bhutto rigged the election. did he? a study by syed jaffer

rigged the elections The magic wand of General Mohammed Zia Ul Haq that created forged documents to prove the false accusation. Syed Jaffer

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General Zia over-threw elected government of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto on the charges of election rigging, to convince the world leader he issued White Paper, having no evidence had to forge documents to fill the infamous book.


Page 1: Bhutto Rigged the Election. Did he?  A study by Syed Jaffer

rigged the elections The magic wand of General Mohammed Zia Ul Haq that created forged documents to prove the false accusation.

Syed Jaffer

Page 2: Bhutto Rigged the Election. Did he?  A study by Syed Jaffer

A huge book comprising of 1400 pages 400 as preamble and 1000 true copies of the documents Stolen by Zia minister of PNA from their offices while they were with Zia as his cabinet of ministers.

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Investigations of the Bank Account of the Chairman Pakistan Peoples Party

Investigations of the fictitious bank account to show the financial malpractices by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. When Bhutto was overthrown Pakistan was the host country of the Islamic summit, Bhutto therefore was the head of the summit and the leader of the whole of the Islamic community around the world. Whether it was his deliberate attempt or was forced into the situation can’t be said with certainty. To humiliate the entire Muslim world it was enough to prove that their leader was a corrupt murder. The western world was threatened by the rising trends of the poor countries. Under-developed countries were demanding share in the progress the mankind had achieved due to the scientific and industrial advancements. Forums like the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), The Group of 77, The Arab League, Organization of African Unity (OAU) etc were very effective in the uniting for their demands. Bhutto was popular among all these fora and together they had become a force to reckon with. Unlike Idi Amin who escaped first to Libya and ultimately settled in Saudi Arabia until his death where the Saudi Royal Family paid him a generous subsidy in return for his staying out of politics, Bhutto was adamant in making a comeback. King Faisal of Saudi

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Arabia had already been removed by an effective assassination attempt and killed by his own nephew. Zia was facing a situation of either your neck or mine he had no option but to kill Bhutto. To justify and to get the support of the leaders of other countries around the world he released several white papers to bring to public knowledge the deeds or misdeeds of Bhutto. The first one of these white papers had a preamble of 405 pages and 1032 copies of the documents as annexure attachments. This white paper deals with the conduct of general elections. The following 5 pages are the documentary evidence to show the Chairman of Pakistan People’s Party was involved in financial wrong doings. The first picture shows a page from the preamble describing how Bhutto was mis-managing his account as the chairman of his party. The second picture shows the summery of the financial account run by Bhutto. The third and fourth pictures are the account statements, the fifth and the last one is the letter by Bhutto himself asking his party for the funds. The gimmick is that account number of the chairman PPP was 28830 and the evidence is about some account with number 22830. The inquiry therefore was for some fictitious account. Check carefully the accounts 22830 and 28830 the actual account and the account investigated. The white paper is a document containing mostly the affidavits given by different persons before the martial law authorities. There are some documents that are included to prove the point and are definitely forged or are fictitious. At one of the press conferences Zia had replied to a question that he is in the process of making the evidences. The task of preparing the white paper was assigned to I. H. Burney the editor of a periodical Outlook. And the acts of forgery were carried out at the office of Outlook situated at Fareed Chambers besides PIDC house in Karachi city.

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The events that lead to the downfall of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. As it always happens with the dictators, when Zia took over power through coup d'état to overthrow the popularly elected government of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto he had to legitimize himself to continue. He needed to justify his action of taking over the power. He applied several means to continue in power and make himself legal. We discuss here only one of his misdeeds --- his white paper against Bhutto. He named his action by which he removed Mr. Bhutto an “operation fair-play”. He did it by manipulating the situation himself or took advantage of the opposition of Mr. Bhutto’s government. When Mr. Bhutto announced the holding of general elections in 1977 nine parties of different orientations grouped together to form a combined opposition. It could also be said that the general prompted the opposition parties to form a joint opposition. Generals and the leaders of small parties worked hand in hand organizing strikes to overthrow Bhutto. The show they put up to demonstrate Mr. Bhutto’s unpopularity was impressive. As usual the gallops and opinion surveys conducted by the aspiring junta gave them the wrong impression. The perception created by PNA, the electoral alliance of heterogeneous parties, too was that Bhutto has lost popularity and no one will remember him once he is out of power. PNA is short-form for Pakistan National Alliance it was hurriedly put together by nine political groups when Mr. Bhutto announced General Elections in 1977. PNA comprise of parties extreme right religious Jamat to the secular Awami National Party, With this situation the elections went on and poling was held for the National assembly seats. The results were landslide in favor of Mr. Bhutto. The official turnout figure was 63 percent – if 19 uncontested seats were discounted, the turnout was 80 percent (the PNA boycotted the Balochistan elections because of the ongoing military operation at that time. The PPP won 58.1 percent of all the votes that were cast, and 136 of the 173 contested NA seats. The PNA won only 35.1 per cent of the vote and 36 seats. PPP had already won 19 NA seats unopposed including the home seat of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in Larkana. The PNA leveled allegations of massive rigging in the polling and boycotted the provincial elections.

