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Page 2: BIBLIOGRAPHY - · 426 Documents and Statements on Middle East Peace, 1979-1982 (Washington D.C.: Government



A. Documents

i) PLO

International Documents on Palestine (Beirut: Institute for Palestine Studies~ 1967-1980.

International Deocuments on Palestine (Washington,D.C.: Institute for Palestine Studies), 1981.

"Text of the 29-Article Palestine National Charter", Arab World, (Beirut), 'no.2599; 4 March 1964, pp.9-11.

"Text of the Proposed Constitution for the Creation of the PLO", Arab World, no.2600, 5 March 1964, pp.9-11.

"The Palestine National Charter (Revised)", Arab World Weekly (Beirut), no.23, 22 March 1969, pp. i-v.

"Arafa t 1 s Speech to National Council", Arab World Weekly, no.295, 8 June 1974, p.15.

"Communique Issued by the Central Council of the PLO in Damascus, 30 September 1974", Journal of Palestine Studies (Beirut), vol.4, no.2, Winter 1975, pp.177-8.

"Arafa t 1 s Speech to the UN General Assembly", Arab World Weekly, no.318, 16 November 1974, pp.20-21.

"Statement by the PLO-EC Following a Meeting Held in Beirut on 17 March 1978 to Discuss the Israeli Invasion of Lebanon", Journal of Palestine Studies, vol. 7, no. 4, Summer 1978, p.186.

"Letter by the PLO Chairman, Yasser Arafa t to the UN Secre­tary General, Kurt Waldheim on Egypt-Israeli Peace Treaty, 24 March 1979", Journal of Palestine Studies, vol.8, no.4, Summer 1979, pp.161-2.

"Political and Organizational Programme Approved by Its Fourteenth Session, Held in Damascus, January 1979", Journal of Palestine Studies, no.l, Autumn 1979, pp.188-9.

PNC at 15-23

vol. 9,

"Communique of Palestinian Factions 1 Meeting Summary of World Broadcasts (Reading), 7234, 18 January 1983, pp.A/3-A/7.

in Tripoli", part 4, ME/

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"Text of Reports: PLO Executive Committee and Fatah Meetings in Aden", Summary of World Broadcasts, part 4, ME/ 7244, 29 January 1983, p.A/3.

"PLO Statement Outlining Its Position in Dialogue with Jordan and Rejecting the Reagan Peace Plan, Damascus, 12 April 1983", Journal . .£!. _ Palestine _Studies (Washington,D.C.), vol.12, no.4, Summer 1983, pp.218-19.

"Yasir Arafat 's Address to 17th PNC Session Summary of World Broadcasts, part 4, November 1984, pp.A/1-A/10.

in Jordan", ME/7809 I 24

"Final Statement of the 17th PNC Session: New PLO Executive Committee", Summarv of World Broadcasts, part 4, ME/ 7815, 1 December 1984, pp.A/2-A/5.

ii) US Government

Department of State Bulletin (Washington, D.C.), 1953-1984.

Congressional Records, Proceedings and Debates of the Congress, 1st Session, vol.93, part 2, 2 April to 12 June 1947 (Washington, 1947). ·

80th 1947

"The Palestine Refugee Program", Department of State, publi­cation 3757, Near and Middle Eastern Series 3, February 1950 (Washington, D.C.).

"Palestine Refugees", Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representative, Eighty­first Congress, Second Session, 16-17 February 1950 (Washington, 1961).

Congressional Record, Proceedings and Debates of the 87th Congress, · ls t Session, vol. 107, part 2, 11 August 1961 to 23 August 1961 (Washington, 1961).

"A Select Chronology and Background Documents Relating to the Middle", Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, 90th Congress, 1st Session, 6 June 1967 (Washington, 1967).

Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, Richard NTxoll(Washington), 1974.

Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, Ji~_y Carter (Washington), 1977-1979.

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Documents and Statements on Middle East Peace, 1979-1982 (Washington D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1982).

Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, Ronald Reagan (Washington), 1982-1984.

iii) Others

United Nations Year Book, 1947-1948 (New York).

"Franj ieh' s Speech at the UN" (excerpts), Weekly, no.318, 16 November 1974, p.22.

Arab World

"The Palestine Resolution of the Seventh Arab Summit Confer­ence, Rba t, 29 October 1974", Journal of Palestine Studies, vol.4, no.2, Winter 1975, pp.177-8.

