bethesda bethesda banner - 2017 bethesda banner_final.… · our lord, through...

The Gift of Time I recently read a story about a person who described the best present or gift he had ever received. It was during the Christmas season that he noticed a gift under the tree from his Dad. It was a gift wrapped box and the unusual thing about it was that it was so light that he could- n’t imagine what was in it. Perhaps, cash or a gift card? The gift had him intrigued. When Christmas day came he headed right to the gift from his Dad and ripped it open. Inside was just a piece of note paper with a message from his Father. Son, my gift to you is 365 hours of my time. Every day as soon as dinner is over the next hour will be ours. You can talk to me about anything you want and I will do the same. Please understand it will be our hour and I won’t allow any interruptions on our time together. Love, Dad That Father was as good as his word and they both loved that hour together that was their special time. In fact the next year and for following years he gave the same gift. After his Fa- ther passed away, the son was grateful beyond words for that gift. For the rest of his life those hours were some of his most cherished memories. Even though my Dad never gave me a specific gift like that, he was always willing to give me time with him. Often we would take evening walks together through the streets of Carson City. Oh, how I both miss and cherish those times with him. In this season of Father’s and Mother’s Day may we remember that love and relationships are built upon time spent with each other. That time spent with your loved one will be the most productive of your life! But more than that let us remember that our Christian faith is built upon a relationship. Our Lord, through prayer and worship, invites us to spend special time with Him. During those times the Lord invites us to talk about anything we want -- our hopes and our dreams. And in those times He reveals His hopes and dreams for us. The gift of time is the best gift. May we never forget that. God Bless You, Doug BETHESDA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 4858 MCCONNELL’S HWY. YORK, SC 29745 803-328-1360 June 2017 Volume MMXVII, Issue 6s Bethesda Banner Upcoming Events Thursday Night Bible Study begins June 1 Church-wide Kickball Game and Ice Cream Social June 4 Vacation Bible School June 12 - 15 Red Cross Blood Drive June 14 Father’s Day June 18 Session Meeting June 25 Sunday School 9:45 Worship Service 11:00 Bible Study Thursdays 7:00 This is a publication of the people of Bethesda Presbyterian Church York, South Carolina Copyright © 2017. One Spirit ~ Many Gifts ~ One Body

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Page 1: BETHESDA Bethesda Banner - 2017 Bethesda Banner_final.… · Our Lord, through prayer and ... and Solicitation ... from either high school or college in May. May

The Gift of Time

I recently read a story about a person who described the best present or gift he had ever

received. It was during the Christmas season that he noticed a gift under the tree from his Dad.

It was a gift wrapped box and the unusual thing about it was that it was so light that he could-

n’t imagine what was in it. Perhaps, cash or a gift card? The gift had him intrigued.

When Christmas day came he headed right to the gift from his Dad and ripped it open.

Inside was just a piece of note paper with a message from his Father. Son, my gift to you is

365 hours of my time. Every day as soon as dinner is over the next hour will be ours. You can

talk to me about anything you want and I will do the same. Please understand it will be our

hour and I won’t allow any interruptions on our time together. Love, Dad

That Father was as good as his word and they both loved that hour together that was their

special time. In fact the next year and for following years he gave the same gift. After his Fa-

ther passed away, the son was grateful beyond words for that gift. For the rest of his life those

hours were some of his most cherished memories.

Even though my Dad never gave me a specific gift like that, he was always willing to give

me time with him. Often we would take evening walks together through the streets of Carson

City. Oh, how I both miss and cherish those times with him.

In this season of Father’s and Mother’s Day may we remember that love and relationships

are built upon time spent with each other. That time spent with your loved one will be the most

productive of your life!

But more than that let us remember that our Christian faith is built upon a relationship.

Our Lord, through prayer and worship, invites us to spend special time with Him. During those

times the Lord invites us to talk about anything we want -- our hopes and our dreams. And in

those times He reveals His hopes and dreams for us.

The gift of time is the best gift. May we never forget that.

