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Fashion Forward july 8, 2011


Page 1: BHC 070811 Fashion Forward

July 2011


Page 3: BHC 070811 Fashion Forward

July 8, 2011 | Page B

OOnn tthhee ccoovveerr::YYuulliiaa/Pinkerton Model and Talent

Wearing:Swimsuit by LLiillii FFaammaa@Saks Fifth Avenue

Necklace by CChhaarrlleess AAllbbeerrtt JJeewweellrryyPirouette Ring (limited edition) by VVhheerrnniieerr


Perfect pieces foryour next vacation

FFaavvoorriittee ddeessttiinnaattiioonnssooff ttoopp ddeessiiggnneerrss

Monique LhullierSultry new

looks for fall

Page 4: BHC 070811 Fashion Forward

Photos by:

TTaawwnnyy SSaannddeerrss aanndd TTrraacceeyyMMoorrrriiss..ccoommStylist:

QQuueellaa RReenneeeeModel:

YYuulliiaa // PPiinnkkeerrttoonn MMooddeell aanndd TTaalleenntt && MMaarriiaannaa // CCEESSDDMakeup:

AAlleexxiiss EElllleenn // OOCCCC MMaakkee--uuppHair:

SSiieennnnaa // CCeelleessttiinnee && TThhoommaass BBoonneettaattiiManicurist:

TTrraaccyy CClleemmeennss // OOppuuss BBeeaauuttyyCamera Assistant:

DDoouuggllaass MMaarrkkllaannDigital Tech:

AAnnddrreeww TTaayylloorr


BEVERLY HILLSBEVERLY HILLS || FFaasshhiioonn FFoorrwwaarrdd!!

The summer months have always beenabout travel for my family. As soon asthe summer solstice arrives, tickets arepurchased, suitcases packed and we'reoff for our annual adventure. No matterwhere we go, I always seem to be thefamily photographer and as a result,photos of ancient architecture, pristinebeaches and breathtaking sunsets fill myphoto albums. They've become my mosttreasured souvenirs. In this issue ofFashion Forward I share my love for trav-el, photography and fashion, as well astravel tips from some of the top designersin the world.

I hope these pages inspire you to createyour own glamorous getaway.

Designer quotes excerpted fromAmerican Fashion Travel

published by Assouline

Page 5: BHC 070811 Fashion Forward

July 8, 2011 | Page Dphoto by Tracey Morris

Dress by RRoobbeerrttoo CCaavvaallllii @ Neiman MarcusNecklaces by CChhaarrlleess AAllbbeerrtt JJeewweellrryy

Page 6: BHC 070811 Fashion Forward

BEVERLY HILLSBEVERLY HILLS || FFaasshhiioonn FFoorrwwaarrdd!!

My favorite market:

TThhee GGrraanndd BBaazzaaaarr iinn IIssttaannbbuull..

-Naeem Khan

photo by Tracey Morris

Tunic by BBaaddgglleeyy MMiisscchhkkaa@ Neiman MarcusCuff by CChhaarrlleess AAllbbeerrtt JJeewweellrryy

Page 7: BHC 070811 Fashion Forward

July 8, 2011 | Page F

My favorite destination:

WWhheenneevveerr II ccaann,, II ttrraavveell ttoo -- IInnddiiaaffoorr iinnssppiirraattiioonn

-Tory Burch

Four Seasons Hotel -Bora Bora

My daughter

Dress and swimsuit by MMiissssoonnii@ Neiman MarcusNecklace by PPaammeellaa JJoohhaannaannooffff..ccoomm

Swimsuit by LLeennnnyy@ Saks Fifth Avenue

Necklace by BBaarrtthhaallaammyy@ Portafito Sun Center

Cover up by CChhrriissttiinnee@ Neiman Marcus

Page 8: BHC 070811 Fashion Forward

BEVERLY HILLSBEVERLY HILLS || FFaasshhiioonn FFoorrwwaarrdd!!

My favorite shopping spot in the world:


II lloovvee sshhooppppiinngg wwhheenn II’’mm tthheerree

-Donna Karan

II’’mm aallwwaayy sssseeaarrcchhiinngg ffoorr tthheeppeerrffeecctt bbllaacckk ddrreessss aanndd tthheeppeerrffeecctt sswwiimmssuuiitt tthhee mmaaggiicc oonneetthhaatt mmaakkeess mmee llooookk lliikkee aassuuppeerrmmooddeell..

-Cheryl Finnegan - Virgins Saints and Angels

“ “ photo by Tracey Morris

Shirt by LLoorriiee LL.. @ Neiman MarcusSwimsuit by LLiillii FFaammaa @ Saks Fifth AvenueNecklace MMooddeell’’ss OOwwnn

Page 9: BHC 070811 Fashion Forward

July 8, 2011 | Page H

photo by Tracey MorrisTunic by HHaavvee FFaaiitthh @ Taraink.comSwimsuit by LLiillii FFaammaa @ Saks Fifth Avenue

Page 10: BHC 070811 Fashion Forward

BEVERLY HILLSBEVERLY HILLS || FFaasshhiioonn FFoorrwwaarrdd!!

My favorite destination:

II lloovvee ssppeennddiinngg ttiimmee aatt mmyy hhoouussee iinn tthhee DDoommiinniiccaannRReeppuubblliicc.. TThhee bbeeaacchheess aarree bbrreeaatthhttaakkiinngg,, ggrreeaatt ffrriieennddssaanndd ffaannttaassttiicc ffoooodd..

-Oscar de la Renta

Our water

taxi driver

Swimsuit @ Saks Fifth AvenueBracelet @ Kitson

Page 11: BHC 070811 Fashion Forward

Hat by GGrraaccee @ Saks Fifth AvenueScarf by PPuuccccii @ Neiman Marcus

Swimsuit by LLeennnnyy @ Saks Fifth AvenueBracelet MMooddeell’’ss OOwwnn

Necklace by CChhaarrlleess AAllbbeerrtt JJeewweellrryyPurse by RRaallpphh LLaauurreenn@ Ricky (pink alligator special order) July 8, 2011 | Page J

Page 12: BHC 070811 Fashion Forward

BEVERLY HILLSBEVERLY HILLS || FFaasshhiioonn FFoorrwwaarrdd!!

Page 13: BHC 070811 Fashion Forward

July 8, 2011 | Page L


This fall, Monique Lhuillier celebrates the modern femme with a collection rich indark, sultry and seductive emotion. Lhuillier enjoys a clientele following that is athome on the silver screen and the red carpet, and a peek at her fall line certainly won’tdisappoint those in need of dramatic, eveningwear.

Textiles of lace, chiffon, wool, tweed and techno-jacquard in dark ombres, shimmerynudes, pitch blacks, and deep scarlet are designed with an emphasis on cinched waists,broad shoulders, and gads of femininity. “This woman knows how to get what shewants”, says Lhuillier in describing her latest looks.

Sleek black cigarette pants are paired with feathered vests, delicate lace is arranged inlayers for a corseted blouse and her scarlet belted feather dress has Oscar after-partywritten all over it. Her gowns, abundant with cascading chiffon, flirty feathers and deli-cate lace are designed in epic proportions guaranteed to satisfy an army of paparazzicameras, and the femme fatale in you.

Fall/Winter 2011 Preview

season of seductionBy Joanne Galey