beyond server selection: challenges in multiple-origin content distribution

Beyond Server Selection: Challenges in Multiple-Origin Content Distribution Mostafa H. Ammar College of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA [email protected]

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Beyond Server Selection: Challenges in Multiple-Origin Content Distribution. Mostafa H. Ammar College of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA [email protected]. Contributors. Ellen Zegura Hyewon Jun Christos Gkantsidis Pradnya Karbhari Matt Sanders Li Zou. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Beyond Server Selection: Challenges in Multiple-Origin Content Distribution

Beyond Server Selection: Challenges in Multiple-Origin Content Distribution

Mostafa H. AmmarCollege of Computing

Georgia Institute of TechnologyAtlanta, GA

[email protected]

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Ellen ZeguraHyewon JunChristos GkantsidisPradnya KarbhariMatt SandersLi Zou

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Multiple-Origin Content Distribution Systems

Content is ReplicatedAuthoritativeGrass-roots (Peer-to-Peer)

Content is Re-constituted

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Server Selection Benefit of content replication can only be

realized with proper selection

Multipoint-to-point sessions … on their way to becoming a dominant

communication paradigm in a network that was designed for pt-to-pt connections

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Talk Outline

Server SelectionApplication-Layer AnycastingSelection vs Binding

Multipoint-to- point sessionsImpact of Parallel DownloadingPer Session Rate Allocation

Please forgive lack of references

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Talk Outline

Server SelectionApplication-Layer AnycastingApplication vs Network-Layer

AnycastingMultipoint-to- point sessions

Impact of Parallel DownloadingPer Session Rate Allocation

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Server Replication

Server Selection ProblemHow does a client determine which

of the replicated servers to access

Interested in Wide-Area Replication

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Network-Layer Anycasting in RFC 1541Anycast IP addressesNetwork-layer metricsPer-packet selection

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Application-Layer Anycasting

Group of servers identified by Anycast Name

Clients request service from group identified by name

Automatic connection to a “good” server

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An Architecture


Orange Server Group

Green Server Group

Green Service?

Go to server y

Server y

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“Close” to clientMaintains

Anycast group membershipSelection-enabling information

Client may provide filter that tells resolver how to select

DNS-like hierarchy of resolvers

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Web Server Selection

An instantiation of architectureCriterion: Best Response Time

[client request, last byte received]includes path and server delays

Problem: Maintaining response time estimate

for each server in anycast group at resolver

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Response Time Estimation Alternatives


Developed a Hybrid Push/Probe Technique

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Wide-Area Experiments














Servers: UCLA, GTx2, WU,Clients: UMDx4, GTx16,Resolvers: UMD, GT

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Anycasting VS Random Selection

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What if Anycasting is popular?

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Appropriate guidance of clients to servers is an important infrastructure function

Client-perceived as well as global performance can be improved with the appropriate selection technology

What about a network-layer anycasting infrastructure?

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Talk Outline

Server SelectionApplication-Layer AnycastingApplication vs Network-layer Anycasting

Multipoint-to- point sessionsImpact of Parallel DownloadingPer Session Rate Allocation

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Selection vs Binding

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Selection vs Binding

Selection: A function that returns instantaneous server choice.

Binding: An application-level function which decides on the use a particular server.

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Spectrum Of Binding

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Spectrum of Binding (2)

Initial Binding (IB) : Select one server and stay with it during the connection life time

Periodic Binding (PB) : Periodically select a server and switch to the new server.

Continuous Binding (CB) : Select the best server per packet to react fast to the server performance change

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Design Space

App-Layer Anycasting

Our OwnServer Migration


The desirability of a network-layer anycasting infrastructure depends on whether Continuous Binding can be shown to outperform Initial Binding

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Migration of a CB Client

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Simulation Topolgy

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Initial vs. Continuous Binding

Server Rank Change every [1,10] sec Server Rank Change everfy [51,60] sec

Despite the overhead of migration, Continuous Binding is able to improve performance when the connection is long-lived.

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Heterogeneous Binding

Increasing use of either scheme over the other by all clients with long-lived connections leads to overall performance degradation!

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Network-layer anycasting allows for efficient continuous binding

Continuous binding outperforms initial binding in some long transfer, highly-dynamic situations

Did not account for overhead of selection function

But we have something more sinister to worry about ….