God Bless You,






YORK, SC 29745

803-328-1360 June 2017 Volume MMXVII, Issue


Bethesda Banner

Upcoming Events

Thursday Night Bible

Study begins June 1

Church-wide Kickball

Game and Ice Cream

Social June 4

Vacation Bible School

June 12 - 15

Red Cross Blood Drive

June 14

Father’s Day

June 18

Session Meeting

June 25

Sunday School


Worship Service


Bible Study

Thursdays 7:00

This is a publication of the

people of Bethesda

Presbyterian Church

York, South Carolina

Copyright © 2017.

One Spirit ~

Many Gifts ~

One Body

Page 2: BETHESDA Bethesda Banner - 2017 Bethesda Banner_final.… · Our Lord, through prayer and ... and Solicitation ... from either high school or college in May. May

Approved the Policy on Purchases and Pay-


Approved the Policy on Gifts, Contributions

and Solicitation

The following actions were taken by the Session at

the April 24 meeting:

Approved a revision to the Wedding Policy

Approved the updated job description of

the Music Director

Approved polling the Session via internet


The following actions were taken by the Session at

the May 21 meeting:

Discussed and approved a recommendation

regarding the Endowment Fund, to be re-

ferred to the Board of Trustees for consid-

eration Rev. Blaikie held an extended two hour

training session for Elders based on the book Holy Conversations, Strategic Planning as

a Spiritual Practice for Congregations

The Session met on March 19, April 24, and May

21, 2017. At each meeting committee reports

were received. Rev. Blaikie also began the discus-

sion of the steps involved in the lengthy process

of searching for a new pastor.

The following actions were taken by the Session

at the March 19 meeting:

Approved renewal of the church insur-

ance policy

Approved the Accountable Expense

Reimbursement Plan

Approved the policy for Collection and

County of Speical Offerings

Approved a modification of the direct

deposit procedure regarding date of


Approved an amendment to the Per-

sonnel Policy regarding the time report-

ing procedure

Approved October 7, 2017 as the date

for the CDC Fall Carnival

Approved the Sexual Misconduct Policy

Session Highlights

Page 2

Bethesda Banner

To be Christian

without prayer

is no more

possible than

to be alive



-Martin Luther

Attendance for May Sun. School Worship

May 7 55 105

May 14 51 . 101

May 21 64 56

May 28 77 53

Elders on Duty – June

Liz Blackwell

Debbie Darby

John Nettles

It’s Time to Begin a Holy Conversation

At the March and April Session meetings Rev. Blaikie began discussion by presenting an

overview of the book Holy Conversations, Strategic Planning as a Spiritual Practice for Con-

gregations, by Gil Rendle and Alice Mann. At the May 21 meeting the pastor held an

extended two hour training session for Elders based on this book. At the conclusion

of this training session plans were made to communicate this information to members

of the congregation. Therefore, the Session has set aside some time during morning

worship on Sunday, June 11, for Rev. Blaikie to describe how the pastor search

process will work. He will explain the next steps in which members of the congrega-

tion will need to participate. The steps will include, but may not be limited to, congre-

gational information session, selection of a Self Study Committee (tentatively to be

called the Holy Conversations Committee), data gathering for a needs assessment,

creation of a mission statement and vision, goal setting, and creation of an action plan

and implementation of that plan.

Page 3: BETHESDA Bethesda Banner - 2017 Bethesda Banner_final.… · Our Lord, through prayer and ... and Solicitation ... from either high school or college in May. May

Page 3

The Inconvenience of Bible Study

An Editorial from the Editor:

Is there ever a convenient time in our busy summer schedules to attend a weekly Bible Study? Probably not!

It’s easy to pull out an excuse from our “50 Reasons Not to Go to Church” manual. We all have that self -

written manual, possibly even kept on top of our Bible that’s around somewhere in the house. Our actions

certainly reveal our priorities. Are we spending our time as fruitful branches on the vine of God’s love and

grace, or are we studying his Word only when it conveniently fits into our schedules?

