beyond beauty news letter june 2016

Beyond Beauty Newsletter Welcome to Your Possibilities

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Post on 31-Jul-2016




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June is Here, that means we have 6 more months to launch our dreams. Enjoy our June edition and be Inspired.


Beyond Beauty Newsletter

Welcome to Your Possibilities

Dearest Beyond Beautiful,

JUNE is HERE!!!, you know what that means right? Yep we are almost halfway into the year? Don’t you dare give up on 2016. Beyond Beauty has been working specifically with you in mind.

See one of the reasons why you have ignored your dreams and goals is simply FEAR of CRITICISM. For some of us, the fear of it can feel SO big and SO crushing that it shuts us down completely. Because someone else will think your dream don't make sense or they will publicly SLAM YOU, and Knowing that once you see those harsh words written about you or your work on the internet, you can't unsee them, Well guess what YOU were born to create and contribute and no matter how fantastic YOU are not everyone will love you or your work.

So you might as well do it anyways...Launch your dreams , launch your goals, Hire a coach, write that book, sell that product, learn to drive a stick shift..whatever you do make the rest of 2016 count.

Rather than let the facts hold you back, DARE to Do it ANYWAY.

We look forward to continually connecting with you all and bringing you first hand information about Beyond Beauty Workshops, E-classes, events and so many more.

Love Harriet

June-let’s Get REAL

Question: Do you not expect your life to be life changing?

1. Then why are you still giving the same


2. Why are you not turning your ideas into


3. Then why have you not taken that course?

4. Then why are the ideas still locked up in

your head?

5. Why don't you make JUNE the month to


1. We are causing our own obstacles2. We are causing our own stress3. We are too comfortable4. We have set a s no expiry date for our


Your stories can either save you or poison your own thoughts. It’s your choice. But she, she who was born without a chance to develop into a world changer…. Still got an excuse?

"You are what the world’s been waiting for. Why aren’t you sharing your gifts with us?"

We are sure you've thought about starting and those thoughts begin to pour in : Who am I? What if people don’t like it? What if I fail? What if I’m not ready? Who will give me permission?”

Many other women have and are in similar situations because they continue to wait for permission. Stop waiting and start creating.

● Don't Spend Another Moment Waiting on an Invitation to make it

● Stop allowing Great Opportunities Pass You By● Get a Head start on Creating by Learning from

Our Mistakes

Beyond Beauty launched Beyond Beauty Coaching last month, and spots are filling quickly for the women action

takers. it’s time to get on yours….. You with us? Let’s lose it together..JOIN TODAY


Looking Ahead


1. Free E-Class -Strategies to launch your dreams and goals.

2. Beyond Beauty Presents 5 things your dream is missing

3. Launching your BIG IDEA4. The Ultimate YOU5. Beyond Beauty LAUNCH event (exclusive invite

only)6. Website and Journal Launch party7. The visionary Experience Workshop

P.S. Forward this email to your friends, colleagues or clients — anyone you think would find value from this kind of actionable wisdom as they continue to build their lives & Dreams.Remember we have one on one Coaching, Group coaching, and of course our customized Beyond My Beauty Mentorship Packages.Remain Beyond Beautiful and Stay connected.

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