Anika Reichwald, eds, Übrig. Ein Blick in die Bestände – zum 25. Geburtstag des Jüdischen Museums Hohenems (Hohenems, Vienna, and Vaduz: Bucher, 2016).

loewy, Hanno, and Gerhard Milchram, eds, Hast du meine Alpen gesehen? Eine jüdische Beziehungsgeschichte (Hohenems and Vienna: Bucher, 2009).

lVR-Industriemuseum, ed., Glanz und Grauen. Mode im dritten Reich (Bönen/Westfalen: Kettler, 2012).

Pieken, Gorch, and Matthias Rogg, eds, Militärhistorisches Museum der Bundeswehr. Ausstellungsführer (Dresden: Sandstein, 2011).

Pieken, Gorch, and Matthias Rogg, eds, Militärhistorisches Museum der Bundeswehr. Ausstellung und Architektur (Dresden: Sandstein, 2011).

Pieken, Gorch, Matthias Rogg, and Ansgar Snethlage, eds, Schlachthof 5. Dresdens Zerstörung in literarischen Zeugnissen (Dresden: Sandstein, 2015).

Purin, Bernhard, ed., Dort und jetzt. Zeitgenössische Judaica in Israel (Fürth: Jüdisches Museum Franken—Fürth und Schnaittach, 1997).

Purin, Bernhard, ed., Jüdisches Museum Franken in Schnaittach. Museumsführer (Fürth: Jüdisches Museum Franken—Fürth und Schnaittach, 1996).

Purin, Bernhard, Judaica aus der Medina Aschpah. Die Sammlung des Jüdischen Museums Franken in Schnaittach (Fürth: Jüdisches Museum Franken—Fürth und Schnaittach, 2003).

Reininghaus, Alexandra, ed., Recollecting. Raub und Restitution (Vienna: Passagen Verlag, 2009).

Reuß, Cordula, ed., NS-Raubgut in der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig (leipzig: Universitätsbibliothek leipzig, 2011).

Schulmuseum Bergisch-Gladbach, ed., ‘Wie wir in Reih’ und Glied marschieren lernten’. Schule im Nationalsozialismus (Bergisch-Gladbach: Schulmuseum Bergisch-Gladbach, 2012).

Seidl, Ernst, ed., Forschung, Lehre, Unrecht. Die Universität Tübingen im Nationalsozialismus (Tübingen: Museum der Universität Tübingen, 2015).

Shalev-Gerz, Esther, MenschenDinge/The Human Aspect of Objects (Weimar: Stiftung Gedenkstätte Buchenwald und Mittelbau-Dora, 2006).

Stiftung Jüdisches Museum Berlin and Stiftung Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik, eds, Heimat und Exil. Emigration der deutschen Juden nach 1933 (Frankfurt am Main: Jüdischer Verlag, 2006).

Tausendpfund, Walter, and Gerhard Philipp Wolf, Die jüdische Gemeinde von Schnaittach (Nuremberg: Korn und Berg, 1981).

Thamer, Hans-Ulrich, and Simone Erpel, eds, Hitler und die Deutschen. Volksgemeinschaft und Verbrechen (Dresden: Sandstein, 2010).

Weidner, Thomas, and Henning Rader, Typographie des Terrors. Plakate in München von 1933 bis 1945 (Heidelberg: Kehrer, 2012).

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Museum Studies, Memory Studies, and Material Culture Studies

Appadurai, Arjun, ‘Introduction: Commodities and the Politics of Value’, in The Social Life of Things: Commodities in Cultural Perspective, ed. by Arjun Appadurai (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013; first publ. 1986), pp. 3–63.

Arnold-de Simine, Silke, Mediating Memory in the Museum: Trauma, Empathy, Nostalgia (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013).

Assmann, Aleida, ‘Das Ding an sich als Spur des Verbrechens. Zu Naomi Teresa Salmons Photographienzyklus “Asservate”’, in Naomi Tereza Salmon, Asservate/Exhibits. Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Yad Vashem (ostfildern: Cantz, 1995), pp. 10–13.

Assmann, Aleida, Erinnerungsräume. Formen und Wandlungen des kulturellen Gedächtnisses (Munich: Beck, 1999).

Assmann, Aleida, ‘on the (In)compatibility of Guilt and Suffering in German Memory’, German Life and Letters, 59 (2006), 187–200.

