bible verse of gathering - bethany lutheran church in peace. serve the lord. thanks be to god!...

Bethany Lutheran Church | 4500 East Hampden Avenue | Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113 | | 303-758-2820 JESUS REVEALED: The Call of the Disciples at Sea EPIPHANY 3 | 8:15 A.M. & 10:15 A.M. | JANUARY 21, 2018 Gathering PRELUDE Intermezzo in F Martin Zonnenburg Please use the prelude as a quiet time to prepare yourself for worship. WELCOME You are invited to stand. CONFESSION & FORGIVENESS Blessed be the holy Trinity, one God, who stretches out the heavens, who sends light to the nations, who gives breath to us all. Amen. Let us confess our sin in the presence of God and of one another. Silence for reflection and self-examination. Loving God, we confess that we have turned from your way to follow our own ways. Forgive us for the times we have spoken or acted too quickly; we have not spoken or acted at all; we have hurt those closest to us; we have hurt those we have yet to know; we have thought more about ourselves than others; we have thought less of ourselves than we ought. Turn us around, and give us a fresh start, so that we can live again as your children. Amen. Even when we have done wrong, God makes us right. Even when we have messed up, God puts us together. God’s love never runs out. God never tires of calling us beloved children. Hear God say to you now: Your sins are forgiven, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen. BIBLE VERSE OF THE MONTH Isaiah 60:1 Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.

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Page 1: BIBLE VERSE OF Gathering - Bethany Lutheran Church in peace. Serve the Lord. Thanks be to God! POSTLUDE Wer nur den lieben Gott J. S. Bach WORSHIP LEADERS PASTORS Pastor Gary Sandberg,

Bethany Lutheran Church | 4500 East Hampden Avenue | Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113 | | 303-758-2820

JESUS REVEALED: The Call of the Disciples at Sea EPIPHANY 3 | 8:15 A.M. & 10:15 A.M. | JANUARY 21, 2018


PRELUDE Intermezzo in F Martin Zonnenburg

Please use the prelude as a quiet time to prepare yourself for worship.


You are invited to stand.


Blessed be the holy Trinity, one God,

who stretches out the heavens,

who sends light to the nations,

who gives breath to us all.


Let us confess our sin in the presence of God and of one another.

Silence for reflection and self-examination.

Loving God,

we confess that we have turned from your way

to follow our own ways.

Forgive us for the times

we have spoken or acted too quickly;

we have not spoken or acted at all;

we have hurt those closest to us;

we have hurt those we have yet to know;

we have thought more about ourselves than others;

we have thought less of ourselves than we ought.

Turn us around, and give us a fresh start,

so that we can live again as your children. Amen.

Even when we have done wrong, God makes us right.

Even when we have messed up, God puts us together.

God’s love never runs out.

God never tires of calling us beloved children.

Hear God say to you now:

Your sins are forgiven,

for the sake of Jesus Christ our Savior.




Isaiah 60:1

Arise, shine; for your

light has come, and the

glory of the Lord has

risen upon you.

Page 2: BIBLE VERSE OF Gathering - Bethany Lutheran Church in peace. Serve the Lord. Thanks be to God! POSTLUDE Wer nur den lieben Gott J. S. Bach WORSHIP LEADERS PASTORS Pastor Gary Sandberg,


Please face the processional cross.

GATHERING HYMN We Are Called Hymn #720


The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the

Holy Spirit be with you all.

And also with you.


Page 3: BIBLE VERSE OF Gathering - Bethany Lutheran Church in peace. Serve the Lord. Thanks be to God! POSTLUDE Wer nur den lieben Gott J. S. Bach WORSHIP LEADERS PASTORS Pastor Gary Sandberg,


Please be seated.


Almighty God, by grace alone you call us and accept us in your service. Strengthen us

by your Spirit, and make us worthy of your call, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and

Lord. Amen.


FIRST LESSON Jonah 3:1-5, 10 Holy Bible pg. 960 (OT)

The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

SECOND LESSON 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 Holy Bible pg. 178 (NT)

The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

You are invited to stand.


The Holy Gospel according to Mark. Glory to you, O Lord.

GOSPEL Mark 1:14-20 Holy Bible pg. 35 (NT)

The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, O Christ.



Jonah 3:1-5, 10

The book of Jonah is a

comedy starring a

reluctant prophet who

is given a one-sentence

message: Nineveh will

be destroyed in forty

days. Much to Jonah’s

dismay, the people of

Nineveh repent. The

point of the story is to

get the reader to

wrestle with the

question “On whom

should God have



Mark 1:14-20

Before Jesus calls

his first disciples,

he proclaims a

message that

becomes known as

“the gospel” or

good news from

God. God is ready

to rule our lives.

