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Bethany Prayer Diary 2015 Psalm 136:1 – Give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His love endures forever.

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Bethany Prayer Diary 2015Psalm 136:1 – Give thanks to the Lord for He is good.

His love endures forever.

Page 2: Bethany Prayer Diary 2015 - Bethany Christian Trust · Bethany Prayer Diary 2015 Psalm 136:1 – Give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His love endures forever

IntroductionThank you for praying for us. We rely on your prayers as we continue our work with homeless and vulnerable people across Scotland. We are meeting more and more people every day who are isolated, struggling and facing extremely challenging situations. Your prayers make a difference.

God has a plan for all of us. We see this all around us as people find new hope for the future. As you pray you can ask God to lead and guide every single person we support, so that they can move on to a new life and escape the situation that made them come to us for help in the first place.

People often ask whether we only help people who have a Christian faith. Our reply is simple: we work with people of all faiths and none. No-one is excluded. Bethany’s work is about putting our faith into action and demonstrating Gospel principles of love, grace and hope for all. As you read the real life stories featured here you will see how so many people have found new hope in life.

Our work is growing both geographically and through new projects and partnerships. If you want to find out more about what we do, you can visit our website or follow us on Facebook or Twitter. We’re grateful for your support and would love to stay connected with you throughout the coming year.

Yours in Christ,

Iain GordonChief Executive Officer

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January Fresh start

1 Peter 1:3 (NIV)Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

“I had really low confidence and self-esteem, Bethany staff helped me grow and run my own home. Now I’m even working.”

The staff at Bethany helped me get a flat and even gave me a starter set to furnish it and make it a home. Being a teenager, I didn’t know what it took to run my own home and I’d never been independent. Now I feel like I can take on anything and move on with my life.

Prayer points:

l Pray for Homelessness Sunday on Sunday 18th January and that Bethany’s work with homeless and vulnerable people will be supported by local churches.

l Every year we help our service users get back on their feet and start afresh. Give thanks to God for all the ways in which he gives us a second chance.

l Pray that God may continue to guide and keep our volunteers, our members of staff and our service users in this new year.


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February Timely shelter

Proverbs 11:25 (NIV)A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.

“It took us two weeks to get to our better life, and months for it to start.”


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My parents divorced, so my father and I decided to move to the UK. We bought a car and drove for two weeks until we reached Edinburgh. It wasn’t until we arrived that we realised it would be so hard to find work and make money. We barely ate and we slept in the car for months, but money was running low. It was so bad, I considered stealing. We were introduced to the care shelter just in time to save us.

Prayer points:

l Give thanks for the amazing work that our volunteers and staff members do at the Care Shelter and for all the people that we are able to reach out to and help.

l Pray for direction and guidance for all those that find themselves in difficult situations and are struggling to find a helping hand.

l People find themselves in trouble for many reasons. Pray that the public will support our work and see the real people behind the problems in our society.

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March Giving back

2 Corinthians 9:8 (NIV)And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

“I started off as a resident at Bethany House, now I have my own place and I cook for the residents on weekends.”

I’d lived in Bethany House for some time, however eventually my confidence grew enough to leave and my support worker helped me look for my own home. I now have a full time job and I’m so thankful for all the help Bethany has given me that I’ve started helping my support worker in the kitchen on the weekends. This weekend we made the residents risotto, it was amazing to see how much they enjoyed it.

Prayer points:

l Give thanks for all who move on to an independent life in the community. Pray for people to be successful in finding employment as they move on. l Pray that God will continue to bring blessing to our service users’ lives. Thank God for the amazing work being done and pray that He will continue blessing projects like this.

l Give thanks for all the former service users that feel compelled to give back and for all those that give their time and resources to help others in need.

MARCH 2015

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April Saving grace

1 Corinthians 1:3 (NIV)Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

“I have nowhere to cook and can’t afford takeaways. Thank you for the Care Van.”

I have to live in a Bed and Breakfast right now which has no cooking facilities, and I have only just got a job so can’t afford to splash out on takeaways or eating out. The free lunch from the Care Van is the first decent thing I’ve eaten in days. Thank you.

