bhola and sir jee

Bhola and Sir Jee : On Expectations and Responsibility The college seemed much calmer than usual, with few people around . The trees , the pleasant weather and the occasional chirping of birds created an ambiance of silence and serenity and it was this peace that attracted him towards the college on weekends. He had nothing specific in his mind , he was there just to enjoy these moments of solitude, to allow the pleasant weather to overwhelm him and to let the silence and peace fill his soul and heart. Walking across the college rooms he caught glimpse of one room that was open unlike others. And whose room it was , was a question that did not need nay answer. He reached the room and at his knock Sir jee looked up and welcomed him with a smile. " Busy on weekend Sir jee?" "You know Bholay a new session is about to begin, I was busy making preparations to welcome new students. After all our academic family is going to have new members. The weather is pleasant, let,s go outside and have some walk. I need a break too. " " What do you think of expectations Bholay?" Today it was Bhola's turn to answer, and he knew while answering Sir jee's questions initially he would feel hesitant and confused but soon in the flow of expressing he would forget the nervousness. " Expectations are part of life Sir jee, they are always there like sunlight sometimes dim and less dominant , at others strong and dominating." "Well said Bholay. And to put it in your words this is the time when the Sun of expectations is shining bright on our heads ." Bhola looked into Sir jee's eyes seeking explanation ."Every year when a new session begins expectations are high at both ends." "Which two ends sir jee?" "Student and teacher's end Bholay " "Definitely Sir jee , it's natural. I remember my first day here, it was like opening a birthday present , feeling excited to know what's inside." Sir jee smiled he could see his student evolving and improving interms of expression of thoughts, and it was a moment of utmost satisfaction. He could remember Bhola's first day too. He had looked so shy and confused . And on the day that was like opening a birthday present for Bhola , Sir jee had thought of him as a kid learning to walk who needed a guiding hand to support him and give him the confidence to begin. At this Sir jee thought how different their interpretations of the

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Page 1: Bhola and Sir Jee

Bhola and Sir Jee : On Expectations and Responsibility

The college seemed much calmer than usual, with few people around . The trees , the pleasant weather and the occasional chirping of birds created an ambiance of silence and serenity and it was this peace that attracted him towards the college on weekends. He had nothing specific in his mind , he was there just to enjoy these moments of solitude, to allow the pleasant weather to overwhelm him and to let the silence and peace fill his soul and heart. Walking across the college rooms he caught glimpse of one room that was open unlike others. And whose room it was , was a question that did not need nay answer. He reached the room and at his knock Sir jee looked up and welcomed him with a smile. " Busy on weekend Sir jee?" "You know Bholay a new session is about to begin, I was busy making preparations to welcome new students. After all our academic family is going to have new members. The weather is pleasant, let,s go outside and have some walk. I need a break too. " " What do you think of expectations Bholay?" Today it was Bhola's turn to answer, and he knew while answering Sir jee's questions initially he would feel hesitant and confused but soon in the flow of expressing he would forget the nervousness. " Expectations are part of life Sir jee, they are always there like sunlight sometimes dim and less dominant , at others strong and dominating." "Well said Bholay. And to put it in your words this is the time when the Sun of expectations is shining bright on our heads ." Bhola looked into Sir jee's eyes seeking explanation ."Every year when a new session begins expectations are high at both ends." "Which two ends sir jee?" "Student and teacher's end Bholay " "Definitely Sir jee , it's natural. I remember my first day here, it was like opening a birthday present , feeling excited to know what's inside." Sir jee smiled he could see his student evolving and improving interms of expression of thoughts, and it was a moment of utmost satisfaction. He could remember Bhola's first day too. He had looked so shy and confused . And on the day that was like opening a birthday present for Bhola , Sir jee had thought of him as a kid learning to walk who needed a guiding hand to support him and give him the confidence to begin. At this Sir jee thought how different their interpretations of the memories of a same day are. None of the interpretations was wrong it was just a matter of positions, Sir jee was many steps ahead of Bhola in his experience of life. And we all know that despite having same scene in front of us, the view transforms as we upwards on the staircase of life. "Sir jee I've heard that the college is going to offer fewer disciplines for BS this year ?" "Your information except for the tense." And feeling the confusion of his student before he himself could feel it Sir jee explained, " I mean we WERE offering fewer disciplines but now the issue is settled and the concerns satisfied so we are going to offer BS in all disciplines." "Whose concerns Sir jee?". Bholay asked as they sat on one of the benches. "Obviously the university's concerns. May be they are right at times we short of faculty and laboratory equipment" , said Sir jee with a tone of concern in his voice . And he was always that way when it came to anything related to college, because teaching was not just a means if bread and butter it was his passion , his very life. As they stood up and started walking amidst the trees on their way to library, Sir jee noticed that Bhola was preoccupied by some thought . He didn't intentionally , he always wanted his students to have the courage to ask questions, to seek explanations , and now as well he was allowing the thoughts to bother his student so that he would finally dare to ask. "Sir jee " he uttered after a pause. It was as if both the student and teacher had a silent commitment to come up to each other's expectations. "We have satisfied the university's cone rns , but what should be the greatest concern for the teachers and students?" He saw Sir jee,s eyes gleam as they always did at a good question . "For teachers Bholay my

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dear the concern should be conveying knowledge and for students it should be the pursuit of knowledge being conveyed, it is as if students, minds are cultivable lands and the teachers are the seed- bearers holding in their possession the seed of knowledge and evolution. They have to sow the seed with utmost care and then see each seed bearing fruit according to its own capacity to grow ." While listening to Sir jee , Bhola had the same feeling he always had, that Sir jee's words were falling like sweet subtle rain on the barren land of his mind wiping off all the dust of ignorance , for him Sir jee was both the rain that washed and the sun that made the darkness of ambiguities clear by his mere presence . "So Sir jee , the concerns or duties as we may call them for student and teacher are very simple and clear. For one to give knowledge and for the other to acquire it ." Sir jee rested his arm on the bench and began, "Bholay my child , it is the simplest things in life that are the most extraordinary . And it is exactly the same in this case . What simply appears to be a give and take of knowledge is much more extraordinary a process than what it seems to be. For if understood in its true spirit, at the teacher's end it is the process of guiding humanity and at the student's end it is a process of receiving the heavenly light of wisdom ." Bhola was amazed at such a magnanimous definition of "education". He had never thought he was part of so great a thing. "So Sir jee it is a matter of responsibility then." "Indeed Bholay it is a matter of responsibility if it is felt and carried out." said Sir jee sitting there in the cool breeze that opened new arenas of thought in both the teacher and his student.