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The victory Mr. Bhutto got was a surprise even to the staunchest supports of Mr. Bhutto. PNA boycotted the following provincial assembly elections very effectively and was very much successful in creating the wrong impression that Mr. Bhutto rigged the election. Mr. Bhutto formed the governments and the opposition took to the streets demanding fresh elections and resignation of Bhutto. The demonstrations by the PNA grew violent day by day. Most of the component parties that joined PNA had following in the effluent and urban middle class. Due to the policy of Nationalization of the industries by Bhutto in his previous government the capitalist were totally against Bhutto and were funding the PNA movement. Due to the socialist tinge Bhutto had in his style of governance, even the small ship-owners under the propaganda of PNA were against Bhutto and afraid that their business will be taken over by Bhutto, the policy that nothing should be sold to the consumer without a price tag alienated the small shop owners and street venders. Hundred percent of the news papers and periodicals were against Bhutto except his own or his sponsored, and would twist every word Bhutto said when it was printed. The world of those days was distinctly divided in two camps socialist and anti socialist and third block was in the offing that was Islamic Block. The way Mr. Bhutto had embarked was openly disliked by the western world and its media, particularly the way he was trying to influence the Muslim countries and his policies regarding nuclear technology were considered a threat to the west. When the west got the impression that there is popular uprising against Bhutto they too started funding the PNA movement through different channels. In Pakistan of 70s there was no Mobile phone or even the Fax, It would take sometimes days to connect a phone call between a city like Sadiqabad and Karachi, and this is my own personal experience. But the communication between the PNA agitators was astonishing in spite of the fact that the leaders of PNA were all in jails spread all over the country. The mechanism was that everyone would listen to the BBC in the evening and chalk out the next day’s program of strikes. The news item filed by Mark Tully of BBC would give the unanimous decision of the PNA leadership spread all over the country locked in jails without a phone connection what has to happen the next day. Mark Tully was actually running the PNA campaign. You will find the following details of Mark Tully on the Wikipedia as of September 7, 2010 Born in 1936 in Calcutta, Tully is the son of a wealthy English accountant. He spent the first decade of his childhood in India, albeit without the allowance of socializing with Indian people, before going to England for schooling. He was educated at Twyford School, Marlborough College and at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, where he studied Theology. After Cambridge, he considered becoming a priest in the Church of England but abandoned his vocation after just two terms at Lincoln Theological College admitting later that he had doubts about "trusting [his] sexuality to behave as a Christian priest"

