bible book 2

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  • Retold bySmriti Bansal

    Illustrated & Designed byCreative Concepts, New Delhi

    For Childrenfrom New Testament


  • ContentsZacharias and Elizabeth 9Mary is Blessed 12Mary Visits Elizabeth 14The Birth of John 16The Birth of Jesus 18The Shepherds Visit the Saviour 20The Wise Men from the East 22Return to Nazareth 25Jesus in Jerusalem 28John Baptises Jesus 30Jesus and Satan 32The First Disciples 34The Marriage Feast 36

    ISBN 978-81-8022-143-9

    2011 Priority Publicationse-mail : [email protected]

    All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,

    or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

    First published 2011

    Illustrated & Designed by Creative Concepts

  • The Rich and the Kingdom of God 76A Good Guest 78The Real Guests 80A Foolish Builder 82Workers in the Vineyard 84Paying the Workers 86Feeding the Crowd 89The Unjust Judge 92Zacchaeus and Jesus 94The Last Supper 96Jesus Washes the Feet of his Disciples 99Judas Plots to Betray Jesus 100The Garden of Gethsemane 102Judas the Betrayer 105Judas is sorry 108Peter Lies 110Jesus and King Herod 112Jesus and Pilate 114

    Simon Peters House 38The Farmer and the Seeds 41Jesus Helps a Roman Officer 44The House of Simon the Pharisee 46Jesus Tells Simon a Story 48The Blind Beggar 50The Daughter of Jairus 52Jesus Has No Home 54The Ploughman 57Peter and Jesus 60Peter Tries to Stop Jesus 61Jesus Is Transformed 62Martha and Mary 64Talking to God 65Praying to God 66Jesus and the Samaritan Woman 68Beware of greed 70Leaven and Dough 73

  • Mark the Helper 169The Pagans 172Judas and Silas are chosen 174Paul meets Timothy 176Lydia of Macedonia 178Paul and Silas 180Paul in Athens 182Paul in Corinth 185Paul the Tent-maker 188Paul at Ephesus 190The Riot of the Silversmiths 192Boy Saved in Troas 194

    Barabbas the Robber 116Pilate Gives In 118Jesus is Crucified 121Jesus is Buried 124The Empty Tomb 126Thomas has Doubts 128On the Way to Emmaus 130Peter is Absolved 132The Ascension 134Peter the Leader 137Pentecost 140Peter Proclaims the Good News 140The Lame Man Walks 142Peter and John are Arrested 144The Trial of the Disciples 146Stephen is Stoned 148Philip and the Ethiopian 150Saul Hears a Voice 153Saul Becomes a Christian 156Paul Begins his Ministry 159Peter in Jaffa 160Peters Vision 162Peter is Imprisoned 164Paul and Barnabas 166

  • Paul says Goodbye 196Paul in Jerusalem 199Paul is Saved 201Paul in Caesarea 204Paul and King Agrippa 206Paul Sails for Rome 208Storm at the Sea 210Paul gives Hope 212Shipwreck 214Paul in Malta 217Paul Reaches Rome 220Paul Contacts the Jews of Rome 222Runaway Slave 224A Roman Soldier 226Faithful to the End 228

  • Zacharias and Elizabeth

    In the time of King Herod of Judaea, a priest named Zacharias lived with his wife Elizabeth. Both were good people and were deeply religious. They had everything they could wish for, except children.

    This had brought great shame upon the old couple, as in those days it was considered shameful for married women to be childless.


  • The angel sensing his doubt said that since he did not believe, he would not be able to talk till all that the angel had promised would come true.

    Meanwhile the people waiting outside were wondering as to why the priest was taking so long. As Zacharias stepped outside, dazed by the angels visit, they knew that he had had a vision.

    After a short time Elizabeth became pregnant. The overjoyed woman praised the Lord and thanked him for ridding her of her shame.

    Zacharias would go to the temple every day. One day as he was serving in the temple, an angel appeared in front of him. Zacharias was surprised. The angel said that his name was Gabriel and he was sent by the Lord himself to tell Zacharias that his prayers had been answered.