"Statement by the Conferenc.e of Foreign and Defence Minis­ters of the Arab Front for Steadfastness and Confron­tation", Journal of Palestine Studies, vol.17, no.4, Summer 1978, pp.190-1.

"Final Communique of the Third Summit Conference of the Arab Front for Steadfastness and Confrontation States, Issued in Beirut on 18 September 1978", Journal of Palestine Studies, vol. 8, no. 2, Winter 1979, pp.184-7.

"Communique of Arab Summit Conference Baghdad, 5 November 1978", Arab Report and Record 1-15 November 1978, pp.803-4.

Issued on (London),

"Official English Text of the Peace Treaty Between Egypt and Israel Signed in Washington on 26 March 1979", MEED Arab Report (London), 11 April 1979, pp.5-6.

"Main Points of the Resolutions Passed by the Arab League Council in Baghdad on 27 March 1979," MEED Arab Report, 11 April 1979, p.9.

"Resolutions on the Palestine Question Passed at the Conference of the Foreign Ministers of Islamic Countries Held in Fez, 8-12 May 1979", Journal of Palestine Studies, vol.8, no.4, Summer 1979, pp.183-6

"The Camp David Agreements for Middle of Palestine Studies, vol.8, pp.205-14.

East Peace", Journal no.2, Winter 1979,

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"Prince Fahd' s Declaration, Principles", Arab World Weekly, no.629, 15 August 1981, p.9.

"Text of the Fez Plan", Current History (Philadelphia), vol.82, no.480, January 1983, p.33.

"Text of Jordan's Statement on Its Refusal to Reagan Peace Initiative", New York Times, 1983.

Join the 11 April

"King Hussein's Address to 17th PNC Session Summary of World Broadcasts, part 4, November 1984, pp.A/10-A/17.

in Jordan", ME/7809, 24

Moore, John Norton, ed., The Arab Israeli Conflict, vol.3, Documents (Princeton,N.J: Princeton University Press, 1974).

B. Interviews (Personal)

Hassan, Khalid-al, Fatah Central Committee Member ~20 ~ugust 1989).


Raboo, Yasser Abde, PLO-EC Member, Deputy Chairman Leader of the Palestinian Delegation for Dialogue (Tunis, 22 August 1989)-


Cobban, Helena, Reporter and Writer (Washington, D.C., 28 September 1989).

Quandt, William B., Senior Felow in the Brookings Foreign Policy Studies; Former Member of President Carter's National Security Council Staff; Authored many books on US and Middle East (Washington, D.C., 20 October 1989).

Seth, P.Tilman, Professor, Georgetown University (Washington D.C., 25 September 1989).

Sharabi, Hisham, Washington-based Palestinian Intellectual; Editor, Journal of Palestine Studies, author of many books on the Palestinian issue (Georgetown University Washington,D.C., 27 September 1989).

C. Memoirs and Articles

Abu, Iyad with Eric Rouleau, My Home,My Land: A Narrative of the Palestinian Struggle (New York,N. Y.: Times Book, 1981).

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Begin, Menachem, The Revolt (New York: Nash Publishing,1978)

Ben-Gurion, David, Israel: A Personal History (New York: N.Y.: Funk arid Wagnalls.,; 1971).

____ , My Talks with Arab Leaders (New York, N.Y. : The Third Press, 1973).

, "We Look Towards America: But US Zionism is at a ----Low Ebb", Jewish Observer and Middle East Review

(London), vol.13, no. 5, 31 January 1964,pp.14-16.

----, "Memo to the President", Jewish Observer and Middle East Review, vol.13, no.15, 10 April 1964, p.15.

----, "Israel in World Politics", Jerusalem Quarterly (Jerusalem), no.31, Apring 1984, pp.51-57.

Brandt, Willy, "Honesty and Recognition of Reality", New Outlook (Tel Aviv), vol.25, no.3 (216), April 1982, pp.30-32.

Brzezinski, ,.A;bi gniew, Power and Principle: Memoirs of the National Security Adviser, 1977-1981 (New York, N.Y: Farrar, Straus, Girous, 1983).

Carter, Jimm~, Keeping Faith: Memoirs of a President (London: William Collins, 1982).

____ , The Blood of Abraham: Insights into the Middle East (Boston: Houghtom Mifflin Co., 1985).

Ceausescu, Nicolae, "The Romanian Perspective", New Outlook, vol.23, no.1(196), January/February 1980, p.35.

Dayan, Moshe, The Story of My Life (London: Weidenfeld and Nicol son, 1976).

