bfsi - mobile learning through mgyan

mGyan Once upon a time, there were books and other such things. Now all you need is a The BFSI Story Now all you need is a PHONE PHONE PHONE PHONE Learn On The Go mGyan’s revolution of learning empowerment

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Post on 05-Dec-2014




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How mGyan - Mobile Learning leads to employee empowerment in Banking, Financial Services & Insurance companies.


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mGyanOnce upon a time, there were

books and other such things.

Now all you need is a

The BFSI Story

Now all you need is a


Learn On The GomGyan’s revolution of learning empowerment

Page 2: BFSI - Mobile Learning through mGyan

mGyan The BFSI Story

ABC Financial Services Pvt Ltd offers a wide range of financial services to corporate and retail customers in the areas of investment banking, life and non-life insurance and asset management.

ABC has a spread out sales & distribution network - 2100 branches with over 290,000 sales representatives, across multiple geographies.multiple geographies.

The following slides show how employee learning has been successfully reinforced by the mobile learning initiative adopted by ABC.

This is a sample illustrative case study on applications of mobile learning in a BFSI company

85% of ABC employees receive some sort of org. training.

On an average, an employee receives 4 days of training annually.

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mGyan The Employees

Rahul is a new joinee at ABC Financial Services Ltd.

He will be joining the SalesSalesSalesSales function.

Rahul’s job will require him to meet prospects, close deals and manage client relationships.


Sunitha is the Learning Manager Learning Manager Learning Manager Learning Manager at ABC Financial Services Ltd.

She is responsible for managing the Learning needs of all employees.



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mGyan Learning Opportunities


Has defined a customized learning plan for Rahul.

The learning plan will ensure that the following specific needs are addressed

1) Employee Orientation (Mandatory - Common)

2) Life Insurance Sales Cycle (Mandatory - Job Specific)2) Life Insurance Sales Cycle (Mandatory - Job Specific)

3) Email Etiquette for HNI Client Handling (Optional - Common)

4) SPIN Methodology – Sales Strategies (Mandatory - Job Specific)

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mGyan Employee Orientation


Hi Rahul, Welcome to ABC Financial Services.

First up, you will go through the employee induction program.

My job is to help you be empowered with all the learning that you need to do your job to the best you can.

RahulRahulRahulRahul Attends the employee induction program.

He gets a SMS from ABC – HR that a welcome app is available for download on his mobile phone. .

He downloads the app called on his mobile phone.He sees that there is a new material called “New JoineesNew JoineesNew JoineesNew Joinees” that is available on the app.


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mGyan Learn on Mobile – NNNNeeeewwww JJJJooooiiiinnnneeeeeeeessss

Job Aids

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mGyan Learn on Mobile – NNNNeeeewwww JJJJooooiiiinnnneeeeeeeessss

Job Aids

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mGyan Insurance Sales Cycle


Hi Rahul !

This will help you understand the nuances of selling insurance products.

As part of your job orientation, you will have to attend a one day workshop on Life Insurance sales cycle.

RahulRahulRahulRahul Attends the Life Insurance sales cycle workshop.

He gets a SMS from ABC – HR that a summary of the workshop is available on the application.

He opens the app on his phone and sees that the new material called “Insurance SalesInsurance SalesInsurance SalesInsurance Sales” is available on the app.


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mGyan Learn on Mobile – IIIInnnnssssuuuurrrraaaannnncccceeee SSSSaaaalllleeeessss CCCCyyyycccclllleeee

Job Aids

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mGyan Learn on Mobile – IIIInnnnssssuuuurrrraaaannnncccceeee SSSSaaaalllleeeessss CCCCyyyycccclllleeee

Job Aids

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mGyan Learn on Mobile – IIIInnnnssssuuuurrrraaaannnncccceeee SSSSaaaalllleeeessss CCCCyyyycccclllleeee

Flip Cards

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mGyan Learn on Mobile – IIIInnnnssssuuuurrrraaaannnncccceeee SSSSaaaalllleeeessss CCCCyyyycccclllleeee


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mGyan eMail Etiquette


Hi Rahul !