Assmann, Aleida, ‘Das Gedächtnis der Dinge’, in Recollecting. Raub und Restitution, ed. by Alexandra Reininghaus (Vienna: Passagen Verlag, 2009), pp. 143–50.

Assmann, Aleida, ‘Canon and Archive’, in A Companion to Cultural Memory Studies, ed. by Astrid Erll and Ansgar Nünning (Berlin and New york: de Gruyter, 2010), pp. 97–107.

Bardgett, Suzanne, ‘The Material Culture of Persecution: Collecting for the Holocaust Exhibition at the Imperial War Museum’, in Extreme Collecting: Challenging Practices for 21st Century Museums, ed. by Graeme Were and J. C. H. King (New york and oxford: Berghahn, 2012), pp. 19–36.

Bal, Mieke, ‘Telling objects: A Narrative Perspective on Collecting’, A Mieke Bal Reader (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006; first publ. 1994), pp. 269–88.

Berger, Maurice, ed., Fred Wilson: Objects and Installations 1979–2000 (Baltimore: Centre for Art and Visual Culture, University of Maryland Baltimore County, 2001).

Brink, Cornelia, ‘Bildeffekte. Überlegungen zum Zusammenhang von Fotografie und Emotionen’, Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 37.1 (2011), 104–29.

Chare, Nicholas, and Dominic Williams, ‘Introduction’, in Representing Auschwitz: At the Margins of Testimony, ed. by Nicholas Chare and Dominic Williams (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013), pp. 1–10.

Dannehl, Karin, ‘object Biographies: From Production to Consumption’, in History and Material Culture: A Student’s Guide to Approaching Alternative Sources, ed. by Karen Harvey (london: Routledge, 2009), pp. 123–38.

Dean, Carolyn J., ‘Erasures: Writing History About Holocaust Trauma’, in Science and Emotions After 1945: A Transatlantic Perspective, ed. by Frank Biess and Daniel M. Gross (Chicago: University of Chicago Press: 2014), pp. 394–413.

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de Jong, Steffi, The Witness As Object: Video Testimony in Memorial Museums (New york and oxford: Berghahn, 2018).

de Jong, Steffi, ‘Who Is History? The Use of Autobiographical Accounts in History Museums’, in Museums and Biographies: Stories, Objects, Identities, ed. by Kate Hill (Woodbridge: Boydell, 2012), pp. 295–308.

Doering, Hilde, ‘Dingkarrieren. Sammelstück, lagerstück, Werkstück, Ausstellungsobjekt’, in Geschichtskultur in der Zweiten Moderne, ed. by Rosmarie Beier (Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 2000), pp. 263–78.

Dudley, Sandra H., ‘Museum Materialities: objects, Sense, and Feeling’, in Museum Materialities: Objects, Engagements, Interpretations, ed. by Sandra H. Dudley (london and New york: Routledge, 2010), pp. 1–17.

Edwards, Elizabeth, ‘Photographs and History: Emotion and Materiality’, in Museum Materialities: Objects, Engagements, Interpretations, ed. by Sandra H. Dudley (london and New york: Routledge, 2010), pp. 21–38.

Fischer, Nina, Memory Work: The Second Generation (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015).

Frevert, Ute, ‘Was haben Gefühle in der Geschichte zu suchen?’, Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 35 (2009), 183–208.

Gilcher-Holtey, Ingrid, ‘Plädoyer für eine dynamische Mentalitätsgeschichte’, Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 24 (1998), 476–97.

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Heumann Gurian, Elaine, ‘What Is the object of This Exercise? A Meandering Exploration of the Many Meanings of objects in Museums’, in Reinventing the Museum: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on the Paradigm Shift, ed. by Gail Anderson (lanham, Ny, Toronto, and oxford: Altamira Press, 2004), pp. 269–83.

Hirsch, Marianne, ‘Projected Memory: Holocaust Photographs in Personal and Public Fantasy’, in Acts of Memory: Cultural Recall in the Present, ed. by Mieke Bal, Jonathan Crewe, and leo Spitzer (Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 1999), pp. 3–23.

Hirsch, Marianne, and leo Spitzer, ‘Testimonial objects: Memory, Gender, and Transmission’, Poetics Today, 27 (2006), 353–83.

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Kapczynski, Jennifer M., and Erin McGlothlin, ‘Introduction’, in Persistent Legacy: The Holocaust and German Studies, ed. by Erin McGlothlin and Jennifer M. Kapczynski (Rochester, Ny: Camden House, 2016), pp. 1–16.