________ , Breakthrough: A Personal Account of the Egypt Israel Peace Negotiations (New Delhi: Vikas Publish­ing House, 1981).

Eban, Abba, An Autobiography (New York, N. Y: Randon House, 1977).

____ , My Country (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1972).

____ , "The Palestinian Problem - A New Approach", New Outlook, vol.23, no.1( (196), January/February 1980, pp.6-9.

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----, "Camp David - The Unfinished Business", Affairs (New York), vol.57, no.2, Winter pp.343-54.

Foreign 1978/79,

Goldmann, Nahum, The Autobiography of Nahum Goldmann (New York,N.Y.: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1969).

----, The Jewish Paradox (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson 1978).

____ , "Zionist Ideology and the Foreign Affairs, vol.57, no.1,

Reality of Fall 1978,

Israel", pp.70-82.

Haig, Alexander M.Jr., Caveat: Realism, Reagan and Foreign Policy (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1984).

Heikal, Mohamed H. , The Road to Ramadan (London: Collins, 1975).

Herzog, Chaim, The Arab-Israeli Wars (New York,N.Y. :Methuen, 1982).

Joumblatt, Kamal, I Speak for Lebanon· (London: Zed Press, 1982).

Kamel, Mohamed I., The Camp David Accords (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1986).

Kissinger, Henry~A., American Foreign Policy: Three Essays (Allahabad: A.H.Wheeler and Co., 1969).

____ , The White House Years (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1979).

_____ , Years of Upheaval (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1982).

Meir, Golda, My Life (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson,1975).

_____ , A Land of Our Own (New York, N.Y. : G. P. Putman and Sons, 1973).

Nixon, Richard M., The Memoirs of Richard Nixon Sidgudck and Jackson, 1978).


Peres, Shimon, Nicolson,

David's Sling 1970).

(London: Weidenfeld and

~...,.--..,.---' "A Strategy for Peace in the Middle East", Foreign \ ' ' ... ,.Affairs~. VOL 58'- no'. 4' Spring. 19'80' pp'. 887-901.

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Rabin, Yitzhak, Nicolson,

The Rabin Memoirs 1979).

(London: Weidenfeld and

Riad, Mohamoud, The Struggle for Peace in the Middle East (London: Quartet Books, 1981).

Sadat, Anwar El, Those I have Known (London: Jonathan Cape, 1984).

, In Search of Identity: An Autobiography (Fontana: -------Collins, 1981).

Saunders , H a ro 1 d H • , ..;:.T..:..;h;..;;e_O_t.:....h.o..e_r_...,.w.,.,a,....l_l,_,.s....,:=--T_h_e_P __ o_l.....,i=-t_i_c.;....s~_o_f-:--t_h_e Arab-Israeli Peace Process (Washington,D.C.: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research~T,


, "Definding US ---- Interests .in no.1 (196),

the Middle East", New January/February 1980, Outlook, vol.23,


---- , "An Israeli-Palestinian Peace", Foreign Affairs, vol.60, no.1, Fall 1982, pp.99-101.

---- , "US Policy and the Middle East Peace: A Critical View", American Arab Affairs (Washington,D.C.),no.18, Fall 1986, pp.45-55.

Shamir, Yitzhak, "Israel's Role in a Changing Foreign Affairs, vol.60, no.4, Spring 801.

Middle East", 1982, pp. 788-

Sisco, Joseph J., "Middle East: Progress or Lost unity", Foreign Affairs, vol.60, no.3, and the World 1982, pp.611-40.


Truman, Hary S., Memoirs: Year of Decisions (New York,N.Y.: New American Library of World Literature, 1965),vol.L

____ , Memoirs: Years of Trial and Hope (New York,N.Y.: New American Library of World Literature,1965),vol.2.

Vance, Cyrus, Hard Choices Schuster, 1983).

(New York, N.Y. : Simon and

Weizmann, Chaim, Trial and Error: The Autobiography (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1950).

Weizmann, Ezer, The Battle for Peace (New York,N.Y: Baniam Books, 1981).

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D. Interviews (By Others)

"A Chance for Dialogue - and More", (Interview with Yasser Arafat by Amnon Kapeliuk), New Outlook, vol.25, no.6 (219), August/September 1983, pp.9-12.

"If Both Sides Genuinely Desire it" (Interview with Chancel­lor Bruno Kreisky by Simpa Flapan),New Outlook,vol.22 no.6 (193), September 1979, pp.22-24.