Recently I rushed late into Sunday School class, and muttered with a regretful sigh, “I forgot my Bible and my

Sunday School book! Again!” Someone quickly responded, “That’s your fault.” I was shocked. I bit my tongue.

Later I thought about those biting words. Sometimes the truth hurts….and sometimes the Spirit convicts us

through the words of other people. How do we, or should we, respond to that conviction? God does not

want to hear our excuses or justifications. He is quite familiar with our "50 Reasons manual." He needs our

faithful attendance, our undivided attention, our hearts and minds prepared to receive his Word. I feel truly

blessed to know this Christian who is so devoted to church attendance, Sunday School, and weekly Bible

Study. I can never remember a time when the Bible or Sunday School book was forgotten, or failure to read

the lesson beforehand was apparent. Contributions to our group discussions are evidence of this believer’s

deep desire to read and understand God’s Word. It has been said that children close their ears to advice but

open their eyes to example. How true of children and adults. We are all examples, either good or bad, and

we are all witnesses, either for Christ or against him.

On Sunday mornings and Thursday evenings, no membership is required and no prerequisite reading is de-

manded. There is no pressure to share or ask questions, no dress code, and if you forget your Bible, don't

despair. There's always an extra one that's handy. Just come. Come for the learning, for the fellowship, but

come prepared to be convicted. The Spirit is among us. God wrote, “So shall My word be that goes forth

from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please.” (Isaiah 55:11) God

said it, He meant it, and I believe it.

Whatever our hectic schedules or selfish priorities, God invites us to faithfully attend the study of his

Word.....even when it’s not convenient . I hope to see you on Sunday mornings at 9:45 and Thursday

nights at 7:00 (led by Rev. Blaikie). Let’s pray we will all remember our Bibles!

Page 4: BETHESDA Bethesda Banner - 2017 Bethesda Banner_final.… · Our Lord, through prayer and ... and Solicitation ... from either high school or college in May. May

We are all just

little pencils in

the hand of a

writing God

who is sending

a love letter to

the world.

-Mother Teresa

Page 4

Bethesda Banner

CDC Begins Summer Camp

Summertime is a busy time at Bethesda CDC! We begin our summer camp on June 5th. This

is also the time when we do our summer "move-ups" in our preschool classes. Remember

that your child needs to wear their Bethesda t-shirt when attending a field trip (swimming

excluded). Also, remember to sign the permission slips so that your child can attend these

trips. Please review any parent information letters that may be sent home by your child's

teacher to ensure that you are aware of any classroom needs or restrictions. Happy Birthday

to all of our children and staff that were born in June! Bethesda CDC will be closed on Tues-

day July 4th. Happy Anniversary to: Ms. Cathy 10 years, Ms. Ginger 6 years, Ms. Katie 9 years,

and Ms. Dawn 23 years. Please pray for the safety of our children and staff as we travel and

participate in fun-filled summer activities. Thank you for your support and God bless!

Red Cross Blood Drive

Bethesda will host a Blood Drive on

Wednesday June 14th in the Fellowship

Hall from 9 - 1 pm. There is a sign-up

sheet in the vestibule. You may contact

the church office (328-1360) to schedule

your appointment or you can schedule it

online at Enter the

code Bethesda. Or you maycall 1 - 800 -

RED CROSS. Please remember to bring

your photo ID or Red Cross donor card.

Congratulations to Lauren Medley

and Matthew McDaniel in the birth of

a son, Cayden William McDaniel, born

May 15th. Jim and Lou Beaty are the

proud great-grandparents.

Congratulations to Christina

Hibbard on the birth of Eden Grace

Shannon, born on April 13, 2017. The

proud grandparents are Wes and Susan


We are so proud of our young people who have

arrived at a milestone in their lives. Congratula-

tions to the following students who graduated

from either high school or college in May. May

God bless you and grant you wisdom as you

make major life decisions in the near future.

Preston Darby - Graduated from USC with BS in

Business Administration

Addison Johnson - Graduated from South Point

High School and plans to attend USC.