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Mark Tully joined the BBC in 1964 and moved to India in 1965 to work as the India Correspondent. He covered all major incidents in South Asia during his tenure, ranging from India-Pakistan conflicts, Bhopal gas tragedy, Operation Blue Star (and the subsequent assassination of Indira Gandhi, anti-Sikh riots), Assassination of Rajiv Gandhi to the Demolition of Babri Masjid. Tully resigned from BBC in July 1994, after an argument with John Birt, the then Director General. He accused Birt of "running the corporation by fear" and "turning the BBC into a secretive monolith with poor ratings and a demoralized staff". Tully was made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire in 1985 and was awarded the Padma Shree in 1992. He was knighted in the New Year Honours 2002 and in 2005 he received the Padma Bhushan. Tully has written several books based on India including India in Slow Motion (co-author Gillian Wright), No Full Stops in India, The Heart of India, Divide & Quit, Last Children of the Raj, From Raj To Rajiv- 40 Years Of Indian Independence, India – 50 years of Independence, India's Unending Journey and Amritsar: Mrs. Gandhi's Last Battle. In the area of religion Sir Mark has authored The Lives of Jesus to accompany the BBC series and Four Faces: A Journey in Search of Jesus the Divine, the Jew, the Rebel, the Sage. So PNA had the necessary funds to mobilize agitations. If you need to block a single road crossing it takes several hundred rupees to do so. Expenses are incurred in transportation of the agitators, necessary material for blocking the traffic and put fire etc. PNA had the support of news papers all of the local and significant ones from the international ones, above all the full support of BBC and very soft corner of the local establishment. The agitations were effective, at times violent and good enough to push the PPP to the corner. The psyche of the agitation is that it needs a few rough tough workers to start a mob. Generally common people are not active and are seldom physically involved in the agitations these people are generally by standers. Once the thing starts going it becomes fun for all for most of the mob participants. The PNA took to the street Mr. Bhutto would somehow get them to the table, hidden forces again call the PNA to the streets and Mr. Bhutto would offer table talk again. PNA called their struggle Tehreek Nizam e Mustafa. The situation was very complicated for Mr. Bhutto; even the urban labor seemed to have deserted the PPP. The negotiating teams comprised of Noorani, Ghafoor Ahmed, and Mufti Mahmood of PNA and Bhutto, Pirzada, and Kosar Niazi from PPP. The hide and seek of table talk and agitation between the PNA and PPP went on for several months and finally one joint press conference of the representatives of the two sides announced the finalization of the talks and greeted the nation that the sides have reached an agreement, that the final signing ceremony will take place the next day. While people were planning to go to bed very late that night the news came that Zia the military chief at that time had over thrown Bhutto’s elected Government in a bloodless coup d'état. Zia named his action as “Operation Fair-play”. Zia delivered his first speech after consolidating his position. In his first speech he praised both sides of the political arena. And declared that the country was at the verge

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of a civil war and he had to take over to calm down the situation. All the leaders were taken into military custody. What Zia declared was that the leaders were not under arrest but were in protective custody. What he tried to make people understand was that Bhutto was so unpopular that if he was not in military custody people who were against him might annihilate him. About a month later Mr. Bhutto was release from the protective custody when he started taking tours of the country. First he started taking train trips around the country. Public response and receptions were so huge that these were enough to send cold wave to Zia’s spine. Public would break all the cordons set up by the military establishment to reach the railway station where Mr. Bhutto’s train was expected, public would wait for hours to listen to Bhutto. First Mr. Bhutto’s train trips around the country were band with the explanation that the trains are delayed because of Bhutto. Some trains truly were so late that these reached the final destination as late as 48 hours. Bhutto started travelling by commercial flights when he was banned to travel on train. Later Bhutto’s air travel too was banned for the same reason; people would travel through the woods and reach the tarmac from behind around the airfield. The surveys, gallop polls given by the opponents of Bhutto the PNA proved to be wrong; the allegation that Bhutto rigged the election too seemed had no standing. Very soon everyone knew that Bhutto’s party will sweep once again if the elections are held. Zia had no option but to postpone elections as long as he is not able to convince the people that their leader is a crook. Zia then booked Mr. Bhutto on charges of murder, the proceedings started immediately in the normal civil court. Justice KMA Samadani released Mr. Bhutto after 10 days trial because of lack of credible evidence. Failed in his scheme Zia again arrested Bhutto on same charges using “Martial Law Regulation”. Zia’s all the gimmicks failed to establish him as champion of Islamic justice and fair-play. Military junta, the PNA, and all the followers of Islamic justice had to write the infamous book “THE WHITE PAPER on the conduct of elections 1977”.

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Composition of Pakistan National Alliance

PNA the nine-party alliance became the main opposition when Mr. Bhutto announced elections prematurely. Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam JUI is a Deobandi organization, part of the Deobandi Muslim movement. The JUI formed when members broke from the Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind in 1945 after that organization backed the Indian National congress against the Muslim League's lobby for a separate Pakistan. The first president of the JUI was Allamah Shabbir Ahmad Usmani. The JUI remained a predominantly religious organization with limited political activity until it was revived by Maulana Mufti Mahmood as a vehicle to oppose the modernization policies of then President of Pakistan, General Ayub Khan. Following the collapse of the Khan regime in the late 1960s, the JUI participated in Pakistan's first general elections in 1970. Pakistan Muslim League The Pakistan Muslim League was founded in 1962, as a successor to the previously disbanded Muslim League in Pakistan. Unlike the original PML which ended in 1958 when General Ayub Khan banned all political parties, each subsequent Muslim League was in some way propped by the military dictators of the time: Ayub Khan, General Zia-ul-Haq and General Pervez Musharraf. Every time the pro-establishment political leaders were put together, who splintered apart when the general's blessings faded away? Jamaat-e-Islami It was founded by Maududi. He terms the Pakistan movement as ”chaste prostitute” and writes in his book “Muslims and the Present Political Turmoil” (Vol.III) First Edition