Those who realize

this will respond

with repentance

and faith.


1 Corinthians 7:29-31

Paul does not

disapprove of

marriage or other

human social

institutions. He does,

however, want

Christians to live in the

present in fervent

anticipation of God’s

future, which even now

has dawned through

the death and

resurrection of Jesus


Page 4: BIBLE VERSE OF Gathering - Bethany Lutheran Church in peace. Serve the Lord. Thanks be to God! POSTLUDE Wer nur den lieben Gott J. S. Bach WORSHIP LEADERS PASTORS Pastor Gary Sandberg,


HYMN OF THE DAY Spread, Oh Spread, Almighty Word Hymn #663


I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven, he is seated at the right hand of the father, and he will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.



The peace of the Lord be with you always. And also with you.

After sharing the Peace, please be seated.



Visioning Retreat, Souper Bowl of Caring, Love & Logic, BYOBibles

OFFERING I Love Your Word (8:15 a.m.) Mark Hayes

O Day Full of Grace (10:15 a.m.) arr. F. M. Christiansen


Response: Lord in your mercy… Hear our prayer.



Page 5: BIBLE VERSE OF Gathering - Bethany Lutheran Church in peace. Serve the Lord. Thanks be to God! POSTLUDE Wer nur den lieben Gott J. S. Bach WORSHIP LEADERS PASTORS Pastor Gary Sandberg,


PREFACE It is indeed right, our duty and our joy... ...we praise your name and join their unending hymn:




Page 6: BIBLE VERSE OF Gathering - Bethany Lutheran Church in peace. Serve the Lord. Thanks be to God! POSTLUDE Wer nur den lieben Gott J. S. Bach WORSHIP LEADERS PASTORS Pastor Gary Sandberg,




The prayer that

Jesus taught the

disciples to pray

found in Matthew

6:9-13 and Luke



Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name,

thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us;

and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever.


Please be seated.


Bethany welcomes all to receive the body and blood of Christ in Holy Communion. An

usher will direct you forward for communion. There are several stations across the

front of the seating sections. Groups are welcome to visit a communion station togeth-

er. You will receive a piece of bread in your hand, please dip the bread into the cup of

wine. Those who are not receiving communion are invited to receive a blessing. Note

that the communion station at the center has gluten-free bread and alcohol-free wine.


COMMUNION MUSIC Hear My Prayer Anton Dvořák

COMMUNION HYMN Jesus Calls Us; o’er the Tumult Hymn #696

You are invited to stand.

Page 7: BIBLE VERSE OF Gathering - Bethany Lutheran Church in peace. Serve the Lord. Thanks be to God! POSTLUDE Wer nur den lieben Gott J. S. Bach WORSHIP LEADERS PASTORS Pastor Gary Sandberg,


Liturgical Text and Worship Notes: From Sundays and © 2018 Augsburg For tress. All r ights reserved. Repr inted by

permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #SAS006681.




Please see the back of your bulletin.


SENDING HYMN If You But Trust in God to Guide You Hymn #769

(vs. 1, 4)

DISMISSAL Go in peace. Serve the Lord. Thanks be to God!

POSTLUDE Wer nur den lieben Gott J. S. Bach

Page 8: BIBLE VERSE OF Gathering - Bethany Lutheran Church in peace. Serve the Lord. Thanks be to God! POSTLUDE Wer nur den lieben Gott J. S. Bach WORSHIP LEADERS PASTORS Pastor Gary Sandberg,


PASTORS Pastor Gary Sandberg, Pastor Russ Britton, Pastor Brigette Weier

ORGANIST Rick Seaton


(Coordinator: Ron Gusé)

Don Abram (8:15 a.m.)

Ron Gusé (10:15 a.m.)

MUSICIANS Kathryn Constanza (8:15 a.m.)

Kathryn Constanza, Chancel Choir (10:15 a.m.)

ACOLYTES Will Sessions, Juliana Willson (10:15 a.m.)



Karen Tennien, 8:15 a.m.

Alison Betts, 10:15 a.m.)

Peggy Furgason, Anada Gusé, Diane Herrmann,

Koren Holden, Brian Tennien, Karen Tennien (8:15 a.m.)

Judi Burchfield, Jessica March, Jodi Maturo,

Lori Roenfeldt (10:15 a.m.)


(Coordinator: Dave Malucky)

Michelle Stone Kraus



Dave Okes, 8:15 a.m.