    Gabriel further said, In the coming time your wife would have a baby boy who shall be called John. He would bring great joy and happiness to your family. Later when he would grow up, he would help in restoring the faith of people of Israel towards the Almighty Lord.

    Zacharias found it hard to believe that such a thing could happen, as he and his wife were old.

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  • Lord would give him the throne of David to rule over the people of Israel.

    Mary was surprised. She asked the angel how this would happen, as she was yet an unmarried girl.

    The angel replied that the Holy Spirit would come to her and will protect her with the power of Lord. He informed her that her cousin Elizabeth was also going to have a baby, even though she was quite old, as nothing is impossible for the Lord.

    Mary felt blessed. She said that she would be faithful to her Lord and gladly accept anything that the Lord had wished for her.

    Mary is Blessed

    After six months, the angel Gabriel was called once again, by the Lord, to deliver another message. This time it was for Mary, Elizabeths cousin who lived in a small town in Galilee called Nazareth. Mary was engaged to marry Joseph, who was a descendent of King David.

    The angel appeared before Mary and greeted her saying that she was the most fortunate of all women, as she had been chosen to give birth to the son of the Most High. Gabriel told her, He must be called Jesus, and the

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  • His love extends from age to age to all those who love and obey him.

    He has shown the power of his arm to scatter those with proud hearts.

    He has pulled down princes from their thronesand lifted up the humble.He has filled the starving with good things,but sent the rich away empty.

    Mary Visits Elizabeth

    On learning about her cousin Elizabeths pregnancy, Mary set out to meet her in the hillside country of Judaea. She reached Zacharias house and called out for her sister.

    When Elizabeth heard Mary calling out her name, the baby in the womb leaped for joy; and she realised that she had been blessed by the presence of a woman who was carrying her Lord himself inside her.

    Elizabeth congratulated her, saying how blessed Mary was, for believing that what had been promised to her by the angel above would be fulfilled.

    As Elizabeth said this, Mary sang a song in the honour of her Lord:

    He has come to the help of his servant Israelremembering his mercy,The mercy promised our ancestors,To Abraham and his descendants for ever.Mary stayed on with Elizabeth for the next three


    My soul proclaims in the greatness of the LordAnd my spirit rejoices in the Lord my saviour.He has looked upon this lowly handmaid.From this day forward all generations will call me

    blessed,For the Almighty has done a great thing for me,Holy is his name.

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  • because of what the angel Gabriel had promised, so he wrote on a writing-tablet, His name is John.

    From that moment Zacharias could speak. The Holy Spirit entered him and said:

    You little child, shall be called the highest of all prophets,

    For you will go ahead of the Lord,To prepare a way for him.To give his people the knowledge of salvation,Through the forgiveness of their sins. The people gathered there realised that the baby was

    no ordinary one and was obviously blessed by the Lord.Later, John grew up and lived alone in the desert

    wilderness waiting for the Lord to call upon his services and to work among the people of Israel.

    The Birth of John

    Soon the time came for Elizabeth to give birth to her baby. The son was born and eight days later he was to be presented in the temple to be given a name.

    All the relatives, hearing the good news, rejoiced and shared the excited mothers happiness. All of them praised the Lord. After eight days the happy couple, Zacharias and Elizabeth, visited the temple with their baby.

    The relatives suggested that the baby should be named Zacharias after his father, but Elizabeth declined and said that his name would be John. Every one was surprised at this suggestion as there was no one in their family with that name. They looked at Zacharias to see what he had to say for this. Zacharias could not speak

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  • Not long after this the Roman Emperor passed a law that every person in the empire shall be counted and each man had to return to their birth town with their family. So, Joseph along with Mary, who was due to have the baby, set out for Bethlehem.

    The town was crowded and the couple found no place even to spend the night. A humble stable was all that was offered by an innkeeper to them.

    That night Mary had her baby, and she wrapped him in strips of cloth and laid him in a manger, where the hay for animals was kept. That was the only cot available in the whole of Bethlehem, for the Son of God. They named him Jesus.

    The Birth of Jesus

    When Joseph heard that Mary was already expecting a baby, he decided to break their engagement, as he was a respected man and wanted to avoid a scandal.