APRIL 2015

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Prayer points:

l Give thanks that by God’s grace we are able to provide food to people who do not have any, through projects like the Care Van.

l Pray for courage and perseverance for those who are moving on but who still face significant challenges.

l Ask God to bless all the people and partners who support the Care Van so it can be in use throughout the year, both daytime and nightime.

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May Reconnecting

Ephesians 4:32 (NIV)Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

“My father had alcohol problems, but after countless years we finally reconnected and I’m so glad I got to know him.”

My father had left us when I was young because he was battling with alcoholism. I had no father figure in my life and ended up going down the wrong path. At 19 he got back intouch with me. I moved to Scotland to get to know him. I sorted my life out, but my dad could never quite sort his. I ended up moving back to England – this pushed my dad to get help from Bethany. His support worker got him on the right track and after a while, when I asked my dad to move to England, his support worker travelled with him to help settle him in. Bethany brought us back together in more ways than one; they really went above and beyond for my dad.

Prayer points:

lThere are people and situations that leave us deeply wounded and hurt. Pray that God will heal people’s hurts and enable them to reconnect.

lPray that families will be reunited and reconnected and for Bethany’s role in our service users’ lives – we want to support families to be strong and healthy.

lPray that our service users may forgive and be forgiven so that they may start rebuilding their lives in peace, love and security.

MAY 2015

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June Keeping the family together

Psalm 133:1-3 (NIV)How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! For there the Lord bestows His blessing, even life forevermore.

“Our flat was in such a bad state that we almost lost our little girls.”

We were stuck in a rut and didn’t know how to get out. Our home wasn’t in good condition and social workers were threatening to take our daughters from us. Bethany supported us in getting our home into a better condition and helped us engage more at the girls’ nursery. Volunteers even decorated their room! The help we’ve received has kept our family as one.

Prayer points:

l Children are affected by poverty and homelessness issues. Pray for all the children that Bethany comes into contact with.

l Remember all those families struggling to bring up their children. Pray for the right help to be found and that parents will develop the skills they need.

l Pray that Bethany will be able to reach more and more people every day to help them and support them in times of need.

JUNE 2015

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JULY 2015

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July Bright future

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’”

“We may not have been able to go on holiday, but we have a lovely home.”

The rent on our flat was so high; I was terrified my children would end up on the streets or in care if I couldn’t pay. Bethany gave me support and put me in touch with a local Housing Association and because of this I have been offered a lovely flat that is more affordable with my wages. My support worker is helping me a lot. Maybe next year I can take the kids away on holiday!

Prayer points:

l Give thanks for the good plans that God has for our service users. Give thanks for the fact that many of them are seeing a brighter future ahead of them.

l Pray that affordable and suitable accommodation becomes available for those who need it and that Bethany will be able to assist with this process.

l Give thanks for Bethany’s community support projects that meet people in need in the local area.

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Prayer points:

l Pray for motivation and inspiration for all our service users that they will be guided and helped in new areas of their lives.

l Pray for encouragement for our service users who are starting new ventures and that their confidence will be built up. Ask for God’s guidance and protection over them.

l Relationship breakdown is a major cause of homelessness. Pray that we can support people to maintain their relationships and their homes.

August Studying for a better future

Psalm 100:3 (NIV)Know that the Lord is God! It is He who made us, and we are His; we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture.

“When I was homeless, I never thought I would go to college.”

When my relationship ended, I was homeless and depressed. Bethany helped me find my own home. The Visiting Support team helped me get furniture for it. The support given by the Visiting Support team has made me feel much better and I enrolled in college. My confidence is sky high now!


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September Happiness restored

Philippians 4:9 (NIV)And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.

“My flat was damaged, undecorated and depressing. Now it looks like a completely different place.”

My flat feels like a real home. It has all the small touches and little things that make it personal, but it wasn’t like this when I first moved in. The place was undecorated and the walls and roof were damaged. Bethany volunteers repaired and decorated the whole place which completely changed my life. I can’t stop smiling!

Prayer points:

l Give thanks for our volunteers who help turn unsuitable houses into happy homes. Without volunteer help we would not be able to achieve this.

l Give thanks for our projects that provide furniture and basic household items. Pray also for the generous people who donate furniture to us.

l Pray for funds and donations to Bethany’s shops which support our work. Donations can be in short supply so ask God to provide what is needed each day.