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published from Delhi about the leaders who founded Pakistan: ” Who are the Muslims you are claiming to be a separate nation? Here, the crowd called Muslims is full of all sorts of rabble. There are as many types of characters in this as in any (other) heathen people”. (Vol. III, P.166) “If you survey this so-called Muslim society, you will come across multifarious types of Muslims, of countless categories. This is a zoo with a collection of crows, kites, vultures, partridges and thousands of other types of birds. Every one of them is a ‘sparrow’. (Ibid. P.31) At the Justice Munir Report hearings the Jamaat e Islami described Jinnah’s vision of the state as expressed on 11 August 1947 as kufr and evil. This party claims itself champion of democracy and founder of two nation theory while its opponents call it Fitna-e-Maududiat. Closest explanation of Fitna in English would be a being with highest nigativity and Maududiat means an state of being a Maududi. Jamiat Ulema-e-Pakistan Jamiat Ulema-e-Pakistan or JUP is a traditional Barelvi political party, which is moderate in its thinking and is popular with traditional and folk Muslims in Pakistani villages in Sindh and Punjab. Shah Ahmad Noorani was born in Meerut. He came to Pakistan in 1950. Initially, he was with the Muslim League, but soon formed his own Jamiat Ulema-e-Pakistan. Pakistan Democratic Party Nawabzada Nasrullah Khan (1918-2003) was a senior political figure in Pakistan. He was an ethnic Pathan. His ancestors migrated from Afghanistan to the present day Punjab. He was always part of each and every pacts round table conferences and alliances, working tirelessly for the restoration of democracy in Pakistan. Very little history of this party is available. Pakistan Democratic Party was founded by Nwabzada, in his party he seldom had any follower to lead but he was always successful in leading the alliance of political parties. He was one of the leading politicians in the PNA movement. In his youth he was often recognised as the only surviving specimen of the Ahrar's political culture. Majlis-e-Ahrar-ul-Islam was against the creation of Pakistan. National Democratic Party The National Awami Party was formed after a split between Maulana Bhashani and Khan Wali Khan ostensibly over Bhashani's siding with China and Professor Muzaffar Ahmed along with Khan Abdul Wali Khan sided with U.S.S.R in the Sino-Soviet split. The party was later named National Awami Party (NAP) after the separation of East Pakistan. The NAP was banned twice during its eight-year-long existence, the first time under Yahya Khans government in 1971 and the second time in 1975 by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's government. It was then resurrected under the name National Democratic Party, from which in turn was formed the Awami National Party.

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The Party represented left wing views in Pakistan and its core politics was based on the disbanding of the One Unit, restoration of adult franchise (1967–1970), land reforms, protection of tenants' rights, redistribution of wealth through nationalization, Pakistan becoming a weak confederacy as well as the holding of fair elections, protection of an independent judiciary and freedom of the press. It contested the 1970 election, winning the second largest number of seats in North-West Frontier Province (NWFP and now Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa), the largest in Baluchistan, and a handful of seats in East Pakistan's provincial assembly. It failed to win any seats in Punjab and Sindh. This is one of the three parties which deliberated in framing of the 1973 consensus constitution. Tehrik-e-Istiqlal This party was formed by Air Marshal Retd. Asghar Khan in 1970. Asghar Khan has retired from the post of President of the party and is currently headed by Syed Nusrat Ali Shah, former Member of the National Assembly for Sargodha. It was a misconception in 1979 that Tehrik-i-Istiqlal was in position to grab the power through winning the elections announced by General Zia. A large number of big political figures of current politics were active members of Tehrik-i-Istiqlal. These are Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri, Aitzaz Ahsan, Sheikh Rashid Ahmad, Javed Hashmi, Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti, Mushahid Hussain Syed, Mehnaz Rafi, Raja Nadir Pervez,Gohar Ayub Khan, Nisar Khoro, Nafees Siddiqui, Ashraf Liaqat Ali Khan, Zafar Ali Shah, Ahmed Raza Kasuri, Aqeel Turabi, Muhammad Iqbal Khan, Sher Afgan Niazi, Manzoor Wattoo, Musheer Pesh Imam, Syeda Abida Hussain, Syed Fakhar Imam, Raja Niaz Khan (AJK) and many others. But at last movement fearing comeback of Bhutto, Gen. Zia postponed the elections and Asghar Khan remained in house arrest for more than five years. After Bhutto was hanged Asghar Khan joined the newly formed Movement for Restoration of Democracy (MRD) in 1983 and was detained by the government. Khaksar Tehrik It was a social movement based in Lahore, British India, established by Allama Mashriqi in 1930 to free India from foreign rule, to uplift the masses, and to revive the Muslims, who had previously ruled parts of India at different times during a period spanning nearly a thousand years. Although Mashriqi firmly believed that the right to rule India belonged to the Muslims, at the same time, he wanted to create an environment of fairness, justice, and equal rights for non-Muslims as well. For this reason, non-Muslims were allowed to join the Tahrik keeping it free from prejudice against any person, regardless of his/her caste, color, creed. The word "Khaksar" is derived from the Persian language, Khak means dust, and Sar means life, roughly translated as "a humble person