Justin McAteer - Graduated from South Point

High School and plans to study chemistry at


Matthew McAteer - Graduated from South Point

High School and plans to study engineering

at Clemson

Nic McAteer - Graduated from South Point

High School and plans to study graphic de-

sign at Winthrop

Dylan O'Neil - Graduated from Cherryville High


Abby Smith - Graduated from YTC, earning an

associate degree in Administrative Office and

Technology and an associate in Paralegal

Jessica Nettles Webb - Graduated from

Lynchburg College, earning a M.Ed with a

focus on Early Childhood Development.

Congratulations, Graduates

Page 5: BETHESDA Bethesda Banner - 2017 Bethesda Banner_final.… · Our Lord, through prayer and ... and Solicitation ... from either high school or college in May. May

Page 5

Bethesda Banner

A Note from the Child Development Center Advisory Board

As many of you know, Bethesda’s Child Development Center held its 24th pre-school graduation last week. On behalf of the

CDC, I would like to thank the church for recognizing our 14 Pre-School graduates by presenting them with a Bible. I also

wanted to take a moment to share some positive thoughts with our congregation regarding this ministry that was started

nearly a quarter of a century ago, and how it has thrived since that time.

The Center is governed by the Advisory Board which consists of nine people, including the Director, one Sessional Chair and

one Sessional Co-chair, three parents, one non-voting Treasurer, and two members of the congregation. Under the direction

of the Director, Cindy Jackson, and Dawn Westmoreland, Co-director:

Our Center employs approximately 17 staff members

The average tenure of staff members is approximately 14 years, with the highest number of years being 24.

This staff has been managed over the years without a single lay-off, as our economy ebbed and flowed

Our Center operates Monday through Friday except for a handful of holidays and the occasional inclement weather closing

Other than the physical space occupied during the week, our Center operates on a self-sustaining non-profit budget of

approximately $500,000 (about twice the amount of the church’s budget)

Our Center funds its own payroll and taxes, insurance, utilities, programmatic expenses, maintenance and repairs, as well as

other operating expenses by managing the income generated from tuition and one annual fundraiser each year.

Our Center pays 100% of the large bus repairs and 50% of the small bus

The reputation of Bethesda’s CDC is impeccable within our county. It is considered “the place” that parents want their

children to attend

Our Center is at the top of the list in our compliance of federal, state, and local regulations

We have on average 100 children entrusted to us at any given time

Half of those children are after-schoolers or enrolled in the Summer Program - an alternative to being a “latchkey kid”

Each year we graduate approximately 15 children

Our children are taught to be academically strong, well disciplined, and most importantly, to believe in Jesus Christ

Our children can recite scripture, endlessly, and are pleased to do so

Our children are taught music and art

Do I sound like I am bragging on the Center? Maybe I am, just a little. But mostly, I am celebrating our church’s success in

knowing that this mission that was merely a dream over 25 years ago stands strong. We at Bethesda Presbyterian Church

should be proud of what we have founded and the positive influence this mission infuses into our community. Our children

and our Center make the world a better place.

God bless you all for your support throughout the years. Were it not for your dedication, volunteerism, and baking skills, as

well as the governance of the Board, Directors of the Center, and the discipline of our long-standing Treasurer, Mrs. Patsy

Walker, our Center would not be what it is today.


Todd Russell, Chairman

Child Development Center Advisory Board

Page 6: BETHESDA Bethesda Banner - 2017 Bethesda Banner_final.… · Our Lord, through prayer and ... and Solicitation ... from either high school or college in May. May

Serving and Growing Together

Page 6

Asheville Youth Mission Team Will Johnston

Nick Sigmon

Avieon Wherry

Guatemala Mission Team

Esther Bailey Adam Cole

Randy Peterson Ellen Green

Sarah Childers Steve Childers

Christina Hibbard

Thank you! Thank you! God is good! The second Annual Don Rowland Pancakes for Missions

and Silent Auction, which was held May 20th, raised $5,500! If you came out and ate pancakes,

donated items for the auction, bought items in the auction, helped set up and/or clean up, helped in

the kitchen, or donated money, you helped make this possible! To God be the glory!