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Knell, Simon J., ‘Museums, Reality, and the Material World’, in Museums in the Material World, ed. by Simon J. Knell (london and New york: Routledge, 2007), pp. 1–28.

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Saumarez Smith, Charles, ‘Museums, Artefacts, and Meanings’, in The New Museology, ed. by Peter Vergo (london: Reaktion, 1989), pp. 6–21.

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German and Austrian Cultural Memory and Museum Practice

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295© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2018 C. Paver, Exhibiting the Nazi Past, The Holocaust and its Contexts,


Aair war, as part of the Second World

War, 5, 7, 32, 35, 43, 125–129, 133, 134–136, 261

Alexander-Ihme, Esther, 234Allies, 92, 134, 149, 150, 153, 161AlliiertenMuseum, 101, 153, 154, 161amateur exhibitions and museums, 7,

12, 27, 76, 78, 219, 256, 257, 276anniversaries, role of in memory cul-

ture, 1, 5, 6, 7–8, 144, 219anthropological approaches in the

museum, 78, 113, 115, 127–130, 164, 267, 277

antiques market, 17, 200, 209, 211, 222, 234, 245, 251

Appadurai, Arjun, 113archaeology, 39, 100, 108, 110,

111, 113, 114, 157, 198, 262, 264–268

archive, 54, 58, 59, 94, 176, 207, 261, 271

Arnold-de Simine, Silke, 4, 18, 111, 127‘Aryanization’, 30, 50, 71, 86, 87,

90, 94–97, 134, 199, 208, 209, 210–216, 221–223, 238, 243

Assmann, Aleida, 20, 36, 51, 58, 59, 92, 141, 175, 182, 204, 272

attics, 58, 59, 174, 176, 181–183, 187, 191, 198, 211

auctions of stolen Jewish property, 94, 212, 213

Augsburg, 85, 86, 140, 214Augustinermuseum Freiburg, 35, 97,

100, 174, 193Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and

Museum, 36, 266, 268, 269Auschwitz concentration camp, 30, 89Austrian museums and exhibitions, 1, 3,

8, 12–13, 30, 38, 49, 51, 53, 67, 68, 71, 90, 92, 95, 98–99, 126, 158–161, 200, 209, 211, 220, 221–223, 236, 259, 269, 271

BBal, Mieke, 33Barthes, Roland, 117Benz, Wolfgang, 45Berlin, 5, 7, 9, 103, 104, 126, 131,

145, 146, 177, 195, 201, 228, 250

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Bertz, Inka, 10, 72, 235Bilski, Emily D., 271Boa, Elizabeth, 65, 67, 80body, the (as it relates to objects), 4,

30, 33–35, 51, 56, 97, 102–104, 109, 111, 112, 116, 128, 129, 131, 133, 135–138, 146, 154, 164, 166, 168, 215, 227, 236

Bösch, Frank, 17bombing. See air war, as part of the

Second World WarBopp, Petra, 173, 174Bremen, 10, 124, 262Brink, Cornelia, 11, 61, 62Bürgerinitiativen. See civic activismBunzl, Matti, 16, 270bureaucracy of National Socialism, 86,

90, 91, 94, 96, 97, 99, 199, 213busts, 4, 78, 98–107, 146, 158, 251

CCaruth, Cathy, 228Celler Garnison-Museum, 276children, 30, 33, 82, 101, 111, 112,

116, 118, 119, 121, 124, 128, 130, 131, 149, 167, 180, 189, 194, 216, 218, 221, 234

civic activism, 6–7, 159, 172, 195, 197, 237, 247, 248–250, 255, 256, 262

clothes. See objects, cloth and clothingCologne, 9, 179, 180, 190, 231, 248, 265coming to terms with the Nazi past

(first phase, from the 1970s onwards), 11, 197, 210, 219, 220, 237, 244, 247–262. See also civic activism

Confino, Alon, 15, 45, 53, 132containers (on display in the museum),

106, 131, 168, 175, 179–182, 186–190, 217, 231, 232, 251, 253

Crew, David F., 143criticism of failure to remember ade-

quately/appropriately after 1945, 21, 34, 44, 53, 141, 150–152, 154, 155, 158, 160, 161, 171, 175, 178, 184, 185, 189, 192, 193, 195, 197–199, 206, 211, 212, 220, 221, 223, 239, 241, 243, 244, 250–252, 255, 267