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Mashriqi was a noted mathematical intellectual who became a college Principal at the age of 25, and then became an Under Secretary, at the age of 29, in the Education Department of the Government of India. He wrote an exegesis of the Qur'an which was nominated for the 1925 Nobel Prize. He was offered an Ambassadorship to Afghanistan at age 32 and Knighthood at the age of 33 years, but he declined all honors. The followers of Jinnah Saheb still think that Allama Mashriqi was out there to kill Mr. Jinnah while the followers Allama still think that Jinnah Saheb was afraid of the popularity of Khaksars and tried to ban that organization. There were other parties in the alliance called PNA Azad Kashmir Muslim Conference, United Democratic Front, and Tehreek Nizam-e-Mustafa etc; still the alliance was called a nine party alliance.

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Forged copy of the press release

Alleged Conference by Justice (Retired) Sajjad Ahmed

Jan Chief Election Commissioner for the 1977 general

elections in Pakistan, even today few intellectuals refer to

this press release when discussing Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.

Zia spent millions of Rupees in printing of the White paper and distributing it around the

world. As stated earlier in the last issue entitled “Bhutto rigged the election the true

story 1” most of the book is composed of statements before the martial-law authorities

by the petty government servants who have no option but to go according to the

instructions of the sitting government. These witnesses were placed before the

investigating team of the Federal Investigation Agency and the summary military court

and knew the consequence if they did not cooperate. What Zia tried to show was that

he has proof of misconduct by the Bhutto government and that he has put inter-

departmental correspondence between different departments to prove his point. These

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documents are mostly forged to give an impression that Bhutto’s government did the

planned rigging of the general elections.

To get correct results through fair elections you need to have impartial Election

Commission. The voters list should be correct and should be available to general

public for inspection at any time. There should not be any canvassing inside or around

the polling booths. Each candidate participating in the election should have his polling

agent in every booth of his constituency. Every polling agent should have the authority

to object to the voter if he thinks that the voter does not belong to his area. Counting of

the votes should be done right in the polling station where the polling was done and

signed/ verified copies of the results should be given to the polling agents. Justice

Sajjad made sure that this was done when the 1977 elections were held. During the

subsequent elections during Zia and Ghulam Ishq Khan these practices were not

followed, that was done to get positive results as Zia used to say.

Justice (retired) Sajjad Ahmed Jan was the Chief Election Commissioner during the

period general elections 1977 were held. He was father of Mr. Waseem Sajjad who

held important posts in the Pakistan Government after Bhutto was physically removed

from the Political scene. He was Law Minister, Acting President, the President, and

Chairman Senate at different occasions. Mr. Waseem Sajjad must be having

knowledge of several truths, but people like him are part of the system and hardly ever

reveal the truths for the information of the general public, most of the time they are

rewarded for being a party to the events and keep mum or speak twisted truths. People

of this like hardly ever protest even if their father is slandered falsely.

Ironically the whole exercise of Zia to investigate into the rigging done by Bhutto was

not supported by the then sitting chief election commissioner. What Justice Sajjad at

that time did was refuted all the charges leveled by PNA that the elections were

systematically rigged and held the press conference to inform the press. Rigging

happens all around the world and Bhutto squarely could not have been accused of that

in his election in Pakistan, localized rigging occurs even in the most advanced countries

whose democracies are taken as examples. What the coalition of the PNA and military

at that time did was to put the complete blame on a single person so that they could

permanently eliminate him from the political landscape failing they eliminated him from

this world. They had no concrete proof of the rigging by Bhutto, they had no evidences,

and therefore they had to make forged documents to convince the local public and

international readers.