The money raised will go toward our 2017 Guatemala Mission Trip. The following people will

make up the mission team this year: Esther Bailey, Katie Childers, Sarah Childers, Steve Childers,

Ellen Green, Micah Hancock, Wes Hibbard, Randy Peterson, and Tyler Saboley. Our mission team is

collecting the following items: toothbrushes, toothpaste Tums, Advil, Tylenol, and alcohol pads.

These will be used for the medical clinics as we work to assist Dr. Tito Palacios and La Mision. Items

may be placed in the container outside Sarah’s office or taken to the church office. Please keep our

team in prayer as we prepare to leave on July 15. We will return on July 22.

Everyone is invited to our Churchwide Kickball Game and Ice Cream Social on Sunday, June

4, 4-6 pm. It’s for all ages, whether you want to play or just watch. We will meet at the field across

from the church for kickball and then move to the picnic shelter for ice cream. The ice cream will be

provided by the Christian Education Committee. Bring your favorite topping!

Thornwell Mission Trip - There will be a brief meeting next Sunday, June 4, in the Fellowship

Hall right after the worship service for rising 6th graders and up and their parents who are interested

in going to serve at Thornwell Children’s Home in Clinton, SC. Our trip will be on July 30 through

August 4.

Vacation Bible School will start on Monday, June 12, and go through Thursday, June 15, from

6:15 - 8:30 pm for ages 4 through 5th grade. Dinner will be served at 5:30 each night. If you are able

to help with VBS activities, please let Sarah or Esther know. Thanks in advance for your willingness

to help with our children at Bethesda! Registration forms to register children for VBS will be

located in the vestibule and on the round table in the Sunday School building. They will also be avail-

able at the Ice Cream Social on June 4th or you may email Sarah at [email protected].

Invite your friends and neighbors!

Dinner - 5:30

VBS 6:15 - 8:30

Page 7: BETHESDA Bethesda Banner - 2017 Bethesda Banner_final.… · Our Lord, through prayer and ... and Solicitation ... from either high school or college in May. May

Three of Bethesda’s

youth, Will Johnston,

Gage Russell, and Sidney

Russell, participated in

the Confirmation Cluster

held at Bethelwoods. Par-

ticipants came from 8

churches in Providence

Presbytery. They started

with a weekend retreat in

March, then attended

three afternoon sessions

and ended with a week-

end retreat in April.

These sessions were

taught by various pastors

and church educators,

including Rev. Blaikie and

Sarah Childers. Will,

Gage, and Sidney also

met several times with

their Covenant Partners

at Bethesda, who were

Debbie Darby, Steve

Childers, and Sarah

Childers. Will, Gage, and

Sidney all joined the

church on Mother’s Day,

May 14. We are proud

of these youth!

Three Bethesda Youth Complete Communicants Class

News from the Matias Family

they will return to Rock

Hill so Sophie and Jessie

can attend school. They

will be based here until

they return to Brazil on

December 31. While in

the US they will be avail-

able to share about their

mission work or share

from God’s Word at wor-

ship services, Sunday

Schools, small groups,

gatherings, or events.

They will travel to loca-

tions where they have the

opportunity to speak.

Therefore, if anyone

knows of a church,

school, or other organi-

zation that would like to

receive a presentation

from them, please get in

touch with them at


com. They will also

appreciate your prayers

for safe travels on the

long overnight flight from


The entire Matias family,

Laura, Felipe, Sophie,

Jessie, and Josiah, will be

arriving in the US on

June 9 for an extended

stay. The purpose of this

furlough is to give them

time to share about

their mission work and

raise financial support

for their ministry. After

a brief visit with family

they will be in the Ra-

leigh, NC area for about

six weeks. In August

“Faith is

having the

courage to

let God

have control.”