Dd’Almeida, Fabrice, 44Dannehl, Karin, 54DB Museum, 37, 82, 151DDR Museum ‘Zeitreise’, 161de Cillia, Rudolf, 52de Jong, Steffi, 3, 37, 272Denkort Bunker Valentin, 124,

195–197, 205, 225–226deportations, 7, 37, 74, 117–119,

168, 206, 208, 209, 213–215, 218

Deutsches Historisches Museum, 3, 6, 10, 18, 81, 86, 102, 103, 106, 118, 121, 139, 144–146, 149, 155, 272

Deutsch-Russisches Museum, 87–89, 111, 112, 122, 124, 131–134, 145, 158, 177, 187, 189, 205, 250, 264

displaced persons, 163, 233documentation centres, 2, 3, 7, 13,

14, 29, 61, 156, 276Doering, Hilde, 55Dokumentation obersalzberg, 2, 183,

187, 191Dokumentationsarchiv des österre-

ichischen Widerstands, 13Dokumentationszentrum Prora, 87,


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Dokumentationszentrum Reichsparteitagsgelände, 7, 8, 14, 25, 26, 82, 102, 105, 156–158, 181, 183, 189–190, 252, 253

Domin, Hilde, 228, 229Donauschwäbisches Zentralmuseum,

148Drecoll, Axel, 2, 29, 37, 99Dresden, 57, 111, 126–131, 138,

161, 184, 261Dreyblatt, Arnold, 94Dudley, Sandra, 38, 57, 61, 97, 133Dückers, Tanja, 176, 192

EEchternkamp, Jörg, 44Edwards, Elizabeth, 61, 62, 203Ehemalige Synagoge Haigerloch, 68,

121, 198–199, 206–210emigration and exile, 74, 80, 85, 94,

166, 168, 206, 211, 213, 215, 228, 229

emotions, 25, 28, 30, 32, 38, 41–52, 61, 62, 86, 96, 97, 115, 116, 122–124, 129, 134, 136, 141, 145, 148, 166, 170, 176, 180, 185, 203, 204, 211, 214, 218, 224, 237, 245

after 1945, 39, 49, 50, 52, 145, 147, 148, 150, 155, 159, 167, 205, 208, 214, 215, 219–221, 237–242, 244, 246, 254, 258

Erinnerungsort Topf & Söhne, 89–90, 255–257, 265

Erinnerungs- und Gedenkstätte Wewelsburg 1933-1945, 100, 151, 162, 205, 224, 226–228, 261

Eschebach, Insa, 113

experience (of historical events and eras), 25, 28, 41–47, 134, 150, 172, 224, 227

and its relationship to memory, 43–45, 52, 132, 133, 135, 141, 179

Ffamily memory and heritage, 20,

46, 47, 49, 50, 53, 58, 62, 63, 72, 119, 122, 132, 136, 139, 145, 148, 151, 161, 167, 174, 175–191, 203, 213, 217, 219, 220, 238, 276, 277. See also generations

as it diverges from official (state) memory, 44–46, 176, 177, 180, 184, 188, 189

far-left activism, 256, 257far-right ideology and activity, 200,

257, 258–260, 261Febvre, lucien, 45federal structure of Germany, 6, 8–10Fischer, Nina, 167, 233flea market, 53, 58, 200–204, 211,

228, 263, 266Focke-Museum, 100, 262forced labour, 8, 9, 13, 56, 92, 116, 121–

124, 134, 163, 195, 196, 225, 226forgetting (as a supposed feature of the

1950s and 1960s), 44, 45, 47, 207, 208, 210, 214, 215, 217, 243, 244, 247

Frankfurt am Main, 1, 36, 213, 246Freiburg, 35, 94, 145, 174, 193, 194Freilichtmuseum Glentleiten, 83Freud, Sigmund, 222, 228Friedrich, Jörg, 135Fritz Bauer Institut, 163, 213Fritzsche, Peter, 15Fuchs, Anne, 126, 175, 183, 192, 204

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GGarcia-Martinez, Rosemarie, 266GDR. See German Democratic

RepublicGedenkstätte Bergen-Belsen, 39, 40,

114, 276Gedenkstätte Buchenwald, 2, 15, 39,

101, 108–110, 113, 114, 257, 264–268, 278

Gedenkstätte Deutscher Widerstand, 107Gedenkstätte Mauthausen, 2, 23Gedenkstätte und Museum