Since from the very beginning the target was to physically eliminate Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

they had to conspire and intrigue. Support for Mr. Bhutto was overwhelming locally and

internationally, they had to create a façade to show that what they were doing was

bringing in the Nizam e Mustafa (system implement by the Prophet Mohammad peace

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on him) and doing operation fair-play; they called it so. Having no proofs they had to

forge documents to make their point. Those days Justice Sajjad held a press

conference to squarely refute the charge leveled by the PNA that the elections were

rigged. The following document is the text of the press conference by Justice Sajjad

and printed in the huge book called White Paper.

Certain pages have been replaced; one can easily note why that was done, when one

goes through the text. If you compare letters J, E, F, f, a etc. in the forged

document on different pages you will find the difference and easily know that pages

have been inserted typed on different typewriter to forge the whole document and the

proof hey had against Bhutto. Those who accused Bhutto for systematic rigging of the

1977 general elections were all crooks and were leveling the false accusations. When

it came to provide the evidence they had none and had to forge the documents.

For those who are young and know less about the type writer and its comparison with

today’s computer word processing the type writer was a mechanical machine. Each

typewriter had typical type faces and would definitely be different with the other

typewriter. There was no possibility of cut, paste, or replace options like you have when

writing a document on a computer. Nature had the will to deface and bring curse on Zia

and his allies in PNA so what he had as proof was all type written documents.

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Above is the heading on the first page of the alleged press statement issued by the

election commission of Pakistan.

This one is Professor Ghafoor Ahmad on page numger 4, he can be compared with the

police officer below. Look for the P, f, and a, compare them and you will know that

certain pages have been inserted to forge the press statement by Justice Sajjad Ahmad


This script is on the page number 5, and is the clear indication that certain pages have

been typed on a different typewriter and inserted to forge the document.

The above is on the 8th page.l

The fact is that Justice (retired) Sajjad Ahmad Jan categorically refuted all the

allegations leveled by PNA and declared in the actual press conference that there was

no planned or systematic rigging of the elections by Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.

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General Zia’s actions whether by reasoning of coercing were so effective that he

could get the judgments form the Supreme Court of Pakistan the judgments of

his liking.


On November 10, 1977 the Supreme Court unanimously validated the imposition

of martial law, under the doctrine of necessity. The law of necessity recognized

and upheld by Pakistan's highest judicial body has proved an honorable

protection for military adventure in civil government. In its judgment dismissing

Begum Nusrat Bhutto's petition challenging detention under Martial Law of

former Prime Minister Z.A. Bhutto and 10 others, the nine-member court headed

by Chief Justice Anwarul Haq observed that after massive rigging of elections

followed by complete breakdown of law and order situation bringing the country

on the brink of disaster, the imposition of martial law had become inevitable. The

judgment also said the court would like to state in clear terms that it had found it

possible to validate the extra constitutional action of the Chief Martial Law

Administrator (CMLA) not only for the reason that he stepped in to save the

country at a time of grave national crisis and constitutional breakdown, but also

because of the solemn pledge given by him that the period of constitutional

deviation shall be of as short a duration as possible. By the period of

constitutional deviation, the court meant, of course, the period between the

martial law takeover and the holding of elections.

The Supreme Court judgment said:

It will be seen that the declared objectives of the imposition of Martial Law are to

create conditions suitable for the holding of free and fair elections in terms of the

1973 constitution, which was not being abrogated, and only certain parts of which

were being held in abeyance, namely, the parts dealing with the federal and pro-

vincial executives and legislatures. The President of Pakistan was to continue to

discharge his duties as heretofore under the same constitution. Soon after the

polls, the power is to be transferred to the elected representatives of the people.

It is true that owing to the necessity of completing the process of accountability

of holders of public offices, the holding of elections had to be postponed for the

time being but the declared intention of the Chief Martial Law Administrator still

remains the same namely, that he has stepped in for a temporary period and for

the limited purpose of arranging free and fair elections so as to enable the

country to return to a democratic way of life.