Andy Gift, 10:15 a.m.)

Aubrey Annas, Bev Beattie, Jeff Finnin, Ken Griepentrog,

Noel Hasselgren, Mark Jacobson, Dave Malucky,

Mark Mertz, Frank Osminer (8:15 a.m.)

David Clausen, Clark Colton, Kenneth Hansen, Gail Luttinen,

Diane McAllen, Steve Rogge, Jason Sorter (10:15 a.m.)


(Coordinators: Forrest Guittar, Laura Romig)

Kelsey Baer, Erik Boss


(Coordinator: Linda Sather)

Dottie Colton, Neil Helland, Twila Helland, Gail Mullin

NURSERY ATTENDANTS Kathy Shearer, Michele Sum


Page 9: BIBLE VERSE OF Gathering - Bethany Lutheran Church in peace. Serve the Lord. Thanks be to God! POSTLUDE Wer nur den lieben Gott J. S. Bach WORSHIP LEADERS PASTORS Pastor Gary Sandberg,


9:25-10:05 A.M.

Adult Faith Formation: Today’s Text (Library)

Adult Faith Formation: Book of Mark (rm. 210)

Confirmation: (Great Hall)

Senior High: (rms. 415/416)

Sunday School: Grades 1-5 (youth wing class)

Sunday School: Pre-K & K (meet in rm. 104)

11:15-11:45 A.M.

Youth Choir: Celebration (rm. 314)


Flowers Today: Flowers today are given by Arlene

Mohler Johnson in memory of Don Johnson’s

birthday. Flower donations cost $50. Sign up to donate

flowers at the Welcome Center.

Diaper Drive: Today we are collecting diapers for

Inner City Health Center, a medical, behavioral and

dental health clinic in Denver that follows Christian

principles while serving a diverse population of

uninsured, under-insured, and insured individuals.

All sizes are needed!

Be The Blessing weekend this year is June 2 and 3,

and we could use your help. The first organizational

meeting is today at 11:30 a.m. in room 209. This is

Bethany's largest service project for the year and the

more help the merrier.

Theater & Theology: Today is the last day to

purchase tickets for “American Mariachi” on Tuesday,

February 13. Lucha and Boli are ready to start their

own all-female mariachi band, but they’ll have to fight

a male-dominated music genre and pressure from their

families to get it done. This heartwarming story about

music’s power to heal and connect includes gorgeous

live mariachi music. Tickets are $35 each and can be

purchased at the Welcome Center.

Refuge Worship TODAY: Please join us for Refuge

Worship in the Chapel at 6:00 p.m. and stay for food

and fun after worship!

Senior High Youth Forum with Melissa will meet

today from 9:25-10:05 a.m. in the Soul Schopp.

Houston Bound Youth: We will meet today in the

Soul Schopp from 5:00-6:00 p.m. Bring a parent!

Calling all Leaders, Emerging Leaders, and

Dreamers! Today is the last day to sign up for

our Visioning Retreat on January 27 from 9:00 a.m.

to 3:30 p.m. All are welcome to consider

Bethany’s future at this meeting. If you are

considering leadership, or feel that you have

something to share that will be a positive influence

on the future of Bethany Lutheran Church, consider

yourself invited. Lunch provided (free will

donation). If you are planning to come, please sign

up TODAY by contacting Sarah at sarah@bethany-, or by visiting the Welcome Center.

We welcome our new worshipers today! Please fill out the green welcome sheet in your bulletin, and join in

fellowship in the Fellowship Hall. To learn more about Bethany’s Bible studies and various ministries, pick up

a Life Together at Bethany booklet at the Welcome Center or download it from our website - www.bethany- Our next New Worshiper Information Session will be held on Sunday, January 28, 11:30 a.m. in

room 209. Schedule a home visit with a pastor to discuss how Bethany’s ministr ies might connect with

your faith journey. Contact Sarah at [email protected] for more information about membership.

Worship Schedule

Sundays: 8:15 & 10:15 a.m. ~ Wednesdays: 6:30 p.m.

Also available: Watch live streaming and archived services at

9 9

Page 10: BIBLE VERSE OF Gathering - Bethany Lutheran Church in peace. Serve the Lord. Thanks be to God! POSTLUDE Wer nur den lieben Gott J. S. Bach WORSHIP LEADERS PASTORS Pastor Gary Sandberg,


The Gospel of Mark: Sundays, January 14 -

February 4, 9:25-10:05 a.m., Room 210: Goodbye

Matthew, Hello Mark! As we begin a new church year,

we also begin new gospel readings. Come learn some

history and theology with Drew Culp, and

discover the writer’s purpose in sharing the good news

of Jesus Christ.