"Moshe Dayan Speaks Out" (Interview by Mark Segal), New Outlook, vol.23, no.1(196), January/February 1980, pp.14-16.

"Peace at an Impasse" (Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski by Ghassan Bishara), Journal of Palestine Studies, vol.14, no.1, Fall 1984, pp.3-15.

"The US, the PLO and the Three Formulas" (Interview with Yasser Arafat by Zahid Mahmood), Journal of Palestine Studies, vol.15, no.4, Summer 1986, pp.17-33.


A. Books

Abu-Lughod, Ibrahim, Transformation of Palestine: Essays on the Origin and Development of the Arab-Israeli Conflict (Evanston: North Western Uni vbersi ty, 1971).

ed., Palestinian Rights: Affirmation and Denial (Wilmette, Illinois: Medina Press, 1982).

Ajami, Fouad, The Arab Predicament: Arab Political Thought and Practice Since 1967 (Cambridge: Cambridge Univer­sity Press, 1981).

Allen, Richard, Imperial ism and National ism in the Fertile Crescent: Sources and Prospects- of the Arab-Israeli Conflict (London: Westview Press, 1984).

Amoss II, John W., Palestinian Resistance: Organization of a Nationalist Movement (New York,N. Y.: Pergamon Pres$, 1980).

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Antonius, George, Arab Awakening: The Story of the Arab National Movement (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1955).

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Aruri, Nasser, Moughrabi, Fouad, and Stork1 Joe, Reagan and the Middle East (Belmont, Mass.: Association of Arab American University Graduates, 1983).

Avnery, Uri, My Friend: The Enemy (London: Zed Books,1986).

Ayoob, Mohammed, ed., The Middle East in World Politics (London: Croom Helm, 1981).

Badeau, John s., The American 'Approach to the Arab World (New York, N.Y.: Harper and Row, 1968).

Bailey, Clinton, Jordan's Palestine Challenge, 1948-1983: A Political History (Boulder: West~iew Press, 1984).

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Ball, George W., Error and Betrayal in Lebanon: An Analysis of Israel's Invasion of Lebanon and the Implications for US-Israeli Relations (Washington,D.C.: Foundation for Middle East Peace, 1984).

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Barbour, Nevill, Nisi Dominus: A Survey of the Palestine Controversy (Beirut: Institute for Palestine Studies, 1969).

Becker, Julian, The PLO: The Rise and Fall of the Palestine Liberation Organization (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1984).

Bethell, Nicholas, The Palestine Triangle: The Struggle Between the British, the Jews and the Arabs, 1935-1948 (London; Andre Deutsch, 1979).

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Bulloch, John, Death of a Country: The Civil War in Lebanon (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1977).

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Caplan, Neil, Futile Diplomacy - Early Arab-Zionist Negotia­tions Attempts: 1913-1931 (London: Frank Cass,1983).

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Chubra, Joseph, The Politics of Defeat: America's Decline in the Middle East (New York,N.Y.: IMC Publishers,1977).

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Green, Stephen, Taking Sides: America's Secret Relations with a Militant Israel, 1948-1967 (London: Faber and Faber, 1981).

Gresh, Alain, The PLO: The Struggle Within Towards an Inde­pendent Palestinian State (London: Zed Books, 1985).

Hadawi, Sami, Palestinian Rights and Losses in 1948: A Comprehensive Study (London: Saqi Books, 1988).

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Halpern, Ben, The Idea of the Jewish State (Cambridge,Mass: Harvard University Press, 1961).

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----, Israel's Fateful Decisions (London: I.B.Tauris, 1988).

Hart~Alan, Arafat: Terrorist or Peacemaker? (London: Sidg­wick and Jackson, 1984).

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~~~~~~!Michael E., The Three Basic American Decisions on Palestine (Beirut: PLO Research Centre, 1971).

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Indian ~xpress (New Delhi), Daily.

Inte~national Herald Tribune (Paris), Daily.

Jerusalme Post (Te~ Aviv), Daily.

Page 31: BIBLIOGRAPHY - · 426 Documents and Statements on Middle East Peace, 1979-1982 (Washington D.C.: Government


Jordan Times (Amman), Daily.

Keesing's Contemporary Archives (Bristol), Weekly.

Kuwait Times, Daily.

Middle East Recorder (Jerusalem), Annual.

Newsweek (New York), Weekly.

New York Times, Daily.

The Tfmes (London), Daily.

The Times of India (New Delhi), Daily.

Time (New york), Weekly.

Tribune (Chandigarh), Daily.

Washington Post, Daily.