Sachsenhausen, 22, 39, 122, 123, 250, 260

gender, 81, 92, 93, 103, 119–120, 121, 137, 139, 148

generations, 21, 178, 190, 262descendants of Holocaust victims,

28, 48, 49, 51, 79, 117, 120, 121, 167, 218, 225, 233, 235

descendants of the non-persecuted majority, 47, 49, 79, 131, 136, 161, 176–178, 183, 187, 190, 197, 214, 215, 217, 219, 240, 242, 244

genizah, 78, 207German Democratic Republic, 16,

116, 161, 200, 250–251Gestapo, 7, 76, 86, 96, 97, 155, 193,

248, 249Gestrich, Andreas, 46Gilcher-Holtey, Ingrid, 42, 84Giordano, Ralph, 171Gisinger, Arno, 95, 96, 221Goldstern, Eugenie, 71Goschler, Constantin, 17Grossmann, Atina, 30, 48Gruber, Ruth Ellen, 13, 73, 76

HHäfele, Martina, 246, 251Hagemann, Susanne, 35, 151, 152, 161

Hamburg, 9, 10, 94, 126, 134–136, 139, 250, 260

Haus der Geschichte Baden-Württemberg, 91, 198

Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 3, 57, 200, 265

Haus der Natur, Salzburg, 8Heimann-Jelinek, Felicitas, 27, 270Heimat, 65–80, 82, 104, 170, 237.

See also objects, folk and craftHeimatmuseum Schnaittach, 73,

76–79Heitzer, Enrico, 122, 123Hessischer Rundfunk, 213Heumann Gurian, Elaine, 2Hirsch, Marianne, 117, 119, 121, 204Hirte, Ronald, 114, 265historiography, 141, 144

Alltagsgeschichte, 42, 143, 147Beitragsgeschichte, 72history of emotions, 41, 44–46, 49,

97history of material culture, 69, 277history of mentalities, 42, 92, 123military history, 126, 127social history, 41, 127

Historisches Museum Bamberg, 215Historisches Museum Frankfurt, 213Hitler, representation of in the

museum, 82, 98–104, 146, 151, 157, 158, 181, 200, 262

Hofmobiliendepot (Möbel Museum Wien), 90, 95, 221

Holländer, Katarina, 47, 246Holocaust (museums and objects),

13–14, 18, 36, 37, 111, 112, 119, 121, 127, 130, 149, 165, 191, 212, 228, 231

holograms at the Jüdisches Museum Wien, 16, 269, 270

Housden, Martyn, 74, 75

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IIllinois Holocaust Museum, 4Immler, Nicole l., 52Immler, Verena, 232Imperial War Museum, 18, 19, 112, 191industry under National Socialism, 8,

35, 89, 116, 169, 195Israel, 204, 235, 236

JJacobeit, Sigrid, 39Jewish Museums, 10, 13–14, 16,

40–41, 65–79, 168, 212, 216, 235–246, 270. See also under individual names

Jüdisches Kulturmuseum Augsburg-Schwaben, 48, 214

Jüdisches Museum Berlin, 18, 19, 35, 40, 41, 51, 66, 91, 110, 168–170, 206, 228, 265, 278

Jüdisches Museum Frankfurt, 30, 48, 51Jüdisches Museum Fürth, 69, 73, 80,

166–167, 212, 235Jüdisches Museum Hohenems, 1, 30,

48, 49, 67, 68, 71–73, 191, 200, 206, 209, 221, 236–246, 251, 259

Jüdisches Museum München, 2, 8, 41, 48, 70, 73–79, 162–166, 206, 231–233, 235, 271

Jüdisches Museum Schnaittach, 68, 73–79, 213

Jüdisches Museum Wien, 16, 27, 158, 270junk. See rubbish

KKégli, Victor, 66Kempowski, Walter, 261Kistner, Ulrike, 268, 269Klüger, Ruth, 120, 227Knigge, Volkhard, 113, 265

Köhlmeier, Michael, 236–244Kölnisches Stadtmuseum, 151Kopytoff, Igor, 54Korff, Gottfried, 31Kristallnacht. See November Pogrom,

1938KZ-Gedenkstätte Neuengamme, 205,

230, 231, 249

Llängle, Ulrike, 236, 237, 244–246language as object, 88–94, 97, 145,

257letters (private correspondence)

as memory medium, 47, 78, 130–132, 174, 213, 261

levy, Daniel, 19libeskind, Daniel, 126, 127liebrecht, Savyon, 234life-cycles of objects, 25, 28, 34,