By Heart: Mondays, January 22 - February 26, 7:00

p.m., rm. 210: This is the new adult small catechism

course from Augsburg Fortress; it will be a discussion-

oriented class in which we will learn from one another

and our experiences with the catechism. Please sign up

at the Welcome Center.

Love and Logic: Tuesdays, January 30 - February

27, 7:00 p.m., BECC rm. 103: This parenting course

will be taught by one of BECC’s most experienced

teachers and a retired child psychologist, Gerry Lacey.

The materials fee is $15. To register or for more

information, sign up at the Welcome Center or contact

Vicki Hare at [email protected].

Time out for the two of you: Friday, February 9,

5:30- 7:30 p.m., Great Hall: This is a course on

communication offered by Vicky and Larry Daub.

Dinner and childcare will be provided as part of the

evening. Registration is $25 per couple (includes the

meal and all resources). Childcare is $10 per child

(scholarships are available). Contact Pastor Brigette at

[email protected] for more information or

visit the Welcome Center for a registration brochure.

Check your Beacon or visit the Welcome Center for

information about opportunities starting later in

the year.


JESUS REVEALED: Healing the one with an

unclean spirit.

Deuteronomy 18:15-20 , Psalm 111, 1 Corinthians

8:1-13, Mark 1:29-39

Bible Milestone: Third Grade families and students

will meet on January 28 and February 4 in their

classrooms during the Sunday School time for the

Bible Milestone. It will be additional learning from

last year and the students will participate in worship on

Sunday, February 4, and the entire congregation is

invited to bring their own bibles to worship on that

day. If you do not own one, see Pastor Brigette!

University of Denver Alumni or anyone interested

in DU campus ministry: Bethany has been

supporting campus ministry at DU through the

Foundation (an ecumenical mainline Protestant

ministry) for about a year and a half. Liza Hanson is

the campus minister and will be at Bethany, Sunday,

January 28 at 6:00 p.m. in the library for coffee,

dessert and conversation about how we can further

support this important ministry for young adults just

up the street from us. Contact Pastor Brigette at

[email protected] for more information or

to RSVP.

The Good News Ministry Team invites you to be a

part of this team that is looking at ways we welcome

people to Bethany, how we follow-up with our new

worshipers, and everything we do to make Bethany a

welcoming place. The team will meet on Tuesdays

January 30 and February 20 from 7:00-8:15 p.m. We

are looking for people with a variety of gifts, not just

those who enjoy being on the front lines of

welcoming. All are welcome!


Women of Bethany Night Out: We will meet for a

Mardi Gras dinner prat the home of Kathy Singh on

Thursday, February 1 at 6:30 p.m. Please RSVP with

Pastor Brigette at [email protected] by

January 30 for directions.

The Super Bowl is Sunday, February 4 and that

means the Souper Bowl of Caring is too!!! We will

collect food at King Soopers stores on Saturday,

February 3 from 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. to benefit Metro

Caring. This is a fun and important service

opportunity for families. On Sunday, February 4,

“vote” for your favorite team with your dollars.

Proceeds go to the ELCA World Hunger Appeal as

part of 40 Days of Giving. If you are interested in

collecting food February 3, contact Carrie at

[email protected]. Come help sort food on

Sunday, February 4 in the Fellowship Hall. If your

child would help collect $ votes on February 4, contact

Mary at [email protected].

Confirmation Mentors for Lent are needed for our


Page 11: BIBLE VERSE OF Gathering - Bethany Lutheran Church in peace. Serve the Lord. Thanks be to God! POSTLUDE Wer nur den lieben Gott J. S. Bach WORSHIP LEADERS PASTORS Pastor Gary Sandberg,

60+ youth in Faith Web Weavers! We need caring

adults to meet with a youth once a week (we will

provide space on Sundays during education time or

Wednesdays after worship) for five weeks, to share

time and faith with one another. We will provide

devotions for conversations, as well as mentor training

on Sunday February 4 at 9:25 a.m. or Wednesday

February 7 after 6:30 p.m. worship. Please contact

Pastor Brigette at [email protected] or Jeff

at [email protected] for more information.

Rejoicing Spirits is a “no-shush” worship service for

people of all abilities, especially those who thrive with

cognitive differences. We will worship and share a

meal together on February 11, 4:00- 6:00 p.m. Our

theme is Valentine’s Day; we will be learning about

God’s great love for us! For more information, contact

Pastor Brigette at [email protected].