    That night he had a dream. In his dream an angel appeared who assured him that everything would be fine and that he must marry Mary as the child she was expecting was a gift from the Lord. The child was to be called Jesus.

    When Joseph woke up the next day, he believed in his dream and decided upon marrying Mary immediately.

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  • The surprised shepherds looked at each other in amazement and decided to go to Bethlehem, and see if they could actually find the stable where the Saviour rested. So they journeyed down to the town after safely tying their sheep.

    They found the modest stable with Joseph and Mary, and their new-born baby, Jesus, the Saviour. Amazed by all they had witnessed on that one night, they returned home to their sheep, praising and thanking God that they could be a part of this.

    The Shepherds Visit the Saviour

    Just above Bethlehem in the hills there lived some shepherds, who were looking after their flock of sheep, when they saw a dazzling light overhead. The sky was illuminated and a voice spoke from above. It said, Do not be afraid, as I bring great news of the birth of the Saviour. Today he has been born and is in Bethlehem lying in a manger!

    The angels sang, praising the Lord:Glory be to God in the highest heavenAnd peace to his people on earth!

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  • The Wise Men from the East

    Three wise men had travelled long distance from the East and had reached Jerusalem, soon after Jesus was born. Their recent observations of the stars in the sky had told them that something very important and special had happened. They had seen a new star which meant that a baby had been born, who would be the Saviour of the Jews. Hence they were searching for this baby.

    First they went to King Herod, to ask him if he knew where the infant king was, but when Herod heard this he thought to himself, Another king! Someone who might take over my throne! Quite alarmed, he discussed this with his advisers. They told him that the baby would be in Bethlehem in Judaea as foretold by prophet Micah.

    King Herod said to the three wise men, When you find the infant king, come back to tell me so that I can worship the new king as well!

    So the three wise men carried on with their journey and followed the new star right till Bethlehem, to the stable where the baby Jesus lay. They presented him with three gifts: gold, because he would be a king; frankincense, as he was the son of God and myrrh, as he would suffer and die.

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  • The wise men left the stable, but did not return back to King Herod, as a dream had warned them not to do so. They took a different route and finally returned to their homes happy that they had seen the Saviour who had been born to lead the people towards salvation.


  • Return to Nazareth

    Soon after the wise men had left, an angel again visited Joseph in his dream. This time the angel warned him that King Herod was determined to kill Jesus, and his men were looking for him. Joseph should take his family to Egypt where they would be safe. So Joseph along with Mary and baby Jesus moved to Egypt.


  • And the holy family returned to Nazareth, where Jesus grew up to love all and be loved by all. God, his father in the heaven, was also pleased with him. Joseph built a home for his family and worked as a carpenter.

    Meanwhile King Herod soon realised that the three wise men had disappeared, tricking him. In anger he issued an order to kill every child below the age of two years in the region around Bethlehem. Many innocent children became victims of King Herods ruthlessness but Jesus remained safe in Egypt.

    Shortly after this, Herod died and the angel yet again visited Joseph in his dream, saying, The danger has subsided and it would now be safe for you to return back to Nazareth.

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  • They searched all over the city but could not find him till they visited the temple again. Jesus was there, surrounded by priests, asking questions and listening to what the priests and teachers of law were saying. The priests were impressed by the young boys knowledge and wisdom.

    Overcome with relief, his mother, Mary asked him, How could you do this to us? We were so worried, we searched everywhere for you!

    To this Jesus calmly replied, But mother, I thought you would realise that I would be in my fathers house! They did not understand, and Jesus returned home to Nazareth.

    Jesus in Jerusalem

    Jesus was twelve years old when Joseph and Mary decided to take him to see the celebrations of the festival, Passover, in Jerusalem for the first time. In those days it was a custom in Jews to travel to Jerusalem and visit the temple every year for Passover.

    The festivities were drawing to a close, when people started leaving for home. Joseph and Mary left too. They were tired from their journey and had travelled for a day when they realised that Jesus was missing. He was not with his friends or their relatives, so the worried couple decided to return to Jerusalem and search for him.

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