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Talk Outline

Server SelectionApplication-Layer AnycastingApplication vs Network-layer Anycasting

Multipoint-to- point sessionsImpact of Parallel DownloadingFairness

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Traditional data retrieval- over a point-to-point connection from a single server to a single client

Current trend- retrieval over multiple point-to-point connections from multiple servers to a single clientexamples: CDNs, replicated servers,

caches, parallel file downloads, web-traffic, MD-CDNs

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What is a Session?

Definition of multipoint-to-point session:A set of point-to-point connections

started from multiple servers to a single client in order to transfer an application-level object

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Typical Sessions in the Internet

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Typical Sessions

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Talk Outline

Server SelectionApplication-Layer AnycastingApplication vs Network-layer Anycasting

Multipoint-to- point sessionsImpact of Parallel DownloadingPer Session Rate Allocation

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Impact of Parallel Downloading

Question 1: How much can a single user gain by parallel downloading?

Question 2: What happens if all users perform parallel downloading?

Question 3: How do parallel downloading users affect single downloading users?

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Aggressiveness pays off.

Number of servers


e (i

n se

c) For a ~7MB file:

•Best rate: ~3Mbps.

•4x faster than single server.





3 4 5 6

Single Server




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Wide deployment of Parallel Downloading

More ConnectionsNumber of competing flows increases.More requests at the server (but, for a

shorter period of time).More Overhead

Fixed overhead is paid multiple times:Cost of a request = {size, rate, etc.}-

Dependent cost + Fixed Cost.

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Many aggressive clients are harmful!

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Aggressive clients can hurt simple clients

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There is strong local incentive for a client to use parallel downloading.

But if every one does it there is evidence global performance suffers

We need a per session rate allocation.

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Talk Outline

Server SelectionApplication-Layer AnycastingApplication vs Network-layer Anycasting

Multipoint-to- point sessionsImpact of Parallel DownloadingPer-Session Rate Allocation

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Our Goal

To develop algorithms to achieve rate allocations which are fair to all sessions

Some challenges:Data path of each session forms a treeEvery session has multiple bottlenecksPartial sharing of bottlenecks between


Inter-session and Intra-session fairness

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Focus on Static Sessions

For purposes of rate allocation, connections start and terminate at approximately the same time

Examples: parallel file downloads, multimedia streaming using MD-CDNs

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Current Rate Allocation Approach

Max-min fairness, TCP fairnessProblems with allocating rate on a

per-connection basis:sessions with more connections get

higher rate allocation than sessions with fewer connections

this is not a fair rate allocation from a session point of view

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Proposed Session Fair Approaches (1)

Normalized rate session fairnessrate allocation is based on weight of

each connectionweights wi,j are assigned to each

connection j in each session i, subject to the constraint:

this constraint ensures that total session rates are fair with respect to each other



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Proposed Session Fair Approaches (2)

Per-link session fairnessrate allocation at each link on a per-

session basiseach session then allocates this rate

amongst the connections that traverse that link

this ensures fair allocation of session rates

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Example- Connection fair

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Example - Normalized rate session fair

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Example- Per-link session fair

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Simulation Model and Fairness Measures

100,600-node topologies using GT-ITM

varying percentages of clients and servers

sessions with 1,4,15 connections with varying percentages

fairness measures: variance, mean, maximum, minimum of session rates and fairness index

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Evaluation- fairness index

criterion: fairness index-

fairness index of 1 implies a very fair (equal) distribution

session fair rate allocations achieve a better fairness index than connection-fair rate allocations



in xnn

ixxxxf i





Page 52: Beyond Server Selection: Challenges in Multiple-Origin Content Distribution

Fairness indices of session rates for different algorithms







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

% of 1-connection sessions





connection fairnormalized rate SFper-link SFuser fair queueing

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Variance of session rates







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

% of 1-connection sessions



of s


on r

ates connection fair

normalized rate SFper-link SFuser fair queueing

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Multipoint to point sessions are increasingly a predominant mode of communication in the Internet.

Per-Session rate allocation seems a natural response to better control sharing behavior.

To DO: Implement the protocols and architecture for

realizing session-fair rate allocationsExtend this framework to dynamic sessions with

multiple connections starting and ending at different times

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Concluding Remarks

Moving content around is the primary function of wide-area networks today

Emerging services and paradigms provide new challengesContent Replication Server SelectionMultipoint-to-point sessions Resource

sharing questionsPeer-to-Peer that’s another story …