53–62, 99, 103, 106, 107, 109, 110, 112, 169, 174–175, 179, 192, 200, 211, 212, 222, 263, 268, 269, 272

lifschitz, Sharone, 70, 271, 272linz, 98–101local memory, 8–10, 19–21, 26, 40,

50, 65, 66, 68, 70, 73, 74, 78, 79, 136–138, 162, 180, 181, 199, 207, 209, 213, 215, 216, 219, 237, 242, 248, 256

loewy, Hanno, 13, 49, 191, 218, 220long, J.J., 204lüdtke, Alf, 42lVR-Industriemuseum, 82

MMacdonald, Sharon, 14, 19, 20, 59Mahnmal St. Nikolai, 134–136, 178,


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Mahn- und Gedenkstätte Ravensbrück, 39, 92, 93, 113, 114–117, 120, 122, 278

Majdanek concentration camp, 111MAK (Österreichisches Museum für

angewandte Kunst), 51Maly Trostenets extermination camp,

111Martens, Stefan, 44mementos. See souvenirsmemorial sites, 2, 12, 14, 17, 22, 39,

107–117, 121, 125, 231, 250, 269

mentalities, 21, 22, 25, 28, 30, 32, 34, 38, 41–47, 68, 80–95, 97, 128, 129, 140, 141, 152, 156, 187, 190

after 1945, 31, 38, 147, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 180, 182, 184, 185, 187, 193, 196, 198, 199, 204, 205, 207, 209, 219–221, 257

metaphor, 27, 31–34, 46, 58, 59, 83, 84, 109, 112, 115, 150, 153, 155, 156, 158, 161, 164, 174, 175, 180, 182, 184, 190, 194, 211, 215, 232, 243, 259, 268

metonymy, 27, 32–34, 56, 81, 90, 99, 111, 119, 131, 135, 138, 149, 158, 169, 180, 202, 225, 258

Militärhistorisches Museum der Bundeswehr, 20, 111–112, 126–131, 137, 146, 184, 261, 272

Mitte Museum, 103Münchner Stadtmuseum, 80, 81Munich, 7, 8, 10, 41, 70, 71, 163,

231, 233, 262, 271, 272Museum der Universität Tübingen,

11, 152, 197–198, 258

NNeitzel, Sönke, 43, 81, 84, 1291945, 143, 151–161. See also sortie de

guerreamnesty for Nazi objects in, 154as a time of shortage, 137, 151,

155, 161–163as defeat or liberation, 144–146denazification of objects by majority

Germans and Austrians in, 137, 150, 151–161, 194

desecration of Nazi objects by the victors in, 146

Niven, Bill, 5, 144non-persecuted majority of Germans

(1933-45) and Austrians (1938-45), 22, 29, 37, 38, 42–45, 50, 52, 65, 81, 92, 94, 96, 97, 99, 125–139, 140, 145, 150, 152, 153, 159, 167, 172, 180, 182, 204, 205, 207, 213, 247

bereavement in wartime, 43, 46, 130, 202

knowledge of Nazi crimes, 21, 27, 42, 123, 124, 131, 145, 210, 215, 240

suffering in wartime, 5, 21, 34, 43, 44, 47, 125–139, 141, 176, 177, 190, 260, 261, 276

Nordico Stadtmuseum linz, 32November Pogrom, 1938, 5, 26–28,

73, 218–220NS-Dokumentationszentrum der Stadt

Köln, 179, 190–191, 231, 248, 249, 278

NS-Dokumentationszentrum München, 61, 263

NS-Dokumentation Vogelsang, 101, 146, 185, 186, 215

Nuremberg, 7, 19, 26, 59, 60, 68–70, 105, 140, 156, 157, 189, 201, 252

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Ooberammergau Museum, 126,

136–139oberösterreichisches landesmuseum,

98object biographies. See life-cycles of

objectsobjects, 1–4, 26, 29, 34, 35, 37–41,

227, 230, 267, 271and time, 21, 33, 34, 53, 55–57, 59,

87, 99, 107, 112, 116, 117–119, 121, 133, 144, 147–149, 156, 158, 163, 165, 169, 170, 174, 175, 183, 184, 192–194, 197, 202, 205, 208, 216, 218, 221, 222, 230, 264, 268

cloth and clothing, 22, 35, 36, 39, 49, 66–68, 71, 76, 82, 85, 100, 104, 109, 111, 112, 114, 116, 121, 126, 134, 136, 148, 155, 161, 164, 165, 182, 216–218, 265, 267, 277