"In the presence of these unambiguous declarations, it would be highly unfair

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and uncharitable to attribute any other intention to the Chief Martial Law

Administrator, and to insinuate that he has not assumed power for the purposes

stated by him, or that he does not intend to restore democratic situations in terms

of the 1973 constitution."[7]

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Top secrete letter from Cabinet Secretariat to the Prime Minster of Pakistan

The letter is forged to replace original pages to show that Bhutto coerced people to join PPP there by forging Elections. When Bhutto announced the general elections he took the opposition in surprise. Hurriedly parties with diverse views joined together to form an alliance, an alliance comprised of secular, socialist, and hard-core-religious groups. Common agenda of the alliance was to somehow remove Bhutto. The promises made were to bring the 1970 prices, implementation of Nizam-e Mustafa, shear exploitation of religious sentiments. Population of Pakistan is majority Muslims although the nation is inclined towards religion the religious parties never had any root in the masses. A fair election never brought a religious party into majority they therefore look for hidden hand either that of the armed forces or of the Almighty. While they were conspiring with the army they were praying too for their victory in the elections. A lot of Dollars rolled in to help the PNA, at that time the route of the dollars was through Shah of Iran, Shah was the US policeman in our area. For the election PNA

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had no manifesto instead throughout the election campaign their strategy was the criticism of Mr. Bhutto and his policies on one hand and exploit the religious sentiments of the common people on the other hand. Before the elections their estimate was that they will win 35 seats at the most. During the campaign there were huge public gatherings both by the PPP and the PNA. Leaders of PNA thought and claimed in several statements that their gatherings are genuine and that of Bhutto’s gatherings were big because the people were there for fun and enjoyment. A few of the PNA leaders even used to claim that they send their supporters to make sure that Bhutto does not run away from the elections. The election finally was held on the 7th of March 1977 and PPP bagged 155 seats out of 200. The sweep by PPP was great surprise to everyone and the PNA could not swallow the results and accused Bhutto of systematic rigging in the general elections and boycotted the provincial assembly contest making the whole exercise doubtful. PNA demanded the resignation of Bhutto and fresh general elections. Bhutto invited PNA for talks, the negotiations between the PPP and PNA continued for long. One portion of PNA was in negotiations with Bhutto while the other section of the same alliance was conspiring with the military generals for a coup d’état. Side by side they were calling Azans, Muslim way of calling for the prayers. Muslim faith suggests that Azan helps when you are in distress and you get the help from the heaven, they thought that they were in distress due to Mr. Bhutto’s tactics of delay. Devine help did came but the Devine Authority instead of putting the PNA in the driving seat chose General Zia Ul Haq for the job. Zia overthrew Bhutto thinking that the accusations of the PNA were correct. 5th of July 1977 Bhutto was overthrown taken into protective custody declaring that he was in custody for his own protection. PNA was able to convince the generals that if Bhutto was let loose people are against him and Mr. Bhutto might be harmed by general public. Later on Zia announced general elections in October 1977 and Bhutto was released for the campaign of the upcoming general elections. The support in public was overwhelming first Bhutto was barred from travelling by train because the crowds on the railway stations used to be huge and a source of embarrassing for those who a few months back declared that Bhutto had no following. Later on he was stopped by taking the flights as well; people would swarm where ever he went breaking every cordon created by the administration. When Zia was convinced that whatever he did he will not be able to stop Bhutto from winning the next elections he postponed the election indefinitely and started criminal investigations. Finally Bhutto was physically eliminated in a fictitious murder trial. The trial of Bhutto was conducted by the most biased judges; it was the in-camera trial none of the legal fraternity takes it as a trial on fair judicial practices. So much so that one of the judges

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who passed the judgment, justice Naseem Hasan Shah publicly accepted that the verdict was forced upon them by the martial law authorities of General Zia. Zia appointed a committee to inquire into the alleged rigging of the national assembly polls. It is said that after deliberations the committee was able to dig out alleged blueprint of the plan for rigging the elections by Bhutto termed as “A Model Election Plan” publicized as Larkana Plan. Prominent journalists were hired to discuss the plan of rigging on television many shamelessly appeared on the TV programs to malign Bhutto. In this connection Zia released thousands of pages in the form of series of White Papers. Since no concrete evidence could actually be found Zia and his companions who were now serving him as his minister shuffled the documents in every ministry. Not finding any thing they had to resort to forging the documents. The following letter is one such example of several such forged letters it is from secretary establishment to the prime minister. A sample text of the letter at one of the pages suggest as follows:

1) To deal with various types of attacks. Action to haul up aggressive politicians, and handle businessmen and retired Government servants under Income Tax Act and Foreign Exchange Regulation act should be considered.

On the margin of the letter there is a big YES, some one has tried to write as if it is Bhutto’s remark if you carefully look at the page and compare these the first and the third page you will notice that page have come from a different typewriter. The fifth page again is a forged one and has been produced on a different typewriter. This page suggests:

To deal with more militant of the retired officers, businessmen and industrialists, following action will be take:-

1) The income tax investigation agency will be strengthened and made more active. 2) Various laws will have to be examined to tighten up procedures to detain or arrest subversive elements. Bail before arrest should not be freely available. 3) FIA will devote more attention to their cases. They will cover foreign exchange cases.