We have a program on eMail Etiquette that you have to attend that will help you manage your relationships better.

I have heard you are doing a great job and have been assigned HNI clients.

RahulRahulRahulRahul Attends the eMail Etiquette program.

He gets a SMS from ABC – HR that a summary of the program is available on the application.

He opens the app on his phone and sees that the new material called “Email EtiquetteEmail EtiquetteEmail EtiquetteEmail Etiquette” is available on the app.


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mGyan Learn on Mobile – EEEEmmmmaaaaiiiillll EEEEttttiiiiqqqquuuueeeetttttttteeee

Job Aids

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mGyan Learn on Mobile – EEEEmmmmaaaaiiiillll EEEEttttiiiiqqqquuuueeeetttttttteeee

Job Aids

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mGyan SPIN – SPIN Sales Strategy


Hi Rahul !

We have a program on SPIN – Sales Strategy that will help you understand customer needs better & convert more.

Your manager has identified that you need a booster to improve your sales performance.

RahulRahulRahulRahul Attends the SPIN Methodology – Sales Strategy program.

He gets a SMS from ABC – HR that a summary of the program is available on the application.

He opens the app on his phone and sees that the new material called “SPIN MethodologySPIN MethodologySPIN MethodologySPIN Methodology” is available on the app.


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mGyan Learn on Mobile – SSSSPPPPIIIINNNN MMMMeeeetttthhhhooooddddoooollllooooggggyyyy

Job Aids

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mGyan Learn on Mobile – SSSSPPPPIIIINNNN MMMMeeeetttthhhhooooddddoooollllooooggggyyyy

Flip Cards

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mGyan Learn on Mobile – SSSSPPPPIIIINNNN MMMMeeeetttthhhhooooddddoooollllooooggggyyyy


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mGyan An empowered organization


With mGyan, learning is a continuous process for Rahul.

He can utilize the spare moments of the day - while travelling or waiting for a customer appointment – to learn on the Go.

mGyan helps him revise and recall the key learning points of the various training programs, be it –1) Product Selling Points2) How to negotiate 2) How to negotiate 3) Checklists for deal closure

and more …….


With mGyan, Sunitha has a powerful enabler to help employees remember, update & verifyremember, update & verifyremember, update & verifyremember, update & verify while constantly applying to internalize the learning & convert it into knowledge and skill.

Thus, mGyan helps Sunitha achieve better ROI for organizational development programs.

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mGyan The mGyan Promise

We help you know where to find what you need to know.

We help you be always updated.

We help you learn anytime, anywhere.

We help you be always empowered

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Understanding theUnderstanding theUnderstanding theUnderstanding the


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mGyan So What is mGGGGyan ??

AuthorAuthorAuthorAuthor DeliverDeliverDeliverDeliver MeasureMeasureMeasureMeasure

A platform to author, deliver & monitor

learning on mobile.

AuthorAuthorAuthorAuthor DeliverDeliverDeliverDeliver MeasureMeasureMeasureMeasure

The mGyan Platform

Enabling Learning on the Go.

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mGyan How will it WORK!!!

As easy as using MS Word. Type text, insert images, format style etc.Create study guides, flip cards, surveys, polls, quiz, etc.Author & preview on any handset.


DeliverDeliverDeliverDeliverAuthor once, distribute everywhere. Notify learners instantaneously through SMS/eMail.Learner accesses content on one mobile application that is updated.

Gather learning usage data directly from the handset.Analyze survey results, quiz responses etc .Insightful analysis – most popular, least accessed & other performance management reports.



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mGyan Sneak Peeks!!!

Web Interface

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mGyan Sneak Peeks!!!

Authoring Interface

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mGyan Sneak Peeks!!!

Login & Menu

Mobile Application

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mGyan Sneak Peeks!!!

Study Guides & Quiz

Mobile Application

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mGyan Guess what this is !!!

The growing band of followers joining mGyan’s revolution of learning empowerment

Come, Let’s Learn on the Go !!!

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mGyanA TuneSpray ProductionA TuneSpray ProductionA TuneSpray ProductionA TuneSpray Production

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