-Author unknown

Page 7 Bethesda Banner

In February our Scouts and their leaders celebrated Scout Sunday at Bethesda. During the Sunday worship

service, they served as greeters and participated in the offering collection. Scout Sunday is celebrated across

the nation in churches that have chartered this very worthwhile organization.

Troop 161 held a fundraiser Spaghetti Dinner on May 14 in the Fellowship Hall to help offset the cost of sum-

mer camp, which eight boys will attend July 2 - 9. A big Thank You to the leaders, parents, and other church

members who helped cook, serve and clean up. An even bigger Thank You to those who came out for a

delicious meal and to those who generously donated money to support our program.

Boy Scouts will adventure up the New River on a 3 day canoe trip on June 15 - 17. Please pray for their

safety as these brave scouts and their experienced leaders make this trek.

Scouts - Not Just an Organization But an Adventure

Page 8: BETHESDA Bethesda Banner - 2017 Bethesda Banner_final.… · Our Lord, through prayer and ... and Solicitation ... from either high school or college in May. May

Page 8

Volume MMXVII, Issue 6s

We will be having an Open Choir Sunday each month in the summer.

This is a time for anyone to join us in providing a song of praise for our ser-

vice. If you are interested in singing as a choir, please come to the choir

room at 10:45 on that particular Sunday. Our song will not be difficult and

we will sing from downstairs, so no trips up to the balcony are needed.

We would love to have you join us. You just might find you belong in the

choir! f you have any questions, please feel free to contact LaRayne Hall.

Make a joyful noise

to the Lord, all the

earth...come into his

presence with singing.

With Warmest Thanks

To all of the Bethesda congregation, I want to say a belated Thank You for all of the cards

and calls to me and the visit to me as I was confined

after my accident. I want to thank the Prayer Shawl

ministry for the beautiful shawl you made for me. I

still wrap up in it when I am chilly.

If I haven’t told each of the Prayer Shawl ministry for

the wonderful afghan you made for Jim, thank you. He

stayed warm with it. Being a part of this beautiful and

blessed church with so many wonderful and loving

people is a blessing to me. Thank God for all of you.

Edith Gordon

June 17 Pat Davis

Linda Messer

Marlien Russell

June 18 Rick Hutchison

June 21 Pam Jordan

June 23 Quinton Cole

Lynsey Peterson

June 24 Jim Carter, Jr

June 25 Laura Smith

June 27 Tyson Medlin

June 28 Wes Hibbard

Tony McKinney

June 29 David Bailey

Beth Smith

Kelly Williamson

June 30 Leah Rowland

June 2 Sonny Moore

June 3 Grayson Darby

June 7 Ralph Adams

Gail Boyd

June 8 Chuck Barton

June 12 Debbie Darby

Amelia Simmers

June 14 Shelby Blackwell

Lewis Jordan

I greatly appreciate all the prayers, cards and phone

calls during the difficult time with my hip replacement. I

will always be grateful for the compassion shown to me

during this difficult time.

Nancy Moore Smith

Bethesda Prayer Shawl Ministry, Thank you so much for the green, brown blanket for

Asa. It is so wonderful to have your group think of my

son and to have your prayers and thoughts. Thank you.

Dave, Alissa, and Asa Sternagle

To Bethesda’s congregation, Thank you for all your prayers, calls and cards during

my on-going “house arrest”; also to those who form the

Prayer Shawl group. I was surprised and honored to be

the recipient of the beautiful lap robe. Thank You! I

am truly blessed to be a member of such a loving and

caring church family.

Barbara Thompson

Page 9: BETHESDA Bethesda Banner - 2017 Bethesda Banner_final.… · Our Lord, through prayer and ... and Solicitation ... from either high school or college in May. May

Page 9

Bethesda Banner

Note: The adult choir will not practice during

the summer months. Cub Scouts will not meet

during the summer. Boy Scouts will meet every

Monday night in the Fellowship Hall.