collection of by museums, 3, 4, 16, 18, 22, 36, 39, 40, 49, 54, 74, 75, 98, 187, 190, 191, 221, 227, 245, 251, 267

damaged, 18, 26–28, 32, 34, 57, 101, 107, 108–112, 114, 116, 128, 129, 131, 134, 135, 146, 159, 178, 181, 216, 218, 219, 222, 223, 228, 248, 258–260, 264, 268, 269

devaluation of in museum display, 55, 59, 60, 98–107, 151, 157, 158, 160, 181, 195, 201, 250, 251, 254, 255, 261

displayed in piles or in series, 36, 95, 102, 103, 108–111, 128, 156–161, 251, 252, 254, 258, 267, 268

disposal of, 28, 50, 53, 59, 108, 110, 150–151, 154, 156, 158–160,

163, 175, 182, 199, 208, 211, 252, 254, 255, 269, 270

donated by the public to museums, 1, 3, 14, 30, 48, 50, 73, 76, 114, 116, 121–123, 137, 173, 174, 176, 179, 187, 188, 190, 205, 213, 215–217, 219, 220, 227, 231, 232, 238, 252–254, 267, 276

folk and craft, 33, 66–72, 76, 78, 80, 104, 122, 123, 134, 137–139, 205

given to neighbours for safekeeping, 149, 206, 208, 209, 213

handling of, 56, 61–62, 113, 133, 185, 203, 216–218, 232, 235, 236, 266

home-made, 71, 72, 81–84, 103, 109, 114, 116, 117, 121–124, 128, 133, 148, 185, 219, 220, 231, 268

in the museum depot, 16, 57, 96, 99, 106, 251

journeys made by, 56, 126, 144, 149, 166, 205–208, 212, 230

kitsch, 14, 66, 67, 69–71, 103, 139, 185, 261, 262

listing of, 30, 94, 96–97manufactured, 29, 35, 56, 66, 67,

69–71, 73, 76, 100, 103, 115, 132, 133, 163, 164, 174, 202, 226, 236, 251

neglected, unused, 53, 58, 59, 62, 107, 174, 175, 180–184, 191–193, 216

recycling of, 150, 151, 155, 156, 161–162, 165, 166

storage of in domestic spaces, 31, 53, 61, 62, 122–124, 162, 173–192, 203, 211, 212–221, 222, 223, 230, 231, 238–243, 244, 252. See also attics

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offe, Sabine, 17, 40, 63, 78, 168, 169, 236, 237, 244–246

ostow, Robin, 8, 70

PPalfreyman, Rachel, 65, 67, 80photographs, 60–62

and mentalities, 62, 87–88, 139–141, 181, 202

as artistic medium, 36, 95, 113, 204, 221, 233, 266

as memory medium, 47, 50, 60–62, 63, 135, 163, 173, 176, 186–188, 202, 213, 231

as objects, 60–62, 95, 203catalogue or publicity, 39, 100, 125,

145, 201, 216, 222, 258police force under National Socialism,

9, 10, 86, 88, 118, 121, 155, 156, 193, 276

Polizeimuseum Niedersachsen, 276Pomian, Krzysztof, 54, 175Posch, Herbert, 91postmemory, 21, 204, 212, 262provenance, 76, 91, 96, 198, 205,

206, 212, 251psychoanalysis, 226public history, 17–18, 27, 121, 141,

144, 224, 269Purin, Bernhard, 13, 17, 73, 74,


Rrailways under National Socialism, 8,

37, 82, 140, 151Rancière, Jacques, 266refuse. See rubbishReichel, Peter, 171Reichwald, Anika, 30, 32, 38, 50, 52Reiter, Margit, 47

resistance to National Socialism, 74, 91, 107, 119, 122, 125, 262

restitution of stolen possessions, 48, 51, 52, 73, 74, 86, 95, 149, 208

Robinson, Ephraim, 163Ross, Corey, 44Rotenberg, Stella, 211Roth, Martin, 31Rousso, Henry, 44, 132, 143, 147rubbish, 28, 53–54, 57–59, 108–110,

135, 150, 156–158, 175, 181–183, 192, 199, 248, 252, 255–258, 264, 266, 269

SSA, 11, 28, 35, 81, 91Salamander, Rachel, 234Salmon, Naomi Tereza, 36, 95, 204,

263, 265Saumarez Smith, Charles, 54, 57, 263Scarry, Elaine, 129, 130Schmid, Harald, 171Schmiegelt, Ulrike, 187, 202schools under National Socialism, 50,