This particular letter was the main subject of discussion of several TV programs of PTV the only TV channel available and under the Government control. I can recall Mukhtar Zaman who would lead the discussion to prove how Mr. Bhutto crated a sample

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strategic plan to systematically rig the elections. The irony is that Mukhtar Zaman was given the party ticket to represent the Urdu speaking community of Sindh in the 1977 elections and that is how Mukhtar Zaman repaid the favor by Mr. Bhutto. If you closely look at different pages you will find that two pages page 2 and page 5 have different type faces then the rest of the three pages out of the 6 page letter. Anyone who is familiar with the type writers of those days can tell the difference between the IBM Executive and IBM Selectric typewriters by seeing the type-faces; one from the PM house and the other from the Army Headquarters or office of the weekly Outlook owned by I H Burny if I am correct.

For the benefit of those who don’t understand what the type face is it is necessary to describe a type writer. It used to be a machine a mechanical gadget. The lever system would make the typefaces strike on paper with ink impregnated ribbon in between depositing the ink on the paper. Different type writers would have different type faces, creating different distinct impressions. It was not like what we have known as Font in the present computer word processing which could be change on the whole document with a single click. Changing the text would require inserting physically the whole newly typed page. Unlike Mukhtar Zaman, Cabinet Secretary Vakqr Ahmed was not willing to put his signature on the new document to create evidence against Bhutto. His original letter was taken with his signature and Bhutto’s remarks, and new pages were inserted to create an impression that Bhutto agreed to the suggestions of taking influential and popular people into PPP rank by force, threats and cajoling tactics. The forged letter creates an impression that those who were not willing to cooperate with the PPP and Bhutto, would face difficult time and would be involved in different criminal, income tax and foreign exchange cases. Like it is these days perception created by the opposition was that Bhutto was ruling without the mandate and corrupt-to-the-core and would do anything to remain in power. When it came to providing concrete evidence nothing was available exposing the lies told by the PNA leaders. The Martial law and its B team resorted to forgery. The White

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Paper was printed spending millions of rupees and it was distributed world over spending millions of dollars and pound sterling. That too backfired and the PNA and its mentors had to resort to the judicial murder of the most popular leader of his time. The following pages are the photographs of the letter from Vaqar Ahmet to the Prime Minister reproduced in the White Paper as one of the annexure on the conduct of the General Election 1977. The white paper instead of proving anything against Bhutto exposes the leaders of PNA, and proves how the power greedy political pigmies conspired against the politically elected prime minister and went to the extent of murdering him.

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Bhutto was accused of using the

Bureaucracy for his political party.

Another forged document that proves that General

Mohammad Ziaul Haq conspired and over-threw Bhutto on

false accusation

One of the allegations in connection with the 1977 election was that Bhutto deputed

senior government servants for the matters that pertained to his political party. At that

time too these so-called senior analysts used to be on the national TV, Pakistan

Television Corporation, that was the only channel available at that time. Generally it

was said Mr. Bhutto used the bureaucracy as if his personal house maid. To prove it a

top “secret” circular was referred to and that document was “for eyes only” that meant

not even to be discussed publicly.

The circular was marked to the chief ministers all the provinces, but the circular shows

that in case of Baluchistan it has been marked to the Chief Secretary. If you watch

closely it will be noticed that the name of the provinces are repeated on the same

margin. The word minister has 8 alphabets while the word secretary has 9 alphabets. If

you type these designation one above the other the word Baluchistan can’t be exactly

below the one that is above it, it has certainly must be one space offset to

accommodate the word secretary.

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The word secretary must have been inserted at a later stage, on the available space for

the word minster. One can suspect some foul play and can think that the word

secretary has been forged by the one who printed it in the white paper. If you see the

next document it has been suggested to the PM to write letters to the chief ministers.

The prime minster put remarks “Baluchistan does not have a ministry” that shows his

awareness and an understanding that some other means need to be explored. My won

knowledge is that PPP high command never trusted government secretaries in the party

matters unless they were trustworthy. It is said that the behind the curtain conspiracies

of uniformed and plain cloth establishment started right after the POWs returned home.

The last attachment shows that it was formally decided in a meeting that in case of

Baluchistan the man who will operate for the political matters it will be Mr. Raisani

Peoples Party leader in Baluchistan. This all proves that whatever the so-called senior

analysts form the print and electronic media too were dishonest liked we have today.

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