Theater & Theology: The play for March is “The

Great Leap” on Tuesday, March 6. When an American

college basketball team travels to Beijing for an

exhibition game in 1989, the drama on the court goes

deeper than the strain between their countries.

Tensions rise right up to the final buzzer as history

collides with the action in the stadium. Pay $35 each

for your tickets by Sunday, February 11.

Bethany Men’s Retreat: Are you looking to connect

with other Men from Bethany? Are you looking to

deepen your relationship with the Lord? Then join us

on this fabulous Men's retreat at Camp Santa

Maria. April 27-29 will be an amazing weekend that

you won't want to miss. Brochures are available at the

Welcome Center, and you can contact Justin March at

303.408.1330 for more information and a personal



We are thrilled to welcome Vicki Hare, the new

director of Bethany Early Childhood Center! She

brings many years of experience, a love for young

children and families, and a love of Christ into this

position. Please offer her a warm welcome!

High School “BoBRO” Winter Retreat

CANCELED: Due to low par ticipation, this

February youth retreat has been canceled!

High School Parents – We need your help! We

always need your presence and some food, be it a

snack or a meal. Please look over the dates between

January and April at the link below and offer to help

where you can. Thanks so much in advance for your

willingness to continue to support our high school

youth ministry here at Bethany! (http://


Faith Formation Director of Youth: This is a job

for a person who has the gifts, passion, and vision for

forming disciples of Jesus Christ of our middle school

and senior high youth. Bethany Lutheran Church is

seeking a permanent full-time Faith Formation

Director. If you or someone you know, is interested in

serving with our youth and families, contact Pastor

Brigette at [email protected] for a job

description and details.

Help wanted — Volunteer Receptionist: We are

accepting applications for persons to volunteer as a

receptionist. We are still looking for volunteers for

Monday mornings, and Tuesday and Friday both

mornings and afternoons. Applications are available in

the office or at the Welcome Center.

There With Care is one of Bethany’s Be The

Blessing partners. They need Fall\Winter boys clothes,

sizes 0-3 months and 3-6 months. If you can help

please contact Karyn at 303.756.2273 or at

[email protected].


Bethany Fund: Expected Actual

December, 2017 $332,339 $327,478

Fiscal YTD $1,016,376 $980,763

January 7, 2018 $48,323

January 14,2018 $85,364

Renewal For Growth: As of January 17, we have

received 211 commitments for a total of $1,470,360

towards our goal of 500 commitments and $1.6M.


Hearing Assistance: Please see the

Sound Tech in the sound booth if you

need a hearing assistant device.

Please see the ushers for a

large print bulletin. 11

Page 12: BIBLE VERSE OF Gathering - Bethany Lutheran Church in peace. Serve the Lord. Thanks be to God! POSTLUDE Wer nur den lieben Gott J. S. Bach WORSHIP LEADERS PASTORS Pastor Gary Sandberg,


Installation of Elected Leaders

President of the Congregation: The following persons are entering into elected leadership for Bethany

Lutheran Church in the year 2018.

Names are read.

P: St. Paul writes: Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services,

but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in

everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. (1 Corinthians 12:4-7)

You have been elected to positions of leadership and trust in this congregation. You are to work together

with the people of Bethany to see that the worship and work of Christ are accomplished in this

congregation and that God’s will is done in the community. You are to be diligent in your specific area of

serving. You are to be an example of faith active in love.

On behalf of your sisters and brothers in Christ, I ask you: Are you ready to be accept and faithfully carry

out the duties of the office to which you have been elected?

R: Yes, by the help of God.

P: People of God, I ask you: Will you support these, your elected leaders and will you share in the mutual

ministry that Christ has given to all the baptized?

C: Yes, by the help of God.

P: I now declare you to be installed into your position of leadership on behalf of Bethany Lutheran

Church. God bless you with the power of the Holy Spirit, that you may prove to be faithful servants of


Executive Council: Marie Friedemann

Garth Englund III

Ministry Council: Scott Zimmerman

Jack Lindsey

Isabella Dempsey

Nickie Fowler

Bethany Foundation: Ron Gusé

David Laverty

BECC Board:

Rose Martinez

Natalie Talley



Suzanne Bryson

Cheryl Katschke

Executive Council: Kim Finnin

Jack Lindsey

Mary Brook

Ministry Council: Allison Biever

Al Youngdahl

Annell Weissenbuehler

Grayson Bellas

Bethany Foundation: Curt Boell

Steve Heuer

Alison Betts

BECC Board: David Romig

Rick Newman


Committee: Ron Gusé

Ron Kaminen