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October Sticking together

Thessalonians 5:11 (NIV)Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

“My brother and I never had much luck with housing; thanks to Bethany we now have an amazing two-bed home.”

My brother had been in a home and I’d spent years sofa surfing at friends’ and families’ homes. Neither of us had any stability or the chance to move on from our situation. We ended up in temporary accommodation and our Bethany support worker helped us find a permanent home as well as a grant to help us make it nice. The amazing support let us do something we hadn’t in a long time – look to the future.

Prayer points:

l Give thanks for the provision of support to people who struggle to find and maintain a home of their own.

l Take a moment to pray for all those who are going through difficulties and have no one to turn to, that they may find help from Bethany at the right time.

l Pray that the Holy Spirit will guide us in reaching as many people as possible, offering the best support.


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November Frozen out

Psalm 46:1 (NIV)God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

“I was a Chef in some of the best restaurants in the City, until I ended up on the streets.”

I’m a well trained Chef and had worked in many different restaurants over the years. One day I lost my job, my home and my family. I found myself on the streets during the coldest time of the year with no idea how or where to find help. I stumbled upon the care shelter, the people there kept me warm at night and gave me encouragement to fix my CV and find a job. I was fortunate to find work quickly and move on from the shelter, leaving space for someone else who needed it.

Prayer points:

l Pray for all those who find themselves in difficult situations. Pray for all those who have lost everything and are looking for help.

l Give thanks for all the churches and volunteers that make the Care Shelter possible each year. It is an amazing, life-saving project.

l Pray for growth in the Caring Christmas Trees project which part-funds the Shelter and give thanks for the generous donations that come in during winter.

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December Lonely no more

Psalm 68:6 (NIV)God sets the lonely in families, He leads out the prisoners with singing.

“I spend every Christmas alone; even now I have a home. Last Christmas though, Bethany gave me such a great opportunity to meet people, even if only for a few hours.”

I was homeless for many years and even though I now have a home I spend Christmas alone. It is always a horribly lonely and isolating time for me and I dread the thought of it. Last Christmas time, Bethany had a small party for staff and people in the same position as me. It gave me a chance to meet new people and even though I still spent Christmas day on my own, I had one day out of isolation.

Prayer points:

l Pray for all those who will spend Christmas alone that we will be able to reach out to them and share friendship and hospitality together.

l Pray for people in our addiction and temporary accommodation units. Christmas is a challenging time for many people who are facing an uncertain future. l As the year comes to an end, we give thanks to God for his provision, protection and guidance. Pray that we will be led by the Holy Spirit as we prepare for 2016.


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We provide shelterand a lot more besides

• Practical support and advice for rough sleepers

• Emergency accommodation

• Residential addiction support

• Support for young people

• Essential employment skills

• Resettlement and visiting support

• Furniture and household items

• Opportunities to build social networks

• Support for older people

To find out more about Bethany please visit our website

www.bethanychristiantrust.comBethany Christian Trust is a registered Scottish charity No SC003783.


Turn faith into action –make a real difference to someone’s life today

You really can make a difference in someone’s life by supporting Bethany Christian Trust.

l £10 can provide someone with lunch, companionship and advice at one of our drop-ins

l £30 can provide a rough sleeper with a warm place to sleep, a hot meal and breakfast and time with people who care

l £75 can support a family for a month to help address their needs and help keep the family together

l £150 can provide someone with a nationally recognized employability qualification so they can find a job

Please get in touch if you would like to find out more about how you can help.

Tel: 0131 561 [email protected]

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Change Scotland for good

Did you know that there are even more ways for you to help change Scotland for good? If you’re feeling inspired, here’s how you can help:

l Join one or Bethany’s big events. Be a participant or help out as a volunteer – we can’t do it without you! We can help you organise your own mini-fundraiser in your local community, church or at work. Funds raised are vitally important to our work to transform the lives of homeless and vulnerable people in Scotland.

l Run your own event. We can provide resources for you and your local church, school or workplace to make it easy for you to stop homelessness in your own way. Smaller community events are vital to our work and each one helps us change more lives.

We really do need your support.

Please email:[email protected] or call 0131 561 8930 for more information.

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Bethany Christian Trust, charity no SC003783. 65 Bonnington Road, Edinburgh EH6 5JQ Tel: 0131 561 8930

Giving homeless & vulnerable people hope and a future.