85, 103, 185Schulmuseum Bergisch Gladbach, 50,

101Shalev-Gerz, Esther, 113, 266Sloterdijk, Peter, 50, 252soldiers, 43, 84, 88, 126, 128, 130,

131–134, 137, 139, 140, 146, 150, 177, 184, 187, 188, 193, 195, 201, 202, 276

Sommer, Monika, 98–101, 106sortie de guerre, 143–150souvenirs, 46, 124, 132, 147, 148,

174, 176, 185, 186, 230–232, 234, 251, 267

Soviet Union, 131, 132, 145, 146, 154, 177, 188, 200, 250, 276

Speer, Albert, 60, 252–255

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toys, 35, 66, 69–71, 118, 123, 124, 128–131, 149, 166, 262, 268. See also children

transnational studies of Holocaust memory, 18–21

trash. See rubbishtrauma and recovery, 21, 134, 136,

165, 166, 168, 190, 223, 224–228, 230–233

Triendl-Zadoff, Mirjam, 211, 212, 222

Uuniforms, 35, 114, 155, 164, 182,

189, 267United States Holocaust Memorial

Museum, 18, 19universities under National Socialism,

7, 11, 152, 194, 197, 198, 259USC Shoah Foundation, 4

Vvan Alphen, Ernst, 97‘Verbrechen der Wehrmacht.

Dimensionen des Vernichtungskrieges 1941-1944’. See Wehrmacht Exhibitions

Vergangenheitsbewältigung. See coming to terms with the Nazi past (first phase, from the 1970s onwards)

‘Vernichtungskrieg. Verbrechen der Wehrmacht 1941 bis 1944’. See Wehrmacht Exhibitions

Victoria and Albert Museum, 55, 263Vienna, 8, 27, 71, 90, 95, 211, 221,

222, 270Volksgemeinschaft. See non-persecuted

majority of Germans (1933-45) and Austrians (1938-45)

Spera, Danielle, 270Spitzer, leo, 117, 119, 121SS, 22, 89, 94, 114, 115, 122, 155,

193, 209Stadtgeschichtliches Museum leipzig,

214Stadtmuseum Schwedt/oder, 173Stammler, Gottfried, 73–78, 213Stauffenberg, Claus Schenk Graf von,

107, 262Stein, Harry, 113, 266Steinbach, Peter, 171survivors, 65, 107, 148, 149, 162,

164–167, 169, 195, 224, 225, 229, 231, 233, 234. See also wit-ness testimony

swastikas, 76, 82, 100, 101, 103, 137, 151, 153, 155, 157, 159, 161, 182, 184, 189, 201

Swett, Pamela E., 44synagogues, 26, 70, 73–76, 78, 145,

198, 207, 213, 218, 221synecdoche, 27, 32–36, 53, 101, 109,

258, 268, 269Sznaider, Natan, 19

TTausendpfund, Walter, 74, 75technologies

of memory, 71, 132, 181, 187, 225, 232, 248, 261, 262

of museum display, 3, 4, 16, 18, 27, 39, 60, 86, 89, 91, 94, 96, 100–104, 156, 200, 201, 224, 248, 250, 269, 271

of protest, 159, 248–250textiles. See objects, cloth and clothingThamer, Hans-Ulrich, 12Thompson, Michael, 53, 54, 57, 59, 175Thüringen, 85, 256Topographie des Terrors, 7

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Wildmann, Daniel, 46Williams, Paul, 18, 36, 55, 99, 173Wilson, Fred, 107witness testimony, 3, 4, 27, 39, 94,

114, 121, 167, 199, 224, 227, 263, 267, 268, 272

Wodak, Ruth, 52Wolf, Gerhard Philipp, 74, 75

ZZeitzeugen, Zeitzeuginnen. See witness


WWahl, Niko, 211, 212, 222wartime suffering of the non-per-

secuted majority. See non-per-secuted majority of Germans (1933-45) and Austrians (1938-45), suffering in war

weaponry, 33, 35, 46, 126, 128–129, 131–133, 147, 183

Wehrmacht, 84, 88, 111, 126, 127, 130, 131–134, 139, 155, 177, 184, 187–189, 193, 195, 202, 276

Wehrmacht Exhibitions, 11, 84, 87, 173

Welzer, Harald, 43, 46, 51, 81, 84, 129