Every Sunday Prayer Gathering 9:15 am Sunday School 9:45 am

Worship Service 11:00 am

June 1, 8, 22, 29

Thursday Night Bible Study FH

June 4

Church-wide Kickball Game and Ice Cream Social

4 - 6 pm Meet at the ball field across the street

June 11

6:00 pm Admin/Stewardship Comm Meeting FH

June 11

Rev. Blaikie will deliver a special sermon with

important details about the pastor search process

June 12 - 15

5:30 Dinner FH VBS 6:15 - 8:30 Sanctuary

June 14

9 - 1:00 pm Blood Drive FH (walk-ins welcome)

June 21

10:00 am Staff Meeting FH

June 25

4:00 pm Session Meeting

August 20 Next Cong Life Comm Meeting 4:00 FH

At Bethesda

Geraldine Blackmon Steve Rawdon

Edna Pinson Michelle Melton

Melvin Collins Bill Dover

Carolyn Rockholt Jon Lauckner


Amelia Simmers Nancy Moore

In the Community and Beyond

Lilly Davis Christine Roberts

Sandra Honeycutt Jennifer Simmons

Audrey Branch Beverly Sledge

Mary DeSantis Ernie Russell

Natalie Bentos-Pereira

Charles Panter Erline Henderson

Melvin Collins Reed Wagner

Gene Carter Leigh Sanford

Martha Costner Dorothy Hazard

Laura Ross Elsa Carobello

Catherine Porter family Delores Gordon

Virginia and Randy Medley

Our Mission Partners

Tito Palacios family

Marty Driggers family

Laura Matias family (safe travels from Brazil)

Copies of the Bethesda Banner are placed in the

vestibule and on the front pew each Sunday. If you or

someone you know would like a copy, please pick one

up from either location. If you were unable to get it on

Sunday, please let the church office know you would

like for it to be mailed to you.

June Calendar Remember in Prayer

Did You Know?

Many of you may not be aware that Ino Oates served our

community for over 40 years in nursing and nursing supervi-

sory positions at York General Hospital and Piedmont Medi-

cal Center. One of her supreme joys was to train her

daughter, Pat Lauckner, a graduate of Mercy Hospital School

of Nursing, who served as Nurse Navigator in the Emer-

gency Department at Piedmont. Pat retired after 43 years on

May 6th and now looks forward to being at home to enjoy

her time with husband, Jonathan, and granddaughter, Olivia.

Congratulations, Pat!

Page 10: BETHESDA Bethesda Banner - 2017 Bethesda Banner_final.… · Our Lord, through prayer and ... and Solicitation ... from either high school or college in May. May

4858 McConnells Hwy

York, South Carolina





We’re on the Web!

Our Pastor:

Rev. Doug Blaikie

Our Elders: Ralph Adams

Darius Alexander

Trey Amick

Liz Blackwell

Ernice Bookout

Faye Boyd

Steve Childers

Cheryl Forline

Karen Percival

John Nettles

Stacy Russell

Todd Russell

One Spirit ~ Many Gifts ~ One Body

Bethesda Presbyterian Church Staff: Secretary/Booker - Pat Jones Director of Music Ministry - LaRayne Hall

Director of Children/Youth Ministries - Sarah Childers CDC Director - Cindy Jackson

Caretaker - Mike Percival Sexton - Donna Hagler

June 18th - Happy Father’s Day!

A father’s love is unconditional, patient, forgiving, caring, gracious, sacrificial,

compassionate, understanding, giving, and protective. Still…..his love pales

in comparison to the love of our heavenly Father.

Our Mission:

We celebrate the sharing of the Good News of Jesus Christ who is the head of the

Church. Through the leading of the Holy Spirit, we are God's servants dedicated to

the nurturing of all people in faith, service and fellowship; providing service to those

in need; comforting the bereaved; ministering to the sick; offering solace to the trou-

bled; and always seeking the lost.

We invite all believers in the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to share the communion

loaf and cup of communion as a symbol of our unity and service to the Risen Lord.

Est. 1769